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Author's Notes

"If you're just coming in to this story partway through, I invite you to start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you read, or not, please leave a comment. Enjoy!"

The remainder of their hot weekend together was much like the first night, with plenty of fucking and sucking in every position they could imagine and few they had tried after watching some porn together. Those actors made it look much easier and way more comfortable and hotter than it actually was. By the time Sunday afternoon came, they had settled into favorite positions, usually, the ladies would begin playing with each other with John joining in later to provide as much hard cock as he could. As they waited in the hotel lobby for the two ladies to go to the restroom, he reflected on how much his life had changed since his wife’s indiscretion those few months ago. He still loved her and he was becoming very fond of Pat, he realized, and couldn’t wait to see her again.

Eventually, the ladies returned from the Ladies’ and they piled into a taxi to the airport for their short flights home. Along the ride, they talked quietly about the three days that had just passed and the ladies started making plans for another weekend away together for the three of them, perhaps to a different city. “What about Niagara Falls?” he suggested, “isn’t that where lovers go?” the two women looked at each other and they all agreed that they would go there for their next trip.

Goodbyes were hard, especially between the women, lots of long hugs and soft kisses were exchanged as passers-by stared at the three of them. Laura felt like people were judging them as they walked past and stared but she didn’t care, she was head over heels, just like she had been the first time she and her husband had been together and she didn’t care what anyone else thought. She held her husband as her girlfriend walked to the jetway and disappeared before heading to their own gate.

“I miss her already,” Laura sighed as she turned to her husband and held him. “Thank you, my darling, for agreeing to this, you will never know what it means to me.” She kissed him gently, feeling the bulge in his trousers against her tummy.

“Thank you,” he answered, “this weekend was something right out of a fantasy world.” He held her for a long time before releasing her and staring into her face. “But remember, I am your husband, I know you really care about Patricia, I like her too, very much, but that’s just sex. We have a life together.” She looked into his eyes and nodded before burying her face in his shoulder.

“You have no idea how wrong you are,” she thought to herself as she fought back tears. “I will find a way to have you both.” They held hands through most of the flight back to Boston and teased each other in the cab ride home, much to the delight of the driver who kept sneaking looks in the rear-view mirror as they felt each other up like teenagers. The lovemaking that night was as good as they had ever done as they described how it felt during the different acts and positions they had experienced.

The next month was agony for Laura, she missed her lover terribly and spent many hours calling and video chatting, usually masturbating as they described what they were going to do with each other the next time they got together. Laura was convinced they would eventually all move in together and live as three people in love and in lust. John began to figure out when his wife had been talking to her lover because every night after they talked, his wife would tackle him as soon as they got to bed. He might have his misgivings about this whole polyamory thing his wife was experiencing but there was no denying his love life was much better for it.

Finally, the day came that they were to leave for their next tryst with Pat. Laura spent the day before getting plucked, waxed, and polished, John actually felt the first twinge of jealousy that his wife would go to more trouble preparing for a weekend with her lover than she ever had to be with him. “So this is what being taken for granted feels like,” he thought. “It’s just a phase.” But that doubt lingered, sometimes in his conscience, sometimes not.

Because Pat lived near Rochester, they flew there and Pat picked them up from the airport for the ninety-minute drive to their hotel. They arrived at the hotel within minutes of clearing customs at the border. They had decided to cross over to the Canadian side because of all the activities and the better views. Laura was restless for the entire drive, the object of her desire was so close, just inches away, the scent of her perfume and her arousal filled the car as they talked. She was determined to have her way with Pat as soon as they opened the door to their hotel room.

John swiped the key card and opened the door, placing their small suitcases on the floor and crossing to admire the sweeping view of the Falls out the window. “Look at this view!” he exclaimed but the girls were having none of that, they had all weekend to admire the view. He heard a noise behind him and turned to see his wife and their lover on the bed, kissing and pawing at each other like horny teenagers. “This view is pretty spectacular too!” he said as he watched them nearly rip each other’s clothes off and immediately start eating their pussies in a hot sixty-nine. Ten minutes later, they were done, their first climaxes of the weekend behind them as they heaved on the bed.

Rock hard and ready, he moved beside his wife. “I have a little problem,” he said, running his hand down her side to her hip and then edging forward to her newly waxed mons. “Mmmmmm, smooth,” he commented as his fingers played along her slick outer lips and brushed her clit. She took his wrist and turned it to caress Pat’s similarly waxed and slippery lips as her hand went to the tent on the front of his slacks.

“That’s not a little problem,” Pat said quietly, that’s a pretty big problem.” She leaned forward and kissed Laura. “Is there anything we can do to help your poor husband?” she asked. Laura smiled broadly.

“We could relieve his tension with our mouths, I suppose,” she suggested. She rolled off the bed and pulled John to his feet. Pat joined them and together they alternated kissing him and removing his clothes. Laura unbuttoned his shirt while Pat probed his mouth with her tongue then Laura took over the kissing chore while Pat pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms to fall on the floor. Pat undid his belt then they switched again so Laura could push his pants to his ankles. She removed one sock and they switched so Pat could remove the other. Once he was standing wearing just his briefs, they both knelt in front of him and stroked the bulge his cock made as it strained for release.

He felt soft kisses on his hardness and with a little urging, it shifted so the head was peeking out the waistband, glistening with his pre-cum. Laura stroked the length of his shaft and looked at Pat, “Isn’t it beautiful?” she breathed, “so long and hard and it’s just for us.” She kissed the tip and moved back to offer her lover a chance.

“It is beautiful,” Pat answered, tugging his briefs down to free him from their confines. He stepped out of them as they hit his ankles. “May I?” she asked Laura.

“Of course,” she replied, “I’ve been sucking this lovely cock every night since we left New York, I think my husband would appreciate it if you did the honors.” She grasped the shaft and turned to Pat’s face, watching intently as his manhood disappeared between her painted lips, the lipstick smudged from their previous activities. “Fuck, that is so hot!” she breathed as she stood beside her husband. She reached up to kiss him as her lover sucked his cock, “Doesn’t that feel good, baby, my girlfriend’s lips on your cock?” Her vulgarity was so not typical of his wife but it turned him on.

“Mmmm-hmmm, feels amazing,” he answered. “What about you, do you like seeing your girlfriend’s lips on my cock?” She answered by mashing her mouth against his, driving her tongue against his, teasing it forward so she could suck and nibble on it.

Breaking their kiss, she said, “I LOVE seeing my girlfriend’s lips on your cock! It looks so hot! Just like a porn movie!” Then she got an idea, “Maybe we should make a movie!”

“Not now!” he exclaimed, “Later!” The tension and the teasing on the trip had brought him to a fever pitch and watching the two women make love to each other had only heightened it. Now he was ready to burst and he told them so, “I’m coming!” he cried as he thrust his hips forward and pushed his cock into the entrance to Pat’s throat. A quick tilt of the head and a swallow and his seed was flowing directly into her throat, running down straight into her stomach. She felt a hand on the back of her head, grasping a handful of her hair but she was surprised that it was not John but Laura, holding her face onto him, not letting her relax or breathe until he was done. Her hand pulled her off him so she could breathe then, after a few breaths, pushed her back onto him, moving her head back and forth so he was effectively fucking her throat, an unexpected but not altogether unpleasant thing. She heard Laura moan and felt the hand relax as Laura’s knees buckled, she came just watching her husband’s cock in her lover’s mouth.

Pat stood up and shared cum-flavored kisses with them. They held each other tightly until Laura broke the silence, “So what do you think about my idea?”

“Making a movie? About us?” Pat replied. “I don’t know, what if it got out? That could ruin me professionally.” She was obviously reticent.

“Maybe just some pictures then, you know, to remind us of our fun times together,” Laura was very keen on the idea of having something to masturbate to when she and Pat were apart. She turned to John, “What do you think, honey?”

“I don’t know, if we’re not all into it, maybe we shouldn’t,” he replied.  “I mean, I wouldn’t mind but Pat seems uncertain.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure?” asked Laura. “We can always delete them when we’re done.”

“Let’s sleep on the idea,” suggested Pat. “we can talk about it tomorrow.”

“Okay,” said Laura. “It’s a beautiful day, Let’s get cleaned up and go see the sights!” They got washed and dressed and headed out to explore what this tourist trap of a town had to offer. The walk from their hotel to the park that paralleled the river was short and they took in the sights, taking lots of the same pictures that millions of people had taken before. At the far end of the park was a street that led up a steep hill, “Clifton Hill,” said Laura, “that’s supposed to be where all the fun is.” They headed up the hill past the Ripley’s and the Wax Museums, the gaudy arcades, and fast-food restaurants, near the top of the hill Laura spied an adult store.

“We should go shopping there tomorrow,” she suggested to Pat. “Maybe get some new lingerie or something.”

“Or something,” laughed John, “you just want a new toy!” They all laughed.

“Well, my old one doesn’t work anymore so, yeah, I want a new toy,” she said, “or two.”

“Maybe we can find a proper lingerie shop,” suggested Pat, “the stuff they sell in adult stores is so cheap and tarty. I like proper underthings, they make me feel sexy!” The ladies agreed that they would go shopping the next day.

“What am I to do while you two are out?” asked John.

“There’s a ton of golf courses around here, find a tee time, rent some clubs and forget about us for a while,” said Laura.

“Pretty sure that’s easier said than done,” he answered, pulling his wife in close and rung his hands over her backside. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about you two in new underwear!” They laughed again as they turned back down the hill to walk back to their hotel. They passed a camera shop as they walked, Laura tapped Pat on the shoulder and pointed, “We could get what we need in there,” she suggested.

“I’m not sure we need anything just yet,” Pat answered. “Don’t push too hard on this.” Laura pouted for a moment then smiled an apology.

They walked hand in hand in hand along the park, the light fading as darkness began to take over. Arriving back at their hotel just after 9:00, they went straight to the restaurant for dinner. The conversation turned suggestive again as their collective libidos were awakened by a few drinks and soon they were all squirming in their seats as their arousal built. The plan to hit the casino later was forgotten as they almost ran to the elevator and down the hall to their room, so excited they were to continue their carnal activities. Shouts, sighs, moans, groans, and screams filled the room and invaded the hallway for the next two hours as they pleasured themselves and each other. By midnight they were exhausted as they pulled the covers over and fell asleep.

Just as the sun was beginning to brighten the sky, John woke up and had to use the washroom. He was only away from the bed for a few minutes but when he returned, his wife and her lover were locked in a tight embrace, their hands on each other’s wetness, masturbating each other to another loud orgasm. He sat in a chair and took care of his own erection as they loved each other, fascinated by the beauty and eroticism on display in front of him. “Maybe a movie isn’t such a bad idea,” he thought as he climbed back into bed between his wife and her lover.

John awoke later than the girls, they had ordered breakfast, juice, fruit, and coffee were on the dresser at the foot of the bed. He got up and followed an unfamiliar sound into the washroom, there were the two lovers in the whirlpool tub, Laura sitting with Pat in front of her, Laura’s hands on Pat’s full breasts, covered in soap. “Good morning handsome,” said Laura, Pat echoed the greeting.

“Good morning, beautiful ladies,” he answered, “enjoying ourselves are we?”

“Very, very much!” said Pat, taking her lover’s hand and moving it to her crotch. Her eyes rolled back and a soft moan escaped her lips as a finger brushed her clit.

“If you two could only see yourselves,” he breathed.

“So, take a picture,” responded Pat, staring directly at him. “Go on, get your phone and take a picture!”

He scrambled back out and fished his phone from his pants. Opened the camera app and set it to video, knowing he could screen capture any images he wanted to keep and then delete them afterward. Thumbing the start button, he moved slowly around the door and turned the camera to face them. Laura’s hands had returned to washing/massaging Pat’s breasts, they both smiled sweetly at the camera as Laura’s hand crept under the bubbles and found Pat’s clit again, eliciting a similar response. Her left hand pinching Pat’s nipples and her right massaging her clit, Pat arched as she came, biting her lower lip and releasing a slow moan. They held each other for a moment and then Pat craned her neck around for a soft, sensual kiss. They broke their kiss and smiled their sweet smiles before Pat raised her hand out of the water and made a cutting motion with her fingers, “Cut.” John suddenly remembered what he had gone into the washroom for but had great difficulty relieving himself, so hard he was. After an eternity, he washed his hands and went back around the corner to the tub area, the girls had gotten out and were drying each other off. He offered his lips first to Pat, then to his wife, and received the same soft, sensual kiss from both of them.

“We should have done this years ago,” he said to his wife.

“Yes, we should have,” she answered, “now get out of here! My credit card is ready for a beating!” Reluctantly, he left and had some breakfast. Once the girls were done drying themselves and playing pinch and tickle, he took his shower. When he came back out, they were gone but he saw a note stuck to his phone. “We are very photogenic!” It read. “Pat says go to the camera store and get what we need.” His cock jumped again at the thought of capturing their tryst for posterity. He pushed those thoughts aside and went about finding a tee time nearby.

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He was not able to concentrate at all while golfing. After shooting what was probably the worst game of his life, he took a cab to the camera store and picked up a digital camera, three tripods with adapters for cell phones, and a light with a reflective umbrella. Just as he got back to the hotel, his phone pinged, it was a message from Laura with a picture of her and Pat in a store dressing room, kissing and holding up lacy bras. “You’re going to love tonight!” read the caption. He had been half hard most of the day, this did not help things but he resisted the urge to jack off and relieve the tension. He knew that great things were ahead.

He unpacked the camera and went through the controls, taking some shots from various angles over the bed and trying to figure out the best placement for it. He then fitted the adapters for the cell phones and repeated the exercise, realizing that the cameras on those were not near the quality of the digital. He researched online about how to make a home movie to get tips on lighting, camera positioning, and the like. He set up his cell on a tripod on top of a shelf above the dresser, noting that he would set up either Laura’s or Pat’s on the opposite end. He decided that the digital camera would be handheld as it offered the best chance for high-quality close-ups.

Satisfied that all was ready, he took a shower to clean off the day, ensuring that he was properly manscaped for the evening. He texted his wife asking when they’d be back, a minute later they burst through the room door, laughing and arms laden with at least a dozen shopping bags each. “Jesus Christ, did you leave anything in the stores?” he cried. The girls laughed some more as they flopped their bags onto the bed.

“We tried our best!” said Pat, “I think you will like what we’ve bought,” she winked at him.

Laura sidled up to him, “After we have dinner, do you think you could give us an hour to get ready before you come back up to the room?”

“What am I supposed to do with myself?” he asked, rubbing his hand on her thigh.

“There’s a casino up the street, you could play a few hands of poker or blackjack,” she suggested. “or you could just go to the hotel bar for a drink or two. Please, honey, I’ll text you when we’re ready, I promise!” He could never resist her when she begged, especially when there was a promise of great sex on the other end.

“Okay, I’ll make myself scarce,” he agreed, “but you better be worth waiting for!”

“You know we will be!” she answered, giving him a long deep kiss and a finger along his erection to seal the promise.

“Yes, we definitely will be worth waiting for,” added Pat, her finger joining Laura’s in teasing his cock.

The girls each had a quick wash and tidied up their make-up before they headed to the restaurant for dinner. After they finished, they walked him to the bar across the lobby and both gave him a long kiss before walking hand in hand to the elevator. As he sat at the bar, the bartender smiled when he saw what happened and winked, “Looks like you have a busy evening in front of you, sir!” he leered as he put John’s pint on the bar.

“You don’t know the half of it,” John replied with a smile. He sipped his beer slowly wanting not to get too tipsy before being called to service the two women later in the evening. After what seemed an eternity, his phone chimed, “Whenever you’re ready!” the text message from his wife read. He downed the last of his beer, nodded to the bartender, and headed to the elevator, trying to walk normally despite the growing bulge beneath his slacks.

He slipped into the room as quietly as he could to find the two women clad sitting on the bed, clad in identical lingerie, a shiny pink corset with lace accents, matching garter and thong, black stockings, and a pink thigh garter. Their faces were made up more brightly than normal, apparently, they had done some research about making home movies as well and wanted their features to stand out. “Wow!” was all he could manage to say.

“Your outfit is in the washroom,” Pat said softly, “why don’t you get changed while we get started without you?”

“One second,” he answered, “let me get things running here.” He switched on the lights, set up his and his wife’s phones on tripods, and set them both to record. He quickly stepped to the washroom and saw a black satin thong with a pouch on the front. Stripping off and putting it on, he went back out to the room to see the girls had indeed started without him but hadn’t gotten too far ahead of him. They kissed softly and each had their fingers tracing over the outside of the other’s satin-covered pussy. He picked up the digital camera and moved in to start recording a close-up view of their faces as their lips and tongues teased each other. Every so often, they would break their kiss and turn to smile for the camera.

Laura let out a soft moan and he peaked to see Pat’s fingers under her lover’s thong, teasing the outer folds of his wife’s pussy. He followed Pat’s face as she traced a curved line down Laura’s body with her tongue, stopping along the way to kiss, lick and nibble at numerous bits of his wife’s anatomy. Laura's shoulder straps slid off her shoulders and her corset was pulled down to reveal her lovely breasts, Her moans grew louder as each nipple disappeared inside Pat’s red-stained lips, her cheeks hollowed as she suckled on them. A pair of delicate hands came into the frame as Laura’s fingers grasped Pat’s russet hair and urged her to keep going lower. He backed off to get a full view of the two women, Pat’s face was barely visible as she neared Laura’s freshly waxed pussy, Laura’s face with a little smile as she enjoyed the attention and pleasure her lover was giving her.

A moment later, the moans turned to a gasp as Pat’s tongue found her target. He moved in close again and zoomed the lens to focus on Pat’s face as she licked and suckled on Laura’s clit. He reached out and took his wife’s hand, placing it on her knee and urging her to pull it up to her chest so he could get a better view of Pat eating her pussy. He moved around and back so he could see Pat’s full round bum stuck way up in the air, his wife’s face just above it, contorted in pleasure.

Holding the camera in one hand, he traced his fingers along the cleft between Pat’s outer lips, clearly outlined against the red satin of her thong. She shivered a little when he touched her, instinctively pulling away for a moment before pushing back against his touch. He was finding it hard to concentrate on filming as he set the camera on the shelf over the TV and went back to Pat’s rear, pulling her thing aside and slipping two fingers inside her opening. It was very warm and very wet, so turned on she was by the action. Pulling his own thing aside to free his raging hard-on, he settled in behind her and placed it against her, moving it around to spread her slickness over his glans. He reached up and tapped his wife’s ankle.

“I’m going to fuck your girlfriend while she eats your pussy, do you mind?” he said for the benefit of the camera.

 She looked up, smiled, and shook her head, “Not at all. Just save some for me for later!” He took hold of Pat’s hips and pushed forward, sliding fully into her in a single, slow stroke until his balls came to rest against her pussy lips. He felt her hand reach back and grasp his nuts, holding him into her. “Easy!” moaned Laura. “Go easy! If you fuck her too hard she can’t lick my cunt!” He slowed his pace and thrust, enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding slowly out and into the slick, warm folds of his wife’s lover.

He watched his wife’s face as her lover brought her to the peak. Her face lashed back and forth, her orgasm beginning to overtake all her other senses. Just as she started to come, her eyes flew open and locked with his, her hips pitched up and her hands grabbed fistfuls of red hair as Patricia took her over the edge into the bliss. The look on his wife’s face triggered his own ecstasy and he unloaded into Pat’s pussy. Holding himself into her, he could feel her fingers rubbing furiously, a moment later he felt the warm rush as she came, moaning into his wife’s pussy as the pleasure took over. He felt her fingers grasp his balls once more, holding him into her for a few moments before releasing them and collapsing forward onto her chest, her lips and tongue softly bringing Laura down from that delicious high.

“Come here, baby,” Laura said, “I want to taste you!” He retrieved the camera from where he had placed it and moved to straddle his wife’s shoulders.  Concentrating on the small display on the back of the camera, he watched as she opened her mouth to admit his slick cock, covered in his and Pat’s orgasmic issue. Pulling her mouth off him, she said to Pat, “Take the camera and watch me make love to my husband.” She pushed him onto his back and fellated him until he was back into action-ready condition. Straddling his hips, she lowered herself onto him, sitting upright and placing his hands on her breasts. Pat moved around them, capturing the action as Laura fucked her husband, making sure to get a closeup of her pussy lips wrapping themselves around his balls as she bottomed out and then of the rounded edge of his glans as she pulled up so he was almost out of her.

Laura’s pace quickened as her arousal built once more, John was at this point little more than a prop as she fucked him harder and faster. He could hardly believe the profanity coming from his wife’s mouth, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck my cunt, fuck it hard!” she chanted as she bounced on top of him. Her fingers strummed across her clit as she moved, her wetness now covering them both and running down his balls and down the crack of her butt. “Give it to me!” she cried, “I need it! I need your hot cum!”

Laura’s change from a pretty, quiet housewife who rarely said anything during sex to this wanton, uninhibited goddess had really turned him on. It was like something from fantasy as he watched the woman he loved riding his cock, seeking not to pleasure him but only to satisfy her own lust. Wanting her pleasure to last as long as he could, he tried to hold back but Pat had other ideas.

She slipped her hand along the curve of his ass cheeks, her finger probing between them and finding his hole, slick with Laura’s wetness that had run down over his balls. Gently she pushed her finger forward, slowly impaling him, she turned it and moved the tip up to stimulate his prostate and he was gone. Moaning loudly and playing along with his wife’s call for him to come inside her, he grunted and growled, “You want it, baby, here it is!” He pushed his hips up, lifting his wife almost completely off the bed as he emptied himself into her. His orgasm triggered another one in her, her moans and cries turned to shouts, screams, and tears as she rocked her hips to extract every last drop from him.

“Oh! My! GOD! John, fuck me more, I need more cock! Come on baby, you can do it, I'm so close!” she screamed as his hips lowered back down and he started thrusting as best he could. Only a few more strokes were required and her last orgasm exploded from her in wails, curses, and professions of undying love as she held herself still on top of him. They kissed gently as they came back to reality, she moaned softly when he began to withdraw from her, “No, not yet, let me feel you inside me!” she whispered. He moved his hips slowly up and down until he was too soft to stay inside her.

“That was incredible!” he whispered, “Does it get any better than that?” She shook her head. Pat was still recording as their bliss faded and they snuggled together. She moved up beside John’s ear and whispered so only he could hear.

“You should clean her with your mouth,” she said, “she will love it!” He smiled and rolled Laura onto her back, quickly diving between her thighs to lick and suck their combined love sauce from her gaping hole. Pat nudged his shoulder, “Sharing is caring,” she said with a smile, he moved back and kissed her deeply, she could taste them both on his tongue.

“It is indeed, and it’s only right that you get to taste her as well, if it weren’t for you, we would never have done this!” He kissed her again before moving aside.

Pat moved in and finished cleaning her lover’s pussy, “So beautiful,” she whispered as she came up for air, “so soft and pink, and wet and tasty!” She lapped up what she could before joining her lovers in a three-way cuddle. “That was so hot you guys, unbelievably hot! I could watch you two do that every day!”

They cuddled some more before each of them went to the washroom to freshen up, the two women sharing a long passionate kiss as they passed each other in the doorway. “Now that’s hot!” said John, “I could watch you two do that every day!”

“You want to watch us kiss? What else would you like to watch us do?” asked Laura.

“I would like to watch you take each other’s clothes off and make love to each other,” he answered.

“Details, my love, tell me exactly what you want us to do!” She was becoming aroused again at the thought of her husband directing their lovemaking.

“Okay,” he said, sitting up, “I would like to watch you play with each other’s pussies, finger each other, suck on each other’s clits. I would like to watch you have a sixty-nine as you fuck each other with vibrators as you eat each other’s pussies. I would like to see that sticky fluid around the toys as you get close to coming. I would like to watch your faces as you come, to hear you scream out your orgasm to the world. That’s what I would like.”

“Oh, my,” breathed Pat. “I think that makes a very good script for our next video!”

“I think you’re right,” replied Laura. “It will have to wait until tomorrow, we only have one vibrator, we’ll need to go to the dirty store to get another one!” Before hooking up with Pat, she would never have even mentioned an adult store, much less entertain the thought of going into one. He liked the change in her.

“For tonight, however, I’m pretty wasted. That was without question, the most intense set of orgasms I’ve ever had. I need sleep!” Laura moved back onto the bed and cuddled into John.

“Set of orgasms?” he asked, “You came more than once?”

“I lost count at seven,” said Laura. By then Pat had returned from the washroom.

“I counted twelve,” she stated, “there were likely more.” She climbed in beside the couple, “I’ve never managed more than five myself. That was very nice to watch. I love watching people come, it’s like there’s no one else in the world for a few moments.”

“Well, maybe tomorrow night, I can watch you two come,” said John, “and we’ll have the evidence to prove it!”

“About that,” said Pat, throwing a bit of a damper on the moment, “these videos must never, ever be seen by anyone but us. Agreed?” They both nodded.

“Oh my God, no, they must never get out!” said Laura. “can you imagine what people would say?”

“Before or after they masturbated to it?” laughed John. Drawing a stern look from both his companions, he held his hands up, “Just kidding. They will never be shared with anyone.”

“Good,” said Pat, leaning over to kiss them both. “My God Laura, you are a great kisser. I’ll bet you could make me come just from kissing me!”

“Maybe tomorrow we can find out!” she replied. “You’re a pretty good kisser too!”

“What about me, am I a good kisser?”

“Awww, poor John, feeling left out?” Pat grinned and kissed him again. “You are a wonderful kisser too, Sweetie!”

“Yes, darling,” Laura turned his face to hers, “a wonderful kisser. I love your kisses.” She kissed him again, slow and deep. “But not as much as hers!” The women kissed one last time before they snuggled in together and softly described the event of the evening from their own viewpoint. Eventually, they all fell asleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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