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Author's Notes

"This is a slightly fictionalized account of the experiences of Lush member Nika S. Names have been changed, and some of the events simplified for descriptive purposes, but the events are true. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is the sixttenth chapter of Nika's development as a slut and sex slave. And yes, the woman in the photo is Nika."

The car’s GPS announced that we had arrived, which was a relief as the traffic around Le Suquet in Cannes was dreadful, and we had hit it at the end of a long day’s drive from Paris.

Mistress insisted we start early, and told me I could sleep in the car. I got up because she told me to, not because I was awake, and did nap from time-to-time, but not enough.

The day started happily enough, despite my reluctant rising from a warm, luxurious bed, but the day was warm, the drive was long, and I didn’t drive, so Mistress had to do the whole trip. She had been surprised and even a bit shocked when she found out I couldn’t drive, and immediately told me that I would learn once we got back home, and that she would sign me up for lessons.

But it meant that she was tired and – dare I say it? – cranky by the end of the day, and the traffic in Cannes wasn’t helping. So, when the GPS told us we had arrived, we were both more than ready for it.

I had called the rental agent when we were in the outskirts of the city, and, thankfully, he was at the house we were renting for the week when we pulled up. He showed us where to park, which was necessary in this packed area, then even helped us with our luggage.

He opened the door to the house, which overlooked the sea, and took Mistress on a tour, explaining how the appliances worked, where the bed linens and towels were, where the nearest stores and best restaurants were, and how to return the key at the end of our stay.

I didn’t follow along, but drifted over to the windows to look at the Mediterranean for the first time in my life. I figured out how to open the double doors onto the balcony, and stepped out. The scents, sights, and sounds were exotic and strange, and more than exciting to a former street rat from Rotterdam!

I heard the front door close, and realized that Mistress would be wanting me to help, so ducked back indoors to find her.

She was lying collapsed on the bed in the main bedroom, eyes closed. I quietly moved into the bathroom, and started a bath for her. I found bath salts, and poured some in, getting bubbles and perfume. I tested the water temperature on my wrist, then went back to the bedroom, sitting next to the woman I loved and worshipped.

“Mistress?” I called, quietly.

“What do you want?” she demanded.

“I want to help you into a bath, then I will massage you to help you relax. Please Mistress, help me get you into your bath. I can’t carry you.”

She sat up crossly, glared at me, then exhaled deeply, and started taking off her clothes. When she was naked, I walked her into the bathroom and helped her slide into the tub. She heaved a deep sigh of relief, and leaned her head back against the bath-pillow, closing her eyes again.

I quickly stripped off my clothes, then got into the bath, and started washing her, very gently, smoothing more than scrubbing. I even managed to wash her hair without forcing her to move, then rinsed it with warm water.

When I was finished, I had to wake her again to get her out of the tub, then help-walked her back to the bed, where I had opened a big beach towel. Laying her on top of the towel, I gently dried her off with a soft bath towel.

Next, I rolled her over, and, taking some massage oil that I brought, I began to massage her all over, starting with her neck, then her shoulders, and gradually working down to her feet. She groaned a few times, but by the time I reached her feet, she was asleep, so I didn’t roll her over to do her front. Instead, I pulled the sheet and a light blanket over her, then went into the bathroom to wash myself.

I used her bathwater. It was cool, but I didn’t mind as I was warm and sweating from massage. I washed with her bathwater, but used fresh to do my hair. Then, once I’d dried off, and put my hair up, I tip-toed back to the bedroom. By this time, she had rolled on her side, facing the center of the bed. I stripped off my towel, and climbed under the sheet, mooched my way across the bed so my back was to her, and we were almost making spoons. Then I shut my eyes and slept.


I felt two fingers tracing my shoulder blades, soft and lazy. They moved slowly around to my left side, then down to my waist, where they opened out to a palm, which smoothed my waist, then started rubbing up and down the outside of my leg. The hand moved back up, this time, coming around my front, whispering across my stomach, and finally reaching my left breast.

They curled around the breast, and started massaging it. I reached down and clasped the hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it, then returned it to my breast. I heard her move, then she grasped my left shoulder with her hand, and applied pressure to get me to roll over on my back. Once I was there, she used both hands to push me up into a semi-sitting posture, then I felt a leg snake around me so my back was now between her legs.

She pulled me up to her, wrapping her hands under my arms, around my upper chest and pulling me. I helped, and pushed myself up so that my shoulders were against her chest. She kept her hands wrapped around me, and put her head next to mine, with her lips next to my ear.

“You are my slave, aren’t you?”

I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it again, “Yes, Mistress, I am your slave.”

“And you will obey my commands.”

“Yes, Mistress, whatever you want, whatever you say, I will do. I will obey you in anything.”

She was quiet for a time. “It feels so strange to love you, little Mouse, but I do. I have never cared this much for anyone. They have always been toys for me to use. And now, now that I have a true slave, one who will obey me in anything, obey me in everything, I find that I want you to love me for myself, not just because I am your Mistress. Don’t you find that odd, little Mouse?”

I was quiet, thinking, then said, “Mistress, I don’t know why the heart calls us as it does, but I know that I love you the way that I breathe, the way that grass grows, or the sun shines. It just…is…and always will be. I just love you, and I always will.”

I twisted to look at her, “Miriam, I love you. I love you as my Mistress, but I love you for your own self first. As your slave, I vowed always to obey you…but I would obey you even if I were not your slave. You own my heart. It is yours.” And I kissed her hand again.

“Veronika…” she began, but I turned in her arms, stretched up and kissed her. And what began as a simple kiss became much more.

Very much more.


It was getting on for 21:00 hours, and Miriam and I were both much restored and ready to go out for supper. We chatted happily back and forth as we dressed. She wore a long floaty dress in turquoise, bare at the shoulders, cinched at the waist with a metallic gold belt, a gold necklace, and gold bangles. I wore a short, black, ruffled skirt with a matching top and no bra. Plus, my black leather collar, naturally.

I was going to go commando – no panties – but for some reason, Mistress wanted me to wear a thong. I found out why when, just before we were about to go out the door, she turned to me and very casually says, “Oh, and put this in your pussy,” and hands me a vibrator egg.

I reluctantly took it from her, went go into the bathroom, lubed up the egg, and gently pushed it inside myself, washed my hands, then returned to the door. We each grabbed a wrap against air conditioning in the restaurant and headed out. We walked the five minutes down to the waterfront, and found the restaurant the agent recommended. We were immediately seated as we had reservations, but I also saw Mistress give the Maître d’ a crisp, high-denomination handshake, so we got a very nice table overlooking the harbor.

We settled in, got menus, aperitifs, and placed our orders promptly as the restaurant was eager to turn over the tables. Silly people didn’t know that Miriam cannot be hurried if she wants to linger. Nevertheless, we were sipping our aperitifs when she decided the time was right to start playing with me.

After she’d taken a couple of sips, she rummaged in her clutch purse for a moment, pulled something out, and immediately, I felt a buzzing inside my vagina. It was low and slow, but I knew it wouldn’t stay that way, that she was going to play me, like a fish, all evening long.

I also knew the sex at the end of it would be incredibly hot. Since I’d returned from my training, Mistress didn’t seem to be able to get enough of me – nor I of her! and I was fine with that.

But if she thought I was going to be meek purely because I was her slave, and would obey her every whim or command – well, she knew better.

So, when the waiter brought our appetizers, I kicked off my sandal, and surreptitiously moved my foot up between her legs, finding her pussy with my toes. I was successful in catching her by surprise, because she immediately closed her legs…but my foot was then captured inside her legs, not outside!

She glared at me, but said nothing because the sommelier appeared with the wine list as the waiter left. I made the most of the moment by massaging her pussy with my toes – a skill I had practiced before – while she was discussing the possible wine selection. I noticed that she seemed to take longer than usual making up her mind – which was not the Mistress I knew – so I knew I was getting her hot as well.

I smiled brightly at her, cocked my head to one side, and got a dirty look in return.

Once she had selected the wine, and the sommelier had left, she steepled her fingers in front of her, and gave me a nasty smile, then placed the egg control on the table, and kicked the vibrations up a notch.

“Lovely evening, isn’t it?” she asked.

I heaved a deep sigh, looked out over the water, and replied, “Yes, but it seems to be getting hotter.”

She lowered her head, looked at me through her eyelashes, chuckled, and said, “But not as hot as it’s going to be.” And kicked the vibrations up yet another notch.

So, of course, I started working my foot back and forth over her mound while wriggling my toes. It may not have been as effective as I would have been with my fingers, but I knew I was having an effect when sweat started to appear on her upper lip.

The meal progressed quickly, and for once, Mistress didn’t seem to mind that the servers were hurrying us along. Yet, she insisted that we order dessert, though I would have happily taken her home and eaten her for dessert.

After she ordered crème brûlées for both of us, she turned to me and said, “I want your panties on the table, please. Now.” And smiled.

My panties were a mess…a sodden, black, lacy thong, completely soaked by now. Putting them on the table would be embarrassing…which was precisely what she had in mind.

Worse, I would have to clench my pussy all the way home to keep the egg from sliding out.

Yet, I had no choice. I had sworn to obey her in all things…including this.

I lifted up and as unobtrusively as I could, slid my thong down, getting my juices on my leg as I did. My thong caught on the buckle of one of my sandals, and I found myself in the awkward position of wrestling with my underwear under the table.

When I finally got it free, and straightened up, she smirked at me, and said in a voice intended to carry, “And you call yourself a stripper!”

Now, I am an exhibitionist, and it is difficult to embarrass me in public. But Mistress knew precisely how my mind worked, and exactly how she could embarrass me – and she had done precisely that.

I blushed, folded the sodden thong, and placed it on the table next to me, then smoothed my short skirt under me again. I must have looked uncomfortable, which made her smile broaden.

I also realized that I was going to be soaking my skirt, and the damp patch might well be visible from the back.

Then, after I had settled back onto my chair, she said to me, “And I’d like your naked ass to be directly on the chair, not on your skirt, please.”

The chairs had woven, cane-bottom seats, which are perfectly comfortable in normal times, especially when it is warm. But sitting on them with your bare ass – that’s a different story!

Reluctantly, I lifted up again, and pushed my skirt out from under me so my naked ass was now being imprinted by the woven seat. I was sure she would find the pattern on my ass hilarious when we got home.

No sooner had I regained my – uncomfortable – seat, than our desserts arrived.

“Would you also bring us two espressos, please?” she said to the waiter. He must have thought to himself that we could have ordered them when we ordered the deserts, but merely pressed his lips together, then bowed his bald head and went off to place the order.

I knew she was deliberately spinning out my time on the…well, hot seat, and she knew that I knew, and smiled at me again. I smiled back at her, then dropped my spoon.

“Oops!” I said, then slithered down under the table. I crawled to the other side, and pushed her legs apart, then pulled her skirt over my head, and started to work my way up to her kitty.

Almost immediately, my vibrator kicked into its highest pitch, cycling from high to low and back again…and the race was on! I forced her legs apart with my head, turning it from side to side to open her legs slightly. Then I used my tongue, nose, and fingers to pull her thong aside, and spread her pussy lips apart. As I got to work, I was pleased at how wet she already was, and that she wasn’t fighting against me licking her.

She shivered. I smiled, and licked harder. And at the same time, I was shivering. Yet, I knew no matter how turned on I was, I would never be allowed to cum before her.

Then the waiter returned with our espressos.

“My friend dropped her spoon,” I heard Mistress say.

The tablecloth lifted, and I heard the waiter sniff. “Perhaps, Madam, I should bring her another,” the tablecloth dropped again, and I heard him walk away…then return very shortly.

He lifted the tablecloth again and said, “When Mademoiselle is ready, I have her spoon here.” And he dropped it on the table with a loud clunk…and left.

I slowly crawled out from under, dropped back into my…uncomfortable…chair, looked at Mistress…and we both broke up laughing.

Fortunately, the waiter had also brought l’addition, the bill, so Mistress glanced at it, dropped some banknotes, we both took quick sips of our espressos, then we got up to leave.

As we walked out of the restaurant, Mistress leading, I moved up behind her and put my hands on her ass. Once we were out in the street again, she looked at me with a faux disapproving look and said, “Behave!”

I gave her my best demur look and said, “Yes, Mistress…but how do you want me to behave?”

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She showed me once we got home.

After kicking the door closed with her foot, she dragged me into the bedroom, shoved me onto the bed, rolled me over, then flipped up my skirt and hooted with laughter at the waffle pattern on my ass. She smacked me soundly with the flat of her hand, then pulled my hips up so I was on my hands and knees, ass in the air.

Then she went to work on me.

The egg vibrator was still humming away in my cunt, and now Mistress started licking my clit. And just as I reached the edge of my orgasm, she stopped, clicked off the vibrator, and stood.

“Get up,” she commanded.

Reluctantly, I dragged myself off the bed and stood up. I stood there, looking at her…and she started to strip. She had always been a very talented stripper, and she already knew she turned me on, even when fully clothed. I was trembling already, and she was teasing me unmercifully. She stepped in close, and started rubbing herself up and down against me, then started undressing me. I lifted my hands to touch her…

“Hands at your side,” she ordered with a smile.

“You cheat!” I complained.

“I know,” she chortled, and started brushing and massaging all my sensitive spots, ending with one hand rubbing between my legs and the other on my ass, massaging. She reached over and turned the vibrator on again, then added her own attention to my pussy and clit, leaving the egg to work on me inside.

By now, my legs were starting to tremble. “May I sit, please, Mistress?”

“No.” she pulled me to her, rubbing her tits against mine, and grinding her pussy against mine, cupping my ass in her two hands and kneading them hard.

She pushed me back onto the bed, moved me so my head was at the top, then whirled and placed her pussy over my mouth. She lowered her body onto mine, pinning me to the mattress, and proceeded to ravish me.

And stopped…again…just before I could cum, but leaving the vibrator humming inside me. I moaned, put my hands on her ass, and pulled her close to me, inhaling her heady perfume. I did my best to hurry her orgasm, as I was not allowed to cum until she did.

And shortly, succeeded. By the time I finished her, her legs were quivering, and she was panting. She wasn’t so much eating my pussy as wallowing in it…much as I was barely breathing, even as I licked and nuzzled her.

Finally, she crested, and cried out, then shouted, “All right! Cum. Cum!”

And I did, thrashing beneath her, arching my back, and crying her name.

We kept each other cumming, again and again, until, by silent agreement, she flopped over on her back, panting, then looked back at me. Both of our faces were slick with the other’s juices. Her eyes twinkling, she looked at me and said, “My favorite dish!”

And we broke up laughing again.


We had a lazy morning, sleeping in until the need for coffee woke us up for good. I got pushed out of bed to make the coffee. “You’re younger,” was her entire justification.

After a brunch made with the basic provisions stocked in by the rental agent, we decided to hit the beach. We found our smallest suitcase, and pulled out our thongs and cover-ups, and slathered on sunscreen.

Very shortly after that, we were on la plage, the beach. We dropped our beach towels on the sand, and shucked off our cover-ups and flip-flops, then walked along the sand, holding hands and smiling at each other.

We were both topless, and both wearing very skimpy swimsuit thongs. Miriam’s was white and she had beautiful, big boobs, and my thong was hot pink, while I, of course, had much smaller boobs. We both had our hair tied back, and were as close to nude as it was legal to be, even by the relaxed standards of the south of France. There were signs posted along the beach saying, “Le Nu Integral Est Formellement Interdit,” “Complete nudity is formally prohibited.”

We drew a lot of attention.

There were plenty of whistles and indelicate, meaning obscene, propositions from men and women alike – more from the men, of course. And since we were both exhibitionists and strippers, we worked it for all it was worth, giggling to each other.

Once we both got hot (temperature-wise, that is), Miriam raced me into the water. I had a thought, and stayed underwater for a couple of extra seconds, then came up holding my suit bottom and waving it in the air.

Very shortly thereafter, there were shouts and applause from the shore. Miriam stood, one hand on her hip, smirking at me, then reached over and grabbed my suit, and threw it far away. I smirked back at her, then dove back into the water to fetch it – and made sure my naked ass breached the surface as I dove.

That set the tone for the rest of the vacation. We were two uninhibited exhibitionists, out to have lots of sexy fun.

And we sure did.


Later on that afternoon, I was feeling lazy, relaxed, good…and horny. I had been lying on my front, and found that the sun had warmed me up, and I was feeling sweaty, aroused, and sexy. I had also started rolling my legs back and forth, which caused my pussy lips to rub together, which only made me feel even sexier.

Finally, I decided I need to do something about it. Anyone else might have just suggested to their lover that they go back to the room for a good shag, but I decided I’d provoke Mistress into fucking me good. It was more fun that way!

Mistress was lying on her front next to me, reading a book. I sat up next to her, then threw a towel over her legs. Slipping my hand under the towel, I started to tease my fingers up and down her thighs, both inside and out. She looked over at me, slightly quizzically. I leaned in to kiss her, and moved my hand up between her legs.

“Stop it!”

I looked deep into her eyes, smiled, and slowly shook my head and kept brushing her kitty, slipping a finger inside her thong, and started to invade her pussy lips. At the same time, I leaned over and kissed her again, this time pushing my tongue deep into her mouth.

At first, she indulged me, but when I showed no signs of stopping, even though we were on a public beach, she sat up, threw her things in her bag, and grabbed my hand, pulling me up and practically dragging me back to the house. I was grinning the whole time.

When we got there, she called out, “Nadu!” and I knew I was in trouble, that this had become a Mistress and slave thing, rather than a Miriam and Nika thing. And I was looking forward to it!

I immediately dropped to my knees, spread my legs wide, eyes down, palms up on my thighs, and waited.

“Take off your bottom, then get back into Nadu,” she said in her dry, detached voice, the one that made me shiver. She turned and walked out of the room. I quickly slipped my thong off, tossed it on the floor, and returned to my position.

She came back a few minutes later with her bag of toys.

First, she attached leather cuffs to my ankles and wrists, then took a spreader bar, and fixed my ankles to it, forcing my legs wide apart. Since I was still kneeling, this forced me to sit with my ass on the stone floor, ankles wide, knees together.

Next, she locked my hands together behind my back. She pulled up a wooden chair so she could sit right in front of me, then removed her swim bottom, and sat back, hands on the arms of the chair, looking imperious.

“Since you’re feeling so sexy, my slutty slave, you will eat my pussy. And keep going until I give you permission to stop.”

Hobbled as I was, I had to work to kneel up, then walk my knees forward until I could push my head into her. With my arms bound behind me, I had problems keeping my hair from getting in the way, I had sand on my knees that was digging into my skin, and we were both covered in salt from swimming. I was distinctly uncomfortable – which she knew.

Mistress was smiling down at me. It was not her “nice” smile.

When I finally was able to get into position, I arched my neck, and pushed forward until my tongue could stretch to just reach her pussy lips. She needed to spread her legs wider to help me get better access, but she was not in a helping mood. I turned my head slightly from side to side, and forced myself forward, burrowing in and spreading her legs slightly myself by pushing them apart.

Then I started to lick with my tongue, nibble with my lips, and burrow with my nose. Mistress tasted of sea salt, as well as her own, naturally spicy flavor.

I was just starting to build a rhythm when I felt her foot snaking up between my legs, and she started massaging my groin. I was already quite wet, not from the saltwater, and knew I was in deep trouble.

I redoubled my efforts licking, sucking, and nuzzling her cunt, working hard at reaching and massaging her clit. Meanwhile, she kneaded my pussy, pushing her big toe up to spread my lips, then sliding upwards to my already stiffening clit. I groaned, only slightly theatrically. Mistress knew where my hot buttons were, and clearly intended to push them all, one-by-one.

I glanced up at her, she noticed, and smiled wickedly. I groaned again, and worked harder at nuzzling with my nose.

She pushed her big toe against my pussy lips, and worked it left and right, eventually splitting my lips. Not surprisingly, she found I was already quite wet. She slowly moved her toe around, gathering my slick juices, then pushing it gradually up into my cunt. My body shook. I heard her chuckle, then she started wiggling her toe inside me, and the image alone brought me even closer to cumming.

Curling her other toes, she continued to work her big toe up inside me. I could feel my shoulders hunching and tightening as I shivered. No one had ever done this to me before, and I was finding it incredibly arousing.

Then she brought her other foot up, and settled her big toe near my clit, and started massaging it with her toes while moving the big toe inside me in small circles. Meanwhile, she sat imperiously over me, watching my discomfort – and degradation – at her hands. Or rather, at her feet.

And, of course, as she moved her legs closer together, it made it more difficult for me to eat her properly, which she knew.

 She was a Domina fiend when she wanted to be – and I had clearly provoked her into wanting to be one.

It didn’t take long before I was panting hard, and because she knew me so well, she could tell I was close to cumming. So, she stopped, and pulled her toe gently out of me, then crossed her legs behind my head.

With difficulty, I pulled my head back and whimpered, “Mistress, please…please let me cum!”

She smiled her cruel smile. “Are you sorry you teased me on the beach?”

I was silent, because I truly wasn’t sorry.

“I didn’t think so. Well, it’s been too long since I taught this brat a lesson, so…”

She released her legs, pushed me away, then stood up. “But you will be sorry. I guarantee it.”

She pushed her chair back, took a pillow from the sofa, and placed it on the ground in front of me, then tipped me forward on my knees so my head was on the pillow, with my face turned to one side. With my hands bound behind me, and my ankles spread, my ass and pussy were now completely exposed, and I was helpless to do anything about it.

She reached down to her bag of toys, and pulled out my old friend…her crop. She twisted it this way and that, admiring it and showing it to me, letting me know what was coming…and that it wasn’t me.

She moved slowly around me and stopped, standing by my shoulders, facing my ass. She swatted my pussy – not hard, but enough to sting. She knew this was a big turn-on for me. It always had been. She kept swatting my pussy, alternating it with much harder swats on my ass, and varying the rhythm so that I never knew when to expect another smack.

I started writhing, being tantalizingly close to cumming, but unable to get there. And I started giving little yelps as she hit me, plus begging her to let me cum.

After a few minutes of this, she stopped and said, “Oh, my; we need to do something about all this noise!” in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

She gently raised me up to a kneeling position by pushing my shoulders up. I breathed a sigh of relief…until I saw her reach into her bag of toys and take out a ball gag.

“Open wide, my bratty slut.” And she stood there, twirling the gag until my mouth was open as wide as I could get it. Then she fastened the ball gag into my mouth, pulling it tight enough to let me know she was serious about shutting me up. Then she lowered my head to the floor again, and resumed swatting me.

Twice more she brought me right to the edge of cumming – and stopped. When she stopped, she just walked slowly around me, making disparaging comments about bratty little sluts who didn’t know their place, who annoyed their Mistress when she was trying to read. About how it was so pathetic that a slut who had been able to make it through three months of training at DeCoven’s Dungeon couldn’t seem to keep quiet for more than a few minutes when she was on vacation. About what a pity it was that I was to be denied permission to cum because I didn’t just ask to make love to her, but insisted on making a nuisance of myself.

By now, all of my original thinking about teasing her to get her to fuck me had gone out the window. All I could think about was that my ass and pussy were on fire, and I was terrifyingly desperate to cum.

So, when Mistress finally crouched down next to my head, and tilted her head so she was looking into my eyes, and said, “Now, let’s try this again: Are you sorry you teased me on the beach?”

With my weight pressing my head down into the pillow, I nodded as best I could.

“And are you sorry you interrupted me while I was reading my very interesting book?”

I nodded again.

“And do you promise you will never do that again?”

I looked at her, and desperate as I was for release – in every meaning of the word – I paused for a long time, then shook my head slightly, no.

She smiled at me. “Good. Because I would not have believed you if you had promised. And because I rather like my little bratty slut – although she should be very careful not to provoke me too often. Understood?”

I nodded.

She stood up, and started swatting my pussy rhythmically, and said, “You may cum now.”

And I did. I was trussed up like a goose ready for the oven, with my ass and pussy in the air, red from being swatted repeatedly, a ball gag in my mouth, and intensely uncomfortable – but I came, and came hard!

Then, when she released me, she allowed me to apologize to her in the appropriate way, and I made sure she came hard.

 I didn’t interrupt her while she was sunbathing after that.

On this trip.


We had the house in Cannes for a week, but Miriam had business to attend to in Monaco, so on our third day, we threw some clothes in a bag, hopped in the car, and made the one-hour drive to her family’s condo there.

And that was where I learned – once more – never to bet against my Mistress.


Written by JamesLlewellyn
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