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Author's Notes

"This is the true history of Lush member Nika S., co-author. The names have been changed to protect identities, and some events and timelines have been fictionalized, but the story is essentially correct."

Caught in the act!

I was still naked, having just come offstage from my exotic dance, and, like most of us, went immediately to the toilet. But while almost all of us needed to pee after being onstage, I also needed to cum.

I had found that dancing naked in front of a crowd of men – and some women! – turned me on in a way I had never expected. As a result, when I got off stage, I was usually pretty horny, and would often shut myself in a stall, and masturbate to bring myself to orgasm.

Then I’d wash the sweat and cum off, put on my thong and negligée, and wait for the lap dancing requests to come in. Stripping was almost like paid advertising – only I was being paid to advertise my body to men, who would later pay even more to have me sit on their laps for the simulated sex act called “lap dancing.” My lap-dancing clients, especially my regulars, liked having me smell of sex – they found it a real turn-on – but they didn’t necessarily want to get cum stains from my pussy on their clothes, which is why I always washed after cumming.

But tonight turned out differently. I was seated on the toilet, legs wide apart, right hand rubbing my clit, while I had two fingers from my left hand in my cunt, finger-fucking myself. My head was tilted back, and my eyes were closed, and I was getting awfully close to cumming…

“Don’t cum yet, slut,” said a soft voice I knew well. I jerked my head up and my eyes open, shocked to find the stall door open and myself facing panties - Miriam’s panties.

Her left hand grabbed my right wrist, and pulled it away from my clit. She stepped forward so that her left leg blocked my right hand, keeping it away from my pussy. Meanwhile, her right leg moved in close to my left arm, preventing me from removing my left hand from my cunt. She dug the fingers of her right hand in my hair and pulled my head up so I was looking her in the eyes.

“Don’t worry,” she went on. “I’ll let you cum…right after you make me cum.” She slid her right hand down her belly, and slowly pushed her panties down so my mouth was centimeters away from her cunt. I could smell her, and it was clear that she was really turned – by me, I wondered?

“And keep finger-fucking yourself, my little mouse. But you can’t cum until I give you permission. Do I make myself clear?” She smiled down at me.

I nodded, then leaned forward, extended my tongue, and started to lick…

The Mouse

Exotic dancing had solved my immediate money problems, and it had helped me learn a lot about myself, namely that I really was a slut. I had always enjoyed sex, even when I was giving it away. But now that I was getting paid to turn myself on by stripping in front of a bunch of loud and horny men, I thought I had found my calling.

It turned out I was partly right. But I hadn’t yet learned how far my natural sluttiness would take me. Miriam would see to that, I found out later.

I started lap dancing the first night I went onstage, and found the money easy to make and even better than dancing. Some nights the tips from dancing could be quite good, if the audience was feeling generous, as they often were on Thursdays and Fridays. But lap dancing was guaranteed good money. All in all, I was being paid to do things I enjoyed – and I loved it!

Miriam, whose stage name was Aurora, was tall, blonde and German. She was also a classically trained dancer. She managed the club’s dancers, and was pretty strict with us. After I’d been dancing for a few weeks, she said I was a natural. My petite size, mischievous personality, and young age, plus my natural horniness, radiated, and the customers connected with me. I had my brand, my story, and it clicked. I can’t take a lot of credit for that. It just happened. I was now known as De Muis - "the Mouse".

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t take advantage of it! I was very popular for those first three months, and wound up doing more than my share of lap dances. I loved that, as it allowed me money to buy clothes and things I’d always wanted, but could never afford before.

Some of the other girls didn’t like it as much because some of their regulars were now coming to me rather than them. So, while the girls mostly got along pretty well, there was a kind of growing resentment towards me by a couple of the girls that made things tense at times.

Miriam had been through this before, and kept it from getting out of hand. And she was quick to spot the petty sabotage that occasionally happened – swiping someone’s thong or some article of their clothing just before they went on stage, for instance – and put a stop to it, usually by just having a word with the girl in question.

But there was one girl who took a strong dislike to me, especially when her lap dance customers started coming my way. She was not only nasty towards me, but started smacking me as one of us would walk past the other. These started as seemingly friendly pats on the bum or back, but I could tell they were meant to hurt.

It kept escalating until finally, Miriam spoke sharply to the girl. She turned on her heel, and went to the manager, who normally kept out of the dancers’ affairs. When Miriam found out, she told the manager how the girl was behaving, and said it had gone too far to keep us both – then recommended that he keep me, and let her go!

I only found out about this later from one of the other girls. But it meant that I felt like Miriam was protecting me, and I not only appreciated it, I started thinking of her in more than friendly terms.

I had thought that she was yummy, right from the first afternoon, but since I was convinced I was straight, I never thought anything more of it. Now, though, I started to develop a crush on her, even as I dismissed the feelings. I had kissed girls before in my last year of secondary school, but nothing more than that, and so when I started having stronger feelings towards Miriam, I put it down to my appreciation of her standing up for me.

A Little Money on the Side

Then, one night at the end of my shift, Miriam came to me and asked if I’d like to make some extra money on the side. I was always eager to hear about opportunities to make more money, so I asked her to tell me more.

She said I had been noticed by a couple of the customers for whom she was putting together a group of four girls, including herself, to work a party. It was a bachelor’s stag about a month from then, and they wanted some exotic dancers for entertainment. She told me I could clear €250 for three hours’ work – was I interested?

Of course I was! And I told Miriam how much I appreciated the opportunity.

On the night of the party, we met at the club in our street clothes and brought our dance costumes in small carry bags. We piled into two cabs to get to the address of a bar in a much nicer part of the city. There were the four of us girls, plus one of the bouncers, whom we brought along for our security, and the DJ.

Miriam told me, before we got in the cab, that my job was to keep the groom and his best man happy. She also said she and the other girls would look after the other guys.

When she finished, I asked her what she meant by keeping the groom and the best man happy. What would I be expected to do?

She smiled at me, and said, “Probably just some sexy photos with the groom for the stag album. You know, him holding you in his lap, dancing with a mostly naked girl, maybe even pulling the covers up with both of you in bed – just fun stuff for laughs.

“They might also want a lap dance for one or both of them. But if they want it – and are willing to pay for it – would you be willing to do more?”

I wasn’t really surprised. I thought about this for a bit. I had obviously had sex with men for my own enjoyment, and had been having simulated sex – lap dances – with men for about three months now. So far, my attitude had been that I was being paid to do things I liked, so I was fine with that.

This was something – different.

I should explain that prostitution is viewed differently in Europe than in America or Britain. “Sekswerk” (sex work) is legal in the Netherlands, and has been for many years. So, while everyday people might look down on prostitutes, they didn’t shun them, and certainly didn’t lock them up!

And Miriam had strongly suggested that I get a license, just to keep my options open, should an opportunity arise that I wanted to seize. She had used her connections to make it easy for me to get one. So, I had reluctantly applied for, and received, a sekswerk license, even though I wasn't sure whether I wanted to use it or not.

But how did I feel about the idea of actually having some stranger’s dick in my mouth or my pussy? I wasn’t sure. And by that, I mean that I wasn’t sure if I didn’t want to do it – or whether I did! I felt a little like I had the first time I had stepped onstage to strip. And I was quite certain Miriam knew how I was feeling – and what I would decide, or else she wouldn’t have asked me along.

“Miriam,” I asked, nervously, “I mean, what do you feel like when you do it?”

She nodded at me, and said, “It depends on the client. With some, particularly ones I don’t know, it’s a job, just something you do, try to make the client happy during the time you’re doing it, and then move on.

“But with your regulars – the ones that keep coming back to you – it can be like being paid to have fun. You don’t generally go back with someone you don’t like, and I’ve developed warm relationships with a number of my regulars.” Then she waited.

I was still thinking this through, and said, “What’s it like, sucking off someone you don’t like, or letting them into your pussy? I find myself feeling a bit – squeamish – about it.”

Miriam shrugged. “It can suck – no pun intended,” she smiled, “But it’s only for a relatively short time, and it teaches you a lot about what you really want in a man. Or a woman, for that matter.”

I looked up at her. “A woman? You mean women pay for sex with another woman?”

“Oh, yes. Nowhere near as many as men, but it happens. Surely, you’ve noticed the women in our audiences? They’re there because they like looking at other women. Why wouldn’t they also want to spread one?”

“And what’s that like?”

Miriam looked at me, surprised. “You’ve never been with a woman?”

I shook my head.

“Well, again, it depends on the woman.” Then she smiled, “But I can tell you that women can be both more demanding, and more understanding – and can give you even more fun than a man. Because, after all, they know what turns you on – and they expect you to know what turns them on!”

“Now, about tonight – would you be willing to serve the best man or groom if they wanted it? Remember, they’ve both young, and probably both pretty good-looking.”

I looked at her, hesitantly, then nodded, “I’ll try. But I don’t know how much to ask for?”

Miriam smiled at me. “Good girl! I knew I could count on you! I’ll deal with the financial end of things. You won’t suffer, believe me.”

I felt warm and appreciated when she said that. What I didn’t know was where she was leading me…

The Stag

When we arrived at the stag party, Miriam paid off the drivers of both cabs, we slipped into a side room and got dressed. While the security guy and DJ were arriving, we finished our preparations.

Miriam called us together. “Okay. The show starts when we go in together. As usual, we’ll line up, pause, and do a few side turns while the boys to look us over.

“Nika, you’re new to this, so what happens first is that we keep our negligées and thongs on, mingle and chat with the guests, maybe dance with them. You concentrate on the groom – but give the best man some attention too. He’s paying the tab for tonight, so we want him to feel a little love!

“Some of the boys may want sexing – mostly blow jobs, but some fucking – Angelique and Sunny, you’re our girls for that tonight. The best man and some of the others have rooms in the Gasthuis next door. Muis, the groom and best man are yours; and they will probably want to take you there.

“After about an hour, we’ll start the floor show. I’ll lead off, then Sunny, when I’m done, you go next, then Nika, you go third. Just dance like you would at the club. And Angelique, you go last – and make them sizzle, girl!”

That’s when our DJ stuck his head into the room and Miriam, now Aurora, nodded we were ready and we trooped into the party.

The young men, some almost as young as me, had clearly been drinking, and working each other up. Most of them cheered when we walked in, but a few of them, perhaps less experienced than the others, looked distinctly uncomfortable.

I thought I’d probably feel more comfortable with the ones who were more comfortable with us. And I was feeling the same kind of stage fright I had had when I first started dancing.

I swallowed hard, and hoped this would work out as well as that had. And besides, I told myself, Miriam would look after me.

The bouncer, Bram, stayed near the door, where he could watch everything, and leaned casually against the wall, looking relaxed. Daan, the DJ, moved over to where his sound equipment was set up

Miriam then turned to Daan and nodded. He picked up a handheld mike and walked to the center of the room. "Gentlemen – and the rest of you! Allow me to introduce the girls who are going to give you an unforgettable night! Some of you might even get – lucky!"

And he proceeded to introduce us, one by one:

"Aurora – The Blonde Bombshell from Germany!"

"Zonnige ('Sunny') – The pretty girl next door – the one who loves to fuck!"

"Muis ('Mouse' – that's me) – Young, petite, and shy, but oh, so turned on by men like you!"

"And Angelique – A wild woman who loves to dance, either vertically – or horizontally!"

And that was the start of the evening. I sauntered over to the groom, who was already at least partly drunk, put my arms around him, and gave him a big kiss on his cheek, making sure to leave a lot of lipstick there. The boys around him cheered, and he grinned and put one arm around me.

We staged some photos with us hugging. He was quite tall, about 184 centimeters, whereas I’m quite short, which is why my nickname is Mouse, so he had to lean over to hug me. When he did, I made sure he had a good view of my boobs inside my negligée. I also made sure his hands found my ass and my tits – by accident.

And when we were setting up to stage a photo, or really any other time I could manage it, I made sure to stand close to the best man, leaning against him, standing very close when I was facing him, placing my hand on him – and because I was so short, my hand typically was placed somewhere below his waist, usually on the front of his thigh. I could see – and feel! – that he was appreciating the attention. His erection grew quite steadily as the hour went on. I smiled up at him a lot, staring at his mouth as if I wanted him to kiss me, and made sure to lick my lips frequently when he looked at me.

But most of the time, I draped myself on the groom, who seemed happy with all the attention. Drunk, but happy.

The best man looked horny. And so did one of his friends, Luuk, who kept hanging around us. He seemed quite taken with me, and used every excuse he could to stand near me, brush his hand against my leg, or lean over and peer down my front. I smiled at him, but was annoyed. He wasn’t part of my responsibility.

Miriam finally came over and drew him away from us, an arm around his waist and her head close to his as she chatted with him, smiling.

Finally, it was time for our floor show. Miriam glanced over at Daan, who nodded that he was ready to go, so she nodded back, and Miriam’s music started playing.

The party boys gave s loud cheer at that, settled into their seats, and suddenly I felt much more at home. It was just a group of horny guys watching us dancing. I’d dealt with this before, and relaxed.

By the time Miriam was done, the boys were rocking, and clearly having a good time, while drinking steadily, with the groom and his best man in the center of the group. I was watching them, particularly, as they were my responsibility. They had both seemed nice enough – the kind of guys I might try to have pick me up in a bar, for instance.

Once Miriam was finished, and Sunny took the stage, Miriam walked over to the side, put on her negligée, caught the eye of the best man, and crooked her finger at him. He stood up and walked over to her.

She smiled at him when he got there, seemingly not noticing when he reached up and put his hand on her tit. Instead, she nodded, took his hand as if wanting to hold it, kissed it, then held it away from her body in both hands as if cherishing it, while she started to talk to him. I admired the way she was managing him without seeming to do so!

But she was clearly talking about me. At least, I presume that’s what she was doing, because she was nodding in my direction, and he nodded at me. I waved, somewhat nervously. He smiled and waved back, and his smile got bigger as Miriam kept talking. Finally, he nodded, she patted his cheek and walked away, rolling her ass while he watched her go, a big smile on his face.

Miriam strutted back towards us, then walked over to me. “Okay, it’s all set. The best man, Ricky wants you to suck him, maybe more – and he wants to bring Luuk along with him as they are best friends. Are you ready to go on stage?”

“Miriam! You just sold me to someone without even asking!”

She smiled at me, then kissed my cheek. “There’s your music…”

The way she assumed that I was going to suck their cocks, then asked whether I was ready to go onstage, caught me by surprise.

I gulped. Suddenly, I was almost as nervous as I had been when I first went onstage. Yes, I’d sucked cocks before, but only when I chose to, and with guys I liked.

But hearing my music helped. I started moving to it, the way I did at the club: scared and hesitant at first, then gradually letting it take me, gradually removing my clothes, and winding up naked in front of them. And, as usually happened, I found myself taken over by the music, and felt a rising sense of desire, coupled with a feeling that I wanted these boys to fuck me. All of them.

As I was dancing in front of the guys, I focused on the groom and his best man. And as I did, I found myself getting wet when I thought about sucking their cocks! I was surprised at myself all over again. Had I known myself better at that point, I wouldn’t have been.

Miriam told me later that it was how I reacted to the music that moved men to want me. They could somehow tell that what I was feeling was real, and not just an act.

I added a twist at the end. Instead of slipping off the stage, I prostrated myself before the groom, naked, on my knees, with my head on his feet, and my hands clasped behind me, as if they were tied together, as my music finished.

There was silence in the room for what seemed like an eternity while my chest heaved from the exertion of dancing – and from the raw excitement that went with it. Then all of the boys leapt to their feet and started cheering!

I stayed where I was, and how I was, until finally the best man, Ricky, took one of my hands, and lifted me to my feet. Then he leaned over, whispered something to the groom, who shook his head, "no," then Ricky pulled me away from the other boys. Luuk tagged along with him, and the three of us went back to a private room off the party room. There was a large settee, and the lights were dim. The best man closed the door, and the three of us were alone.

But I was the only one who was naked.

Sucking Cock for Money

Luuk put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me, indicating that I should go down on my knees. Suddenly, this was all very real, and I had to decide. I licked my lips, swallowed, then let myself be pushed down.

Ricky, the best man, moved in front of me and unzipped, pulled out his cock, and pushed it towards me, semi-erect.

I could feel the pulse beating in my throat, and the sweat on my hands and body. He was uncut, and seemed clean. And I had been in this position before, when I’d sucked my boyfriends’ cocks, so, after pausing for a moment, and licking my lips again, I tentatively put my tongue out and licked the tip of his cock.

Then Luuk said, “Come on, whore, suck it!” And he pushed my head forward. I opened my mouth, and tried to accept Ricky’s cock as it was being forced into my mouth. Luuk continued to push me until it reached the back of my throat. I was caught by surprise, and choked, then coughed, then retched, but Luuk kept pushing me hard onto Ricky’s cock, even as I put my hands up.

“Stop it, Luuk!” Ricky said.

“But she’s a whore, and she’s supposed to…”

“I said stop it!” and he knocked Luuk’s hands away, then pulled his cock out of my mouth. I coughed, and leaned over, putting my hands on my knees.

He put his hand out and lifted me up. “I’m sorry, Miss…”

“Nika, just Nika.”

“… Nika. Luuk’s a bit drunk. I hope you’ll forgive him.”

Luuk snorted, then wandered over to the settee, and collapsed, waiting for his turn in my mouth. Useless piece of shit.

“You are very pretty, Nika," Ricky said, "And I would like to, uh…”

I could see his dick was even harder than it had been before, so I smiled and nodded hesitantly at him, reached up and kissed his cheek. Then I knelt down again, wrapped my hand around his dick and kissed it, then breathed heavily, putting my doubts aside. I pulled back his foreskin, and licked around the head, then closed my mouth to get some saliva, and licked his dick like an ice cream cone, but slower and more sensuously, looking up at him as I did it.

Then, still looking at him and smiling, I took his cock in my mouth, slowly, teasing him, taking it in, then easing it out, then going down farther, all the while stroking his cock with my hand.

He groaned, and started moving his hips while meeting my gaze. He put his hands lightly on my head and pulled me closer, not forcing me, but asking me to go deeper.

Now that I was prepared, and his cock was wet, I started going down on it a little further each time, then dragging my tongue on the underside of his cock, and sucking a little, as I was pulling out. Finally, I took as much of him into my mouth as I could, as he was pretty well-endowed, then stopped with most of his cock in my mouth. I stared right into his eyes, and smiled, then did something some guys liked, and some didn’t. I made a humming, “Mmmmmmm,” sound, which vibrated my mouth around him, and made it sound as if his cock was just delicious.

Which it pretty much was.

And that was all it took. Even though he’d been drinking, which normally slows a man down, I could feel his balls start to stir, then his cock tense and expand. And then I felt him start to cum, with sperm spurting into my mouth as spasm after spasm shook him and he moaned. He came for quite some time, longer than I expected, while I struggled to swallow it. It filled my mouth until some of it leaked out and dripped onto my tits.

Finally, he finished, sighed heavily, hesitated, then bent over slightly, and kissed the top of my head.

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He was feeling good, and for the moment he was satisfied.

And I was a whore.

© Copyright, J.L. Gainsborough and Nika S.
All rights reserved. May not be copied in any form, or in any medium, without the express, written consent of the authors.

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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