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John woke up as the dawning light began to show through the windows. He had a stiff neck and a sore back from sleeping sitting up. Blanche was still sleeping with her head in his lap but stirred when he stretched his arms over his head.

“Let’s go to bed,” he whispered to her. They stumbled to the bedroom and went back to sleep in each other’s arms. It felt wonderful to John. Mid-morning he woke again, this time, Blanche’s head was on his shoulder and her hand was lightly stroking the down on his abdomen, brushing past the head of his morning wood.

He needed to piss badly, but refused to interrupt her ministration; it felt so damn wonderful. Each time her hand brushed his cock head it jumped, sending a thrill up his body and causing her to giggle. Eventually, her warm hand continued down and wrapped his balls, lifting them slightly, then slid up the length of his cock and squeezed his glans.

The endorphin rush was powerful but his need to piss won out. “I hate to stop this, but I have to piss. Don’t go away, OK?” He went to the bathroom but his cock was pointing up, not down toward the bowl. He hated to have to wait for it to go down.

“I have always wanted to do this.” Blanche was right behind him. She reached around him, grasping his erection, turning his body toward the shower enclosure. “Can you go now?” He quickly got over his surprise and let it go. Her other hand reached between his legs and cupped his balls. “This feels good; I can feel the urine rushing down the barrel of your cock. How is it for you?” She nipped his shoulder, leaving slight teeth marks.

“I want you to do this every morning, please.” When the stream slowed, then stopped he told her to shake him. He then turned and she went to her knees and slid her warm, wet lips around his glans, her free hand squeezing his ball sack. His knees nearly buckled. “Quick, back to bed, I won’t last long if you do that.”

He was right; her wet pussy felt so wonderful when his cock slid easily in that he had to hold still for several seconds lest he cum immediately. She kissed him and he knew that he was home for good. “Don’t hold back, darling, let me have all of your pent-up cum, I want it now; it’s your pussy, fill it up.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him deep into her, then relaxed them for him to pull back and plunge deep again. When he came, it was so powerful it was almost painful. It seemed to go on for a long time, then he collapsed on her feeling her nipples boring into his chest.

Almost immediately, his mind went to the image of her lying under Jim, totally sated and spent from the multiple orgasms that he would have given her. He realized that they would have to sort out the elephant in the room. But for now, he knew he must help her to cum. He slid under the covers and moved between her legs.

The smell of their sex was intense and wonderful. He nudged her legs apart and gently blew his warm breath on her pussy. She threw the covers off them and he could see how beautiful she looked with her pink labia hanging open awaiting his tongue’s touch.

“God yes, work your special magic, make me cum,” she moaned.

She didn’t have to wait long; he greedily put his entire mouth over her cunt and pressed his tongue in as far as he could, then slid it up and over her clit, receiving a rewarding tremor and a dollop of his cum. She raised her legs over his shoulders and ran her fingers into his hair. “I’m very close darling, don’t stop.”

John had no intention of stopping, his cock was reawakening. Her cries and her spasms, when she came, were very satisfying for him; maybe he could still take care of business. After a short rest, Blanche asked to be let up to pee also.

“Hurry back, I have another round in me. I want to fuck you all morning.”

Of course, his boast was excessive; after a slow, pleasant, and familiar bout of penetration sex, they agreed that they needed coffee more than they needed that illusive extra orgasm. They had an amiable breakfast together. It was clear that they both were treating each other gingerly. There were unresolved issues between them.

After a few days of tip-toeing around each other with extreme politeness, John suggested that they sit and discuss their relationship going forward. They agreed to do so after dinner that evening. They each went off to work mentally rehearsing their positions.

For her part, Blanche knew she must give up some or all of her extra-marital fun. She was prepared to do so for the sake of their marriage. But she knew she would miss those special times when they had played together in a threesome.

John also tried to reconcile his enjoyment with his extreme reaction to her behavior. In the cold light of day, he couldn’t fault her. He was convinced that they couldn’t put the genii back in the bottle, that he needed to find a happy medium that gave each of them freedom without jeopardizing their marriage. He realized that his inferiority complex over Jim’s ability to give his wife multiple orgasms and Tom’s bigger cock which she also seemed to prefer, was an obstacle that he needed to overcome.

That evening John put some mood music on the stereo, opened a second bottle of their favorite Cabernet, and patted the sofa beside him for Blanche to sit. He embraced her and told her that he loved her. “I think that there have been enough apologies and I hope there will be no recriminations because none are merited. Would you like to start us off, honey?”

“No, just to say that I love you and want us to stay together until we die.” Blanche seemed a little subdued, concerned that John had some rigid rules for them to follow from then on.

“Well, I have done a lot of soul-searching and I accept the responsibility for much of the turmoil up to now. I guess it speaks to how much I need your love and affection, not to say your respect. I have not handled well the knowledge that another man, has achieved what I failed to do in all our years together.” Blanche started to object, but John put up a silencing hand.

“There’s no denying that sex with Jim has been a marvelous experience for you and there is no chance that, at my age, I could match it. And love, I accept that and I do not want to deny you that pleasure. It just may be that I cannot participate, at least until my self-esteem has recovered some.”

Now Blanche spoke up. “John, you are my husband, a wonderful husband, and I should not be doing things that damage your ego. And I did not mean to in anything that has happened in the last few months. Being seduced by Jim was a lark, it boosted my ego a bunch to be pursued by a young hunk.

“At the same time, having to explain my actions to my sons sobered me up in a hurry. I do not like them thinking of me as a Cougar who was fucking one of their school chums. Besides, that ship has sailed; Jim has plenty of women to bed, he doesn’t need me.”

“What if I told you I want you to see Jim occasionally, that I need to know that you can enjoy him, then happily come home to me? For my ego, I need to give you leave to enjoy him until you no longer want to. Can you understand that?”

Blanche nodded. “Yes, I guess, I do. Right now, that seems neither desirable nor likely, but I accept your offer. For me, a more important issue is Tom. You know that I have not seen him much in recent times, but you also know that he and I have a deep friendship that we have neglected.” John nodded and scratched his chin in thought.

“I bet if I gave Jim my blessing, he would jump at the chance again. And are you aware that Tom is in love with you? He told me just the other day.”

“I guess I’ve known for some time, though he has not said those words to me. Even before Yvonne died I sensed an attraction from him. When we began having sex, he didn’t fuck me, he made love to me. That felt good and I would like to enjoy that again with him.

“If you can envision it, it felt good in the sense of knowing how important it is to him. I want his life to be good almost as much as I want ours to be. I do love him as a dear friend, not as a life partner; that’s you, and I won’t ever change as long as we are alive. Does that feel threatening to you?”

“I don’t think I was ever threatened by you and Tom having sex. My temper tantrums were over being treated as a cuckold. I don’t ever intend to be subordinate to a lover of yours. If that happened, I would be outa here in a NY minute. Furthermore, I enjoyed our middle-aged threesomes and want to do it again too. So by all means, let’s have Tom over for dinner soon and you will be dessert.”

“I think it best if you invite him. He needs to know that you are on board with him renewing our threesome and welcoming him to our little menage. Is that an OK way to put it?”

John nodded his head in agreement.

There was a certain deja vu quality to this conversation that set off warning bells in Blanche. “John, are you sure about this? We have been here before and you became upset with me. There were hurt feelings and our children became involved. You and I are not the only ones who were hurt.”

“I understand your concern; I behaved badly and I regret it. There is a lot of energy around this for me. That is what makes it so exciting. If it gets routine, then we probably will stop and shamble off into the sunset together. But I think we ought to grab the bull by the horns while we still can.

John looked at his watch. “Look, we have been negotiating so hard we haven’t touched our wine. Let’s adjourn this meeting and get tipsy.” He poured their glasses full.

“Are you trying to get into my pants? Because I’m not wearing any.”

John had to see for himself, on his knees, under her dress. The wine would have to wait.

The next day,, John went back to Tom’s place to retrieve his things. They had a beer together while he gave Tom the good news that Blanche and he wanted him to play with them again. He too was a little skeptical that John would be OK, but the opportunity to fuck his wife was not to be passed up. They made a date for the following Saturday after golf to get together.

The day arrived and the golf game was good, with lots of smack talk and innuendo between them. The golf suffered because the two of them were anxiously anticipating what was in store for them when they got home. It is hard to make a good swing with a semi-hard-on rubbing in your pants. But they persevered.

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Blanche too, was anxiously getting things ready at home. She changed the bed linen, stopping to smell the soiled sheets. The odor of John’s cum from the previous night was still potent. She hoped that he would be ready for more action with her and Tom this afternoon.

She couldn’t resist lying on the newly made bed and slipping her hand inside her sweatpants. She closed her eyes and remembered the last time she and Tom had sex while slipping her pants completely off. In her imagining, his cock grew to a prodigious size, threatening to stretch her pussy to its limit, but she welcomed it, wrapping her legs around his torso, and pulling his monster into her uterus.

She came violently, squirting and soiling the newly made bed. Now she would have to remake it. She did so with a smile on her face.

It was getting near time for the men to arrive. “What to wear?” She thought. In advance of today, she had shopped for sexy lingerie but she settled on a minimalist outfit: hold-up stockings, heels, and an apron.

Blanche was preparing a light lunch for them when a familiar voice behind her said, “I want to go straight to dessert,” and a pair of hands slid under her apron, and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples. Tom kissed her neck and nipped her ear lobe. A flood of warmth surged through her pussy.

She turned to him and they kissed a deep, lustful kiss. “I have missed you,” she whispered. She looked over Tom’s shoulder, “Where’s John? Does he know you’re here?” A little paranoia in her voice.

“Yes, he stopped for a beer with the guys. He sent me ahead to warm things up. Said he would be picturing us just like this.” His hands were now caressing the smooth cheeks of her ass, pulling her into his hard cock. “I love this outfit.”

“Don’t you dare touch my pussy; my knees will buckle and we’ll end up on the kitchen floor.” She licked his lips and pressed her tongue into his mouth. The food prep forgotten, she took Tom’s hand and led him to the den sofa. She dropped to her knees and undid his pants. It took some effort to get his boxer/briefs down over his erection. Then she gently pushed him onto the seat.

For a few moments, she just admired his cock, remembering how good it felt in her pussy, making her juices flow in her pussy. Then she grasped it at its base and touched the tip of her tongue to his urethra. She loved how it jumped at that touch, and she giggled. Tom just closed his eyes and moaned.

They were both enjoying her ministrations when suddenly there was another tongue licking her earlobe and another hard cock pressing into her side. She turned her face to John’s and they kissed. He enjoyed the taste of Tom’s cock on her lips and tongue. He was naked.

“Hey sailor, you looking for a good time?” She pointed Tom’s cock in John’s direction and slid her lips along the shaft, leaving the purple head for him to taste directly. Meanwhile, Tom undid the neck strap of her apron exposing her hard nipples to his hands. John undid the waist belt letting it drop to the floor under her knees.

“Wow! You two haven’t wasted any time.” John’s hand had reached between her thighs, feeling her wet and open pussy.

“We skipped lunch and went straight to dessert. Remember, I have been celibate for quite a while and this cock needs that pussy wrapped around it ASAP.” Tom looked desperate.

Blanche looked at her husband and asked, “Shall I serve our guest first, darling?”

Her look told John that she, too, needed to feel that cock deep in her and get that first load of cum. He stood and took her hand, helping her to her feet. Then he nudged her toward Tom.

She kissed her husband, quietly said, “Thank you,” and straddled Tom’s lap. 

John reached between her legs to grasp Tom’s member, but she had already pressed it against Tom’s belly and was rubbing her pussy along its length. The stimulation of her clit on the underside of his cock had her ready to cum.

She rose high enough for John to register its tip between her labia, and then she settled to his pubis in one slow motion. They simultaneously moaned, “Oh my god,” and Tom instantly shot his cum into her. John watched in fascination, realizing that his wife was cumming too.

“Oh fuck!” she cried repeatedly, her face pressed into Tom’s neck. Her glutes were clenching and her pussy was visibly clutching Tom’s pulsing cock as his balls pumped more cum it her. A worm of jealousy crept into John’s belly but he tamped it down; this was too erotic to mess up with angst. His heart filled with affection for his wife and her lover, his brother by another mother.

Finally, Blanche fell limp against Tom’s chest and rolled off him. His cum began to ooze out of her onto the sofa cushion. His cock remained erect, pulsing with his rapid heartbeat, shining with their combined fluids. “It looks as if you have passed your first stress test, Tom,” John quipped. She chuckled nervously, glad that her husband seemed to have enjoyed round one.

But she was not given much time to rest. John kneeled before her and pulled her bum to the edge of the cushion, sliding it through Tom’s leaking fluids. Then his cock was at her opening urgently trying to penetrate her pussy. She laid her head back on the sofa cushion and pulled her knees to her chest, tilted her pelvis up for his access.

Once his cock had slid into her, she let her feet drop to the floor, reached her arms around his neck and they kissed. The odd angle made her pussy tighten on his cock. “God your pussy feels so hot and tight this way,” he announced. “I won’t be able to hold out for long.”

“And your cock touches interesting places. I think you are going to make me cum again very soon.” She put her hands on John's ass and guided his pelvis in and out, feeling some strange new sensations. “Oh honey, don’t stop. I’m getting ready. Fuck me just like this.”

Her words aroused John even further. Then Tom put his arm around John’s shoulder for support and leaned in to suck Blanche’s nipple into his mouth. “Oh fuck, yesss!” she hissed, “I’m cumming right now. Cum with me John! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Once again her legs went around his hips, pinning his cock deep in her pussy until her spasms slowed.

When her legs dropped again John began stroking his cock, ever faster and announced his upcoming eruption. Tom practically shouted to him, “Hurry, John, fuck that pussy full of your cum. I want back in!”

Blanche reached for Tom’s erect cock and squeezed while John pumped his load into her. After his limp dick had slipped out of her, followed by more creamy stuff, she begged for a break. “Let’s have some lunch. There is a lot of the day left for more fun.” The men reluctantly agreed.

After lunch, they had a mutually agreed siesta with Blanche between the men in their freshly made bed. John, having already fucked his wife last night and again this morning was pretty sure that he was done for the day, so he dropped off to sleep quickly.

Later, the bed moved, waking him. He opened his eyes to the vision of his beautiful wife having her pussy eaten by an avid Tom. Her legs were thrown over Tom’s back and her fingers were in his hair. “Oh yes, Tom, that feels so good. Get me ready for your big cock. I have been missing it.”

John moved, alerting Blanche that he was awake. “Hi, darling. Do you want to watch? Tom says he wants to fuck me all afternoon. I bet I can wear him out. Who do you think is right?” Just then she felt an orgasm coming on. “Oh fuck, yes Tom, just like that.” She was pushing his head around like a vibrator on her clit.

John rolled on his side and took her nipple in his mouth. “I would never bet against you, love.” He bit down and she came hard, one arm went around his neck holding him there. When she had subsided, he moved back as Tom crawled up to insert his cock in her.

John lay on his side, head propped on his hand, watching this vision. One of the most erotic things for him was his wife being kissed while being fucked. To him, that was the ultimate intimacy, his tongue in her mouth while his cock was in her pussy. It was total surrender of her body to her lover. Soon she came again and demanded that Tom fill her with his cum. He did as asked.

While they recovered, panting and sweating, John announced that he needed a drink of water. “Anyone else?” he asked. He got a “Me too,” then a “Me three”.

He took his time, finding a snack before filling their glasses. When he returned to the bedroom, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Tom lay on his back, Blanche on her stomach licking the creamy residue from his cock. She took the proferred glass of ice water and pressed it onto Tom’s balls, making him squirm and yell. Tom ignored his water. Blanche looked at John and asked, “You want some of this?”

He shook his head. “Not right now thanks. I think he’s done, you’ve killed him.”

“Oh no, he’s not. I could wake the dead today,” she retorted. Then she wrapped her cool lips around his cock. Sure enough, it began to show signs of life. “See?”

Suddenly John realized that his cock was not quite done. He walked to the other side of the bed and offered it to his wife. Still holding on to Tom’s growing member, she took John into her mouth, fully resuscitating him. She let it go, then rolled onto her back with her legs in the air, placing them on his shoulders. He had a direct shot at her red, swollen pussy. He took it. “Can you give me another orgasm and more cum darling? Have you one more in you today?” It sounded like a taunt.

He strived mightily to cum again but her pussy was so loose and slippery with Tom’s cum that there was not enough friction to trigger another one. Finally, he gave up and she rolled over to Tom who had his large, also red cock in his hand. She pushed him onto his back and climbed on.

John couldn’t quite believe his wife. She seemed insatiable, bouncing up and down on that cock like a demon. Finally, she slowed and flopped down on Tom’s chest. He rolled them over without disconnecting and began his onslaught of her pussy again. He didn’t last long; he rolled from between her legs and lay panting, exhausted.

Blanche jumped up, holding her hand under her pussy to catch drips. “Same time tomorrow?” she asked, then skipped off to the shower.

“She’s bluffing,” Tom said.

“Don’t count on it,” was John’s reply.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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