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Author's Notes

""This is entirely fiction and not intended to represent any person living or dead. This story tells a tale of someone struggling to make ends meet who is offered a way out of a financial problem and takes it.""

It had been a few days since Sophie had paid part of their rent ‘in kind.’ Mike had been relieved she had found enough cash to pay. Mike had no idea how she actually paid. Sophie had decided to approach her Manager again to ask for more hours or a pay rise. Sophie knew what he would want in return.

At work the following morning Sophie overhead a conversation in the locker room. Mavis was telling Janice how she had lost another girl after Mr Robbins had messed her around. They grumbled to each other, saying he was not to be trusted. Mr Robbins is Sophie’s line manager. As they walked from the lockers Sophie spoke to Mavis.

“What did you mean about Mr Robbins?”

“Oh, don’t mind us dear, we were just talking.”

“It’s just that I was going to ask him for a raise or advance the other day. He seemed friendly to me.”

Mavis beckoned Sophie back into the locker room and lowered her voice. “Watch out with that one, Luv. He has a reputation for promising things he won’t deliver and for taking advantage. If you know what I mean.”

“I think so, yes. You mean the old ‘you scratch my back’ kind of thing?”

“If that’s what you call it nowadays yes. In my day it was just plain old sex for favours. Be careful, so many girls have left after he took advantage.”

Sophie thanked Mavis for the warning and resolved not to approach Mr Robbins again.

Two weeks later rent day came around, Sophie made sure she had the full amount ready as she waited for Mr Wilson to call. She had spent the last week thinking how nice that unexpected bit of cash had been. Secretly treating herself to posh coffee and little things for the twins that Mike never noticed. She was seriously thinking of saying she was short again this month, it had been the easiest fifty she ever earned.

Mr Wilson arrived early, and Sophie asked him in and noticed he was wearing aftershave. She picked up the rent money to hand over and probably looked a little nervous. Still pondering trying to keep a little money back.

“Are you all right?”

“Oh yes, Mr Wilson. Why do you ask?”

“Call me Brian. I hope you are not struggling this month. I wanted to say we could work something out if needed.” Brian had no idea how he had managed to say it. He had been hoping Sophie would be short. Hoping she would ask him to be lenient. Hoping he could enjoy her being nice to him again. He had thought about last month so many times, it made him smile.

“I think we have all the money for the rent. But, it does leave me ever so short for food and things for the twins.” She said it in a hurry, it wasn’t true, and she didn’t think she was brave enough to say it slowly and explain.

“How much do you need to keep? Would fifty be enough to get you back on your feet?”

“That’s very kind, yes, it would really help. What do you have in mind?” Sophie hoped it would just be the same as last month. Before Brian had a chance to speak Sophie asked. “Would you like to come into the kitchen?” Sophie led the way. She had made sure the airer was up, with an array of her underwear hanging on it. She remembered he had stared at it before.

“That sounds like a lovely idea.” Brian could feel his mouth going dry with nerves. This was going better than he had dreamed. He really hoped this might become a regular thing.

In the kitchen, Sophie slowly unbuttoned her work blouse and let it fall open. She had already changed into one of her favourite push-up bras. Brian could not help but stare again. Sophie moved close to him and dropped to her knees. Her hands moved across his trousers, feeling his cock stiffen inside.

Sophie unbuckled, unzipped, and let his trousers fall to the floor. She drew his Y-front pants down slowly. Sophie was struck by how clean and fresh he smelt. She smiled knowing it probably meant he had planned this, or at least hoped for it. She also thought about how old-fashioned he was. Wearing Y-front pants, always trousers and a shirt and tie. He seemed old before his time. His cock was already semi-hard and she took her time to handle it. She examined it, noticing the long foreskin, and his heavy balls hanging down.

She peeled his foreskin back slowly revealing the pre-cum shiny head below. Sophie looked up at Brian one more time, smiled widely, and began a slow, wet, blowjob. She did it just the way Mike used to like it. A mix of wanking and sucking, licking and teasing. She could taste pre-cum all the time. One hand cupped and caressed his balls. Her fingers stroked along behind his balls, towards his bum. She knew Mike secretly loved this and hoped Brian would be the same.

Brian gave himself over to the pleasure he was feeling. His gaze alternated between watching the top of Sophie’s head bobbing to and fro, and the row of knickers along the airer. He had to stop thinking about how the knickers might look on her, it turned him on too much. He had to stop watching her head too, everything turned him on too much. He stared out of the window but saw nothing, unable to concentrate on anything else.

Brian seemed to tense up as her fingertips brushed near his bum. Sophie would have moved her hand but noticed Brian moved his feet as far apart as the trousers around his ankles allowed. She lifted her mouth off of his cock and watched closely as she moved a finger back across his bum. His cock twitched in response. Sophie knew how to turn a man on, and she had Brian under her spell.

 Before she continued to suck Sophie asked Brian. “If you want me to stop, please just tell me, I won’t be offended.” She was playing with him, teasing.

“No, no don’t stop, don’t stop, no.” Brian had trouble speaking coherently.

Sophie smiled to herself as she sank her mouth as far down his rock-hard cock as she could. She alternately sucked deeply, then licked around the rim of his cock head. One hand gripped the base of his cock and wanked him into her mouth. The other hand cupped his balls, with a free finger very gently brushing across his bum. Brian had started to lose control, his legs quivered and his heart was pounding.

Sophie knew he would not last long. Last week had been just a couple of minutes, today was not much longer. Sophie was ready for the long thick pumps of cum, maybe even more than last week. She swallowed and gurgled and kept pumping his cock with her hand until he pulled back from her grasp. Brian’s head was spinning again, he could see stars, and he held the back of a chair to steady himself.

Sophie pulled his pants back up, and then his trousers as he stood recovering. She finished fastening them and then stood and kissed him on the cheek. “Will it be OK to keep fifty Mr Wilson?”

“Brian, please call me Brian. Yes, keep fifty, are you sure it is enough?”

Sophie didn’t want to push it, didn’t want to owe more favours than she was ready to give, not yet.

Brian counted fifty out of the money and handed to it Sophie with a wide smile. He counted the rest and put it in his pocket. They stood inside the front door for a few seconds.

“I’m always here on Wednesday afternoon, Brian. It’s my one afternoon when Mike is at work and the twins are at preschool. If you are in the area you could come and say hello perhaps.” Sophie was not quite sure what had made her say that. Not quite sure if she meant it as a friendly gesture or offering more.

Brian was flustered by the offer. “Yes, that would be nice,” he said as he opened the door and waved goodbye. Sophie kept out of sight of the street, her blouse still hanging open. To Brian, the world seemed a brighter, happier, more hopeful place as he walked to his car.

Inside Sophie put the fifty in cash in her purse and smiled. She still had a couple of hours before collecting the twins and busied herself tidying up, changing, and brushing her teeth. All the while smiling and hoping Brian would visit soon, hoping she could take another fifty off the rent again.

The following Wednesday Sophie rushed home from work. She changed into a low-cut top and arranged the clothes drying on the airer to show off her underwear. She waited nervously for Brian to arrive. She could feel her knickers damp with her excitement and wondered if he would ever want more than a fast blowjob. She had thought about how far she would go, about how much another step would be worth.

By four PM Sophie guessed he was not coming, and she felt a little sad. Sophie changed again and went to collect the twins.

Another week went by, and another Wednesday half day was done. Sophie walked home from work through the drizzle. She wished she had an umbrella or even a decent coat. She was startled out of her daydreams by the car horn. The passenger window dropped down and Brian offered her a lift. Sophie slid into the car and thanked him.

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“I thought it was you. Terrible weather today.”

Sophie wondered if Brian had followed her, but it did not bother her either way. “Yes, it’s awful, thanks for the lift, I really appreciate it.” They reached the flat in just a few minutes. “Would you like to come in for a coffee?” It sounded so cliché as she said it.

Sophie rushed to the front door and held it open. Brian followed behind, walking a little slower, umbrella in hand. Sophie took off her thin summer jacket, Brian folded his umbrella. Sophie led through into the kitchen, conscious that her work blouse was very wet.

“I don’t think my jacket is waterproof.”

“You should carry an umbrella, good things umbrellas.”

“Do you want a coffee or tea?” Sophie turned on the kettle and busied herself with her back to Brian. Looking down she could see her bra through her wet top, it sent a little thrill through her.

“Tea please, never really been much of a coffee drinker. Thank you.”

Sophie moved the laundry basket off of the table, full of dirty washing, to the floor. She saw Brian’s eyes follow the basket. On the top was a crumpled pair of her knickers in amongst her leggings and top from jogging the night before. Sophie put two mugs of tea on the table, she could see Brian’s attention split between the basket and the tea.

“Would you like a biscuit?”

 “Sorry, er, oh yes that would be nice, thank you.” Brian was distracted by the basket.

“Can I do anything else for you?” Sophie asked slowly.

“I, um, I just wanted to see you, to, um, well to check you are OK. You should change your shirt, you don’t want to catch a chill.”

Sophie thought Brian seemed very uneasy, very on edge. Perhaps his being here is less by chance and more by design she thought. “Do you mind if I quickly change?” Sophie had meant to go upstairs but found herself unbuttoning as she spoke. ‘He’s seen me in my bra twice anyway’ she thought to herself as she peeled the wet material off and hung it on the back of her chair.

Sophie wished she had worn a better bra to work, something a little more revealing. Brian was unable to take his eyes off her.

“You don’t mind me sitting like this?” Sophie was teasing him now.

“No no not at all, I was just, just wondering, how are you managing, you know, for money?”

Sophie was sure he was blushing a little, he was definitely uncomfortable. “I’m getting by, being careful, I could always do with a little extra.” They were flirting around it, but Sophie was sure Brian was looking for another sexual encounter. “Do you think you would be able to help out? What did you have in mind?”

Sophie sipped her tea and nibbled her biscuit. She thought about taking off her bra too but didn’t want to appear too keen.

“I just thought like last time, if that is OK with you. I don’t know if I should say this but I had never had that done before I met you.” Brian looked down, Sophie was not sure if it was embarrassment or if he was just studying her dirty laundry.

“And I hope you enjoy it.” It was a completely redundant question, Sophie knew he loved it. She decided to take a chance, to push her luck a little. “Do you get turned on looking at my underwear?”

Brian just nodded.

“Which turns you on the most?”

Brian pointed to the basket on the floor.

Sophie leaned down and pulled the pair from the basket and held them up for a second. “Those old things, they are not very fancy.”

 “I imagine how they look on you, I can’t help it.”

Sophie stood up and stepped away from the table. She bent down and took hold of the bottom of her work skirt. She slowly pulled the hem up revealing more and more leg. Brian stared, his heart banging in his chest, his mouth dry despite the tea. Sophie gathered the material and lifted the skirt higher, her thighs in view. Brian could feel his hands shaking, his palms sweaty, and his cock tenting his trousers.

Sophie slowly lifted until the skirt was just covering her knickers. “What would a view like this be worth?” She moved the skirt sideways to tease him.

“I, I don’t know, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.”

Sophie could see Brian leaning forward in his seat. She knew she had him totally under her spell today. “What about an extra twenty for a look?”

Brian nodded quickly. Sophie slowly drew the skirt up as high as it would go. Her knickers on show all the way up to the bare skin above. She was glad she did not have any ‘bad’ knickers, and today wore a plain white pair. Brian stared at the vision before him. Sophie took a couple of small steps closer, staying just out of reach. Standing in front of him in just her bra and knickers apart from her skirt now just a band of material held across her middle.

Brian could not tear his eyes away. This was better than anything he could remember seeing. Better than the girls in the park, better than the hotel pool on holiday.

“Do you like it?” Sophie watched Brian’s hands in his lap, trying to cover his erection, or trying to touch himself. She was not sure. “Show me how you like it.”

Brian quickly dropped his trousers and pants to his ankles and sat back on the chair. He gripped his cock with both hands. He never took his eyes off of her. Sophie hooked her thumbs into the sides of her knickers and pulled the material out to tease. Not enough to see anything, but enough to focus his attention. Sophie moved forward and lowered the hem of her skirt as she knelt in front of Brian. Unseen she had drawn her knickers down, covered by the falling skirt. One hand wriggled them past her feet, as the other hand took hold of his cock.

Brian released his grip and his hands fell to his sides. He watched Sophie lean forward and envelope his cock in her mouth. He felt her hand begin to wank him firmly. He could not believe how turned-on he felt, how easily and quickly she affected him. He rolled his head back and closed his eyes trying to savour the feeling. He was determined to make it last this time.

Sophie wanked and sucked for a couple of minutes, she enjoyed the power and control. She wondered how her next move would affect him. She brought her free hand up with her knickers hanging and found one of Brian’s hands. He looked down to see what she was doing and took the still-warm knickers from her. She felt his cock stiffen further and twitch as he held them.

Sophie began a two-handed wank while she lifted her head to watch Brian. He stared for a few seconds as if unable to believe what he was holding. Sophie thought he looked to be in a trance, hypnotised by the warm soft material in his hand. She watched him slowly raise the crumpled knickers up and stare at them before holding them tightly to his face. Sophie smiled as she watched him inhale deeply.

Sophie knew Mike had never been interested in her knickers, but some previous boyfriends had been almost obsessed. She had hoped Brian would find them a turn-on after seeing how he reacted to the laundry on previous visits. She could see her suspicion had been right.

Brian had started to groan and make little noises. Before Sophie could get back to sucking him, he came. Thick cum oozed out, running down her hands and his cock. Pump after pump, Brian came a lot, Sophie sat back and watched his balls contract and empty. ‘Good job the kitchen chairs are just wood’ she thought, ‘easy to clean.’

It took a minute or two before Brian came down from the utter pleasure of the feelings. He felt embarrassed holding her knickers, and the mess he had made. He apologised profusely and Sophie laughed it off.

“I’m so glad you really enjoy it. Keep the knickers if you want, to remind you.” Sophie used baby wet wipes to clean him up, quickly and easily, she was so used to wiping up spills in the kitchen.

“I can’t, I would love to, but if my wife found them. No, it is so kind of you, but no.” He handed them back and Sophie dropped them into the laundry.

Sophie pulled up his trousers and pants and helped him make himself decent. Brian pulled out his wallet and counted out eighty and offered it to her.

“Is this OK, I don’t want to offend you? Thank you so much for today.”

Sophie took the cash and assured him she was totally happy. She also reminded him he was welcome to visit again. As before, Sophie hid behind the door as she let him out and watched him walk back to his car. The rain had stopped, though Brian would not have noticed anyway.

Inside Sophie put her work blouse back on and wiped the chair clean one last time. Before she left to collect the twins she noticed Brian’s umbrella in the hallway and hoped he would call again soon to collect it.

Written by john456berry
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