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Have your political views changed with age?

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I've always been of the mind that political views of people tend to become more conservative with age.

But I've recently asked myself... Do we actually become more conservative with age or is this a generational difference?

Recently on Real Time with Bill Maher, Bill spouted out how young people people tend to be more idealistic when they are young but when they start to make money and have kids they abandon their "ideals" in return for "common sense."

I then found this article that highlighted the same issue:

Is the trend towards conservatism with age due to fiscal responsibilities? Or is this a generational issue? Does education play a part? After all, older people generally have lower levels of post secondary education and post secondary education is correlated with more socially liberal views.

I like to differentiate between fiscal and social issues. Social issues like gay marriage were once seen as "radical" but I don't know a single person that is against gay marriage.

But what about economics? It seems like economic needs become increasingly self interested with age, family etc.

So have your political views changed as you've aged? Have you become more conservative with age? And if so... why do you think that is?

Rainbow Warrior
No, like Grace, I've moved farther left the more I learn about the world and its history.
Story Verifier
Most certainly. I was a Marxist in my teens. Education and life experiences completely turned that around. I am now a Conservative with a capital C!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Active Ink Slinger
When I spent more of my time on the campaigning and striking side of policy making during University people always told me my views would change once I left varsity and had to start paying tax.

I’ve been paying tax for a long time now and I still have the same strongly communist views. Of course I’m hardly old but I don’t see my views changing, will have to follow up in about twenty years.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Primus Omnium
With age and experience, with travel and education. with these things to guide me, I have become even more liberal with age.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I've shifted slightly to the left, particularly on health care and gun control. Overall I am a very boring moderate Democrat, with some libertarian leanings.
Quote by trinket
Yes. As we get older our circumstances and lifestyles change as does the rest of the world. It’s only natural our political preferences might change also.

Also certain people change their political views depending on what they feel will benefit them in their sorry little lives...

I for one love the age old Hindu parable about the woman that hates gay people but pretends to love the taste of pussy when it will increase her like count on instagram.

I also love the one about the mouse that hates abortion but throws all of her values in the trash if a pro abortion lion allows her to pull a thorn from her paw.

Is that Aeschylus or Aesop?
Quote by DamonX

Also certain people change their political views depending on what they feel will benefit them in their sorry little lives...

I for one love the age old Hindu parable about the woman that hates gay people but pretends to love the taste of pussy when it will increase her like count on instagram.

I also love the one about the mouse that hates abortion but throws all of her values in the trash if a pro abortion lion allows her to pull a thorn from her paw.

Is that Aeschylus or Aesop?

Ok well if we’re going off topic..,

Hmmmm now why would you quote me then not mention anything I said in it?

To bully me, that’s why.
That’s against the rules now but you know that. AND especially in the SPA.

Your pitiful obsession with me, and we all know you were referring to me, has got to stop. It’s painfully obvious your interest in me has reached psychotic level. Now you’re resorting to poking me in threads outside the think tank. You would be more successful at finding a girl who would actually acknowledges your lonely, mean, loser existence.
Idk... Gryffindor?
I would say so. When I was a teenager and in my early 20's, I really didn't know much about what was going on, but supported whoever sounded best on paper.

Now I'm a democratic socialist who wants corporate money and billionaires'special interests out of politics.
Idk... Gryffindor?
Quote by DamonX

Also certain people change their political views depending on what they feel will benefit them in their sorry little lives...

I for one love the age old Hindu parable about the woman that hates gay people but pretends to love the taste of pussy when it will increase her like count on instagram.

I also love the one about the mouse that hates abortion but throws all of her values in the trash if a pro abortion lion allows her to pull a thorn from her paw.

Is that Aeschylus or Aesop?

Wtf is this guy babbling on about?
Quote by Belthazor

Wtf is this guy babbling on about?

These are his twisted versions of old posts of mine in the think tank regarding various topics. It had nothing to do with what he quoted me on. He posted it in order to insult me. He has a very unhealthy obsession with me
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, they have changed as I've gotten older and gotten into business. I have always been pretty much in the center though so its a very slight shift. I never could understand or go along with the far extremes of right or left. I feel like people that far left or right think their way is the only way and the other side can never be right on anything. I believe what I believe but I like to think I am open minded enough to see the other side and be able to compromise in order to get things done for the greater good.
Quote by Beffer
No, like Grace, I've moved farther left the more I learn about the world and its history.

I think this is a key notion.

People that vote conservative generally have more inward looking views. I don't think that I've ever met a world traveler that would vote for Trump. And if everyone in Alabama spent a year in Sweden I doubt they would continue to spout the right wing patriotic nonsense that we come to expect.

I have found that there are two main types of conservative voters.

1. People that are rich or want to be rich. Money is the main goal and the rest can be manipulated if it benefits them personally.
2. People with lower education and less knowledge of the outside world.

And before Ironic or others come in here and call me a Nazi again, let's look at the USA and ask ourselves why certain areas vote red and other vote blue.

Cities tend to vote blue. Even in red states. University towns almost exclusively vote Democrat. (Unless you count Bob Jones University where they didn't allow their students to date black people until the 1990s.)

Cities with a more diverse populace vote democrat... gee I wonder why? Despite what Candace Owens might say....

I was definitely a right winger when I was about 8 years old. (aside from that whole religion thing.) I was pro gun , anti-immigrant, very fiscally conservative....

So I understand the way current republican voters think. They think the same way a child with no life experience thinks.
I'm pretty much a moderate and see both side. However, I keep from crossing yellow lines. I stick with facts (news) and not opinions.
Space Force Deserter
I had at one time expected people would lean more conservative with age but I have moved even further to the left, as have all of my friends. The death penalty is a horrid and inhumane practice, money isn't everything, we need to be more compassionate and less narcissistic, we need to take care of our planet and our people, and religion has absolutely no place in politics or government. My sister has moved further right and it breaks my heart. It's difficult for us to even have a conversation (although she regrets voting for Trump - so there's that, yet she still blames Obama for everything -- but that's a whole other phenomenon to explore someday - WTF, people?).

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX

I think this is a key notion.

People that vote conservative generally have more inward looking views. I don't think that I've ever met a world traveler that would vote for Trump. And if everyone in Alabama spent a year in Sweden I doubt they would continue to spout the right wing patriotic nonsense that we come to expect.

I have found that there are two main types of conservative voters.

1. People that are rich or want to be rich. Money is the main goal and the rest can be manipulated if it benefits them personally.
2. People with lower education and less knowledge of the outside world.

And before Ironic or others come in here and call me a Nazi again, let's look at the USA and ask ourselves why certain areas vote red and other vote blue.

Cities tend to vote blue. Even in red states. University towns almost exclusively vote Democrat. (Unless you count Bob Jones University where they didn't allow their students to date black people until the 1990s.)

Cities with a more diverse populace vote democrat... gee I wonder why? Despite what Candace Owens might say....

I was definitely a right winger when I was about 8 years old. (aside from that whole religion thing.) I was pro gun , anti-immigrant, very fiscally conservative....

So I understand the way current republican voters think. They think the same way a child with no life experience thinks.

LOL now that was funny.
Active Ink Slinger
Mine haven't changed too much really, but being removed from grassroots politics for ten years and have a toddler daughter during those years, I'm beginning to wonder should I pay attention at all. I noticed with myself I've grown indifferent.

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Quote by twooldtwocare

LOL now that was funny.

Was it funny?

Why is it that old creepy right wing men post pics of women as their avatars?

I was probably more left-wing in my youth, now kind of centre-left with a streak of fiscal conservatism. I do lean very left on social issues, so very supportive of working with the indigenous nations to solve their issues, very pro-LBGTQ (but I'm bi so I guess that's expected), very much in favour of actions to reduce carbon emissions and other environmental problems. Where I maybe lean more to the centre is in how to pay for it. I still want to see government deficits and debts kept minimal, I still want a rational tax policy that is used to fund programs, not reward and punish people for their social class or income.
Active Ink Slinger
As I have aged, my political views have become much more liberal. After graduating from college, the history and economics I studied met the real world. Things are not as simple as my conservative acquaintances seem to think. I could write a litany of why that is true, but not here.
No, I have always been a classic liberal from Hill and Smith to Von Mises and Hayek - a true social and economic liberal.

And I eat 21st Century 'liberals' for breakfast because they are 21st century ban-happy authoritarian fascists and too stupid to realise it.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by TheTravellingMan
No, I have always been a classic liberal from Hill and Smith to Von Mises and Hayek - a true social and economic liberal.

And I eat 21st Century 'liberals' for breakfast because they are 21st century ban-happy authoritarian fascists and too stupid to realise it.

So... banning authoritarian fascists and racist white-nationalists from public discourse on college campuses = authoritarian fascism? Is that what you mean? My grandfather, who fought fascism in WW2, is rolling over in his grave at the state of the Republican Party today!
Wild at Heart

I care less and less every second. Once you come to the realization that politics and government are just the same windowless van, regardless of what hood ornament you voted for... you tend to stop caring and wasting energy on it.
Quote by Beffer

So... banning authoritarian fascists and racist white-nationalists from public discourse on college campuses = authoritarian fascism? Is that what you mean? My grandfather, who fought fascism in WW2, is rolling over in his grave at the state of the Republican Party today!

Is this a game of Jeopardy - if so, who is Antifa?

My ancestors fought in two world wars on land, sea and air. My grandfather lost 4 brothers, his father fell at Ypres in WW1 when he was 3, he never knew his dad. My great uncle lost his twin brother in the Battle of Norway and he served in the RAF. My grandmother lost her only sibling in Burma fighting the Japanese. My fathers dad was badly injured in Italy, invalidated and suffered from flashbacks for the rest of his life. My father's mother worked in a factory making arms and was dug out after the plant took a direct hit.

Don't tell me about sacrifice or who is spinning in whose graves. They fought in these wars as soon as they started, not just when US interests were threatened. My grandparents came under aerial bombardment as children during the Blitz too.

Seeing 'liberals' dress in black, cover their faces and engage in violence to attack freedom of speech is very, very close to the bone here in Europe. We are very familiar with blackshirts and brownshirts that attack peaceful demonstrations and suppress freedom. In the UK, we have 'progressive socialists and liberals' in a political party under investigation for anti-Semitism.

'Liberals' are the new fascists in my book, identity politics, suppressing free speech and democracy.

And anyone that stands in their way, they get called racists, nationalists, white supremacists and popularists. Sure, there are white supremacists, we despise them too. They are the same coin as Antifa, different side - fascists.
Wild at Heart
Quote by TheTravellingMan

Is this a game of Jeopardy - if so, who is Antifa?

My ancestors fought in two world wars on land, sea and air. My grandfather lost 4 brothers, my great uncle lost his twin brother. My grandmother lost her only sibling.

Don't tell me about sacrifice or who is spinning in whose graves.

If they saw you using their experience in such a flippant and forgettable manner, they wouldn't be spinning or rolling in their grave. They would be dancing a jig on your face.
Quote by Magical_felix

If they saw you using their experience in such a flippant and forgettable manner, they wouldn't be spinning or rolling in their grave. They would be dancing a jig on your face.

Wow, from a Californian too.

In my experience, people that live in glasshouses should not throw stones. I would have thought the events at Berkeley with Antifa and their Black Bloc tactics would give someone like you pause for thought.

After all, they are liberals, right?

And I am a liberal, a classic liberal, I doubt you understand what that really means.
Wild at Heart
Quote by TheTravellingMan

In my experience, people that live in glasshouses should not throw stones.

That's in everyone's experience, regurgitating that saying doesn't make you look smart.

Quote by TheTravellingMan

I would have thought the events at Berkeley with Antifa and their Black Bloc tactics would give someone like you pause for thought.

After all, they are liberals, right?

And I am a liberal, a classic liberal, I doubt you understand what that really means.

Assuming I or anyone else doesn't know what a "classical liberal" is, is about as pompously naive as you using the glasshouses/stones quote like it's something new and enlightened. You actually come off as a joke when you focus on liberal and non liberal and real liberal and conservative and dork ass or whatever.
Quote by Magical_felix

Assuming I or anyone else doesn't know what a "classical liberal" is, is about as pompously naive as you using the glasshouses/stones quote like it's something new and enlightened. You actually come off as a joke when you focus on liberal and non liberal and real liberal and conservative and dork ass or whatever.

Yeah, the insults, how predictable, and I am pompously naive? Come back when you have graduated out of the sandpit and found your big boy pants.

See? I can do name calling too. Obviously, you think dressing in black and smashing people and things up is a great method of political engagement. Your stunning lack of awareness cannot equate this to similar acts of violence in the 1930s and you are happy to condone it too.

What a charming individual you are.