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First time for Everything, Part 4

"Matt and I continue our journey to see just how far we can take it."

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Things have been slowing down for Matt and I over the past few weeks. With the holidays fast approaching and both of our jobs needing more from us, we haven't had much energy left for anything but working and sleeping. And as sad it is to admit, anyone who's been in a long term relationship knows that when the sex life starts to slip, fuses get shorter and shorter. Arguing about petty things like the laundry certainly doesn't spark a mood either. Just as I was starting to get concerned about the state of our sex life (it's been a whole week and still no sex), Matt came up with a wonderful idea.

"I don't have to work this weekend. How about you and I go out and have fun all day and then come home and have romantic nights together?" Matt asked.

"Sounds like we don't have much of a choice," I responded. "It's not like we're having loads of fun just sitting around the house. It'd be nice to get out and do what we want to do for a change."

After discussing some low-cost ideas (we really don't like spending money on entertainment), we finally decided on going bowling, my favorite thing to do while drinking beer. One pitcher turned into four far too quickly. We ended up having to play a couple of rounds of pool to sober up enough that I could drive.

"So, what do you want to do when we get home?" I asked coyly, taking a shot and scratching the cue ball (I'm pretty terrible at pool).

"I've got an idea. I picked some stuff up the other day on the way home," Matt answered.

"Oh really? So you think you're going to get lucky tonight do you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm pretty confident you won't say no," Matt responded as he took his final shot and sunk the eight ball, winning the game. "Let's get out of here. I'm okay to drive."

With that, Matt and I made our way out to my Hybrid Nissan, cranking the heat as soon as it started up (stupid winter) so we could see through the windshield. We sat there and chatted for a few minutes, waiting for the defroster to work it's magic when Matt all of a sudden perked up like he was just splashed with ice water.

"You know what babe? I think I'm going to request that tonight is a 'gentleman's choice'. You cool with that?" Matt asked. **Gentleman's/Lady's choice is what we call when one of us holds all the cards and gets to call the shots for the night unquestioned.**

"Sure! We haven't had one of those in a while. I've got to ask. If you want a gentleman's choice, then what did you just think of?" I asked, turning to look over at him in the driver's seat. Matt had this carnal glint in his eyes and his hand was massaging his growing member through his jeans.

"Well, you've always refused to do stuff in public. So I'm demanding that you give me head right now," he said as he lifted the arm rest of the center console, giving me more room to maneuver.

"Seriously honey? You weren't sober enough to drive like 20 minutes ago. Now you want me to distract you even more?" I stated.

"That's what I want. So tell you what, I'll negotiate," Matt said with an evil look on his face.

"You're afraid of me crashing, so just suck me off in the parking lot. You'd better hurry up too. One of the leagues is going to end soon."

"Fine! Just turn off the defroster so we have some cover." I demanded. Matt reached over and flipped the heater off, turned the music on and then looked at me, waiting for my next move. I wasted no time. If nothing else, I love sucking him off, just never in a public place. Turning in my seat, I bent over and undid the button and zipper on his pants in a flash and ripped them down over his groin, releasing that familiar musk I've missed.

'No boxers?' I thought as I was surprised to see nothing covering his semi-hard cock. I couldn't hide my grin from this realization as I looked up to him with a coy smile that he returned. He wouldn't be seeing my face again until we got home. I grabbed onto the base of his dick, standing it up as I hungrily licked the sweet precum gathering at the tip off to a grateful moan from Matt. I kissed my way up and down the underside of his shaft, pausing at the base where the shaft and balls merge, kissing and sucking gently as I felt him start to grow in my hand. I took each of his balls in my mouth in turn, licking and caressing them.

Matt groaned happily about my expert mouth but I could tell I was torturing him. No matter how much he loved me playing with his balls, he would never cum from it. He did what he loves to do, palmed the back of my head and stuffed his cock into my mouth. Pulling down on me, he forced his cock, inch by inch down my throat until he was pressing my face against his groin, having reached the base. Holding my head with both hands now, he moved me back in forth, shaking my head 'no' with his dick buried down my throat, gagging me on the eight inch intruder as he moaned loudly. Matt released his grip on my head for only a split second. I tried to pull myself up to catch a breath of air, he turned the radio up and pushed my head back down onto his dick, gagging me again from the surprise assault of my throat.

"Put your hair up!" Matt demanded as he let go of the back of my head again. I did as instructed and threw my hair into a ponytail and then returned my face to his crotch, happily sucking on the tip for a few moments before I thrust my head forward, plunging his cock down my throat once again. "Oh shit." Matt groaned.

"That feels so good. Make me cum on the way home or I'll have a totally different surprise waiting for you when we get home." With that comment, I realized that the car was in fact moving and we were already on the way home. The car being a hybrid and the radio on, I hadn't heard us pull out of the bowling alley. Being at least slightly concerned over what Matt had in mind if I didn't make him cum in the 15 minute ride home, I kept my pace up, altering between sucking the tip and chocking myself down on his thick cock as I licked the underside of shaft. His breathing was getting more and more labored, getting me more and more wet in anticipation. I could feel his balls tightening up against my chin when I deep throated him so I took it as a sign to start massaging them for a little extra boost.

With Matt's cock happily buried down my throat, I made a swallowing motion, massaging the tip in my throat, gagging as his delicious cock started to twitch slightly with his pulse. I knew he was beyond close. I wet my finger in my mouth and started to press my moist digit against his most private area.

"Ohhhh god baby. You're so nasty tonight," he said as I slowly eased my finger into his ass up to my 2nd knuckle. "Fuuuuuck babe!" He moaned again. I pulled myself up off his cock for just a moment, pumping my other hand up and down his cock to keep him teetering near the edge.
"You like me being nasty?" I cooed in my sexiest voice. "Cum for me Matt. Please cum down my throat. If you let me eat all of it then I'll let you do anything you want to me later." He loved it when I talked dirty to him. I sucked on the tip of his cock in between the sentences, knowing he was so close to cumming, wrapping my tongue around the head of his dick.

"Fucking throat me babe. I'm gonna' cum!" Matt growled deep in his throat. He grabbed a hold of my ponytail and forced me down hard onto his cock, rocking my head back and forth so that his cock was twirling around and around in my throat. "Uhhhhhh" was all he said as he thrust up into my mouth, driving his cock even deeper down my throat, pumping stream after stream of his delicious cum in my mouth as I hungrily swallowed it all down. After several moments, his orgasm subsided. I removed my finger from his ass but he still maintained the pressure on the back of my head.

"Keep me hard or you aren't cumming tonight." He demanded. Being a gentleman's choice night, he had no obligation to service me at all, so I began slurping and sucking on his semi-hard cock with reborn enthusiasm, wanting more than anything to get fucked.

 "You want this cock? Fucking work for it." He growled again as I felt the car turning. It was then that I realized we were almost home, turning left onto our street. Wanting to show him how dedicated I am to his pleasure, I again put my index finger into my mouth to wet it and pressed it against his tight hole, easily slipping my slender digit in. Continuing my oral assault of his cock, I got it rock hard like it was before as I felt the car slow down and turn left into our driveway. I heard the distinct noise of our garage door opening as we pulled in.

"Good girl. Get naked and go to the bedroom and wait for me," he said. I hopped out and took my coat and shoes off at the door. Looking over my shoulder, I watched him button his pants back up as I unbuttoned mine and slid them over my ample ass. Knowing that he was watching my every move, I stepped out of them, pulled my tee-shirt over my head, and sauntered down the hallway toward the bedroom, exaggerating the swing of my hips with every step, coaxing him closer with my exposed curves. I was completely naked by the time I reached our bedroom and was surprised to see that he had someone how this all up before we even left. He had false candles flickering away on our bedside tables. Our bed was beautifully made and had a spread of basically one of everything that you could find at a sex toy shop splayed out on our duvet.

Pushing a couple of things out of the way, I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for Matt as instructed. Moments turned into long, drawn out minutes far too quickly and I began to wonder why I even bothered to get him hard again. Surely his hard on was gone by now. Growing more and more frustrated, I went out to find him in the house. As soon as I had left our room, he came around the corner toward the bedroom naked, with a shopping bag in hand.

"I thought I told you to stay in the bedroom..." he scolded. "Obviously, you don't want to cum that badly or you'd do as I told you." He continued, dropping the bag, grabbing me by the arm and bringing me into the bathroom. I was surprised to see it all lit up with the same flame-less candles, a steamy bubble bath drawn in our massive tub. "Get in and thoroughly clean yourself up. I'll be back in a few minutes," he said as he herded me into the bathroom and left, closing the door behind him. I happily climbed into the bath he had prepared, soaking in the foamy water and feeling my whole body relax. I leisurely washed myself with the cloth as he came back in and joined me. "Finish washing yourself and then you'll clean me." He stated.

"Okay honey. I like this surprise." I said happily as I finished lathering myself up and re-soaped the washcloth for him.

"Ever heard of the calm before the storm?" He retorted with an evil look in his eyes. I thought nothing of it as I started scrubbing him down with the soapy cloth.
"So what do you want to do after this?" I asked absently, focusing on the task at hand. Getting to soap up my incredibly fit husband and rub him all over in the tub isn't exactly what I would call "punishment".

"Just make sure to clean me well and then you'll find out." He said. 'How clean does he really need to be?' I thought. He was being a bit of a hypochondriac, but I'm sure he had an ace up his sleeve.

"Okay honey. Rinse off," I said after washing him down.

"Want me to start toweling off?"

"Yes, please. And then go into the bedroom and wait. Do something with that wet hair would you?" He said.

I did as instructed and wrapped a towel around myself on the way out of the bathroom, drying myself off for him. A few minutes passed and I heard him getting out of the tub. I was already dried off, hair braided and sitting on the bed amongst the new toys he had bought, waiting for him to come in.

"Get on your knees. I'm not done fucking your face," Matt said upon entering the room. He sat down where I had been on the bed and I took my place at his feet. I took his soft dick in my hand and put the entire thing in my mouth. I loved the feeling of his cock getting hard in my mouth so I sucked and licked it all over wanting to please the man I love so much. I felt it growing in my mouth and was pleased to hear him moan again. I looked up to meet his gaze. Under the dimly lit room, he was watching me suck his cock hard. He grabbed a hold of my braids and pulled me down, pushing his now hard cock in my throat once again. I knew that the pig-tail braids would make him happy and was right when he used them to fuck my face.

"You do something when I tell you to. Understand?" He demanded, releasing my hair so that I could pull myself up to answer.

"Yes." I said, gasping for air. "I understand."

"Good. Don't question me. Understand?" He asked again.

"I understand. Yes!" I said again.

"Don't you dare do something tonight without being instructed to do so. I will punish you if you break the rules."

"Okay Matt. I'll do what you say, when you say it," I said. Between the blowjob earlier, the face fucking now, and his controlling my every move, I was getting soaked. I could feel my juices running down my inner thighs, my pussy just begging to get fucked. My response must have been what he was waiting for. With a smug smile, he grabbed a hold of my braids once again and pulled me back to his beautiful cock.

"You're going to be my cock slut," Matt said. "And I'm going to fuck your face." And he did. He pulled me down so hard onto his cock that it actually hurt the back of my throat. Every time he pulled me by my hair down to deep throat him, he paired it with a upwards thrust, burying his cock as far as it would go down my throat. Being punished for what, I wasn't sure, but it was making me yearn for his cock even more. I wanted to make him cum for me again and again. I wanted to make him fully satisfied any way I could. I was losing myself in my lust for his cum and wanted nothing more than to have him fuck my face for the rest of the night. With every thrust down my throat, my pussy gushed its sweet juices, my clit twitching from my own desires.

"You love this don't you? You're my little slut," Matt cooed at me in this sickly sweet voice. "Do you want to make me cum?" He released my pigtails for me to respond.

"Yes! Yes, I want you to cum for me Matt," I said pumping his shaft with my hand and licking the tip in between words.

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"Good." He responded. He slid forward more on the bed and laid back on his elbows. "Lick my ass." He said as casually as if he asked me to pass the salt.

"What?" I was so shocked by his request that I had stopped stroking his cock.

"Do as you're told or else. Lick my ass." He said again. With this statement, he pushed my head down toward his balls. "If you want to cum, you'll fucking do as your told."

I started with his balls. I licked and sucked them like I always enjoyed doing. Getting to the underside of his balls by his perineum, I then realized why he wanted me to wash him. Thankful for the soapy water, I kissed his asshole. Not smelling or tasting anything odd, I became a bit more relaxed. Sticking my tongue out, I licked from his balls down to his tight hole I was fingering an hour before. As soon as my tongue met his puckered hole, I felt his cock twitch in my hand. I couldn't believe it but he was really loving this. Even more surprising was the fact that I was kind of getting into it myself. I stabbed at his ass with my tongue, feeling the muscles flex against my invasion. Drawing small circles around his ring, I felt them slowly relax until I could get the courage to try to get my tongue inside his ass. I poked at it, making my tongue as stiff as possible, but couldn't push through. He was too tense.

"May I relax you a bit first?" I asked, knowing I shouldn't do anything until told to do so.

"Yes. Do whatever you think will help your task," he said dreamily. With his permission, my hand and mouth switched positions. I swallowed down his massive cock and pressed my finger against his straining muscles once again. I felt little resistance and was able to get a finger in fairly easily. Feeling his muscles relax around my finger, I then switched back. I pulled my finger out and pressed my tongue against his ring to much resistance. Remembering what he said he does on my clit, I started to draw the ABC's on his hole, relaxing him as I went through. By the time I got to Z, he was moaning and writhing under my touch. Letting go of his cock. I grabbed his thighs and pushed them apart, licking and stabbing at his tiny hole and managed to get my tongue past his ring.

"Oh fuck." Was all he said as I fucked his ass with my tongue, massaging his balls and shaft with my hands.

"You like me being dirty honey? Want me to lick your ass until you cum?" I asked, knowing my dirty words were just adding fuel to the fire.

"No babe. I've got another idea for you," he said. He pushed my head back and stood up. "Sit down here and start playing with yourself." He didn't need to tell me twice, I did as instructed. "I'll be right back." He added as he walked down the hallway. I heard him moving things around in the hall and assumed he was looking through the bag for something. He must have found it because he came back in just as I started building from rubbing my clit. He came in to see me sitting on the edge of the bed, strumming my clit, begging in my eyes for him to fuck me.

"Here." He said as he handed me the blindfold he had bought a month before. I put it on and returned my hand to my swollen clit, just praying that he'll make me cum tonight. He slapped my hand away from my clit, knowing I was building quickly.

"You'll get yours after I get mine. Understand?" He said.

"Yes." I answered. "I understand."

"You are NOT to cum until I tell you to. It's my night. Understand?"
"I'll try," I answered.

"You will or I'll make you lick my ass until I cum and you won't get anything at all." He snapped back. "Understand?!" With this he pushed my shoulders, effectively knocking me onto my back.

"Yes." I said finally. "I won't cum until you do."

"No. You won't cum unless I give you permission to," he said finally. With this statement, he dove his face into my folds, licking my swollen and juicy lips and sucking gently on my clit.

"Do you understand? If you cum without permission, you'll be sorry," he said as he flicked his tongue across my sensitive clit.

"Yes!" I gasped, already struggling to keep control of my body.

"Good. Because I'm going to have some fun with you," he said running his fingers from my engorged clit to my pussy. "You're drenched baby. I should treat you like this more often."

He then ceased all stimulation. I heard him walk back to the hallway for something. He came back and wasted no time in sticking the new toy in my dripping pussy. To my happy surprise, he flipped a switch and it started to vibrate and pulse as I writhed and moaned trying to stay in control of my body.

"You're so fucking horny right now," he said.

 "What do you want me to do?"

"Fuck me until you cum and let me cum too." I wished.

"We'll see," he responded as he removed the vibrating toy and pressed it against my tight ass and began applying more and more pressure until my unwilling muscles gave way to the invasion. The pain was matched with incredible pleasure from the vibrations. He paused for a moment to allow me to adjust before he thrust the toy in me up to its base and began twisting it back and forth, slowly withdrawing it just to forcefully plunge it back into me. The feeling was far too much for me to handle and I could feel myself building quickly.

"Honey, I'm trying. But you've got to stop that if you don't want me to cum." I pleaded.

"Fine." He stated, pulling the toy out of my tiny hole with a pop.

 "I'll be right back," he said again as he left for a third time, I was relieved it'd give me time to calm down. He came back and wasted no time. I felt the spongy tip of his penis separating my pouting pussy lips and he bared down into me with all of his strength making me yelp. As he reached the most depth, he withdrew himself from my wet folds and took aim at my recently violated hole. To my surprise however, I felt something else poking at my pussy as he took aim at my ass.

"What the hell?!" I demanded, jumping from the surprise.

"Relax." Matt stated. "It's a strap on. You're so fucking horny, you'll love it."

 After he finished his sentence, he pushed hard and both of my holes were stretched wide. My ass was already sore from a few minutes before so it was near agony feeling his huge girth stretch me out some more. My pussy was being fucked by a dildo about the size of Matt. To my surprise, he switched the dildo on and it began vibrating and pulsing, making all of the pain melt away as I moaned from all the pressure.

"You're my hungry little cum slut. You're loving this aren't you?" He asked. "What do you want me to do?" He asked thrusting his real dick and the plastic one deep inside of me.

"Fuck me hard until you cum. Then please let me cum honey?" I begged. It must have been music to his ears because Matt grabbed a hold of my hips and started pounding into me with so much force I felt like I was going to be ripped in two.

"Ow! Fuck! Easy Matt!" I yelped.

"I'll fuck you how I want." He responded. He was right to say it. As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt myself grow even wetter under his touch. He must have felt my muscles relax because he started thrusting even harder into my depths.

"Uh Uh Uh" He said with every thrust. "You're so tight. I can feel it through the wall. You ready for me to cum? Where do you want me to cum?"

"Anywhere you want. I'm YOUR cum slut," I said, fighting hard to hold back my own orgasm as I felt his cock start to twitch inside of my ass. He let out a deep moan, I felt him tense up as he emptied his balls deep in my ass, coating my insides with his delicious cum.

"Not your turn yet," he said pulling both dicks out of me as he regained his bearings. I could feel his cum starting to leak out of my sore and abused ass. I pulled the blindfold off as he climbed back onto the bed.

 "Clean it off," he said as he picked my head up and thrust his cock in my mouth for me to suck clean, and I did as I was told. I kissed and licked his cock as I felt it slowly get softer.

"If you can make me hard enough to fuck you again, then you can cum," he said. I immediately repositioned myself so that I was lying on my belly out front of him. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me, pushing the entirety of his cock in my mouth. Sucking hard on him, I realized that he may not have anything left for me.

"Tell me what you want me to do to get you hard again," I said almost in tears from the frustration.

"Lick my ass again," he suggested as he laid down on the bed. I took position between his legs and started pumping away at his soft cock while I licked my way down his delicious balls to his ass. I wet my finger and circled it a couple of times before pushing my finger in and rubbing his prostate. I felt a little life twitch through his cock. I replaced the finger with my tongue, stabbing away at it until I gained entry. I fucked his ass with my tongue twisting and writhing it around trying to get even deeper as I felt his muscles finally relax again.

"Will you please fuck my ass again?" I asked in between long licks from his ass to his shaft, still pumping my hand up and down his now semi-hard dick. "Please Matt. Fuck my cum filled ass for me. I want you to build in my ass. Cum in my mouth though? I want to taste all the cum up my ass. Please Matt?" I begged, knowing how hard my dirty talk would get him.

"Bend over now!" He barked at me.

I happily did as I was told knowing that I succeeded in getting him hard as a pole again. I bent over the bed, lying my torso against the mattress as I reached back and spread my ass cheeks for Matt. I could feel the moist and sticky cum all around my hole. No lube necessary this time. He simply took aim and launched himself deep up my ass, burying himself to the point that I could feel his balls on my soaked pussy.

"Fuck me hard Matt. I want to taste you. Fuck me until you cum." I demanded, trying to focus on his pleasure so that I don't cum before I'm told to. I never got a response. He simply did as I asked and fucked my sore ass until he was rock hard again.

"I'm gonna choke you down on my dick and you're going to swallow everything. I don't fucking care if you cum or not," Matt said with gripped teeth and he bared into me over and over, my abused ass burning from the invasion. Because I'd already swallowed one load and taken another up my ass, I wasn't sure if he'd be able to cum again. He was as hard as he always was but wasn't building at all. One of the only lights in our bedroom was his alarm clock broadcasting the time at 9:47.

The pain was enough to deter my orgasm from building quickly. My ass felt tender and raw but I didn't care. I wasn't going to let him stop until he came and I came. I caught myself glancing at the clock and was shocked. 10:34! Were we ever going to cum?! He's been fucking me for three hours now. I needed to do something to get us over the edge. I reached down and started strumming my clit again, feeling Matt's balls slam against my hand with every thrust.

"Oh god Matt. I'm close!" I lied. "Fuck me harder. You're going to make me cum honey. You going to let me suck you dry?"

"Yeah, baby." He responded. I could feel his balls tense up a bit against his hand and realized that he really was close.

"Stick the vibrator in my pussy honey. Fill me up. Please Matt." I pleaded. I didn't get a response.

He pulled out and reached across the room for a vibrator shoved it in me forcefully and then plowed his girth back up my ass. The vibrations were driving me wild. I could feel the tingling sensation finally building in my belly.

"Fuck my ass Matt. Fuck your cum slut hard," I panted. He did as I asked and buried his cock in me as deep and fast as he could go. Within a few thrusts, I was wrapped in the most intense orgasm of my life. My ass contracted around Matt's cock so hard that he had to fight to continue thrusting. Still in my orgasmic daze, I felt him pull out and jump onto the bed.

"Open your mouth!" He bellowed. I lazily parted my lips, forgetting what was going on as he shoved his cock down my throat, pumping in and out.Too oblivious to assist, I just laid there and permitted the oral assault. I could taste his bitter sweet cum on his cock.

"Oh fuck baby. Swallow it!" He ordered as he ground his cock around and around deep in my throat. I did as instructed and swallowed, my throat muscles massaging the head of his cock as I did, making me gag and choke on him. Letting out a deep moan, he grabbed my pigtails and pushed and pulled on my hair, pumping my mouth up and down his shaft as I choked on his massive girth. "Ohhhhhhh Fuuuu..." Was all he managed to say as he filled my mouth with a fresh load of his cum, emptying his balls down my throat. I swallowed down every drop of his cum as he released my head.

"Fuck baby. You okay? I owe you one," he said as he sat down on the bed next to me. Still too dazed to move, I just continued to lay there, bent over the bed. I looked up at him and smiled.

"You planned a 'gentleman's choice' night this whole time didn't you?" I playfully accused.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged. "Seriously baby. I owe you. What do you want?"

"My ass hurts. You fucked me for hours." I complained.

"I know baby. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Well now I'm a little curious about all that ass play." I said with a smirk. "I think you'd better kiss it better."

Matt gave me a knowing look and said nothing. He simply got off the bed and knelt down behind me. He pulled the vibrator out of my tender pussy and began kissing and licking me all over. From my sore asshole to my clit, he gently licked and sucked on me until I came again. We both finally collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. I got up after a few minutes of cuddling to turn all of the flame-less candles off and saw that alarm clock again. '12:52! Fucking A!' I thought as I climbed back into bed with the man of my dreams. We had been at it for hours and hours. No wonder why I was so tired.

Sweaty, cum filled, and sore, I passed out and slept like I have never slept before. I think next weekend will be a gentleman's choice weekend as well. One can hope anyway.

To be continued.....

Written by peachbuta
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