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Stacy's Submission ~ Chapter 3

"Becca introduces Stacy to Miss Cara and things begin to get a little interesting."

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Becca shows Stacy to a table in the middle of the restaurant. It's not too busy today, but enough people are around to make Stacy feel a little uneasy. She sits down, trying to quell the sharp butterflies in her stomach.

Becca, in her work outfit, sits down across from her awkwardly.

Stacy watches her friend carefully place her bottom onto the seat.

"Are you alright?" Stacy worries.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I just… never mind. She umm, should be here soon," Becca states, a slight look of distress on her face.

"I just want to get this over with," Stacy admits, admiring the way Becca's skin seems to glow.

"She likes to make me wait," Becca explains, looking around.

"Well, I'm nervous enough as it is. This is just making it worse," Stacy sighs.

Becca smiles, "I'm sure that's exactly her intention."

Stacy squints in disapproval.
Becca jumps up straight as she notices someone coming through the front doors. Stacy turns to look. Becca doesn't say anything, but Stacy knows who it is.

Miss Cara's beautiful eyes draw in the attention of everyone with a pulse in the restaurant. Stacy can't help but stare at the woman's almost black-cherry coloured hair. It shimmers darkly against her deep, vanilla skin. Her seemingly perfect bone structure accentuates every one of her gorgeous features.

Miss Cara casually scans the room before spotting their table. She smiles and gives a friendly wave as she makes her way towards them. Immediately, Stacy feels her whole body tighten up.

Who is this woman, who has such an effect, such control over Becca?

Miss Cara's trendy, black, knee-high boots clop proudly as she makes her way over. Her small purse is slung over her shoulder and she carries a large, boutique paper bag in her other hand.

Stacy turns back to Becca, whose eyes are transfixed on the beautiful woman. Like a moth to the flame, her eyes are glued. She looks happy, excited and nervous all at the same time.

Becca stands up and attentively straightens her skirt.

"Hello Becca," Miss Cara gleams, raising her hand to brush some of Becca's hair behind her ear. "Where's the cute headband I gave you?"

Becca looks mortified for a moment as she thinks of what to say. "I'm sorry, Miss Cara, I forgot it at home."

Stacy watches this odd interaction anxiously.

What am I doing here?

"I won't have you forgetting it again, alright hun?"

"Yes Miss Cara. Of course. I won't," Becca pleads, assuringly.

"Good girl," Cara consoles. She looks over at Stacy with a sultry grin.

Stacy can feel the woman's eyes invading her. She sits up in her chair trying not to act intimidated.

"Miss Cara," Becca starts, meekly, "this is Stacy."

Neither Stacy nor Miss Cara move. The gorgeous woman continues to slowly look over Stacy's young body.

Stacy can't help but tremble. Her thin, argyle sweater suddenly seems very tight and overly warm.

"Pleased to meet you, Stacy," Miss Cara purrs, holding her hand out. "I'm Miss Cara."

Stacy doesn't know how to react. She feels lured to shake Miss Cara's hand and mumbles a quiet response as she does. "Nice to meet you."

Stacy means to let go of Miss Cara's hand, but the woman holds on. Smiling mischievously, Miss Cara pulls Stacy's hand to her mouth and kisses the top of it. She stares directly into Stacy's eyes the whole time.

What is happening?

The woman's lips are a moist velvet. The brief kiss shoots electricity down Stacy's arm. Miss Cara lets Stacy's hand go, finally, and it almost falls limp to the table. Stacy struggles to regain her composure.

"Becca, hun, be a good girl and bring me a green tea please," Miss Cara requests, politely.

Becca nods humbly and rushes to fulfill the order. She eyes Stacy briefly before going.

Miss Cara turns to Stacy sharply, "Want anything dear?"

Want anything? Huh? What does she mean? Like, like to drink? Uhm...

Stacy shakes her head, confused and awkward.

"Hmm, a shy one you are. This will be quite interesting, I think," Miss Cara muses.

Interesting? What does she mean by that?

Stacy clears her throat.

Come on, get a hold of yourself.

"Why did you need to meet me?" Stacy asks, trying to sound forward.

Miss Cara smiles. She looks so tall and slender in her tight, black dress. She sits down across from Stacy and places the paper bag on the floor.

"Why?" She teases, raising an eyebrow seductively. "Because I can't have my Becca doing all sorts of, naughty things with strangers. Now can I? Hmm?"

"You can't control her like that though. Why should you have the right to manage her life?" Stacy protests, trying to protect her new friend.

Miss Cara leans back, unbothered by this slight confrontation.

"Well, firstly my dear, she wants me to. If she ever wanted to end our little relationship, all she'd have to do is ask. One little gesture and I'd be off, out of her life."

Miss Cara lets this sink into Stacey's little head. "But, I don't see that happening. She needs me. She listens to me more than she listens to herself."

Miss Cara pauses again for effect. Stacy feels stupid for being here.

I can't believe Becca got herself involved with someone like this. How did she even?

Miss Cara leans across the table and touches the fabric of Stacy's shirt.

"I love your outfit by the way. That skirt is adorable. It suits you perfectly."

Stacy can't help but blush. Miss Cara's words seem to carry an incredible weight.

She's just trying to manipulate you Stacy. Don't be weak.

Stacy brushes her hair behind her tiny ear as she tries to sort out her emotions. Talking to this woman is exciting her. She's not exactly sure why, besides the fact that Cara's gorgeous.

Becca returns to the table with Miss Cara's tea. She places it down in front of her Mistress, squirming a little awkwardly as she does. Miss Cara notices and smiles knowingly.

"Does my little Becca need to pee?" Miss Cara asks, casually.


"Yes, Miss. I do, please," Becca whines, struggling to sound polite.

"You may go hun. Don't take too long."

Becca nods. She locks eyes with Stacy for a moment. Stacy feels like reaching out to her and just holding her tightly. Becca makes a helpless little 'I'm sorry' face with her puppy-dog eyes and heads for the bathroom. Stacy fixes her attention back on Miss Cara.

"So," Stacy mumbles, breaking the silence, "where does this leave us? Did you just invite me out here to put me down? To tell me I can't have her?"

Miss Cara plays with her hair as she studies the girl in front of her. The outline of her breasts are very apparent under her fitted dress.

"No. That was not my intention. She can be yours, potentially. I mean, if you are someone who will love her completely, who am I to stop you? Hmm?" Miss Cara claims.

"What do you need from me then? How am I supposed to convince you to let her be with me?"

Miss Cara giggles. "Well, I have to figure out if I can trust you. If she can trust you. If you are going to be a positive influence on her, or a negative one."

"I just want her to be happy. I want to love and appreciate her," Stacy professes.

"That's not what I mean," Cara scoffs, subtly.

Fuck her. Ugh, what is this all about!?

"I need to get to know you ," Miss Cara states, slowly. Her dark, red lips look sweet as they glisten.

"Aren't you doing that right now?" Stacy jabs.

Miss Cara giggles again. Her smooth, caramel voice dominates Stacy's will. "I need to get to know you on a much more intimate level."

What is she talking about? She can't possibly...

"You can't be serious," Stacy ridicules, her back pinned, firmly up against her seat.

"Oh, I am. I'm very protective of my little Becca. She's beyond precious to me."

Stacy feels defeated. She doesn't know what to say now.

"She may have moments of weakness," Miss Cara admits, "and that's something we're working to correct. But, she won't be with you as long as I prohibit it. I can assure you of that."

Stacy feels lost in the powerful, confident woman's eyes. Inside, deep down, she knows Miss Cara's right.

Becca exits the washroom. Stacy gets up from the table in a hurry and rushes over to her. Becca's face lights up when she sees her.

"Thank you so much for doing this Stacy. I can't, ugh. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you," Becca confides.

"Becca…" Stacy hesitates.

"Yes, hun?" Becca asks, looking up slightly at the brunette beauty in front of her.

"I like you, a lot. But, I don't want to throw myself into… whatever this is, if, what we have isn't, you know, real."

Becca reaches out to hold Stacy, but sees Miss Cara out of the corner of her eye and thinks better of it.

"Stacy, what I feel for you is real. I promise. I really, really want to be with you." Becca confesses, looking over Stacy seductively. "In more ways than one."

My heart hurts.

Stacy sighs. She takes a deep breath and heads back to the table with Miss Cara.

"What do you want from me then? What do you want me to do?" Stacy asks, begrudgingly.

Miss Cara grins. It seems she was hoping Stacy would ask that.

"Take this bag I brought for you," she states, pushing the boutique paper bag to Stacy's side of the table.

Becca watches from the washroom door, afraid to intrude.

"What's in it?" Stacy asks, a little nervous of the answer.

"A surprise. Just make sure to follow the instructions given. Hmm?"

"Okay," Stacy mumbles, confused.

"Becca, come here," Cara beckons.

Becca wiggles her little bum across the restaurant floor as she makes her way towards them.

Mmm. How is she so adorable? How is she so beautiful, so sweet?

Miss Cara looks over her little pet with pride and possessiveness.

"Nice meeting you today Stacy," Miss Cara says, barely turning her head.

Stacy feels a huge sting of jealousy. She takes one last look at her dear Becca, who's glued to this beautiful, wealthy woman's side. She picks up the paper bag and leaves.


Stacy gets home and puts the bag down on the floor. She opens her laptop and crankily begins to work on her resume and search for job postings.


An hour or two goes by and Stacy can no longer ignore the bag beside her bed.

She opens it up. It's full of wrapped boxes of various sizes. Each of them seem to have a numbered envelope attached to them. On top of everything is a large, pink piece of paper. It reads:

Tonight at 10pm exactly, open #1. 

Stacy feels nervous butterflies invade her stomach. She pulls out the rectangular box labelled "#1" and sets it down on her desk. She checks the time.

Only 4pm? Ugh.

Despite wanting this whole process to be over with, Stacy can't help but be a tiny bit excited at the surprise waiting for her. She shoves the rest of the bag under her bed and tries to get back to her work.


Stacy leans back from her computer. It's 6:30pm. She bites her lip curiously as she eyes the box.

What could it be? I miss Becca.

Stacy remembers that she can email Becca! She turns to her computer and writes her crush a short email:

Hi Becca,

I miss you.
I'm a little nervous about the bag Cara gave me. But I want to do this, so I can be with you.
I can't stop thinking about you. And how you smell and the way you make me tingle all over when we kiss.
Hope to see you soon,


She hits send and smiles warmly, knowing Becca will get to read her romantic words.

The pleasure from messaging Becca and the anticipation of 10:00 arriving, causes Stacy to become aware of the sensitive needs between her legs. She crosses them tightly, squeezing her tantalized lips against her clit.

Mhm. It's been so long since I've had an orgasm.

Stacy thinks about playing with herself. The aroused energy in her loins emanates through her belly and makes her feel alive. She looks over at the bag again.

I might as well just wait till afterwards, I can cum before bed.

Stacy rocks her hips back and forth, gleaning little flurries of pleasure from her eager vagina. She gets back to work, as she continues to subtly slide her little bum back and forth in her chair.


Stacy wiggles on her bed, staring at her clock. She's now changed into her sexy nighttime attire. A thin, baby-blue nightgown hangs over her slim shoulders, barely covering her bum. Matching knee high socks are pulled up her legs as high as they can go. Her little pussy feels warm in her white, cotton panties edged with lace.


Stacy suddenly feels very nervous. She fidgets anxiously as she sits on her bed, the box in front of her. She loves the feeling of her hard nipples against the soft material of her nightie.

10:00pm. Here we go.

Stacy takes a deep breath, trying to settle herself.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

She quickly opens the envelope.


I commend you on agreeing to this. I look forward to getting to know you much more, thoroughly.
You may open the box now.

Stacy unwraps the brown paper covering.

Oh fuck, is that a…

The box contains a sleek looking G-spot vibrator.

What does she want me to do, with this?

Stacy notices another note taped to the vibrator's box.

I want to be able to trust you. But, there are a few things we need to work out first, before that will be possible. 
I can't trust anyone, (especially a pretty girl like you) who doesn't masturbate.

Who is this lady?

You, the naughty, little girl that you are, will use this toy in your pussy tonight.

I've never used a toy, before. At least, I don't think I have.

Check your email.

Stacy, confused, pulls her laptop onto her bed. Sure enough, there's a message waiting for her from 'MissCara':


What a pleasure it was meeting you today. 
I can understand why Becca has been so horny lately.

A twinge of jealousy runs through Stacy's chest. She continues reading.

Download the attached audio file and listen to it now.
It will explain everything else.
You better be a good girl.

Stacy hesitantly downloads the file. As soon as it finishes, it automatically begins to play over her laptop speakers.

"Hello Stacy," the voice on her computer greets. It's Cara. "Why don't you take your new toy and get onto your bed with it? I'll give you a minute."

What the? I don't understand.

Stacy, guardedly moves onto her bed.

"Alright. I hope you are nice and comfortable," Cara continues. "You are going to listen and follow everything I say tonight. How will I know if you don't? That's very simple dear. The next time we see each other, I'm just going to ask you. I'm going to stare deep into your eyes and ask you. Trust me, I'll be able to tell if you are lying to me or not."

The authority, conviction and sensuality in the woman's voice holds Stacy at its mercy.

"Okay," Stacy complies, forgetting for a minute that no one can hear her.

"Let's get started," the voice states, seeming excited. Stacy quickly pauses the audio clip.

I can't do this! This is, I don't even know what this is! It feels like something I shouldn't be doing though.

Stacy looks at the box again. She pulls the vibrator out of its case and examines it.

So smooth. Ugh. Would Becca even want me to be doing this? 

Stacy rubs her fingers along the toy's incredibly soft surface.

Of course she would! She's the reason you're even in this situation. She wants this for you!

Stacy looks at her laptop. She nibbles her bottom lip as she thinks.

Stacy presses play on the audio clip. The voice immediately brings a rush of excited anxiety back into her chest.

"Be a good girl and sit or lie down somewhere comfortable."

Stacy reclines onto her bed, still very unsure of the situation.

"Now, slowly open your legs up for me."

Stacy follows her simple directions. A tinge of arousal shoots through her bum as she opens her legs widely.

"I want you to inspect your new toy. This is a device meant to fit nicely inside you and stimulate your G-spot. It has some very simple controls, which I know very well. I hope you like the settings as much as I do."

Miss Cara's voice seems to trail off a little as she purrs quietly to herself.

"I want you to think about Becca now. Imagine her, in her cute little panties, hair in pigtails. Oh my she's scrumptious isn't she? Her mouth is watering for you. I want you to imagine her slowly kissing your toes."

Stacy can't fight the intense tingling growing inside her belly. Her pussy is coming to life as thoughts of her beautiful crush are thrust into her head.

"Oh, she gets so turned on sucking on pretty girls' toes. She's already told me about yours. She loves the way they taste; feminine, pretty and naughty."

Stacy is beginning to feel the urge to touch herself. She rubs her nipples, which grow increasingly stiff.

"You can smell her hair as she gets closer to you. She works her tongue slowly up the inside of your thighs. Mmm, she can smell your heat and it makes her wild."

Stacy's pussy starts throbbing lightly, hoping for attention.

"If you're wearing panties right now Stacy, take them off for her," the voice instructs.

Stacy hurriedly follows the command. She quickly feels the cool air against her wet, exposed lips.

"Good girl. Keep your legs spread. Let little Becca admire you. Mmm, she loves your precious little cunt."

Stacy's eyes are closed. She's deeply lost in this fantasy now. Hanging on every one of Miss Cara's words. She fights the urge to finger her slit.

"I bet you want to use that toy now don't you? Hmm? Oh, not yet. Put the soft, pink end inside your mouth. Hold it in there and put your hands on your tits."

Stacy slowly places the vibrator in her mouth and closes her lips around it. Its sterile taste does nothing for her, but she does as she's instructed. Her hands grab her breasts firmly, sending thrilling shocks of bliss down her sides.

"Becca wants to taste your delicious pussy. She can't handle your arousing aroma any more. Keep your legs open. Let her inside you."

Stacy quivers in anticipation. It almost feels like Becca is really right there. She can feel the weight in her heart, imagining her Becca so close to her.

"She presses her lips, slowly, softly against your warm, humid cunt. Mmm, it feels so perfect."

Stacy sucks on her toy, trying not to drool. Her hands clasp her chest tightly.

"Becca's cute panties are becoming soaked as she starts licking you between your legs."

Stacy moans. Her pussy aches to be touched.

"Pull that vibrator out of your mouth, Stacy."

Stacy hurriedly follows orders. It drips with saliva.

"I bet it's nice and wet right now, just like the greedy pussy between your legs."

"Fuck, yes it is. Let me put it inside, please," Stacy begs, under her breath, lost in her fantasy.

"Becca's tongue flicks back and forth slowly as she joyously teases you. Put the vibrator against your pussy, Stacy."

Thank fucking goodness!

Stacy navigates the device between her legs and presses it into her slit hungrily.


"Mmm, she's drinking your essence in, loving every drop of it. She couldn't be wetter. Her panties beg to come off. But she can't help but focus on you."

Stacy grinds her steamy mound against the curved tip of the toy.

"Your taste, your flavour, it's perfect. She sucks on your clit now, wiggling it between her little, supple lips. Move that toy over your clit now Stacy. How does that feel, hmm?"

Stacy grumbles a moan of enjoyment as she awkwardly works the device onto her most sensitive area.

"Wiggle it back and forth on your little button. Slowly, gently, just like Becca's busy, pink tongue."

Stacy whimpers as every slight movement over her bead shocks her with bliss. She can feel the inside of her pussy aching and contracting.

"Becca's drinking you up. She slurps your beautiful wetness through her hungry lips. She licks you harder now, faster! Up and down her tongue laps at your cunt."

Oh fuck! Oh god! Becca!

Stacy is sure she can actually feel Becca's cute face between her slender legs. She pants loudly now as she writhes in heat.

"Now, slowly, put that toy in your pussy. Just push it inside you. Gentle now, slowly."

Stacy removes the vibrator from her clit and moves it against her dripping labia. The toy's thick head feels wide against her tight opening.

"Feel Becca's girly, little fingers pushing your lips open, filling your honeypot. Oh my god it's sexy."

Stacy pushes the vibrator inside.

Oh fuck! Mmm...

"Mmm, yes, feel her hand inside you."

Stacy's never felt anything like this before. The ridged tip of the vibrator rubs against her sensitive glands. It makes Stacy squeak with excitement and tremble uncontrollably.

"Her fingers are pressing up into your G-spot Stacy. She wants your pussy to explode. Find your G-spot. Push that toy into your thick, puffy, juicy trigger."

Stacy's hips shake as she moves the toy around inside her. Every inch inside of her sizzles with pleasure as she searches her vagina. She pulls the toy back a little bit and the tip presses hard against her sweet spot.

Ahh! Fuck! Oh! Oh... 

"She's fingering your pussy, Stacy. Can you see her pretty eyes between your legs? Can you feel her tongue on your clit? Oh fuck she wants you to come Stacy."

"Oh god!" Stacy yelps. She holds the toy rigidly against her G-spot as she uses her other hand to rub her clit. She gasps as the growing pleasure overtakes her body.

"Press the green button, Stacy. Turn the toy on."

Stacy struggles to focus on the simple task. She fears stopping anything that she's doing, as it's all far too enjoyable.

The toy begins to hum. The feeling is indescribable. Stacy squirms as the electric pulsing melts her gushing sex.

"Now, press the white button twice Stacy. Quickly now, Becca is desperate for your pleasure. She's whimpering adorably as she laps your delicious lips."

Stacy fights through her urge to just fuck herself and finds the white button. She presses it twice. The pulsating toy changes its pattern. Now it thumps and rolls a heavy pulse through the whole body of the toy.

I can't handle this! I'm going to, I'm going to cum!

"Yes, good girl. Miss Cara likes watching you good little girls fuck like this. Are you close now? Hmm?"

"Yes! Yes," Stacy moans. She can't understand how this feels so good. The rolling, unrelenting vibrations are overstimulating every one of her nerve endings. Everything feels engorged and full of liquid excitement, ready to burst.

"Becca's steamy, little pussy, oh my god it smells alluring. It wants you Stacy. It wants your mouth and tongue and lips. Would you drink her up? Would you do anything for that little, perfect pussy of hers?"

"Yes! Yes I would! Yes!" Stacy yelps.

"Her fingers keep fucking you harder and harder now. Her tongue doesn't stop. Her delicious cunt drips between her legs. You can almost taste it. You want to taste it. You want to suck on it because you're such a naughty, little girl."

Stacy shakes wildly as her pussy leaks all over her hands. Her toes curl inside her thin, girly socks.

"She begs you to cum for her. Come for her Stacy. Cum into her cute mouth as she tongues your pussy."

"Ohh Fuck!" Stacy screams. Her pussy throbs and then erupts.

Ahh! Becca!

Stacy's plump pussy gushes wet bliss all over the toy. Her tight cunt contracts violently and squeezes the device inside her. The constricting sensation is beyond intense, and it magnifies the vibrations piercing her enflamed glands.

Wave after wave of satisfying enjoyment streams through Stacy's body. She can't speak, or think as she's treated to surges of pure pleasure.

"Good girl!" Miss Cara's voice commends. She's silent for a moment.

Stacy can't believe what just happened.

What did I just do?

She slowly pulls the toy out of her. Everything it touches is incredibly sensitive, almost raw. She can't help but appreciate the delicious aroma filling the room.

"You are such a good girl. Such a pretty, little sweetheart. Go clean yourself up and when you're done, you may open box #2."

The audio file stops.

Holy fuck...

Stacy catches her breath finally.

"Well, that was interesting."


Stacy gets out of her bath and dries off. She still wears a giant, pleased smile on her face.

She opens up the big bag and pulls out the 2nd box. This box is much smaller. She opens it up.

Oh my.

It's a beautiful set of earrings. Sterling silver drop earrings, with gorgeous sapphire stones.

There's a note folded up tiny inside the jewelry box. Stacy unravels and reads it.


I hope you feel really good right now.
Let's celebrate our new relationship.
Drinks are on me. We'll have a little girls night out. Just you and I, Friday night. 
Oh, and I'll be asking you some questions, rather personal ones. 
So be ready, and remember, if you aren't being honest, I'll know.

Stacy feels anxious again, already.

I'm going to have to hang out with her all night? I don't know, that seems so…

Stacy's mind wanders. Thoughts of Cara's voice from the recording play through her head. An uncontrollable urge to see the woman again stirs inside her.


Continued in Chapter 4


Written by Aerith_Lives
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