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The Resort - Chapter One

"A teenage brother and sister are shocked to find out the truth behind their parent's secret vacation spot"

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Author's Notes

"I have been working on this one for quite a while. If you hadn't guessed, it is mostly about the two teenage siblings. There should be around five chapters. I know that technically there is no sex in this first chapter, but I do find it to be very sexy. Don't expect the drought of sexual activity to last very long. Although, I listed this as an "Incest Fantasy" story, I wouldn't qualify it as such...just yet. Pictured is my image of Chandra and her unnamed brother."

I had just turned eighteen when my parents first invited my older sister, Chandra, and me to join them on their traditional summer vacation. They never spoke about their yearly trips very much. In our younger years, they would typically say something like, “It’s not a very safe place for young kids.” I didn’t really know what that meant, but to be honest, I never gave it a whole lot of thought.

Still, there Chan and I were, buckled into the back seat of the family SUV. She was a year ahead of me in school and had recently graduated, so she was getting ready to head off for college. As we sat next to each other, we texted back and forth about how bad this trip was going to suck, and how we wished we were back home. We both were old enough that family vacations seemed kind of lame even under the best of circumstances. This seemed like a boring trip where we were going to be stuck with the “rents” more often than we would have preferred.

We had asked several times over the previous couple of weeks, as well as on the ride there, about where we were going and what we were doing. All that we got for a response was some vague answers and told that either it would be a surprise or that we would like it. At one point, my father turned around in the car, flashed a cheeky smile at me, and said, “Son, you are going to the best time of your life.”

We took the highway for about an hour, then it was a series of county roads. Some of them were paved, others not so much. We drove for another hour until we were truly in the middle of nowhere. Dad turned into a stone driveway and drove back quite a distance. There was a gravel parking lot with roughly forty vehicles parked in it. Past that, I could see a security booth with tall privacy fencing on both sides. I thought to myself, “This place has to suck balls if they have to secure the area to keep people from leaving.”

Dad parked the car, and Mom ordered us to grab our bags. It was strange how lightly we had packed for a two-week vacation. Mom insisted it would be alright, though. She said that we would be wearing our swimwear most of the time and that there was a laundry room in our cabin.

As Dad exited the car, he immediately removed his shirt. I wondered what he was up to, but Dad was always a bit of a character, so I just chuckled at his craziness. Surprisingly, he sat back down and wrestled both his shorts and underwear down, over his shoes, and completely off.

Chandra was in shock. She shouted at Mom to stop him, but by that time she was already doing the same. We looked at each other as if to say, “What in the hell is going on here?”

It was not completely uncommon for us to see our parents naked inside the house. That, however, was usually limited to quick trips from their bedroom to the bathroom or vice versa. They were generally covered up at most other times. Their current behavior seemed completely out of whack with what we knew of them.

Dad stood back up, wearing nothing but his shoes and socks, and tossed his clothes onto the driver's seat. He pointed toward the gate and started walking that way, so we grabbed our bags and followed. Mom trailed behind us, naked as a jaybird, as well. Chandra was freaking out and firing off questions in rapid succession. None of them ever got an actual reply.

We arrived at the check-in station and Dad gave his information to the attendant, who seemed strangely unfazed by the nude man at her gate. Then the lady grabbed onto a small, pedestal microphone. Her voice rang out over several public access speakers throughout the resort that two “coordinators” were being called to greet us at the communal building. Dad led the charge through the front gate since he knew where we were going. It didn’t take very long for me to realize that Mom and Dad weren’t the only ones who were unclothed.

Everything suddenly made sense. Still, nervous energy filled my body so much that I was trembling. I glanced to my side and could tell that Chandra was just as wary as I was. As we walked through the camp, I quickly noticed that there weren’t a lot of hot, young women strutting around. Most of the people were my parent's age or older, but there were a couple of families with younger kids, as well. I did find a few women that seemed to be in their twenties or thirties. I was more than willing to give any of them a quick look-over.

Dad stopped by a large building that seemed to be in the center of the activities area. I could see a pool, hot tubs, a tennis court, a volleyball court, a playground, and lots of other outdoor activities.

I could hear the sound of feet crunching into the pea gravel as two people were rapidly approaching us. As I turned around, a stunning blonde girl and a fit young man were jogging in our direction. Both had a baked-in bronze tan and they looked like swimsuit models…uh, minus the swimsuit.

Time seemed to slow down as they approached. It felt like the opening scene of Baywatch as they closed in on us. The girl’s perfect, plump breasts bounced with every stride that she made. Her long hair was tied back into a ponytail and it swayed with every glorious step that she took. There was not a tan line to be found, not even around her smoothy-shaven mound. She was so incredibly beautiful that she reminded me of an AI porn character.

The guy looked like a fitness model. You could clearly see every rippling muscle in his body. As far as I could see, he too was shaved smooth all over his body. With his balls tucked tightly in front, his very respectable cock swayed back and forth as he ran. The foreskin of his uncut penis was pinched tightly over the tip, revealing a distinct outline of what lay beneath. He looked almost as perfect as she did.

As I looked over at Chandra, I could see that she was just as infatuated with him as I was with the girl. “Maybe this trip won’t be so bad, after all,” I thought.

The two stopped just a few feet in front of us. They took a moment to catch their breaths as they seemed to have been racing each other to our location. That was just fine with me as I was enjoying the sights. They introduced themselves as Skye and Gunnar. Those were unusual names here in the Midwest, but since they looked like they grew up on a California beach, their names seemed appropriate.

Skye and Gunnar took turns explaining the rules and regulations of the clothes-free resort. I was so distracted that I couldn’t really process all of what they were saying. Skye explained that other than footwear, headwear, jewelry, or sunglasses, no clothing was permitted in the resort, other than in inclement weather. Then she stared at Chandra and me and asked us kindly to remove our clothing.

I don’t think that I can adequately explain how intimidating it is for an inexperienced young man to have to undress in front of his mother, father, sister, two supermodels, and a camp full of people. It is even more intimidating when Skye has already given them a raging hard-on. My face immediately felt like it was on fire. As I looked over to Chan, she looked even worse. I was sure that she was either going to faint or throw up.

Chandra started to panic and she whispered in Mom’s ear. Mom tried to reassure her that whatever her issue was, it would be okay. In the meantime, I started to remove my clothes and tucked them inside my suitcase. After a bit of reassurance, I pulled down my shorts and underwear, narrowly managing to pull them over my shoes without falling over.

I noticed a wry smirk on Skye’s face as she glanced at my erect cock. It pointed directly at her at a forty-five-degree angle as if to say, “You are the reason that I am like this!”

Although I was the only one with an erection, it was clear that I was smaller than both my father and, more significantly, Gunnar.

“Well, Handsome, it looks like you are pretty excited to be here!” Skye quipped.

Alright, I have to admit that that comment made me feel a little bit better about myself. Skye did caution me that I should be prepared to cover up if this were to happen again around other guests, particularly young ones.

That turned all of the attention on Chan. She slowly removed her shirt and bra, but she was incredibly reluctant to take off her shorts. I couldn’t understand why she was so nervous. This was the first time that I had seen her completely naked since we were kids and, to be honest, she looked pretty hot.

I thought that she was going to cry as she started to wiggle her shorts down. Then, it all made sense as I saw a little white string dangling between her legs. Skye went up to her and pulled her aside for a moment. I could tell by the gesture Skye made that she was instructing Chandra that she could tuck the string up inside of herself if she was embarrassed about it.

Skye and Gunnar led us into the main building. The largest part of it was the cafeteria and indoor events center, but there was a small room with storage lockers next to it. We were each given a key to our own locker, as well as a key to the cabin we were staying in.

There was the choice of either a neck pendant to place them on or a wristband that looked like a retro telephone handset cord. I think we all chose the neck pendant. Skye faced me, standing just out of reach of my erect cock. As she leaned forward to place the pendant around my neck, her bare breasts came so close to my chest that I could feel her body heat. I felt my cock twitch and wondered how close I had just been to having my first non-contact orgasm.

The resort required that electronic devices be stored inside the room at all times. Guests could visit the windowless locker room at any time and use their devices. It was also recommended to keep any other valuables in your locker, particularly if you were staying in one of the shared living quarters. Fortunately, we had a private cabin, although I did wonder what those were like and which option Mom and Dad typically took.

Skye seemed to pay particular attention to me, and Gunnar did the same to Chandra. I was really hoping that this was a sign of things to come. I wondered what Gunnar’s personal situation was, mostly because I didn’t want to have to worry about competing with him for Skye’s affection. I wasn’t very confident in my ability to persuade her to choose me over him.

After that, we took a short walk to our private cabin. It was little more than one big room with four beds in it. Apparently, it was acceptable to be clothed while inside your cabin. While the private cabins did afford some degree of privacy, there were no blinds or curtains on any of the windows, so anyone walking by could look inside. Also, there weren’t bathrooms in the cabins, so you still had to use the communal shower and restrooms. Not surprisingly, the laundry room that Mom had mentioned earlier didn’t exist either.

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There was a separate public restroom near the activities area, but we were taken to the one that shared a building with the showers. Not surprisingly, the entire building was unisex, and the showers were communal. I suppose if everyone is naked all day long, there is no need to separate people to shower. The restroom was exclusively toilet stalls and, fortunately, they did have doors and dividers around them. It had already become apparent, that the toilets were one of the few locations in this resort where any degree of privacy was afforded. Just as that part of the tour was wrapping up, another page went over the loudspeakers that a guest had arrived. Skye and Gunnar excused themselves and took off in a controlled sprint back to the center of the resort.

I was bummed out that Skye had left, but Chan was feeling even worse. Without Gunnar to impress, she switched into full-on “pout mode.” We headed back to our cabin, where she proceeded to put on her long nightshirt, along with some panties. Then she covered up in her bed and refused to speak to anyone.

It was approaching dinner time and Mom and Dad were going to accompany me to the cafeteria. I hoped that it was just a “first-day” thing and that I would have some opportunity to get out on my own going forward.

The food was served buffet style, and as a result, it seemed to be a bit of an “early bird gets the worm” scenario. It was a healthy and homemade spread of dishes. There were several salads, pastas, and sides. A garlic shrimp pasta and grilled chicken were the main dishes, along with a tofu version of the pasta dish. The lone dessert was a rhubarb cobbler. It was all pretty good. I was skeptical at first, but everything was so well-seasoned that you didn’t notice that you were eating healthy.

Dad told me that other than the two-hour window where each meal is served, I could check in anytime and pick up a snack. There were a few different drinks available, as well as fruit, granola, homemade cookies, and the rare fried option of homemade potato chips. Mom and Dad seemed to know many of the people staying at the resort. My inquisitive mind couldn’t help but wonder how well they might actually know one another.

After dinner, Mom and Dad headed off and said, “Have fun exploring!”

I was relieved, but pretty nervous. I walked around the resort for quite a while, never talking to anybody. To be honest, I was mostly trying to catch a peek at as many of the women as possible. I ended up having an erection the vast majority of the time, even when nobody else was around. It was just so completely foreign and exciting to be walking around unclothed in public.

In its entirety, the resort was huge. There was a large wooded area with hiking trails as well as a small lake where people could fish, kayak, or paddleboat. I reckon a bit of skinnydipping happened from time to time as well. Best of all, though, I managed to stumble upon Skye. Much to my delight, she remembered my name.

Although she caught me in a rare state of flaccidity, that didn’t last very long. She called me out on it and mentioned that I have a “high-revving motor.” I apologized to her, but she didn’t seem like she was actually offended by my excited state. Then, feeling uncomfortable, I blurted out that it was hard to control myself around pretty, naked women.

To my surprise, she seemed flattered by my comment. She put her arm on my shoulder and we walked together until she reached one of the unmarked buildings near the center of the resort. Skye said that she needed to get going, but I should make sure to show up to the campfire later that night. That seemed like an invitation that I couldn’t refuse.

As it got dark, I kept an eye on the campfire area. I had seen it earlier, but it didn’t seem very exciting. It was just a semicircle of old, wooden bleacher seats around a fire. I discovered that I felt more comfortable walking around at night. Most areas were only dimly lit, so it was harder for others to tell if I was aroused.

People started to slowly gather in the campfire area, so I decided to join them. I sat by myself near the end of one of the bleachers and waited for something to happen.

An older man arrived, carrying an acoustic guitar. He was a total hippie, wearing a bandana and sporting long, grey hair pulled back into a ponytail. Another person arrived, carrying a portable amplifier and I could see that some sort of campfire singalong was about to happen. I couldn’t help but cringe at the thought of this group singing Kumbaya.

A lady who worked at the resort joined him near the fire, and he started to strum his guitar through the amplifier. The woman sang the first couple of lines and everybody chimed in. At that point, the lady was pretty irrelevant, but she was there to keep everybody on track. When we got to the chorus, I realized that I actually knew that song. I didn’t know who the original artist was, or the name of the song for sure, but I definitely remembered hearing it on the radio. They fired through the songs pretty quickly, and a different staff member would take a turn leading us every other song or two. It wasn’t your typical campfire song fare either, they played one well-aged rock song after another.

Then, I saw a welcome sight as Skye joined the old man. She started it up and I was pretty sure that I didn’t know that particular song. But when she got to the chorus, I realized that it was that song about “this bird you cannot change.” I sang along as best as I could. I didn’t want her to see me not joining along for...

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Written by SuccubusSlayer
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