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Author's Notes

"Julie receives a threatening message and decides to share it with her best friend Sarah."

Julie woke up to a morning with light overcast, and a slight chill to the air, it was mid-June.  She was lying in bed, thinking about the previous day of pure sex and leisure. It had been a day that saw her enjoy two wonderful sessions of sex with two different men, those were her favourite days.  The thought alone caused a wave of horniness to wash over her making her clit tingle.  The urge to grab her Hitachi wand vibrator and enjoy a few orgasms overcame her, but she simply didn’t have time, it would have to wait until later, Julie’s sessions of masturbation were rarely short.

She was meeting her friend Sarah for coffee in White Rock in a cute little coffee shop where they met every Wednesday.  They liked to meet there, because just across the narrow little Beachside road was the ocean, it was a great view and not far from Jay’s apartment.   She liked that.

Julie reached for her cell phone and sent Jay a quick text message: ‘Hey babe, I’m going to be close to your place later. Are you going to be home?  I’m horny ;)’

Jay didn’t respond.

She got out of bed completely naked and admired her reflection in the bathroom mirror.  In the soft, diffused light of her bathroom, she stood before the mirror, her physique was a testament to grace and strength.  Her toned curves and sculpted legs were complemented by the gentle curve of her waist, and her confident posture spoke volumes of self-assured beauty.

After a quick shower, she quickly got dressed, a simple outfit of leggings and a big baggy bright pink hoodie, her hair was up in a simple bun with a couple of gentle strands floating down across her right cheek.  She loved wearing makeup but was equally attractive without it, and loved her face either way, so did most who saw it.

She locked the front door of her condo and hopped into her Mustang but kept the roof up since it looked like a drizzle was about to commence.  She turned the key feeling the familiar rumble of the powerful five-litre engine under the hood and made her way towards White Rock to meet Sarah.

She loved the allure of this leisurely drive to her favourite coffee shop.  The winding road along the ocean offered a mesmerizing view at every turn.  With each curve of the road, she felt the power and control of her Mustang keeping her safe. If she needed more speed, she could just gently tap the accelerator, and the powerful engine would quickly bring her speed up as she felt herself being pushed back in her seat.  She couldn't help but steal glances at the panoramic vistas of the sea to her left where the water glistened like a sea of diamonds under the sun. Seagulls glided gracefully overhead adding to the tranquil atmosphere. It was a drive she just loved, a chance to savour the beauty of the coastal road.

When she got to Cravings Coffee, she parked her car in the small parking lot and made her way inside immediately seeing Sarah sitting at a table waiting for her.  Julie and Sarah had only been friends for a few years, they had met at a pub that they both worked at and immediately hit it off.  They were both the same age, although there was a stark contrast between them.  Sarah was average-looking with shoulder-length blonde hair and an unremarkable face.  She wore glasses.

On the other hand, Julie’s beauty tended to negate other women, when she was in the room it was never an issue of who was the sexiest, but rather who was the second most.  Julie knew this about herself and loved it. She had a charisma that when she stepped into a room caused her to radiate an aura of ownership; she had a presence.  Julie Koop was always the most attractive woman in a room.  Always.  She loved the fact that god had blessed her in that way and she couldn’t stand the thought of going through life as an average woman.  Thank god she wasn’t.

It was of course only jealousy that led other women to refer to her ass as being fat.  The truth is, everybody knows that men are naturally drawn to thick women.  Julie was well aware of the immense power she held over men, and women too.  Men were attracted to her, but women too found themselves drawn to her sense of power and strength.  For whatever reason God blesses certain women with an otherworldly endowment of beauty and sexuality that erases other women from a room,  and Julie Koop was one of those women.

Julie waved at Sarah and approached the counter to grab a coffee.  The young male barista made an awkward attempt to flirt but was way out of his league, Julie politely ignored it and sat down with Sarah. They were the only two people in the place.  The slightest threat of drizzle was enough to keep people away from this quaint little little seaside town, and all of the businesses along the waterfront.  They fell into conversation effortlessly.

“So,” Julie asked right away, “boys…”

Sarah sipped her coffee with a smirk.

“Well…Jake and I have been together for over a year now, and things are getting pretty serious,” Sarah said.

“Yeah, you mentioned you two have been getting closer. How's it going?” Julie asked.

“It's been great, honestly. We communicate well, and share similar interests, but... I'm starting to feel the pressure about the whole kids thing. I mean, when is the right time to take that step?”

“I get what you mean.  Brad wants to take the relationship deeper, I know he wants to start a family.  Honestly, I don’t know about kids, and I always try to avoid those conversations with him. I know it’s going to come up sooner or later though, and he might even give me an ultimatum.”

“What are you doing for birth control right now?” Sarah asked.

“I’m not on it. I can’t stand it.”

“Oh, my god, girl.  You’re using condoms?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah. But I make both Jay and Brad use the best of the best when it comes to condoms. Sarah, I’m telling you, you’ve got to get the Miyagi brand, they’re these confines from Japan and they’re made from this super thin, strong latex. You can’t even tell your boyfriend’s got one on.  They’re awesome!  They’re five dollars each though!”

“Ouch! Five bucks each?” Sarah exclaimed.

“It’s okay though, Jay and Brad are both one cummers.  They usually need twenty-four hours to recover from an orgasm, they’re only designed to fire once, like a musket.  ”   

Sarah laughed.

“Most guys are, but you must be loving having two boyfriends though,” she asked Julie.

“Fuck yeah.  My sex life is off the chain right now. Yesterday I fucked them both. I fucked Jay in the morning and then spent the evening with Brad at his mansion.”

“Damn girl. I’m curious, who’s better in bed?”

“Mmmm, now that’s a great question.”

Julie paused and took a sip of her coffee before responding.

“Jay is the alpha male stud. The guy is ripped, perfect tan, washboard abs, and eighteen-inch biceps, and he has such control in bed as well. Sometimes I feel like he’s never going to cum.”

“Oh yeah? Jake can’t last more than five minutes.” Sarah said sounding disappointed.

“Not a problem for Jay. Every time my pussy explodes with another round of contractions I’m always worried it’ll take him over the edge with me, but it never does. He just keeps drilling me and pounding my pussy, he’s like a machine.  After an hour, I just look into those sweet brown eyes of his and say ‘How are you feeling babe? Do you want to come for me?’ And I can see that sense of relief come over his face, that he finally gets to wrap his hand around his cock and jerk himself off all over my tits and stomach.  Mmmm.  I love it.  Brad’s a different kind of lover though, he doesn’t have Jay's sex drive,  but he loves eating pussy!! Jay maybe goes down on me for five minutes or so, but Brad will sometimes eat my pussy for like, 45 minutes! It’s heavenly.”

Sarah felt some jealousy building up inside her.  She had always been jealous of Julie’s striking sexuality and beauty.  It was very real.  Julie could have any man she wanted and would never have to be alone in her life.

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“The other night he tongued my pussy for like an hour, and then we just lay there talking for a bit, and then he went for round two! I’m not kidding Sarah, he sucked up my pussy for like two hours!  He’s obsessed with it!”

“Lucky girl,” Sarah said trying to disguise her jealousy.

“Once he’s made me cum a few times, he likes to slide a bullet vibrator into my pussy while his tongue dances across my clit, it’s the most exquisite feeling, and the orgasms are out of this world! It’s like a combination orgasm between my clit and my G-spot…shit, I’m sorry Sarah. I don’t mean to ramble on and on. I guess you’re right, I have a great sex life right now!”

Sarah laughed.  A moment passed before their conversation continued.  Julie was thinking about telling Sarah about her past gambling problem.  It was something she hadn’t yet shared with her.   

“…also, Jay found out about my ex-gambling problem.”

“Oh no, what happened?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know, apparently he ran into some guy I used to work with.”

Julie suddenly stopped and her face went slightly pale as a troubled look came over her face, her eyes lost their sparkle and turned slightly darker.

“What is it?” Sarah asked.

The look on Julie’s face looked troubled.  Sarah could tell that Julie had something serious to share.

“Jules, you can tell me anything you know that,” Sarah said with a sweet and caring tone as she reached across the table and lovingly touched Julie’s hand.

“Well, you know how I used to go to the casino after work with the girls? Well, I developed a little bit of a cocaine problem as well for a few years there. And, I was borrowing money from this guy Jason.”

“Jason? Who ‘dat?” Sarah asked.

“He was a low-level coke dealer that used to hang around down there at the casino.  I got in pretty deep, Sarah.  I had a bad roulette addiction, the cocaine habit didn’t help either..”

“How deep are we talking, babe?”

“I can’t even say for sure. Let’s just say it would be enough to get me in trouble if it wasn’t repaid. You know, I think it’s the high of winning that I chase.  When you win, it feels so good, and you’re so busy chasing that high that somehow you’re not aware that you’re losing more than you’re winning.”

“Weren’t you concerned about how much money you were borrowing to gamble with?” Sarah asked.

“I guess, it was there in the back of my mind, but here’s the thing… Jason's dead!”

“You’re kidding,” Sarah said looking shocked.

“No, I’m serious. The guys fucking dead.  Do you remember hearing about that coke dealer that was found in a burned-out car last year? That was him!  That was Jason Leather!”

Sarah was now looking at Julie very intently and concerned.

“So, what does that mean then?” she asked.

“Well, I don’t know honestly. I thought I was off the hook for the money I owed him.  I figured my debt died with him, but now I’m not so sure because—“

“Oh god, what happened?  Jules, are you in danger?”

Julie hesitated before answering. She wasn’t sure how much she wanted to share with Sarah, even though she was her best friend, but she was anxious to share her troubles with someone; she reached into her pocket and pulled out her iPhone.

“I think so.  Sarah, I want you to listen to something.  I was going to delete this, but, I want you to hear it.”

Julie dialled her voicemail and put her phone to her ear briefly before handing it over to Sarah.

Sarah took Julie‘s iPhone and placed it to her ear, after a few moments, her face turned pale and a deathly serious look came over her that grew more intense as she continued listening.  The message that Sarah was listening to was a threatening one that had been left two days earlier by Jimmy Chen.  The voice on the message was terrifyingly cold and sinister.

“…bitch, your days are now numbered. You can begin counting them down if you like, three, two, one, just like that.  Do you understand?  You and that fat ass of yours are gonna die in a hail of bullets.  Get your affairs in order.”

Sarah’s face was now completely pale.

“Jules, babe, this is no joke. You need to involve the authorities immediately, and maybe even go into hiding! We can't take this lightly. Have you told anyone else about this?”

“I haven't told anyone yet.  Not even Jay or Brad.  Just you. I was scared, Sarah, but I trust you. I don't know if the authorities can protect me, I just needed someone to talk to”

Julie let out a sigh.  She had been trying to go on with her life as if no threatening message had been left. She was a strong woman both mentally and physically, and even a random death threat wasn’t enough to rattle her.

“I don’t know who left the message, or how they even got my phone number and that scares me, whoever left that message on my phone is deep enough in the criminal network to have access to that.  I’m guessing it’s someone connected to Jason Leather.  I guess I was stupid to think that I would get away with it. Stupid to think that I could just borrow money endlessly and that it wouldn’t come back to haunt me at any point. God, I was so stupid.”

Sarah was holding Julie’s iPhone in her hand which was trembling slightly.  A little bit of colour had returned to Sarah’s face.

“Aren’t you terrified?” she asked.

This is when Sarah noticed a certain change in Julie’s facial expression and mood. Her expressive blue eyes lit up slightly and seemed to almost sparkle.

“Honestly? Yes and no.  When I first heard that message, my whole body was shaking, for about five minutes, I just sat on my couch shaking.  But today the fear is gone. I’m not sure why.”

Sarah had an incredulous look on her face, she couldn’t believe that Julie was being so blasé about a death threat.

“Julie, this is so fucked up. What are you gonna do?” Sarah asked.

“I’m going to let it blow over.  I’m broke right now and pretty much living off Brad’s generosity. I can’t repay my old gambling debt anyway.  What can I do? The cops aren’t gonna do shit about it and you know it.”

Sarah was lost for words and simply stared at Julie with concerned and caring eyes. She didn’t know what to say.  Julie was her best friend, and she legitimately cared for her health and well-being.

“Julie, babe, promise me if you get another threatening call like that you’ll let me know okay? Promise me you won’t keep that to yourself. You know how much I care about you, you’re my best friend.  And promise me you’ll think about calling the police. Just think about it, okay?”

Julie gave Sarah a very weak smile.

“Of course I will.”

For the remainder of their coffee date, the conversation was slightly hindered and never recovered. Sarah was too in shock from the news that Julie’s life might be in danger and it bothered her more that Julie was taking it so casually and refusing to go to the police.  They sat sipping their coffee for another hour, nattering about boys and life in general before going their separate ways. Julie went one way and Sarah the other.  Sarah was still in shock about the news that Julie had received a death threat and was intent on trying to convince Julie to go to the police.

Neither Julie nor Sarah were aware of just how serious things were getting and just how much danger Julie was in.  In the very same city in which they both lived, a contract on Julie’s life had been taken out by Bronson Riddick and was about to be put into action by Jimmy Chen and Clayton Radcliffe, two cold and experienced hitmen.

Written by Jade_Pillow
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