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A Few Minutes Ago...

"Dammit, Olivia! You can't just call up my boss and tell him I'm going to be late because you're horny!"

"You're absolutely right and I'll never do it again," I promised without meaning it as I tugged one of the coverall's sleeves off Danny's arm. I had him trapped against one of my kitchen's counters and I had no intention of moving out of his way if he tried to leave. He'd have to run me over.

"What if Mr. Gilford calls my dad to complain that I'm not dependable?"

"Your dad will think you're one lucky son-of-a-bitch if Mr. Gilford tells him why," I replied reasonably, tugging the other arm free. The least Danny could do was help instead of just standing there asking dumb questions!

As coveralls dropped to Danny's waist, I leaned in to kiss him to stop his incessant talking. He is such a Chatty Cathy at times! Danny's lips slipped away, "If I leave now, I can still make it to work almost on time."

"You could," I replied and pressed in for a firmer kiss to give him some tongue. Meanwhile, my hands were busy at the waistband of Danny's now exposed jeans. Danny had his mouth open, about to say something else stupid, but stopped when my hand slipped under his boxers and my fist closed over a very hard cock.

"Dammit, Olivia. You fight dirty," Danny whispered as I began to slow stroke his shaft in the confined space of his jeans. He couldn't say anything else because my tongue was in his mouth again. I continued to stroke his hard-on until he began to really kiss me back. With feeling! Just as arms went around my waist to pull me closer, my thumb felt the first drop of pre-cum on the tip of Danny's cock.

Releasing Danny's cock, I pulled back just enough to push coveralls, jeans and boxers to Danny's thighs. I was back in Danny's embrace with my hand milking more pre-cum from his cock before Danny could move or start thinking about his silly work again. Or so I thought...

Hands that had been pulling me close began to push instead as Danny's eyes glanced towards the door. 'DAMN, his stupid work ethic', I thought and decided it was time to bring out the big guns...

My boobs were covered only by a thin, loose nightshirt. Because Danny had turned the thermostat down, it was cold in my apartment, and I let my hard nipples slide over Danny's chest and stomach as I slowly sank to kneel before him. Whatever qualms Danny had about missing work died as my tongue circled his cock tip. Looking up, I watched Danny watching me as I took him one slow inch at a time into my mouth.

Danny's eyes closed and more minutes passed as I continued to stroke, lick and suck his cock. I didn't stop until I felt his hand on the back of my head and felt his hips start moving. Removing my hand, I held my head still as Danny began fucking my mouth with thrusts that came faster and deeper.

I didn't pull away until I heard the groans that signaled he was close to filling my mouth. I didn't want to taste cum again. I'd sucked Danny off three or four times while on my period. I'd had plenty of cock and cum in my mouth. I wanted cock and cum in my pussy!

Rising up, I didn't say anything. I took Danny's hand and led him to my bed. We were both naked by the time we arrived...

The Present...

Danny remained up on locked arms over me as the feel of his hard pubis grinding against my much softer pussy lips gave me so much pleasure, I almost crested in orgasm again. I could feel Danny's cock pulse as his hips tried to force his cock deeper into me.

'Oh...fuck... Danny,' I cried out. The grinding pressure on and around my clit... Knowing I was being filled with cum...

Even with my clients, these things never failed to give me satisfaction. Sometimes because I'd enjoyed the sex. Most times because I knew I could leave soon.

But with Danny... I planted my feet on the mattress to push my pussy hard against his grind to increase the pleasure. With Danny, I was already wanting the next time to come quickly.

Danny remained suspended above me until he let out a long groan and sank down to his elbows and then let his full weight settle upon me. The cock inside my pussy pulsed weakly once or twice more then stilled. Danny's harsh breathing was loud in my ear and his wildly beating heart thumped thumped thumped against my breast. Muscles I hadn't known were clenched began to relax as I was pushed further into the soft mattress by Danny's heavy, warm body. It was like I was enveloped in the warmest, softest blanket ever invented.

"Oh my, God! Danny, that was just what I needed," I laughed when I had control over my voice.

"Are you still horny or can I go to work now," Danny laughed with me.

I glanced at the clock beside the bed. "Hell, no! It's only been thirty or forty minutes since I called," I replied, wrapping my arms and legs around his back and thighs to stop him from having any hope of escape. "I told your boss I needed three hours. If you show up early, you'll never hear the end of it. All your co-workers will think you couldn't last long enough to satisfy me. Besides, I don't short my clients on time, so I want the full three hours."

Damn it! I knew I'd said the absolute wrong thing immediately when Danny's body stiffened in my embrace. Sometimes my mouth engages before my brain functions. "Danny, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I meant it as a joke..." I apologized as I tightened my arms around him.

"It was a lousy joke," Danny said sourly as he rose up on his arms. I didn't loosen my arm's hold on his back and I rose up with him. Up and balanced on his knees, Danny's cock slipped from pussy. I felt warm cum run down one thigh as, with a rare display of his strength, Danny easily pulled my arms from around his back. I still had my legs wrapped around his thighs, but they wouldn't stop him from leaving the bed if he wanted.

He didn't leave. Instead, Danny captured my wrists and pressed them into the mattress on each side of my head. Looking up into his angry face, I tried to apologize again, "I really didn't mean anything. I just forget at times..."

"I forget sometimes, too," Danny interrupted. "I forget about what you do. I forget that when I'm on my way to work, you'll be getting dressed to meet another man in some hotel room somewhere. I forget that while I'm working, you'll be in bed with another man."

"But, Danny, none of that means anything. What we just had means more to me than everything I've done in the past year," I pleaded, hoping he would finally believe me.

Danny didn't answer. Releasing my wrists, he broke away from my legs. I thought he was going to leave the bed, leave me, but instead, he collapsed onto his back beside me. I took that as a good sign and turned onto my side to put my hand on his chest.

"Danny, what I do... I really do just think of it as a job. Yes, it pays way more than I ever thought I'd make. Yes, sometimes... Very rarely... it feels good, but still nothing like I just felt with you."

I stopped and laid my head on Danny's chest. "Ninety-nine percent of the time," I continued. "I just disengage my brain like I did when I was filing or copying at my old job."

I felt Danny's tense muscles relax a little. When he pulled his arm from between us to put it across my back... When his hand settled possessively in the dip of my waist, I breathed out a sigh of relief. Throwing my leg over Danny's thighs, I snuggled hard against his side and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So, who... Never mind. It's none of my business."

"Who will I meet today," I finished for Danny. "Hey, since we seem to spend much of our time in the same bed lately, it is your business. But you won't believe me."

"Yes, I will. Tell."

"Okay," I laughed. "Today I'm going to be tied up for five or six hours. Remember the photo album I showed you? Charley has some new binding pattern a guy in Japan sent him. He wants to see if he can duplicate it."

"Damn," Danny said with a shake of his head. "I just find it hard to believe that anyone can enjoy tying knots that much."

"Charley enjoys tying knots in patterns and the photography. To each their own, I guess. Charley's worked hard all his life and now he has the money to indulge in a hobby that he enjoys. I hope I can say the same when I'm old and grey. Besides, I kind'a like being tied up."

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"You do," Danny asked in disbelief. I felt him raise his head to stare at the top of my head. I went up on an elbow so I could stare back.

"Want me to bring home some rope this evening," I asked, smiling as I traced one of Danny's nipples with a light fingertip.

Danny shivered and suddenly sat up. Though he pushed my arm and leg away, he didn't leave the bed. "Don't tempt me," he said severely. Looking down at me, he added, "I already want to tie you up with a lamp cord so you can't leave while I'm at work."

"Tied up and left alone? Well, that wouldn't be any fun," I pouted. I reached over to run my hand over Danny's thigh as I said in a considering tone, "You know... I still have that cat costume you were so interested with. Add in some rope and..."

"Damn it, Olivia," Danny interrupted and pushed my hand away. "Are you ever serious about anything?"

"Of course, I am. I'm just not serious about sex. Sex isn't important enough to be serious about. And making love should never be serious! What was serious about what we just did? Was I thinking serious thoughts while I was sucking your cock?"

I started to rise up onto my hands and knees. "Were you thinking serious thoughts while you were eating my pussy until I came so hard I squirted a little?" Remembering our time in the hotel room, I added, "Again?"

I sinuously moved on hands and knees behind Danny. "Was I thinking serious thoughts when I was begging, screaming, at you to, 'Fuck me!' while I was in the midst of having an incredible orgasm?"

I rose up onto my knees to massage Danny's still tense shoulders. "And were either of us thinking serious thoughts while you were ramming your cock into me over and over and over...," I leaned in to finish with a whisper in Danny's ear, "and over?"

After enjoying the shiver I'd caused to run through Danny's body, I released him to move to sit by his side. Raising my arms to finger fluff out my bed hair caused my boobs to raise up and beg for attention. Danny's eyes were drawn immediately to my still hard nipples. Men are so predictable! I laughed, "I sure as shit wasn't thinking serious thoughts! Fuck! I could barely think at all because it felt so damned good!

"Making love isn't supposed to be serious, Danny. It's supposed to be wild and sweaty and fun and crazy and... Did I say sweaty already? And sex? That's just not important enough to be serious about. I had lots of sex with lots of boys in high school, but I really only remember the one who got my virginity."

"How many boys," Danny asked. I took The Fifth and remained silent. Damn! How many were there? Shit! It's like a stupid song you can't get out of your head... This is gonna bug me all day until I come up with an answer!

Danny was quiet and I continued to finger fluff my hair to give him time to think while mentally running through names. Then, "I hear what you're saying, Olivia, but I just have a hard time separating sex from making love."

"Oh, I don't know about that," I told him. "Do you feel the same way for Sandra that you feel for me?"

"No! Of course not."

"But I saw how you looked at her when she was naked. I don't believe it was just me in the shower that kept your cock rock hard. You'll see. When we have our threesome, you'll have sex with Sandra and make love to me."

I'd given Danny something to think on.

"Again, I hear what you're saying but, right now, I don't feel in the mood for sex or making love. Sorry to cut your three hours short," Danny said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, no! You're not leaving yet! If you show up too early to work, well... Tell ya what, let's rinse the sweat and sex off then go to the Coffee Clutch for something to eat," I suggested.

"Good God, Olivia! Are you always hungry," Danny asked. He didn't wait for an answer, instead, he gave me a shit-eating grin. "The rinse off in the shower sounds great but afterwards I have something else in mind."

Though I tried begging and pleading and finally tickling in the shower, Danny remained silent about what he wanted us to do 'afterwards'. My bed hair was out of control. Since I had the time before I had to meet Charley, I shampooed after Danny left the shower.

It wasn't much later that I put on my raggedy bathrobe and put my hair in a towel. Entering my living room, I stopped dead and, "OH, HELL NO!"

Danny was sitting on my couch, grinning that same shit-eating grin, and before him on my coffee table was a chess board. The pieces were already laid out with a time clock next to them. The bastard had gone downstairs to his apartment and brought that shit up to mine.

"Oh, hell yes," Danny said. "You owe me one game for that stupid thing you said."

"How do you think that?"

"I just think like you do. Illogically. You can even have White."

I slumped in defeat. "No, I had White last game. When I win, I don't want you whining that it was because I had White."

I let Danny keep the couch and sat on the floor. I draped the towel over my shoulders and began to run a comb through my hair while Danny turned the board around and set the time clock.

"See, I even set the timers for five minutes so the game won't take long."

"Okay," I replied in resignation while working out a tangle in my hair. Once it was out, I reached over and started Danny's clock.

******Again, you can skip this if not interested in chess******

Danny moved P-K4 and slapped the timer to start my clock. I took my hand off my comb long enough to move P-K4 <slap>

2. P-Q4 <slap> PxP <slap>

3. QxP <slap> N-QB3 <slap>

4. Q-K3 <slap> N-KB3 <slap>

I had a feeling Danny was using moves he'd used before so he wouldn't waste any time. So far both of us were moving quickly.

5. B-QB4 <slap> In case I developed my Queen pawn. N-K4 <slap>

6. B-QN3 <slap> Keeping the center covered. B-QN5 Check <slap>

7. P-QB3 <slap> Attacking my Bishop while opening an escape route for his Bishop. B-QB4 <slap>

Danny hadn't expected that and his carefully memorized sequence of moves evaporated. I'd dangled my Bishop in Danny's face as if in my haste I'd screwed up. Danny was reaching for his Queen to take my Bishop when he hesitated. Darn... Instead of taking my Bishop and giving me the easy trap...

8. Q-KN3 To attack my Knight? Bad choice... BxP Check <slap>

Danny was about to take my Bishop with his Queen when he saw the Knight Fork so he quickly...

9. KxB <slap> Poor Danny... N-K5 Check <slap>

He'd seen one trap but not the other...



Danny's timer continued to run... And run... And run...

"Are you going to let your time run out, Danny?"

"I... Don't... Fucking... Believe... THIS," Danny snapped and made his next move with a nudge of a finger.

10. K-K1 <tap> NxQ <SLAP>

Danny reached and tipped his king over, "I resign."

In a repeat of our last game, Danny began replaying the moves and then shook his head in disbelief, "Ten lousy moves! You beat me again in ten lousy moves."

Danny gave me MAJOR stink-eye and accused, "You said you didn't like to play speed chess!"

"Is that why you wanted to play speed chess? Danny, Danny, Danny..." Tsk,Tsk,Tsk,Tsk, and Tsk

"I don't like to play speed chess," I continued with a sweet, syrupy coating to my words. "That doesn't mean I can't play speed chess. Have you ever played a Grandmaster with the clock set for three minues? I have."

My comb was moving smoothly through my hair without encountering any tangles now. After this game I didn't spike Danny's King nor did I do a Victory Dance. Which I thought showed great maturity on my part.

Instead, I innocently observed, "You were certainly right about one thing though, Danny."

"What's that," Danny asked, all sour grapes.

I reached over and tapped the clock with my comb. "You said the game wouldn't take long and it didn't," I replied, all cream-and-sugary strawberries. "Look, not even thirty seconds off my clock."

Written by campusvamp
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