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Author's Notes

"This is a continuation of the 'You Need a Spanking' (YNAS) series, but Justina’s story is long enough to warrant its own series and fits into the timeline after the Sally & Kelly episodes. These two parts set up the rest of the story. Enjoy!"

1 - Where Have I Seen Her Before?

When I first saw her walk into the company cafeteria, my eyes were immediately drawn to her. Long blonde hair on a firm young body is always a good reason to take a closer look.

“Who’s that?” I asked the guys I was sitting with. They looked up and seeing who had caught my attention smiled broadly.

“New girl in Purchasing. Nice, huh?”

Yes, very nice. She had the body of a model, which is to say, a bit on the skinny side, but nicely shaped with long legs accentuated by slim, black slacks and high heels. As she bent over to retrieve her coffee from the vending machine, the body feature that usually gets me going revealed itself as stunning; a gorgeous, round bottom that I could imagine naked in this revealing position and visualize my hands caressing and my fingers squeezing. I lost the image as she stood and turned to look in our general direction.

At first, I noticed an attractive face, the details of which I couldn’t see from a distance, but the long blonde hair framed a round face with large eyes. Moving down from there, her dressy white blouse was open enough to reveal just a bit of cleavage, but then her big, beautiful breasts struck me, or at least I wished they had. Wow! Atypical of a skinny model, this girl’s tits were big, but not in a vulgar way; just in an ‘I’d love to bury my face between them’ way.

She smiled at us as she turned to leave, and I hoped I didn’t appear to be gawking, though I felt like I was. It was a friendly smile that I hoped I’d get to see again up close and soon.

Over the course of the next several weeks, I saw her several times in the hallways and cafeteria, and my impression of her only improved. Meeting in the hall she’d offer a beautiful smile and a friendly ‘Hi’ but no opportunity to communicate beyond that. Once, I found myself following her down a hallway and prolonged the trip just to enjoy the sight of her beautiful ass.

She was very partial to the same black dress slacks as I’d seen her in the first time, as she wore them frequently. Her thighs filled the slim pant legs giving evidence of being in good physical shape and flowed nicely up into her delicious bottom. From the defined cleft between her firm round cheeks, it was clear that she wore thong panties, or perhaps no panties? No, I confirmed she wore some kind of panty when I once found her kneeling near a copy machine and caught sight of some bare skin and a fragment of bright red elastic above her pants. Perfection is not too strong a word to describe the size and shape of her gorgeous sit spot.

I also got a better look at her face and those magnificent breasts. Her round face was pretty and innocent in a cute, friendly way. Her big, brown eyes contributed to the girlish demeanor, offering an innocence that the rest of her body conflicted with.  Her smile could turn my mood around, but it was her body that still grabbed my attention most. Anything lacking in her slim, firm body was completely offset by her shapely tits and ass. In other words, ‘skinny’ would not be the first word one would use to describe her sensuous body.

I was captivated by her looks but wanted to get to know more about her. I’d seen enough of her fabulous body to know I wouldn’t miss a chance to get my hands on it, but as much as I wanted that, I’m not the type to push myself in any way on a woman. I needed to find a way to talk to her. Eventually, the opportunity came as part of normal business. 

I was in my office one day when someone knocked. I looked to see Melinda, the Director of Purchasing. “Hi, Mark! Got a minute? I’d like you to meet someone.” She turned to someone standing out of my view, motioned her into my office, and in walked the subject of my desires. “I’d like you to meet Justina. Justina, this is Mark, our VP of IT. Justina is going to be handling the receiving documents and processing for all your computer purchases, so I thought I should bring her around to introduce you.”

“Very nice to meet you, Justina,” I said, hoping it sounded sincere, and reached out to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you too, Mark,” she replied with a hint of an accent I couldn’t identify and shook my hand. Seeing her face up close and not just in passing, I was again struck by the girlish innocence, no doubt a result of those big, brown eyes. Her silky, straight hair framed her face and fell to just below those even-larger-close-up tits.

“So, we’ll be working together. I look forward to it!” I offered hoping to get a similar response.

“Yes,” she replied simply, a hint of nervousness showing in those eyes. As I waited a moment longer, hoping she’d add something, I got a sense of having seen her somewhere before, and in the back of my mind, began processing that, trying to figure out where. I couldn’t say I knew her, just that I’d seen her someplace. Maybe at a prior job, bank teller, hamburger slinger, or salesgirl in a department store, but try as I might, I couldn’t place her.

“Have you ever done this job on a computer before?

“No, I haven’t. You’ll help me if I need it?” she asked, imploring with her eyes.

“Of course. There are parts of the job I’ve never done either, but we’ll figure it out,” I said, getting a beautiful smile in return. “Justina, I can’t help thinking we’ve met before or at least crossed paths. Perhaps in a prior job?”

“I doubt it,” she replied, a bit nervously, “I’ve been working in Tampa until now.”

“You’re probably right. Maybe the look-alike they say everyone has.” She just smiled nervously again.  “So, how do I find her, Melinda?”

“She’s in the cubicle across from Karen. Karen’s doing her computer training, so it made sense to put them together.”

“Great. I look forward to our first task together. Good luck, Justina!”

She thanked me before she left with Melinda, while I was left trying to figure out where I’d seen her before. I thought about places I frequent and people I’ve seen there, and nothing would come to mind. I wondered why, after all this time, it should only just strike me now. ‘Probably just being close up’, I thought to myself, but then realized it may have been her clothes.

When I say she was partial to black pants, I mean she wore them almost every day, and often with a white blouse. As today was Casual Friday, she’d worn jeans; nice, tight jeans and a casual knit top. That may be why her breasts seemed even bigger, and possibly why she suddenly looked familiar.

In the weeks that followed, we had the once or twice-a-week task we did together but didn’t go much beyond that. We got somewhat friendly, but I sensed that she was trying to keep a distance, which I respected, and over time I think she appreciated it as she did warm up a bit.

Several more times in the first few weeks, I again tried to figure out where I’d seen her before, sometimes involving her in additional discussion, but always eliciting the same nervous response. I eventually gave up asking her anything about it or even thinking about it myself, but at that point, I was quite sure that I had seen her before despite her denials.

Months had gone by since I’d dropped the subject, and Justina and I continued our occasional work together. I always enjoyed it when something got a little more complicated because I got to spend more time with her, and I thought she might be enjoying it too, but never to the point where I felt comfortable going beyond our friendly, professional relationship.

One morning we were having difficulty with a particular shipment because the documentation was lousy, and the receiving clerk had made it worse. We had to identify the mistakes and correct them one by one. The atmosphere was friendly as we shared in the misery of cleaning up someone else’s mess.

There was one item left that we couldn’t seem to fix.  No matter what Justina did in the system, it still came out wrong. Eventually, she asked Karen to get involved to see if she was missing something. It took her a good ten or fifteen minutes, but she did figure it out.

“Who turned this asset flag on? That’s the problem. You’re trying to receive an asset that’s not identified in the financial system.”

“Probably Steve, in shipping. You know how lazy he is,” Justina replied.

“I don’t think he could if he wanted to. Maybe Mark’s buyer? No. Wait a minute … you did it, Justina!” She accused her with a big smile on her face, but we both jumped on it, chiding her for blaming someone else when she’d made the mistake. We were really piling it on thick when Justina finally responded.

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“I’m sorry, okay?!” she cried defensively.

“I don’t know if that’s going to be enough,” Karen said almost laughing.

“Gee, what are you going to do? Spank me?”

For reasons that should be obvious by now, the minute I hear the word ‘spank’, my interest is immediate and intense, and this situation was no different, but one second after I’d conjured up an image of Justina’s gorgeous bare bottom laid across my knee, with a nice pink glow, a light bulb went off in my head. I suddenly remembered where I’d seen her before. This revelation must have shown plainly on my face because the look on Justina’s face said she knew I’d remembered, and she, having known all along where I’d seen her, was again visibly nervous.

For reasons you’ll understand shortly, I said nothing about it at that point and began to tone down the kidding, trying to get Justina off the hook. We finished fixing this last item, and with a friendly smile, I thanked them both and left. Justina’s face was still showing her discomfort, and I could understand why.

As I walked back to my office, I couldn’t remember much, just that where I’d seen her before was on an adult website that dealt with spanking. I remembered a few specific pictures, but not much more. I knew I wouldn’t remember her if I’d only seen a single picture series, though I imagined her body, and particularly her tight little bottom, would be quite memorable in spanking positions. I wouldn’t be surprised to find I’d saved some of her pictures as I often did with particularly sexy girls or situations.

I also thought about what I should do with this knowledge. I’m a company man, but I couldn’t think of any reason to share this information with anybody, let alone anyone in authority at the company. I don’t consider my interest in spanking to be anyone’s business but my own, and hers should be no different. True, she’d done a little more than just engage in spanking sex. She had probably collected money for the photo sessions, but there’s nothing illegal about that, and besides, what did it have to do with her ability to do her job properly? 

Eventually I decided there was no reason to share this information, including mentioning it any further to Justina. The more I thought about that, though, the more I worried that she was likely to be uncomfortable or embarrassed when we had to work together. I considered arranging it so we didn’t work together anymore, but I’d have to have a reason, and what excuse could I give?

I couldn’t stop thinking about it for the balance of the day, mostly worrying about how she was going to deal with it, but also wondering how long ago it had been, where it was done, and a variety of other questions about the whole situation. I would love to just be able to talk with her about it; find out what that was like. How did she get involved in it in the first place? Did she like getting spanked in pictures, or was it just a job? I gave up this line of thought, though, as I couldn’t see how the questions would ever get answered.


2 - She Knows I Know

Later the same day, after most people had already left for their evenings, I heard a knock at my door and looked up to see Justina in my doorway.

“Got a minute?” she asked, her discomfort plainly apparent.

“Sure, c’mon in,” I replied, trying to sound as easygoing as possible. “You can close the door if you want, though at this hour I’m not sure anyone will notice either way.”

“That might be a good idea,” she said, as she slowly closed the door, trying to do it as noiselessly as possible, after which she came to stand in front of my desk. “So … you know?”

“Yeah, I know.” She said nothing further, so I decided to make sure we were talking about the same thing. “I know that where I’ve seen you before was in some pictures on an adult website, and I know that this website dealt with spanking as a sexual fetish, but that’s about it.”

“Damn! Me and my big mouth! We used to say that all the time on the set, as a joke, but it just slipped out today. And now I’m gonna lose my job, and other people are going to find out about it.”

“Why?” I asked simply.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean why should you lose your job? And why should other people find out about it?”

“Well, you’re gonna tell them, aren’t you?”

“Again, why? I see no reason why I should tell anybody about what I know.”

“Oh, I get it! What do I have to do for you? Give you a quickie? Maybe a spanking and you won’t tell anyone?” she said with an unfriendly tone.

“No. Not at all. This is not blackmail. As far as I’m concerned this is none of anyone’s business, and there is no reason for me to tell anyone. I don’t see how it would affect your job. Yes, I know about it. That’s an occupational hazard when you do that line of work. People who wouldn’t otherwise know might see your pictures, but I don’t see why anyone else needs to know.”

“You’re sure? I mean, I don’t want to go along thinking it’s okay, and then get blindsided by an accusation. And you don’t want anything from me?” I could understand her suspicions. I imagined that she’d possibly had to deal with this before, or perhaps the people she’d worked with when the photos were taken, weren’t exactly trustworthy. This brought me back to the thought that I’d like to get to know her better, and her prior life experiences would certainly be interesting for this spanko.

“Yes, I’m sure, Justina. I would like to get to know you better. Can I buy you a drink? … or a cup of coffee? We can talk this through, and alleviate your concerns?”

“So, we have a few drinks, I get a bit loose, and you take advantage of my situation?” she countered, as her suspicions returned.

“No! Look, I promise you, I won’t say a word to anyone. No one will know what I know about you. You can leave right now with that promise, and I won’t think any differently of you if you do. If, however, you’d like to talk more about it, I suggest we do it elsewhere.

“Look, you're missing one important fact. How is it I came to see your photos? I visited a website that dealt with adult sexual spanking. Do you think I got there by accident? No. I’m into spanking … very into spanking! So now you know something about me that I don’t want anyone to know about either. Does that make you feel better?”

“I’m sorry. Really!” she said, switching again to her apologetic tone, “I’ve always worried about my past catching up with me in this country, but it’s been so long, I figured I was safe. Then you say you think you’ve seen me somewhere before, and I started getting nervous about it. Anyway, thank you for not telling anyone. I must’ve sounded like such a bitch thinking you wanted something from me.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

“And your invitation for a drink? I don’t know …?”

“No pressure, Justina. Just let me know if you change your mind.”

“Thanks, um … you know, I could use something to calm my nerves, and I don’t like drinking alone. Have you got someplace in mind?”

“Not really. Do you have any preference?”

“Well, I’d prefer someplace we won’t likely be seen by anyone here. I’d rather not have to explain that either.”

“Agreed. How about Mickey’s? Down on Park Street? It’s quiet this time during the week and I doubt we’d run into anyone there.”

“Is that next to Carmelita’s?”

“That’s it. I’m almost ready to leave. You?”

“I need another fifteen or twenty minutes. How about 6:15?”

“Great. See you then.”

“Yeah, and … thanks again, Mark. I do appreciate it.” 

She left looking decidedly happier than when she’d come in. I’m not the kind of guy to ply a girl with drinks to wear down her resistance, but if that happens on its own, I certainly won’t avoid it with someone as enticing as Justina, though I certainly wasn’t counting on it.

I just hoped to get to know her better, because now, in addition to being gorgeous, I knew that tight, little bottom was no stranger to a good spanking, although I had to consider the possibility that she did it only for the money and may never want to do it again. I hoped only that she’d be ready to talk about her experiences a bit, since I’ve never met anyone involved in the porn industry at all, let alone in the spanking genre, and I was very curious.

I finished my work in less than ten minutes and headed out for Mickey’s. I figured I’d get there early to get a booth where we could talk freely. As I passed through our parking lot, I didn’t see her car and wondered if she’d beat me there.

Written by 2bespanked
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