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Let Him Watch - Part 4

"Arthur's role evolves from spectator to Celia's lover. Series finale."

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The next morning, I was awakened by the kiss Arthur planted on my forehead. "Good morning, sweetheart," he whispered. Still half-asleep, I mumbled something unintelligible in reply. "I have to get ready for work," he went on.

I immediately started to stir, for I figured he wanted me out of his house by the time he needed to leave. But he stopped me from sitting up. "Get some more sleep. Later on, when you're hungry, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll be home before you have to leave for work."

"Thank you," I whispered, giving his hand a squeeze. Moments later, I was again sleeping so soundly that I didn't hear him slip out of the room.

I stayed in bed until almost noon. When I finally woke, I was ravenous. In Arthur's spacious kitchen, I practically inhaled a sandwich. Then I took a bath, soaking in the tub for ages. Though I was curious to learn more about Arthur, I resisted the urge to snoop. It meant a lot that he trusted me, and I wanted to respect his privacy.

As promised, he arrived home a little after three. He'd brought takeout so that we could share an early dinner. "Thank you so much for this," I told him. Though I'd eaten lunch only a few hours before, my stomach audibly rumbled.

"You need a solid meal to keep up your strength," he said. "I imagine Friday nights are pretty crazy at the bar."

Sitting at his dining room table, we made easy conversation. I asked about his job, and how his day went. At his gentle prodding, I confessed that my roommate was a bit of a nightmare, especially since we shared such a small apartment. "The rent's cheap, though," I added with a shrug.

I could sense Arthur turning this new information about me over in his mind. "Will you be working with Dwight this evening?" he finally asked.

"Yep. We both work till closing." My gaze drifted to the clock on the wall. "Speaking of work, I'd better head out. I need to swing by my apartment and change into clean clothes."

"But you'll be back here tonight, won't you?" Arthur's face was openly hopeful.

I smiled and nodded. "I'll text you before I leave the bar."

A couple of hours later, I arrived at work to start my shift. The place was already a little busy, but not nearly as hectic as it would be in just a short while. Dwight was behind the bar, and when our eyes met, I gave him a smile. He didn't return it. Instead, his expression darkened at the sight of me. I glanced at Mona, hoping for some kind of clue as to what was going on. She only shrugged, her face sympathetic.

When I approached the bar a few minutes later, Dwight didn't give me a chance to say hello. "We need to talk," he told me in a curt voice.

I frowned at this sudden change in him. "It'll have to wait till we go on break," I said. "It's too busy right now."

He practically slammed a glass down on the bar. "It won't wait."

The last thing I wanted was a scene in front of our coworkers and customers, so I hurried to ask Mona if she could cover for me for just a few minutes. "Take an extra long break tonight, and I'll handle your tables," I said to her. She readily nodded in agreement.

Dwight and I went out back, where the daylight seemed harsh in contrast to the bar's shadows. "What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

He folded his arms over his chest, his eyes steely as he regarded me. "I stopped by your apartment today. Your roommate said you spent the night somewhere else."

I just stared at Dwight, waiting for him to go on. When he didn't, I said, "So? What's the problem?"

"So, I knew you had a thing for this guy!" His tone grew more vehement. "Now you're staying at his house? Did you fuck him?"

I started to retort that it was none of his business, but it actually was his business. We'd agreed to be upfront with each other if we were considering having sex with someone else.

"No, I didn't fuck him," I finally replied. "But I want to."

Dwight recoiled at my words. "Is he paying you?"

"No!" My voice had grown dangerously loud. Much more quietly, I added, "I'll never again let him pay for what I'm happy to do for free."

"I can't believe this!" Dwight sputtered. He actually looked wounded.

"What can't you believe? That I'm attracted to someone else?" My anger made me tremble; it was ridiculous that we were wasting time arguing about this! "You don't get to change the rules in the middle of the game, Dwight! You're the one who told me right from the start that you're not interested in a serious relationship."

My outrage clearly took him aback, for he raised his hands and said, "You're right. I'm sorry."

But I wasn't finished. "If you have a problem with me spending time with Arthur, then you and I shouldn't see each other anymore."

I started to head back inside, but he gently grasped my arms. "That's not what I want." All of his indignation had vanished. I let him back me up against the wall and lower his lips to my ear. "I'm sorry for being a jealous asshole," he went on. "I'm not used to sharing." He nuzzled my neck, and I felt the light chafe of his beard. "I want to keep seeing you, Celia. All I can think about is being inside you again."

I moaned at his words. Even now, out here in broad daylight, my body ached for him. All those memories of our fuck in this very spot came flooding back. He seemed to sense my arousal. His lips met mine, and I melted into the deep kiss we shared.

"What about tonight, after work?" I whispered when he finally released me and stepped back. "You and Arthur can have your way with me."

Now, he was the one to moan. "Fuck yes!"

I couldn't help but grin at his eagerness. Once we were back inside, I took a moment to text Arthur: What do you think about Dwight coming over tonight?

As always, he quickly responded. I think that's an excellent idea.

My grin widened when I read his words. My reply was just as fast: This time, I want you to join us. I waited for his answer, holding my breath.

You've just made an old man very happy, Celia.

I felt a giddy rush of excitement, but I had time to send only a kiss emoji before getting back to work.

As the hours went by, my excitement intensified. I was distracted by fantasies of Arthur and Dwight, and I had to repeat drink orders I was given so I didn't get them wrong. Whenever I looked at Dwight, I felt an insistent throb deep in my pussy. His sly grin made me feel like he could read my thoughts.

Once closing time arrived, I was practically humming with anticipation. Dwight and I were quick in saying good night to Mona and seeing her to her car. Soon afterward, we were on our way to Arthur's.

He greeted us in the same manner he had before; his demeanor was friendly toward Dwight, and subtly lustful toward me. Dwight again made us drinks, but instead of engaging in small talk, Arthur got right to the point.

"I know you two care for each other," he said, looking from Dwight to me. "And I don't want to come between that. I simply want to be a part of your life, Celia."

"You are," I said firmly, reaching for his hand. We both turned to Dwight, who wore a faint smile.

"Celia and I aren't exclusive," he told Arthur. "I don't have any right to insist that she not see anyone else. I was the one who wanted to keep our relationship casual." When his eyes met mine, his smile widened a little. "And I realize she doesn't want to be tied down. I'm not going to fuck things up between us by trying to control her."

I went to Dwight and pressed my lips to his. He readily kissed me back, his hands roaming over my body. I could sense his arousal building by the second, just as mine was.

Returning to Arthur, I slipped my arms around his neck. The kiss we shared was slow and full of tenderness. Only when I reached between us to stroke his cock through his pants did he grow more demanding in claiming my mouth.

After breaking the kiss, I looked at them both, my smile wicked. "Bedroom?"

Dwight and Arthur quickly nodded. I let Arthur lead me by the hand, while Dwight followed us. Again, we went to the guest room. I understood that Arthur's bedroom was for me and him only.

The bedside lamp was on, and the covers were turned down. Arthur was always the consummate host. I didn't have to worry about an awkward pause as we assumed our roles, for Dwight was more than ready to take his place behind me. He kissed my neck while lifting the clingy pink top I wore. As he fondled my nipples through my bra, Arthur stood before me, his stare full of raw need. Still, he was gentle in unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans. They were almost skintight, but he easily stripped me out of them, then removed my panties as well.

Kneeling at my feet, he leaned forward to give my pussy a teasing lick. I gasped at the feel of his tongue tasting me, and it was all I could do not to press his face firmly between my thighs.

Behind me, Dwight busied himself with getting naked, and I quickly pulled my top over my head. After unfastening my bra, Dwight's hands slid around to cup my bare breasts. I moaned as he toyed with my nipples; already, I was soaking wet. When Arthur stood and began undressing, his movements were quick and deliberate. Like me and Dwight, he was ready to be free of his clothes.

Dwight drew me firmly to him. I could feel his cock, hard and insistent, against my skin. My lust got the best of me as I worked my ass against his groin. "Naughty girl," he whispered just before leading me to the bed.

I was thrilled that Arthur didn't hesitate to join us. As he climbed onto the bed, my gaze dropped to his cock. He was well on his way to being fully erect, and my pussy throbbed when I imagined him thrusting deep inside me.

Dwight eased me onto my back, while Arthur knelt between my spread legs. I didn't have time to feel insecure or cling to any remnant of modesty, for these two men were quick to take control. And I was thrilled to surrender it.

It certainly helped that they were both intimately familiar with my naked body by now. Dwight lowered his mouth to my left breast, his fingertips grazing my right nipple. As Arthur rested on his stomach, his face just inches from my wet cunt, I released faint cries, making no effort to hide how desperate I was to be pleasured by their mouths and hands and, most of all, their cocks.

Dwight circled his lips around my nipple, moaning with pleasure while suckling that peak. My cries grew louder when Arthur spread my outer lips farther apart. He licked me from my entrance to my clit, sending a blissful shiver through me. His breath was warm against my folds, and he set about tasting every inch of my pussy. Unlike Dwight, he didn't tease me. Instead, he used the tip of his tongue to caress my clit, gradually applying more pressure until it became relentless.

"Oh, my God!" I wailed.

Dwight sat up, giving me a clear view of Arthur. He appeared enraptured while devouring my pussy, his eyes closed and his tongue never ceasing. When I started writhing, Dwight held me down. His grin was devilish as he said, "Let the man have his way with you, Celia."

"He's already got me close!" I moaned. Dwight's grip on me loosened enough so that I was able to grind my pussy against Arthur's face. He made an encouraging sound from low in his throat just before suckling my swollen pearl.

I stared down at him in a kind of dazed wonderment. The man was incredible at eating pussy! I wondered if the time he spent pleasuring me with the vibrator had made him more aware of the stimulation I needed in order to come. My thighs quaked on either side of him, and Dwight pushed me closer to climax by pinching and tugging my nipples.

Again, I had to be restrained. This time, it was because of the fierce orgasm overtaking me. Dwight's hands were firm in holding me so that Arthur could continue his exquisite stimulation. I gazed down at him as I shuddered and moaned. His own stare was determined; he seemed more than willing to do this all night.

But he didn't need to. Even as I came down from the orgasm, breathing hard and squirming in Dwight's grasp, Arthur returned to sucking my clit. A helpless scream escaped my throat as I surrendered to another climax. His mouth coaxed forth spasm after spasm until I was quivering and pleading for mercy.

Dwight gave me no time to recover. I was still breathing fast when he knelt beside me and then guided his cock to my lips. Eagerly, I extended my tongue and swirled it around his tip.

"Ah, yes!" he groaned.

Now that my clit was too sensitive for any more attention, Arthur grasped my legs and gently guided them upward. As I wrapped my lips around Dwight's dick, he seized my left calf, holding my leg aloft. In this position, I was spread wide, my pussy displayed to Arthur like a gift. Taking Dwight's cock deeper, I moaned as my mouth moved down his shaft. With his free hand, he teased my nipple, which was still wet with his spit.

It was then that I felt Arthur's finger at my entrance. He eased it inside, massaging my inner walls, and the sounds emerging from my throat encouraged him to add another.

Dwight began pumping his hips with a shallow rhythm. He knew my gag reflex was weak at best, but he was still careful while fucking my mouth. As I welcomed his tip into my throat, I felt Arthur withdraw his fingers from my pussy, only to replace them with his tongue. He worked the tip inside me, and my eyes widened at the sensation of being so intimately penetrated.

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By now, I was in a sort of wild delirium. My cries, though muffled by Dwight's dick, sounded feral. I couldn't believe Arthur was fucking me with his tongue! And I couldn't believe how incredible it felt!

Arthur dared to rub my clit with the pad of his thumb as his tongue gently thrust into my pussy. Dwight growled, overwhelmed by his own lust, and I relaxed my throat muscles so that he could thrust deeper between my lips. He got a little carried away, roughly twisting my nipple, but that only excited me more.

When Dwight finally withdrew from my mouth, Arthur lifted his head to gaze up at me. I took a deep breath, letting it fill my lungs before I cried out, "Fuck me!"

Dwight chuckled while stroking my cheek. "Our little slut is desperate for cock," he told Arthur. "You want to enjoy her mouth while I give her what she needs?"

Arthur's eyes again met mine, and I readily nodded. He and Dwight changed positions, staking claim to different parts of my body. Though my throat was a bit raw, I didn't hesitate to take Arthur's cock in my mouth. I reveled in the smell and taste of him, and the feel of his erection pulsing between my lips. He released a groan of such satisfaction that I lifted my head higher, striving to take every inch.

And then I felt Dwight's cock at my opening. He'd folded his legs beneath him before draping my legs over his thighs. Now, I pulled off Arthur's cock long enough to tell Dwight, "Give it to me hard!"

He needed no persuading to do just that. Arthur cupped a hand under my head, providing support so that I could easily suck his dick while getting railed. My small tits bounced from the force of Dwight's thrusts. As he fucked me hard and fast, his fingers rubbed my clit with a fervency that made my eyes roll.

I came yet again, almost without warning. Arthur withdrew from my mouth when I began wailing, and I heard Dwight gasp as my pussy contracted around his cock. "Christ, I'm not going to last with you gripping me like that!" he told me. Abruptly, he pulled out before coming too soon.

Through heavy breaths, Dwight suggested that Arthur lie down. He then guided me into the position he preferred so that I was between Arthur's legs, with Dwight kneeling behind me. Now, I could easily lean forward to suck Arthur's cock.

Arthur clearly enjoyed this new position as well, for he brushed my hair back from my face, eager to witness me taking him deep. I felt a rush of pride when my nose grazed his pubic hair. His groans were almost constant while I held him in my throat.

"My God, your mouth is amazing!" he managed to say.

Simply hearing his praise made me wetter. Though I was ready for Dwight, he didn't resume fucking me right away. Instead, he seemed to delight in the way my ass was lifted in the air. With his nose nestled between my buttocks, he licked my sopping pussy. My face flushed with embarrassment, for a man had never eaten me out from behind. But Dwight's tongue soon made me forget all my inhibitions. When he finally guided his cockhead to my opening, I lifted my head and begged for it like a whore.

Dwight wasted no time pounding my pussy. The force of his body slamming against mine stole my breath, and while I tried to focus on the blowjob I was giving Arthur, it soon became too much. I had to settle for stroking his dick until Dwight made me come again. My knees buckled when the third orgasm washed over me, but Dwight held me fast, his relentless fucking drawing out my contractions. The sound of his rapid breathing let me know he was close.

Yet he pulled out once my climax finally subsided. "She's all yours," he told Arthur.

Arthur's eyes locked with mine. "I want you to fuck me," I practically growled.

Again, I was turned over on my back, and Arthur took his place between my legs. Dwight's cock was rock-hard as it throbbed just inches from my face. Still, he waited for Arthur to enter me.

I gazed up at the man who had come to mean so much to me in the last few days. Arthur gave me a smile, his expression full of bliss. Seeing him this way made me feel something close to love. Maybe it was love, I told myself. Maybe my feelings for him had deepened long before he saw me and Dwight behind the bar.

He now took me inch by inch, burying himself inside my pussy. I was still dripping wet, and seeing as how I was stretched from Dwight's dick, I could only hope our first fuck would be satisfying to Arthur.

He quickly let me know just how satisfying it was. "Oh, sweetheart, I love being inside you!" he said in a husky voice.

"You feel so good!" My words came out sounding like a sob, but I couldn't control my body's powerful response. My inner walls were exquisitely sensitive following Dwight's hard fucking, and Arthur's cock applied the perfect amount of pressure as it claimed me.

He held my stare, studying my every reaction. I refused to hide from him; instead, I let my eyes reveal my feelings. He stroked my skin, whispering sweet words even while pumping away between my thighs.

Dwight brought his cock to my lips, and I eagerly took him in my mouth. Knowing how close he was made me determined to bring about his release. Soon, I was sweating from my efforts. He grunted, daring to thrust deeper. I fought the urge to gag while he repeatedly invaded my throat.

"I'm close!" he warned.

My enthusiastic moan made it clear that I was ready for his cum. At that moment, my body felt reduced to a raw pulse of need as my mouth and cunt were being fucked. I was overwhelmed by the filthy pleasure of it.

Dwight released a strained cry before erupting in my mouth. He was so deep in my throat that I didn't even taste the first spurt of semen. More quickly followed, faster than I could gulp it down, and when he pulled back a little, his cum trickled from my lips. I didn't have the chance to catch it with my tongue, for he withdrew and immediately leaned to give me a hard kiss.

Arthur had slowed his pace to a languid fucking while I worked to bring Dwight to orgasm, but now that I'd succeeded in doing so, I begged, "Faster! I can't get enough of your cock!"

He began thrusting with a fierce rhythm, his stamina that of a much younger man's. I could tell he loved the sight of my pussy taking his dick. Had he ever doubted I would, at some point, ask him to fuck me? His expression was almost awestruck as if he still didn't quite believe I wanted him to do far more than watch.

Dwight reached between my thighs to rub my clit. His touch bordered on punishing, but I craved it. Even while I screamed, he continued working his fingers against my flesh. "Come, Celia!" he demanded. "Come around his cock!"

My body somehow mustered up the strength to obey. The spasms returned, just as strong as before, and Arthur let out a faint cry when my muscles tightened around him again and again. "Ah fuck, I'm almost there!" he told me.

Still shaking, I gave him a pleading look. "Don't pull out! Come inside my pussy!"

Just as his cock had pulsed in my mouth, it now pulsed within my cunt. He gasped and then grew still, his entire body tense. Releasing a loud groan, he came hard, filling my pussy with his seed. I was still in the grip of orgasmic aftershocks; his cum, erupting in fierce spurts, seemed to have summoned them.

Finally, Arthur lay on top of me. We were both covered in sweat, our heat feverish as we embraced. He remained inside me, gradually going soft. When he pressed his face against my neck, I whispered, "You made me come so hard!"

Arthur chuckled, clearly pleased by my words. "Likewise, angel," he whispered back.

My gaze drifted over his shoulder. I saw that Dwight was watching us, his expression difficult to read. He looked as if Arthur and I had now confirmed something he'd only suspected before.

A little later, after the three of us had dressed, Arthur and I walked Dwight to the door. It felt strange to be seeing him out, when I was a guest here as well.

"Thanks for having me over again," he told Arthur with a friendly smile. When he turned toward me, his smile morphed into a wicked grin. "And thanks for having me inside you."

I rolled my eyes even as I giggled. Then I gave him a kiss to show my appreciation that he'd joined us tonight.

Once he was gone, Arthur and I decided to take a shower together. As we basked in the hot spray from multiple jets, he pulled me close and asked if he could wash my pussy. I was surprised by his intimate request, but I readily agreed to it.

Leaning back against him, I closed my eyes and moaned at his touch. He was gentle in caring for my well-fucked cunt, and when his fingertips grazed my clit, I released a pleading whimper. I felt his lips at my neck while he expertly drove me to yet another orgasm.

Still trembling in his embrace, I said, "You know my body so well!"

"And you know mine." He turned me toward him, stroking my cheek as he went on. "I've learned not to expect anything from the future, since I understand how fast things can change. But I hope you realize that I treasure every minute with you, Celia."

I smiled, feeling that flush of warmth in my chest that he so often evoked. Then I sought out his lips, allowing my kiss to reveal how much I treasured him, too.

That night, while lying in each other's arms, we both fell into an easy sleep. I didn't wake again till morning, for on some level, I sensed that I was now where I belonged.


Six months later, much in my life had changed. It was a new year, and the nights were often bitterly cold, but I no longer worried about that as much. I'd taken a job at a café, and while I had to work some evenings, my hours were now much more similar to Arthur's.

Dwight stopped working at the bar even before I did. Not long after the evening he spent with me and Arthur, he met a young woman who'd stopped in at the bar for a drink with friends. She and Dwight hit it off right away, but unlike me, she wasn't interested in a casual fuck. So the man who'd sworn off relationships found himself in one yet again, and he and I went back to a strictly platonic friendship.

I met Dwight's girlfriend on numerous occasions. Over time, I sensed she was falling madly in love with him, in a way I never could. Months after they started dating, she was offered a great job at a company several hours away. Dwight decided to go with her.

I was working when he came to the bar to say goodbye. "I'm going to miss you," he told me as we stood out back. I gave him a fierce hug in reply. Lowering his lips to my hair, he said, "But you're with the person who makes you happiest."

I couldn't deny his words. Instead, I murmured, "And so are you, Dwight."

After I'd gotten another job, Arthur and I still went to the bar for an occasional drink, when I knew Mona would be working. While my friend was clearly surprised at how things had turned out, she was happy for us both.

One night in late November, Arthur and I were in his bed. As I straddled him, my hips moved with a sensual rhythm. I delighted in the way his hot stare traveled from my face to my breasts, and then downward to my pussy.

The man still loved to watch me.

Up to that point, our lovemaking had been gentle and unhurried, but I began riding him hard and fast. He was slack-jawed from the pleasure of our coupling, and though his fingertips dug into my flesh, betraying his heightened lust, I knew he would last.

Finally, we came together, my cries mingling with his groans. When I eased off of him and lay at his side, he took me in his arms. "Move in with me," he whispered.

It wasn't the first time he'd asked. Before I had a chance to respond, he added, "I'm not trying to pressure you into a commitment, Celia. Remember, I just want to be a part of your life."

I smiled and took his hand in mine. "You always will be."

Now, six months had passed since that summer night when Arthur watched me and Dwight behind the bar. We were living together, and on this late January evening, he and I were curled up on his couch, watching a movie. Beneath the blanket covering us, we exchanged caresses, feeding a desire that would only be satisfied by our lovemaking.

When Arthur caught me looking at him instead of the screen, he flashed a sly smile. "How about we turn in a little early? We can finish watching this later."

I instantly agreed, though I knew we wouldn't be sleeping for a good while yet. His hands were all over me as we made our way to the room we now shared. The moment we stepped across its threshold, I was seized by a sudden, indescribable happiness.

I knew my happiness had everything to do with Arthur. His love for me was without condition; from the very start, his affection had no restrictions. Before I'd moved in with him, it was understood that we were both free to see other people.

Yet, in the midst of all the freedom I'd been granted, I found I wanted to love only this man and to be loved by him in return.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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