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Author's Notes

"Mandi is determined to make her last night in L.A. exciting and memorable at a “special” night club where she finds two new friends and strips naked in front of a huge audience."

It was a Saturday evening in Los Angeles, the last night after a long and eventful two-day business trip to Los Angeles with my husband Dave. I had accompanied him on this trip so we could spend some fun time together when he wasn’t working. It had definitely been exciting so far and involved several new sexual and exhibitionistic experiences for me.

I’m Mandi, and I’m twenty-three. Dave is twenty-five. It had only been a couple of months since we had mutually and enthusiastically agreed to disavow the concept that monogamy was a requirement for a successful marriage. We both acknowledged that I was a natural born slut and exhibitionist, and we now lived in what some would call an “open marriage.”

I needed to quickly spread my carnal wings by embarking on escapades that would allow me to grow and enhance those natural born instincts. This trip to L.A. was a big step for me in that direction.

At about 8:30 p.m., the alarm clock in our hotel room woke Dave and me up from our evening nap with plenty of time to get ready for the arrival of a chauffeured limousine. This was graciously arranged for us by Brian, a handsome black man who was of one of the three guys I had enjoyed fucking last night.

We are going to a special night club that, according to Brian, was a unique and almost secret, swinger-friendly night club. It was private, a members-only bottle-club named “Secrets,” and was owned by three wealthy black property developers, one of whom was a long-time friend of Brian’s.

Brian had told us that, once inside the door, most consensual sexual interaction was allowed. The only clothing restrictions applied to males, who must dress to impress, and weren’t to wear jeans, shorts, T-shirts, or wife-beater style shirts. So we all thought that it would be perfect for me to expand my desire to display my young, sexy body, and maybe even find one or two guys that I’d want to enjoy sexually.

After doing the rest of those “girly things” to get completely ready, it was time to decide what I was going to wear. I reached up into the closet and got out the package with the sexy outfits I had ordered, including the two club-wear possibilities. Both were extremely revealing, and I had a hard time deciding. I wanted to make a statement by wearing something that was not only daring and revealing but would be remembered and talked about by the other club-goers.

I finally settled on a black and purple plunging mini-dress. It consisted of three pieces of material. The “skirt” portion was a short tube of black stretchy lace that was only about five inches from top to bottom. In the back, the skirt provided some butt cleavage above it and allowed for the lower portion of my ass cheeks to appear below it.

In the front, the skirt rode evenly above and below my pussy. I wondered how much it would creep up when I moved around or danced. The lacy material also allowed a suggestion of my butt cleft and pussy slit to be visible through the material.

From the back, it looked like I was completely naked except for the five-inches of my butt the skirt partially covered. The outer swell of my firm 38D breasts was clearly visible, and most of the bottom half of the cheeks of my cute bubble butt was there for everyone to enjoy. I was sure if I bent over from the waist that my bare pussy lips would be able to be seen.

In front, the bodice consisted of two tapered strips of totally sheer purple mesh. Each strip was about four inches wide where it attached to the top front of the skirt, tapering to less than two inches wide as it passed over my nipples, and then less than one-inch wide when they reached my shoulders. To keep the top up I had to tie the two strips together behind my neck, under my hair. The strips had two white, oval, one-inch wide plastic sliders that drew the material together into one narrow strip as it neared the underside of my tits.

That way, the material barely covered my nipples as it gradually rose to cross over my tits, and then narrowed down again as it neared my neck. Most of my breasts were fully exposed, and what little was covered by the sheer strips of material, was completely visible through the netting, including my narrow areolas, which are barely wider than my nipples. Of course, the natural motion of my firm tits was on full display.

I tied the strips of material behind my neck in a loose bow knot so I could easily adjust how loose or tight the top was, or to release the top should I, or someone behind me, choose to do so. I fully expected, as the night went on, that there would be considerable difficulty keeping the material where it was intended to be.

Matching black and purple strappy platform sandal-style shoes with six-inch stiletto heels completed the ensemble. Underwear was never a consideration.

I walked out of the bathroom to get Dave’s opinion of my attire. He just stood there, staring. After waiting for many seconds, I finally said, “So, tell me, what do you think? Is to okay, or do you think it too daring or revealing?

Dave didn’t say anything right away. But he finally got his thoughts together and mumbled, “It is beyond TFI.”

“What the heck is 'beyond TFI?'”

“Beyond Totally Fucking Incredible. I am totally in awe of you, so don’t you dare change a thing. But what I do want is for you to pick up the glass of wine I poured for you, and stroll around the room until Brian arrives, just like you did at Gary’s house last month. I am so in love, and so in lust with you, and I thank you for beginning to show me the benefits of our having this marvelous open marriage.”

“Oh my, what a beautiful and heartfelt response. I love you so much too, and absolutely treasure the fun we are experiencing right now.”

“Okay, so much for all this gushy, lovey talk. Now tell me, how many guys do you think you will fuck tonight?”

“Hmmm. I don’t know if that’s a fair question. Let’s just say, as many as I want.”


Dave’s phone rang, and he said it was Brian. He answered and smiled, saying that we’d be right down, and we’d let Sonja, (the waitress at dinner last night that hit on me, and made me do naughty things this afternoon,) know we are on the way. Dave made that call too, and we were on the way out the door.

As we approached the limo, Brian’s eyes got real big as he watched me walk up. He almost ignored Dave as he greeted me like a long lost lover, even though it had only been a little over twelve hours since I had woken him up by sucking his flaccid cock back to life and then fucking him.

Brian, who is black, handsome, and buff, introduced us both to Barry, the limo driver, who had walked around the car to greet us. He was dressed in a full tux and was tall, handsome, fit, and well-spoken. He also happened to be black. My pussy started to get wet instantly. I immediately wondered what kind of tip would be appropriate at the end of the night.

It also became immediately clear that my getting into or out of the limo would only be possible by allowing my pussy, and maybe my ass, to be fully visible. But that didn’t bother me because of our destination, and that I had no doubts that it would be seen by many more people before the night was over.

Dave gave Sonja’s address to Barry and asked if he would be kind enough to go to her door and escort her to the limo. Dave and I were both afraid that since Sonja had fucked both of us today, but not Brian, and knowing that she immediately says whatever is on her mind, might try to drag him into a quickie before coming out to the limo,

We arrived right on time and were pleased that Sonja was ready to leave. When she walked up to the limo with Barry, we were surprised that she was wearing a long coat and was carrying a small bag. Brian got out of the back door, greeted her with a big kiss, and squeezed her ass through the coat. We heard him say, “It feels like you don’t have anything on under the coat.”

Sonja looked him in the eye, said nothing, and unbuckled the coat’s belt and held it wide open. Sure enough, she was totally naked. She handed the bag to Dave, took the coat completely off, and handed it to Barry. She then climbed in and lay down on the wide couch along the side of the limo. I guess we were right that she’d want to fuck Brian if he had come to her door.

Brian climbed back in and sat down next to me on the back seat. He looked at Sonja, and said, “That’s probably the sexiest invitation to fuck I ever had the pleasure of receiving. You know what you want, and as we found out last night, you don’t let the concept of subtlety slow you down. So lie on your back baby, spread your legs, and play with your pussy while I get out of these clothes.”

Sonja smiled at Brian, blew Dave and me a kiss, rolled over onto her back, and plunged two fingers deep into her pussy, and started moaning. By the squishing sounds coming from her pussy as she thrust her fingers into it, it was obviously soaking wet. Meanwhile, Brian was busy getting out of his clothes. He then dove headfirst straight at Sonja’s sodden pussy, and, without any foreplay, mashed his mouth tightly against her pussy and started tonguing her clit while he slid three fingers into her sopping wet cunt.

It wasn’t much longer before Sonja began to orgasm, and she rocked and shook so hard we could sense the huge limo was rocking as it rolled down the road. Brian was now like a man-possessed, climbed onto Sonja, and without delay, plunged his rock hard cock deep into her pussy. Now Sonja really started cumming. Brian was hammering away on her pussy as she was rolling her head back and forth, and repeatedly crying out to the gods above.

I wondered how the two of them would deal with Brian’s cum when he climaxed. I doubted she would want to walk into the club with cum running down her legs. It wasn’t long before we all found out, as Brian let everyone in the limo know, including the driver, that he was about to bust a nut. He rolled off Sonja’s naked body, but since he couldn’t stand up inside the limo he ended up on his back on the floor.

Guessing that Sonja didn’t want cum-breath either, I grabbed a hand-towel that I saw lying on a small counter and handed it to Brian. Sonja rolled onto her side, reached down, and started stroking Brian’s cock faster and faster. It didn’t take before she got Brian to spurt his load, which he successfully caught in the towel. Problem solved, and everyone was happy.

As Brian was putting his clothes back on, Dave asked him, “Please tell us more about the club we are going to, and what we should expect when we arrive?”

Brian told us that his friend had given him four VIP passes that would normally cost about $600. They would allow us to enter the club via a special entrance, and we would have special seating in the VIP area. He added that this friend, Rashad, one of the owners, would be there tonight and was very anxious to meet me, and also Sonja. Brian looked at me, and said, “I’m sure a special ‘thank you’ from you would go a long way.”

I looked back at Brian, and said with a sly grin, “You handle the intro, and I’ll take it from there.”

Dave then looked at Sonja, and said, “You’re still naked. Are you planning to walk into the club that way?”

“Oh, no. The small bag I handed you when I got in holds a little something I can slip into as soon as we arrive. I’ll straighten up my hair and face right now. And if you’ll hand me the bag once I’m somewhere I can stand up, it’ll just take a few seconds for me to slip into it.”

“So you’ll be getting out of the limo totally naked, so everyone standing in line to get in will be able to see you?”

“You got it. Nothing wrong with getting everyone’s attention right way.”

I had a quick twinge of jealously that Sonja might show me up, and I decided not to let her have all the fun. I looked over at Dave, and he seemed to know what I was thinking. Without saying anything else, he said, “You go for it girl,” and reached behind my heck to undo the knot behind my neck and let the front of my dress down. I lifted my butt off the seat and Dave and Brian helped me slide out of my dress. Since Dave had Sonja’s dress, I gave mine to Brian.

Sonja looked over at me, and I noticed a fleeting frown cross her face.


We arrived just as the club was opening, and sure enough, the limo pulled up within about fifteen feet of the long line of people waiting to get in. Brian said that the arrival of limos at Secrets was not a rare occurrence, and the crowd always looked to see what VIP’s might be coming to the club each night.

Barry got out and strode proudly to the rear door, so he could open it and make a bit of a show as each of us alighted from the limo. Dave was the first one out, and I heard a few well deserved 'ooh’s' and 'ahh’s' over my hunky husband. Then Brian, being black and well-muscled, and appearing both handsome and virile, stepped out. The sound of female hooting and cheering got even louder.

But when Barry leaned in and assisted the utterly naked and smiling Sonja out of the limo, the crowd started going nuts. But they nearly went berserk when a second beautiful naked woman, that would be me, emerged. I raised my arms into a simulated triumphant “ta-da” gesture, and the two of us embraced, pressing our tits together, wiggled around a little, and exchanged a very sexy kiss.

We both stood there broadly smiling at the crowd for several seconds until Dave handed Sonja her dress and Brian handed mine to me. We both wiggled provocatively into them, but because of their skimpiness, the crowd kept on cheering. The obvious lack of underwear certainly didn’t hurt the image we intended to portray.

Sonja had slipped into a very short, white, satin-like, dress with a long, open cowl neckline that ended below her navel. Once her dress was on, she flashed her tits at the crowd. I patiently stood naked until she was finished dressing, and then proceeded to put my black and purple dress back on, and asked Dave to loosely tie the strips of material behind my neck. I cupped my tits in my hands and jiggled around a little, then twirled around a couple of times to show my naked back and partially covered butt.

'What a rush,' I thought, and I could feel the moisture from my pussy running down the inside of my legs. I wondered if the lighting in the parking lot was enough for anyone to see the reflection of the shiny liquid on my legs.

As the four of us walked toward the VIP entrance, everyone could see that the back of Sonja’s dress was almost non-existent, and allowed for a significant amount of butt cleavage to be seen. And the narrow bottom of my dress didn’t leave much to the imagination. The roar from the crowd was almost deafening.

We passed through the special VIP door that led us to an alcove where we were greeted by a charming hostess. She took our tickets, explained the rules on buying drinks, and directed us to the seating area that was reserved for us. She also checked our IDs and provided small lockers where we could each store our valuables, clothing, or other small items.

Before we entered the club itself, Brain stopped us and suggested that it would be much more fun if Sonja and I entered the club unescorted. He was certain that we would be spotted much sooner, and that we would get the fun rolling for the evening by looking more available rather than walking in with two guys.

Sonja and I liked the idea, but I was concerned that we might be perceived as abandoning him and Dave. But Dave replied by saying, “Nonsense. That will allow us to follow you two sluts around, and watch all the action.”

We were blown away that a club this nice on the inside could be housed in this very austere industrial building. I’d guessed it to be over 5,000 square feet, and had a lighting system that rivaled the best clubs in Las Vegas. A DJ was located behind a long bar and was cranking out some very danceable music. The dance floor was crowded, but the most amazing thing we noticed was the incredibly well-controlled acoustics. While the music was very clear, its volume was well absorbed by what had to be a specially designed interior.

We spotted the VIP area and located our reserved seats. They contained one or two leather-like couches that could be folded down to make into a bed, and a long glass and metal table. A chrome framework surrounded each area and had gauze-like curtains hanging from the top rods between each area to provide some sense of privacy. There were similar curtains tied back across the front of each area that apparently could be pulled closed.

The dance floor was full, but not so crowded that we couldn’t move. In no time, I found that we were drawing guys, and some women, to us like moths to a flame. I was getting more and more turned on with every step I took, and with every hand or body that brushed up against me. Once again, I felt the excitement and arousal of displaying my nearly naked body in front of a crowd and enjoying the nearly anonymous contact I was receiving as I danced.

The combination of the tempo of the music and our scanty attire was having the needed impact, and I noticed my skirt slowly creeping up my hips, exposing my bare pussy, and more and more of my butt cheeks. I resisted the natural temptation to pull it down constantly, and would only make that move when the skirt was so narrow it looked more like a belt.

It was getting very crowded around us, and I gradually lost sight of Sonja. That was OK with me because it allowed me to do my own thing and make my own moves, which I decided to do.

I was now dancing by myself, so it was not unusual for guys or girts to stare at what was happening to my dress as I moved to the beat of the music. There were lots of mirrors around the outside of the dance floor, and I was delighted when I saw how clearly visible my breasts were through the thin mesh material that was over them. My dancing allowed them to move most enticingly.

I also glanced around to see if I could spot Dave or Brian following my antics. Sure enough, they were not far away and were watching me intently. I mouthed an, “I love you,” to them and they both blew a kiss back at me.

Most of the people I encountered were attractive and well-mannered, even as they were trying to “cop a feel”. Very soon I was encouraging the contact by holding a wandering hand against my breast or butt, instead of ignoring it or pushing it away. I guess this could be called a “group grope.” It wasn’t long before I felt an occasional hand sliding unaided under the thin material that partially covered my breasts. I almost had an orgasm on the spot.

If the gropers were pleasant looking, I would usually not stop them, and the fondling or groping would gradually get more determined. I could feel guys rubbing my bare ass as the skirt slowly slid up my butt, and some were running their hands up to the outside of my tits or under the thin material. I found that allowing this was absolutely thrilling, and it continued to get me wetter and wetter. But no one had reached for my pussy yet.

Some of them would wander up close to me and begin following my moves without even asking. It was not unusual for one guy to start dancing in front of me and another one behind me, each one getting gradually closer and closer by double-teaming me. I found that I was basking in the power I seemed to have on them.

This nearly constant stimulation was really getting me super-horny, but I hadn’t found anyone that I thought I might want to have sex with. I was beginning to get bored with all the touchy-feely stuff and was worried that this night might end differently than I had envisioned.

But then something caught my eye. I spied a good looking black guy a short distance away and made eye contact with him. He looked right back at me as though he knew exactly want I wanted. And he was probably right. I started caressing my breasts and pinching my nipples under the purple material, while I was aggressively twerking my ass to the hot music. Needless to say, this caused my skirt to slide up my hips and bare my obviously wet pussy for his viewing pleasure.

As he continued to watch my little show, I looked him in the eyes and licked my lips. But that was all the encouragement I’d give him, as I wanted him to come to me, not the other way around. I started to turn away, and he finally took the bait. He came over to me, gently but firmly took my arm, and started to steer me toward the bar, as he asked if he could buy me a drink.

I gave him a quick squeeze on his butt, smiled, and said, “Sure.”

He put both of his hands on my bare hips just above the skirt and started to guide me through the growingly heavy crowd toward the bar. Of course, this allowed him to press his crotch against me. For some reason, feeling the touch of his hands on my naked hips did something amazing to me, and my libido suddenly spiked off the charts. I knew he was who I wanted, and I wanted him now. My pussy was suddenly on fire.

We finally made it to the bar, and he continued to hold me in front of him. The crush of bodies against me had taken a toll on the material over my tits, and they were both on full display. He moved his hands from my hips and onto my bare breasts. I felt, more than heard him catch his breath, as he started to caress them. I pressed his hand against my firm breast, so he would know I wasn’t bothered by what he just did, or by someone seeing what was happening.

As he began caressing my tits, I could feel him pressing his crotch against my bare ass. It became quickly apparent that I was also feeling a sizable erection growing inside his pants.

It was taking a while to get the attention of a bartender, but I was enjoying what was happening and didn’t care if it took a long time. I was now so horny that I wanted to fuck him right here, right now, standing at the bar in the middle of this big crowd. With that naughty thought in my head, I took one of his hands off my breast and moved it down to my pussy. The skirt had worked its way high enough up my hips that it didn’t provide any obstacle to his fingers

He leaned close to my ear and said, “You put my hand over your beautiful wet pussy. I want to slide my fingers into you. But I want to be sure that is what you want. I don’t want any kind of scene in case there is a misunderstanding.”

I slid my hand between us and wrapped it around his erection as best I could through his pants, and said, “Does this answer your question? You have the green light to proceed.” I had also noticed that it felt like he had gone commando.

He immediately worked two fingers into my wanton pussy, and started pumping them into me. He knew exactly what he was doing, and found my g-spot almost immediately. I looked around to see if anyone around us was noticing what was going on, and was disappointed when I realized no one seemed to notice. I also wondered if Dave and Brian had been able to follow me, and I glanced around to see if I could spot them. Sure enough, I spotted them easily, as they were standing not more than twenty feet from where I was.

I decided to take this to the next level and reached for his zipper. I found it easily, slid it all the way down, and slithered my hands inside his pants. I was not disappointed when my hand touched the bare skin of a totally aroused black cock that felt even longer and slightly fatter than Brian’s. This could be lots of fun.

Now it was my turn to whisper in his ear. I turned my head toward him and said, “I don’t even know your name, but I’d love for you to fuck me right here and right now. You don’t even need to say anything. Just push on my shoulder and I’ll bend over and spread my legs.”

I guess he was as ready to fuck as I was. I felt him remove his fingers from my pussy, watched as he put them in his mouth, and then saw him begin to lick my juices off them. It took him almost a minute to lick and relish the taste they brought to his mouth and tongue.

He then whispered in my ear, “Your wish is my command. Bend over, you gorgeous slut, and prepare for a hot ride.”

Before I bent over, I looked to where Dave and Brian were standing. I guess they figured out what was about to happen, and both smiled and gave me the thumbs-up sign.

As I bent over, I reached up and steadied myself with the railing on the front of the bar. The bottom of my dress was above my ass, so there was nothing in the way of his entering my sodden pussy. I felt him slowly slide the head of his cock up and down between my dripping wet labia, teasing my pussy lips. Then, I felt him slowly and tantalizingly work his big black cock into me. My pussy engulfed his cock, and I concentrated on squeezing the walls of my pussy to enhance all those incredible feelings that occur when a cock first enters my body. He must have had a large head on his shaft as I could feel the edges of it as he slid it in.

He started to thrust his cock in and out of me, and I became aware that we had finally drawn attention to ourselves. The people standing closest to us had moved slightly away from us, and a perimeter of interested onlookers formed around us. But at that moment it didn’t matter. I was entirely immersed in the erotic feelings that my pussy was giving off, and firmly braced myself against the bar, as Mr. Nameless began enthusiastically pounding me.

In the midst of the incredible fucking I was getting from a total stranger, I almost started laughing out loud when I realized that I was being fucked for the second time in less than twelve hours by a guy I’d never met before and that I only knew the first name of one of them.

But at that minute, the urge to laugh quickly disappeared as I became lost in all the incredible sensations that flooded through me as I was being fucked by a man that truly knew how to satisfy a woman. This was probably the most intense fucking I’d ever experienced, and I hoped he had good staying power, as I didn’t want it to end.

Before long I felt an intense orgasm building up, and I was about to explode. Within less than a minute it hit me like an onrushing locomotive. My body started convulsing, my legs were shaking, my pussy was gushing its juice all over the place, and I kept repeating, “Oh fuck, oh fucking fuck," over and over. The word “intense” wouldn’t come close to describing what I was feeling.

I realized that my fuck buddy still hadn’t cum, and I was hoping he would be good enough to bring my off another one of two more times. But I had also regained what little sanity I had and realized that the earlier crowd around us had grown exponentially, most of who were watching our performance with great interest.

So I started moving my butt back and forth on his shaft to start the fucking action again. Now I wanted one more good orgasm, and to feel him blow his load into my greedy pussy. He went back at thrusting his still rock hard cock in and out of me, as I built back toward another mind-blowing climax.

This time I could sense his thrusting was getting increasingly intense and knew he was close to coming. Then he did something I hadn’t expected but immediately welcomed. He reached up under my hair and pulled the strings apart on the bow knot holding up the top of my dress, allowing it to fall completely down. He pulled that magnificent cock out of my pussy, and shouted over the music, “Turn around you gorgeous slut. I’m going blow my cum all over those incredible tits.”

I did as he said, and watched fascinated as he stroked his cock back and forth, faster and faster, and then with a huge groan, unleased multiple streams of his pearly cum all over my breasts.

I immediately began making a big show of spreading the warm slippery cum all over my tits and stomach and scooping up several fingers-full so I could drip some onto my outstretched tongue. The special lighting seemed to make my tits glisten. I felt a certain satisfaction by doing all this in front of a large audience while fucking a guy whose name I didn’t even know, and wondering that perhaps I could now honestly consider myself to be a genuine slut, and also a classy one.

We had attracted a rather large audience, and with the show about over, we got a nice round of applause. Gazing out at the onlookers, I saw a lot of smiles and even a few couples who appeared to be enjoying some similar naughtiness.

My “partner” was still standing next to me with a big smile on his face. I smiled back at him and said, “Don’t you think this would be a good time to introduce ourselves? Hi, my name is Mandi.”

He laughed, looked warmly at me, and said, in a surprisingly formal manner, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mandi. My name is Jamal. Do you live in the L.A. area?”

I burst out laughing too. I actually held out my hand which he took, just like we were meeting for the first time at a normal social function. We continued laughing, then spontaneously embraced each other, to the delight of the onlookers that were still hanging around us.

I immediately liked Jamal, and I seemed to get the same vibe back from him. Then I said, “What a story it would make if we truly hooked up, and someone asked us how we first met.”

Needless to say, that brought even more laughter. We promised each other that we would not leave tonight until we had exchanged contact information.

About that time, I noticed Dave and Brian slowing winding their way through the crowd toward me, along with a tall, attractive, older black man. I embraced them both, being careful not to smear Jamal’s cum on their clothes.

So here I was, nearly naked, with cum all over my tits, standing in front of a bar, and about to be formally introduced to a handsome gentleman. Somehow this seemed both incongruous, yet totally hilarious. But I was also reveling in the moment.

The older gentleman immediately put me at ease, and said, “Hi Mandi. I’m Brian’s friend Rashad, and I’m one of the owners of this humble establishment. I knew you were planning to be here tonight, and I was hoping to meet such a beautiful, sexy, and passionate woman. If you don’t mind my saying so, you are absolutely amazing, and Dave is a very lucky man to have such a hot-blooded woman as his wife.”

He continued by saying, “One of the bartenders alerted me when you and Jamal approached the bar. I’m delighted to tell you that I was thoroughly enthralled and turned on as I watched the two of you put on one hell of a show with an incredible ending. I was hard the entire time and wished I was the one who was fucking you.

“I hope you won’t mind my saying this, but we don’t see many women as desirable as you come in here and put on a performance like you just did. With your permission, I’d love to pick you up, put you on top of the bar, and have you stroll around or pose on it for a few minutes, just like you are. That would be a wonderful way to let our patrons know that we both condone and encourage such racy activity at Secrets.”

Rashad looked to me to be about forty years old, about six-foot-two, handsome, in good shape, and appeared well able to do what he was suggesting. It wasn’t taking long for my insatiable horniness to again make itself known again.

“After that, you are welcome to use the shower in my office to clean up. And since the night is still young, I’d look forward to enjoying even more of you before the night is over.”

How could I possibly resist such a temping opportunity to continue showing off, and then be able to freshen up and look forward to still more fun to close out an amazing weekend in L.A.?

“Let’s do it,” I said, without hesitation.

Rashad lifted me almost effortlessly onto the bar. No announcement was made, but once I stood up and steadied myself, I could see most of the heads below had turned toward the bar. A bit of a cheer rang out, my natural exhibitionism took over, and I began moving provocatively across the bar. I was genuinely getting into the entire scene.

I started with the skirt portion in its proper position, but the top of the dress was hanging below my waist and almost to the floor. Even though I was still wearing my six-inch stiletto heels, I was afraid the straps that were hanging down my legs might catch on something and damage the dress.

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I loved the dress, planned to wear it again, so I very slowly worked it down my legs to my feet. Dave, who had moved up to the bar, helped me step out of it, and held on to it. A much bigger cheer went up. Now I was standing completely naked, in front of an audience of well over two-hundred.

I looked down at Rashad, who was looking at me intently. He motioned for me to come closer and he told me, “If you are comfortable with doing it, please feel free to show your pussy and play with yourself.”

All I could think of was that I was getting seriously turned on by displaying myself so shamelessly, but would I feel comfortable going as far as Rashad was asking? There was only one way to find out, and that was to give it a try.

Squatting down on my haunches, I kept my legs close together, but not touching each other. I could easily follow the beat of the music with my well-toned legs and would bounce on my legs and shift my weight around so that my legs gradually opened, putting my wet and glistening pussy on full display. I could see Rashad smiling at me, his face directly in front of me just a few feet away.

I’d never tried dancing like a stripper, but hoped I was giving everyone a good look at my sex, particularly Rashad. I lay back on the bar, and with my pussy pointing toward the crowd, spread my legs wide, and plunged two fingers into my now sopping wet pussy. I teased myself with my fingers and then started to strum my clitoris with my thumb. I felt an orgasm starting to build, and laid there on the bar staring straight into Rashad’s eyes. I could tell he was stroking himself while he watched me.

Now pumping three fingers into my wanton pussy as fast as I could, my orgasm erupted, and I gushed a huge load of pussy juice right into Rashad’s face. He first looked surprised, but started using his tongue to lick what he could get to around his mouth. I continued frigging my pussy, and began thrashing around on the bar as my climax engulfed me. The combination of showing off to a large audience, combined with a handsome, older, and undoubtedly more experienced black man staring wantonly into my eyes while he rubbed his cock, absolutely “shot me to the moon”.

It took at least two or three minutes for me to come down from that amazing high. As I laid naked on my back on the bar in front of the large audience, I lifted my hand to Rashad’s face to offer my fingers for him to savor. He wasted no time in accepting my offer.

I thought it was time for me to get down from the bar and head to the shower in Rashad’s office. He got the message, pulled me toward him, placed my thighs on his shoulders, and supported the weight of my body using his hands on my butt. He easily lifted me off the bar with my pussy right in his face. He held me in that position for a minute or two and probed my pussy with his tongue. I hope he enjoyed the taste. I knew I wanted and needed more.

Rashad gently placed me standing up on the floor and took my hand to lead me to his office. I think we both knew that we were going to have sex together, probably in the shower. I guessed (OK, I hoped) that he must have gotten an advance OK from Dave and Brian. Somehow he sensed my concern and said, I’ve already spoken to them, and I not only have their approval to do whatever the two of us would enjoy, but the three of us have planned a little surprise for you.”

I also asked if they had said anything about Sonja. Rashad said, “Dave told he received a text from her about a half-hour ago indicating she had gotten an offer she couldn’t refuse and was taking off with someone.”

At that point, we were both getting tired of the small talk, and Rashad pointed the way to his shower. But before I headed in that direction, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressed my naked, cum covered tits against his chest, and said, “You will be joining me, right?”

He said, “Fuck yes. You just saved me from asking you the same question.”

With that, I pulled him into a passionate kiss and began helping him out of his clothes. In moments he was naked, his big hard cock impossible to ignore. We stepped into a big walk-in shower, with a tiled bench at one end. As he adjusted the water, I reached around and took his impressive cock in my hand, and started stroking him.

It was about nine to ten inches long, pleasantly fat, and had a pronounced upward curve that promised to touch some often neglected areas of my insatiable cunt. Just perfect in my book. I couldn’t wait to feel it sliding into one of my three holes.

We proceeded to thoroughly wash each other everywhere. His fingers penetrated my still horny pussy, rubbed my clit, squeezed my nipples, and worked on my ass hole. I was impressed by how fit and toned his body looked and felt, and that he definitely knew his way around a woman’s body.

We stepped out of the shower, and Rashad opened a large closet and grabbed two large fluffy towels that we used to dry each other. He guided me into a bedroom I hadn’t expected to find in a bland, industrial building. It was fully appointed, including an incredible king-sized bed. I immediately ran to the bed and dove head-first onto the top of it, and then rolled over onto my back.

I looked up at Rashad and could see the lust in his eyes for my young firm body. I looked at him with the same sense of intense lust, spread my legs, and used my fingers to spread my wet and engorged labia as an invitation for him to join our lusts together.

He unhesitatingly mounted me and plunged his rock hard ten inches into my welcoming pussy, with the initial insertion both slow and sensual. Oh my God, his cock fell like nothing I’d felt before. His length and girth spread the walls of my pussy to the limit, and the sensations were impossible for me to describe. We started to fuck with a near animalistic urgency. It was incredible and I was in a state of an almost continuous orgasm as my cum juices were pouring all over Rashad and most of the bed.

I immediately decided not to restrict my future encounters to just younger men. Experience definitely counts.

Rashad suddenly, and without warning, rolled over onto his back, while holding me fast to his rock hard cock. I was now on top of him, in the classic cowgirl position. I continued slamming my still hungry pussy up and down on his rock hard fuck stick, while at the same time he used some of my juices as lube to begin working first one, then a second finger into my puckered ass hole.

It didn’t take long for him to get my anus ready to accept his cock. He told me to get up off his cock, turn around so my back was toward him in a reverse cowgirl position, and then slowly slide my tight asshole down onto his cock. Fortunately, between the anal action last night, the butt plug I had in my ass all afternoon, and his expert preparation, I comfortably settled all the way down with his cock in my ass. Now I’m sitting on his hips with his cock buried in my asshole, while he is enthusiastically fucking in my ass, and my wet and open pussy is glistening and ready to be fucked.

We got into a marvelous rhythm, and I was heading toward another intense orgasm when I heard Rashad holler out, “Okay guys. Come on in.”

And who should walk through the door but Dave and Brian?

Rashad and I never missed a beat. Dave said, “I know it’s getting late, but we thought there should be a ‘grand finale’ to mark the end of this remarkable weekend.” Looking directly at my open, inviting, and glistening pussy, Dave said, “ Do you think you can handle three guys again, Mandi?”

“It would be my pleasure,” I replied.

That’s what we did for nearly another hour, with the guys switching holes every so often. By then, everyone was utterly satiated, my pussy and ass were used up, and it was time to have Barry drive us back to the hotel. Rashad was an absolute gentleman and offered me a long t-shirt to wear back.


During the ride to the LAX Airport the next afternoon, Dave and I were still in full recovery mode, combined with a most pleasant afterglow. As the plane headed north to the San Jose Airport I was very pleased that I had also arranged for a day off on Monday for my recovery. I will definitely need it.

More of  Mandi's escapades will follow soon!

Written by MandiFan1
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