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Author's Notes

"This is the second of a multi-part mini-series about Mandi and Dave’s Tahitian vacation and long overdue honeymoon. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Reading Part 1 will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this and the following parts of this series"


----- Mandi Starts Part 2.  Dave will finish it -----

A gentle thud woke me from a sound sleep.  It took more than a few seconds for my brain to realize where I was.

Oh yeah,  I remember now.  I’m on a big plane that is touching down at what I hope is our intended destination, the International Airport in Papeete, Tahiti. 

Looking around, I gradually get my bearings.  I’m wrapped up in a blanket, lying back in a luxurious, business-class seat next to my husband, Dave, who appears to still be asleep. 

Then I began recalling the best part of the trip.  I had spent a memorable three hours in a small, supposedly secret, but surprisingly comfortable flight crew rest area with a devastatingly sexy, late-thirties to early forties off-duty pilot.  His name was Barry, and he was Black.  I had coerced (okay, seduced) him into inducting me into the “Mile High Club,” something I had wanted to accomplish since I heard about it. 

I accomplished this in part by meandering around LAX's departure area wearing a thin, near-scandalously short, button-front, strawberry-red dress that I cleverly contrived to be so tight it fits like a second skin.  Of course, no underwear could be worn under the dress, nor was any included in what I had packed. 

I was also encouraged by Dave, who said the online rules of the club called for one of the parties to be a licensed pilot and not be the other participant's travel partner.  There were a few exceptions, but I wanted to follow the rules to the letter.

Barry and I experienced some of the most intense and unforgettable sex of my twenty-four-plus years.  As a reminder, I can still feel some of Barry’s copious dried cum clinging to my tits.  I could not imagine a more perfect way to start a vacation.

Daylight is streaming in the cabin windows, and I felt the giant 747 immediately begin braking heavily.  The sudden slowing, combined with the roar of the reverse thrusters of the four massive jet engines, was enough to rouse Dave from his slumber. 

“Are we there yet?” he mumbled.

“Close, but we still have the ferryboat ride.”

“Oh yeah.  I almost forgot.”

Our plane safely slowed and began its long taxi to the arrival gate. 

Taking a peek under the blanket to see what condition my dress was in, I found the buttons on top were open to below my navel, and the hem of the dress had worked its way almost to my waist.  So it was no surprise that my libido was back in action despite nearly three hours of non-stop sex. 

As brief as it would probably be, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to take advantage of the time the plane would take to taxi to the gate.  First, I slid one hand onto my breasts and began pinching my nipples.  Then, using my other hand, I reached for one of Dave’s hands and slid it under my blanket, demanding that he finger-fuck my suddenly horny and dripping pussy.

“I can’t help it, Babe.  After almost three hours of glorious and amazing sex with Barry, I’m already horny again.” 

Dave understood, saying, "That's the Mandi I know and love.  Anything less, and I would be shocked.”

He was immediately on his A-game.  He thrust first two and then three fingers into my soaking wet pussy and used his thumb to arouse my clit.  In less time than it took for the plane to taxi to the arrival gate, an orgasm tore through my nearly naked body.  I stuck the corner of the blanket into my mouth to stifle any outcry.  Otherwise, I was able to keep my body under control. 

As we slowly drew up to the gate, I couldn’t resist the temptation to reach under Dave’s blanket to see if he was hard.  I was thrilled when I discovered a solid erection inside his pants.  Dave playfully removed his fingers from my pussy, bringing them to his lips to lick and savor my girly cum juices. 

“Yummy,” was all he said, and I knew this vacation was definitely off to a perfect start.

I knew I had to do something with my dress to achieve some small semblance of decency.  But I was also tired of the encapsulated feeling of being all buttoned up.  So I opted to leave most of the buttons unfastened.  As a result, the top of the dress was open, almost to my navel.   The two bottom-most buttons at the hem were also unfastened.  But until I got out of my seat, I had no idea how risqué it would look.

Standing up, I watched Dave’s eyes as I straightened the dress.  For the second time in the last fourteen-plus hours, I saw the combination of shock and pleasure cover his face.  He said, “You are at least a fifteen on a scale of ten, and I pronounce you ready to rock.  Other than wiping off the last of Barry’s dried cum that’s on your tits, don’t you dare change a thing.” 

“Okay, I won’t.  But the dried cum stays.  It's my badge of honor, and I'll carry it proudly.   But please tell me, how much more skin am I showing?”

“I’m not sure it really matters, and I honestly won’t know until you start moving around.  But since we’re only about an hour from our destination, most of those traveling with us to Moorea will see more of your skin once we are there.  So, except for the partial color change on your tits, you look the same.  And you won’t feel so confined by the dress.

"Okay.  I'll go with the flow, then."

“That’s my girl.”

The next thirty minutes involved the usual after-flight arrival routines, including retrieving our luggage and connecting with the ferry boat to Moorea. 

The bus ride to the docks was mercifully brief.  However, the boat was not at the pier, so many vacationers were standing around waiting for its arrival.

The skies were beautifully clear, warm, and sunny, but there was a significant breeze that was causing somewhat choppy water.  Noticing that, Mandi said she would be standing at the front of the boat since keeping her eyes on the horizon was her way of avoiding seasickness.

We hadn’t been standing there for more than a few minutes when an attractive couple approached us.  Looking at me with a slightly sexy grin, the woman politely said, “Excuse me.  May I ask you a couple of questions?”

Smiling back at her, I replied, “Sure.  Fire away.”

"By any chance, is your first name Mandi, and if so, are you going to Club Hinaloa?”

Hesitatingly, I replied, “At the risk of appearing rude, and before I answer, what makes you think my name is Mandi, and why are you asking?”

Laughing, she replied, "If your name is Mandi, you’ll understand my next question.  Have you ever been to a nightclub on the outskirts of Los Angeles called ‘Secrets?”

Having that question asked nearly halfway around the world just about knocked me over with a feather. 

I decided to play it coy and said, "Well, yes, we were there once.  But what makes you think it was me?”

“Easy.  It’s nearly impossible to forget someone as striking as you.  You were wearing a black and purple dress that hardly covered anything.  You were being fucked at the bar by a Black guy you apparently didn’t know.  You took a load of his cum all over your tits, then were helped onto the bar where you danced naked.  The DJ publicly introduced you to the crowd as Mandi.  Finally, you concluded your “performance” on the bar by frigging yourself and squirting all over the face of one of the club owners.  I was standing less than six feet from you when that all went down.”

Looking at each other and laughing uproariously, Dave and I shrugged our shoulders as if to say, “We're busted." Instead, I replied with a proud look on my face.  “Okay.  I’m guilty as charged, and yes, we will be at Club Hinaloa for two weeks.  I’m genuinely flattered that you would remember all that.” 

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, Mandi.  Quite the contrary.  I want you to know that ever since I watched what you were doing and being so uninhibited, I constantly fantasized about doing the same thing, thinking, 'When I grow up, I want to be just like Mandi.”

“Wow,” I replied.  “That’s quite a compliment coming from such an attractive woman.  And I’m certain that Dave will agree when I say that we appreciate you making the first move.”   

At that point, introductions seemed appropriate.  Their names were Craig and Jocelyn, and they were from Orange County, just outside L.A.

As we continued to chat, I couldn't help but notice Jocelyn's attractiveness.  She was what many would refer to as a being "willowy," meaning tall, slender, and graceful.  She had a flat stomach, a narrow waist, a nice butt, and great legs, which is number one in Dave’s book.  Craig looked to be an inch or two taller than Dave, handsome, and appeared to be quite fit.  I’d fuck either of them, or preferably both, in a heartbeat and began thinking of naughty ways to make that happen.

Turning my attention to Craig, I said, “If you don’t mind, now it’s my turn to ask you a question.  Okay?”

“Go for it, and don’t hold anything back.”

“I won’t.  Since you were at Secrets, an openly Lifestyle and swinger-friendly night club, do you two enjoy ‘playing’ with others outside of your marriage?”

Hesitating, Craig said, "Well, not yet.  Jocelyn and I have been fantasizing about being with others, and we were at Secrets that night to get a taste of what swinging might be like.

Jocelyn jumped in, saying, “I got so turned on watching you that I knew it was something I wanted and needed to experience.  But Craig isn’t so sure he can accept my being with someone else even though it meant I'd be okay with him being with another woman.  That's why we picked this resort for our special vacation, as we were certain we wouldn't run into anyone we knew.  Now it looks like we may have found the perfect couple to provide the guidance we need.”

“We'd be thrilled to play that role,” Dave responded, “And we would both enjoy starting you down that road should you wish to begin the journey.  You two sound exactly like us less than two years ago when Mandi first brought up the same subject.  She was the one that was hot to trot and told me so, and I was the one with all the uncertainties.  But as you saw at Secrets, we worked it all out.  We are now totally committed to two things; each other and the concept that monogamy is not a requirement for a long and successful marriage.”

“How about we have drinks and dinner this evening and chat about this in more depth?” I suggested.

“Craig and Jocelyn looked at each other, nodded, and Craig said, “That would be perfect.  Let’s meet at the main bar at six o’clock.” 

Smiling at Jocelyn, I said, “I’ll be wearing something showing lots of skin.  I hope you will be too.”

Just as I said that, the ferry finally pulled up to the dock.  Jocelyn and Craig headed for the inside seating while I went straight to the front of the main deck directly above the bow. 

I was expecting a short and uneventful journey to the resort.  It turned out to be short but not exactly uneventful.  I had no idea how dramatically this boat ride would impact our vacation.

The seas were even rougher than expected.  But by standing at the front of the ferry, I successfully avoided any seasickness.  On the other hand, it resulted in my being totally drenched by a big wave.  That also took care of washing off the last of Barry’s cum.

When we arrived at Club Hinaloa, I was soaked to the skin, and only two buttons held the dress together.  Any concerns I might have had about my attire being too revealing were now gone.

Finally arriving at the resort, we somehow found ourselves at the end of the welcoming and check-in line.  This also ended up being a blessing in disguise.

Craig and Jocelyn were much closer to the front.  They walked over to us as they left the welcoming area and said they would take a nap and see us at about 6:00 PM.  Jocelyn also whispered to me that she was horny, would be showing lots of skin, and would be ready for some play time. 

Whispering back to her, I told her, “You’re not the only one feeling that way.”

As we neared the check-in counter, we were greeted by a gorgeous young Polynesian woman.  She welcomed us warmly and said our luggage would be delivered directly to our room shortly after registering.  I was sure she must have noticed my soaking wet dress was still dripping water, but it didn’t seem to phase her.

Following an equally fast and efficient check-in, another attractive Polynesian woman handed each of us a large glass of a traditional Tahitian beverage.  She then politely directed us to an adjoining room where she said we would be greeted by (and using the French term) the “Chef du village” as if we were boarding a luxury cruise ship.  

Entering the room, I could still feel liquid dripping down my legs.  I wondered how much was seawater and how much was my pussy juice.

To say we were pleasantly surprised by who was standing there with welcoming smiles on their faces would have been the understatement of the year.  It was not some old codger dressed in a formal white suit but an attractive, tan, and barely-clothed couple.  The man was a tall, handsome, and obviously fit gentleman who appeared to be in his late thirties to mid-forties.  He only wore a brief “Speedo” style, T-back swimsuit and was built like a swimmer or a pro sand volleyball player.  

The woman was shorter, younger, astonishingly beautiful, and topless, wearing only a brief micro-mini sarong sitting extremely low on her slender hips.  It was tied so that anyone looking at her could tell she could not be wearing anything under the mini-sarong.  A pair of strappy, wedge-style high-heel shoes and tasteful jewelry completed her ensemble.

Dave had obviously made the right choice when selecting our vacation destination.

The two greeters were finishing with another arriving guest, and I whispered in Dave’s ear, “My god.  Those two are gorgeous.  I could fuck them both right here, right now.”

Laughing, Dave replied, “You aren’t the Lone Ranger, Mandi.  But I’ll leave the guy to you.” 

As the couple ahead of us departed, the greeters smiled warmly and waved us forward. Then, speaking to us in near-perfect English with a delightful and sexy French accent, they welcomed us by our first names.  They introduced themselves as Cameron (but you can call me Cam) and Emy, adding that they were the managing partners of Club Hinaloa.

Looking directly at me, Cameron said, “Ever since we saw the pictures on your reservation sheets, we have been looking forward to your arrival.  But I must say your picture doesn’t do you justice.” Then, with a wink, he added, “You are a stunningly beautiful woman who we are sure will garner a lot of attention and may even instigate some new excitement during your stay. 

Emy, nodding her head and chuckling, added, “We couldn’t help noticing by your soaking wet dress that you must have been standing at the front of the boat on the trip over from Papeete.  You aren’t the first guest to arrive here soaking wet, and I'm sure you won't be the last.  But you are undoubtedly the sexiest.”

“Gosh,” Mandi said.  “A compliment from a woman like you that exemplifies the term sexy is genuinely appreciated.”

“It’s genuine, Mandi.  But it would be best if you got out of that wet dress.  We don’t want you catching a cold on the first day of your vacation.”

“But this is all I have to wear right now.  If it comes off, I’ll be naked.  I wouldn’t think you’d want me walking around your resort with nothing on.”

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“Au contraire, Mandi.  Seeing you strolling naked around our resort would be a treat.  To make you feel more comfortable, if you remove your dress, I'll take off my sarong, and we’ll both be naked.  Then I’ll personally escort you and Dave to your new home for the next two weeks. 

“I’d love that, Emy, and I have no problem being naked.  But what about the rest of the time we are here?”

“No problem.  I’ll explain all that once we are in your room.  And Dave.  You are seriously overdressed.  Please, at least take off your shirt.”

Oh course, Dave did that immediately.

At that point, with a pouty look, Cameron turned to Emy and said, “It looks like I’m going to miss all the fun.  I have a meeting right now that I can’t miss.  So I’ll need to leave Dave in charge of you two hot women.” 

Then, looking woefully at us, Cameron said, “Sorry, I have to run.  I’m looking forward to getting better acquainted with you both.”  Surprisingly, he lifted my face to his, gently kissed me on my lips, and said, “I’m looking forward to more of this.”  Then he shook Dave’s hand, and with a quick wave, he rushed off.

Emy, picking up right where she left off, said, "Okay, Mandi, it’s time you take that dress off.”

With what I hoped was a brilliant and suggestive smile, I said, “I have a better idea, Emy.  How about I stand here while you take my dress off, and then you can stand there while I take your sarong off?”

Emy, a lustful smile forming on her face, said, “What a great idea.  I thought about suggesting that earlier but didn’t want to appear being too forward too soon.”

With a lascivious grin, I said, “You can be as forward with us as you want, and you won’t hear any complaints from either of us.”

Emy, erotically licking her lips, moved over to me and began ever-so-slowly unfastening the only two buttons holding the dress together.  As Emy did this, she gently caressed my breast and brushed her fingers over my nipples. Then, sensing no objections from me, Emy opened the dress, slipping it down and off my arms. Cupping my breasts in her hands, she began licking my now fully engorged nipples. 

Staring at me for more than a few seconds, Emy grinned and said, “My god, Mandi.  You have the most amazing tits I’ve ever seen.  How can they be so full and firm but yet without any sag?   They look and feel God-given, and I’m guessing they are at least Double D’s.  Am I right?”

Chuckling, I replied, “I’ve earned them naturally.  And I haven’t bought or worn a bra or any other underwear since I met Dave over seven years ago.  So I really don’t know my true cup size.”

“Before I met Cam, I worked at Victoria's Secret.  I've helped hundreds of women select bras, and I guarantee that those magnificent tits of yours won’t fit in a D cup.  You’re at least a Double D.”

That was good enough for me. So I decided from now on, I'll proudly refer to my tits as being Double D’s.

Emy continued, "Combining those amazing tits with your flat belly, narrow waist, bare pussy, cute bubble butt, toned legs that go on forever, and silky-smooth skin with the all-over tan, you have a body that is beyond amazing.  And your smile is captivating.  Any movie star, swimsuit model, high-priced stripper, or porn star would be proud to have your body.  Covering any of it would be a sin, and you are now officially more than welcome to be naked any time you want during your entire stay.”

I stood there with a massive grin on my face, obviously not concerned that I was in the main building of a posh Tahitian resort.  Smiling at Emy, I thanked her for her flattery and said, "Okay, Emy.  Now it's my turn to get you naked.”

Without waiting for her to reply, I crouched in front of Emy, untied the strips of material tying the sides of her sarong together, and dropped it off her hips.  Finding a bare and beautiful pussy in front of me, I looked up at Emy and said, “You praised my tits; now I'm going to tell you that you have the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen.”

With my libido somewhere in outer space, it was impossible for me to resist pressing my tongue between Emy’s pussy lips.  As I did, she sucked in her breath and drew my face tightly against her pussy, while instinctively spreading her legs.  I eagerly extended my tongue deeply into Emy’s vagina while exciting her clit with my thumb.  Emy was trying her best to stifle an orgasm.

Something caught my eye, and I saw the two young Polynesian women standing next to each other, intently watching us.  They each had their hand inside the other’s more standard length pareo and were clearly fingering each other.

Emy saw my head move and caught sight of her two employees.  She immediately said, “Your tongue inside my pussy is hitting all the right spots, and what you are doing with my clit is divine.  I don’t want any of it to stop, but this isn’t the place for it, at least not right now.  Let me show you to your abode, where we can continue this naughtiness without any fear of interruption.”

Picking up what little clothing we had been wearing, Dave held it in front of him to conceal what I knew had to be an impressive boner he had going in his pants.  Emy took my hand, and we headed out of the building and onto some beautiful tropical walkways.

We couldn’t have walked more than thirty-five yards when Emy stopped and pulled me into a full body-to-body embrace.  She drew my lips to hers, and we exchanged a sexually charged, tongue-dueling kiss while running our hands all over the other’s naked body.  Then I took charge, urging Emy to spread her legs, and cupping her butt to pull her dripping pussy against my equally wet cunt. 

Emy eagerly worked one of her legs between my spread legs, putting us into a standing, pussy-to-pussy double-scissors position. Then, with our two pussies pressed tightly together, we began dry-humping each other. 

I somehow sensed that this was almost more than Dave could handle, and he was about to drop his pants so he could join in.  But just then, a couple walked by us in the opposite direction.  They were older but attractive and very tanned.  She was topless and wearing a micro-bikini bottom.  He was wearing the usual tiny T-back suit. 

Smiling, and without slowing down, the woman called out, "Good morning, Emy,” as though she wasn’t seeing anything unusual.  As they continued on, the woman called out again, saying, “Be sure to introduce us to the hot new arrivals,” and then winked at me.  The man smiled and nodded his head in agreement as they continued on their way.

I was amused yet also stunned by this seemingly ordinary exchange of pleasantries under sexually arousing circumstances.  But it was all the better if that was considered an everyday occurrence at Club Hinaloa.

Emy and I finally untangled ourselves and continued along the pathway with Dave trailing behind so he could watch our nearly identical pairs of perfect, firm, naked bubble butts bouncing along ahead of him.  Life is good right now.

Finally arriving at our "room," we found it to be a delightful, separate, one-bedroom, cabin-like structure with a thatched roof, a small outside deck with a table and two chairs, and a perfect view of the nearby beach, now crowded with many sun lovers.  Thankfully, our luggage was placed inside the room, so we were all set.

But at this point, our luggage was of no interest.  Sex was.  Since Dave was the only one wearing any clothing, Emy quickly pointed that out, saying, “Dave.  If you plan to join the action, you’d better get naked.” 

Having learned a long time ago when a beautiful and horny woman issued such titillating instructions, Dave knew they were not to be ignored.  His pants were on the floor in seconds, and his thick, rock-hard eight inches of manliness was now liberated from its captivity.  I was pleased that Emy noticed what he was packing, and she gave me a wink and a thumbs-up sign.

Laughing to myself, I watched Emy throw the bedspread and the top bedding off the bed.  I took that as the green light for Emy and me to start an uninhibited and urgently desired girl-girl action.  Emy and I embraced, and the next thing I knew, she threw me down onto the bed.  Our fingers immediately found their way into each other’s wanton pussy. 

----- Dave finishes Part 2 ------

Emy and Mandi first lay down facing each other and began kissing in a way only two horny women could do.  It was mesmerizing watching how these two, who had only met about an hour earlier, were succeeding in pleasuring each other like long-time lovers.  They took turns licking, pinching, tugging, and nibbling each other's nipples. 

Then I saw Emy working on one of Mandi’s most sensitive erogenous zones, her neck below her ears.  Emy must have sensed the vulnerability of this area and began kissing and nibbling on Mandi’s neck.  In no time, the telltale signs of an impending orgasm began to overwhelm Mandi. 

Emy took full advantage of this opportunity.  The combination of her focusing on Mandi’s neck with her lips and tongue and madly pumping her fingers into Mandi’s wanton pussy, caused Mandi to squirt a huge spray of girly juices all over Emy’s hand and arm, down her legs, and onto the bed.  An orgasm of titanic proportion enveloped Mandi.

These all-encompassing, orgasmic convulsions caused Mandi to arch her back so strongly that only her head, shoulders, and feet touched the bed for at least a full minute.  I knew she was in a joyful and ecstatic place.

Laughing, Emy said, “I see you are a squirter, Mandi.  I love that, and I am too.”  I’ll bet housekeeping will need to change the linens on this bed after we’re finished.”

But I also knew that such an intense orgasm drove Mandi’s libido to ever-greater heights.  Therefore, it was no surprise that as soon as she returned to something remotely resembling reality, she immediately whispered something to Emy.  Then the two of them moved into a classic sixty-nine position.

There was no slowing down Mandi.  She was now in “full attack mode," and I watched as her tongue dove uncompromisingly deep into Emy’s pussy and then back out to tantalize her clit.

Emy was now the one heading for an orgasm.  While she was definitely enjoying eating Mandi’s pussy, Emy was the receiver of Mandi’s overwhelming passion for always pleasing her partner.  Mandi’s tongue is significantly longer and stronger than most, which is beneficial when she is with either men or women.  When Mandi puts her tongue to full use, her partner may just as well lie back and enjoy the trip.  Emy must have figured this out as her head was rocking back and forth, her eyes tightly closed, and her legs spread wide and shaking with near-demonic force.

Watching this was magical.  I felt the extreme level of eroticism both women were exuding and stroking my cock in response.  But I didn’t want to cum, as I wanted to feel their pussies envelope my nearly eight inches of thick pleasure before they said they were done. 

Emy’s orgasm finally hit her.  It was no less powerful but utterly different from how Mandi orgasmed.  Emy’s was a genuine screaming orgasm, her entire body shaking, and her toes were curling down, almost to the soles of her feet. 

When Emy’s orgasm finally subsided, the two women looked lovingly at each other and then exchanged one of the most erotic and sensual kisses I'd ever seen between two bi-sexual females.

I was suddenly concerned that this may have been it for the two women and that I would be left out.  But that worry was quickly put to rest when I saw the two whispering and giggling. 

Emy looked at me, grinning, and said, “We think it’s time for both of us to enjoy some hard cock, and yours looks very appealing.  Are you ready to give both of us a proper fucking?”

I had never heard such beautiful words, “You have no idea how ready I am.  Now stay exactly as you are with Mandi on top.”

If I came too soon, I wanted to enjoy Emy’s pussy first.  With Mandi’s lips and tongue immediately above Emy’s glistening pussy this had to be the ideal grouping.  The mattress was at the perfect height, and I could slide my nearly eight hard inches straight into Emy’s welcoming pussy. In addition, Mandi's face and mouth were just above my cock, making the combination of vaginal and oral sex not just possible but highly likely.

The scene below me on the bed almost caused me to cum just by looking at these two stunning women who were ready for me to fuck them.  It was like a dream come true.  Positioning Emy’s legs over my shoulders and the head of my cock at her wet outer lips, I slid it up and down, coating it with her slippery pussy juice.  Then I slowly began sliding it into her wet and welcoming vaginal sheath.

Oh my god.  Emy's pussy was so tight I could feel her pussy muscles squeezing my cock, amplifying all the erotic sensations that always occur during the first thrust into a new pussy.  Her pussy muscles were so strong they felt as though they were sucking my cock deeper and deeper into her fantastic pussy.

Emy let me know she was enjoying it too, as I heard her let out a loud moan and then say, “Oh fuck, Dave.  Your cock feels perfect in my cunt.”  I took that as a hint that I should start pounding her.  But I would need to gradually increase the speed and force I was using to fuck her.

As I began thrusting my cock faster and deeper into Emy’s pussy, I felt another incredibly erotic sensation.  Looking down, I saw Mandi using the flat of her tongue to lick my cock as I thrust it in and out of Emy’s pussy.  But that wasn’t all Mandi was doing.  She was also pulling back to use the tip of her tongue to thrum Emy’s clit.  It momentarily occurred to me that this could easily become the updated version of the old chewing cum advertising slogan, “Double your pleasure and double your fun.”

Once we had everything synchronized, it was absolutely enthralling.  I spent at least twenty glorious minutes thrusting my cock harder and deeper into Emy’s perfect pussy.  Mandi kept pace with her tongue, first on my hard, wet cock and then switching to Emy’s engorged clit. 

Then I added a final variation by pulling my cock out of Emy’s pussy and face fucking Mandi for a few strokes as she expertly deep-throated me.  I was having a tough time not climaxing, and Emy was screaming and calling out the “F” word so loudly that I was afraid someone might want to check where all the screaming originated.

This intense eroticism finally caught up with me, and I realized that my efforts to prevent climaxing were doomed to failure.  I was ready to blast loads of cum into or onto one or both of these hot women.  I yelled out what was probably evident to both of them, “I’m going to cum.  Where do you want it?”

Almost as one, Emy said, “In my pussy,” and Mandi countered with, “In my mouth.”

The decision was a no-brainer.  As my balls began to pulsate and my shaft started throbbing, I hollered, "Oh fucking fuck.  Here I cum.” 

The first few strong ropes of my warm pearly love juice exploded into Emy.  She screamed as she felt it flood her pussy.  Then, with my cock still spurting, I pulled it out of Emy’s pussy, and Mandi engulfed it in her open mouth.  During this quick transition, only a few small globs of my cum splattered onto Emy’s flat stomach or Mandi’s radiant face.

With all the buildup leading to this incredible moment, this was one of the biggest loads of my life.  Mandi was making a concerted but not entirely successful attempt to swallow what was in her mouth.  So, I added what I had left in my balls to what I had already deposited in Emy’s pussy.

This was a moment of total euphoria for me.  But it was also a moment of uncertainty for the girls while they decided what to do next.  Emy wiggled out from under Mandi, turned around, and said to her, “Kiss me, Mandi.  I want to taste Dave’s cum.”

------ To be continued -----

Written by MandiFan1
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