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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Mac felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. He hadn’t intended to blurt out the news to Dominic that they were father and son. He wished Dom would say something, anything, but his only response had been to request a drink.

Grace’s stomach was in knots. She wished she could wave a magic wand and fast forward past this awkwardness. She was sure that Dominic would be thrilled that Mac was his son once he got used to the idea. The fact that he was silent with a stunned look on his face was not at all the reaction that she had expected. Her heart ached for her husband, who looked a little lost at the moment.

“Sure, I’ll get us some drinks,” Mac said as he walked towards the stairs to head down to the bar. “Grace, why don’t you take Dominic upstairs to the living room.”

Dominic saw the misery on Mac’s face. And the look on Grace’s face made it clear that she expected him to say something.

“McKinley, do you have any champagne?” Dominic called after him.

Mac turned at the top of the stairs and said, “Yes, why?”

Dominic smiled weakly. “Because I think news like this is worth celebrating, don’t you?”

Grace felt herself let go of the breath she didn’t realize she was holding and smiled. Mac nodded and said, “Yes, I think so too.”

“Stairs or elevator?” Grace asked Dominic.

“Stairs are fine.”

Once they reached the third level, Grace turned to Dominic. “I know this news comes as a huge shock to you. It did to Mac as well. He’s been trying to find the right moment and the best way to tell you what he learned in Mimi’s letter, and then he blurted out the comment about grandchildren. So, he’s kicking himself right about now for not doing this more smoothly. I need you to keep in mind that he wasn’t the one who lied to you for all these years.”

“What do you expect from me, Grace? It’s a huge punch in the gut to know that McKinley is my son and that I’ve missed out on so much!”

“You think he doesn’t feel the same way? That he hasn’t felt cheated? Not to mention angry as hell at his mother!”

Dominic looked at Grace. “You love him madly, don’t you?”

“Damn straight, I do. And I’ve spent a lot of time convincing him that you’d be thrilled to know that he’s your son. Don’t disappoint me. More importantly, don’t disappoint him.”

“You needn’t worry, Grace. I could never be upset with McKinley. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“I didn’t tell you right away,” Mac said, entering the room with the bottle of champagne and three glasses. “I should have told you sooner. I just didn’t know how.”

“You’re telling me now. That’s all that matters. Shame on Mimi for laying the burden of telling me on your shoulders,” Dominic said softly. He stood and embraced Mac.

They held on for a moment or two. Then Dominic looked at Mac and said, “My letter from Mimi said that I needed to make sure to stay involved in your life and to be the kind of father that my brother, Marcus, has never been to you. I admit that I hoped she was hinting at something. But then I didn’t hear from you, so I figured it was wishful thinking on my part. I shouldn’t have just accepted Lorraine’s lie all those years ago. I should have been more persistent.”

“It’s not your fault; my mother hurt you deeply,” Mac said.

“This is why Mimi insisted that I take an active part in your life, McKinley. I always thought she just found Marcus lacking and knew that I loved you enough to step in and help when I could. I can only surmise that Mimi didn’t tell me I was your father because she was trying not to be banned from her daughter’s life again,” Dominic said, running his hand across the top of his head through his dark hair.

Grace smiled inwardly as the move mirrored that of Mac’s when he was frustrated. The only difference was that Dominic had more specks of gray than Mac.

“Open the champagne; I’d like very much to toast my son and his wife.”

Mac smiled and said, “Before I do, I need to tell you that you don’t know how many times I wished you were my father instead of him.”

“Probably as many times as I wished for the same thing,” Dominic said wistfully.

Mac opened the champagne and poured three glasses.

Dominic raised his and said, “To my wonderful son and his amazing wife. I’m so blessed to have you both in my life.”

Bentley poked his head into the living room. “Claudette has lunch prepared. Where would you like it set up, Ms. Grace?”

“The breakfast room, please. I had hoped to have lunch on the rooftop terrace, but it’s a bit windy. Thank you, Bentley.”

Mac grinned. “Well, I guess Bentley wasn’t kidding when he said you were in charge, Gracie.”

Grace raised an eyebrow and said, “I’ll head down. You two can have a few moments before you join me.”

Dominic chuckled. “She’s quite good for you, McKinley.”

Mac grinned. “I’m a lucky man. She makes me happy in so many ways.”

Dominic chuckled and was grateful that his son was a gentleman who didn’t feel the need to share details. He took another sip of the champagne and asked, “Have you told Lorraine what you’ve discovered yet?”

“No, I wanted to tell you first. If you didn’t take the news well, I figured why upset that apple cart?” Mac admitted.

Dominic frowned. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find joy in knowing that I’m your father?” he asked, the hurt evident in his voice.

Mac sighed. “Grace assured me that you would welcome this news once you got beyond the shock of finding out you’re a father at sixty-five.”

“I keep finding more reasons to adore your wife. She’s made such a huge change in your life, Mac. You’re not that stuffy, uptight suit that you used to be.”

“She makes me see the little things around me. She reminds me that there is more to life than work. Hell, she even makes work more enjoyable. And she’s wicked smart. I know people think I made her a partner because she is my wife. But the truth is, I’d find some way to keep her involved in the firm even if she woke up someday and realized she could do better than me. She sees things from a different perspective. And the house staff all love her.”

“What’s not to love?”

Dominic’s expression suddenly became serious. “Don’t ever lose sight of the fact that Grace is her own woman. She strikes me as someone who needs to get her hands dirty every once in a while.”


“Meaning she’s not the type of woman to be satisfied being a trophy wife like Louise would have been. So, be careful not to treat her like that. Don’t argue with her when she wants to do something herself instead of asking staff to do it for her.”

“Jeez, you find out you’re my dad, and you already have fatherly advice,” Mac teased.

“I would have suggested the same thing as your uncle,” Dominic said, smiling. “I sense a free spirit quality about her, McKinley. Don’t smother her and extinguish that bright light.”

“I have no intention of holding Grace back from being exactly who she is meant to be. I want her to be happy here in this house. I want her to be happy with our life together. I like to think we bring out the best in each other. And, while there is still much to learn about each other, we seem to be doing well so far.”

“Let’s go down and have lunch before Grace wonders what happened to us. By the way, I noticed she barely touched her champagne,” Dom said, raising an eyebrow as if this was an indication that maybe grandchildren weren’t so far off after all.

Mac shook his head and laughed, “She’s not a fan of dry champagne. But I grabbed the Brut because I know you like it. She’s more a fan of Moscato.”

“Ahh, I see,” Dominic replied.

After lunch, Grace thought it would be a good idea to give Mac and Dom time to chat. So, she decided to leave them alone for a bit.

“I’m going to walk over to Paint Box and get a manicure,” she said.

“Grace, why don’t you let Randall drive you?” Mac suggested.

“Because it’s a six-block walk, and I need to burn off some calories after eating too much of Claudette’s soufflé,” Grace replied.

“Are you taking Madison or 5th Avenue?”

Both Grace and Dominic made a face at Mac.

“What? Is it a crime to want to make sure my wife is safe walking six blocks in New York City?”

“McKinley, you live in Lenox Hill near Upper Eastside, and it’s the middle of the afternoon. Let your wife go have a little break from us, for crying out loud,” Dominic laughed.

Grace shot Dom a grateful look and then brushed her lips against Mac’s. “It’s just a manicure. I will be back before you know it.”


Chapter Thirty

Dominic suggested a swim and then time in the sauna. Mac agreed, figuring it would give them an informal setting to discuss things.

“Mimi’s letter mentioned that my confronting Lorraine might cost me my inheritance. To be honest, I don’t need a fucking thing from her or Marcus. I’d just as soon never talk to them again. But I know that’s the coward’s way out.”

“Just so you know. I will follow your lead on this. If you want to make the family aware that I am your father, that would be wonderful. But if you want to keep this between you, me, and Grace, I am fine with that, too. It’s whatever is going to make you happiest, Mac. Just know that you’ve always been the main beneficiary of my estate, so this won’t change that.”

Mac pondered this information for a moment before responding. “I am? Why?” he finally asked.

“Who else do I have in my life that I would want to have my money when I go? Certainly not my brother. His behavior disgusts me at every turn, and he doesn’t need it anyway.”

“It could be argued that I don’t need it either,” Mac offered.

“No, you don’t need it. But I can’t fathom giving a dime to him or his cheating, whore of a wife, or your entitled bitch of a sister.”

Mac laughed. “Tell me how you really feel, Uncle, um, Dom. Or should I call you dad?”

“Dominic or Dom is fine. I don’t expect you to call me dad unless it feels right.”

“So, I’m going to go out on a limb here, but Grace told me that she suspects that the neighbor my mother draped herself over at a Fourth of July party is likely Aislyn’s father. Thoughts on that?” Mac asked.

“Likely, yes. Even probable. But what does that matter? At least she isn’t mine. I imagine Grace told you I nearly succumbed to Lorraine’s desires that night. The neighbor saved me from a horrendous mistake.”

“I think Marcus knows.” Mac blurted out.

Dominic frowned. “What makes you say that?”

“I remember being about eight or nine and overhearing an argument between my parents. I didn’t understand at the time, but I recall Lorraine saying it wasn’t her fault that he was shooting blanks.”

Dom was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “For years, Marcus has made digs at me for not having a son. I just thought he was being a prick. But if he knew…”

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who my father is if it isn’t him. I look like both of you.”

“So, you think he knew I was your father and kept the secret because it was like a big fuck you?”

“I do,” Mac said quietly. He suddenly felt awkward and anxious and couldn’t pinpoint why. “I wonder what’s taking Grace so long.”

“McKinley, she hasn’t even been gone an hour. Let’s hit the sauna. You don’t have to rush into any decision about acknowledging me as your father, just so you know.”

Mac looked at Dominic. “There is nothing to decide. You’re my father. You always have been in every way that mattered. You taught me how to ride a bike, came to every basketball game, and stood in for Marcus more times than I can count. Hell, you were the one who gave me a three-pack of condoms when I told you I liked Cindy Martin in High School and told me to keep my dick wrapped unless I wanted to be a teen father.”

Dominic shrugged. “Lorraine was pissed when she found out I gave you condoms. Until I explained to her that I was trying to prevent her from becoming a young grandma.”

Mac smiled weakly. “Of course. The only way my mother ever gave a shit about a situation was how it affected her. It was damn good advice, by the way. Even though I only got to feel Cindy’s boobs. But I kept those condoms handy.”

“You always were a smart boy,” Dom laughed.

“You loved her, didn’t you?” Mac asked thoughtfully.

“Cindy Martin? Nah, she was a bit young for me,” Dominic teased. Then he felt that old familiar tug on his heart. “Oh, you mean Lorraine. Yes, I loved her. She wasn’t quite as abrasive back then. I know that she didn’t love me, not really. She said she did, then she ended up fucking Marcus and laughing about it as if it were a hilarious joke. Broke my fucking heart.”

They grabbed a couple of robes and went to sit at the bar. Mac poured Crown Royal Black over ice in two glasses and handed one to Dominic. Then he raised his and said, “Thank you for being my father, even when you weren’t sure if you were, and for hoping that I was your son.”

Dominic smiled and clinked his glass to Mac’s.

Mac tilted his head. “I remember when things all fell to shit with Louise, how Marcus said it was my fault because I was such a pussy. That Louise needed a real man to fuck her like a woman likes to be fucked.”

“He told me once when he was drunk off his ass that he was able to steal Lorraine away from me because I made the mistake of trying to treat her like a lady. So, it doesn’t surprise me that he’d make that kind of comment. He’s a thoughtless prick!”

“Do you remember what you said to me?” Mac asked.

“I do, indeed. I told you that Louise wasn’t the right woman for you and that you’d dodged a bullet. That the real future Mrs. Stewart was still out there, waiting for you to find her,” Dom replied.

“Find who?” Grace asked as she descended the stairs into the bar area.

“Find you, my lovely wife,” Mac said, his face giving away sheer pleasure that she had returned.

They hadn’t touched each other, weren’t even within arm’s reach, yet the look between Mac and Grace was so intensely sensual that Dom almost felt dirty for being an eyewitness to their erotic aura.

“Let’s see the nails!” Dom said enthusiastically, hoping to break the sexual tension and avoid feeling that he was awkwardly in the way.

Grace wiggled her fingers to show off her freshly manicured, red nails. There was just a hint of sparkle to the color, making them seem festive. Then she walked around the bar to where Mac was sitting and gave him an innocent peck on the cheek.

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Dominic stood and said, “Well, if you two lovebirds don’t mind, I’m going to take the rest of my drink upstairs and do some reading.”

“Don’t let my return chase you away, Dom,” Grace said.

“Not at all. I started an excellent book on the plane, and I was just getting to the good part when I landed.”


Chapter Thirty-One

“Your nails look pretty. Do they need time to dry?” Mac asked.

“No, they’re gel polish and already quite hard.”

“Good, because I’m quite hard, too. I want to ravish you, and I don’t want to wait. Strip for me.”

“Here? Right now?”

“Yes. No one else is down here but us.”

“What if Dom comes back down?”

“He’s not coming back. He knows we are still newlyweds. That was his polite way of saying he was getting out of our way so I could fuck my bride on the bar.”

“Oh!” Grace said, blushing. “He knows you’re going to fuck me on the bar?”

“Is it any wonder I love you? No, silly. He’s a man, and he could tell that I wanted some time alone with my wife. He excused himself politely so we could fool around. The least we can do is take advantage of his thoughtfulness.”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

Mac crushed his mouth against Grace’s and cut off the rest of her sentence. He undid his robe and let it fall to the ground. Then he helped her ditch the rest of her clothes and boosted her up onto the bar. He watched as she spread her legs open for him and exposed her glistening pink folds.

“Thirsty?” she asked seductively. “Need a drink?”

Mac sat down on a barstool and said, “Oh, fuck yes, I’m parched. Only you can quench this thirst.”

Then he pushed her legs open wider and inhaled her scent before teasing her with his tongue.

“Oh, my God, Mac! Mmm, nobody eats pussy as good as you do! You make me so hot and horny! I need…”

“You need to behave and let me feast on this juicy cunt that belongs to me!”

“Oh, fuck! Yes! Yes!” she cried out.

His tongue and teeth tormented her clit as he inserted a single finger into her slowly. Then he added another, then a third one as she moaned and cried. He kept her teetering on edge for what felt like forever as he devoured her. Then finally, as her hips rocked on the bar, the wicked combination of fingers and tongue caused a tidal wave of orgasms.

“Oh! Fuck, yeah!” she cried out as her entire body shuddered with pleasure.

The look of pure satisfaction on her face told Mac he’d done his research well.

“Damn, Mac! Where have you been hiding that move with your fingers inside like that?”

“You’re not the only one who can watch YouTube videos and read sex articles,” Mac said, his grin coated with her sweet nectar.

Grace leaned down to kiss Mac deeply. “Mmm, I taste good on you,” she moaned. “What can I do to return the favor?”

“Get on the elevator.”

“What? I can’t, Mac. I’m naked.”

“We can hit the express button and take it directly to the sixth floor. Or, better yet, we can hit the hold button, and it won’t open for anyone else. Come on, Gracie! Be adventuresome!”

“Fine, but grab your robe in case your plan fails, and we have to cover up quickly.”


Mac followed Grace onto the elevator and waited for the door to close before he pressed hold. Then he picked her up, pushed her against the wall, and slid his throbbing hard cock into her juicy wet pussy. His thrusts were animalistic and driving her wild! Grace felt her arousal growing along with his.

“Oh, fuck, this is erotic!” Grace moaned.

She held onto his neck while he pumped into her as their climaxes drew closer. When Mac felt his balls tighten, he took the elevator off hold and hit the express button. Then he rammed himself into her until they came together while the lift rode to the top of the house. His guttural cries as he filled her triggered one more explosion for Grace, and they were a hot, sweaty mess by the time the door opened again.

“Holy fuck! That was ridiculously amazing!” Grace said, panting as he continued to carry her into their bathroom.

“Let’s hit the shower and see what other kind of trouble we can get into before dinner.”

When they stepped into the bathroom, Suzanna came out from behind the bedroom door, where she quickly hid when she heard the elevator open and caught an accidental glimpse of her employer’s firm ass. She’d come upstairs to put fresh towels in the linen closet before she left for the day. Bentley told her to wait until later, but she was trying to get everything done to leave early to catch an off-Broadway play with her cousin who was visiting. She only hoped she could enjoy the play and try to unsee Mr. Stewart’s naked butt.

As she tiptoed to the stairs, she heard laughter echoing in the master suite shower. She could only imagine what they might be doing in there. She looked at her watch. If she hurried, she could make it home in time to have a little private session of her own while she showered. Of course, she’d have to be much quieter than Mrs. Stewart, who was currently screaming, “Yes! God, yes!”


Chapter Thirty-Two

When it was time for dinner, Mac and Grace came into the main dining room holding hands. Dominic was already seated and having a friendly conversation with Bentley.

“It’s nice that you get to stay for a few days this time, Sir,” Bentley commented. “Goodness knows the house is plenty big for visitors.”

“I’m delighted to be here,” Dominic answered.

“Bentley,” Mac said. “I’ve asked Dominic to stay a few days because we are celebrating.”

Bentley looked at Mac, then at Grace, then at Mac again. “What’s the occasion?” he asked, hoping it was baby news.

“I’ve discovered that my Uncle Dominic is my birth father.”

“Oh! Well, that is definitely something to celebrate! No offense, Mr. Stewart, but I didn’t care for the way your father, well, that is, Marcus…” he paused, looking for the right words. “I didn’t care for the way Marcus looked at the female staff here. They were always uncomfortable with his leering and off-color jokes,” Bentley admitted.

“Why didn’t someone say something to me?” Mac asked, clearly annoyed at just finding out this disturbing information.

“I said something to Alice, Sir. She told me to mind my own business. She said that the house staff was well-paid, so we should ignore Marcus unless he got handsy with anyone. I was, of course, appalled. But I didn’t dare cross her. She made it clear from day one that she was in charge.”

Grace saw irritation and misery flash in Mac’s eyes. She hoped she wasn’t stepping on his toes, but she felt she needed to say something.

“Bentley, I’m sorry that Alice didn’t handle the situation as she should have. I’m appalled as well that she didn’t tell McKinley. Please know that if there is anything anyone ever feels the need to discuss, we want to hear about it. And, while I doubt Marcus will have much cause to visit here again, please know that if he should, he will be reminded to behave appropriately,” Grace said.

Bentley hesitated. Then he said, “Ms. Grace, Alice said some terrible things about you while you and Mr. Stewart were in Europe. Things I’m not comfortable repeating. Then, when she was let go, she said that we should all be prepared to lose our jobs when you became the lady of the house. Yet, when you arrived, you were so much different than we expected. We are genuinely pleased that you are here. I promise we won’t hesitate to come to you. Shame on Alice for spreading such lies.”

“Alice was struggling in her role toward the end. Sometimes unhappy people say hurtful things. I’m just glad you and the rest of the staff were open-minded when I arrived. I can’t thank you enough for making me feel welcome. It’s obvious that I stepped into a well-oiled machine here with how well you all run this house. It will help me tremendously to be able to focus on my position in Stewart Enterprises.”

Mac watched his wife in action and felt incredibly proud of how she handled everything. Dominic smiled at his son and said, “I was right. You found the real Mrs. Stewart. You’re a damn lucky man, Mac.”

After dinner, Mac nearly choked on his tea when Dominic asked, “So, what’s for dessert?”

Grace shot Mac a look of warning not to blurt out the fact that dessert was their code word for sex.

“Well, I would suggest a walk to Emack & Bolio’s for ice cream, but it’s gotten pretty chilly out now that the sun has gone down. So, we have some left-over apple pie that Claudette made, or we have oatmeal raisin scones that I picked up at Levain’s Bakery on my way home from my manicure.”

Dominic grinned like a little kid. “Oatmeal raisin scones? You might just be the perfect daughter!”

Grace felt like she couldn’t breathe for a moment.

“Hey, baby, are you okay?” Mac asked, concerned that his wife’s face suddenly drained of color.

Dominic said, “If I said something to make you uncomfortable…”

“No, not at all,” Grace said, regaining her composure. “I’m sorry. Years ago, my father used to say those exact words to me. Well, the perfect daughter part, not the part about the scones. Those were actually the last words he said to me the last time I saw him. Hearing you say that just made me miss him.”

Dominic felt his heart tug. Mac had mentioned back in Chicago that Grace’s parents had both died. He walked to her and put his arms around her. She clung to him and sobbed.

“There you go, my sweet girl. Cry it out. I imagine you’ve held these tears in a long time,” Dominic said as he held her.

Mac looked helpless as to what he should do. Dom shook his head, indicating he should just wait it out and let Grace cry.

After a few moments, when Grace had settled down, Dominic said, “It seems I’ve gained both a son and a daughter today. I’m a fortunate man. How about we enjoy the scones with some Bailey’s to celebrate?”

Grace kissed Dom on the cheek and said, “You two go on down to the theater room. I will bring dessert down, and we can watch some sort of comedy. Dad’s choice!” She winked.

She wiped her face and took the elevator down to the kitchen to grab the scones, then down to the bar to grab the Bailey’s, before heading back up to the large theatre room.

“So, what did you decide on for our viewing entertainment?” Grace said as she served the scones and Bailey’s.

“Nothing like the Three Stooges on an eighty-inch flat screen,” Dom grinned. “McKinley and I used to watch episode after episode when he would come over to spend the night at my house. Of course, back in those days, the TV was not so grandiose. But we enjoyed our time together.”

“Three Stooges it is, then!” Grace laughed.

As she watched the two men laugh their asses off at the stupid antics on the screen, it made her smile. Where she had seen nothing but animosity between Mac and Marcus back in Chicago, the bond between Mac and Dom had deep roots. They were two peas in a pod. It made her heart happy.

Dom glanced over at Grace and grinned. His heart was happy, too. The boy he had loved as his own all these years was truly his son. And the woman he married was indeed the perfect Mrs. Stewart.

Later, when they were getting ready for bed, Mac came up behind Grace and hugged her tightly. “I love you so much!”

“I love you, too! What’s up?”

“Thank you for being right about Dominic being thrilled that I’m his son. You’re a good sport for putting up with several hours of slapstick comedy.”

“Well, it was more fun watching you and Dom laughing like ten-year-old boys.”

Mac laughed. “So, what did you have in mind to do with my dad for the remainder of his visit?”

“I thought he might enjoy a carriage ride through Central Park. Then, as corny as it sounds, I thought it would be fun to do a Hop On/Hop Off bus tour of the city. There is so much of the city that I’d like to see as well.

“That sounds perfect. I asked Dom if he wanted me to try to get theatre tickets, and he said he’d rather do things where we can interact with each other. So, what you have planned fits the bill.”

Grace turned around and kissed Mac softly on the lips. “When my parents died, I was devastated. As I grew older, I thought that my husband’s parents would be sort of like parents to me once I got married. Then I met yours and almost thought being an orphan was better. Sorry if that sounds harsh.”

“No, it’s honest. I’m so sorry, baby.”

“But then Mimi’s letter to you gave me this ray of hope. And having Dominic here in our home, spending time together, watching the two of you laugh like hyenas tonight…” Grace paused for a moment so she wouldn’t cry. “I feel like you’ve given me exactly what I dreamed of by sharing your real dad with me. I know that probably sounds foolish.”

“Hey, it doesn’t sound foolish at all! I have a father who cares about me and loves me. But he also feels that way about you. You are the woman he told me was out there waiting for me when Louise broke my heart. You are the one who saved me from being so focused on work that I didn’t see the world around me. I will always be grateful for that, Gracie.”

“Well, you could always show me your gratitude,” Grace said flirtatiously.

Mac laughed. “I think that could be arranged.”

Mac lifted her onto the counter in the bathroom and got down on his knees. “Spread your legs for me so I can express my gratitude, Mrs. Stewart.”

“You’ve already had dessert tonight, Mac,” Grace said playfully.

“The scones were delicious, but there’s nothing sweeter than you. I have a mad craving to taste you, Grace. Don’t make me beg.”

Grace laughed and opened her legs provocatively. “No need to beg for what belongs to you, Mac. Taste me, take me, use me.”

Mac worked his way inward, leaving a trail of soft, wet kisses on her inner thighs. When he reached the prize he sought, he licked tiny circles on her bare mound and then used his tongue to part the glistening pink folds of sweetness.

“Oh, fuck, Mac,” Grace whispered softly. “You must be exceedingly grateful.”

She moaned while he feasted. His tongue, teeth, and fingers all played with her as he brought her close to the edge. The pleasure he gave her was beyond words. Her hips started to rock as he picked up the pace a little until she was bucking and crying out. “Oh, fuck! God, yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck!”

Grace’s orgasm shook her entire body as she quenched Mac’s thirst with her nectar. Then he stood up, picked her up, and carried her to the bed. She was on her back with her legs draped over his shoulders. He rubbed the head of his stiff shaft along the drenched slit of her pussy.

“Don’t make me beg,” Grace said, repeating the words that Mac had told her in the bathroom.

Mac smiled and responded the same way she had. “No need to beg for what belongs to you, Gracie.”

Then he slid inside her and moved in and out with slow, sensual strokes. Grace met each thrust with moans of pleasure as she rode several waves of orgasm before he reached down and teased her clit. Then their bodies danced fast and furiously until they reached the peak of pleasure and came together in an erotic explosion.

Afterward, as they drifted off to sleep, they both secretly felt like they were the luckiest couple on Earth. 

Written by techgoddess
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