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Chapter Twenty-Five

Grace woke early and found herself alone in bed. She got up, put on her robe, and began searching for her husband. The logical place to look was in his office, of course. She just hoped she remembered which level it was on. Then she heard his voice coming from the terrace.

She poked her head out and found it unseasonably warm. Mac was sitting at a little table, drinking tea and talking to someone on the phone.

“Yes. Of course. Please, don’t be silly; I’m sure Grace has already picked out your room for you. No, tomorrow’s perfect. We’ll see you then.”

“Good morning, Grace,” Mac said as he motioned for her to come to sit on his lap.

She walked to him and allowed him to pull her into his arms. He kissed her temple. “That was Dominic again. I figured I need to stop putting him off and said he could come tomorrow. I hope you’re okay with that. How’d you sleep?

“Sure, that’s fine. And, I slept like a baby,” Grace sighed as she rested her head on Mac’s shoulder. “Instead of rushing to buy a new mattress, why don’t we just switch the one in the Master bedroom with the one in this room?”

Mac hugged her tightly. “That’s a lovely idea, but I’d rather just get rid of that mattress. Who knows? We might want to make use of this room again. I envision making love to you in many locations. There are six floors, after all.”

He felt her tense up. So, he turned her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I haven’t slept in my bed in the Master Bedroom since I found Louise there with her boss’s dick in her ass. I should have replaced the mattress sooner. I’m just grateful that Louise was not adventurous, and that was the only bed we were ever in together.”

“Oh,” Grace responded. “It sounds silly, but that makes me feel better about living here. I wasn’t sure how it would feel knowing that Louise lived in this house.”

Mac frowned. “Louise never lived here. She spent the night several times a week and kept some of her stuff in a drawer. But she would never commit to moving in. She wanted to wait until after we got married. And now that I am saying that out loud, I should have seen the signs that she just wasn’t that into me.”

Grace took Mac’s face in her hands and drew him in for a kiss. “She was trying to get caught. If she had her own place and chose to fuck the boss here in this house, in your bed, she was definitely looking for a way to end it. I shall always be grateful that she wasn’t that into you, as selfish as it sounds.”

“It’s honest, and that has been the refreshing thing about you from the very start. I’m grateful that it didn’t work out with her, too. You’re everything I needed in my life but was too busy to know better.”

“I certainly wasn’t looking to fall in love. But you’re everything I needed too. I will learn to love living in this house, our house. Be patient with me, okay? I thought your parent’s house was big.”

“They have a lovely yard and gardens, but I have a little slice of that upstairs. It was too dark to see last night, but I’ll have Claudette arrange for us to have lunch up on the rooftop terrace today, okay? It should be warm enough in the sun.”

“Who is Claudette?”

“She’s my chef, and she is fantastic.

“Of course,” Grace said. “But how about I make breakfast for us.”

“Breakfast is ready and awaits us in the breakfast room.”

“Mac, what’s the point of having a gigantic kitchen if I never get to cook?” she asked, frowning.

“I didn’t know you liked to cook,” Mac said, a little dumbfounded at her displeasure.

“Never mind, it’s fine. I do like to cook. But it’s not my passion, so why argue over something small?”

“Let’s go up to our room and get dressed. Then we can head down for breakfast. After that, I’ve asked the staff to gather in the formal dining room to introduce you. And just so you’re aware, I’ve blocked out our schedules for the remainder of the week so we can get you acclimated to your new home.”

Grace climbed the stairs to the sixth floor, where the master suite was located. She put on a pair of black stretch leggings and a soft, gray sweater. Then she added a string of black faux pearls, put her red hair up in a twist, and brushed on a bit of mascara. She opted for the black ballet flats instead of the Keds. If she was going to meet the house staff, she wanted to look at least a little like she belonged here.

“The breakfast room is on the first level, so let’s take the elevator,” Mac suggested.

This was something else she’d need to get used to, a house with an elevator. But maybe she could just convince herself that her new home was like a big apartment building.

When the elevator doors closed, Mac pulled Grace in for a passionate kiss. He made sure to end the kiss just before the doors opened again. But he grinned and admitted, “I’ve always wanted to do that on this elevator.”

“Do what?” Grace teased.

“Make out with the woman I love. Grace, I know this house can seem overwhelming. But I think you’re going to love it here. After we meet with the staff, let’s head to my office and talk about creating an office space for you.”

He was so giddy that she didn’t have the heart to tell him how out of place she felt. So, instead, she smiled and said, “Sounds perfect.”

She would try hard not to allow herself to feel like an outsider. She belonged here. She was Mac’s wife and his COO. She just prayed that the staff wouldn’t see her as some unworthy imposter.

After breakfast, they walked up two flights to the third floor, entered the dining room together, and took a seat at the formal dining table. All eyes were on Grace. However, she appeared calm on the outside while fighting the urge to run like hell on the inside.

“Thank you all for coming today to meet with us. Please let me introduce you to my wife, Grace Remy Stewart, who has also recently become my Chief Operating Officer. Grace, please meet Claudette, our chef, Suzanna, our housekeeper, Randall, our driver, and Bentley, our house manager. These are the people who work for us exclusively and full-time.”

They each said hello and seemed genuinely pleased to meet her. So far, so good.

“Our pool man is Ryder; he takes care of maintaining the pool and the spa area, and Jasmyn is our masseuse. Elijah is our bartender for any events, while Javier maintains the terrace gardens and the atrium.”

More polite hellos and smiles, but Grace’s head was starting to spin a little. Claudette picked up on this and, with a slight French accent, said, “Madame Stewart, if you would like, I can show you the ins and outs of your kitchen. Since Monsieur Stewart has been away, my services were not needed as often. I would like to continue to work only for four days per week unless you need me for a special event. So, I am assuming you’d probably like to know how your appliances operate.”

Grace smiled, “That would be very helpful, yes. I was telling Mac this morning that I enjoyed cooking and hoped that I’d be able to do so sometimes in that gorgeous kitchen.”

Claudette looked confused. “Pardonnez-moi, qui est Mac?”

“Mac est le nom que j’appelle mon mari,” Grace answered.

Claudette smiled, “Ah, how wonderful that there is someone else in addition to Javier who speaks French! I think we will have a lovely time exploring your kitchen, Madame.”

“Perhaps we can schedule some time tomorrow or the next day to do so?” Grace asked.

“It would be my pleasure,” Claudette replied.

Grace looked at these faces that were new to her and said, “I will do my best to remember all of your names. I appreciate your patience as I learn how things are run here.”

Bentley cleared his throat and said, “Madam, you are in charge of how things run around here. Should there be anything you want to change, you need only to ask.”

She smiled and said, “Well, there is one thing. I’d really prefer to be called Grace if that’s okay.” She looked at Mac, who nodded his approval. “Madam seems so formal, and it makes me feel old.”

There was laughter among the group, and, just like that, Mac’s staff fell in love with her. She wasn’t the hoity-toity lady of the house that they were expecting. She wasn’t like Louise at all. She was, well, Grace.

Mac dismissed the staff but asked Bentley to stay back a moment.

“Bentley does the shopping, so if there is anything you need, just let him know, and he will take care of it for you,” Mac explained to Grace.

Bentley smiled at the new Mrs. Stewart. “I’m so pleased that this grand home finally has a mistress. It’s the only thing that’s been lacking.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind, Bentley. I just hope you’ll be patient with me as I learn my way around this fortress,” she said.

Bentley laughed. “If you ever get lost, take the elevator. There is a house directory on the lift.”

“Thanks for the tip.”

“Okay, Mrs. Stewart, next stop is the business floor,” Mac said smiling. He took Grace by the arm as they descended the stairs to the second level.


Chapter Twenty-Six

Finally, something that looked familiar to her. She recalled her first visit here and smiled as she sat in the chair where Mac had first interviewed her for the position of an escort to travel with him.

“What’re you grinning about?” Mac asked as he sat down in his chair.

“I’m just thinking about the first time I sat here across your desk from you. I remember thinking how incredibly handsome and sexy you were and wondering why on Earth you needed to pay an escort. I’d done my homework, so I knew what you looked like, but you were ten times hotter in person.”

Mac blushed. “Now you’re just trying to flatter me. I think you’re trying to get into my pants.”

Grace laughed, and it was music to Mac’s ears. He knew she felt overwhelmed. He wanted, more than anything, to make her feel at home here.

“Maybe I am!”

“I remember wishing that Alice would disappear so that I could ravage you right here on my desk,” Mac admitted.

“Well, I don’t see any Alice here now, and, unless I’m mistaken, you’ve yet to replace her, so what’s stopping you?”

Mac tilted his head and felt his cock twitch when Grace raised an eyebrow and motioned to his desk. He walked over to close the door and lock it. Then he walked to Grace’s chair, scooped her up, used his arm to clear space, and deposited her on the desk. He stood next to the desk and embraced her, their tongues dancing erotically.

“God, I love you, Grace!” Mac said as he lifted her sweater over her head. He lowered his mouth to kiss the tops of her breasts, peeking out from the sexy bra she had on. “Mmm, nice! Tell me, do the panties match the bra?”

“What panties?” Grace asked with a look of mischief in her eyes.

“Oh, fuck, Grace! You met the staff with no panties on? That’s fuckin’ hot. You looked so casually elegant when all the while just this flimsy material stood between your hot little pussy and the chair?”

Grace reached back and unfastened her bra, letting it fall to the ground. “Yes, and if you put your hands between my legs, you will feel how damp it is down there.”

“Mmm, God, you make me hard.”

His hands were all over her, and she reveled in the feeling. She loved being his and knowing he belonged to her.

Soon they were both naked, and he held her legs open as he kneeled and feasted on her delicious pussy, which was indeed already dripping. It wasn’t long before he had her shuddering with her first climax. Then he stood again and slid his rigid shaft into her, making her moan. “Oh, God, Mac! Yes, fuck me right here, right now.”

“Oh, yes, I fully intend to fuck you hard and deep. And when I feel like you’ve cum enough for me, then I will fill you with my seed.”

Mac pumped into his wife’s hot wetness, making her cum in orgasmic waves before he felt his balls tighten and let go, filling her as he promised.

Eventually, he pulled Grace into a sitting position and kissed her gently. She marveled at the contrast between the rough and rowdy sex and this sweet embrace and felt herself falling even deeper in love with her husband. As he pulled out of her, she watched their collective juices pool on his desk.

“Mrs. Stewart, you’ve made a mess of my desk!” Mac chided her in jest.

Grace grinned. “You’ve been waiting a long time to do this; surely, a little semen on your desk is no big deal. But if you want me to clean it up…”

She stopped mid-sentence and scooped up a fingerful of cum, and licked it seductively.

“Keep that up, and you’ll have me hard again in seconds.”

“Well, I’m guessing there are more places you want to fuck me.”

Mac said, “Indeed. We’re a bit of a mess, so how about the shower?”

“How are we going to get all the way upstairs without anyone seeing us?”

“Grace, this used to be a bedroom, so my office has a full bathroom attached.”

“Well, then why are we still here when we should be in there, fucking like newlyweds?”

Mac picked up his bride and dangled her over his shoulder.

“Put me down, silly! You’re going to hurt your back!”

But Mac ignored her and carried her into the bathroom. Then he turned on the shower and said, “I think it’s your turn to feast on me a bit before the next round.”

Grace grinned a naughty grin. “Oh? Do you want me on my knees then?”

“Yes, I do, my sassy little redhead. Mmm, suck my cock, Gracie.”

Grace took his dick, hard and ready again, into her hands and sucked on his balls.

“Holy fuck, Grace!”

She continued to tease him like this before finally taking him into her mouth. She’d never minded oral sex during her days as a prostitute in Cote d’Ivoire or her time as a highly paid escort. But with Mac, it was as if she couldn’t get enough of his cock. She loved to lick it, suck it, and downright worship it. It wasn’t just that he had a fabulous package. It was the way he moaned and genuinely enjoyed her tongue, mouth, and throat. She realized it made her feel so good to know she was giving him such intense pleasure.

She knew he had intended to enjoy her mouth for a bit and then fuck her again. But when he got close to climaxing, she refused to let him out of her mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Grace! I’m gonna cum!”

He exploded in her mouth and down her throat. He was about to apologize when he saw the devilish look in her eyes as she opened her mouth and showed him his cum before she finished swallowing it.

“You’re amazing, Grace! You totally blow me away with how well you know my body and what pleases me. You fully intended on finishing me off in your mouth, didn’t you?”

“Oh, hell yes!” she laughed. “When I sampled your cum from the desk, it made me crave your taste, baby. Besides, you fucked me good and hard on your desk. I’m more than satisfied.”

“Are you sure? Because you’re not the only one skilled in the art of oral pleasure. And you know how much my tongue enjoys playing with the little gold ball down there.”

“Well, if you insist.”

And he did.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

After a breezy lunch on the rooftop terrace, Grace spent the rest of the day familiarizing herself with the layout of the house. She chose the bedroom on the fourth floor as Dominic’s guest room since she and Mac had decided to stay in the room that they’d spent their first night in on the fifth floor until they got a new mattress for the Master Suite.

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“Are you sure you don’t want to give him the room across from ours?” Mac teased.

Grace rolled her eyes. “As if I want your uncle to hear us?”

“You mean my father?” Mac said, suddenly somber.

“Yes, of course. I’m sorry, I should have asked sooner. Are you doing okay with all of this? Do you want me to be in the room when you tell him? Or just close by?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been mulling it over for the better part of the afternoon, and I guess I am not even sure how to bring it up. I mean, do I just say, hey, guess what, you’re my dad?”

Grace put her hand on Mac’s arm. “It will come to you once he’s here. And I will do whatever you want.”

“I know, you’re so accommodating,” Mac said, sounding way snarkier than intended. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off like such a dick. I’m just…”

“You don’t need to apologize to me, okay? You have every right to be a little unsure of how this is all going to go. But trust me on this, he’s going to love knowing he’s your father. He loves you. That much was very clear at Mimi’s funeral.”

“I know he does. It’s just awkward. Why didn’t I just call him when I found out? Will he think I was trying to hide it from him as my mother did?”

“Hey, let’s go for a swim before dinner, okay? I think it would help you relax. What time does Dominic arrive tomorrow?”

“Not until the afternoon. Why?”

“Maybe you should set up a massage with Jasmyn for the morning. It might help you relax.”

“Yeah, maybe. Or maybe I will just have my wife give me another one of her fabulous blow jobs.”

“Hmm, or maybe Jasmyn can massage you, and then I can pop in for a happy ending.”

Mac looked mortified.

“Relax, she doesn’t have to know what I’m up to! Jeez, lighten up McKinley!”

He tried not to be annoyed. He knew she was trying to get his mind off having to tell Dominic his mother had lied all those years ago and that it was him, not his twin brother Marcus, who was his father.

He decided to change the subject instead of snapping at her when she had done nothing wrong.

“Have you decided whether you want Alice’s old office as your office? You can redecorate it and get new furniture, of course.”

“Yes, I think it’s a great space. The furniture is perfectly fine. Are you planning on hiring someone to replace her?”

“No, I was going to ask you to take care of that.”

“You mean to do her old job along with mine?” Grace asked, a little confused.

“No, baby. I want you to find some candidates to interview, and I want you to select the person who will act as an admin for both of us.”

“Oh! Well, sure, I can do that. But if I am taking Alice’s old office, where are we going to put the new admin?”

“The area outside of both of our offices is plenty big for the type of position this person will hold. Alice was doing her job and your job since I didn’t have anyone in that position. So, I gave her more space because she had earned it.”

Mac’s facial expression gave away his sadness that Alice had turned out to be someone he couldn’t count on anymore.

“Are you sure you’re okay with me taking that office?” she asked.

He wrapped his arms around her. “Yes, how could I not love having my wife and COO right there when and where I need her and want her! I promise. I just wish things had ended differently with Alice, that’s all.”

“I know you do, baby. I do, too. Even though she didn’t like me, I know she was important to you. Maybe she needed you to let her go. If I were in her shoes and loved you and you didn’t love me back, I don’t think I could stand it.”

Mac kissed the top of Grace’s head and held on tighter. “I just feel like an idiot for not recognizing that she had such strong feelings for me. How could I be around her every day and not know she was in love with me?”

“You’re a busy guy, Mac. Stop beating yourself up. Some women think men are supposed to read their minds. I’ve been guilty of it at times. It’s not your fault that you didn’t see it. And once you started realizing it, you did not encourage her. So, you need to allow yourself to grieve over the loss of a trusted friend and then let it go.”

“I sometimes forget that one of your degrees is in psychology,” Mac sighed. “You’re right, of course. Do you ever get tired of being right?”

Grace pulled away. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry, I’m just feeling off. I’d love to take you up on that swim before dinner.”

“Sure thing. Just give me a few minutes to stock Dominic’s bathroom with toiletries and make sure he has towels and blankets.”

“You know you can ask Suzanna to do that, right?”

“Yes, I’m aware. But maybe I like playing house. Just let me do this, okay? Dominic is family, and I want to see to some details myself. I will meet you down at the pool.”

“Okay, but don’t fuss too long.”


Chapter Twenty-Eight

When Grace entered the pool area, Mac’s jaw dropped. “Wow!”

“Thanks, baby! You do know how to make a girl feel sexy and desirable.”

“I just wasn’t expecting to see that much skin. But I love it!”

Grace frowned. “You picked this swimsuit for me, if you’ll recall. Should I have worn something more modest in my own home?”

Mac grinned, “Hell, no! I’m just hard as a fucking rock seeing my wife in next to nothing.”

Grace grinned. “Oh, well, next time, remind me to wear the one-piece that covers more.”

“Not a chance! Here I thought you wanted to swim. But dressed like that, I hope you have other things in mind.”

“Oh, you think I can’t swim in a crocheted bikini with a thong bottom?”

She walked seductively to the stairs and stepped into the water.

“I’m sure you can, but I have other ideas.”

“Are we alone down here?” Grace asked.

“Completely alone. Ryder cleaned the pool and took care of freshening up the whole spa area. He’s gone for the day. So, my sweet and sexy wife, how about you sit on the edge and spread your legs for me so that I can taste that delicious pussy?”

“I wouldn’t want you to spoil your dinner,” Grace teased.

“I’m a big boy; I can eat what I want, how I want, and when I want. Spread your legs, Gracie. I’m starving.”

Mac nibbled his way up each thigh before sliding her bikini bottoms aside to find the prize. He captured her little love button in his mouth and fiddled with the shiny gold ball, flicking it with his tongue.

“Oh, fuck, Mac! God, you make me so hot. More, please. Don’t stop!”

Mac licked and sucked until he had Grace on the brink of orgasm, then he stopped.

“What the fuck?”

“I need to fuck my wife,” Mac said seductively. “Slide into the water and onto my cock.”

Grace wasted no time getting into the water. He’d left her dangling on the edge of her climax, and he was damn well gonna fuck her and get her there.

He could tell she was a little pissed and used that to his advantage.

“That’s right, Grace. Slam that pussy down onto my dick and fuck yourself hard with it,” he directed.

She rode him hard and felt pure ecstasy when they came together. They ended up slipping underwater for a moment before coming up for air.

“Damn, baby! When you set my mind on distracting or relaxing me, you go all out, don’t you?”

Grace just grinned. “Well, I do love you madly. So, whatever it takes.”

“There are some robes just outside the sauna room. I will grab a couple so we can ride up to the sixth floor wrapped only in soft terry cloth.”

They opted to have dinner brought up to the dining room in their suite. When they finished, Mac said. “I think that when we decide to have kids, this space might be a nice interim nursery. That way, they would be close to us without being directly next to our bed. What do you think?”

Grace laughed. “I think we’ve been married for about four minutes, and it’s a bit too soon to think about converting this space quite yet. But, when the time comes, I’m not opposed to the idea.”

“I like to plan ahead,” Mac admitted.

“Nothing wrong with that,” she said, shrugging. “But please understand, I just recently got promoted, and I want to get a little time under my belt to prove to the boss I am fabulous in this position before I start to think about making a baby. Okay?”

“I hear you loud and clear. I guess I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

“Yes, I want a baby with you, Mac. I just don’t want to rush into motherhood when I’ve just started getting used to being a wife.”

Mac smiled. “I am enjoying that stage, believe me. And you’re the perfect wife. How am I doing as a husband so far?”

Grace moved to the bed and opened her robe. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed and said, “You’ve been pretty amazing, but show me again.”

Mac opened his robe, and, to Grace’s delight, he was ready to go again. He lifted her legs and held them in the air while he slid into her and fucked her slowly and sweetly.

“God, Mac, you’re driving me crazy with need!”

“That’s the idea, darling. Sometimes I like to ram my cock into your hot little cunt. And other times, like now, I prefer deliberate, controlled strokes. Of course, if you’d like, you can play with your clit while I fuck you. I’d help out there, but I’m having way too much fun holding your legs open.”

“I’m enjoying it as well, so I am happy to participate,” she moaned.

Mac enjoyed the erotic scene, watching her fingers play deftly among the glistening pink folds and the shiny gold ball that pierced her most intimate part. He continued to move slowly in and out of her as he marveled at how she could accommodate his size despite being so tight.

“God, you make me so hot; you feel so fucking amazing.”

“Mmm, don’t stop, keep fucking me. You make me feel so damn good!”

He could no longer be the gentle, patient lover. He needed to ram into her as a man possessed.

“Oh, God, yes! Fuck me hard, Mac. Use me hard, baby. I need to cum!”

Her fingers matched the furious pace of her husband’s thrusts, and she came hard, spraying her hand and his groin with her juices. He followed close behind and flooded her.

They slept like babies that night and woke up early, both a little nervous about how things would go with Dominic.

After breakfast, Grace met with Claudette to familiarize herself with the kitchen, while Mac went downstairs to have the massage that his very thoughtful wife arranged with Jasmyn. She reminded him to stay put after the massage so she could sneak in and give him his happy ending.

“If you get busy with Claudette, don’t worry about it,” Mac said.

“Just enjoy your massage. Ninety minutes should be plenty of time for me to figure out how everything in our kitchen works.”

True to her word, Grace slipped in after Jasmyn left the massage room. Without saying a word, she undressed and began to rub her hands over his back and his ass. Mac moaned and sighed.

Then Grace said, “Flip over on your back, Sir. Jasmyn missed a vital part. It’s my job to take care of that.”

He did as she asked, and she massaged the tops of his quads. But just as he was about to tease that Jasmyn had already done that part, her left hand grasped his semi-hard dick, and her right hand massaged his balls.

“Oh, yes, she missed this part. But then again, this belongs to you, Grace. Only you. Always you. Forever. Oh, holy fuck, what are you doing?”

No longer holding onto his erect shaft, she focused her attention elsewhere. She had taken some of the massage oil and was rubbing gentle circles on his taint with her thumb while she softly tugged at his balls, pulling them gently away from his body.

Mac moaned and lay there, allowing her complete control over his body as he’d never done before. She moved her hand onto his rigid pole and rubbed some massage oil all over the mushroom head.

She varied the pressure until she could tell his orgasm was close. She closed her fist around his cock and stroked it firmly until his body tensed up, and then his balls let go, shooting rope after rope of cum all over his stomach.

He lay there in awe of her skills and enjoyed the feel of her tongue licking his stomach clean.

“You’re very good at this, Gracie. You must have had a lot of practice.”

“Nope, I watched a YouTube video and read an article. I’ve never done this quite like this before.”

“You learned how to do this for me?” Mac asked, feeling delighted that she hadn’t massaged other men like this, despite her past sexual endeavors.

“Of course, I did! I love you!” Grace said.

“Want me to return the favor?” Mac asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Mmm, that sounds fabulous. But maybe we could arrange that for later. I’d like to get upstairs and shower before Dominic gets here.”

“Yeah, I probably should too. But just know that I officially owe you an amazing orgasm,” Mac promised.

“Oh, I won’t forget!”

After lunch, Grace found Mac pacing in his office. He needed a distraction, but there wasn’t time for another romp before Dominic arrived. She’d need to talk business instead.

“So, I thought maybe I would take you up on the offer to get new office furniture for myself, and then we can put Alice’s old furniture in the area where we will have our new admin sit.”

“Sure, that’s fine,” Mac agreed.

“Oh, and I checked my work email just to make sure that there wasn’t anything pressing. I did get a message from Niles in London. He’d like to schedule a call with us, but he said that it wasn’t urgent and that next week would be soon enough.”

“Sounds good, just schedule it and include me in the invite. I apologize that you will probably get stuck taking care of admin stuff until you get around to hiring someone,” Mac said.

“I don’t mind. It will be an incentive for me to start looking for a new admin,” Grace said, smiling.

When the house phone rang, Grace answered it. It was Bentley letting them know that Dominic had arrived.

“Well, let’s go down and greet him. Then I can figure out when to drop the bomb.”

“I’m with you, all the way, Mac.”

Mac inhaled sharply. “Let’s take the elevator.”

“You just want to make out with your wife in the elevator,” Grace teased.

“Damn straight!”

The kiss lasted the entire ride from the sixth to the first level, ending only as the doors opened.

“There’s my favorite nephew and his gorgeous wife!” Dominic bellowed. “I’m thrilled to spend time with you both!”

“Welcome!” Grace greeted him warmly. “We are so pleased you could come and visit.”

“Indeed!” Mac said, shaking Dom’s hand and finishing with a hug.

“Although I can’t figure out why the two of you aren’t off somewhere on a honeymoon,” Dom commented.

“We aren’t sure where we want to go yet,” Grace said. “And I wanted to get situated in my new home before we hit the road again.”

Dominic nodded. “Makes sense.”

Bentley took Dominic’s suitcase to the fourth floor. Meanwhile, Mac suggested they move into the living room.

“Would you like a drink?” Mac asked.

“No, not yet. I’m fine for a bit. The house looks good, McKinley. I have to say, I thought it was too much house for one man, but now that you have a lovely wife, I’m sure you’ll fill it up with kids in no time.”

Mac laughed, “Well if you’re looking for grandchildren, you’ll need to wait a little bit. Grace would like to get used to being a wife before she becomes the mother of my brood.”

“Grandchildren?” Dominic asked, puzzled.

Mac realized what he’d said too late. He had hoped to ease into this conversation. But here it was.

“Mimi left me a letter in which she claims that my mother lied about who my real father is. She said that it was you, not Marcus, that got Lorraine pregnant all those years ago,” Mac said softly.

Dominic was rendered speechless for a moment or two. Then he said, “I’ve changed my mind. I think I’d very much like a drink now.” 

Written by techgoddess
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