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Author's Notes

"Mac manages to pull off an amazing surprise birthday party for Grace with plenty of pre and post-party sex!"

Chapter Sixty-One

When Randall arrived to pick up Mac and Grace, he indicated the need to stall a bit more while the guests for her surprise birthday party had time to get into their Halloween costumes after a delayed flight made them later than anticipated.

Mac grinned. “Well, Randall, drive around a bit, and for both our sakes, please keep the privacy window closed.”

Randall blushed. It was a little disconcerting that he felt a twinge in his pants at the realization that his boss intended to fool around with his wife in the back of the limo while he killed time driving around. On the other hand, it would make for some excellent foreplay with his own wife later when he relayed the story to her.

Mac wasted no time once they were in the limo. As he lifted the skirt of her queen costume, his fingers deftly found their way up Grace’s thighs to the object of his desire, her sweet, wet treasure. He watched as her eyes fluttered closed when he used two of those fingers to penetrate her.

“Ah, God, yes!” Grace moaned as he added a thumb to tease her, rubbing soft, seductive circles around her hard little nub.

Her hips rocked as a third finger stimulated her puckered star. And, when it slipped in, her back arched, and she cried out while her orgasm ripped through her body like lightning.

“Oh, my God, Mac! After that hot little session in the bathroom at the recreation center, I had no idea you’d still be so horny. But I’m not complaining. Thank goodness for the privacy window!”

“I can’t get enough of you, your royal highness. Perhaps you’d like to partake in some oral delights?”

“Oh,” Grace answered, tilting her head seductively. “Would the king like me to suck his cock?” she asked playfully.

“The king would like that very much!”

Grace slipped off the seat and onto the limo floor while Mac released his raging hard-on from his trousers. He moaned as she gripped his shaft, licked the head, and guided it into her willing mouth.

“Oh, God, Gracie! Nobody sucks cock like you!”

With one hand still firmly around the base of his dick, her other hand moved down to play with his balls. Each thrust took him deeper into her mouth until he felt himself enter her throat. Unable to control his lust, he grabbed her head and pushed down until her nose touched his belly. He held her there for a moment before letting her up for air; then, he fucked her throat wildly until he exploded.

“Good God, Grace! You’re so fucking awesome!”

She looked up at him and smiled. “I just wanted to return the favor, your highness.”

“Mmm, and it was wonderful. We should get ourselves back together and let Randall take us home. I’m sure Dominic, I mean Dad, is getting hungry by now.”

When Grace opened the front door, she was delighted as a chorus of voices shouting surprise welcomed her. It made her grateful that she’d slipped the panties she’d taken off in the back of the car into Mac’s pocket instead of into her cleavage as she’d planned.

Overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and friendship, she felt her eyes welling up with tears of joy and gratitude.

Max Becker, the head of the Munich office, moved to her, picked her up, and swung her around in a big bear hug. His children, Adele, Elias, and Noah, swarmed her, yelling, “Happy Birthday, Tante Grace!” Grace embraced them in one big collective hug as her eyes welled up.

“I think we’ve managed to surprise our girl quite well!” Max said, beaming at his wife, Virginie. Max was dressed as the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz, while Virginie was Glinda the Good Witch of the South. Their children were dressed as Dorothy, The Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion.

Emotion had her words stuck in her throat as she tried to utter a word of thanks. Mac laughed and said, “Well, I think we’ve also rendered her speechless; not an easy task with my Gracie!”

“That’s Queen Gracie,” she said, finding her voice. “And thank you all so much for such a lovely surprise. I can’t think of a birthday I’ve enjoyed more!”

Virginie laughed. “The party is just starting!”

Grace hugged her friend and said, “Yes, but you’re all here, and that means so much to me.”

Franz Huber, the man who headed up the Vienna office, and had the honor of walking Grace down the aisle at her wedding, embraced her and kissed both cheeks. “Liebling, we are all so happy to be here with you to celebrate your twenty-ninth birthday.”

Grace laughed. “You’ve got a silver tongue, Franz. It’s actually thirty-seven but thank you!” She wasn’t quite sure if his costume was meant to be PT Barnum or the Monopoly Man, but either way, he looked distinguished wearing that top hat.

She felt a sense of warmth and love wash over her as she received birthday hugs from her friends. She couldn’t believe they’d all traveled so far to be here to celebrate her birthday.

Everyone headed up to the second floor and went into the media room. It was all decked out for Halloween and looked so frighteningly festive.

“So,” she asked, turning to Mac, “is Halloween really your favorite holiday? Or was all of this done up extra special for the party?”

Mac laid his hand on the small of her back and drew her into him. “It’s my favorite holiday now. How could it not be with your birthday falling a day before it?”

Grace felt tears threatening. Had it been only a year ago that she was sitting alone in Tick Tock Diner, on 8th Avenue and 34th Street, drowning her sorrows in a Belgian waffle and feeling pathetic? She had been spiraling down fast toward rock bottom and was sure she’d never know happiness again.

She shook off that feeling and grinned at her husband. What an amazing man he was! “You’ve changed my life,” she blurted out unintentionally.

Mac tilted his head and smiled. “Not half as much as you’ve changed mine. I hope you don’t mind that you will wake up on your birthday tomorrow morning with a house full of people. I know you asked for an empty house so we could fuck like rabbits and christen new areas we’ve not done it in yet.”

“I don’t mind at all. These are just the kind of people I want filling my house! Besides, sex with you is worth the wait.”

Mac kissed her temple and said, “Darling, you just called it your house. I love knowing that it finally feels that way to you.”

“You’ve made it feel like home to me, Mac. I love you so much!”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”


Chapter Sixty-Two

While Grace was enjoying herself, she looked around the room and saw a few people she didn’t recognize. Mac caught the look on her face and said, “I’m sorry, I invited a few people you’ve not met yet. But they are colleagues that would be good for you to get to know. And they aren’t part of the overnight guest list. Come, let me make some introductions.”

A short time later, Johanna Huber spied Grace looking a little overwhelmed. For a brief moment, she enjoyed knowing the typically unflappable Grace Remy Stewart was out of her comfort zone. It was hard not to be jealous of her. Not only did she land McKinley Stewart, but Johanna’s own father, Franz, seemed to prefer Grace to her.

Nevertheless, she did have Grace to thank for introducing her to Salvatore Gianni, the sexy Italian that currently warmed her bed and her heart. So, she strolled over to where her ex and his wife were standing and snagged Grace’s arm.

“Come now, McKinley, this is supposed to be Grace’s birthday party, not a conglomerate meet and greet. I’m stealing her away for some girl talk.”

Mac looked annoyed but laughed it off as his ex, dressed as Morticia Addams, whisked his wife off to another room. He hoped Johanna’s idea of girl talk wasn’t to compare notes on his performance in bed. He took a deep breath and reassured himself that while Johanna might go down that road, Grace had too much class.

He fought the urge to follow them and continued his conversation with his contemporaries.

“Honestly, McKinley means well, but he does get carried away where business is concerned. He forgets to have fun!” Johanna mused.

“He’s getting much better at remembering to have fun,” Grace countered. “There was a time when he wouldn’t have allowed himself to enjoy a party such as this.”

“Perhaps he was just showing off that his business partner is also his bed partner,” Johanna quipped. “I’m sure they all wished they were McKinley right now.”

Grace shrugged and changed the subject. “Have you and Sal chosen a date for the wedding?”

Johanna raised an eyebrow. “Most women would have a snide come back for a comment such as mine. But not you; you really are as nice as you seem, aren’t you?”

“Not really,” Grace laughed. “But I don’t see a need for us to have an adversarial relationship. We both have the man we want, right?”

Johanna laughed heartily. “Indeed, we do. I have to admit your matchmaking skills are top-notch. Sal is amazing. But no, we haven’t set a date yet. We are just enjoying monogamy for the first time in both our lives, and I’m finding I rather like it with the right man.”

Grace raised her glass. “To the right man, then. Prost!”

“Prost!” Johanna responded.

“Besides,” Grace added cheekily, “I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to having just a tiny crush on your father.”

Johanna burst out laughing. “The feeling is mutual, Liebling. He adores you. He always hoped he would have McKinley as a son-in-law. Now, in his way of thinking, he does. I suppose that makes us sort of like sisters, ja?”

It was Grace’s turn to laugh. “Ja, I suppose it does.” And wasn’t that an odd turn of events?

She finished her drink and looked around for Jazmyn, the masseuse serving as the cocktail waitress for the evening. She found her, grabbed another glass of champagne, and headed up to the formal dining room to get something to eat. Claudette, their fantastic chef, no doubt had a bountiful spread laid out. Grace figured she’d better eat something before the alcohol went straight to her head.

She bumped into Lars, Inga, and their daughter Elke dressed as the Three Musketeers on her way up. “I’m so happy you could be here! Elke, it’s lovely to see you. I have heard so much about your budding acting career. We will have to make it to Amsterdam to see you in a play one of these days. Have you had a chance to talk with Adele Becker? She’s the same age as you, and I think you would get along fabulously.”

Elke blushed and gave a little curtsy. “Yes, ma’am. It’s nice to see you too. Why does Adele call you Tante Grace?”

Grace smiled. “Because I am like an honorary aunt to her.”

“May I call you Tante Grace too?” Elke asked shyly.

“Of course, you may!” Grace said, giving her a little side hug. “I’d be honored if you would.”

Elke giggled and scurried away to find the other children. Lars laughed and said, “You’ve quite a way with children. You should have a few of your own.”

“That’s the plan, eventually,” Grace said.

“It’s nice to see that McKinley seems to be keeping you happy. I was so worried he’d find a way to fuck things up,” Lars said bluntly.

At that moment, Mac came into the dining room to grab some food and perhaps cop a feel of his wife’s lovely ass. “Did you think I wouldn’t take your advice seriously, Lars? You very specifically told me not to fuck things up,” he laughed.

“Since when did you ever listen when a woman was involved?”

“When I found the one whom I can’t live without,” Mac answered honestly.

Inga smiled. “A wise answer. You two do look ridiculously happy together, and we couldn’t be more pleased.”

“I’ve never been happier in my life,” Grace said as she grabbed a plate of finger sandwiches and some of the cookies that she’d helped frost. “I’m madly in love, have an amazing job, live in a beautiful house, and have a fabulous administrative assistant.”

She’d added that last part for Avery as she spied him across the room with his partner Nialls. He gave a nod as they loaded up their plates as well. They looked adorable as Salt and Pepper Shakers.

Grace continued to mingle and made sure to spend at least a little time with each and every guest. It wasn’t such a hardship. After all, they were there for her; she wanted to make sure to show her appreciation.

Midway through the evening, Dominic, dressed as a Warrior, caught Mac looking at Grace and chuckled. “Son, if you keep looking at your wife like that, you might cause the house to catch fire.”

Mac blushed and grinned. “It’s a damn good thing this costume has a tunic. I’m starting to wish I didn’t have a house full of people.”

“If you’d have been smart, you should have had a little fun in the limo before you got home,” Dom said, wiggling his eyebrows.

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“We did,” Mac admitted sheepishly. “I just find myself wanting her every minute of every day. She makes me insatiable. I keep wondering when that feeling will start to ease into a warm glow. But I burn for her still.”

“You’ve only been married a short while. I’d have to wonder if you didn’t burn for her. And I don’t mean that in a salacious way. But anyone with eyes can see how exquisite she is, both inside and out.”

Mac beamed proudly. “I’m a lucky man, that’s for sure.”

Grace turned that very moment and smiled at her husband, and it was as if everything stood still for him. In his mind, he saw flashes of memories along the way since their time together and realized he was more than just lucky; he was completely content for the first time in his life.

Chapter Sixty-Three

When the other guests had left, Grace asked Mac to have those who were spending the night gather in the living room to express her gratitude.

“I just wanted to say a special thank you to all of you for being part of the wonderful surprise party tonight. I’ve only known all of you for a short while, but you’ve become very special to me. You’ve managed to make our wedding, and now my birthday, so memorable. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here at Stewart House. Please let me know if there is anything you need.”

Everyone laughed when three-year-old Noah said, “Tante Grace, you need a baby!”

Grace scooped up the precocious little boy and hugged him. “Well, I had simpler things in mind, such as towels, blankets, or a cup of tea or coffee. But I love your enthusiasm, Noah!”

Virginie shook her head and said, “I swear he didn’t hear that from us!”

“But you do look like a natural with our boy on your hip,” Max chirped in, grinning.

Mac smiled. Max wasn’t wrong. As he headed toward the dining room to grab a cup of tea, Dom followed him.

“She does look good holding a little one. I hope you won’t wait too long before making me a grandpa.”

Mac laughed, “It’s not for lack of trying, that’s for sure. We’ve been fucking like rab...” He blushed. “…I mean, we certainly aren’t doing anything to prevent pregnancy.”

“I’m sure it’ll happen when it’s meant to; she hasn’t expressed any concern, has she?”

“Not since before we were married, and we discussed whether we wanted kids or not. She worried that she wouldn’t be able to have kids because…”

Mac stopped talking abruptly, then chose his words carefully. “Grace was attacked a long time ago, but, um, well, as far as we both know, that shouldn’t impede her ability to get pregnant.”

Dominic put his hand on Mac’s shoulder. “You don’t need to say anything more. It’s none of my business. And I don’t want you to think I was hounding you. I just think the two of you will make great parents whenever the time comes.”

“Thanks. I suppose it will happen when it’s meant to happen. In the meantime, we sure are enjoying each other,” Mac grinned.

Dom chuckled. “Ah, to be young and in love!”

“Not so young, but definitely in love,” Mac replied.

“Speak for yourself,” Grace said as she came into the room to grab a cup of tea as well. “I may be celebrating a birthday, but I’m still under forty!”

“Touché, darling,” Mac said.

Grace gave him a quick peck on the lips and said, “Come back into the living room; Max is going to play his guitar and sing for us.”

Mac and Dom followed Grace and joined the others who had gathered around to enjoy Max’s musical talent. He entertained the group with his versions of songs by the likes of Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, and others. Occasionally, his wife Virginie would join in to create some harmony, and it was like having a private concert. Mac sat behind Grace and absently fiddled with her hair while he waited for the song that he’d requested.

It was getting late when Max said, “I have one more song before we call it a night. This is a birthday gift from McKinley to his lovely bride, our birthday girl, Grace. Virginie, I will need your help with this one, bitte.”

Mac pulled Grace onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her while Max sang Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes. It was the perfect way to end the most magical birthday Grace had ever had.

Everyone clapped when the song ended. As guests said their goodnights and headed to their rooms, Franz stayed back a moment and took Grace’s hands into his. “You are happy, yes, Liebling?”

“Yes, Franz, ridiculously happy!”

“And the headaches? They are gone?”

“There hasn’t been one in a very long time,” Grace answered, knowing that Franz was talking about Mac’s issue with headaches, not her own. It was an unspoken confidence between them as it had been Franz that Grace had reached out to when she needed guidance in Munich as to where to go for the severe head pain Mac had been experiencing then.

“I’m glad to hear. I cannot help but think of you as a daughter, so I hope you will forgive an old man for wanting to make sure you are finding all the joy you deserve.”

“You’re not so old, Franz. But I don’t mind thinking of you as a father.”

“I know that Dominic considers you as his daughter as well. But just remember, if you need a father that has your interests at heart, I hope you will call upon me.”

“Franz, I can’t thank you enough for being so kind. Of course, I treasure knowing that you are there for me. Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable in our room tonight? Mac and I can take the smaller room…”

“Nonsense, Liebling. You go upstairs with your husband and enjoy that big bed of yours,” Franz said, winking. “I’m perfectly comfortable in the lovely room I’ve been assigned.”

Franz kissed Grace on the forehead and headed off to his room. Mac took Grace by the hand and led her onto the elevator. Once the doors closed, he pressed stop and kissed his wife passionately while his hands took the liberty of roaming all over her body.

“I have one more surprise for your birthday,” Mac said when he finally broke off the kiss and let Grace come up for air.

“I sure hope it’s something hot and hard,” Grace said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Better than that.”

“I can’t imagine anything better than that.”


Chapter Sixty-Four

Mac let the elevator start again and take them up to the sixth floor, where he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to their bed. He’d lit candles and had soft music playing in the background, and there were lilies and orchids on every table in the room.

Grace blinked. It was utterly romantic and so charming. “You did all this for me?”

“No, I did it for Claudette; she’s a helluva chef,” Mac teased.

Grace tilted her head and looked at Mac through narrowed eyes. “She outdid herself tonight, but I think she might get the wrong idea with all of this,” she teased back.

Mac gave Grace a playful swat on her sexy ass. “Of course, this is all for you, my beautiful wife. I wanted you to feel special.”

Her eyes welled with tears. “I can’t imagine feeling any more special than I do at this very moment.”

“I beg to differ. Take off your clothes and lie down for me. I promise you will feel even more special.”

Grace removed the Queen’s gown that she’d worn and unhooked her bra. “Are my panties still in your pocket, milord?” she asked as she curtsied naked.

Mac put his hand in his pocket and pulled out her lacy black thong. “I’d forgotten about this tiny piece of material. Good thing I didn’t pull it out at the party and mistake it for a handkerchief.”

“That would have been hard to explain to the kids,” Grace giggled.

“You’re so fucking hot right now, standing there naked, ready for me.”

“Shall I stay standing? Or do you want me on the bed, Sir?”

Mac felt his cock twitch. “On the bed, but first, I need to make sure you are going to be quiet. Open your mouth.”

Grace’s eyes widened as it dawned on her what he intended to do. But it made her tingle with desire, so she opened her mouth obediently while he balled up the lacy black thong and inserted it, rendering her unable to speak.

While Grace got comfortable on the bed, Mac went over to the bedroom door and made sure it was locked. The last thing he needed was one of the kids wandering in while he was taking full advantage of Tante Grace.

“Roll over on your tummy,” he directed. When she did, Mac ran his fingertips slowly in tiny circles and figure-eights on her back. His touch was subtle, and it brought about the desired results. Within seconds, goosebumps formed on her delicate skin as muffled moans gave away her obvious pleasure.

He continued this gentle seduction, running his fingertips over her sexy round ass and down the backs of her thighs. Grace gripped the sheets beneath her and slowly rocked as he continued his erotic assault, causing Mac’s shaft to stand at attention.

It would have been easy just to take her then and there, but he was enjoying the way her body responded to his teasing stimulation. So, he continued to make them both needier until Grace spread her legs apart just a little. Taking her cue, he let his finger dance across her puckered star, making her whimper. He grinned. Fuck, he loved making her hot like this!

Eventually, his fingers found her dripping nectar and slid them between her slick, swollen labia. One finger snuck back out and discovered her clit, eager for attention.

Grace whimpered again, trying desperately to be quiet.

“I have a better idea on how to keep you from letting the whole house know what we are doing,” Mac teased.

He removed her panties from her mouth slowly, like a magician pulled a scarf from his sleeve. Grinning like a college frat boy, he said, “Suck my dick, Gracie.”

Grace tilted her head and batted her eyelashes. “Mmm, with pleasure, your highness,” she purred, taking him into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck!” Mac whispered hoarsely. “You’re so fucking talented with that tongue!”

One hand grabbed a fistful of red hair while the other toyed with her wet pussy. He found just the right spot and had her squirming and moaning until he felt her entire body shudder. Pleased that his ingenious idea to keep her from making too much noise had worked, he eased up for a few seconds, then worked her into a frenzy again.

All the while, she was doing magical things with her tongue and encouraged him to push himself into her throat. She came hard, flooding his hand with her juices, and triggered his own orgasm. As he shot his load down her throat, he cried out, “Holy fucking Christ, Grace!”

They lay trembling for a bit until they caught their breath, and Grace smiled. “I was very quiet indeed. You? Not so much!”

Mac laughed. “You’ve got me there. Hopefully, no one heard. We should be fine; after all, the kids are two floors down.”

“Yes, but Johanna and Sal are right below us.”

Mac’s mouth fell open, making Grace laugh. “Maybe they were too busy making their own noise to hear us.”

Mac shrugged. “Maybe they will think I stubbed my toe.”

Grace raised an eyebrow. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but as she was your lover in the past, I’m sure Johanna has heard you cry out like that during sex.”

Mac blinked. “Actually, she hasn’t. I’ve never, um, well…”

“Never what?” Grace asked curiously.

“It wasn’t until you that I became quite so vocal during sex,” he admitted sheepishly.

“Oh,” Grace responded, feeling foolishly pleased by that admission. She smiled at Mac and said, “We should probably get some sleep. We have a houseful of people that will probably expect us to be present at breakfast in a matter of hours.”

“Thank goodness Claudette agreed to come back in the morning to make waffles and crispy bacon,” Mac said, grinning.

“Seriously? You must love me madly! Thank you for the best birthday ever, Mac. It’s been a long time since my birthday has felt like a special day. If you suddenly grew tired of me and I ended up living in that little house in Queens that you included in our prenup, I’d still be forever in your debt.”

Mac frowned. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“I guess I never told you. The attack in Cote d’Ivoire by Armel and his disgusting friends all those years ago happened on my birthday,” Grace responded. “I thought the trip was going to be magical, and instead…”

Mac’s heart hurt; he wasn’t sure if he wanted to rage or cry. Instead, he pulled Grace into his arms. “I didn’t know, baby. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s better than okay,” Grace said as she rested her head on his chest and enjoyed being held by him. “That part of my life seems like a distant memory now. Everything in my world is bright and full of love and laughter because of you. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

He struggled to bury the instinct to want to call in a few favors to find the bastard that had lured Grace into his world, pretending to love her back when she’d been a naïve young woman starting out in the world. Only he didn’t love her; he used her and allowed a group of his colleagues to gang-bang her. God, he wished he could bash the guy’s face in! But he knew that Grace needed that part of her past to be behind her. So, he’d have to be content to be her world now and to show her how loved she was every day.

Written by techgoddess
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