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Author's Notes

"Thanks for waiting patiently for this part!"

Chapter Forty-Five

Grace was feeling rather pleased with herself for hiring Avery Bailey to be the new administrative assistant for the New York home office. He was a quick study and eager to please. Plus, he was outgoing and friendly but not overbearing.

Mac seemed equally impressed and suggested that they might be able to head to Ireland sooner than later. “I feel better knowing he is Bentley’s nephew. But even if he weren’t, he has been quite the asset here.”

Grace smiled. “I couldn’t agree more. So, do you want me to make some tentative travel plans?”

“Isn’t that Avery’s job now?” Mac asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, well, yes, I suppose it is,” Grace answered. “I will give him the name of the hotel and our proposed dates and get something on the books. We can always postpone if necessary.”

Mac nodded. “That sounds good. I have to call Niles and see how things are faring with the new employees in London.”

“I already took care of that this morning. Niles said he felt they were making progress and would send us a report on each one next week. He actually sounded less stressed than usual.”

“Oh, well, thanks! That saves me time this morning. Any news from other European locations that I should be aware of?”

“Max reported that things are going well in Munich, but that the kids keep asking when they can come to America to visit Tante Grace and Oncle Mac,” Grace said smiling as she sipped her tea.

Mac sighed. “I suppose we should think about inviting them here some time. You know, I knew many of these men before I acquired their companies. But I really didn’t actually get to know them until you came into the picture. You have a way with people, Gracie. That’s why I think we truly have a shot at this little firm in Ireland. Your combination of knowledge and charm will be just the key to convincing Brendan O’Sullivan to become part of Stewart Enterprises.”

“You’re just trying to flatter me so that I will play boss and secretary with you during lunch today,” Grace laughed.

“Well, that too. I do enjoy a rousing game of boss and secretary,” Mac said with a grin. “But I’m not just blowing sunshine up your ass, Grace. You have made such an incredible difference in these past months.”

Grace shot Mac a seductive look. “I hope you have more than sunshine to blow up my backside.”

Mac felt his cock twitch. “Figure of speech, darling. But I’d be more than happy to oblige your need for something thick and hard in your…”

“Excuse me,” Bentley interrupted, “I hate to barge in like this, but your mother is here, Mr. Stewart. She is waiting for you in the library and says she has no intention of leaving until she sees you.”

“Well, fuck!” Mac growled.

“Apparently not, darling,” Grace said, annoyed that Lorraine had rudely waylaid their lunchtime plans. “Shall I go with you to see what’s so urgent that she should show up unannounced? Or do you want to handle her alone?”

“I’ll see what she wants,” Mac said bitterly.

His mother was the last person he wanted to see, especially since he’d never been happier. He supposed he couldn’t ignore her forever. But that thought had crossed his mind.

He walked up the two flights of stairs and headed in to face Lorraine. He found her standing at the edge of the balcony in the library, looking down into the living room.

“Your manservant didn’t even bother to offer me coffee or tea!” Lorraine said, whirling around when Mac entered the room.

“Hello to you too, mother,” Mac said, ignoring her rudeness. “What do you want?”

“I want some goddamn tea!”

“Tea is for invited guests, which you are not. So, you can tell me why you’ve shown up unannounced, or you can leave.”

Mac refused to sit, nor did he extend the invitation for Lorraine to have a seat. Since she didn’t want him looking down upon her, she remained standing as well.

“You’ve never been this rude. Must be that slut that you’re married to rubbing off on you with her bad manners,” Lorraine huffed.

“You’re the one who taught me bad manners,” Mac retorted. “Honestly, mother, just spit it out. What do you want?”

“I want to know why you haven’t contacted me since receiving your letter from Mimi. I’ve been sitting on pins and needles, wondering when you plan to spill the beans about my big lie. My letter said that your letter explained that Dominic is your father. I thought for sure by now you’d have had it out with Marcus and me for lying to you.”

“So, Marcus knew I wasn’t his son?” Mac asked. “That would explain a lot.”

“We never discussed it, but he knew, just like he knew that Aislyn wasn’t his child, either. But he wanted children, so we both pretended otherwise,” Lorraine explained.

“He wanted children? He never seemed like he gave two shits about us!”

“Well, a man wants a legacy, doesn’t he? So, he looked the other way so he could feel like a successful man with a business and a family…”

“You are pathetic!” Mac yelled, cutting her off. “I didn’t bother to call you because I feel no need to have any connection with you anymore.”

Lorraine turned on the tears. “But I’m your mother!”

“You gave birth to me. You were never nurturing as a mother should be. Mimi gave me the love and affection that I should have gotten from you. You were so concerned with keeping up the appearance of being a family that you never bothered to be an actual parent to either of your children. The only reason I had a shot in hell at being a decent person was because of Mimi and Dominic.”

“McKinley, please, I just…”

Mac whirled to face her again. “You are wretched. You fucked with everyone’s lives, and now you want to play the mother card? Well, I’m not interested. I don’t want anything to do with you or Marcus. He disgusts me, and you’re just fucking pathetic.”

“We will cut you out of the will…”

“I don’t want or need your money. I have a father who loves me and my wife, and we love him. We are a family. So, unless there is something else you wish to discuss, we are done here.”

An ugly sneer came across Lorraine’s face. She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. She picked up her purse and turned to leave.

Then she stopped, looked back at her son, and said, “Dominic was a better lover than Marcus, but he wanted things from me emotionally that I wasn’t prepared to give. So, I chose Marcus. Is that such a crime?”

“Oh, I’m sure there is a crime in there somewhere, Lorraine. But I’m so tired of all your bullshit and lies; I just want you the hell out of my house.”

“Suit yourself, McKinley. You’ll be sorry one day that you threw your mother out of the house like…”

“Like you banished your mother?”

“My mother was soft and spineless, and I loathed the way she coddled you.”

“Does Aislyn know Marcus isn’t her father?”

Lorraine’s eyes flew open wide with panic. “You wouldn’t dare tell her!”

“Though I doubt she would even care, telling her would mean I’d have to have a conversation with her. So, unless you piss me off, I have no reason to share your shitty secret with her. Bentley will see you out.”


Chapter Forty-Six

Mac left her standing there, stunned. Then he texted Grace.

Meet me in my office, Ms. Remy. I require someone who can take dictation.

He felt his anger subsiding when she sent a message back quickly.

Did you mean dick tasting? Damned autocorrect!

Was it any wonder he was crazy about her?

When he passed by Avery’s desk, Mac said, “Take messages on any calls for the next hour. I have a lunch meeting with Grace.”

“Of course, sir. She’s already in your office.”

Mac felt his cock start to swell at the thought of fooling around with his wife while pretending she was his secretary. That Grace was willing to play silly sex games from time to time made him realize what a lucky guy he was to have such an amazing wife.

He opened the door to his office to find the back of his chair facing him. He closed the door and locked it.

“Ms. Remy,” he said gruffly, using her maiden name to make the ruse seem more realistic, “I hope you are ready to…”

He was rendered speechless by the sight of her as she turned the chair to reveal that she was completely naked. She had fashioned her long, red hair into a loose side braid, and her shapely legs were spread wide for him.

“Fuck, Grace! What if Avery had walked in?”

“I gave Avery strict instructions not to disturb us for the next hour. I told him to hold our calls.”

Mac chuckled. “I just did the same.”

“Well, then, either he thinks we are in a very important meeting, or he knows we are about to have a nooner,” Grace laughed.

“You’re incorrigible!”

“No, I’m hot, wet, and needy.”

“Mmm, Ms. Remy, scoot back from the desk.”

Grace slid the chair back, making room for Mac as he unzipped his pants and sat on his desk facing her.

“Now then, Ms. Remy, be a good girl and take my cock out of my pants. Mmm, that’s right, just like that.”

Grace complied, looked up at Mac, and batted her eyelashes.

“Don’t just sit there, suck my dick, Grace. Suck it like your job depends on it.”

“Yes, sir,” Grace said timidly as she leaned forward to take Mac’s throbbing manhood in her mouth.

“Ohhh, fuck, Grace! Your mouth feels so good!”

Inch by inch, his erection disappeared into her mouth until the tip reached her throat. She moaned and eased back, then took him deeper. Guiding his hands to her head, she encouraged him to push himself in until her nose touched his belly. She slid her tongue down and licked his balls while she devoured him.

Thrust after thrust had him ready to burst in minutes. He toyed with the idea of pulling out of her wickedly talented mouth so he could fuck her. But she made him feel so good, so he allowed himself to enjoy this decadent oral pleasure. When he could hold back no longer, he cried out, “Oh, fuck, yes!” as he emptied himself deep into her throat.

She swallowed every drop and looked up innocently. “Did that please you, sir?”

Mac grinned and moved off the desk. He patted the spot where he’d been sitting, indicating that she should take his place.

“Let me show you how pleased I am.”

He pried her legs apart and buried his face in her pussy. He slid a single finger inside her while he licked, nibbled, and sucked his sexy redhead to a wave of intense orgasms.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she cried out.

“That’s right, cum for me again. Cum hard like a good girl!”

She did precisely that and squirted her nectar into his mouth.

When she finished shuddering, Mac rested his head on her thigh and sighed.

Grace smiled dreamily and said, “Now, about that raise…”

“I’ll give you a raise,” Mac teased as he stood up and picked her up, planting sweet kisses on her neck. “But it will have to be later. In about ten minutes, Avery is going to start suspecting we were up to no good in here.”

Grace wiggled out of Mac’s arms and went into his bathroom, where she’d carefully hung her outfit nearly an hour before. Then she freshened up and came out to find Mac grabbing two bottles of water and a protein bar for each of them.

“Next time, I will remember to arrange for lunch before I ravage you,” Mac said apologetically.

“No worries, this is plenty for now. So, are you going to tell me what Lorraine wanted?”

“She wanted to know why I haven’t contacted her. Her letter from Mimi indicated that she let me know the truth about who my real father is, and it was bugging the shit out of Lorraine that I hadn’t so much as sent her a text.”

“She came all the way to New York to ask you that?” Grace asked, frowning.

“Oh, fuck no. I’m not worth that much to her. I’d bet money that Aislyn has a show here in the Big Apple, and she tagged along.”

Mac opened the door and poked his head out. “Avery, would you come in here for a moment?”

“Yes, of course,” Avery answered. “What can I do for you, sir?”

“Will you look up whether there are any big fashion shows in town this weekend, please?”

Avery chuckled and then cleared his throat when he realized that his boss was serious.

“Sir, it’s New York. There are always fashion shows and galas. Is there a specific model you are inquiring about?” Avery asked.

“My sister, Aislyn Taylor.”

Avery was gobsmacked. “Aislyn Taylor is your sister?”

“Yes, unfortunately,” Mac answered dryly before turning to Grace. “She uses her middle name as her last name professionally.”

“Ah, maybe that is why I’d never heard of her,” Grace shrugged.

Avery’s fingers moved frantically as he searched Aislyn Taylor on his phone.

“So, New York Fashion Week is coming up, and Aislyn is slotted to be a part of the Red Carpet Fashion Show in SOHO.”

“Bingo. I knew my mother wouldn’t come all this way to see me if there wasn’t another reason for her to be in town.”

Grace could see the irritation on his face. She decided a distraction would be the best way to handle things.

“Avery, did you get a chance to book those dates in Dublin yet?” she asked.

“Yes, Ms. Grace. You are all set in Presidential Suite at The Westbury Hotel in Dublin starting next Monday. Your flight leaves Sunday evening, and you will arrive Monday morning. You have an early check-in. You can change these plans at a moment’s notice if you are not ready to travel yet.”

“Oh, no, we are definitely ready,” Grace insisted.

“We are?” Mac asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, we are. Avery, you feel ready to handle things with us away, yes?”

Avery beamed. “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Fabulous! We have a few days to go over what I would like you to focus on while we are away. I will touch base with you daily. I know you won’t hesitate to contact me if something should arise.”

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“You can absolutely count on it, Ms. Grace.”

Mac shrugged. “Well, I guess you two have it all planned out. All that is left to do is pack.”

“Sounds like an excellent idea,” Grace said.


Chapter Forty-Seven

The next morning, Mac placed a call to Brendan O’Sullivan to set up a meeting for the following Wednesday. He wanted a little time to enjoy the suite with Grace before they dove into business. While Brendan wasn’t committed to selling his company to Stewart Enterprises, he was willing to entertain the idea and was open to discussion.

Next, he contacted Liberty Irish Tours and scheduled a Cliffs of Moher Express Private Luxury Tour for Tuesday. It would be an all-day affair, but it would be worth the time spent. He knew that Grace had never been to Ireland, and he wanted her to see as much as possible.

Finally, he sent a text to Dominic. He was still getting used to the idea that Dom was his father, but he was becoming more comfortable with it.

Hi Dad. I just wanted to let you know that Grace and I will be traveling to Ireland for a couple of weeks. Mostly business, but I fit in some touristy kinds of things for Grace. Then, I’m going to surprise her with a belated honeymoon trip. We will be back in time for her birthday. I hope that you can still come to visit. I’m inviting some friends to stay with us as well. I’d love for you to meet them, too.

Dominic was sitting in a meeting room, bored to tears when Mac’s message came through. Seeing the greeting made him feel a little choked up. He was also getting used to the idea that McKinley was his son, not his nephew. He took a deep breath and answered the text.

Hi Son. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I wouldn’t miss Grace’s birthday for the world. Send me the dates you want me to be in New York, and I will block off my calendar. I’d be delighted to meet your friends as well.

The rest of the morning flew by. When he didn’t see Avery at his desk, Mac poked his head into Grace’s office. They didn’t see him right away, so he had the opportunity to watch his wife in action. She had Avery’s undivided attention as she walked him through each of the accounts he would need to keep an eye on while they were away.

“Will I need to be concerned with any of the European accounts?” Avery asked.

“No, I have those covered.”

“Fabulous! Shall I send out for lunch for you and Mr. Stewart?”

“No, thank you. I’ve asked Claudette to prepare lunch for the three of us and the house staff. We will be eating in the formal dining room at noon,” Grace said, looking at her watch. “So, I will meet you there in about twenty minutes.”

Avery nodded politely at Mac as he left Grace’s office to handle a few smaller items before lunch. Mac closed the door behind him and walked over to where Grace sat, took her hand, and pulled her into his arms. As he held her tight, he kissed her passionately.

“You’re so fuckin’ sexy when you work like that,” Mac moaned as he nuzzled her neck.

Grace laughed. “Like what?”

“You take charge so easily and have such an incredible head for business. Jesus, Grace, I’m a lucky man. You can handle the boardroom and the bedroom with equal effortlessness.”

“Well, we have eighteen minutes until lunch. Wanna take care of that bulge in your pants?”

“And just like that, the sophisticated businesswoman becomes my delightfully slutty wife,” Mac grinned.

“Follow me,” Grace said seductively, leading her husband into the bathroom attached to her office.

“Grace, we don’t have time for shower sex.”

“Who said anything about shower sex?” Grace lifted her skirt to expose a black lacy thong that separated the sexy cheeks of her ass. She leaned over the counter, pulled the thong aside, and said, “Take me from behind, stud.”

Mac needed no further encouragement. He unzipped his trousers and let his erection spring free. Using her nectar to lube up his cock, he slid into her in one firm thrust.

“Fuck! You feel so damn good, Gracie,” Mac moaned.

“Mmm, so do you, baby. We’ve got fifteen minutes for you to take advantage of your redheaded escort. Fuck me hard, sir!”

Mac rammed into her as a man possessed. Something about the way she was wiggling her ass back against him had his lust factor turned up to high gear. He grabbed her hips and fucked her like it would be his last opportunity for days.

Grace moaned and cooed, coming in waves while Mac seemed to last forever. When his balls finally tightened, and he emptied himself inside her, she was panting and out of breath.

Mac grabbed a hand towel and slid out carefully. He wiped them both up and said, “I can’t wait to take my escort to Ireland.”

Grace grinned dreamily at him. “You mean me, right?” she teased. Then she fixed her makeup and hair, and they went upstairs to eat lunch with their staff.

“Thank you all for joining us today,” Grace said, entering the dining room. “Mac and I would like to make this a monthly thing. It’s a nice informal way of connecting on a regular basis.”

Bentley looked at the rest of the house staff as they looked to him to speak for them. “We assumed there was some big announcement you planned to make.”

Grace laughed. “No, I’m not pregnant. The only thing we have to announce is that we will be heading to Dublin to acquire O’Sullivan Technologies, hopefully. Avery will be in charge of any business issues, and Bentley will handle any household concerns. We should be gone about two weeks. If you need to contact us, do so through either Bentley or Avery.”

The remainder of lunch was spent on informal chatter and camaraderie. It was a lovely meal, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

After lunch, Javier spent a few minutes discussing whether she liked the fall flowers he’d chosen for the terraces or if she would prefer something different next year.

“I’m very fond of the asters, chrysanthemums, and goldenrods, Javier. I think you’ve done a marvelous job. I wouldn’t change a thing!”

Javier smiled. “Merci, Madame Grace.”

“De rien, Javier.”


Chapter Forty-Eight

Several days later, Mac and Grace landed in Ireland. Mac had arranged for a driver for the duration of their stay. It was unlikely that they would progress to actual acquisition meetings this time, so it would be good to have a driver handy whenever they wanted to head out into the city.

Their suite was elegant and well-appointed. Mac had arranged for a bottle of champagne upon their arrival and was about to ask Grace if she wanted to enjoy a glass with him. He found her unpacking and snuck up behind her, pressing his body against hers.

“Mmm, do you come with the room?” she asked playfully. “I’m not sure my husband would approve, but if you wanted to ravish me, I wouldn’t say no.”

“You’re decadent, teasing me with your ass like that, rubbing it against my dick like a wanton slut in heat. Bend over that chair, my sweet little whore, and let me welcome you to Dublin.”

“As you wish, sir,” she played along. “Do you require me to be naked? Or do you just want to lift my skirts and use my pussy for your pleasure?”

“We’ll start by just lifting your skirt, slut. If I want more, I will strip your clothes off.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, lifting her skirt and bending over as he had instructed, exposing her naked, glistening sex.

“No panties? You are a little slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir. I’m yours to use.” It made her smile to think her original idea was that he came with the room. Now it appeared that it was the other way around. “The Presidential Suite comes furnished with a personal escort to do with whatever you wish.”

“Is that so?” Mac asked, grinning.

“Yes, sir. Nothing is off-limits to you. I’m yours to enjoy and use however you please.”

Fuck if she wasn’t making him hard as a rock talking like this!

“Then I’ve changed my mind. Strip for me, slut. I want you naked for the rest of the day. If you please me well enough, you will earn clothes to wear to dinner. Otherwise, we will order in, and you will greet the room service attendant completely nude.”

Grace trembled a bit. She knew he wouldn’t humiliate her in that way, but it was arousing to consider it as a possibility. “I guarantee your pleasure, sir.”

When she was naked, Mac ordered her to get on the bed. He was about to get undressed when he decided to stay fully clothed instead, merely unzipping his pants to let his cock out in front of her face.

“Do you like what you see, slut? Where would you like this? In your mouth? Or perhaps you want it in your tight little pussy? Or maybe in your ass?”

“We have all day, sir. You can take each hole for your enjoyment.”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that. Tell you what, I will play with you, use you, and forbid you to cum until I give you my seed in each hole. Then I will force you to have as many orgasms as you can handle with your vibrating wand. Does that sound fun?”

“Yes, sir, it sounds amazing.”

“Open your mouth, slut. My cock isn’t gonna suck itself.” The look on his face was playful. She gave him a lusty, mischievous look and took him into her mouth.

“Fuck, you are so talented!” Mac cried out as Grace teased and tormented his rigid shaft. He grabbed her head and pushed into her throat, cutting off her air momentarily. He eased back and let her catch her breath before repeating this motion again and again.

She cupped his balls and felt them tighten in her hand before his cock erupted in her mouth. She swallowed every drop and looked up at him. “Did you enjoy, sir?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Mac moaned. He wanted to call off the game, take her there and then, and make her cum hard.

But she said, “How shall I get you hard again, sir?”

The look of enjoyment on her face told him that she was having fun, and he didn’t want to deny her some well-earned sexual play.

“Play with your pussy for me, my sweet slut. But don’t you dare cum.”

Grace’s fingers played among her glistening folds as she moaned and writhed on the bed. He could see that holding off was becoming more and more difficult. And his cock was ready for more.

“That’s enough. Get on all fours and present your pussy for me.”

She did as he commanded and moaned as he opened her up with his girth. “Oh, God!” she cried out.

He moved in and out of her in slow, deliberate strokes. The friction between her soft, wet walls was pleasurable beyond belief. He teased them both for as long as he could until he picked up his pace.

“I’m going to fill you with my seed, but remember, you are not to cum.”

Grace bit her bottom lip, trying hard to think of anything besides the fabulous way he was fucking her. His hands grabbed her fleshy backside as he pounded into her, exploding deep in her pussy.

He pulled out and wiped his dick on her ass. “Stand up. I want to see my cum run down your inner thighs.”

Over the next hour, he spanked her, played with her, and teased her asshole with his tongue. She came close so many times that again he nearly caved and let her climax. But it had been so long since they’d had hours of fun like this.

“Bend over the table now so I can take that fuckable ass of yours, baby,” he said finally.

Grace purred as he entered her tight puckered hole and moaned as he slid in all the way. “Oh, my God! Yes, fuck, that feels so good!”

He hammered into her ass as if she was a fuck toy to use. It took every ounce of restraint for Grace to not rub her clit and get the release she needed so badly. But she knew he would make good on his promise to give her all the pleasure she could handle.

Mac felt her anus squeeze down on his dick as he continued to plunge into her sweet ass, loudly growling as he shot his third load of the day. “Oh, fuck, Grace!”

He collapsed on the bed next to her and grinned. “You are so fucking amazing, Grace!”

She grinned coyly. “Have I earned my turn, sir?”

“Yes! Oh, baby, have you ever! But let me get you some water first. I don’t want you dehydrated when I make you cum a couple of dozen times.”

Grace relented, loving that he knew her so well. After downing an entire bottle of water, she spread her legs and said, “I need.”

Mac grinned. “What do you need, darling? Do you need me to play with you and make your pussy feel so good? Do you need release?”

“It’s been several hours, McKinley. I need to cum!”

“Well then, hand over the wand, my love.”

Mac moved the head of the wand around, teasing Grace mercilessly. When he could see her frustration growing, he held the vibrating toy against her clit and ordered her to cum for him.

Her back arched, and her hips bucked wildly as her first orgasm ripped through her body. “Oh, my fucking God!” she screamed. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Her juices sprayed as he made her cum over and over. “Again, Grace!” he demanded.

When he sensed she was reaching her limit, he made her cum once more. As the final climax subsided, she was in tears.

Mac was alarmed. “Hey, baby! I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”

Grace shook her head, unable to speak for a moment. When she could find her words, she said, “Just the opposite. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud of bliss.”

“Good thing it is a soundproof room!”

“We were both pretty loud, huh?”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck gently, whispering, “Yes, and you’ve earned clothes for dinner, my love.”

She laughed. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to move for a while here. Maybe we should go with the room service idea.”

Mac tilted his head.

“With you answering the door, of course,” she added.

“Sounds perfect. Besides, we need to get to bed at a decent time tonight. I have a full-day tour planned for us tomorrow.”

Grace felt her heart skip a beat. It was delightfully romantic that he had scheduled something touristy.

As if reading her mind, Mac said, “You’ve taught me how to love and how to enjoy the pleasure of seeing the world around me. And there is nothing like seeing things through your eyes, Grace. I’ll order dinner while you shower. Then we can open the champagne, enjoy a meal, and cuddle.”

“Cuddle? I’ve created a monster,” Grace teased.

“Yes, I want to cuddle. I’ve worn out the big guy down there, and I think you might need a break too.”

“Thank you,” Grace said, her eyes misting up again.

“For what?” Mac asked, furrowing his brows.

“For falling in love with me and changing my life.”

“You have it all wrong, Grace. It’s you who has changed my life.”

Later, feeling sated and content, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, both looking forward to tomorrow’s tour. 


Written by techgoddess
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