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Author's Notes

"Sara is a young woman having her first experience as a submissive to Master James – and loving it. They are taking a multi-day hike in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies when they encounter Tammi, a red-head from Florida who is a more experienced submissive, but between Masters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>James uses finds a creative way to use both women – for all of their mutual pleasure!"

I called a halt when we reached the place where I wanted to set up camp. It was a flat, open space with a great view, good access to water, and a clearing where we could set up our tent.

Or tents, depending on whether Tammi decided to stick around.

I turned to her and said, “Tammi, we’re going to camp here tonight. You’re welcome to join us…as long as you don’t interfere with our activities, or do anything with Sara without my permission.”

Tammi smiled, “Scout’s honor, boss man. But if I’m a good little girl, can I join in all the reindeer games? Or at least some of them?”

I looked at her. “Will you accept me as being in charge? Of having the final say?”

Tammi nodded. “Sure. There can only be one boss – and you’re it. I already told you I’d had masters and mistresses before. I’m a natural sub – although only for the right Dom or Domina.”

“Okay, then. We’d be glad to have you. We’re going to set up our tent here. There might be some…noise…overnight, in case you wanted to move somewhere quieter.”

Her grin widened. “That kind of noise doesn’t bother me. Especially if I can join in some of the time. If it’s okay with you, I’ll pitch right here.”

And so we went about setting up camp.

Sara looked jittery, and I was pretty sure I knew why. “Sara, let’s get that butt plug out of you. It will make it easier for you to set up camp, and sit down. Come here and bend over.”

I extracted the butt plug, washed it, dried it, then stowed it in my pack, then patted her and told her to set up the tent and the bedrolls. I was deliberately putting the kid in the candy shop to see if she’d try to swipe some.

Meanwhile, I noisily laid the fire, started setting up the cooking things, drawing water from the spring for purification, and generally getting supper ready. I also asked Tammi if she wanted to join us in our supper, to which she happily agreed, and contributed some very nice soup mix with dessicated vegetables, plus some candy for dessert. Clearly, she was an experienced hiker who knew that candy was always welcome at the end of a long, hard day.

While I was doing all this, I was also keeping half an ear cocked towards the tent – and eventually heard what I expected. I walked quietly over towards the tent, then gently lifted the fly to look in, and saw Sara with her back to the entry, hands moving busily between her legs.

“Sara,” I said.

She jumped, whirled around, fell over forward onto her side, then pushed herself up, blushing.

“Master…uh, I…”

I interrupted. “You were playing with yourself. Weren’t you?”

Her face went red, she bit her lip and nodded.

“And did you intend to make yourself cum?”

Failing to meet my eyes, she nodded again.

“I see. Come out here, please.”

She slowly slid forward to the entrance to the tent, turned, put on her camp flip-flops, and hauled herself out and upright. She stood there, wearing only her t-shirt, looking at the ground. I almost laughed. I half expected her to drag her toe back and forth in front of her, like a naughty school girl. Which, in a sense, she was.

Tammi noticed that something was up. She stopped setting up her tent but didn’t interfere. She just stood there, quietly, watching, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as if she had seen this movie before.

I stood still, just looking at her, waiting. I knew – as she almost certainly didn’t – that silence is harder to endure than shouting.

When she couldn’t take it anymore, Sara said, “Master…I’m…I’m so sorry, but…I…I was desperate to cum, really desperate, and I thought that if I…” Then she trailed off.

“You thought I would never know.”

Glumly she nodded.

“Do you still think so?”

She glanced up at me quickly under her lashes, then shook her head.

“Out loud, please.”

“I…I know you will know if I…do it.”

“Do what, Sara?”

She hesitated. “Um, play with…myself.” If possible, she blushed even more and looked away to the side.

“What’s the correct word for ‘playing with yourself’?”

She hesitated, glanced at me again, then swallowed hard. “M…masturbation…”

“And do good girls masturbate, Sara?”

She shook her head.

“Out loud, please.”


“No what, Sara?”

“Good girls don’t masturbate.”

“And what were you doing?”

“I…I was…um, masturbating…” Her voice trailed off.

“Louder please.”

“I was masturbating!”

“Yes, you were. So, are you a good girl, Sara?”

She shook her head, then realized and said, “No I’m not a good girl.”

“Which makes you…”

“I’m a bad girl.”

“And what happens to bad girls?”

She swallowed hard again. “They…they get…punished?”

“Is that a question?”

She shook her head, “They get punished!”

“And should you be punished, Sara?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I should be punished, Master.”

“Ask for it.”

“Please, Master, punish me for being a bad girl.”

“And what am I punishing you for?”

“Please, Master, punish me for masturbating…without your permission.”

I nodded. “Very good. After supper. Now, finish getting the tent ready, then come out and sit by the fire.”


I would have liked to have disciplined Sara immediately, but it was more important that she got some food in her stomach after the day’s exertions. Hence, we cooked and ate supper, and were sitting around the fire, relaxing. Or at least, Tammi and I were relaxing. Sara was jittery, knowing that something was going to happen to her, but not knowing what. I had taken the opportunity to have a quiet conversation with Tammi separately about her possible participation – and she was on board.

Meanwhile, I had kept the vibrator going at a low setting in Sara’s cunt all the time, so I knew she was on a slow simmer. Now I kicked the vibration level up a couple of notches, and saw her jump, then glance at me before looking away.

I waited until I could see that she was having a hard time sitting still, that her hips were wriggling and arching, and that her face was flushed. She was undoubtedly very wet, and once again desperate to cum.

So, it was time.

“Sara, stand up, please.”

She slowly stood up, pulling the hem of her T-shirt down. “And take off the T-shirt.”

She looked at Tammi, then swallowed hard, and slowly removed it. I reached up and took it from her. She put her hands over her pubis.

“Hands at your sides, please.”

She straightened up, and, blushing, uncovered her shaved pussy, obviously uncomfortable at being exposed to a stranger. She kept looking down, away from Tammi’s eyes.

“Now, what was it you asked me to do before supper?”

She blushed even harder, and almost whispered, “Please, Master, punish me for mas…”

“Louder, please, I can’t hear you.”

She swallowed again, and said, “Please Master, punish me for m…masturbating without your permission!”

“Oh, that’s right. You want me to punish you, don’t you?”

She glumly nodded. “Please.”

I stood up, and said, “Come over here, please,” and walked to a nearby tree, then took the silicone handcuffs I had purchased three days ago out of my pocket. I took her hands and fitted them into the cuffs in front of her, then took a short length of rope out of my pocket, tied it around the cuffs, tossed it over a low-hanging tree branch, pulled her hands up over her head, then tied the line off. Her arms were slack, but securely fastened above her.

“Cross your legs now, and bend your knees slightly.”

She looked at me, then crossed her legs, left knee over right, her left toes touching the ground but foot slightly off it. I took another piece of line and tied it to her left ankle, then ran the line around the back of the tree, then around her right ankle. Now her legs were closed tight – which meant her legs were squeezed tight together, and the vibrations from the egg inside her cunt were massaging her entire pussy, inside and out. I didn’t tie the ankles that tightly as I didn’t want to cut off her circulation.

Next, I reached into my pocket and took out the egg controller, and started it on an oscillating pattern of vibration, fast, then slow, then fast again. I kept the speed and rate of oscillation low for now.

I lifted her chin, forcing her to look me in the eye, and gave her an order, backed up by post-hypnotic suggestion.

“You will not cum, no matter how much you want or need to. Understand?”

She gulped, “Yes, Master. I will not cum, no matter how much I want or need to.”

I backed off, then signaled to Tammi. She stood, and stripped off her clothes, folding them neatly, and placing them on the rock she had been sitting upon. When she was naked, she sauntered towards us, grinning.

I looked at her appreciatively. She wasn’t quite ripped – there was enough subcutaneous fat to soften her curves – but she was slender and well-muscled, as you would expect of a dedicated hiker. She walked up to me, put her arms around my neck, then turned her face up for a kiss.

I smiled, then leaned down and kissed her – and found, happily, that she immediately opened her lips to me. Her tongue slowly explored mine, then the inside of my mouth, before withdrawing, and inviting my tongue into her. I was happy to oblige, and very much enjoyed her hot, wet, welcoming mouth. It portended well for exploring the rest of her.

She drew back and broke the kiss, then said, loudly enough that Sara could hear, “Did I hear right that you have nipple clamps?”

“I do.”

“It’s been a while, and I surely love the feel of them. Would you like to fasten them on my tits?”

I glanced at Sara. Her eyes were wide, and her breathing was shallow. But most of all, her expression was shock.

“Certainly. Wait here a moment.”

I broke from her embrace and walked towards my backpack.

She turned towards Sara and smiled, then spread her legs wide, and ostentatiously started playing with her clit, then closed her eyes and moaned.

I retrieved the nipple clamps and straightened up, but stood watching Tammi and Sara. Tammi was clearly getting excited, but I could also see that she was deliberately provoking Sara by doing what Sara could not – masturbating.

After a bit, I walked back to the pair, and said, “Tits towards me, please.”

Tammi opened her eyes, smiled up at me with those green eyes of hers, and did a slight backbend to push her tits forward, dropping her hands to her sides.

I gently attached the clamps, one at a time, and when they were in place, told her, “Now, I’ve put them on just hard enough that they don’t fall off. Why don’t you tighten them as you like them?”

Tammi smiled back and me, and, one at a time, carefully turned the screws almost three-quarters of a turn each. When she was done, she took a deep breath and shivered.

I smiled back, then reached up and, keeping my eyes locked to hers, tightened the left one another quarter turn. When she closed her eyes but made no objection, I tightened the right one about the same.

“How’s that?” I asked.

She shivered again. “Uh…” and swallowed. “Lovely. I’d forgotten how exciting a Master’s touch could be.” And she flowed back into my arms, rubbing her clamped nipples against my shirt.

I pulled her tight to me and kissed her hard, then replied. “And I enjoy a sub who knows what she wants…,” then turned towards Sara, “as well as one who is willing to learn.”

Sara opened her mouth as if to say something, then stopped, clearly unsure what to say, then closed it. I also noticed that sweat was starting to bead on her forehead and upper lip, and she kept trying to shift her weight from side to side, hampered by having her legs crossed and clamped together.

I smiled. “Turn around and bend over, Tammi.”

She eagerly complied, putting her hands on her knees, and turning her head to look back towards me over her shoulder, a big smile on her face. Her clamped nipples were pulled downwards by the weight of the clamps, and they were starting to turn purple.

I moved in close and turned her slightly so Sara could see what I was doing.

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I started to trace Tammi’s cunt lips, leaving them closed, but tracing the line where they met. She sighed and pushed back towards my hand.

“Ah, ah, AH!” I said, “No cheating, slut.”

Tammi looked down, then nodded, “Yes…Master.”

She shifted her feet and straightened slightly.

I gently slid a finger down and split her lips, gently pushing them apart, and tracing the opening of her cunt, evoking a shudder.

I slowly inserted that finger into her, and smoothed it along the anterior wall of her cunt, seeking her G-spot.

I found it by the change in texture as well as her reaction. “Ohhhh…fuck that’s good! It’s been…uh…too long…” And she shivered. I added a second finger, causing her to move her feet further apart and widen her stance.

I used one palm to massage the area around her clit and the other to finger-fuck her, waiting until she started moving her hips and pushing further back, moaning. Then I lightened up – withdrawing my fingers from inside her, and barely moving my palm against her.

“Oh…please don’t go. Please!” Tammi begged. “What do I have to do to get you to fuck me. Please…tell me.” She hung her head, allowing her hair to cascade down around her face.

“Will you do what I tell you, whatever I tell you, when I tell you?”

She looked up, “Yes! Yes, I will.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise I’ll do anything and everything you tell me, whenever you tell me. Now, please fuck me. I want you inside me, your fingers, your tongue…your cock. Whatever you’re willing to give me. Please.”

By now the cool, sophisticated sub was gone, she was dripping wet, and begging. I guessed she was more than slightly horny, that it had been some time since she’d be fucked – and that she missed it. A lot.

I withdrew my hands completely, then unzipped my fly, and pulled out my cock. I stroked it and turned to look at Sara.

Holding myself with one hand, I reached into my pocket with the other, retrieving the egg controller. I quickly flicked it to the highest setting. I was gratified to see Sara jerk as the vibrations hit her. Her eyes rolled up in her head, and she started to beg, too.

“OH, God, please, Master, please let me cum…please!”

“Look at me, Sara.”

She opened her eyes. I could see pure, naked desire in them.

“No, you are not allowed to cum. Instead, you will watch Tammi cum. That’s the reward good girls get – and that bad girls don’t. Now, watch as I fuck this slut, and make her scream and cum.”

“Please…” Sara whispered.

I just shook my head, then turned, and started rubbing my cock up and down Tammi’s cunt lips. She started to push back, so I slapped her ass hard. “Not yet, slut. Not until I give it to you. Now beg.”

“Oh, fuck…please Master, please put your meat inside me. Make me your slut, fuck me hard, make me cream and scream! I’m a slut, I’ve always been a slut, and I need your cock to ream my cunt. Please do it, please ram it…nnooOOOWW!”

Her voice lifted at least an octave as I slammed myself hard inside her, pulling her hips back.

“OH FUCK! that feels good. Pound my pussy, please just screw me until I cry, please!”

I held myself deep inside, her, then put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her upright so that her back was touching my front. I slid my hands down to the nipple clamps and started toying with them while working my cock in and out of her. The angle made this awkward, but the friction it generated felt great. She started wiggling her ass involuntarily, grinding it hard against me.

I pulled on the nipple clamps, stretching her tits long, and away from her body

Her hands flew to cover mine – but not to stop me. Instead, she started pulling my hands, urging me on.

I pushed her hands away, then grasped the nipple clamps – and ripped them off.

She arched her back and screamed, a wail of pure emotion which coincided with her gushing on the ground in front of us as she came.

I moved my hands down to her pussy and started rubbing her clit – hard – with one hand while clamping her body against mine with my forearms, and gently massaging her left nipple.

Her whole body went rigid, and she started tossing her head back and forth. “OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK…OH FUUUCCCCKKK!!”

Then I stopped, pulling my hands away from her cunt, and wrapping them around her chest, just below her tits. I held her as she started to collapse, like a blow-up doll with a serious puncture.

I pulled her hard against me, cradling her shoulders. She dropped her head back on my shoulder.

Then I turned to look at Sara. Her eyes were huge, and her body was in constant motion. Her face showed anguish, and her mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out, although her chest was heaving hard as her breath whistled in and out. She was grinding her knees back and forth, trying to put pressure on her clit, but could get no relief.

Not only did her position make it difficult for her to cum, but the hypnotic command I had planted in her mind would not allow her to cum. All she could do was whimper and writhe in anguish.

Having two subs at my beck and call was a new experience, but one I was enjoying very much. Putting my right arm around Tammi’s waist and pulling hard , I started to ram myself into her while fondling her right tit with my left hand again. With all the mental and visual stimulation, it didn’t take long before I started breathing hard and then came, my knees buckling.

Tammi let her knees buckle as well. She moved forward, put her hands down on the ground, and I found us suddenly in doggie position. I pushed myself up with my hands on her back, took a deep breath, then sighed, and fell forward, putting my hands on the ground to avoid putting too much weight on her, but resting my forehead on one of her shoulder blades, panting.

After resting for a bit, I patted Tammi on the back and slowly withdrew. I tucked myself back into my boxers, zipped up my shorts, then stood, shakily, and walked over to stand next to Sara, resting my hand on the tree behind her.

I took the egg controller from my pocket and stopped its vibrations. He body went limp, and her head fell forward.

“Now, will you ever – and I mean ever – masturbate without my permission again?”

She slowly lifted her head to look at me and shook it. “No, Master. I promise. I will never masturbate without your permission, ever again. But please, what can I do to be allowed to cum? I am so…” and her words trailed off.

I thought for a moment, then called, “Tammi.”

She was still on her hands and knees on the ground with her head down, resting on the back of her hands. She lifted her head and looked around at me.

“Would you please get the sleeping pad from my tent and bring it out here.”

She sagged, then got up, walked over to our tent, and extracted the sleeping pad from under the conjoined sleeping bags. She lifted it and brought it over.

“Please lie down on your back, legs apart, and hands behind your head.”

She gently lowered herself onto the pad, then turned to lie on her back, spread her legs, and put her hands behind her head.

I turned back to Sara. “If you can eat my cum out of Tammi’s cunt, and make her cum, then I will let you cum. Are you willing to do that?”

Before I had finished speaking, she started nodding, “Yes! Yes, please! I’ll do anything…anything!”

“Even eat another woman’s cunt until she cums again?”

Sara gulped and nodded.

“Say it.”

“I will…eat…Tammi’s…cunt until she cums again.”

“And lick my cum.”

“And lick your cum.”

I nodded, then pulled the slip knot holding her hands above her. Her hands fell, almost pitching her forward, but I caught her, then knelt. I pulled the slip knot attaching her right foot, then pulled the line from around the tree, and freed her left foot. She stepped her feet wide, and almost fell on top of me. I held her tight, then gently removed the silicone handcuffs from her wrists.

Then I helped her over to the sleeping pad, where she let herself onto her hands and knees. After taking a deep, shivery breath, she crawled over to Tammi’s spread legs, lowered her face to Tammi's cunt, and started to lick. She stopped once in a while to roll her tongue around her lips, swallowing my cum, then started flicking her tongue over Tammi’s clit again.

Tammi started to moan, and, shortly after that, to writhe as Sara’s attentions started to hit home. It didn’t take long before Tammi arched her back and cried out, cumming for the second time in less than fifteen minutes. Sara continued eating her out until Tammi put her hand on Sara’s head and gasped, “Enough! Stop! Too much, too much!” and pushed Sara’s head back.

Sara rolled over on her back, head by Tammi’s feet, and looked pleadingly up at me. I held up one finger, waiting for Tammi to catch her breath.

Which she did after a few minutes. “Tammi, now I’d like you to do the same for Sara. And Sara, you will wait for my permission before you cum, understand?”

She was still writhing, rolling her legs together and apart, clearly desperate to cum, but said, “Yes, Master.”

Tammi smiled up at me, then pushed herself up, and moved over to Sara, pulled her hair back from her face with one hand, then began to run her tongue over Sara’s pink, puffy labia. She was deliberately stretching this out, seemingly enjoying Sara’s writhing attempts to push Tammi’s face into her cunt.

But when Tammi started to flick Sara’s clit with her tongue, the desperate girl immediately started to buck and arch her back, panting, while looking frantically at me.

I knelt down by her head, pulled out my cock again, and said, “Take it, slut.” She quickly turned her head and sucked me into her mouth, licking all around my dick, and doing a terrific job of getting me hard again.

Her eyes opened, and she looked at me, pleading.

“Not yet. But soon. When I cum, you may cum.”

She went up on one elbow to give herself better leverage and a better angle, then started to bob up and down on my cock, all while making mewling noises in her throat.

Meanwhile, Tammi was really getting into it and making frantic slurping noises that added to my arousal. I could see saliva and cunt juice dripping off her chin, and her eyes had a glazed, hungry look.

I shut my eyes, and felt my second orgasm rising – then suddenly it was there.

“Sara, you may cum!” I called as I came. I fell forward as she fell back, straddling her head with my hands while keeping my cock jammed hard into her throat.

Meanwhile, she erupted with pent-up need and started moaning loudly around my cock. She started to cry, clenching her fists, and wrapping her legs around Tammi’s head, clasping Tammi’s face into her crotch. I could see Sara’s face was bright red, she was panting heavily, and her entire body was convulsed.

Tammi clasped her hands outside of Sara’s legs as if trying to extricate herself, but Sara didn’t notice and kept them clamped tight. Finally, Tammi, just rested her hands on the ground by Sara’s legs and waited, during which time, I withdrew from Sara's mouth.

Eventually, Sara began to relax, her legs fell away from around Tammi’s head, and – remarkably – she passed out. Or at least, fell asleep.

I rolled and sat up, tailor-fashion, spent but feeling an amazing glow and satisfaction. Tammi hung her head for a moment, then fell heavily on her ass, looking up at me.

“WOW! Sara was right – you are fuckin’ amazing!”

She closed her eyes and lay there, panting, then looked up at me again with a happy smile on her face.

We both looked at Sara, now breathing normally, her face at peace.

Our eyes met again. “I’m glad we made sure she ate some food first!” I laughed. Tammi nodded, and we stayed there, chatting over Sara’s body until the stars started to come out.

Finally, I decided we needed to put ourselves to bed. I lifted Sara in my arms, and she snuggled into my chest, arms crossed over her own. Tammi moved the sleeping pad back into our tent, remade our bed, then withdrew. I gently laid Sara out, tucked her into the sleeping bag, then backed out of the tent. Sara snuggled more deeply into the bag, then lay still.

I stood up and turned around to find Tammi smiling at me. “I’m heading back towards the trailhead tomorrow. My vacation’s about over. May I give you my email address? If you’re ever in the St. Petersburg area of Florida, look me up. Or if you’d like to plan a joint vacation – well, you’re a Master I’d happily submit to.”

She stood up on tip-toes and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

I put my arms around her waist, nodded, and said, “I’d like that, Tammi. It was a real pleasure having you – literally. Let’s see if we can’t find a time to get together.”

Then I kissed her lightly on the lips, we touched foreheads for a moment, then we both turned and went into our separate tents.

I undressed, got in the sleeping bag with Sara, and was asleep almost before my head hit my pillow.
Written by JamesLlewellyn
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