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Author's Notes

"Even a relaxing bubble bath turns into a frenzied self-induced orgasm. Gen craves the real thing and goes out in search of a new cock to feed her addiction."

The ménage à trios I'd had with Marsha and her lover kept my mind occupied for several days as I went through the motions of lecturing to my classes and keeping myself busy with work and other things not involving sex. I still had a sex craving; I still wanted to experience every cock and, after Marsha, every pussy I could. But I was becoming more and more aware that I had become addicted to sex. If I didn't get my sexual appetite under control, it was going to eat me alive.

The man I wanted to hear from most, Bill, hadn't contacted me since we'd made love on that rainy night when his wife thought he was working late. However, Dick had called several times during those days while I was trying to regain control of myself. Each time, I let his call go to voice mail, and with each message, he sounded more and more distant. It was as if his calls were one last attempt to break through the wall I had placed between us. I knew I'd have to deal with him sooner or later. I owed him that much. Almost two weeks had passed since we made love in his home. His latest phone message awaited when I dismissed my last class Thursday afternoon. I pressed the play button, knowing it would be Dick.

"Gen, please." He began, "We need to talk. I can't get you off my mind, Genevieve. Please call me."

Maybe I'd call him later that evening. After a quick dinner, I decided to try and relax with a warm bubble bath. I'd often used a relaxing bath to help me overcome writer's block. Perhaps it would help me solve my dilemma of what I'd say to Dick. I made myself a cup of tea and surrounded my bathtub with several candles. Turning on some soft jazz, I filled the tub with hot water and a thick layer of bubbles. Pulling my hair into a tight bun, I lowered my body into the soothing bubble bath. I leaned back and let the hot water relax my muscles, and the soft bubbles caress my skin. I closed my eyes and thought about the sexual path I was heading down.

My mind was telling me that my actions were wrong, but my body still craved the excitement of having men lust for me. I craved the feeling of intimacy when a man's cock throbbed inside me, craved the taste of sex, the sensual intensity of my orgasms. I craved the absolutely incredible feeling of having a man explode inside me, filling me with his warm seed.

Even the thought of those cravings excited me. My nipples became hard. The temptation to touch myself overwhelmed me. I slowly brought my soft hands up to cup my supple breasts, rolling the erect nipples between my thumbs and index fingers. My nipples tingled almost as much under my tender caresses as they did when a man touched or suckled on them. I lowered one hand below the veil of soapy bubbles and between my thighs. My middle finger found and spread the fleshy sheath covering my clit. Instantly, my loins came alive with tingling sensations of sexual pleasure.

I massaged my clit with one hand and my breasts with the other. My mind raced with the fantasy of a strong man entering the bath and fucking me on the edge of my tub. I wanted a man's touch; I needed a man's touch. I craved any man's pulsating cock. I slipped two fingers inside my pussy. It was hot and throbbing for something more massive. I grabbed the bubble bath bottle and pressed it between my aching pussy lips. Deeper and deeper, the neck plunged into me. As I worked that bottle feverishly inside my pussy the bath water began moving in waves from one end of the tub to the other, bubbles washing up over my tits and then back off again. Over and over, I plunged the bottle inside, over and over, the bubbles washed over my tits. Over and over, I imagined that bottle was a throbbing cock.

Waves of intense sexual pleasure joined the waves of bubbles as my body approached orgasm. It crashed into me like a tidal wave of ecstasy, and my muscles tensed as it peaked. I slowed the movement of the bottle as my orgasm began to subside. Releasing it from my pussy and hand, at the same time, it floated to the surface spreading the film of bubbles on the water as it did.

I lay there staring at that floating bottle, realizing that, once again, my body's craving for sexual release had won out over my mind's desire to bring myself back to some state of normalcy. My cravings had become uncontrollable. I couldn't even have a relaxing bubble bath without feeling the need for sexual release.

I whispered to myself, "Genevieve, you've become addicted to sex."

I had become addicted to sex, addicted to the sensation of sexual release. Addicted to throbbing erections and the taste of a man's cum. To the incredible feeling of hot sticky semen coating the walls of my pussy. I needed to feed my addiction and satisfy my sexual cravings. I dispelled all thoughts of normalcy and let my addiction and cravings control my actions.

Lifting from the tub, I quickly dried my body and went to my bedroom closet. No sexy lingerie, no silk stockings. A tight black tee shirt and skintight jeans, along with a pair of stiletto heels, would be all I needed to find the cock I craved. I pulled my hair out and let it cascade down my back. I grabbed a small handbag and dropped only the essentials inside: some cash, a bottle of red lip gloss, and my cell.

I had no use for a jacket to cover my hard nipples. I wanted them exposed to every man I approached. My Volvo was parked two spaces from the front of my building. Turning the key, I remembered that sexy bartender Jim at the East Street Café. He'd be my mark tonight, the next man I'd surrender my body to.

The East Street parking lot was nearly empty when I got there. I took a space off to the side and toward the back of the lot. Looking in my rearview mirror, I applied a layer of lip gloss and pursed my lips to ensure the coating was evenly applied. I dropped the bottle of gloss in my purse and tweaked my nipples to make them stand out even more.

I couldn't wait to see if Jim worked behind the bar tonight. As I opened the door and entered the dimly lit bar room, my question was answered. Jim was at the far end of the bar, talking with the remaining couple still seated at his bar. Everyone else was finishing their evening meal in the dining room. I took the first stool I came to and sat down.

Jim excused himself from his conversation with the couple and slowly walked toward me. His hands came to rest on the back edge of the bar. He looked at me, almost sizing me up before he said, "Evening, Gen; what can I get you?"

"A white wine, please," I said, smiling widely at him.

He'd remembered my name, and I'm sure my tits as well.

As he returned with my wine, Jim said, "This is last call, Gen. We close at nine tonight.

I replied, "Why so early, Jim?"

He smiled at me when he realized I'd remembered his name.

"No business after the diner crowd, hun. All the college kids are after dollar drafts by this time,” he explained.

The couple at the other end of the bar finished their drinks and stood to leave.

"Can you lock up Jim?" the male said.

"No problem, boss,” Jim replied.

They walked past where I was sitting, and I noticed the owner of the café take a long lingering look at my body. He smiled when he was sure his wife wasn't looking.

As they left, Jim said, "I'll be right back, Gen, and we can chat."

He walked to the far end and came around the bar. Closing and locking the door to the dining room, he grabbed his drink and walked along the bar to where I was seated.

"Let me lock up Gen. I'd rather not have any late customers,” he said, knowing exactly why I was there.

He turned the stick hanging alongside the door's window, closing the mini blinds tightly, and I heard the deadbolt slide into the door jam.

Turning back to me, he said, "We won't be interrupted."

Sitting beside me, he asked the obvious question, "So what brings you here so late, hun?"

I liked how he called me hun, and I liked that he was forward enough to lock us inside and turn his place of employment into our private room.

"Well, Jim, ever since the night we met, I haven't been able to get your sexy smile off my mind,” I lied to him.

"Really, Gen," he said. "I haven't been able to get your sweet tits off mine,” Jim added.

I turned toward him and arched my back, pressing my erect nipples harder against my black tee.

"You mean these tits?" I said seductively, shaking my shoulders.

His hand instantly moved to capture one swaying orb through my shirt.

"Absolutely, hun,” he replied.

I pressed my chest harder against his hand, my erect nipple burning through the fabric and into his palm. His other hand slid up to begin massaging my other breast. I could feel the juices start to flow inside my pussy as he caressed my tits.

I moaned, feeling the tingling I craved so much begin once again. My hands slid to his thighs and moved slowly up to touch the visible bulge in his jeans.

His cock was fully erect, straining for release from the tight confines of his pants. I ran my fingertips along the length of his bulging cock. "I love what I'm feeling here,” I said

"You're one hot little minx,” he replied.

His hands slid to my waist, and in one quick upward motion, my tight tee shirt was gone. My long tresses cascaded down across my shoulders, covering my tits. He used two nimble fingers to flip my hair behind me and quickly leaned forward to capture one throbbing nipple between his lips. His hands slid to my tits, lifting them slightly to give his soft mouth better access to the fleshy sensitive orbs.

I continued sliding my delicate fingers along his rock-hard cock as he kissed, licked, and nibbled on my nipples. His mouth elicited a deep, sensual moan from my throat. The tingling in my tits grew in intensity as he worked his oral magic.

I wanted his cock exposed. I wanted the hot throbbing length of him sliding through my soft hands. Moving my hands to his shoulders, I pushed him away from my tits and slowly slid my fingertips down across his hard chest, scratching his nipples through the fabric of his shirt. My fingers reached their ultimate goal, and I quickly opened his zipper. One hand slipped inside to find he wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock jumped as I circled it with my fingers and withdrew it from the opening. It was rock hard, throbbing intensely and massive in its girth. My fingers barely touched my thumb as I slid my hand up along the shaft. The corona of his cock head spread my fingers and thumb apart as I slid my hand up. It was hard, smooth, and flared beautifully down from the tip of the head.

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The musky smell of his loins wafted up between us and excited my senses. I couldn't wait to feel his girth between my lips. I couldn't wait to taste the source of his incredible musky odor. I looked up from his cock into his eyes. The lust I saw there instantly told me he wanted my mouth. He wanted my shimmering red lips around his cock and my soft wet tongue circling his smooth corona. He wanted the girth of that beautiful cock pressing into my throat.

I slipped from my bar stool and knelt between his legs. Jim grasped his cock and moved it toward my lips.

"Suck it, bitch,” he demanded.

I leaned toward his loins, inhaling his odor. My succulent lips parted, and I took the head of his cock in my mouth. It flared widely toward his soft corona, stretching my lips wider as it slipped between my lips and across my tongue. He tasted so masculine, a sour taste that made my mouth water.

"Yeah, baby, take it all,” he bellowed as his hands grasped my head and forced his thick cock deeper inside my oral cavity. His strong hands pulled my mouth harder against his throbbing manhood.

"Swallow it slut!" He demanded.

I relaxed my throat in anticipation of his cock entering my soft fleshy throat. In an instant, his cock head pressed against my throat. I lunged forward, pushing the girth of his head past the narrow opening to my throat, the flaring corona stretching my muscles to their limit. Deeper and deeper, his sour-tasting musky smelling cock invaded my throat.

As I took him completely and my nose pressed into his patch of curly pubic hair, I again inhaled his odor, adding yet another sensation to the growing list of my oral sex cravings. I loved the taste and smell of this working man’s loins.

He pushed my head back until his rock-hard cock popped from my mouth.

"Awwww.. fuck my throat,” I was able to say before his massive cock stretched my throat open once again.

Jim was forceful with his hands, grabbing my hair tightly behind my ears. He pushed his cock into my throat and pulled me back off him over and over. Using my mouth and throat as a sex toy to pleasure himself.

My pussy was soaking wet and pulsating intensely in anticipation of what I knew would be a brutal assault. Jim pulled my mouth from his cock and yanked me to a standing position.

His hands came to the clasp of my jeans and undid it.

"Turn around and bend over the fucking stool, bitch,” he commanded.

As I turned, he pulled my jeans off my hips and pushed them down, only enough to give him access to my dripping wet pussy.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard bitch!" he said.

"Yeah, baby, fuck me hard and fast with that big cock,” I replied.

He slid from his seat, bringing his cock in perfect alignment with the entrance to my soaking wet pussy.

As he pressed the tip against my pussy he said, "You want all of it in your cunt, bitch?"

"FUCK, YES!" I screamed.

His hands came to my hips to hold me tightly in preparation for his invasion. The head pushed against me, spreading my pussy lips apart. He entered me and then thrust hard into me, completely impaling my tight wet pussy on his massive cock.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed as his wide corona rubbed over my G-spot for the first time, and the tip of his cock slammed into my cervix.

Jim bellowed, "What a tight cunt you've got bitch!"

I could only groan as he withdrew and again impaled me with his throbbing manhood. He fucked me fast and hard. Exactly what I craved, to be used by any man. To be fucked like a dirty slut. My pussy ached to be stretched wide open, filled with cock meat. I felt it become even wetter as the intense assault Jim was giving it continued.

I reached out and grabbed the seat of the next stool and lifted one foot, placing it on the bar rail, giving me better leverage to push my throbbing pussy back onto him. He pulled me further open with his strong hands. The lips of my pussy grasped his cock as it pistoned into me, sliding outward along the shaft as he withdrew and folded inside when he slammed into me once again.

I felt the throbbing of my G-spot intensify as, over and over again, the wide corona of his cock head rubbed across my most sensitive of spots. He would give me what I craved most. He would give me another incredible sexual orgasm. The throbbing spread from my G-spot outward to consume my loins, my quickly approaching climax causing my legs to become weak.

"Oh god, yes, baby, fuck me!" I begged.

"Make me cum with that big cock of yours,” I pleaded.

The pace of his fucking quickened, his massive cock slamming into me over and over as my orgasmic juices flooded my pussy and bathed his throbbing member.

"I'm cumming, baby!" I screamed.

My pussy made splashing sounds and fuck farts as he fucked me hard, driving me over the peak of my climax.

I screamed again, "YES, YES, YES!" as my orgasm peaked.

Jim began making deep guttural groans as his throbbing cock swelled to even more massive proportions. His climax was quickly approaching, and I flexed my internal cunt muscles to grasp his pulsating cock.

"Yes, baby, cum for me. Give me all your hot cum,” I begged.

He withdrew just before he came. Holding his massive cock in his hand, it exploded, shooting cum on my ass. Hot searing cum splattered across my ass and onto my back. I reached around and grabbed him, stroking it as his cock oozed the last of his cum on my butt.

"Oh fuck!" he screamed as he used his cock to smear his seed across my ass. I brought my cum soaked hand to my lips to taste him. His cum tasted as sour as his cock had the first time he stuffed it into my throat.

"You're one hot piece of ass, Gen,” he said, adding, "I've got a couple of buddies who'd love to throw a good fuck into you!"

His words only served to inflame my sexual appetite, intensify my craving for as many cocks as my body could handle.

"Bring 'em on, baby. I'll suck or fuck any cock you can get here tonight as long as they are full of sweet cum and as hard as you,” I said.

Jim responded, "You're serious, aren't you, Gen?"

"You're fucking right, I'm serious, Jim, I want more cock tonight, and I want it NOW!" I said.

Five minutes later, I was lounging on Jim's couch in his apartment above the café, naked except for my stilettos and fingering my wet pussy. Jim was feverishly dialing phone numbers.

"Hello Scott? This is Jim. What are you doing tonight,” Jim spoke into the phone.

"How soon can you get over here? I've got a hottie here that wants a gang bang,” he said after pausing to listen to Scott's reply.

"Okay, but it's first come, first served, so unless you want sloppy thirds, get your ass over here, dude,” he said on the phone before he hung up.

"That's one," Jim said as he turned to me.

"I've got three holes, Jim, and I want them filled at least twice. So, you better keep dialing, or I'm outta here,” I said, letting him think I'd leave if he couldn't round up another four cocks to pleasure me.

He dialed another number. "Greg, this is Jim, dude. Pick up if you're there,” he obviously spoke to Greg's machine. Jim paused, waiting for Greg to pick up. Finally, after a few seconds, he said. "Dude, call me or get over to my place as soon as possible."

He dialed another number, "Stu, it’s Jim,” he paused. "What's up is that I've got this tight little cunt here that wants a gang bang. How soon can you get over to my place,” he listened to Stu. "I'm serious, dude, no man, she's not drunk, what? Okay, hold on a second."

Jim looked at me and said, "He wants to talk to you."

I held out my hands, and Jim tossed me the phone.

"Hi, Stu,” I said sexily.

"Is Jim shitting me up?" Stu asked.

"Nope, baby, he's being straight with you. I want as many cocks as he can round up tonight,” I said.

"Can I bring a friend?" Stu questioned.

"If your friend has a cock, bring him along, baby," I said.

"We're there in twenty minutes!" Stu said.

"Make it fast, Stu; I'm really fucking hot, baby," I said seductively.

I tossed the phone back to Jim and said, "That's four cocks, baby; you only need two more," I smiled widely at him and spread my thighs to give him a good look at my wet, swollen cunt.

He caught the phone and grinned at the sight of my dripping cunt. "The tight little cunt of yours is going to get such a fucking workout tonight,” he said.

Jim thought for a moment, then said, "Ohhh, yeah!"

Coming up with another cock to summon to my little fuck fest.

He dialed the number, "Yo, Bro, what's up,” Jim spoke into the phone. "You and Jerome interested in some sweet pussy tonight?”

"Yeah, well, get over to my place fast, Bro; we're having a gang bang with some fine-ass white pussy dude,” Jim said.

"Okay, see you then,” he said before he pressed the disconnect button on his phone.

He turned to me and said, "Well, there ya go, Gen, five white dudes, and two black brothers to give that hot cunt of yours a good fucking tonight. I hope you know what you got yourself into."

"I suppose I'll find out in a few minutes,” I replied.

I wasn't sure what I'd gotten myself into, but I was hot as hell to find out. Seven cocks at once, I couldn't wait to feel every hole of my body stuffed with cock meat.

Written by JdRobbins
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