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Author's Notes

"This story is longer than normal. We tried to shorten it, but so much happened in such a short period of time that we couldn’t leave anything out. <p> [ADVERT] </p> We hope you read to the end, and agree that we made the right choice."

For the second time in the last two months, I woke up on a Saturday morning in a room I didn’t recognize, in a bed I’d never slept in, and next to a man that wasn’t my husband. Gradually, it all started coming back to me, and I found myself drifting into a euphoric afterglow of a nearly unbelievable night of sex and exhibitionism with Todd (a co-worker), and Joseph (the owner of a local restaurant where the night began).

Last night was made possible, at least in part, by my hubby Dave. He had a big business proposal to complete over the weekend, and he encouraged me to have some fun on my own.

An after-work drink with Todd quickly escalated into one of my most enjoyable evenings of public naughtiness and sex, including strolling around Joseph’s restaurant topless and culminating last night on this same bed with both Todd and Joseph.

It was about 9:00 a.m., and Todd was still asleep, with his back toward me. Joseph left sometime after I fell asleep, which was after three in the morning. I decided that a hot shower would feel great, particularly if Todd was with me. I reached across his hip, grabbed his morning wood, and whispered into his ear, “I’m going to take a shower. Please join me.”

I had no idea if Todd heard what I said. His walk-in shower was spacious, fully tiled, with a glass enclosure across one side, and a seat opposite the wall from the showerhead.

The water was flowing over my naked body, and I was enjoying its warmth with my eyes closed when I suddenly felt a hand on my butt. It startled me as I thought Todd might still be asleep. But there stood a naked Todd sporting a full erection. He said, “Good morning gorgeous. May I take you up on your invitation?”

I immediately opened my arms to invite him to join me. As soon as he was under the water with me, we embraced and exchanged a wonderful passionate kiss. Of course, I began stroking his cock, and he fondled my tits, nipples, and ass.

Todd looked at me and said, “Tell me how you feel this morning.”

Since I was still in a state of euphoria, all I could think of saying was “beyond TFI.”

Todd got a puzzled look on his face and asked me, “What is ‘beyond TFI?'”

“Beyond Totally Fucking Incredible. That’s my expression for ultimate perfection.”

“Can I take that as a compliment to Joseph and me for how much you enjoyed last night?”

“Absolutely. You may not know, but I’m rather new at being free to enjoy sex with someone other than my husband, who I dearly love. But I’m sexually insatiable, and I’m trying to expand my carnal wings as fast as possible with his permission and encouragement."

Todd replied with a big grin on his face, “And I’m here to help you any way I can.”

With that, I grabbed the soap, worked up a lather in my hands, and began washing Todd’s hard cock. Todd took the soap from me, and we both enjoyed giving each other a thorough body wash. There was not a spot or an orifice that was not washed clean.

Once we rinsed off, I crouched down, and with shower water streaming down on me, took his hard cock in my mouth, and in moments had my nose pushed against his pubic bone. I licked and sucked every inch of his magnificent cock and balls.

I heard him start to moan. But, I pulled my mouth off his cock and told him he couldn’t cum.

He asked, “Why not, Mandi?”

“Because I promised Dave that I’d arrive home with fresh cum in my pussy, and that’s at least a couple of hours from now.”

“Don’t worry. Even if I cum right now, I’ll be able to blow a load into your magic pussy within thirty minutes.”

I smiled up at him, pulled his cock back toward my mouth, said, “Okay, big guy. Let ‘er rip,” I swallowed his hardness, and it wasn’t long before he exploded a huge load of cum into my mouth. I puffed my cheeks out a little and swished Todd’s pearly love juice around in my mouth. Then I opened my mouth to show him all the cum that I was about to swallow, which, of course, I did.

After we rinsed and dried off, I asked, “Do you have any coffee in your beautiful home?”

“You bet I do. How do you take it?”

“Hot and black, please.”


We sat down, naked, of course, to enjoy a glass of orange juice, a bowl of fruit, and a steaming hot cup of coffee. I asked what he thought about the company’s Gala and Party next month, if he had been to one before, and would he be going to this one?

Todd said he had been to one two years ago and it was without a doubt one of the hottest parties he had ever been to. He said the number of beautiful and sexy women there was incredible, and that he had never seen so many daring and revealing dresses in one place before.

He explained that was primarily because a number of outside investors in the company were invited, and they were typically accompanied by stunning women. Not only that, but there were many very attractive women that either worked for the company or were the wife or significant other of one of the employees.

He continued by saying, “With your body, you’d be a star, and you must come up with an outrageously daring dress that would be a show stopper.”

He emphasized that the “competition” for the sexiest and most revealing dress would be intense and he hoped I would attend and aim to be the star of the night.

Todd continued to extoll the reasons why we both should go to the Gala, while at the same time moving his hand onto my thigh close to my once again aroused pussy. He said that while he didn’t participate in the following activity last year, it was obvious that arrangements had been made for sex to occur in some of the adjoining rooms, and toward the end of the evening it was virtually out in the open, and some partial nudity had also been displayed.

I asked, “You mean that some of the people were swingers or into ‘The Lifestyle’, and that sexual activity between them was not just allowed but also encouraged?”

“You got it. The gossip is that the company’s CEO and his wife are swingers and that the hotel’s General Manager is part of a group they party with.”

Thinking about displaying my body again in a large group got me aroused once more. I spread my legs a bit more as a not-so-subtle invitation to Todd to move his hand farther up my leg.

He took the hint and started sliding his hand closer and closer to my dripping pussy lips and clit. I squirmed my ass around a little bit and used my fingers to spread my pussy lips and play with my clit.

Looking into Todd’s eyes, I said, “I hope you don’t mind that I’m such an insatiable slut and exhibitionist. I’m not about to suppress those urges in any way. That is who I am, and I’m happiest when I’m acting that way. So, if you are okay with that, are you ready for the next round?”

“I wouldn’t want you any other way, and you know the way to the bedroom. I’m going to enjoy the view of your sexy butt by following you there. Let’s go.”

Todd must have liked what he saw as we made our way to his bedroom because he was pressing his rock hard cock between my ass cheeks as we walked in. I decided to surprise Todd by throwing him down on his bed.

I climbed up on the bed and stood over him with my legs spread on either side of his hips. I squatted down, impaled my pussy onto his cock, and started fucking him, cowgirl style, with all of my energy. He responded enthusiastically, and we started pounding each other and screamed like a couple of porn stars about how hot it was.

We both knew this was going to be our last fuck until we got together again, and we were determined to make it memorable. I took hold of Todd’s hands and clasped them to my breasts, and leaned over so he could lick and gently bite my nipples. I felt him use a finger to play with my puckered hole.

I told him that I had to take a pussy full of his cum back to Dave, so I didn’t want him to put his cock in my ass. But he was welcome to use his fingers there while he fucked my pussy. Todd took the hint and proceeded to insert two fingers into my asshole. I’m glad he did because it added exactly the right amount of extra eroticism.

We kept up this intense fucking for about a half-hour until Todd said he was about to bust a nut, and we’d better turn over so I wouldn’t have his cum oozing out of my pussy. We rolled over and I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. I stuck a finger into his asshole, and within seconds he began hollering, “Oh fuck” over and over, and then blew his load into me. That set me off, and I climaxed at the same time.

We grinned and hugged each other, as we somehow realized that climaxing so strongly at the same time was the perfect ending to a remarkable and enjoyable twenty hours in our lives. I knew we had made a special connection that would result in our enjoying each other many times in the future.


It was after one o’clock when I was ready to pull out of Todd’s driveway and head home. I called Dave to see where his head was and was delighted when he answered with a happy tone in his voice. “Well, there you are, you gorgeous slut. Do you have a happy pussy full of cum for me to fuck?”

“Yes I do, and I’m trying my best to not let any of it run out. But that isn’t easy to do, particularly since I don’t have any underwear. I should be home in about twenty minutes. How are you and your proposal coming along?”

“Surprisingly well. I’ve made great progress on it, and I’m thinking we might even be able to go out later this evening. But we can chat about that after you are home and we’ve fucked.”


As Dave and I were basking in the afterglow of some loving and hot sex, and I provided him with all the details about my company’s Gala in San Francisco, I asked how he handled my being gone overnight and knowing that I’d be fucking someone else.

Dave smiled and said, “I knew that was going to happen, so it didn’t bother me at all. I felt happy that you were able to do this so confidently. I got hard last night thinking about you fucking someone else, and how fortunate I was to be married to such a beautiful woman that loves sex the way you do.

“But I must also be honest and tell you there was one thing that did bother me: you being an exhibitionist and showing off your incredible body in public when I can’t be there to see it. I’m not saying I want you to stop that. Far from it. But just like you coming home and fucking me as hard as you just did, I need to enjoy your exhibitionism afterward too."

“I’m good with that. You know how much I love to expose myself, and I can’t imagine ever passing up an opportunity to do that. But I’ll leave it up to you to decide when and where that will happen.”

“Terrific. That’ll be perfect. I know you think of your clothes as being in one of three categories: flattering, provocative, or scandalous. So to take care of my need, you and I are going out dancing tonight at one of the clubs on El Camino, with you wearing something totally scandalous.”

“I’d love to do that. Maybe we can even find some hot babe to bring home for you to enjoy.”

“That would be a double bonus. But please give me some idea about what you’ll wear tonight.”

“I have a lot of options. But before I decide, I’m going to call a few of the clubs we might want to go to tonight to see if they have any wardrobe restrictions. I’ll call a few of them to find out.”

Most of the clubs replied by saying the usual vague statements that didn’t tell me much. But one club answered by saying, “Whatever you are comfortable wearing.”

I responded by saying, “I’m comfortable being topless and I have great tits. Can we get in if I wear something like that?”

They said, “Absolutely, but you should probably wear a cover-up until you are inside the doors."

But I still couldn’t make up my mind what to wear.

Dave settled it by saying, “You went topless last night and that’s what I missed. So I say you should wear something equally revealing that puts your magnificent body on display."


The next thing I had to do was orchestrate how I was going to find a hot babe to hook up with Dave. I thought about several different scenarios, and then a light went on in my head. What about LeeAnne and Devin, the couple I met at the restaurant last night. LeeAnne seemed to be very sexy and had given me her card, asking me to call her. The way she smiled when she said that, led me to believe they might enjoy being intimate with other partners.

I found my purse, dug out her card, and dialed the number, thinking this was probably a wild goose chase. When she answered and I told her my name, she suddenly got all bubbly and excited. She thanked me enthusiastically for calling and called out to Devin telling him I was on the phone.

We chatted like old friends and must have talked for more than a half-hour. I could repeat all the things we discussed, but it would take way too long. I filled her in on our open marriage and how it came about, and what happened after they left the restaurant last night. She screeched in pleasure when I told her I walked around the restaurant topless, and my tits had been fondled, squeezed, licked, and even more.

I found out that they were enthusiastic participants in The Lifestyle, were open to playing with others, that LeeAnne was bisexual and enjoyed anal, and Devin was a strictly straight arrow. That suited us perfectly.

I started telling her about our plans to go dancing tonight, and that I hoped Dave would connect with some hot lady for a night of fun and hot sex.

I said, “I realize this was very short notice, but we genuinely hope you would join us.” LeeAnne put me on hold to tell Devin about our invitation.

I was ecstatic when LeeAnne came back on the line and said, ”We’d love to join you tonight, with the caveat that we would be free to say no to going forward at any time.’

I agreed without hesitation. From that point, we chatted at great length about the arrangements, and how we could connect without Dave knowing it had been set up in advance.

I also mentioned that I was going to wear something that would allow me to be topless and that I would prepare myself in case the opportunity for anal sex occurred. I guess she must have had the phone on speaker because I heard Devin shout out something like, “Oh my god, I can’t wait.”

So the die was cast. I knew what I was going to wear, and the plan on how we were going connect with Devin and LeeAnne had been decided. Now it was up to me to make sure it came off as the three of us hoped it would. If all went as planned, this was going to be a phenomenal night.


After a light early dinner, Dave was dying to leave for the club, because I refused to show him what I decided to wear until we left. When that moment arrived, I walked out of the bedroom and I think he almost fainted. It was an absolute show-stopper.

I was wearing a pair of five-inch, strappy, high platform heels, a short, white, low riding, flared micro-mini skirt, belly ring, and a sheer, sleeveless, peach-colored top, that was completely open in the front, and a dangly neckless. It had a cascade of ruffles down the neckline, and the two sides were tied together by a single ribbon just below my tits. My nipples seemed to have a problem staying covered, but I didn’t think anyone would mind, least of all Dave or me.

The top provided a generous amount of exposure to the inner swell of my breasts. However, one quick tug on the end of the ribbon and my tits would be on full display. I doubted it would stay tied for very long. Of course, there was no underwear involved.


When we arrived at the club, we were delighted to see that valet parking was available. A valet opened my door, and as I swung my legs out of the car, he immediately noticed that my skirt wasn’t covering much, including my bare pussy. Then he noticed my nipples were poking out of my top. He couldn’t decide where to stare. I smiled at him, paused for a minute so he could absorb the view, and then got out of the car. We asked where the VIP ticket window was, and headed that way, quietly laughing to ourselves as we walked along.

We took care of the passes and found our VIP seating area. The club was nearly full, the music was blaring, and strobe lights were flashing on the crowded dance floor. Dave and I headed to the bar and ordered two glasses of wine. I was pleased to notice that I was turning a lot of heads, and my nipples were drawing a lot of attention.

After scoping out the scene and drinking most of our first drink, Dave and I left the glasses at our table and headed for the dance floor, which was gyrating with hundreds of bodies moving to the music. We both enjoy dancing and Dave is a surprisingly good dancer, and we quickly got up to speed.

I kept eye contact with Dave, and he had a huge grin on his face as he watched me move my body in a very provocative way that encouraged my nipples to pop into view, and allowed my pussy and most of my ass to momentarily make an appearance. My lack of panties was not missed by many of the growing numbers of onlookers.

When I backed up to him and bent forward to begin twerking my ass, I was pleased I could feel Dave’s hard cock in my ass crack, and I was getting hornier by the second.

After a couple of tracks, I was getting into the mood and could feel hands begin to touch me, trying to test my limits. I was not discouraging the fondling and groping, as it was getting me even more turned on.

I also kept a lookout for LeeAnne and Devin. Once we spotted each other we winked and began to put our plan into action. As I saw them move closer to me, I turned my back and pretended to ignore them. As Dave and I continued dancing, I sensed them move close to me.

LeeAnne began running her hands all over me. I continued pretending to ignore her, even though her touch felt heavenly and was turning me on even more. She slid her right hand under my skirt and began caressing my bare ass, and her left hand went to my left breast, pulling the material back so my nipple was fully exposed.

Then I felt another hand, which I presumed was Devin’s, lift my skirt and began squeezing and fondling my ass cheeks. He matched LeeAnne’s action on my right breast, pulling the other side of my top back, and squeezing my nearly fully exposed breast.

Needless to say, this sent my libido into overdrive and my pussy juices flowing. I wondered where they planned to take this marvelous teasing and fondling they were providing me with.

It didn’t take long to find out, as LeeAnne moved her right hand from my ass cheeks to between my legs. Instinctively, I opened my legs to give her the space she needed, while Devin continued caressing my butt.

By now I was standing perfectly still, mesmerized by the pleasure the two of them were giving me. I felt her move her hand toward my pussy, and began sliding her fingers back and forth over my engorged pussy lips, while at the same time running her warm tongue and lips all over my sensitive neck. I realized that I was being seduced in front of a large crowd by two new friends I had only met briefly last evening. I was loving it and didn’t want it to stop.

The next two things surprised me. First, Devin slid his fingers down my ass crack and began fingering my asshole. Then LeeAnne suddenly pulled the two ribbons apart that held the two sides of my top together, causing it to fall completely open. My naked, firm 38D tits were now completely exposed for all to appreciate.

Dave was closely following these moves and had a huge grin on his face. But he did not have a clue that I was aware of who was doing it. As soon as my top fell open he leaned over and licked each of my nipples, sending a bolt of electricity surging directly to my clit..

But LeeAnne and Devin didn’t stop there. Together they each grasped an upper corner of my top, and pulled it down my arms and completely off.

Being naked or topless in public is probably my biggest turn on, and I was thrilled to be standing in the middle of this big crowd wearing only my five-inch heels, the white micro-mini skirt that didn’t cover much, the belly ring, neckless, and a big grin. It was time for Mandi the slut and exhibitionist to appear.

I turned around and acted surprised when I recognized who had been “molesting” me. As I saw, it was LeeAnne and Devin, I screeched, and said, “Oh my god. I had no idea it was the two of you that were getting me so turned on. Your touch was incredible. Did you just happen to be here tonight?”

LeeAnne said, “Yep,” then turning to Dave, said, “You must be Mandi’s husband, Dave. She was gushing last night telling us how sexy you were. But I don’t think her words did you justice. I’m LeeAnne,” and turning toward Devin, she said, “and this is my hubby Devin. We just met Mandi last night and seemed to make a genuine connection with her. I’m elated to meet you too, and hope we get to know each other much better very quickly.”

LeeAnne looked hot too. She was wearing a short, purple, cowl-neck, halter-style dress that tied behind her neck. The neckline hung open to below her navel, and there was almost nothing to the back except what was covering her butt. It didn’t look like she was wearing panties either.

LeeAnne looked at Dave, put her arms around his neck, and gave him a big, wet, full body-press kiss. That was also the prearranged signal LeeAnne was to use to let us know they were good for continuing with the plan.

But since Dave is six-foot-two, and LeeAnne is at least three inches shorter than me, it caused the hem of her dress to slide up far enough that most of her firm ass cheeks were in full view, and I was able to confirm that I wasn’t the only one without panties.

Seeing that happen, Devin and I looked at each other and did the same thing including running his hands over my bare ass under my skirt. He was a great kisser and I couldn’t resist running my hand over his crotch. Doing that told me that he should be quite capable of pleasing my needy pussy.

I finally started moving to the beat of music again, with LeeAnne as my dance partner. We danced provocatively for a gradually increasing throng that created a circle around us. I could tell that my skirt wasn’t doing much, if anything, to conceal my glistening pussy or my butt, and I started to wiggle and twist my skirt around as though I was going to slide it down my legs and off. LeeAnne was showing a lot of skin and flashes of pussy too. We hoped management didn’t come and break up the fun.

I looked over at Dave and began shaking my booty like I was actually considering dropping my skirt. I paused for a moment and gave him a look that had an “okay I do this” message. He gave me two thumbs up, and I decided I had to do it.

The next few minutes were electrifying. I danced even more provocatively, maybe even a bit like a stripper, and kept teasing the crowd with my skirt. I was working it up and down my thighs, going a little further down each time. My pussy and ass were in full view, but the crowd couldn’t be certain that I would actually drop my skirt and dance naked.

I finally did it with one last movement. I lowered my skirt about half-way to my knees and spread my legs far enough apart to keep the skirt from falling off. Then I gave the crowd a big smile, and waved my hands in a “well, come on” motion. The response was immediate and thunderous, and I moved my legs together enough that my skirt fell to the floor. The crowd cheered, and LeeAnne and I resumed moving to the music.

Now I was dancing completely naked, and everyone could tell by my all-over golden tan that I enjoyed being naked. When LeeAnne had her back to me, I looked over at Devin and gave him a motion like I wanted to lift her dress off. I got two thumbs up from him, so I motioned for him to come help me do it.

Devin moved over closer to us and at just the right moment we both caught the hem of LeeAnne’s dress and lifted it right over her head and off. She had an all-over tan too.

So there were the two of us hot young babes dancing totally naked in front of a cheering crowd. I was basking in the exhilaration of what we both were doing. LeeAnne didn’t seem fazed by it at all.

We were having way too much fun to stop now. As we kept dancing, we urged the onlookers to move closer, so we could blend in with the crowd like all the other dancers, except that we were naked. Many cameras were pointed at us, and we both enjoyed the touching, squeezing, or groping we received, some of which we returned.

While we danced amid the crowd I was pleased to notice that several other women were showing their tits. Two of them even came up to me and rubbed their tits against mine. That was hot. Dave and Devin were constantly close by to make sure nothing got out of control.

After more than a half-hour of this naughtiness, my libido was out of control, and we were both having extreme difficulty resisting the urge to engage in far more intimate activity in front of everyone.

My pussy won out over my brain. I pulled LeeAnne up against me, and shouted into her ear, “If you are as horny as I am, you probably want to fuck right now. Am I right?” She nodded her head “yes” emphatically.

I wrapped my right arm tightly around her waist and slid my right leg between her legs so that our wet pussies were pressed hard against the top of each other’s right thigh. I placed my left hand on her beautiful naked breast and began squeezing it and pinching her nipple. She returned the pleasure to me. We kissed passionately, and using our hips in an exaggerated humping motion, ground our pussies and clits against each other’s leg.

The sensations I was getting by doing this, combined with my out of control horniness, started me squirting all over LeeAnne’s stomach and pelvic area. We were completely lost in the moment, and for a short while forgot all about the crowd.

We inevitably regained our senses, separated, and heard a loud cheer go out. I looked over at Dave and Devin, and using the universal circular hand motion, gave them the “let’s get going” sign. They looked at each other and gave us the thumbs-up sign.

LeeAnne and I turned around, smiled, bowed to the crowd, and waved our goodbyes.

We headed for the exit and stopped to put our clothes back on. But both guys gave us the eagle-eye and shook their heads. LeeAnne agreed, provided the valets delivered our cars to the front before we walked outside. I concurred.

But we hadn’t decided where we were going to go. I looked at LeeAnne and said loudly enough that Dave and Devin could hear, “Let’s go to our place, and the two of us can put on a hot girl-girl show for you guys. When we’re done with that, you can fuck Dave while I fuck Devin. After that, it’ll be anything goes, except no guy-guy stuff. Is everyone okay with that?”

Dave added by saying, “LeeAnne should ride with me, and Mandi should ride with Devin. That way no one gets lost, and maybe some ‘let’s get acquainted’ activity might occur on the way.”

Everyone enthusiastically agreed.

When the Valets brought our two cars to the curb, they got an eyeful, as LeeAnne and I walked out of the club naked, and toward each other’s car.

As we pulled away from the curb, I reached over and started rubbing Devin’s leg, and almost instantly saw a nice tent forming in his pants.

The streets we drove on were busy and well lit. As a result, it was easy for Devin and I to get a good idea of what was going on in the car we were following, particularly when LeeAnne leaned across the center console and lowered her head toward Dave’s lap. She appeared to be a step ahead of us.

Needless to say, I opened Devin’s pants and was delighted to find that he had gone commando. He lifted his hips off the seat, and together we slid his pants down to his knees. I was greeted by a rock hard cock that was standing straight up. It was about Dave’s size but had a large mushroom-shaped head.

I immediately went about following LeeAnne’s move. I got on my knees on the seat, turned toward Devin, engulfed his beautiful hard cock, took it all the way to the back of my throat, and began bobbing my head up and down on it.

I heard Devin groan loudly and say, “Oh my god, Mandi. You are fantastic. If you keep this up I’ll bust a nut before we even get to your house.”

I pulled my mouth off his cock and said, “Why not. I’d love to taste and swallow your cum. That way, while you watch LeeAnne and I put on our show, you can recover and get ready to fuck me long and hard.”

Hearing no complaints, I resumed my oral attack on his cock. I loved the feel of its larger head, as I slid my lips and tongue over the shaft and in and out of my mouth. I licked up the pre-cum I tasted and kept taking him deeper and deeper down my throat. I was hoping I could time his climax until just before we got to our house, knowing that I could sense where we were by the motion of the car.

Kneeling on the seat as I was, and giving Devin my best blow job efforts, my naked ass and pussy were in full view of anyone next to us that happened to look over. I felt Devin lean a bit toward me, slide his hand under me, and began caressing my tits and nipples. Then he tried to reach down to touch my clit, but my body position wouldn’t allow it. He pulled his arm out from under me, slid it slowly down my back, and into my ass crack. He circled his fingers around my puckered hole and managed to slide a finger into my asshole. I let out a loud moan and wiggled my butt around in appreciation of what Devin was doing.

The combination of his hard cock in my mouth and the ass play I was getting, set me off and caused me to have an enormous orgasm. Pussy juice was running down my leg as I convulsed and shook.

I never let his cock leave my mouth as I climaxed, and as I regained my composure I could sense that we were less than a mile from our home. I redoubled my cocksucking efforts and was rewarded by feeling Devin’s cock swell even more and begin to pulsate.

In less than a minute, I heard him call out, and then started shooting his hot cum into my welcoming mouth. It was a big load, and I quickly swallowed the first of it, expecting there was more to come. He continued spurting until he filled my mouth with his delicious love fluid.

I sensed the car turn into our driveway and stop. Not worrying about my nakedness, I bounded out of Devin’s car to greet LeeAnne as she was getting out of our car. She had the look of the cat that just ate the canary on her face, and I could see what looked like cum on her face.

We embraced, and she brought her mouth to mine, as though she wanted to kiss. I saw her eyes look at my mouth and chin, and a huge smile crossed her face. She grinned, and asked, “Do you have cum in your mouth?”

Since my mouth was full, all I could do was nod my head. She immediately pressed her open lips to mine, and I opened mine. I used my tongue to encourage most of Devin’s cum to flow into LeeAnne’s mouth. We kept our lips pressed tightly together, and exchanged the cum back and forth several times for what seemed like at least several minutes.

We finally separated and swallowed what we each had on our mouths. We both licked our lips in a recognizable way, mostly for the benefit of the guys who had been watching our little show.

I was finally able to speak, and said with a big chuckle, “Welcome to our home. Shall we head inside so we can continue this in private?”

Dave opened the door, and LeeAnne and I walked in, hand-in-hand. We both knew it was time for us to finally partake in the intimacy we had both been struggling to keep under control. I looked at LeeAnne and said, “I don’t have a lot of sexual experience with women, so feel free to point me in the right direction if I’m not pleasing you properly.”

I led her to our bedroom and our king-sized bed. We were followed closely by Devin, as Dave had called out that he would bring some bottled water in with him. I was so turned on that I could feel my juices running down my legs.

We stood by the bed and began running our hands all over each other. I pressed my hand against her pussy and found that it was just as wet as mine. I felt her do the same to me, and then slide two fingers into my pussy. I responded by pulling her tight against me, then slid my hand between her butt cheeks and lightly brushed two fingers over her puckered hole.

LeeAnne said, “It doesn’t seem like you need any encouragement from me, and I’m loving what you are doing right now.”

I thought how hot and sexy it would look to the guys if we continued this standing up. So I crouched down in front of LeeAnne, urging her to spread her legs apart. I put my face against her glistening labia and thrust my tongue as deeply into her hot pussy as I could, all the time keeping my other fingers in the cleft of her ass.

LeeAnne was squirting her pussy juice all over my face, and it tasted almost sweet. I removed my fingers from her anal cleft and thrust them into her pussy, to get my fingers as wet as possible. At the same time, I directed my tongue to her magic button, flicking it back and forth across her clit.

I withdrew my cum-covered fingers from her pussy, massaged the fluid into her puckered opening, and slowly worked one finger into her asshole. I sensed her relax her anal muscles, and my finger slid easily past her sphincter valve and deep into her. I inserted a second finger and started thrusting them in and out of her asshole, as I aggressively ran my tongue all around and over her clit, and pinched her beautiful erect nipples.

That did it for LeeAnne. She collapsed onto the bed crosswise, arched her back so only her shoulders and feet were touching the bed, and held that position while she shook, convulsed, and rocked her head back and forth. I don’t think that I had ever witnessed anyone have such a powerful orgasm.

As she slowly started to recover, I ran my tongue over her erect nipples and caressed her breasts and flat stomach. As I did this I realized that the brief time since we met had not given me a chance to give her a really good look. But now I could clearly see that she was gorgeous, with a tight and near-perfect figure, firm C-cup breasts, a flat stomach, and great legs. Not only that, but she also had an all-over tan. If I was ever to have an affair with a woman, I was sure it would have to be with LeeAnne or someone just like her.

After about fifteen minutes and a long swig of water, I could see that she had almost recovered. With a nearly angelic expression, she looked back at me, and said, “You are a big liar, telling me that you had not had much experience with women. I’ve been with a lot of women and I’ve never had one make me orgasm like you just did.”

All I could think of saying was, “I’m ecstatic that you enjoyed it. I guess the few women I’ve been with must have been good teachers. I just did what felt right.”

At this point, I glanced over at the guys and noticed that they were naked and had regained their erections. I wanted to fuck Devin in the worst way but was concerned that LeeAnne might be played out.

I thought I’d take a chance, and walked over in front of Devin, started swaying my body, squeezing my tits, and playing with my pussy. At the same time, I briefly looked at Dave and made a head motion toward where LeeAnne was lying crosswise on the bed.

I needn’t have worried, because as I saw Dave heading toward the bed, I also saw LeeAnne with a sexy look on her face, motioning for him to join her.

I turned back to Devin and took his hard cock in my hand. I just love the feel of a hard and willing cock in my hand, and couldn’t wait for that first stroke as it slid into my tight and willing pussy. I pressed myself against him, and we exchanged a beautiful passionate tongue-enhanced kiss. His hands found their way to my tits, and he masterfully began caressing them.

I was certain that I didn’t want to fuck standing up, so it was time to find out if we could join Dave and LeeAnne on our bed, or use the one in the guest bedroom. I asked if they’d like us to join them, or if they’d prefer us to use the guest room.

LeeAnne quickly said, “There’s plenty of room, and that makes it much easier to switch partners. Besides, I love watching Devin enjoying sex with someone as hot as you.”

Devin and I plopped down across on the bed, and he wasted no time attacking me. It was quickly obvious that he was an experienced lover, and I was looking forward to another new experience… fucking another guy on the same bed while Dave fucked another woman.

Devin said quietly, “You need to know that I’m good for at least three loads a night. So don’t worry if I cum before you are ready to call it a night. There is always more in the tank.”

I looked at Devin and said, “That’s good because I’m looking forward to a long night. I’ve had enough foreplay for one night, and I’m ready to have that beautiful hard cock of yours slide into my horny, wet pussy. I need you to fuck me, and fuck me now. Any questions?”

“None at all. Here I come, babe.”

Devin got on his haunches between my legs and I watched as he guided his cock to my pussy lips. They were already wet and puffy, and he slid the head of his wet cock up and down between them. After a few seconds of that teasing, he slowly pushed the head of his cock past the entrance to my sex and all the way into me.

The moment I craved was finally here. I immediately orgasmed as Devin pressed his cock slowly into my wet and willing pussy. I could clearly feel the edges of its big helmet head as it slid down the walls of my vagina and spread them to accommodate his size. I cried out in joy at this intense and overdue pleasure, and concentrated on squeezing my pussy muscles as tightly as possible.

Devin began plunging and pounding his cock in and out of my pussy, both harder and faster. It was incredible, and he knew exactly how to find my G-spot. I was screaming uncontrollably. He was like an out of control reciprocating fucking machine and was thrusting his hips back and forth so rapidly they were nearly a blur. I was in one continuous orgasm and was squirting so much that my fluid was actually reaching and dripping from the ceiling above us… and that is not an exaggeration.

He kept this up for a remarkably long time but finally had to slow down. Fortunately, he had put a couple of the water bottles on the bedside table, and quickly guzzled about a half bottle.

I took this brief partial-hiatus in the action to look over at LeeAnne and Dave. She was on top of him and pounding her pussy onto Dave’s cock with almost the same intensity that Devin used to fuck me. Her head was back and her eyes closed. Her euphoria was obvious. I took the opportunity to reach across and pinch her nearest nipple. She must have liked that, as she looked over at me and blew me a kiss.

As we continued fucking at a reduced pace, I noticed Dave and Devin make eye contact, grin at each other, and then exchange fist bumps and high-fives. It was clear we were all enjoying ourselves to the max.

Devin put his arms around my waist and quickly rolled the two of us over onto his back, leaving LeeAnne and me facing in opposite directions. I took the opportunity to lean toward her, capture and squeeze one of her beautiful breasts in my hand, and kiss her passionately. She returned the same pleasures to me.

All this got my naughty mind going again. I motioned for LeeAnne to lean over toward me so I could whisper something in her ear, while we continued fucking each other’s husband. She listened to my idea, got a huge grin on her face, and said, “Sounds like a great idea. Let’s see if we can make it work”

This exchange seemed to cause a pause in the action, and Dave said, “Okay, what are you two sluts up to now? It better be good if it means we have to stop fucking you two for even a minute.”

LeeAnne said, “We agree, but let Mandi tell you what she suggested. I don’t think you could possibly refuse.”

I said, “LeeAnne will get on her back, and I will get on top of her like we would for a sixty-nine. Devin will fuck me doggie-style, while Lee Anne licks and sucks my pussy and clit, and licks Devin’s cock and balls. At the same time, Dave will be fucking LeeAnne while I’m licking and sucking both of them in the same way. We will periodically pull your cocks out of our pussies, and suck and lick all the juices off them.

Then, and only if you guys do that to our satisfaction, you can both fuck us in the ass as the Grand Finale. What do you think?

The huge grins on both their faces seemed to be a dead give-away. Dave looked at LeeAnne and said, “That sounds like a perfect plan. Now, get on your back girl.”

LeeAnne and I positioned ourselves into a sixty-nine, and I welcomed Devin’s cock back into my pussy as she was circling the tip of her tongue on my clit. I used my tongue on Dave’s cock as I watched him slide his cock into LeeAnne’s beautiful pussy.

I began my ministrations to LeeAnne’s pussy and clit, and on Dave’s cock, as he pumped it enthusiastically in and out of her overflowing pussy right in front of my eyes. I found the flavors delightful and realized I’d never seen actual fucking this close up. I was glad my dirty mind had proposed this.

But feeling Devin slid into my pussy while LeeAnne was tonguing my clit and pussy was beyond description. I began climaxing and screaming, and I knew I had to make this “double sixty-nine”, with LeeAnne, or some other equally willing and beautiful woman, a frequent part of my sex life.

The four of us quickly got into a perfect rhythm, and LeeAnne and I were going crazy as the guys plowed their fully engorged cocks into our cunts. I loved pulling Dave’s wet cock out of LeeAnne’s pussy, deep throating it for a minute or two, and them guiding it back into her pussy. LeeAnne picked up on this and I could feel when she did that with Devin.

We continued this delicious action for quite a while, but Dave finally stopped and said, “OK, ladies. It’s approaching three A.M., and I think we have all done an incredible job satisfying each other so far. I’m ready for the Grand Finale and I hope the rest of you are too.”

Hearing a chorus of approvals, I asked if anyone wanted to take a break first. No one said a word, so I guessed we were all more than ready for the Finale. Then LeeAnne, who was the one on the bottom, suggested we’d probably be more comfortable on our sides. We immediately recognized the wisdom of her suggestion, and the four of us somehow managed to roll over together, which was rather amazing considering we were all more or less coupled together. We couldn’t help giggling at the less than graceful scene.

Even though I was an anal virgin only three months ago, I quickly learned the pleasures of anal sex. LeeAnne had told me that she enjoyed it as well. We had both prepared ourselves for that tonight, so I was eagerly looking forward to this experience. We were all so wet that I didn’t think any additional lube would be unnecessary.

I felt Devin begin to play with my little brown star. LeeAnne pulled his cock out of my pussy and I was thrilled when I felt her slide three fingers into my pussy to collect my juice, slather it all around my puckered hole, and slide one finger in. Dave was doing the same thing with LeeAnne, freeing me to enjoy the entire experience.

LeeAnne continued to play with my ass, and followed the first finger with two more, twisting them around, and thrusting them in and out to make sure I was ready. She engulfed Devin’s cock into her mouth to get it all super-hard and slippery. Then, without any apparent help from him, she guided Devin’s hard cock deep into my now ready asshole.

Devin started to slowly fuck my ass. He knew exactly what he was doing, and along with LeeAnne licking my pussy and clit, it didn’t take long for me to have another amazing orgasm.

But I knew I had other pleasures to tend to. I looked down at LeeAnne’s pussy and there was Dave’s cock fully buried in her ass, happily banging away. I don’t know who was moaning more, LeeAnne or me. It was quite apparent that we both were totally enthralled with what was happening and didn’t want it to end any time soon.

As I used my tongue on LeeAnne’s pussy and clit, and on Dave’s rigid cock as it thrust in and out of her ass, I was pleased with how neutral everything tasted. I couldn’t resist and pulled Dave’s cock out of LeeAnne’s ass and deep throated it. I continued feeding it in and out of my mouth, relishing both the erotic sensations and knowing I was doing something totally slutty.

Not wanting to deprive LeeAnne of her pleasure, I guided Dave’s cock back into her dilated anal passage. She mumbled something that sounded like “Thanks, I was missing that,” and Dave resumed pounding into her ass.

All this time, Devin had been pumping his cock in and out of my ass. LeeAnne was repeating the pleasures I had given her and Dave, and had pulled Devin’s cock out of my ass more than once.

It was hardly surprising when, after only fifteen or twenty minutes of this ultra-erotic action, Dave hollered out that he couldn’t hold back any longer and was going to cum. Seconds later, he exploded into LeeAnne’s ass.

I was just inches from watching Dave’s cock pulsate as he pumped his pearly jizz into her ass, and I tongued her clit while he was shooting into her. This threw her into an orgasmic frenzy, and she had another one of her wild climaxes.

When it looked like Dave was finished cumming, I pulled his cum coated cock out of LeeAnne’s ass, drew it into my mouth, and licked it clean. I felt both naughty and exhilarated doing that.

I was also concerned that Devin wasn’t going to cum. I turned back to look at him and said, “What is it going to take to get you to cum.”

Devin slyly smiled at me and said, “I’ll stand by the bed. You and LeeAnne will kneel in front of me, and pass my hard wet cock back and forth. As one of you deep throats my cock the other one will be sucking on my balls. And when I cum, I’ll blow my load all over both of your tits.”

LeeAnne overheard what Devin said, gave me a thumbs-up, and I said, “Okay, stud. Get off the bed and make room for us.”

And that is exactly what LeeAnne and I did. Devin finally blew a huge load of pearly cum all over our tits. We both grinned mischievously as his love juices went flying all over us. Once he was finished, we rubbed his cum into each other’s tits and then licked off anything that remained on our hands or fingers.

LeeAnne and I got back up on the bed, laid down side by side, and kissed and embraced passionately. We relished the feeling of our cum covered tits pressed tightly against the other.

We wiggled our chests together for a few seconds to confirm our mutual bonding as wanton, exhibitionistic sluts.

The sun was just coming up on a beautiful Sunday morning. As we were drifting off to sleep, I knew we had found a special couple that would offer many sexual delights as our relationship grew.

It doesn’t get any better than this.

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Written by MandiFan1
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