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Generally, when Will left on his runs, Ann went with him. But since they were expecting some deliveries she stayed behind. After all, it was only two weeks. When he got into the yard on Friday, he was offered a great run to the west coast with a guaranteed return trip. Instead of asking Ann if she wanted to join him, he accepted the load and headed right back out. Finally, he texted her from the road saying that he was offered a great load he could not pass up and he was headed to the west coast and would be back in a week or less.

“Where are you now?” Ann texted back

“About a hundred miles from the yard,” Will texted back.

“Are you telling me you were home and just left again or you were a hundred miles from home when you got the offer?”

Without thinking Will texted, “I had just pulled into the yard when I was offered the load,”

Immediately on the screen appeared a frowny face followed by what Will figured were several hands apparently giving him the finger, and then nothing.

He immediately texted, “What are you upset about?” but got no reply. He mumbled to himself, “Damn woman.”

At the house, Ann was so mad she wanted to scream but neighbors were too close and she didn’t want to scare anyone or cause Will any problems. So she just stood there and fumed, mumbling under her breath, “That inconsiderate asshat! In the yard and could not wait ten minutes for me to pack a quick bag and grab a cab so I could go with him.”

When she heard the unmistakable ding of a text coming in, Ann just shut off her phone and put it on the counter. Ann was so mad at him that she knew if she responded to any of his texts she would probably say things she would regret. Granted they had only been together for six months and he had been traveling alone for a lot longer that, so he just did what came natural to him; accepting loads and leaving. Ann realized she had no right to be mad at him but she was.

Suddenly it hit her why she was so damn mad – she was horny and wanted his cock and now it would be another week before she got any. Oh well, she had her trusty vibrators but all Will had was his hand. ‘Serve him right if he got blisters on his hand,’ Ann thought to herself with a smile.

Padding barefoot into the bedroom, she dug out her trusty six-inch vibrator but then put it back. She decided that as horny as she was it was going to take the big gun to satisfy her; her rabbit ear vibrator. Stripping off, she went over to the television and flipped on the DVD player, putting in a disc of them having wild hot monkey sex. Both of them howling like monkeys as they came hard, drenched in sweat, and breathing heavy, little hickeys dotting their bodies.

Positioning herself in the middle of the bed, Ann turned the DVD player on. Her right hand began circling her nipples, playing and pinching them, pretending it was Will’s hand. Her other hand was dipping down to run up and down her sex slit. As Ann watched the action on the screen, she began to move her fingers in and out of her pussy, her thumb grazing her clit, making her moan. As Ann and Will got into the hot sex on the DVD, she turned on the rabbit vibrator, using it to replace her fingers. Reaching the point of no return, Ann positioned the vibrator in her pussy and the little ear on her clit, turning the speed up to medium. She began to tremble and shake, her entire body feeling on fire.

As her orgasm hit her she had to clamp her mouth shut so she would not scream out in pleasure; it was that intense and earth-shattering. On the DVD both Ann and Will were howling as they came in unison. Taking in deep gulps of air, Ann flipped off the DVD player and just lay there, satisfied but missing Will. She knew she had no right to be mad at what he did but she was horny and had planned on spending the weekend in bed, but he spoiled her plans thus pissing her off.

Climbing out of bed, she took a quick shower, then padded naked into the kitchen to turn her phone on to find several texts from Will. At first, he was trying to find out why she was not answering his texts and the final one set her off…back into pissed off land. It read, ‘You are acting like a spoiled bitch. I did nothing wrong but two can play at this game.’

“Spoiled bitch!” she yelled. “Oh, he did not just go there, that ass hole.”

Quickly she texted back, “You just crossed the line ass hole. I will show you spoiled bitch,” and she turned off the phone again, all thought of apologizing going out the window.

When Will read her text he had to laugh, thinking, “Just wait to I get home little lady and I will show you exactly how I treat spoiled bitches.’

By the time Wednesday rolled around Ann was over her mad fit so she sent him a one-word text, ”Sorry,”

In time a reply came back saying, “Me too.”

By the time he pulled in the yard on Thursday afternoon, both were extremely horny from all their shared sex text and pictures. As he was ready to leave the yard he sent her a text saying, “Be naked and in bed when I get there.”

When Ann read the text she just laughed and went on with what she was doing, making one of his favorite meals – ham, fried potatoes, corn on the cob and cheesecake for dessert. She made enough so there would be some for play later.

Will pulled into their driveway about an hour later, exhausted but horny. As he dragged himself in the back door, he took in a deep breath, the delicious smells in the air making his stomach growl. Smiling he thought to himself, ‘Man, I love coming home to a home-cooked meal.’

“Hi babe,” Ann said coming into the kitchen wearing a red thong and two red heart pasties with tassels.

Will started to laugh and said, “Wow woman that is a sight to behold. Were you a stripper in another life?”

“No, but thought this would get your motor going. I have also been practicing pole dancing on the pole I had installed in the spare bedroom.”

Will had been looking to see what was cooking on the stove when she said that and he immediately put the lid back on the pot. Turning toward her, he asked, “What did you say?”

Trying to keep a straight face Ann repeated, “I said I had been practicing pole dancing on the pole in the spare room. I will put on a show for you after supper.”

Will stared at her, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or pulling his leg and then decided to check it out himself. As he made his way down the hall he could hear Ann laughing in the kitchen. He knew immediately she had been joking. Shaking his head, he headed in to take a quick shower instead.

As he started to turn the water on he heard her yell, “Supper in ten minutes!”

When he walked into the kitchen after his shower naked, Ann was just putting the food on the table. Will poured them each a glass of tea and sat down. They ate in silence, both too hungry to do much talking.

“Make sure you save some room for dessert,” Ann said

“What do you have in mind?” he asked smiling wickedly at her almost naked body

“Cheesecake,” Ann told him holding her boobs in her hands, trying to wiggle them and make the tassels go in circles as she got up to get the cheesecake.

Immediately all his body parts went on high alert, especially when she sat down a big cheesecake. Will knew with one that big some was meant for playtime. Watching her try to spin her tassels again, he started laughing. His cock was starting to rise to attention.

Cutting a piece of cheesecake, Will stood up and began to smear it up and down his cock, including his balls. “Come get your dessert woman,” he teasingly growled. “I am the master and you will submit to me, slave.”

Ann stopped what she was doing and looked at Will, trying hard not to laugh at his antics to sound like a gruff macho man. Walking over to her he waggled his cock in front of her mouth. Turning, she got off the chair and knelt down on the floor. She started with his balls, taking them one at a time in her mouth, rolling it around on her tongue, licking the cheesecake from them. Before he had time to brace himself Will found her tongue going up the back of his shaft, the sensation so strong it almost brought him to his knees.

Circling the tip of her tongue around the ridge under the head, she scooped a bit of cheesecake in her mouth and stood up, kissing him as she transferred the bite to his tongue. As he pulled her to him, she could feel the stickiness of his cock against her stomach. Gently she pushed him back, resuming the gentle cleaning of his cock. Tenderly she sucked on the mushroom head, bringing out a few drops of precum saltiness to mix with the sweetness of the cheesecake; it was a very unique flavor and one she wanted more of.

He grabbed two handfuls of her hair to hold her in place as he pushed his cock in as deep as she could manage. She lavished attention to the head and then pushed him back gently, removing her mouth from his cock. Turning him around she began to lick and nip his ass as she applied pressure to that sensitive area between his balls and anus. The sensual pleasure it caused almost made him shot his load across the room.

Ann immediately backed off and licked two fingers. Moving him around so she could continue to work her magic on his engorged cock, she inserted one and then the second finger in his anus, her thumb gently applying pressure again to that area making Will groan, his cock twitching in her hand. Taking him in her mouth, Ann worked her lips and tongue on his cock. The other hand reached up to play with his nipples. As she leaned forward to swallow him the tassels on her pasties started to tickle his shaft as she moved her mouth up and down.

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Manipulating her arm around she was able to rub his balls with her forearm as she fucked his ass. Finally, he could hold back no longer and erupted streams of cum into her mouth and down her throat. Ann continued to administer to his cock until she drained him dry. Licking the last bit of cheesecake from his balls and cock Ann stood up and kissed him hard, shoving her tongue deep in his mouth.

As they kissed, Will, gently pulled the pasties from her boobs and pitched them over his shoulder. “It is now my turn for dessert,” as he turned and scooped some up, smearing it all over her boobs and stomach. He removed her thong, turning her around. Will grabbed another scoop and rubbed it on her ass.

“Hold on to the edge of the table but do not lean on it and wipe off the cheesecake,” Will told her as he start planting kisses and hickeys on the back of her neck, over to each shoulder, back to her neck where he knew she was most sensitive. As he kissed his way down her back his hand was stroking her sex slit with light feathery touches. Reaching her ass, Will nipped each cheek, leaving several hickeys. Will began to lick the cheesecake off, his tongue sliding easily up the crack, darting in and out of the hole. By now his finger was lightly doing circles on her clit. Ann moaned, clenching her legs tightly together, trapping his finger against her clit as her juices started to flow.

Knowing that she was close, he stopped rubbing her clit and just let his finger rest on it. Will loved to bring Ann to the edge and then leave her there for several minutes. Ann began to rub her pussy on his forearm, earning her a stinging slap on the ass.

“None of that little lady,” he warned her. “You want my cock, you will behave,” as he smacked her again, and then nipped her ass where he had smacked it.

Ann relaxed her thigh muscles and Will slowly pulled away from her clit, unhurriedly finger fucking her with two fingers while he continued lavishing attention to her ass. Standing up, he took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom, pleased to see that she had thought ahead and had turned the covers down. She had also put on an older sheet they used specifically for this type of sexual play. Ann crawled up to the middle of the bed and spread her legs, taking a dollop of the cheesecake from her boob and put it at the top of her pussy.

“Come have dessert at the ‘Y’,” Ann purred, rubbing her finger over her mound and down to her sex slit.

Will immediately crawled on the bed getting between her legs, blowing his hot breath on her wet sex slit causing her to shiver. Using his tongue and teeth, he lightly pulled at her pubic hair, occasionally nipping her mound until he had the morsel of cheesecake in his mouth, leaning up to share it with her. Gazing at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes, he slowly and methodically licked, kissed, and sucked his way up her belly. He made sure to tongue fuck her navel and lightly touch her clit until she was once again on the edge, ready to topple over. Will stopped and sat back on his heels, just looking at her as her body settled down from the ‘almost’ orgasm.

Giving Will the stink-eye, Ann said, “Enough is enough. Just fuck me damn it! Shove that cock in me…now!”

‘Tsk…tsks,” he said smiling. “Want your trusty vibrator or the big gun?”

“Neither one Will; I just want you,” Ann begged as she tried to reach out for Will. Ann tried to pull him down to her but he moved back out of her grasp.

“I am not sure if a spoiled bitch should get my cock or not,” Will said scratching his head, pretending to think it over.

Ann groaned and grabbed a pillow. Throwing it, she hit him the face. “You asshole,”

“That did it,” he growled as he leaned over her, grabbing her by the wrists, pinning her to the bed as he leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, bring it to a hard peak.

Will continued to suckle her breasts like a newborn baby, going from one to the other. He continued to alternate nipples until her ass was bouncing upwards trying to hump whatever she could touch. Occasionally Will relented and let her have contact with his cock but only briefly. Each time her pussy touched his cock he could feel the wetness.

Letting go of her wrists he kissed his way back down to her pussy, licking her sex slit for several minutes, and then he spread her lips and took her clit into his mouth. The moment his lips pulled on her clit, she howled and flooded his mouth and face with her hot juices. Her entire body started convulsing and writhing around on the bed, her hands entangling themselves in his hair, pulling hard. The orgasm was so intense she momentarily passed out. It seemed to go on forever and when it was over, Ann felt like a limp noodle, every bone in her body liquified as she lay on her back. A sexual flush covered her body and face.

“Fuck me!” Ann finally managed to get out.

“Oh I plan to babe,” Will whispered in her ear as he licked her neck, raising up more so he could claim her lips in a hard kiss, their tongues mating fast and furious.

Ann could feel his hard cock pressing against her thigh so she rolled over to face him, her arm thrown casually over his hip as they ravished each other’s lips. Moving her hand from his hip, Ann let her nails graze over his semi-hard cock with feather-like touches making Will moan into her mouth. Pushing Will onto his back Ann swung her leg over him. She braced herself on either side of him using her hands as she fucked the head of his cock. Her pussy clenched the bulbous head tight as she moved up and down. He clenched his hands into fists to keep from grabbing her by the hips and ramming his cock deep inside of her.

Seeing her breasts dangling in front of his face Will latched onto the nipples, tweaking and rubbing the pad of his thumb over the nipple, making them peak. Ann continued her slow descent toward the base of his cock, enjoying sexually tormenting Will the way he had done her earlier. Once she had him deeply ensconced in her pussy, she reached around and began to massage his balls, feeling him jerk inside of her.

Moving all the way to the tip, she began the slow descent back to the base again. Each time her body moved with a little more speed, her pussy clenching and unclenching against his cock. Will knew it would not be long before he spilled his seed. Suddenly she stopped her movements and went back to playing with his balls. Ann just sat there using her pussy to massage his cock as she leaned forward, planting hickeys all over his chest and stomach.

Will groaned loudly, almost to the point of begging Ann to make him cum. She sat up and started to just wiggle around on him, torturing him some more. Leaning back down she kissed him again, and then sat up, her hands tweaking his nipple as she began to move faster. Will reached out and began to rub her clit. As they reached the point of no return their breathing increased, her wet pussy slapping hard against his pelvis. By this time both were starting to sweat, breathing through their mouths as they took in gulps of fresh air.

Ann felt the familiar twinges starting in her inner core as if a volcano was ready to erupt, sending molten lava throughout her body. Ann felt her skin warming, her eyes starting to dilate as the first waves of pleasure began to surge throughout her body, triggering Will’s orgasm. Both started to howl like two monkeys in the wild satisfying their primal lust with hot monkey fucking. He grabbed her hips, holding her in place as he shot his seed deep into her dripping pussy. When it was over, Ann collapsed on Will’s sweaty chest, as they struggled to get their breathing back under control.

“Hot damn!” Ann muttered as she kissed him gently, knowing that tomorrow both would have sore bruised lips. “Hot monkey sex. Sure hope we did not disturb the neighbors.”

“Who cares if we did,” Will said. “It is not our fault if we make them jealous because we love sex so much.”

Ann kissed him again and rolled off, lying on her back looking up at the ceiling. She automatically reached for his hand squeezing it. Will stretched out his arm so Ann could move into his arms for their cuddle time.

“We need a shower but not sure if my legs will hold me up,” Ann said laughing.

Will got up on his side of the bed and came around to pull Ann to her feet, leading her to the shower. They quickly showered, having no energy to even contemplate sex. Ann changed the sheets while Will went to put up the food from supper and put the rinsed dishes in the dishwasher. When he got back into the bedroom, Ann was curled up on her side, snoring softly. Giving her a light kiss on the cheek, he settled down behind her, pulling her flush against his chiseled chest. Ann moaned softly and quickly settled back down. Within twenty minutes both were sleeping soundly.


Written by freespirit13
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