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Early that evening, Hailey was watching a movie with Brian. Her father and mother were both gone until later that night. Brian's friend and Hailey's main interest, Justin, had said he would be over around six or seven, but he hadn't shown yet.

A little after seven, the doorbell rang. Hailey jumped up to answer it, being sure it was Justin at the door. She was at least partially right. It was Justin but he also had his friend George with him, who had somehow managed not to leave when his parents did. Although she wasn't exactly dressed for the mall, no bra, shorts, and an old shirt of her father's with the top buttons undone, she ignored Brian's suggestion that she change, opting instead to do as Justin suggested and stay the way she was.

Justin, knowing that Hailey, although among three males, would prefer to be wearing even less than she was, pushed her to undo even more buttons. Brian kept his mouth shut, neither offering encouragement nor objection. Hailey did a couple more buttons, to everyone's delight. But she really captured their attention when she began to tell about the neighbor over back who had her on camera.

"No shit?" Justin exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "You been modeling for one of the neighbors?"

"No," Hailey explained matter-of-factly, "he has an internet-type camera, mounted on his rooftop."

"I can't believe you never told me about this," Brian exclaimed. Hailey ignored Brian's rebuke.

"And it is pointed at your backyard?" George, Justin's friend, excitedly asked.

"Well yeah, that too," she allowed, "But he seems to be able to aim it and zoom it, which means he can see right into my bedroom window, even see me in bed."

Three pairs of shorts suddenly took on the appearance of tents as they imagined what that might entail. "I'm guessing that you don't usually close your curtains," Justin boldly suggested.

Hailey made it clear that she didn't think she really needed to. "There is just the backyard out there, and it's fenced in and has a yard light. His house is hidden by the fence."

"Except for the rooftop," Brian noted.

"Right," she acknowledged, "Except for the rooftop."

"Which has a camera mounted on it," Justin unnecessarily added.

"I, of course, was unaware that I was being watched until one night when I was babysitting for him," Hailey said, explaining how she had happened onto this knowledge.

Brian interrupted, "Harold, the guy you babysit for?"

"Uh yeah, but let me finish telling it!" Hailey snapped, then continued, "I got to snooping and turned on his computer. In the browser history, there was a number type web site listed several times, so I clicked on it, and 'wa la' - there it was, a close-up shot of my bedroom."

"Holy shit," George exclaimed, "You mean he was even watching while you were getting ready to be his babysitter?"

"Yeah, well that's what I thought too," she said, "But then I looked at the date stamp on the history entries and found that no, nothing that day." She looked at their faces. They were obviously wanting for her to continue. "The times were all evening and on nights when his wife was probably working," she added.

Justin quickly remarked, "Makes sense, he probably couldn't see anything unless it was dark and you had your lights on."

Brian took his time adding, "Yeah and I doubt he would have wanted his wife to know he was lusting after the babysitter."

Hailey blushed at that remark but merely replied, "Well I don't know about the lusting part, but yeah, I'm pretty sure his wife doesn't know anything about what he is doing while she's working."

"I suspect that's true," Justin concurred, and then, grabbing his crotch, asked, "So did he get to see anything?"

"Since I didn't know he was watching before that night, I really don't know," she replied, but then allowed, "However, I can guess that he at least saw me in my underwear or dressed like I am now..." The guys were hanging on her every word. "...but probably even less when I was getting ready for bed."

"So he might have even seen you naked?" Brian asked in a manner denying his interest.

Hailey probably knew better than Brian what he wanted her answer to be. Stirring the pot, she teasingly replied, "I would certainly think so. I mean, like once I go into my room for the night, I stop thinking about how I'm dressed." She really poured it on. "It is possible I was stretched out on the bed in just my panties, reading or watching television. And sometimes I do stand in the window and look out at the pool and backyard. Not unusual for me to do that in bra and panties." She studied Brian's face before continuing. "And there might have even been a few times when it was just panties - no bra."

Brian, Justin, and George were certainly gawking now but still trying to appear nonchalant. "But all of that was before you knew you were being watched. What about after? What'd you do? You had to have been pretty pissed," George remarked.

"Oh, I was pissed alright. Kept my drapes closed for the next couple of nights - although his wife was home both of those nights, so he probably wasn't watching anyway."

"And..." Justin prompted,

"Well, I kept thinking about it. I mean, like I was really pissed at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I got to thinking it was okay." Hailey looked from Justin to Brian as she said that last part.

Brian and Justin had certainly guessed that Hailey enjoyed showing off as much as they enjoyed her doing so. Both were, however, a little slow to realize that she was actually admitting it, especially in front of George. "Okay?" Brian asked. "You mean him secretly watching you? You thought that was okay?"

At this point, Justin was just watching Hailey and Brian. He wanted to know, just like Hailey, what Brian really thought about Hailey's willingness to show off a little. She explained, "Well, he wouldn't have been looking if he hadn't liked what he was seeing. And it's not like his wife is ugly or anything like that - actually she's pretty damn good looking - but he was still watching me." She focused on Brian's reaction as she said, "I thought maybe I should be flattered instead of mad."

"Flattered?" Brian asked, having heard her admission. "You mean you really do like guys drooling over you?"

"Uh yeah. Actually, I do... kind of."

They'd all heard her admit to it. "Okay, so what next, you called him and invited him over?" George sarcastically suggested.

"Don't be a smart ass," Hailey snapped. She did know that Brian and Justin got really turned on when she was braless, and not just around them, but around other guys as well, especially if her bare nipples were poking out of her blouse or T-shirt like they were that night.

Brian was wrestling with the fact that Hailey's antics did get him turned on. He still wasn't ready to admit it though. "So let me guess then," he began slowly, "You opened your drapes, giving him the opportunity to watch again."

Hailey was exercising caution as well, allowing, "Yeah, well that's just about correct, but it wasn't all that much at first. For a couple of days at least, the only time the drapes were open and the lights on, I was wearing a blouse and shorts. Not much different than if he'd been watching me at the mall."

Justin didn't have the patience for the cat and mouse games and blurted out, "Only it didn't stay that way, or you wouldn't be telling us about it."

"You're right," she agreed with Justin, "It didn't stay that way. Daddy was out of town and Brian, you were off visiting your folks - I laid out by the pool in a really skimpy bikini. And then, after Harold's wife went to work - not much sun left anyway - I went to my room and pretended to read some magazines, only I didn't change out of the bikini, least not till it was time to eat."

Brian's interest was growing, at least if the tent in his pants was any indication. "The bikini. Anything I've seen?" he questioned, excitedly.

"Yeah, that string thing I wore down at the lake - the one that hardly covers anything at all," Hailey disclosed.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that," George squealed. "Justin told me the guys were hard for a week after that. I mean that neighbor of yours must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven - him watching you parading around your room in that two pieces of nothing."

No one was pretending to be bashful anymore. Hailey looked at Brian and Justin. "You've both been pushing me to do things that turn you guys on, but in case you haven't noticed, I enjoy it as much as you. I do want you to understand, though, this business with the neighbor and his camera, really is my first time to do it on my own - on purpose at least - and I really am liking it."

"And I think it's fun hearing about it," Brian admitted. He was clearly turned on and having Justin and George there to share in the excitement made it all the better. "So how much did he get to see?" Brian asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Well that night, not much more," Hailey admitted somewhat sheepishly, knowing this was not what Brian or his horny friends wanted to hear, "After dinner I closed the drapes." Her eyes sparkled with excitement though when she added, "The next night I had them open again, only by the time it got dark enough to have the light on, I was at the dressing table, in nothing but my bra and panties."

"Jesus!" Justin exclaimed, "You know I don't usually like you wearing a bra, but when it and a pair of panties is all you're wearing, well that really is hot as hell, especially if you know someone is watching."

"You think so, huh?" Hailey asked rhetorically, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as she recalled dancing in just a shirt, no panties, with him and George, earlier in the day.

"Oh shit, yeah," Justin affirmed, pausing momentarily, as wild thoughts of earlier that day also churned through his head. He carefully asked, "Do you think he might be watching right now?"

"He might be," Hailey replied. "His wife is working tonight, but if he is, he's wasting his time - my bedroom is dark and of course, I'm out here where we've got the drapes closed."

George had pulled out his smartphone and was busy checking some things. Eventually, he said, "I can see that his wifi is active, that is if I'm looking at the right one. It is almost as strong as yours," he said, referring to the wifi at Hailey's house, "and is labeled 'poopsy'."

"Oh hell yes," Hailey screamed, "That is it. Poopsy is his dog's name. Can you tell if he's got the camera on?"

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"Unfortunately no. I could probably find his camera if I could get into his wifi, but it's encrypted and I have no idea what the password is."

Hailey offered, "It might be on my computer. One time, a month or so ago I took my laptop to his house when I was babysitting. Harold - that's his name - put his password into my computer so I could use his wifi. I don't know if it would still be there or not, but you're welcome to look."

"Unless you took it out," George explained, "it's still in there and I should be able to find it. Get your laptop, Hailey, and leave your bedroom light on."

Hailey still didn't understand where George was going with all this, but she did as she was told and brought him her laptop. After a few minutes of fiddling with it and his phone, George announced, "Got it! Camera's on and it's aimed at Hailey's window, but it's not moving, so I can't tell if he's watching or not."

"Hailey," Brian said, "go to your room and walk back and forth in front of the window. If he's watching, he might zoom in."

She did as she was told. Her room was the first one down the hall from the den and she left the door partly open, so they could still hear each other. George and Justin were watching George's phone and reported, "Nope, not moving."

Justin explained, loudly enough for Hailey to hear, "The camera is framed on your window so he's got a pretty good picture without moving anything, but..." he brazenly suggested, "...maybe if you were to take off your shorts, he might zoom in to get a better look."

Brian did know that Hailey being in a shirt and panties was pretty normal when hanging out with him and his friends, so he repeated Justin's suggestion to her, then stepped over to where George and Justin were looking at George's phone, and watched as Hailey did as Justin had suggested. Everyone got to look at Hailey's bare legs, but the shirt did keep her panties covered.

"Yep, he's watching," Justin informed Hailey. "Just like I said he'd do, when you dropped the shorts he zoomed in for a better look. Make sure he stays interested - unbutton the shirt," He urged.

Brian thought Hailey might just do it. She often had most of the buttons undone, all of them that time with he and Justin, and had even gotten topless with several guys at the beach. But he was surprised when Hailey asked, "Why would I do that?"

Justin feared he had gone too far. George, however, immediately understood that Hailey was concerned her neighbor not get the impression he was watching a staged performance. George quickly answered, "In order to be more comfortable. You're alone and have no idea you are being watched. You are going to take advantage of the freedom."

That made sense to Hailey. She stood in the doorway, looking to the side, like she might be watching the television, and slowly unbuttoned the shirt. She continued to stand there, in full view of the window, watching the imaginary television, as if something had caught her attention.

After a few seconds of this charade, Hailey turned toward her dressing table and chair, which were against the wall and at an angle to the window, but still very visible to the camera.

The view the guys and the neighbor were getting was unquestionably sexy, as of course, Hailey intended it to be. The camera had a side view and although the shirt was open only far enough to show a little bare skin between her tits, the total sight did amplify the fact that she was wearing nothing but panties under the shirt.

George, Justin, and Brian all held their breath as they watched Hailey on the tiny screen of George's phone. Having seen how willing Hailey had been to go this far, Justin suggested, loud enough for Hailey to hear, "You might be more comfortable if you just took the shirt off."

While his suggestion was initially met by silence, Hailey did eventually ask, "You don't think he'll figure out I know he's watching?"

Justin noted that Hailey didn't seem concerned that Brian, Justin, George, and her neighbor, Harold, might see her topless, only that Harold might guess that what he was seeing was staged. Nevertheless, Justin was almost afraid to answer, for fear he might spook her.

Brian had made the same observation and cautiously replied, "Not really. You did say he'd probably seen you topless before you knew he was watching..." he hesitated, considering what he should say next, "...and with the way you're sitting, he won't be seeing any more than your tits, so it's not that big a deal."

Wow! Brian had just told his seventeen-year-old 'little sister' that it was okay for her to get topless with his friends and her neighbor watching. Hailey had let it be known earlier, that taking off her clothes with guys watching, made her juices flow, so he shouldn't have been surprised when she shrugged the shirt off her shoulders and tossed it toward the closet.

Although it was what they had asked for, there was a collective gasp from the three of them as the blouse hit the floor. Although Hailey certainly knew she was being watched not only by the neighbor, but also by Brian, Justin, and George, their reaction, caused her to instinctively cover her bare breasts with her hands.

Justin reacted predictably, "Oh no, don't cover them. They are so perfect." They weren't really all that big, no more than a small C, and they probably weren't as perfect as Justin thought they were, but they were nicely shaped and looked pretty damn good on Hailey's petite seventeen-year-old body.

"Please tell me, Brian," she said, "that you're okay with this."

Brian thought about the question. He had encouraged Hailey to get topless at the beach, he had supported Justin in arguing for her to get naked, and this morning he had actually suggested she might take her panties off while dancing with him and his friends, so it was way too late to start playing the part of 'big brother'.

"Of course," he replied. "Like I said earlier, I don't see any reason for concern."

That apparently was all she needed. She dropped her hands. "Oh yeah, and that is so much better," Justin said.

"You guys really do like it when my tits are bare, don't you?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" Brian replied, with Justin and George nodding their concurrence

"But I know Justin especially likes it when someone else is getting to see them too. Isn't that right, Justin?" she asked.

"That would definitely be correct," Justin acknowledged. "Seventeen years old and a hot body just screaming to be shown off? Damn straight, I like it!"

Hailey was mightily turned on. She had an audience and was going to put on a show. She got up from the dressing table, and totally naked, walked over to the window. For some time, she stood there, nearly facing the window - and of course her neighbor's camera - acting as if she might again be watching the television.

Turning to face the window, she looked out, focused on an imaginary spot just below the camera and raised her hands to the curtain rod above, her bare breasts prominently displayed.

Brian whistled low and remarked, "You really do like being watched, don't you?"

"Uh huh!" Hailey replied, "But I think Harold has seen enough." She took hold of the curtains and slowly pulled them closed. "End of show," she announced as groans emanated from the den.

Hailey was well aware that Brian, Justin, and George had just seen her topless and felt she didn't need to be quite so dressed as she had been earlier. With just the panties on, she grabbed up a bath towel and wrapped it around herself as she made her way back to the den. She was fully covered, but the towel still drew whistles of appreciation.

The guys were certainly delighted that Hailey was willing to wear so little while hanging out with them, but Brian was still a little nervous about it. He took Hailey aside and whispered in her ear, "You sure you don't want to put a little more on?"

Hailey knew that wasn't what Brian really wanted and besides, she really did like that being dressed in nothing but panties and a towel was causing bulges in everyone's pants. She protested, "You're okay with my neighbor seeing me topless, but you don't want your friends seeing me that way?"

"Not it at all," Brian rapidly back-pedaled, "I think the towel is great. But you got to know, Justin is going to be doing everything he can to get you out it.

"I'll take my chances," she told Brian while smiling slyly. Hailey's parents were due in less than an hour and Justin and George would have to leave before that. Hailey knew there was time for some fun-type fooling around, but too little time for anything serious.

The towel was a big hit. The guys were all doing their best to peek under the edges of it and the closer it got to the necessary departure time, the more careless Hailey got with how she was wearing it.

A few minutes before Justin and George would have to leave, Hailey whispered to Brian a reminder that she still owed George a dance. "You mean, like now?" Brian stammered, "in just that towel?"

"Uh huh," she replied, "if you don't mind."

"If you want, I see no reason why you shouldn't - just be careful."

Hailey put on some slow dancing type music, grabbed George, and began to dance. It wasn't long before Justin got up, crossed to the dancing couple and yanked Hailey's towel loose, and tossed it aside.

As Justin returned to his seat, a smug look on his face, Hailey, without losing her composure, continued her dance with George. With her nearly naked body pressed up against his, she whispered, "Once you and Justin are out of here, make sure he understands that his behavior tonight was unacceptable and that he's never to come back here again."

George nodded his understanding as the song ended. Shortly thereafter, he and Justin left. As they were leaving Hailey snatched up the towel and once again wrapped it around her body. To Brian, she said, "I thought that was pretty crass of your friend and as far as I'm concerned, he's not welcome here anymore." When Brian did not immediately respond, she added with a smile on her face, "But I noticed that you didn't seem to have any objection to me continuing to dance with George in nothing but my panties."

Brian swallowed hard before answering, "I guess you're right. I was just wishing it was me you were dancing with."

"I was kinda thinking the same thing," Hailey said as she wandered off in the direction of her room.

Written by TraceEkies
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