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4 days ago
Straight Male, 43
0 miles · Nebraska



Oh hi! Come on in. Welcome to my profile page. Geez, I hate to admit it, but I wasn’t actually expecting guests at this hour. No, no, it’s alright! Just give me a second.

Runs frantically to the kitchen. The sound of cabinet doors slamming and dishes rattling can be heard for a moment before I barrel back through the door, carrying a tray with two Sunny D’s and a small pile of snickerdoodle cookies.

Thanks for your patience. Refreshments?

No? Okay, no worries.

Tosses tray behind the sofa.

So, what brings you by my page? Oh? You say you want to know about me? Well, take a seat, and I’ll go back all the way to the beginning.

Sits down.

 Oh, you’d rather stand? No, that’s absolutely fine.

Stands back up.

Let's get started, I was born on a cold January morning, way back in — oh, you just want the highlight reel? Yeah, I can totally do that!

I suppose the first thing you should know about me is that I’m a storyteller. I love to tell stories. I have a vivid imagination, often fuelled by a generous dose of ADHD and concerning levels of caffeine, and I’m not afraid to use it. Over here on Lush, I mostly write stories in the “mind control” genre because it’s my favorite erotic genre, but I’m considering branching out into other areas. 

I’m also a big believer in kindness first. That’s not to say I can’t be assertive or even dominant when the situation warrants, but I have a healthy degree of respect for my fellow humans. 

No, absolutely, take a seat. I think I will too. They’re super comfy.

Sits down and gestures toward the sofa.

Are you sure you don’t want that Sunny D? No? Okay. Where was I?

One thing I love is making friends here on Lush. If you’re looking for someone to talk to via messages or chats, hit me up. It doesn’t have to be a sex chat or anything. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with ‘em, but if you’d rather discuss the finer points of civilized society, I’m down for that, too.

Checks watch.

Anyway, I don’t want to keep you here forever. I’m sure you have other profiles to visit before you go home for the night. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.

Thanks for stopping by!

PS: In the near future, I'll be adding completely free stories and graphics to

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Five Days: Tuesday

Jack comes back to help Maggie with more chores, and Maggie puts on a show for Jack

TUESDAY Maggie smiled, turning off the 7:00 a.m. alarm that had drawn her from her slumber. Sunlight streamed in through her window. Birds could be heard chirping outside. Jack was coming over in a little under an hour. Throwing off her covers and hopping...

Five Days: Monday

As Jack completes some chores for Maggie, she finds him more and more irresistible.

Monday At exactly 8:00 a.m., a thunderous knocking at the front door of the large suburban home jolted Maggie awake. Groaning in frustration, she tossed off her covers and sat up in bed. Still groggy and a little confused, she checked the time before stum...


Erotic Pictures
Erotic Reading
Erotic writing
Making Friends


Age: 18 - 50
Distance: 2000 miles