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Because jewel was on her period, she asked if we could reschedule her overnight stay for the following weekend. "I would love to sleep with you, Master, but I don't want to get your bed all messy," she said.

We were both a little disappointed that we wouldn't be spending the weekend together. jewel had been so excited at the idea of sleeping over. But these things do and will happen and so I tried to make the best of it, for both our sakes. 

"It's okay, slut, we will just have that much more fun next weekend... I assume your little visitor will be gone by then?"

"Yes, Master, she only comes for short visits... about three to five days usually. And even if she is still here, I want to play – if that's okay with you, Master."

"It's nothing that a little soap and water can't take care of, my slut. If you are up to it and it won't hurt you, then we can plan on a full docket next weekend."

"Oh, I want that so very much, Master! I had a wonderful time today Master, despite the limitations. I can't wait until we can play unhampered!"

"In the meantime, I have a task for you... homework, you might say."

"Homework, Master?"

"Yes, this is a butt plug. It is a beginner size. I don't think I have to tell you what to do with it. I want you to wear this every night so your ass gets used to being opened up.

"Once you have – pardon the pun – mastered this one, we will move up in size a bit. And I want you to be wearing it when you come over next weekend too... I want to see how you are sizing to it," I said. I handed her the butt plug and a new tube of K-Y lube as well.

"Yes, Master. I will wear your plug at night and dream it's you in my ass instead!"

"Well I hope 'I' give you sweet dreams then!" I said.

She pulled me into a passionate kiss, "No worries about that, Master!" She put the plug and the lube in her purse and I took her home.

The next weekend came... not soon enough for either of us, but it came. Early Saturday morning, I got up and got myself ready for a day of fun and sexual adventures. jewel had told me that whether her "friend" was gone or not, she wanted to play.

So I made sure the waterproof mattress pad was on the guest bed and there was a good supply of fresh sheets. I also made sure I had plenty of cleaning wipes for the toys as well as a good supply of fresh towels for showering after.

With everything in readiness, I made myself a pot of coffee and poured a cup to sit and wait for my guest. 

jewel was nothing if not prompt. She normally rode the bus to get to my house. This gave me a chance to get things ready for her. Plus I wasn't sure what time she got up and what her routine was for getting ready to come over. At the end of our time together I took her home–we didn't like to say goodbye and it was usually late when we finally had to.

The buses only run until 10:00 pm and we are rarely finished by then. Besides, at that hour I wouldn't want her riding the bus anyway. Mt. Pleasant, NC may not be the "Crime Capital of the United States", but it's still not a good idea for a woman to be out late by herself. And jewel had extenuating circumstances that made that even worse.

About 10:00 am, I heard the knock I was expecting. I opened the door and there she stood in all her caramel-colored beauty.

But instead of the shy, head lowered, "Hello, Master." greeting I was used to, jewel stepped forward her arms held outstretched to me.

"Oh Master, please, please just hold me!" she said, throwing her arms around my neck.

"What is it, jewel? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing, Master, I just really missed you. Everything is fine now," she said, her head buried in my chest. I put my arms around her, pushing the door shut in the process, and held her tight for several minutes until she felt better. Then taking her by the hand, I walked with her to the sofa and sat down pulling her into my lap the way she liked sitting, straddling me and facing me.

"Now that you feel better, why don't you explain this very warm hello? Why did you miss me so much this week?" I asked.

"Oh, it's been such a crappy week, Master. Work has been terrible – first, they cut our already meager budget... you know disability advocates don't make a pile of money as it is.

"And because our budget has been slashed, they had to let some of the employees go. I'm not one of them, fortunately... I've been there longer than most others. But that just adds to the workload for the rest of us."

"I'm sorry, jewel, that you've had such a tough week. But the weekend is here and so are you. So let's forget about work and just concentrate on here and now."

"Master it isn't just this week. It's been every week. Oh, it's so hard to let you go Master... every weekend I come here and have such a wonderful time with you and then I leave and have to go back to my regular life... my vanilla life as you call it. 

"Here I feel like I belong – like this is what I was made for, this is who I really am. And out there... well, I just do a job and take up space. Out there is what I do to pass the time until I can be here again. 

"And you, Master... how can I even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. You took me from my pitiful existence and gave me a chance to grab the Golden Ring... a chance to be what I always wanted to be, what I dreamed of being. You were the only one willing to look past my shortcomings and let me show you what I could do. 

"But even that wasn't enough. You did even more for me..." she said, continuing her speech.

"More? What more did I do?"

"Master, can I talk to you... as Jonathan and Eve?"

When she asked that, I knew this was important. "Yes, go ahead Eve. What is it?" I asked. 

"Jonathan we have been seeing each other for over a month now and I know that's not a lot of time really, but we have had such wonderful times and amazing sex. And through it all, you haven't once treated me as if I was blind.

"Oh, you have walked me to the ladies' room when we went to the restaurant but other than that, you haven't treated me any different than I think you would any other woman. And I can't tell you how much that means to me.

"All my other boyfriends and dates always treated me like I was made of spun glass and would break if I bumped into anything. They coddled me and practically carried me everywhere. It was smothering, to be honest.

"But you haven't done that one time. With you, I feel... like an adult and not like some child that needs a babysitter all the time. With you, I feel like I am a woman and I can contribute. Like I have value and worth. 

"Jonathan I want to thank you for treating me as an equal. I know that I am your submissive and you are Master, but you still make me feel like an equal. You listen to my feelings and opinions and take them into account when you make your decisions. 

"You are really a special man and I am glad I went to that munch and saw you. I'm glad I looked you up and I am so very glad that you decided to give me a chance at becoming your submissive.

"I am honored and privileged beyond description to be your slut and I will never be able to thank you enough for showing me that I can indeed be of value to a Master such as yourself. I was never given much of a chance to be useful... well, except at work. But I only have that job because I am disabled," she said.

"Eve, you are NOT disabled and I don't want you using that term around me again. You may not be able to see, but you are FAR from disabled. You can do anything anyone else can do, you just have to do it a different way.

"Beethoven was deaf and yet he composed music. Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder are both blind and they play the piano. Franklin Roosevelt was crippled by polio and yet he was President of the United States. And Helen Keller was the first blind and deaf person to earn a college degree.

"Just because you have a physical impairment does not make you disabled. Only you can make you disabled. When you quit trying, you become disabled. And you haven't quit trying. I won't let you quit trying.

"As for me showing you that you have value, you are wrong on that account too. You showed ME you have value by showing me you can do this... you can serve as good as anyone I have ever had. 

"I am not so special, my little one, I just gave you a chance to show me your stuff. You are the one who is special here... you have overcome adversity to become what you always wanted to be despite the difficulties. You met the challenge head-on and defeated it. You make me proud – proud to be your Master and proud to have you by my side."

"Oh, Jonathan... I think I'm gonna cry!" she said. I saw her lip tremble and I took my girl in my arms holding her and kissing her.

Then I took her hand again and began leading her down the hallway.

"What are you doing? Where are we going?" she asked.

We got to the bedroom door. "When we go inside this bedroom, it's not as Master and submissive. I don't want to fuck you or take you or own you. I already do all that. No, this time I want to make love to you," I said. 

My statement caught her off guard for a moment. She stood there facing me as if she was processing what I just said. Then I saw her smile and I knew she understood. I opened the door and we stepped inside the bedroom. I walked her over to the bed then I sat down on it pulling her in front of me.

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"Why don't you take off that pretty dress, Eve... it can't begin to match what's under it," I said. She smiled again – I was using her name, her real name, instead of jewel or slut.

She turned around and held her hair up, an indication she wanted me to help her unzip her dress. I was all for that, but I would do it my way! I stood up behind her and began slowly – very slowly – unzipping her dress. As I did, I softly kissed the newly bared skin. 

Eve gasped at the first kiss and then she moaned at every kiss thereafter, each kiss eliciting a louder and more urgent moan as I worked my way down. Once I got down to the small of her back she was shuddering with eager anticipation and need. But her dress was unzipped all the way so she turned back around to face me. 

She slipped off one shoulder strap of her dress and then the other, holding up the front of her dress teasingly. 

"Now Eve, why are you hiding your lovely tits, my dear? They really are quite amazing. And you know how I love your tits."

"You want to see my tits? Come get them!" she giggled.

Ahh, I see the game we're playing now! I reached out and pulled her to me. "I got a better idea... why don't you bring them to me!" I said. As I pulled her to me, I also jerked her dress down out of her hands to let it fall down around her feet.

Eve gasped at the sudden move and I caught her around the waist, her tits at just the right height for my mouth to find one hard nipple and begin feasting on her soft globes with their tender toppings.

"Ohhh, Jonathan... Ohh God..." she moaned as my mouth sucked her nipple in holding it while my tongue played with the meaty morsel.

Her hands moved up to the sides of my head as if they knew what to do and she began running her hands through my hair as I greedily licked and suck her tit. She moved my head over to the other one so it wouldn't feel left out and I began working on it.

I alternated back and forth between "the girls" for a few moments until Eve, panting for breath now, pulled back. I was waiting to see what was next on the menu when she slowly lowered herself to the floor keeping her eyes on me. With her eyes on me, she slowly crawled a couple of steps to my knees and then pushed them apart to move between them.

Playfully she slid her hands up along the tops of my thighs until they got close to the large and growing bulge in my crotch. Taking a page from my teasing manual, she veered away at the last moment grinning and shaking her head as she started working my belt and pants.

When she had my pants open, she began tugging on them to pull them down. I raised up a couple of inches to help her and she slid them down and off me tossing them casually into a corner of the room. 

As she pulled my pants down and off me, I quickly shed my t-shirt, the only shirt I wear around the house so I was left in just my boxers now. Eve, on the other hand, was totally naked save her shiny silver strappy stiletto heels (how she could walk on those things is still a mystery to me!) which contrasted amazingly with her dark skin.

Then with a devilish little smirk, she started by kissing the inside of my right thigh just above the knee. She moved over to my left thigh and kissed a couple of inches further up that one. Back and forth she went kissing each thigh in turn and moving slowly up my legs as she went. I swear she had been talking to some of my former girls because she was using my own playbook against me!

The problem was it was working! My cock was growing bigger and harder with every kiss and every inch closer she got. Finally, she had reached the top of my thighs and there was no place to go.

But she had one more trick up her sleeve. She leaned down and gave the bulge in my boxers a long slow sexy lick! Then she gave it a mock (thankfully!) bite and she gripped around the base of my cock as if she was measuring it.

"Mmm... a big thick juicy cock! Is this for me?" she asked, toying with me.

"It is if you want it. Why don't you unwrap it and get a better look at it?" I said, playing along.

She slid her delicate hands up and curled dainty red-tipped fingers under the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down and then off my to join my pants in the corner.

Eve wrapped her hand around my cock feeling along the length, taking note of every vein and bump along my shaft. "Mmm, this is why you feel so incredible in my mouth, pussy, and ass! So big, so thick, so yummy!"

She couldn't contain herself she had to taste me. But she didn't want to seem like she was desperate or a rank amateur at this. So rather than just swallowing me down right off, she pushed my cock back so it lay against my abdomen and she slid down to lick my balls and my perineum before putting me in her hot wet mouth. 

She gave my perineum a long slow lick then another before moving up to my balls. She licked all around my nutsack and then sucked one of my boys into her mouth for a proper washing.

"Oh my God Eve, that feels amazing!" I exclaimed.

She paused and looked up. "I've been thinking of you all week, and I want you to last a long time." Then she went back to her work, gently sucking the other ball into her mouth for its turn in her hot mouth.

When she was satisfied that she had my balls spit-shined and then cum inside at a nice simmer, she turned her attention to my cock. She began licking up from base to the head using the flat of her tongue like she was licking a popsicle. She worked her way slowly around the circumference until my entire shaft was lubricated by her saliva. 

She sat back on her haunches and licked her lips. She looked up at me and smiled then she brought her mouth down to my cock and pushed her mouth around the tip of my cock. She took the head into her mouth and paused as she laved her tongue over the mushroom cap.

She pushed down further onto my cock until about half of my eight-inch cock had disappeared between her full lips. She began slowly moving up and down my shaft and I could feel my cock getting harder and thicker.

The feeling of her gently sucking and bobbing as I grew harder with her lips locked around me was amazing. She could feel me swell within her soft mouth too, pressing against her tongue, and she let out a soft moan, causing vibrations in her mouth and throat that only added to my pleasure.

Within just a few moments, I was fully erect and hard as a railroad spike, with just my head remaining in her lovely lips, and I was loving the warm, moist feeling of her mouth.

Eve focused mainly on my tip, licking the entire head of my cock, while her thumb and finger wrapped around the shaft forming a ring that slowly worked up and down my shaft. Back and forth her tongue went, across the head, sending pleasure through my body.

I had never had a girl that focused so much on just my cockhead – most wanted to see how much they could stuff in their greedy mouths. Not Eve though, she slowly pulled me out of her mouth and just rubbed it with her thumb, causing it to spasm uncontrollably while she listened to my moans and groans of happy pleasure.

"Eve, I am getting close to cumming. You'd better slow down or this party will be over very quickly!" I said. I tensed up as I felt the cum rising up my shaft. I knew the end was near. Eve felt me tense up as well but to my surprise, she only worked harder. 

Before I could even say it, I was cumming. Hard. Harder than I had cum in a long, long time. I blasted her tonsils with jet after jet of white-hot cum and she kept me in her mouth swallowing as fast as she could. But she couldn't keep up with the way I was dumping my load into her and I saw a small trickle, just a drop or two, escape around my cock and run down her chin.

I felt waves of pleasure overcoming me as her tight lips held on. Finally, my balls emptied and my pulses became smaller. I started to shake with pleasure, and still, she kept gently sucking, her warm mouth and soft tongue milking me dry. The feeling was pure heaven – better than anything I had felt before, and I was stunned by her devoted selflessness.

I love cumming in a woman's tight, hot mouth; to me, it's one of the most intimate things a man and a woman can experience. She swirled my liquid around my tip for a moment, causing me to collapse. She had been completely selfless, just openly giving me this most incredible feeling.

There was no Master, no command. She did this all on her own because she wanted to. She gave my tip one final kiss and slowly licked one last glistening drop off my tip. Only then did she use her finger to scoop up the couple drops on her chin and sucked them into her mouth as well. I felt total acceptance in her selfless act of pleasure.

"Eve, honey, that was amazing!" I managed to say once I regained my senses.

"Just consider that an appetizer. I want to be sure you last a long time tonight for me and knew that a quick first-round blowjob and cum would help you later." She then gave me a wink and a sly smile.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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