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Eden West

"Lauren takes a solo vacation and meets the sexy VP she hates from work"

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Famous Story
Competition Entry: Summer Loving
I was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.

“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.

“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go for it. Where to?”

“ I've got a great spa picked out. Actually, it's down your way. Santa Barbara. Eden West, I think it's called.”

“ Oh, I love Santa Barbara,” said Rob. “I'll take you out to dinner. It's only about ninety minutes from my house. Just don't get too close to the pelicans. And don't work so hard with the yoga and the cardio, just relax. I know what a fanatic you are.”

“ The yoga and the cardio are the only things that keep me sane,” I laughed. “O.K. I promise to get a massage and a pedicure too.”

“ That's more like it,” said Rob.

He was such a love. One of those people who make work bearable. My job was all email and teleconferences with large groups of people juggling several multi-million dollar projects at once. It was hard to feel the humanity in all the fast-paced communication. A well organized person with a good phone voice, an occasional joke and blessedly clear writing was a treasure. Rob was one of the few.

I hoped I was another but it's hard to judge oneself. Many people thought I was too blunt. I was trying to improve my social skills after the last few hints from my boss. I waited longer between interruptions and I had even posted a picture on company contact page to humanize myself. Most people didn't bother with a picture. I wasn't sure if my personal rehabilitation campaign was working. I assumed it would take a while rebuild some of the bridges I had burned during my spotted work history at this company. There was the director in Boston I had talked back to, the divisional VP who was always challenging my numbers (asshole) and the PM in Seattle who refused to share his data, even though it would benefit both our projects.

I set up all the auto-mails and voice messages for my vacation. Melanie, God love her, had promised to cover one of the biggest projects I had, Rob the other, and the smaller ones could certainly float for a few days without a project manager.

My suitcase was over-stuffed as usual. I did a reasonable amount of traveling but had never mastered efficient packing. There were just so many cute casual outfits that I never got to wear. Mark was too busy trying to make partner recently to go anywhere. Not that anyone would be looking at me anyway. The spa mostly catered to women.

The night before I was to leave I had strange dreams. Tactile, sexual dreams. A tall athletic man with blue eyes was stroking my body. He worked his way down my sides and across my breasts. Warm lips caressed the side of my neck. Sore nipples tightened as he stroked, then pinched, then, oh my god, tongued them. My pussy dampened, ached for a touch. He slid his fingers down the sides of my slick labia. Oh, that felt so good.

Put a finger in there. Please. No, two of them. Oh. Push that in more.

He took them out and circled my aching clit, then slowly pushed them in again. My body arched back to allow his long fingers more access. His mouth was on my nipple again, tongue circling, pulling, sucking as his fingers caressed my silken wetness. I tightened my buttocks in immense sexual tension. I was making helpless gasping noises. I couldn't stop myself. My body started bucking as my fingers circled faster and faster across my throbbing clit and the orgasm pulsed powerfully over my fingers. I groaned in release.

I had been masturbating myself in my sleep. One hand pinching my nipple, the other deep in my pussy. My heart was beating like a drum and my cunt was still pulsing lightly over my fingers. Where was Mark when I needed him? Probably in the living room writing another brief.

… .

The spa at Eden West was situated in an large resort hotel. Elegant Mission-style architecture surrounded turquoise swimming pools beneath neatly spaced, gently undulating palm trees. The surrounding beaches were backed by high bluffs with California's small deciduous fauna perched precariously above. The famed pelicans were audible, but not visible. Perhaps I could take one of the hikes advertised in the brochure to see them more closely.

The resort's rooms were spread out in small, medium sized and large villas spread across a large expanse of civilized tropical gardens connected by meandering walkways. I checked in at the main building and then, map in hand, made my way to my room, the lowest priced sort, but still very comfortable- according to the brochure. I was exhausted, not so much from starting the 3 hour trip at 6 am, but from staying up most of the previous night tying up loose ends at work.

My bags had been delivered my second floor suite and I let out a breath of relaxation when I opened the door. The room was luxurious and tasteful, with large windows opening up to a pretty balcony. Fresh flowers were set in a vase above the central chest of drawers. The bath was equipped with a marble sink, a jacuzzi tub and a separate shower. This may have been worth the money. I made a mental note to take a short bath after my nap. I collapsed on the big soft bed and immediately passed out.

By the time I woke up I had missed the morning activities and it was lunchtime. I put on some yoga pants and a T-shirt and strolled to one of the dining rooms. There were large groups of women chatting and eating what appeared to be a salmon salad. I must have looked lost because a sympathetic woman with short spiky black hair pulled me over to a table saying, “Don't worry, just sit with us. Those other tables won't talk about anything but their diets”

Rina, the sympathetic woman, was an advertising executive trying to wind down. Thin and in her forties, she had brought me to the “not chubby” table, as they had labeled it. It was a livelier group than most, and the women were already planning to avoid the spa dinner. I plotted with Rina to go to a local Thai place and follow it up with a drink at a joint to be determined.

The afternoon “Intermediate” yoga session seemed more than intermediate to me. Rina was there as were some of our table buddies. It was a fast-paced workout for a yoga class. There were so many Vinyasa flow sequences from Downward Dog to Push-up to Upward Dog in quick succession than my arms started to burn. We thanked the instructor for a good workout, commiserated on our aching arms, and headed up for showers and relaxation. I walked the grounds and got myself the promised pedicure before dinner. When I entered my room there was a message light on my phone. It was Rob, asking me if I could join him for dinner.

I called back immediately.

“ Hi homey,” I said. “I really thought you were going to be too busy covering my project to go out to dinner.”

“ Lauren sweetheart- It's not nearly as fucked up as you told me,” he replied. “I got hold of Dave, and got him to understand why the schedule pull-in was impossible given the lead times on the sub-tier supplier parts.”

“ Dave?” I asked. “Who's Dave?”

“ VP of the Film and Animation Hardware Division. I'm friends with him from college.”

“ You should have told me you knew him!” I said. “He's been giving me a hard time for over a year. Almost every time I push back on him about anything, he won't budge an inch until I absolutely deluge him with numbers. It's like he assumes I don't know what I'm talking about. He drives me crazy.”

“ That's funny,” said Rob. “I thought he liked you.”

“ Why?” I asked.

“ Because he insisted that he join us for dinner when you were here. He said he really wants to meet you. He's really a nice guy.” Rob sounded baffled.

“ I'll believe it when he stops acting like an asshole. Anyway, I guess there's no way out of it. Maybe I can get on his good side for once.” I told Rob I had plans with Rina and he was glad to make it a foursome. He seconded the suggestion of the little Thai place and the plans were in place.

Rina knocked on my door at about 6pm. She immediately nay-sayed my outfit.

“ You can't go out wearing that,” she said.

“ What's wrong with it?” I asked.

“ It's too business-like for Santa Barbara.”

“ But that VP is coming,” I retorted.

“ Relax, he'll know you're on vacation. Let's see what else you've got. You've got great legs and you're short so your skirt absolutely must be above the knee”

I had brought a fair number of cute summer outfits. It was fun modeling them for Rina. She insisted that I look a bit sexy. She put a little gel in my short dirty-blonde hair, mussed it up and insisted on putting eyeliner on me.

“ I'm married you know,” I said.

“ Yes, but as the old saying goes, you're not dead. We're going to get a few drinks later and dance and flirt. If your husband didn't want you to flirt, he should have come with you.”

That made perfect sense to me. I did like the way the liner made my green eyes look rather enormous. I ended up in a short flowing skirt: blue flowers on a black background, a smooth black tank top and high-heeled sandals. Rina, with her fashionable spiky hair, smooth tan and Michelle Obama arms, looked great in slim black jeans, high-heeled boots and a classy sleeveless top patterned like multicolor stained-glass. By contrast, I felt small, pale and delicate. We took blazers in case it got cold, and headed out to the little restaurant in Rina's rental car.

Rob and Dave-the-VP were waiting at a table when we got there. Dave-the-VP did not look like a VP. He looked young, maybe a little younger than me, and was drop-dead gorgeous. Clear blue eyes looked out at me under dark lashes in a face that seemed tanned a bit too deep for the blue eyes, topped by silky-looking black hair trimmed quite short. He was rather lean, but had broad shoulders and seemed to be about 5'11 or so, several inches shorter than Rob.

I knew Rob was good-looking from his pictures, but he was better in person. He was a bear of a man at 6'5 and two hundred something, but his good humor made him immediately approachable. His beard was cropped more neatly than on his web page, and his wide smile showed attractive dimples. Rina was favorably impressed. Her body language turned on immediate flirt.

Dave-the-VP was staring very intently at me. It made me rather uncomfortable. I couldn't read him. He started talking about the project Rob was covering for me. He actually seemed apologetic regarding the feedback he had initially given me.

“ I'm sorry I came on so strong with the timeline, Lauren,” he said. “Rob explained how the sub-tiers were going to be hard to work in parallel.”

“ I thought I made that clear,” I said.

“ I must not have been listening,” he admitted.

After the food and a glass of wine all around, the conversation between Dave and I veered off work. We talked about yoga as Dave was one of the few men who practiced it regularly, and hiking. I told him I loved to hike the Berkeley Hills with my husband, but we hadn't had much time for it lately. He recommended a hike in the Montecito foothills.

“ I think the hotel arranges one,” I said.

“ It would be a good idea. Beautiful scenery,” he said.

I made a mental note to sign up for the Montecito hike tomorrow.

We would have split the check, but Dave insisted on taking us out on expense. I had no problem with that. He owed me for all the stress he had imposed on me during the last eighteen months over three different projects.

Rina would not be satisfied until we had checked out the local bar scene. Dave recommended a small place which usually had an indy rock band and a moderate cover. It was within walking distance.

I lost Rina and Rob almost immediately. They must have taken to the dance floor on the other side of the bar. Dave steered me up to the bar and insisted on buying me a drink.

“ I'm not much of a drinker,” I admitted. “I tend to get tipsy after two glasses of wine and fall asleep after three. I also don't like beer, which most people interpret as anti-social.”

“ That's o.k.,” he said. “We'll get you a cocktail and I'll tell the bartender not to make it too strong. I know something you'll like.”

He returned with something called a watermelon mojito. It was slightly sweet and absolutely delicious. Dave was drinking a single malt whisky.

“ Want another?” he asked.
“ Well, it really is very good,” I said, although my head was spinning a bit from the first one.

After the second mojito I was beginning to get a bit giggly and I begged off any more and asked for spring water, to avoid a hangover. I stumbled into the bathroom to pee and ran into Rina.

“ How much longer are we staying here?” I asked. “I'm a little wasted.”

“ Oh not much longer,” she replied. “I gave Rob my number. He wants to get together again just us two on Wednesday.”

I congratulated Rina on her conquest and told her that Rob was really a sweetheart. We arranged to meet on the right side of the bar in half and hour and make our excuses then. She put on more lipstick, and dashed off to find Rob while I washed my hands and powdered my nose. It looked a bit red.

Dave was waiting for me not far from the door to the ladies room. He took my hand and led me to a corner standing table where he had left another whisky. I told him it had been really nice to meet him in person and that Rina and I were leaving in about half an hour. I was feeling fuzzy and I wasn't sure how to make more conversation. It was a bit loud and dark. Dave got rather close to me and whispered that he had really enjoyed meeting me too. In fact, he wished we could get together again.

“ Socially?” I asked. “You know I'm married, right?”

“ I think your husband has to watch out for you, or else someone like me is going to get you tipsy and kiss you.”

Dave backed me up behind the table and put his arm on the wall above me. He put his other hand behind my neck, pulled my head up a bit, bent down and put his lips over mine.

I nearly fainted with lust immediately. I instinctively opened my mouth and he snaked his tongue right in deeply. A shock of heat traveled from my mouth to my breasts down between my legs and dampened my panties. Dave let his arm on the wall slide down to my ass and pushed me right against his warm body as his tongue slid around mine and slipped back and forth between my lower lip and my teeth. He squeezed my ass and ground his jeans against my navel. There was an unmistakable lump in his jeans.

I gasped with shock and pulled my head away. He responded by putting his warm lips on the side of my neck, which didn't help calm me down. In fact my nipples were aching under my tank top and I'm sure they were standing up stiffly against his chest. He could probably feel them as we were smashed together at this point. My arms felt empty and I realized my jacket had slipped to the floor.

I managed to edge sideways out of his arms. My heart was pounding like the bass drum of the band in the next room.

“ Dave, this is really inappropriate,” I gasped. “I'm married and we have to work together.”

“ Sorry, guess I'm a bit wasted too,” he said.

“ Oh you could tell I'm all but tipped over? Did you ask the bartender to make the drinks strong on purpose? They were certainly not weak.”

“ I guess I forgot to mention cutting back on the rum when I ordered,” he said. “Anyway, I'm sorry, really. You are just so incredibly cute. Don't worry, we'll both get over the embarrassment. We don't work in the same office anyway.”

Dave found my jacket on the floor and helped me back to the bar. Rina was waiting and as my designated driver was thankfully not bombed at all. We said our goodnights. Rina gave Rob a hug, and she helped me to the car.

“ Dave certainly seems to have the hots for you,” she said.

“ I didn't know that until he jumped me over in the corner,” I said.

“ I thought something like that would happen. I could tell from the way he was looking at you.”

“ Why didn't you warn me?” I asked.

“ I thought you might like it. He's dead sexy.”

I sighed. “Yes he is, but I probably have to work with him on four more projects in the next year. Besides, I'm a virtuous wife.”

“ You have more control than I would,” said Rina. “It's a good thing Rob is a gentleman.”

Rina walked me right back to my room, as I would have gotten lost otherwise. I took a cool shower to calm down, brushed my teeth and had no problem getting to sleep. I think I had sexy dreams but did not remember them in the morning. The water and Ibuprofen before bed worked, and I woke up at 8am tired but without a headache.

The morning schedule was posted at breakfast (homemade granola, yogurt and fresh berries). There was a van leaving for the base of the Montecito hiking trail at 9:30. I went back to my room, changed into hiking shorts, T-shirt and boots, applied sunscreen, and put my small daypack on. I slipped my cellphone and an extra T-shirt into a covered pocket as always.

There were packed insulated lunches and water bottles by the van. I put these in my daypack and joined the small crowd waiting for van. The group was women with one or two men, all on the younger side. They did not seem to be serious hikers, only wearing sneakers and jeans for the most part.

The van driver and guide passed out trail maps before we left. He told us this was an intermediate hike, with some steep portions, but mostly shady on the route we were taking, next to a lovely creek. There was a fork at the end for a longer hike, but we would turn around before we hit it.

I was curious about the longer hike and asked the van driver about it as we stepped out. He said I looked to be in good shape, a regular hiker, and should have no trouble with it. It was sunnier than the first part of the hike and quite steep, with some portions over bare rock, but there were beautiful ocean views and rock formations near the top and a plateau with a beautiful vista.

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He said the hike back down the other side was flatter, shadier and quite easy. It would take me an extra 90 minutes or so to take the longer hike. If I called his cell, he would pick me up by the other fire road. He gave me his cell number and I determined to take the longer scenic hike.

The first part of the hike was shady and beautiful as advertised, accompanied by the scent of wildflowers and the gentle sound of the little creek. We got to the point of the turnaround by a small waterfall in about an hour. I said my goodbyes to the group, crossed the creek, and started up the longer trail to the right as guided by the map.

About another mile in, the trail started to get narrower and very steep. The shade had disappeared a ways back and I stopped to catch my breath and drink some more water. I had vowed to eat my lunch at the vista at the top of the trail.

I missed my hat, which I had left behind because the hike was advertised as shady, and my thighs were burning with the strain of the ascent. However, I could catch a glimpse of the ocean and the sandstone from one side of the trail. I heard a noise ahead of me and saw a man up a short way on the trail above me. He was also taking a water break.

I approached to say hi, surprised to see another hiker when I nearly fell down. It was Dave, dressed in T-shirt and shorts, baseball hat, serious boots, a water-bottle holder on his waist and no pack. He had runner's legs and beautiful pecs beneath his tight T-shirt.

“ Tired, huh?” he asked.

“ What are you doing here?” I asked. “Are you stalking me?”.

“ Yes,” he replied.

“ Why?”

“ I like you,” he said. He gave me a brilliant white disarming smile. I sighed.

“ I called the hotel and asked for you. They said you had gone on this hike. I ran into the van driver on his way back. I know the trails and took a different route to intersect you."

Come on, join me.” He held out a hand. I took it and he pulled me up to the top of the rock he was standing on.

It was a beautiful view of the ocean looking back. We continued along steep dry stream beds and rock formations. Some piles of rocks looked like sleepy cragged people to me. Other formations were sprawled among the green piles of trees as if they were installations in the hedge garden of a modern art museum. I was getting out of breath. The sun was beating down very hard on my head and I was starting to get a bit dizzy.

By the time we reached the flat vista, I was sweating bullets and was somewhat nauseous. Dave looked concerned. The view of the coast, ocean and channel islands was breathtaking. There was a pleasant ocean breeze. I looked for pelicans but couldn't see any.

We ate lunch at an unfortunately sunny picnic table overlooking the beautiful green hills. The hills were interspersed with piles of red-brown rocks and glimpses of white-capped ocean. I could only choke down an apple and some bread due to the nausea.

Dave ate most of my lunch since he hadn't brought one. I felt a little better after drinking a gatorade packed inside the lunchbox.

“ It's all downhill from here,” said Dave, taking my hand after I had gotten rid of the trash in a bin and put my pack back on. “I know a shady spot on the way down where we can really take a rest."

It seemed like a long way down to me but we finally approached Dave's shady spot. It was next to another brook under a stand of trees. There was actually a patch of soft grass in the shade. Dave took my pack off my tired shoulders and placed it against a big rock. He sat down with the pack against his back and made a triangle with his legs.

“ Sit down and lean against me,” he said.

“ I don't know if that's a good idea,” I replied.

“ Come on, I'm harmless,” he laughed.

I sighed and sat between his legs, leaning against his broad chest. He leaned back a little more and wrapped his arms around me. I reclined a bit, closing my eyes. The wind swished though the tall grasses next to the stream and I dozed off.

A soft breeze across my eyes fluttered them open. I felt utterly relaxed. My breathing was unconstrained and I was very comfortable. I soon realized this was because the front clasp of my bra was open, and my shorts were unzipped. Dave had one hand resting gently on a bare breast under my T-shirt and one palm was making slow circles between my legs on top of my panties. He also seemed half asleep.

“ Dave, what are you doing?” I demanded, sitting up a bit.

“ It's called taking advantage,” he said.

“ I'm getting out of here,” I said. I wiggled but he held me down with his hands and I did not try very hard before he interrupted.

“ Wait. Lauren.” he said. “Doesn't this feel really good to you?” He re-commenced stroking my crotch and traced a finger around my nipple.

The man was right. It was heavenly.

“ If I did everything that felt really good I'd be a 300 pound pregnant heroin addict,” I said.

“ There's no way Mark can find out about this,” he reasoned softly. “It's just a little fooling around. I won't do anything you don't want.” He pressed warm kisses against my ear.

I made excuses to myself and leaned back against him again. Mark could not find out. I was still really tired. I realized he had pulled his shorts (and more) down also. There was a rock-hard naked boner pressed against my back. That realization made me simultaneously wet and panicky.

He pulled me up further against him and leaned back some more. This resulted in my shorts slipping down to my thighs along with my panties slipping a bit. His hard cock nestled comfortably against the top of my bare crack. His right hand edged my panties down further. I felt a cool breeze on the top of my pussy. I squirmed with arousal, making little noises as he let his index finger drop between the wet lips of my sex.

“ Aaahh...” I sighed.

“ That's right,” he whispered in a deep sinful tone. “Relax and enjoy it”. He started to wiggle his cock between my buttocks a little and I noticed it was slippery with pre-cum. It felt lovely there, as did his finger stroking up and down my pussy simultaneously. His other hand pinched my nipple and his mouth bent down to lick inside my ear. I was in multi-sensual heaven. I began to feel my heartbeat between my legs in time with Dave's against my back. He wiggled his cock up and down in my slick ass crack and groaned heavily.

I was making little squeaking noises as two fingers stroked up an down on either side of my clit. His tongue now licked just behind my ear. He started moving his two fingers faster and faster up and down and around my clit, while doing the wiggle dance in my slick ass crack at the same pace. His other hand was squeezing at a breast. My pussy started to catch on fire and I bucked almost out of his arms in time with his fingers, making them slide further up and further down.

“ Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop,” I panted. I was almost over the edge.

He suddenly thrust the two fingers into me.

I moaned, raising my head, almost sitting up.

My wet sex throbbed uncontrollably around his fingers. So strong, the contractions thrust my pelvis against him with each one. He grunted loudly, pulling me down to grind his cock against my soft ass, and spurted copiously onto my back. He kept pushing his fingers in and out of me so that I throbbed and throbbed until I pushed his hand away.

I collapsed back directly on top of him and rested heavily. We lay there for what seemed like half an hour. He then gently pushed me off him.

“ Give me my pack,” I said irritably.

He sat up and pulled it from behind him. I rummaged in it an pulled out the pack of wet wipes. I handed him one and tried to clean up my pussy a bit before I pulled up my pants. He wiped himself off first (thanks) and then attempted to clean up my butt and back.

We walked the rest of the way down to the fire trail in silence. I glared at him whenever he opened his mouth. At the end of the pavement there was a large parking lot with only three cars in it. I assumed one was Dave's.

“ Don't bother the van guy. I'll drive you back,” he said.

“ I have to pee,” I replied.

Lucky for me there was a public restroom on one end of the parking lot. It even had flush toilets, sinks and toilet paper. It was dark and cool. The concrete floor smelled like the creek I had crossed. I cupped cold water (there was only cold) in my hands and threw it over my face several times, letting it drip down my neck onto my chest.

There was a cracked mirror above the sinks. My face in the mirror was flushed and the pupils of my eyes seemed enormous. I didn't recognize myself. This was a wild woman. I tore off my soaked T-shirt and washed under my arms, drying with paper towels. Wearing the extra T-shirt I headed into the bright sunlight towards Dave. He was standing nonchalantly by a black car, and his hair was wet. I assumed it was from the sinks in the men's room.

We drove back to the hotel along a silent highway. No traffic until we were almost there. The air swished by the windows. I leaned my head against the car door. Dave found a parking lot in the hotel grounds closest to my room. I'm not sure how he knew which lot to go to. He opened the door for me, pulled my backpack out of the back seat, and put it on.

“ Where to?” he asked.

“ I'm going to my room to take a shower,” I said. “I don't know where you're going.”

“ I enjoyed that very much, Lauren,” he said softly.

“ I enjoyed it too,” I said. “That doesn't make me feel good about it.” I held out my arm and he handed over my backpack.

He stood by his car and watched me go into my room. I went immediately for the shower, stripping as I went.

It seemed like I was in the shower for an eternity. The water was cooling by the time I stepped out. I put a big soft towel around my head and another around my body. I rinsed out my mouth in the sink with some free mouthwash and walked into the bedroom to dress for dinner.

Dave was sitting in the side chair with bare feet resting on the bed. He was wearing different clothes and looked clean.

“ How did you get in here?” I asked, astounded.

“ Extra key,” he said, unhelpfully.

I stepped back but he was in front of me, close to me, before I could breathe. He took the towel off my head and pushed my bangs out of my eyes with his hand. I can't explain why my body did it, but my hands went around the back of his neck and pressed his lips to mine. The towel slipped down of course.

I was immediately pulled full length hard and naked against his body and his tongue was deep in my mouth. I pulled back my head to breathe. He held my shoulders at arms length and stared me up and down.

“ Oh my God you are something,” he said. “You are a little art deco nymph.”

“ Now that's a line I've never heard before,” I said.

I wasn't sure art deco nymphs were considered attractive in this century. However, Dave had let go of me and was stripping off his clothes faster than I'd every seen a man strip. He was proudly naked, dripping cock against his belly before I could blink. I was frozen in fascination, hands crossed over my breasts.

He uncrossed my hands, bent his head down and took most of one 32C in his mouth. He rolled his tongue round and round the tip of it, fondling the other with his other hand. I sighed.

“ Dave.”

He raised his head and those clear blue eyes pinned me.

“ Yes.”

This conversation was familiar. Not sure from where, however.

“ Dave, if we're going to do this we need a condom,” I said.

“ I have one.” He reached down and pulled a gold foil packet out of his discarded shorts.

He placed it on a night stand.

“ Don't worry Lauren,” he said. “We're just going to do this once. It will be fun. No one else will every know.”

“ It's cheating,” I said. “And if HR found out we could both get fired.”

“ Think of it as supplementation, not cheating,” he said. “Think of how good it feels.”

Dave pulled the bedspread off and we were finally tangled on the bed skin to skin. There was so much skin to feel. Arms against arms, warm soft hair on his legs against my smooth ones. His warm back was smooth under my fingers. He rolled us sideways and put both hands on my ass, rubbing it in circles. His hard cock stood up against my belly.

“ You feel so good,” he said. He slid his tongue back in my mouth and I slid mine against it. I snuggled a leg between his, and pressed my breasts against his chest. We clinched, kissing deeply for a long time as my heart accelerated and the heat built warmer and warmer between my legs. He leaned back and pulled me up on his lap. I stared down at his erect cock, mesmerized.

“ You want to suck it, don't you,” murmured Dave.

Suddenly my mouth seemed achingly empty of cock. He stood up at the end of the bed and pulled me, sitting toward him. I bent over and took it in my mouth. He pushed my head down more do that his cock penetrated deep into the back of my mouth. I pushed my head back up and sucked the tip, licking around the head. He groaned and slid the fingers of one hand up into the back of my hair, the base of his hand at my neck. He curled his fingers into my hair and pulled my head up and down slightly. I rolled my tongue around his hard, smooth cock. My head bobbed, again and again, as he pulled me up and down faster and faster. I reached my hands out, one around the part of his cock not in my mouth and the other lightly cupping his balls. His balls were getting harder and tighter. I was dripping wet onto the end of the bed.

“ No, wait,” he gasped . He pulled my head up entirely.

He guided my body around with his arms and positioned me on leaning on the bed, facing away from him. Leaning over me, he pushed my body suddenly toward the headboard with my face down toward the sheets. Then placing his hands on my waist, he pulled my ass up roughly toward him. He entered me quickly standing from behind. His hot cock slipped into my wet pussy, smoothly sheathing into me. I felt entered, stretched, filled entirely. I squirmed around him in delight.

His thick cock pulled out slowly and pushed back in slowly as he drew my thighs toward him with his hands. Deeply inside me, he took one hand and wedged a middle finger over my pussy so that it slid up and down on the top of my entrance as he pushed in and out. The other arm pulled tightly around my waist, bracing me as he thrust in and out. I placed my arms down on the bed to push back against him.

His thick cock fucked me powerfully, faster and harder. He was almost hitting the end of me as his strong arms pulled my ass against his balls repeatedly.

“ You. Gorgeous. Bitch. You made me shut down that whole division,” he gasped. “Made me look like a fool in front of the whole executive committee. I'm going to fuck you cross-eyed.”

“ Dave, you're hurting me,” I whimpered. I ached a bit every time he pushed all the way in.

“ I want you. I want to hurt you. Oh God. I love your ass.” His voice was low, but his body was in a frenzy, pulling me up and almost off my feet each time with one hand directly on my pussy and the arm jerking my waist. He started grunting with each thrust.

“ Unh... unh... unh...uhh.”

I gave up on bracing myself and just let him hold me up as his cock and his hand stimulated my wet pussy mercilessly inside and out. My legs trembled and I felt pressure build between my thighs, radiating out and up until my whole body shook with shocks of pleasure and the pulsing rhythm started inside me.

“Dave. Dave. Please! Aaah!" I cried out.

He drew back and pushed in powerfully as I collapsed totally against his arm. His cock throbbed and I felt a rush of hot liquid inside me. Sighing, he fell heavily on top of me on the bed and rolled us both sideways. I continued to jerk sporadically, uncontrollably, moaning as he continued to slide his finger around my wet pussy. As the orgasm subsided, my muscles turned to jelly. Dave held my back tightly against his chest, my backside smashed against his wet balls. We breathed together slowly.

After a few minutes I realized I was dripping cum from between my legs onto the sheets.

“ Dave. You asshole. You took off the condom.”

“ Never put it on,” he said. “You use something right?”

“ IUD,” I said. I wiggled out of his arms and sat up. “That doesn't matter. You know in Sweden I could charge you with assault.”

“ Good thing we're not in Sweden,” he snarked. “You loved it.”

“ I...That doesn't matter. What were you muttering at me? It was too rough. What was that all about? You almost knocked my IUD out.” I glared at him.

“ Do you remember the U.K. project?” he asked.

“ Yes,” I answered. “You were dead wrong about that.”

“ Well, I could have made it work,” he said. “You were just so stubborn. You copied Sandy on the email. Made me look like an idiot. I had to lay off 22 people. I had recruited half of them. I had to call them all.”

“ So you decided to fuck me. Literally.”

“ As soon as I saw your picture on the web page,” he admitted. “I was going to go up to San Fran and take you out and seduce you. Then you made it easier for me by coming here.”

“ God, I'm such a fool,” I said. “I thought you were just hot for me. I thought just this once I'd just have a good time on vacation.”

“ You have three days left, right?” he prompted.

“ Not with you,” I said. I wasn't so sure about that.

“ I took the rest of the week off,” he said. “I have a room down the hall.”

I sighed. This was going to be hard.

“ At least I won't have to see your face again back at work. Just your damn emails.”

He scooted up behind me and cupped my breast with his hand. “I want you again,” he whispered in my ear. “I want you lots of times. I'm going to trade Rob for you. Transfer you into my division. Sandy would like that.”

I turned around stared at him dumfounded.

“ There will be a lot of business trips to L.A.,” he muttered into my lips. His arms wrapped around me and his lips pressed warmly, brushing over mine. We tipped back into the bed and his whole warm body covered me.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my mouth as his tongue entered me. A heartbeat pulsed again, faintly, between my legs.

Written by CharlotteRusse1
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