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The first time I met Jenny was at a friend’s birthday party. It wasn’t a very big party, perhaps twenty people, but a very lively one.  This was the late nineteen sixties, and I was in my early twenties and enjoying life immensely.  I had a good job in computing and was single with no responsibilities.  I had a great set of friends, most of whom were either from university days or from work, and we enjoyed lots of socialising.

The party was in full swing, with most of us having had quite a lot to drink.  I was having a quiet smoke out on the terrace when this rather attractive girl came out and asked if I could light her cigarette.  She had long red hair, sparkling green eyes, and a large smile.  She was dressed in a tight top that accentuated her bust and a very short miniskirt that showed off her long legs.

“With pleasure,” I said, holding out my lighter. “Are you also getting a bit tired of all the noise?”

“Not really,” she replied, laughing, “I’m taking a break from my husband.  He’s had rather a lot to drink and is getting quite loud.  I’ll go back and see if I can quieten him down in a few minutes.  I’m Jenny, by the way.  What’s your name?”

“Alan,” I answered, “pleased to meet you.”

We stood there smoking and chatting.  I found out that she was a friend of a friend, married, and a few years older than I was.  She was at the party with her husband, Dave, who was quite an extrovert and enjoyed being the centre of attention.  She, on the other hand, seemed quite shy and perhaps a little embarrassed by her husband’s antics. 

We finished our cigarettes and went back to the party.  She pointed out Dave, who seemed to be entertaining a small group of people, mainly girls, with a succession of jokes while he drank copiously from a large glass.  Jenny looked at him despairingly.

“Well,” I said, “Dave seems to be quite occupied.  Shall we go into the kitchen and get something to drink?”

“I suppose so,” she replied, “he doesn’t look like he’s going to break away from telling stories to those girls any time soon.”

As we wandered through to the kitchen I thought about her reply while I looked at her from behind, enjoying the sight of her miniskirt riding up over her buttocks.  There was a mixture of irritation, jealousy, and resignation in her voice which made me wonder whether I should try to get to know her better. 

“What are you drinking?” I asked.

“Rum and coke,” she said.

I poured her a strong one and one for myself as well, before handing her the glass.

“What line of work are you in?” I asked.

“I’m a programmer,” she replied, “and you?”

“I am too,” I said, “that’s a real coincidence.”

After that, we started a long conversation of discovery about each other, where we worked, what programming languages we used, problems, etc, with both of us becoming more animated.  As we talked, she became more relaxed and her body language changed, becoming less defensive and more open.  She also became more tactile, sometimes putting a hand on my arm.  I was beginning to get quite aroused.  Not only was she good-looking and sexy, but also witty, engaging and funny - just the sort of woman I want.

Soon our drinks were finished and Jenny said that she wanted to check on her husband. She left the kitchen and I wondered if she would return.  If she did, I was determined to get more intimate with her.  I wanted to feel her body pressed against mine, to taste her kisses, to make her want me. So my heart leapt when I saw her returning after a few minutes.

“Pour me another drink,” she said, “he’s absolutely drunk and refuses to go. He’d rather spend the night trying to chat up those girls.  I feel so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be embarrassed,” I said, pouring another drink and handing it to her, “he’s drunk.  I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything.”

We took our drinks and went out into the terrace again.  I took out a cigarette and lit it then held it between her lips so she could take a drag before putting it between my lips.

“It’s not the first time,” she said, “he often tries to chat up girls.  It makes me feel as though I’m not good enough for him.”

“Don’t think that,” I said, “he’s an idiot.  If I were married to you, I certainly wouldn’t be looking at anyone else and I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.  You’re a beautiful, sexy woman.”

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“Do you really think so?”

“Yes,” I said and, leaning forward, kissed her gently on her lips.  She didn’t pull back, so I kissed her again, but harder, and opened my mouth so I could suck her lips.  She kissed me back, her mouth opening and her tongue searching for mine.  Without breaking our kiss, I pulled her closer to me and put my arms around her.  She held the back of my head, fondling my hair while our tongues danced together. Then she broke our kiss and looked into my eyes.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said, “I’m a married woman.”

“It’s only a kiss,” I said, “besides, your husband isn’t exactly looking after you.”

We kissed again, our tongues probing each other’s mouths.  We carried on kissing for several minutes and I was becoming very aroused, forcing me to reach down into my pants and rearrange my cock to point upwards.  After that, I moved my hand to feel her butt as I pressed her close to my body.  She rubbed herself against me and I felt my cock jerk.  She must have felt it too as it was now trapped between us. 

“We really must stop this, Alan,” she said, breaking our kiss, “it’s not fair on me.  You’re an attractive single man, and you’re arousing me, and you know I can’t take this further.”

“Shush,” I said, “just relax and let me show you how gorgeous you are,” then I brushed my lips down the side of her neck, licking the curve of her shoulders, before moving back up to nibble her ear.

“You are a very beautiful woman, Jenny,” I whispered in her ear, “and extremely sexy.”

“You’re damn sexy yourself,” she said, giving my buttocks a squeeze, “but we better stop before someone sees us.”

“OK,” I said, “I suppose you’re right even though right now I want to kiss you all over, to make you tingle.”

She smiled and we went inside.

Dave was still trying to impress the girls, but looking decidedly worse for wear.  Jenny went over to him and took him by the hand.

“Come on, Dave, it’s time for us to go,” she said.

This time he didn’t argue but rose unsteadily to his feet, clinging on to her for support.  I wondered how they were going to get home as Jenny had drunk quite a lot and shouldn’t be driving.  Besides, looking after her husband in his current state was going to be quite a task.  Then it occurred to me that if I were to offer to drive them, I might be able to spend some more time with her.

“Would you like me to drive you guys home?” I said, “you can always come back tomorrow to fetch your car.”

“Oh that’s very kind of you, Alan,” Jenny said, “are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Sure, it’s not a problem.  Let me help you to my car.”

I stepped forward and put an arm around Dave and told him to hold on to me, then we walked to my car holding him up between us.  When we got there, we bundled him into the back seat and Jenny got in beside him.  She gave me their address and off we went, arriving there after about fifteen minutes.  Getting him out was a bit more difficult, but eventually, we managed to get him into the house and onto their bed, turned off the light, and left him snoring.

“Can I get you some coffee?” Jenny asked.

“Yes please,” I replied.

She went into the kitchen with me following and turned on the kettle.

“Thank you so much for your help, Alan,” she said, “I don’t know what I would have done.”

“It’s no problem,” I said, “besides, it was really just an excuse to spend some more time with you.”

“You’re absolutely incorrigible,” she said, giving me a playful punch, “I think I need to be very careful around you.”

She turned back to the counter to make the coffee.  I moved behind her and, putting my arms around her waist, kissed the back of her neck.

“Did you enjoy tonight?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “I did,” then, turning around to face me, “you made me feel attractive and wanted.  I felt alive.”

She was right about that. I wanted her very much.  I wanted to feel her body hard against mine, her cunt wrapped around my cock.  I wanted to feel her writhe in ecstasy.  I wanted to hear her cry with pleasure.  I wanted her to experience feelings that she’d never felt before.

I reached out and stroked her face then ran my fingers across her lips, which opened slightly.  I felt her shoulders then ran my fingers down over her bare arms, stroking her skin, before taking a hand and lifting it to my mouth to suck her fingers.  I looked into her eyes and saw them become dreamy as a smile played across her lips.

“I think we should have our coffee in the living room,” she said, “would you take the tray through?  I’ll join you in a minute.”

I took the tray containing the cafetière and mugs into the living room and put it down on the table in front of a large couch, then waited for her. She arrived after a minute and sat down.

“Thank you, Alan,” she said, sitting down and kicking off her shoes and tucking her legs underneath her. 

I stood over her and leaned down and kissed her, my lips pressed firmly against hers.  She let her head rest back against the back of the couch and opened her mouth allowing me to explore it with my tongue. 

As we kissed, I reached down and ran my hand over her breasts, feeling their firm roundness.  My fingers found the protrusion of her nipples and rubbed around them, feeling them enlarge and harden as she murmured into my mouth.  Then she broke our kiss and looked into my eyes.

“You know we shouldn’t do this, don’t you?” she said. “My husband is in the next room.”

“He’s dead to the world,” I said, “and if he wakes up he’ll make a lot of noise, so we will know.”

But now I knew that she wanted to go further and that the only problem was her fear of being caught.  She had made her decision and I knew now that I was definitely going to fuck her.  It might not be tonight, but it would happen soon.

She looked at me then straightened her legs out along the couch and lay back on the armrest.  I knelt down and started kissing her again while I continued to stroke her breasts through her top before sliding my hand down to her stomach and rubbing it, then lifting her top and sliding my hand underneath and upwards to feel for her breasts.  To my delight, I soon discovered that she had removed her bra and I could feel the exquisite texture of her breasts.  Her nipples were full and hard and she responded to my fingers rolling them with little gasps.

“You naughty girl,” I said, “you took off your bra.”

She smiled at my words, her eyes sparkling while, still holding her breasts, I pushed up her top with my forearms.

“Oh, Jenny, your breasts are stunning,” I said, “so beautifully shaped and so full and firm.”

I leaned down and licked one of her dark pink areolae, running my tongue around the puckered surface before nibbling her nipple and then sucking it in between my teeth.  I heard her suck in her breath and then felt her hands on my head, holding it.  I did the same to the other breast and heard her moan softly.  Her breasts were truly wonderful.

I felt her shift her hips on the couch, so I ran my hand down over her thigh.  Her miniskirt had ridden up which gave me easy access to the soft flesh of her inner thighs which I brushed with my fingers.  I felt her legs open slightly as I stroked her, so I slid my fingers slowly upwards until I could feel her panties.  They were damp, very damp.

I lifted my head from her breasts and looked at her.  Her eyes were closed and her mouth just open with her tongue licking her lips.  I wiggled my finger under her panties and felt her slit, running my fingers over her labia and then between them.  She was very wet and slippery, so I probed a little deeper with my finger and felt her raise her hips when suddenly there was a noise from the bedroom.  Her husband was waking up.

Jenny sat up quickly and pulled down her top.  I got up off the floor and, picking up my mug of coffee, sat down on one of the chairs.  It wasn’t long before Dave appeared, looking decidedly dishevelled.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, looking at me.

“You were too drunk to drive so I drove you home.  I’ll pick you up tomorrow so you can fetch your car.”

“Oh, thanks,” he said, “I think I’ll go back to bed.  Jenny, are you coming?”

“I’ll just see Alan out of the door then I’ll be there,” she said.

Dave stumbled off back to the bedroom.  I stood up and thanked Janet for the coffee then made my way to the front door.  Jenny followed and opened the door to let me out.

“I really enjoyed tonight, Alan,” she said, “but we really can’t do this.”

“I’m going to make love to you, Jenny.  You know it and so do I.  I don’t know when it will be, but it will happen,” I said, then leaned forward and kissed her passionately before stepping outside and getting into my car.

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As I drove home, I thought about the evening and how it had unfolded.  I had no doubt that I was going to fuck her and that she wanted me.  She had already compromised her husband’s exclusivity and going further would be easier for her.  If we hadn’t been disturbed it would probably have happened tonight.  Now I would have to work out a strategy for the future.




I woke up the next morning and relived the events of the previous evening.  I made some breakfast after showering and shaving, then called them to see if they were ready to fetch their car.  Jenny answered the ‘phone and, after the usual pleasantries, said that they were ready and it was most kind of me to help them like this.

I drove round and rang the bell.  Jenny answered the door and we went into the living room.  She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

“Where’s Dave?” I asked, “is he ready to come and fetch your car?”

“He’s still in bed with a huge hangover,” she said. “He said I should go with you.”

“Oh, alright,” I replied, “let me just go and say hello to him.”

She took me to their bedroom.  Dave was lying on the left-hand side of their large double bed, looking the worse for wear.  He seemed to be sleeping, so I didn’t say anything, and we left the bedroom.  Jenny picked up their car keys and her handbag and we left the house.

I set off in the direction of Mike’s house where we’d had the party when it occurred to me that this was an opportunity to pick up where we left off last night.

“Jenny, I need to fetch something from home. Would you mind if we stopped off there first?”

“Not at all,” she said, so I drove to my house.

When we got there, I asked if she’d like to come in.  She looked at me and I knew she knew what I had in mind.

“Yes,” she said, “then I can see how you live.”

We went inside and I gave her a quick guided tour.  Thankfully the place was relatively tidy, and I’d made the bed before leaving earlier on.

“Well, you’ve seen it now, what do you think of my living arrangements?” I asked.

“It looks very tidy and quite unusual for a single man,” she said, “I like it.  It seems warm and accommodating.”

“Just like me,” I said, laughing.

She punched me playfully then stepped in and kissed me, not a peck but a full, passionate kiss.  I kissed her back with similar passion and soon our tongues were intertwined.  I held her tightly, my hands on her butt pulling her close to me.  We kissed for ages, our mouths wet with each other’s saliva.  She tasted so fresh and sexy.

I pulled her t-shirt out of her jeans and ran my hands underneath and up her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin.  She wasn’t wearing a bra.  I took my hands out and, breaking our kiss, took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom.

“Take off your t-shirt,” I said.

She took it off and let it fall to the floor. I stepped towards her and turned her round so that her back was facing me, then cupped her breasts in my hands as I leaned down and kissed the back of her neck.  I felt her shiver.

“The back of my neck is very sensitive,” she said.

I blew on it then brushed my lips all over it while at the same time fondling her breasts, feeling her nipples between my fingers.  I felt her shiver again and draw her breath in sharply. 

I brushed my lips up and down the side of her neck into the curve where it joins the shoulder, then licked and sucked her there.  I could feel her nipples lengthen and harden and her breathing become more laboured.

“Aaah.  That’s so nice,” she said.

I moved my right hand down over her stomach towards her jeans.  I rubbed her stomach with the palm of my hand, feeling how flat it was, then moved down to rub over her groin through her jeans.  She moved her pelvis back and forth as I rubbed, and moaned softly.

I loosened her belt and undid the waist of her jeans so that I could put my hand inside her panties and feel her bush.  She reached down and undid her jeans fully and let them fall to the floor then turned round to face me.

“My turn,” she said.

She undid my shirt and slid it off my shoulders, then stepped back to look at me before reaching forward and stroking my chest.

“Very nice.  I like a hairy man.  And I like that dark line of hair down over your stomach and disappearing into your trousers.  It promises a path to something special.”

She reached up and stroked my face, then back down to loosen my belt and unzip my trousers, letting them fall to the floor.  My cock strained against my boxers, tenting them.

“Let’s get onto the bed,” I said, “it’s much more comfortable.”

She got on and lay on her back, looking at me.  I got on next to her, on my side, and gazed at her.  She looked stunning with her long red hair splayed out on the sheet, her broad smile and gorgeous green eyes.  Her breasts were magnificent, full and firm with dark pink areolae and thick nipples thrusting out.  She had a thin waist with a flat stomach, which flared out into wider hips.  She was wearing small white panties with a tiny pink ribbon at the top centre, and long shapely legs.

“You are so beautiful,” I said, trailing my fingers over her body and brushing her skin, before moving over to kneel between her legs.

I leaned over and licked her nipples, one after the other, then licked a trail down over her stomach, probing her navel with my tongue, then slowly down until I encountered her panties.  She brought her knees up and lifted her hips so that I could pull them down and throw them on the floor.  Her bush was delightful, lots of fiery red hair curling everywhere.  Her cunt looked so inviting, with her labia nicely and neatly formed and parting slightly.  I pushed my face into her mound, my nose in her bush and my mouth over her cunt.  She smelled so sexy. 

I started licking her slit, up and down her labia, then sucking them between my lips and tasting her juices which were oozing out onto them.  My tongue found her clitoris and circled around it several times before flicking over the top.  She was now making little fucking movements with her hips and her juices were everywhere, so I licked up and down her slit, parting her labia with my tongue.

“Oh that’s wonderful,” she cried, “that feels so good.”

I nibbled at her clit again when suddenly she grabbed my head and tensed her body as she sucked in her breath and a spurt of liquid hit my chin.  After a few seconds, I felt her relax and her hips descended.  I licked up her juices and crawled up next to her.

“That was an unexpected little orgasm,” I said.

“Shut up and kiss me,” she said, “and take off your boxers.”

I removed my boxers and knelt over her, my knees straddling her hips.  My cock was oozing precum which dribbled down onto her stomach and formed a long thread that glistened.  She reached up to cup my balls, jiggling them in her hand, then grasped my shaft.

“Oh my, that’s a beautiful penis,” she said, rubbing her fingers over my glans, “it’s nice and thick with a lovely big head.  I think I’m going to enjoy that very much.”

I shuffled up so that my cock was above her face.  She lifted her head and licked my balls, before tracing her tongue up the underside of my cock, licking my urethra then my frenulum and up over my glans, savouring my precum as my cockhead rested on her tongue, dribbling on it.

“Mmmmm. You taste good,” she said, a little indistinctly with my cock in her mouth.

I pulled my cock off her tongue and shuffled back down her body, trailing precum down her front, then holding my shaft I rubbed my cock up and down her slit, opening up her labia.  She was already quite slippery with her fluids and, with my precum added, it moved in quite easily as I pushed into her vaginal entrance until I met resistance.

“Just push,” she said, “it’s not sore and I’ll adjust to your size.”

I pushed hard and suddenly I was inside her, my glans pushing open the walls of her vagina.  Her labia gripped my shaft tightly and were drawn inwards as I pushed, pulling her clitoris down to touch the top of my shaft.  My cock felt enormously stimulated.  She was warm and wet inside but her vagina seemed to grip me.  My glans had that glorious itch as it tunnelled into her canal and my groin felt on fire.

“Oh God, that’s nice,” she said breathlessly, “I feel like I’m burning up inside.  I can feel every ridge, every vein, of your penis.”

I carried on pushing and felt my cock slide under her cervix until I hit the end of her vagina. I waited as she adjusted to my size, then pushed some more, stretching her vagina until I was completely inside her, our pubic bones hard against each other.  She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, her feet resting on my buttocks. 

I lifted myself on my arms and looked at her face, then started thrusting inside her, long, slow strokes.  My cock felt unbelievably good, all of the nerves screaming as her vagina rippled around it.  She moved her pelvis in little circles as we fucked, creating special feelings up and down my shaft.  She gripped my forearms and looked into my eyes, her mouth open, her tongue partly out.

She hooked her feet together on top of my butt and started to fuck me back, matching my rhythm.  I sped up and pounded into her until she was bouncing around on the bed.  She had closed her eyes and was grunting with each thrust, her face contorted as she concentrated on her feelings, when suddenly she flung her arms on the bed and went rigid.

“Aaaargh,” she cried, “Oh. Oh. Oh.”

I could feel her cunt contracting and releasing, massaging my cock.  The feelings were unbelievably intense and it wasn’t long before I felt my cock enlarge as I passed the point of no return.  I clenched my buttocks and felt a stirring at the base of my cock followed by a rush of semen shooting up my shaft and spraying into her cunt, bathing my cockhead in warm, slippery cum. I pulled back then thrust forward again as another wad of semen surged through my cock and ejaculated into her, coating the inside of her vagina with millions of my sperm.  Then another, and another, and yet another.  Six times I ejaculated in her until I slowly ran out of steam and my cock stopped twitching.

Her vaginal muscles gripped me tightly and massaged my shaft with each ejaculation, milking me.  I could feel my semen oozing out around the base of my cock, some of it trickling down my balls as I slowly let myself down to lie on her.  She put her arms around my back and kissed me gently.

“That was wonderful,” she said, “I’ve never felt so full of a man before.  It felt like you had invaded my body, taking it over.  And feeling you cum inside me.  That was so intense, so overpowering.  You’re a dangerous man.”

I looked at her face.  She looked so content and so happy and I knew that this was going to be just the first of many such occasions.  My cock was still quite hard, so I moved a little inside her, feeling it sloshing around, then twitched it.  She gave a twitch of her vaginal muscles in response, which felt damn good.

“And you’re a dangerous woman,” I said, “you’re a fabulous lover and know exactly how to please a man.”

“I think we better get going,” she said, “you better pull out.”

I slowly withdrew my cock until it plopped out, followed by a flood of semen.  She put her left hand over her cunt to stem the flow and I watched my semen ooze between her fingers and trickle over her wedding and engagement rings.  I found that strangely exciting and empowering.

“Please pass me my panties,” she said, so I jumped off the bed and retrieved them for her.  She put them on, her legs high in the air.

“You better have a shower,” I said, “and get the smell of sex off your body.”

“No,” she answered, “I want to keep your smell with me.”

“What about Dave?” I asked.

“He won’t notice. He’s more interested in drinking and developing his ego.”

What an idiot, I thought.  Well, his loss would be my gain.  I would be fucking Jenny regularly now, of that I was sure.  Perhaps even in their marital bed.  His exclusivity of her body had been broken.  Her cunt was mine now and she would want me.  She got off the bed and put on her clothes.

“Isn’t he interested in having a family?” I asked.

“He says so, and I stopped the pill a few months back, but we haven’t really made much of an effort.”

My heart skipped a beat.  Here was a fertile, married woman and she wasn’t using birth control. Things could get very interesting.

“Ah, should I have pulled out then?”

“No, I’m very regular and I’m not at a fertile time, so that wasn’t necessary.”

“OK,” I said as I found my clothes and got dressed, “I suppose we better get going and fetch your car then.”

We left and drove to Mike’s house where we both got out and went to her car.  I waited while she got in and started it, then leaned through the window and kissed her.

“Goodbye Jenny, and thank you for a fabulous time.  I only wish you were coming home to me so that we could spend the rest of the day together.”

“Goodbye Alan.  Give me a call during the week.”

She drove off waving out of the window.  I got back in my car and went home to tidy up.  I thought about the weekend and how rewarding it had been.  I’d had some fun time with a sexy woman with a stunning body, and fucking her had been intensely exciting.  She had decided to let me through her fidelity barrier, which would make it much easier to fuck her again, although creating the opportunity might be difficult.  I would have to work on a solution, but first wait to see whether she contacted me...

Written by aljames21
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