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Author's Notes

"This is an entirely fantasy story about two fictional girls, Jess and Holly. Holly's Dad spies on them and is seen by Jess. Jess later lures him upstairs and they fuck. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Jess also tells him she and Holly have done it before. They both get a thrill in a hot tub."

Saturday night arrived and the girls both slept over at Holly's again. They changed and went out to catch a film and then probably a takeaway. The girls knew a trip through the park on the way home was no longer an option. They met a couple of girls they knew in the shopping centre and chatted as they walked around. Holly and Jess found it very hard to not talk about their week, their new jobs, and everything that had happened.

They suddenly felt very grown up and not so interested in the evening ahead. They made excuses, made their way home early, and missed the film. They walked in and surprised Holly's parents with their early arrival.

"Oh, just a bit tired after today," the girls answered when asked about being home so early.

They retired to bed early too, and just lay and talked. Jess got up, went to the bathroom, and made a point of leaving the bedroom door ajar. She had not told Holly about the morning and being spied on but was hoping for a repeat. Jess climbed past Holly when she returned so that as the girls faced each other in bed, Jess faced the doorway. It was a warm evening.

"Too warm for covers," Jess had remarked, pushing them down to her legs.

Both girls were wearing baggy sleep tee shirts and panties. After a short while, Jess sat up and pulled the tee off over her head.

"I'm so hot. You don't mind, do you?" she said as she tossed it onto the floor. Soon she also pulled her knees up, slipped her panties off, and threw them after the tee shirt.

"What’s got into you?" Holly asked, though not complaining. She was becoming quite obsessed with Jess's petite figure, and her hand reached out and cupped one of her perky little tits. The girls both just lay back and started to explore each other. They touched and held boobs and nipples and leaned forward for the odd kiss. Some kisses had lingering tongues while others were just pecks, all the while they talked about the day and week gone by.

Jess thought it took ages until she noticed a shadow pass by the door. It moved quickly past once and then slower, and then stopped - someone was there. Jess pushed her head down onto the pillow to hide behind Holly. Outside the door, Dad had finally given in to temptation downstairs. He had come up and hoped to find the bedroom door not fully closed, hoping to be able to catch a glimpse of Jess like this morning. She had become a real crush for him. He'd not been able to get her out of his mind all day.

He stood a foot or more back from the door, staring at the half-inch gap. The light was still on in the room, which meant the girls were awake. It also meant he was hopeful of a good view. Standing dead still, he could hear them talking on and off. He moved very slowly to get a view of the bed. He could see someone's back and bare legs. Moving ever closer to the gap, he could see it was Holly and over her he could see Jess fully naked. She had her body tilted towards the door, and he could see Holly's hand resting on one of her tits.

His hand snaked down under the waistband and into his joggers. Thank god for elastic waists, he thought. His cock was already hard in his hand and he stood transfixed with his eye almost against the door. Fuck, why didn't I bring my phone? He silently swore to himself while slowly wanking.

Inside the room Jess saw the gap in the door fully darkened, someone was watching them. Jess snuggled forward to Holly, and put a hand down the front of Holly's panties. Holly immediately raised her free leg.

"Pull them off," Jess whispered.

Holly closed her legs, pulled the panties down, and kicked them off. Outside, Dad was wanking fast, breathing hard and trying to stay silent. He knew it was both of the girls turning him on. He wanted to boldly enter the room with his hard cock in his hand and offer it to both Holly and Jess. He watched Jess's fingertips appear between Holly's legs as she cupped her pussy. Holly's leg was raised even further to allow her better access. He could see over Holly's body to Jess's naked tits and her hard nipples. He saw Holly's hand rubbing up and down on Jess's pussy. Even from behind the door, he could see how wet Jess was on Holly's fingers.

He watched Holly's sleepy tee as it was pulled up her body until the side of her boob was uncovered. Jess's other hand appeared and dropped away to tease Holly’s nipples. He watched the girls kissing most of the time; they were no longer talking. His cock was now achingly hard, bursting to cum, but he held on as he did not want the moment to end. He watched as Jess slowly moved down the bed, as she kissed her way down Holly’s body. Dad was rooted to the spot, oh God please lick her pussy, he almost said out loud.

Holly rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide, knowing the pleasure to come from her eager friend. He ogled her full and firm boobs as they proudly stood up on her chest. Holly's hands cupped them and passionately squeezed. Jess reached the top of her mound and slowly kissed and licked her way down to her clit with her face buried against Holly. Holly’s eyes were closed as she moaned and made small, involuntary movements in reaction to Jess's fluttering tongue. Outside he was hooked while the front of his joggers was already stained with dripping pre cum.

He stared intently at his daughter and her friend, not knowing which he fancied the most, or who was turning him on the most. He was open-mouthed as he saw Jess tilt her head and he saw her tongue licking Holly. Then he froze like a rabbit in the headlights as cold fear rushed through him. It felt like slow motion as Jess raised her eyes and stared straight at him, a full stare held for what seemed an age. It was probably just a couple of seconds but he was unable to break eye contact. He knew he was caught out and waited for the scream and accusations, but nothing happened.

He saw Jess wink slowly and deliberately, then lift her head and smile widely at him. In response to Holly's groan, she dropped her head back down and continued to orally worship her friend driving her on to orgasm. He pushed the door a little more open and stared at the show just a few feet away, but so out of reach. He watched Holly's body tense and shudder as waves of orgasm crashed through her. Jess's face was buried in her pussy until Holly pulled her away, unable to take any more of the intense pleasure.

Jess lifted her face again and smiled directly at him as if she dared him to join them. She then dropped onto the bed next to Holly and faced her away from the door as she pulled her to the side in a kiss. He stood for a few more seconds before backing away slowly. He pulled the door almost closed as he had found it. He made his way to the bedroom and changed his joggers. He had no idea how long he had been standing there but knew those glances they had exchanged that morning had not been a figment of his imagination.

Sunday morning had a strangely tense feeling. Dad had got up early as usual and bumbled about making coffee in the kitchen. He saw Holly's bedroom door was fully closed on his way down. He made a few trips up and down to his bedroom hoping to catch another glimpse or bump into Jess on the landing. He gave up when Mum also got up and she joined him for breakfast. The girls appeared as they finished eating, both were fully dressed.

Dad couldn't help being disappointed, even more so when Mum told the girls she wanted to go into town with them and collect some clothes and the uniform she'd ordered for Holly. The girls and Mum went off to get ready, Dad tidied up and was sad that he would not get a show for at least another week. As they shouted their goodbyes Jess stopped and rushed to the loo. Mum and Holly waited until they heard a flush and Jess reappeared.

"Can I wait here? I’m not feeling too good," she glumly announced.

"Dad, keep an eye on Jess and drive her home as soon as she's ready," Mum called and she and Holly left the house.

Downstairs Dads’ heart skipped a beat. He was alone with Jess and even if she was not feeling well she was just as pretty. He thought about the look she had given him last night and his mind raced with crazy ideas. Jess appeared in the kitchen and smiled at him.

"So, did you like watching last night?"

He was taken aback by the direct question, yet nodded a little too enthusiastically. "Yes, I did."

"Did you want to join us?"

He nodded again.

"Did you tell Holly I was watching?"

Jess laughed, "No, but do you want me to?" It sounded like a dare.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," he replied. "Not really something I should be thinking."

Jess laughed. "Don't you fancy her? Everyone does, don't you like her boobs, the nice curve of her bum, don't you, be honest." She was looking straight at him, and he found himself nodding.

"Yes, she's beautiful, you both are, but I'm her Dad, and she's off limits."

Jess smiled at him, "I'm not… off limits, I mean." Smiling at him all the while she slowly made her way out of the kitchen and back upstairs.

His mind was racing. Was she inviting him to watch her or fuck her or was his mind playing tricks? His cock had been slowly swelling with the conversation, it stood half erect as if as undecided as he was. He stood with his legs feeling quite shaky and started up the stairs. Holly's bedroom door was open, and as he approached he saw Jess lying on the bed in just a bra and panties. A finger beckoned him to enter and join her. He stood at the edge of the bed, and Jess pulled down his joggers and pants. His cock sprang out fully erect with pre cum already glistening.

"Ohh, good," she said.

Jess leaned around and tasted his cock with one hand wrapped around his shaft. He looked down and saw her lean forward as she licked her lips, and swallowed the head of his cock into her mouth. He pulled his shirt up over his head, kicked off the rest of his clothes and lay on Holly's bed with Jess. His trembling hands went to her firm little tits, and she reached behind and released the bra. Arching her back to show off as best she could as he cupped them, and kissed them. He was suckling her hard, dark nipples and felt them stiffen under his touch.

Jess reached down, pulled off her panties, and dropped them on the pillow next to her. Her hands found his cock again and began to wank him. His cock was already pre cum covered and slippery. He put a hand down to her pussy and gingerly cupped her mound, then slid a finger up and down her opening. He felt her already wet with anticipation and slipped a finger inside, then two surprised at her tightness.

"Have you, I mean, are you," he stammered, as he ached to plunge his cock into her.

Jess pulled him to her and guided his cock toward her pussy. She opened her legs, wrapped them around his body, and guided him into her. In one easy motion, he found himself fully inside Jess.

"Yes, I've done this before. Holly and I share everything, she's done it more than me."

He was shocked, but at the same time even more turned on. His Holly, his Daughter fucks guys, and with Jess too. Oh for the chance to join them, he thought to himself. He kissed Jess, and she responded with passion as their tongues clashed. She pulled him tightly to her, and he could not help but start thrusting deep and fast. He had not been this excited for years, this took him back to his teen days and his cock ached to cum. He felt her pussy pulsating around him, he felt her lean to the side and saw her pull back a pair of panties.

She held them to his face and he breathed in the scent of a teenage pussy, another huge turn-on for him. He had his cock in her pussy with her naked body writhing under him, and the scent of her pussy in his nose. He barely managed to last another thirty seconds of fast and hard fucking. It was pure lustful fucking. He exploded into her with his heart pounding and was breathing hard. Below him, Jess was shuddering and obviously enjoyed an orgasm too.

He felt proud and wanted to tell the world he'd bedded such a beauty. Jess wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up. She was kissing him, thanking him and holding him as teen lovers do. He was thrilled to remember the feeling from all those years ago. He felt his cock subside and it slipped out, but she held him for a few seconds more.

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When she untangled her arms and legs from around him, he stood up and looked down. He stared at her slender body with unblemished skin. He noticed that her nipples were still hard, that her pussy was leaking cum, and loved how her hair was tangled around her. She picked up the panties that were crumpled next to her face and held them over her nose as she breathed in deeply.

"Holly's pussy smells divine, don't you think?"

She smiled as she spoke and he could feel himself being entranced by this girl. He was being drawn into something he wanted to rush headlong towards but felt he should stop.

"I thought they were yours," he finally managed to say.

"No, these are mine." She held up a smaller pink pair. "Try them, we are different."

He took them and held them to his face and breathed in. The aroma was more musky and different, and his cock twitched again.

"Oh, you like them too, I can tell," she teased him.

"I'll bring you a pair to keep next time I see you," she promised as she sat up.

"We should get dressed, just in case Holly gets home." His voice was shaky as he spoke.

He wanted so badly to lie back down and spend the day in bed exploring and fucking this girl who had openly led him on. He watched Jess reach and find her bra and put it on. He picked up his clothes and made his way to the bedroom to freshen up and redress. He knew if he stayed in Holly’s bedroom he would not resist undressing her.

Upstairs on Holly's bed, a telltale wet patch was covered only by Holly's panties left there by Jess on purpose.

Time to tell Holly that we have been spied on lately and that someone really wants to fuck her too. Jess thought to herself as she left the bedroom.

They both walked downstairs together, he was relieved to see she was fully dressed. He ran a finger down her spine as they walked. They sat at the breakfast table and he made coffee for himself, she chose juice. They chatted making eye contact the whole time. They acted like lovers and when he walked past her or reached out for anything on the table they touched. It was just a brush of her hair or a gentle touch, they were lovers with a secret to keep.

It took over an hour for Holly and Mum to appear, during which time curiosity had got the better of Dad.

"What did you mean when you said you and Holly share everything and she's done it more than you?" He had to ask.

Jess gave him a very edited version, nothing more than they had both given blow jobs, and had both had sex. She also said that counting him they had both done it the same number of times. Jess didn't mention anything about the firm or any of their glory hole adventures. Dad felt his cock harden as he heard about Holly and that she was already sexually active. He was certain she had no boyfriend and so was having casual sex. Recent events had really stunned Dad. He had always felt Jess to be the shyer and quieter of the two girls, always felt she kept a distance from him.

He heard himself ask her, "I didn't think you liked me?"

She looked awkward, he could see he had embarrassed her.

"You don't need to say anything," he blurted out, just as embarrassed himself.

"It’s not like that. I never really thought about it. It’s just that when I realised you looked at me that way and I saw you spying, it turned me on. Holly always does things first and I'm always sort of following in her shadow. When I knew you wanted me, I felt flattered. I feel flattered and special."

He sat and looked at her and wanted to hold her close, but at that moment the front door opened and they were no longer alone. Holly went straight to her room and dropped her shopping off while Mum went downstairs.

"Are you feeling better?"

“Yes, much better, thanks.”

"Do you want anything to eat, a sandwich, or toast?" Mum asked.

Holly appeared in the Kitchen.

"Hey Jess, I thought you'd be gone, how are you feeling?"

"Better, much better, and yes,...

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Written by john456berry
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