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You're Joking.. Right?

Ashley's revenge for Brad's indiscretion with Gemma.

She timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell.Ashley just grinned wickedly when...

Are You Serious?

Gemma's dare leads to more fun than expected.

Brad looked at the girl in astonishment. She was in her early twenties, very pretty and, at that moment, looking shocked at what she had just asked him. They were in a busy bar, he didn’t know her and she had just asked him one of the strangest and most p...

Talking To Strangers

Away from home, Paul can't resist talking to this stranger...

Paul smiled at the irony of it all.   For so many years his parents had warned him away from talking to strangers, and now he wanted nothing more than to talk to a stranger.   More than that, he ached to talk to her.He had seen her every night, sitting in...

Creative Writing

Evening classes turn out to be more interesting than Amy imagined

Amy knew Steve’s face pretty well, in a “small town” kind of way.   This wasn’t unusual; having lived there all of her life she recognized most of the town’s residents by sight and knew Steve from before High School, where he was a year ahead of her.   It...

A Jump With Molly

Molly plans an exciting day that turns out just right

Jamie was like most men and could be talked into almost anything by a pretty girl.  That was never more evident than now—sitting in a small plane, looking at Molly with her beautiful, bushy brown hair sticking out under her helmet, blown in the fierce dra...

Katey (The Moment)

This moment started with a nostalgic walk... just like the last moment.

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kin...

Fliss (The Deli Girl)

Doing your favorite customer a favor can be fun.

He noticed her every day.   Okay, so it was every working day, and what he noticed most was her ass, but Fliss wasn’t hard to notice.   She had a sweet and inviting smile that held a promise he never expected to find himself next to. Matt was sure he was...

The Piano Teacher

Greg's been her pupil; now Jen's ready for more.

Jen walked gleefully down the hall to greet her favorite pupil.   The thought of spending this regular hour with Greg always had her virtually skipping towards her door, a feeling that went beyond her appreciation of his boyish good looks and gentle, pers...

Molly Entertains (I Dare You)

Molly's unhappy about having Adrian for the afternoon. Then she meets him...

Molly was pissed.   “How did I get talked into this?”   She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper.   As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get goi...

Remember Me?

An unexpected call from Cora - and some unfinished business.

I got the call late one Sunday evening, and the last thing I ever expected was her bouncing voice to come flying over the line at my ears. “Remember me?” She didn’t wait for my answer. “It’s Cora. I used to live three houses down the street from you.” Rem...

A Naked Ride Home

Sometimes leaving the party is when the fun begins...

Steve had been listening to the song earlier in the evening. There was no doubt that was where he got the idea from, but the fact that he actually asked her to do it... well, that probably shocked him more than it did Lynn. It was definitely out of charac...

Best Friend's Girl

Amber is Kyle's best friend's girfriend, but she teaches him a new game...

One of the most frustrating things in life is lusting after your best friend’s girl.   Not only is she doing things with your best friend that you can only dream about, but you have to be in her company, bathe in her beauty, and never even touch her. Kyle...

Don't Bet With Me

Sharon and Paul don't like each other - until the bet.

Paul hated Sharon.   She was the bane of his existence in this office, the person who caused him more trouble than the rest of the company combined.   She always thought she was right and was never shy about letting him know.   Whenever she had a problem...

I Want You To...

New friends Kira and Colin enjoy a new game...

They both lived in the apartment block.   It was in a nice neighborhood and the owners kept the building in good repair.   The people who lived in the apartments mostly worked in the city and hardly saw each other.   Kira and Colin worked locally and they...

Pictures of Molly

Molly wants some photos taken, and turns on the photographer.

I’d been friends with Molly for a couple of years at least, mainly because our desks were situated close to each other at work.   We got along very well, but that was it really.   Despite my finding her incredibly attractive, she never really showed any i...