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Two chimes told us both that it was time to fasten our seatbelts in preparation for landing.  We quickly tidied up, putting our seat trays into the upright position and switching off the iPad, which we had been using to watch a film on the flight, sharing a set of Bluetooth ear plugs so as to not disturb our fellow passengers.

We were on a flight to Gran Canaria.  I had promised Jade a holiday after she had graduated and now was the best time for us to travel, it had been a busy few months.  Jade had started her new job but as she expected it had come with a lot more training and for most of the last two months Jade had been getting signed off on a variety of different training packages, now she had a week off before she returned to work and two more years of on the job training.

“I enjoyed that film, I wish I could dance like that,” Jade said as she handed me back the earbud so I could store it in the case.

“You could, but you are already a very good dancer and I am sure with a bit of training you would nail it and be perfect as always.”

“No, it’s way harder than just learning a few steps and repeating it over and over.”

“Well, I would suggest you take lessons but with all the future training you have coming up I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“You are probably right, but it would be good to do a hobby together and dancing would have been fun, I think you would have been brilliant in the ballroom, dressed in a tux and masterfully leading me around the dance floor.”

The air stewards wandered down the plane checking that everything was in order and taking any last-minute rubbish passengers might have, whilst telling some to ensure their tables were back in the upright position. 

Jade took hold of my hand and looked out of the window as we landed.

“I am so ready for this holiday,” she said glancing back at me before focusing all of her attention back on the ground rushing below us.

“Me too, I need to feel some sun on these old bones before we start hibernating for the winter.”

“Ahh, I will keep you warm, old man.” Jade giggled.

“No need for that this week, I am hoping have to try and keep cool rather than warm.”

“I will BLOW on you to keep you cool,” retorted Jade with a smirk on her face.

“Shhh, keep your voice down, please,” I shushed whilst looking around me quickly and hoping nobody could overhear our conversation.

“I was looking on the web and you know this place has a nudist beach, don’t you?”

“I may have heard something about that,” I replied in a noncommittal tone.

“Can we pay it a visit, perhaps we could take some photos whilst we are there?”

“Of course, I can think of a few ideas for shots that we could take and the light should be fantastic and good to mess around with.”

The plane touched down smoothly and taxied to its gate.  We luxuriated in the warm air that flowed through the cabin when the doors were opened before gathering our cabin baggage and joining the flow of people, walking down the stairs and across the tarmac into the terminal.

We were quickly through immigration but delayed by baggage reclaim where true to form our two suitcases were almost the last two, to appear.  We tried to pretend it didn’t bother us as we were on holiday, trying to relax and slow down for the week, but as the number of cases going around decreased, we both shared nervous glances at each other.

Once outside the terminal, we were accosted by numerous people trying to get us to use their taxi services.  I had been warned by a friend not to use these guys as they would attempt to rip you off and so we walked across to the taxi rank where the government-licenced taxis were waiting.

We hopped in the front one and gave the address of the hotel.  The car set off like a rocket, weaving its way through the traffic before joining a dual carriageway where the taxi picked up even more speed and headed towards the resort. 

Twenty to twenty-five minutes later the taxi pulled into a sweeping arc of a driveway that went up to two very large doors at the front of the hotel.  Jade was taking it all in as we hopped out of the taxi collected our bags and checked in. 

All went smoothly and soon we stood in what the receptionist had called one of their junior suites on the top floor of the hotel.  It had everything and more that we could have asked for, it was open plan but had clearly defined areas.  On one side there was a galley kitchenette with the basics to allow us to do minimal cooking.  We had already decided that we would eat out every night of the holiday so the oven, hob and microwave were going to see little if any use.  We would have breakfast in the room but other than that the most used part of the kitchen would be the little fridge, which would be stocked full of water and the occasional bottle of beer or cider.  On the other side of the suite, there were two doors, one led into a large and very spacious bathroom which had both a bath and a separate shower along with two sinks.  The other door was the entrance to a small toilet.

The centre of the room was dominated by a very big bed which was king-size or possibly larger with an equally large and very high headboard which when we looked behind it formed part of the dressing room area with drawers and rails for storage of clothes.

Because we were on the top floor the designers of the room had obviously decided that they could go all out and so what should have been a wall with a window and a door onto a balcony was instead an entire wall of glass allowing us a spectacular view over the tops of the other buildings around the hotel and beyond.  In the distance you could, we found out in the morning just see the sea.

Jade turned back to the entrance door and opened a door which we had passed as we walked along the short corridor into the main room.

“Wonder where this leads?” She pondered, before setting off up the stairs.

“Chris, Chris come up here you have to see this oh wow,” she yelled down the stairs after a minute or two.

I smiled to myself and wandered over to the door and climbed the stairs. At the top of the stairs, I stepped out onto a small roof terrace which had two sun beds, a parasol and over in the corner a small hot tub which had its cover on.

“Did you know about this?” She asked looking at me quizzically.

“Might have done.”

Jade’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s not a hard question you know, either you did or you didn’t.”

“The holiday was short notice but you had worked so hard this last year getting qualified, I wanted you to come out here and relax, nothing but the best for you, you know as the commercial says, you’re worth it.”

Jade walked to the edge and looked out at all the lights twinkling in the sky and the nightlife below us. You could hear music playing in a bar somewhere and the sound of cars and buses passing the hotel far below.

She turned and ran to me jumping into my arms.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” she showered me in kisses before having me put her down, taking my hand she started to walk toward the door to go back downstairs.

“It’s late, let’s get showered and go to bed.”

That night we made love late into the night, I lost count of how many orgasms I gave Jade as I desperately tried to hold back my own. Finally exhausted we fell asleep curled in each other’s arms.


Waking up late the next morning, I quickly showered and threw some clothes on so I could run down to the local supermarket and buy some fresh bread rolls and a few other essential items for breakfast.

We ate breakfast on the roof Terrence sitting at the table and chairs which we had not seen the night before in the dark.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked.

“Pool” Jade replied quickly, “just for today, I want to relax and have a few drinks by the pool.  I have a new bikini I want to wear. Tomorrow we can explore the town and beach but just for today I want to do nothing but soak up the sun.”

“That is fine by me,” I said smiling at her, “this is your holiday, you set the schedule and rhythm.”

We walked down to the pool area just before midday and looked around the large kidney-shaped pool for some free beds. The pool area was quite busy but we were lucky enough to spot a couple of free sun beds over on the far side which we immediately made a beeline for.

Jade dropped her beach bag and towel onto the bed and looked around her before grabbing the hem of her long robe she was wearing and slowly pulling it over her head.

I started to sort out my bed but looking up I was mesmerised by the sight of a Jade in a very skimpy black triangle bikini. It left little to the imagination. I glanced around us and noticed a couple of guys lying on the beds who seems to have sat up a little straighter and pulled their stomachs in.

“Wow, oh, wow, Jade you look stunning.”

“Nice isn’t it, what do you think of the back?” She turned around to show me that her arse which was totally bare except for a thin string going between her arse cheeks.

“Oh god, Jade,” I whispered, “I’m going to have to lie down right now on my front, I am getting hard just looking at you. You make an old man very happy and I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

With that, I threw myself onto the bed to hide my semi.

Jade’s laughter rang around the pool and got even more people looking at her, there were a few smiles mostly from the men, and a few scowls from some of the women lying around the pool.

We spent the afternoon working on our tans and then as the sun slide down behind the other buildings surrounding the hotel we packed up and went back to our room to get ready to go out.


A few hours later we wandered hand in hand into a large shopping centre just down the road from the hotel.  The centre was on three levels which went from road level down below ground level via steps which were situated on all four sides of the whole precinct.  Each level was a mishmash of shops selling clothes, perfumes, and electrical items situated between cafes and restaurants.  The clothes shops had spilt out of the confines of the small shop units onto the concourse, with racks of clothing covering any available space.  People were slowly wandering along between the racks, occasionally stopping to look at something that had caught their eye.  If they stopped then they were immediately pounced on by a shop owner who would try hard to convince them to make a purchase.

We dropped down onto the bottom level which was mostly restaurants.  At the centre of this level was a vast expanse of grass upon which street sellers were selling various toys designed to catch children’s attention with lots of flashing LED lights.  Whirly things soared high into the night time sky before slowly floating back down to earth. We walked around the perimeter, checking out what food was available with Jade saying she wanted a steak of some sort.

Looking across the square we spotted a restaurant that proudly boasted it was the best steakhouse in Gran Canaria so we started to walk towards it, ignoring the street sellers and waving away the touts whose job it was to give away vouchers and leaflets to encourage people into the bars and restaurants.

We approached the restaurant and immediately a tall waiter dressed all in black with receding white hair hurried out to greet us.  His eyes wander over me before lingering for a lot longer on Jade. 

Jade had on a cream dress which from the front looked like a triangle of material swept across the upper body with one of the points connecting the top to the bottom half on one side of her torso. The dress then dropped down to her ankles with a wide split on the opposite side to the join. On her feet, she had on a delicate pair of high heels. To me and anybody looking, Jade looked stunning.  Jade had washed and blow-dried her hair which she was wearing down with her wavy locks falling down her back and to one side where it cascaded over her shoulder.

“Good evening, a table for two?”

We nodded and he ushered us into the seating area pointing out the smoking tables and suggesting that we might wish to sit on the far side of the central fountain so we could have some privacy away from people still walking around the centre.

The meal was delicious and we both agreed that they were some of the best steaks we had tasted. We declined the offer of dessert and having paid the bill decided to enjoy the warm evening air and take a stroll around the area exploring what would be worth visiting over the rest of the week.

“It really is lovely here,” I said squeezing Jade’s hand.

“It’s nice to be warm and not wearing four or five layers of clothing.”

“Seeing you in that dress, I have to agree, you look absolutely stunning, tonight.”

“As opposed to other nights, is that what you are saying?” Jade asked.

“No, no, you know what I mean. I mean it’s nice to be warm and when we first met I once told you that you would look good in a bin bag and if anything you are more beautiful now.”

“Good save,” Jade laughed, “I seem to remember modelling a bin bag for you at the time.”

“Yes, you did and I still have that photo on my phone”

“Why you have taken hundreds of photos of me since then, a lot of them with next to nothing on?”

“I guess for sentimental reasons, it reminds me of how nervous I felt when I realised that you were interested in me, the turmoil that was going through my brain as I tried to reconcile the feelings of desire that I had for a girl who could have been my daughter.  Also, I felt that if I did anything I would somehow be cheating on my Louise. That photo somehow made me feel that anything was possible, that it was the right thing to do, and that you really did want to get into a relationship with me.”

Jade stopped and turned to face me.

“Ahh, that is so sweet. You know I was absolutely petrified when I was doing all that. I was terrified that you would reject me, that I was making a fool of myself and that you would just think I was a silly little girl.”

I stared at her.

“Why on earth would you think that? Look at you, you are stunning, I am the luckiest man in the world.”

“Like anybody I had and still have insecurities.  I didn’t think I was pretty enough, that you would just think I was too immature and that despite what Amy had said, you were actually in a relationship already.”

I started laughing.

“This isn’t funny, you know. I was scared you would reject me and that I would have to avoid coming anywhere near you for the rest of my uni course, only meeting Amy at uni or on night outs.”

I pulled Jade into a hug.

“It is funny though.  Here we are both telling the other how terrified we both were.  You thinking that you were not pretty enough when you look like a model and me thinking I was just a clapt out old man.”

Jade went to speak and I held up my hand to stop her, “It’s true, you have the body of a model.  Then there is the fact that you are far more intelligent than I am, plus you are so mature in your outlook. Any guy who had rejected you would have wanted their head examined.  At first, I thought it was some sort of joke after all I was a middle-aged man being asked out by a teenage girl. I didn’t understand what you saw in me and I certainly was worried about what others would think. I am glad you made your move and I count the lucky stars that I decided to ignore my qualms and give in to my base instincts.”

I lifted Jades face upwards and gave her a kiss, her eyes were moist.

"Got some dust in your eye?”

Jade nodded, then giggled before squeezing me tight.

I looked around me, fancy a drink, let’s go in here, there must be some bars in this centre.

We walked into another shopping centre. This one looked a bit run down but seemed to be like all the other shopping centres in the resort, a mishmash of bars, shops and restaurants.  Wandering up some stairs we made a beeline for a lively-looking bar which was playing German folk music.  I ordered two beers and we went and sat at a little table at the back of the bar so we could watch the rest of the clientele.  My suspicion that this was a bar for German tourists was confirmed as I listened in to the conversations around us from the variety of middle-aged couples who were sitting at the other tables.

“I wish I knew what they were all saying, I don’t understand any of this do you?” Jade whispered.

“Well,”  I paused and listened to the conversations flowing around us, “see the table on the right of us they are talking about their day and how much they enjoyed the meal they have just eaten. On the other side, the older couple are discussing when the singer is coming on. They obviously come here every night because they are hoping he sings some of their favourites and that he will take requests as he did two nights ago.

“You speak German?”

“Very rusty these days, it been thirty-plus years since I was last in Germany but I spent a lot of my childhood in Germany.  My sister was born there although she never took German citizenship.”

“Why am I only just finding this out now?”

“Well, you never asked and it’s not like I had any reason to speak German around the house.”

“I know but still, I know next to nothing about your childhood or for that matter your younger days and you dodge most of my questions about your army career.”

“Ok, well perhaps we could have this discussion another day, perhaps when we are not on holiday. You can ask all the questions you want and I will answer them truthfully if I can. There are something I might be unable or unwilling to talk about, happy.”

Jade nodded, “Happy, seen as you are wanting to change the subject.”  She paused seemingly thinking about what direction to take the conversation, “did you see that bar on the corner when we came up the stairs?”

“Not really I wasn’t paying it much attention as we came in,” I tried to think back to when we had entered the shopping centre, “if I remember rightly, it looked like it was closed, why?”

“Well, it had a board just outside the door that said, ‘swingers meeting point’ do you think that means what I think it means.”

“No,” I responded shaking my head vigorously, “it is probably a play on words and something to do with swing dancing. A bit of innuendo will attract the customers I am guessing.”

“Well, I have to say it is working, come on drink up and let’s go and investigate,” Jade stood up, smoothed her skirt down and held out her hand.

As we approached the bar, I saw the board for the first time and it really did declare itself a swingers meeting point, whilst the facade was basically a load of heavy green curtains blocking out any view of the inside of the bar.

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We stepped through the doors and found that we were in effect still on the shopping centre concourse which had just been curtained off to make a private space.  Dotted around this open space were several tables and chairs whilst at the back, there was another opening which clearly led into the actual retail unit and was where the bar was located.

We gazed around, there were three couples sitting at separate tables and two guys sat on bar stools, conspicuously ignoring one another whilst leaning on a bar ledge. All eyes were on us as we continued to walk into the middle of the area.

From behind the bar a middle-aged woman hurried out towards us.

“Welcome to my bar, would you like to take a seat, what can I get you to drink?” Her voice was deep and there was a strong accent which told me that English was not her native language and that if I had to guess she was most likely German or Dutch.

We ordered two small beers and took a seat at the nearest free table.

We looked at the other couples and smiled weakly at them.

“It is you know,” Jade whispered leaning across the table so I could hear her.

“You’re just hoping it is,” I whispered back.

“No seriously, did you see what the bar woman was wearing?  That skirt was basically a belt and the top was straining so tight I am amazed the straps were still holding it together.”

I laughed rather loudly and then abruptly halted as the bar woman returned with our drink.

“I have started a tab for you if you want any more drinks just come to the bar or attract my attention and I will be happy to serve you,” she explained and then turned to walk away.

“Erm, excuse me,” I cleared my throat as she turned back to face us.

“Yes, is there a problem?” There was a tenseness to her voice as she spoke.

“No, no,” I hurriedly added, “erm, the sign outside, it said, erm, swingers meeting point. My girlfriend and I were just wondering about it, she thinks it means one thing and I think it refers to dancing.”

A big grin broke out on her face and she looked around the bar and at the other couples.

“Is this your first time in the resort?” She asked.

We both nodded.

“Well, my name is Silka, I am the owner of this bar and I am going to say your girlfriend is correct in her assumption. This is a meeting point for swingers, and by swingers, I mean in the sexual, lifestyle meaning of the word.  Gran Canaria is a well know swingers resort and in the evening the nightlife gets a bit lively shall we say.  If you leave here and go downstairs you will find three swingers clubs. They will be a bit quiet just now but in a few hours, they will be heaving with people all looking to meet other like-minded people.”

Neither of us spoke but we were both nodding as we took in what she was saying.

“I would definitely recommend ‘fun together’ which is directly below this bar, but I would say that as I own that club with my husband who is currently down there setting up for tonight.”

Silka turned and looked towards the entrance as another couple walked in.

“Well, I must be going but if you want to ask any more questions then please get my attention and ask away.”

“Oh right, well thank you for the advice and we might just visit your club,” I said as Silka turned to walk away.

“Will we?” Jade whispered in mock outrage.

We both smirked at one another as we returned to our drinks.

A few more couples had entered the bar by the time we ordered our second beers which Silka brought promptly to our table.  As we were drinking them another couple got up from their table and approached us.  The female looked to be about 5ft 8 with long straight blonde hair which for this evening she had pulled back in a ponytail.  She was wearing a wrap cami dress in bright colours.  

As she walked over the long split in the side of the dress opened to reveal long slim toned legs which were beautifully tanned.  The dress crisscrossed over her breast which if I had to guess were a DD cup.  The gentleman with her was slightly taller and had a boating vibe going on as he was dressed in a short sleeve oxford shirt, long shorts and boat shoes.  His hair was greying slightly on the sides and was slicked back.  He clearly had not shaved this morning as he had a slight stubble growing.

From the look of them, I would have guessed that the female was mid-to-late thirties whilst the guy was most likely early forties.

“Would you mind if we joined you?”  The guy asked as his wife stood to the side and slightly behind him.

I glanced at Jade who did not object so I waved at the seats.

“Be our guests.”

The female sat down next to me and the guy sat down next to Jade.

“We are Jen and Steve, hope you don’t mind us approaching you but we couldn’t help overhearing your conversation with Silka earlier.  Did you genuinely not realise this was a swingers bar.”

“Sort of,” Jade answered, “I had seen the board earlier and wondered what it meant so we decided to investigate.  Chris was convinced it was an innuendo to drum up business.”

Jen turned to face me and then leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hello, Chris.”

“Hello, pardon our rudeness, this is Jade and as you already know I am Chris.”

We all shook hands and Steve kissed Jade on the cheek.

“So if you didn’t realise that the island was a den of debauchery, can we take it you are not swingers then?” Steve asked clearly trying to pump us for information.

“Erm, we are not hardened swingers if that is what you mean,” I started to explain.

“We have had some experiences with clubs in the UK and we have done a few things with friends of mind,” Jade jumped in.

“We are not your typical couple,” I continued, “shall we get the elephant in the room out the way?  We,” I waved my hand back and forth between me and Jade, “yes, we are in a relationship and yes, Jade is significantly younger than me.  It’s a long story as to how we came to be together which we will not bore you with.”

“I feel that the age gap and what people think is a bit of a touchy subject,” began Jen, “we would pry but we have all night and are here in the resort for another week.  We both love a good story so would like to hear your story at some point if you want, you have intrigued us now.”

“Well, we are here for a week ourselves so maybe we will bore you with the story at some point.” I replied, “what about yourselves can we take it you are both swingers then?”

“Yes, we have been in the lifestyle for 8 years now,” Steve began whilst Jen nodded, “we have been to quite a few clubs and private parties over the years and then about four years ago we were looking for somewhere to go abroad and some friends suggested Gran Canaria or Southern France. We settle on here and obviously liked it because we have come here every year since.”

“It’s not all about swinging,” Jen interjected, “I just love sunbathing naked on the beach, we have only played with one couple whilst we have been on holiday in those four years.”

“It’s just nice to get away from it all,” Steve continued, “we both have quite stressful jobs. I am a teacher and Jen is an Orthopaedic surgeon.”

“Oh wow,” gasped Jade, “I am just starting out in my career and Chris these days is an accountant.”

“What ages do you teach?” I asked Steve.

“Secondary level and yes I sometimes think I need my head examined it is very challenging some days but on other days it is very rewarding.”

We continued to chat long into the night, not really noticing the time until Silka came over and said that the bar was going to close and again recommended, we try her club downstairs.

We thanked her but said we were going to call it a night and maybe later in the week we would be back.

As Jen and Steve were in a hotel around the corner from ours, we slowly walked back towards the hotel continuing our conversation.

“Thank you for this evening,” I said as we stopped outside our hotel, “it has been most enjoyable.”

I looked at Jade before continuing.

“Perhaps if you want, we could meet up tomorrow night or if that is not suitable maybe later in the week to continue where we left off?”

Steve looked at his watch.

“Think you will find that should be, meet up tonight and yes, I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we would love to meet up again.  Unfortunately, not this coming evening as we are going on a boat trip. How about we meet up again in a couple of days’ time say on Thursday night.”

Jade and I nodded and Steve continued.

“We know a lovely little cocktail bar in the centre which we would love to introduce you to.  We could meet there after we have had a bite to eat.”

“Sounds perfect,” said Jade.

We swapped numbers so that we could keep in contact and let the others know if we couldn’t make it and then said our goodbyes and entered our hotel.


 The next morning, we got up late and had a light breakfast whilst deciding what we would do that day.

 "Let’s walk the beach,” said Jade, “I want to investigate the nudist beach.”

“You stripping off then?”

“Might do, take the camera, we could get some good shots.”

I grabbed my camera and two lenses. A fixed 50mm fixed lenses perfect for portrait photos and my general purpose 18-200mm lens.  I quickly fitted the general purpose lens to the camera.
We made our way down to the beach and as soon as we walked onto the sand Jade stripped off her daisy duke shorts and crop top to reveal a nice red bikini. She opened her bag and pulled out a thin white cotton maxi dress which she threw on over her head.

“It will provide a bit of protection until we stop to take photos,” she explained went I looked at her quizzically.

We walked hand in hand along the beach, our lower limbs occasionally getting wet from the waves as they steadily rolled onto the beach. We were passed by the occasional jogger and other beach walkers who seemed to be in a hurry to get to the headland where the beach curved around out of sight.

“Lot of people going the same way,” Jade commented, “they all look to be taking plenty of equipment, can’t be much further along the beach.”

I nodded and we continued to walk, I was gazing at all the different shapes, sizes and ages that were on the beach.

As we rounded the headline, Jade suddenly gasped.

“Well it appears the nudist beach has started,” she said, nodding towards the back of the beach just before the sand dunes where there were three guys all standing staring out to sea, completely naked.

“So I see,” I replied, “what is with the stance, they all seem to think they are superman with that pose.”

The guys were all standing with their legs wide apart, hands on their hips and their shoulders back, chest out.

“Either that or it’s like that nursery rhyme you sing to kids. I’m a little teapot short and stout, here’s my handle, here’s my spout,” Jade giggled as she said that.

“They appear to be very small spouts,” I quipped.

Jade sniggered and hid behind me as she tried to compose herself.

“Don’t be nasty, perhaps they are cold, there is quite a breeze coming off the sea just here.”

We continued to walk along and it was quite a while before we saw our first naked female a large woman, with a dark tan which made her skin look a bit leathery walked in front of us and entered the water.

“That’s the first pair of boobs I have seen since we hit this beach, which is unusual,” I nodded.

“I don’t know I have seen plenty of man boobs,” replied Jade.

“They don’t count,” I said as I looked up to the top of what appeared to be the highest dune on this stretch of beach.

“Few people up there taking photos, look there is a girl up there taking her top off bet the view and shots from up there are amazing,” Jade pointed and then grabbed my hand.

“Come on, let’s go and see what it is like from up there.”

It took a bit of effort to scramble up the dune. Jade was right the view was amazing. The whole beach could be seen stretching out below us. In the direction we were heading you could see the old lighthouse whilst at the other end where we had joined the beach you could see the town, shops and hotels. If we turned around so that our backs were to the sea we saw rolling dunes which had the appearance of a mini dessert. You could see little figures walking through these dunes.

Having taken the view in I looked at the young woman whose partner was taking snaps on his camera phone as she struck various poses. She looked to be in her early twenties and had a nice set of perky boobs which if I had to guess at were a ‘B’ or ‘C’ cup. She had on a pair of skimpy black towelling shorts which she seductively lowered down her legs as she looked back towards the camera.

“She is a natural,” I commented to Jade as we watch on.

“Well let’s give her a bit of competition,” Jade said throwing her bag down.

I took the lens cap off the camera and checked my settings before starting to click away.

Jade gazed out to sea as the wind whipped her hair around her head.  Slowly she raised her hands above her head and then after a few more shots, took hold of the white dress and gradually raised it up and over her body.  Dropping it to the sand she turned her back to me and looked over her shoulder as she undid her bikini top. Turning to face me she held the top in place with her hands as he leaned forward and pouted before blowing kisses at the camera.

Eventually, she released her boobs and held the top out at arm’s length as I zoom in on her boobs, her nipples hard like little pebbles, showing how turned-on she was by being topless in front of strangers.

Jade turned her back to me and standing with her legs straight but crossed at the knee she took hold of her bikini bottoms and started to lower them down over her beautifully curved arse until I could see her glistening pussy slightly visible between her crossed legs.

Behind me, I heard a whistle and turned to see the girl and her boyfriend were now watching us.  I smiled at them, whilst Jade turned around to give them a full nude flash her skin having a slight sheen on it from the heat beating down from the sun which was now almost directly overhead.
Jade beckoned to the girl, who shook her head.  Her boyfriend whispered in her ear and waved a hand toward Jade.  The girl looked down at the sand and I saw her take a few hesitant steps before putting her head back and striding over the sand to join Jade.

Jade had the girl turn so her back was to us and pushed her forward at the waist slightly so that her bikini-covered arse was jutting out towards me, then she then turned to face me.  As Jade moved around the girl, I started to take shots.

The girl’s boyfriend walked over to join me. He muttered something under his breath and I picked up a few words in German.  I spoke to him in German introducing myself and Jade, and he said their names were Joachim and Pamela.

I asked Pamela to turn a bit to face me in German before giving similar instructions to Jade in English.

“It’s ok,” said Pamela, “please continue in English, we understand.”

I smiled, “thank god for that, my German is very rusty and I thought I was going to have to say everything twice.”

“Hey mister,” exclaimed Jade, “just you wait until we meet a sexy French couple, then the boot will be on the other foot.”

After a few more poses Pamela was obviously starting to feel braver as she slowly lowered her bikini bottoms to reveal a clean-shaven pussy with a little blonde landing strip at the top.

Now the poses became even more daring and erotic.  The girls started out standing next to one another but gradually they started to place their hands on each other first facing away from me with a hand on each other’s arse cheek.  This was followed by hands-on boobs.  I got Joachim to pour some water over the girl’s chest which help harden their nipples and made for some great close-up shots of the water dribbling over their breasts with the sun catching the droplets and in a couple the light refracting.

The girls dropped down onto their hands and knees and I focused in on their pussy’s as they looked back at the camera. I got them to lie on their backs sitting up on their elbows and took more shots before Jade rolled over and tentatively kissed Pamela.  It was just a quick peck but when there was no objection she pressed on and Pamela started to return the kiss which quickly became passionate. Their hands started to roam across each other bodies and the action in front of me and Joachim was nearly as hot as the weather.

I looked across at Joachim and noticed a sizeable bulge in his shorts but also became aware that we now had an audience. The girls could be seen from the beach and gradually a number of guys had wandered up from the beach and were now stood off at a respectful distance watching, quite a few of them were sporting hard-ons and a few were even beginning to wank off.

“Errr, girls, I think we should stop,” I announced.

Both girls looked up and giggled with Pamela putting her hands up to her face in embarrassment.

As the girls quickly got dressed I suggested that we could continue the photo shoot further into the dunes if they wanted.

“Nein, no, if we go further into the dunes the guys will just follow us and become more daring in their actions,” Joachim explained.

“Could we get copies of the photos, please?” Asked Pamela

“Yes of course I,” I replied, “I shoot in raw so will take them back to our hotel room and quickly edit them on our laptop and then give you an SD card with them on.  Is that OK?”

We offered to buy them a coffee but they politely declined saying that they planned to do some sunbathing further down the beach.  It turned out they were staying in a hotel just down from ours and so we swapped mobile numbers and arranged to meet up later in the week to give them the SD card and have a drink.

Once Jade was decent again, we continued our walk along the beach.

“Wow that was exciting,” Jade said in an excited voice.

“Yes, it was you seemed to be getting into it at the end there.”

“Well can you blame me, she was very pretty, her skin was so soft and smooth.”

“Well, we enjoyed it, I will give you that, shame we had to attract attention from the guys down on the beach.  I looked up and suddenly we were surrounded, don’t know how I missed them all coming up the dune.”

“Think I can guess how,” Jade laughed, “would you?”

“Would I what?” I inquired.

“Fuck her, would you give little Pami a hard fucking?”

“Seriously are we going there, it must be the heat that is getting you all horny.  To answer your question though yes, I would.” I paused before continuing, “with your permission of course but two issues here.  Would you fuck Joachim and what makes you think they are into swapping.”

“Trust me a girl knows and Pamala looked at you quite a few times when we were posing, and yes I would.”

“How can you say that, I had the bloody camera of course she was looking at me,” I asked incredulously.

“Maybe, but I think she was into you.  When we meet them for a few drinks and give them the photos we will find out.”

I shook my head, “God, Jade you are incorrigible, this is going to be a very interesting few days.”

Written by cethpada
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