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Author's Notes

"A quick review of some of the Japanese words that have come up in the story so far, I am not a native speaker, so apologies for any errors - Ane/onechan (ay) - big sister Ani/oniichan (ee) - big brother Arigato - thank you Hai - yes Imoto - little sister Kon'nichiwa - hello Omedeto - congratulations Shazai - apologies Tawagoto - shit-head"


I took hold of Tommy’s wrist and pulled his finger out, kissing the tip. I then brought Kazumi’s to my mouth and kissed her fingertips. While I was doing this, I felt Tommy stroking my thighs again. This time he did not touch my pussy but kept getting close. I tried to squirm around when he got close, telling him without saying anything that I wanted his touch.

Kazumi in the meantime had slipped off the bed and was holding my head up. She looked me in the eye and leant in slowly until our lips touched. Suddenly things changed. I felt a sting on my bum as Tommy’s hand came down. My gasp must have shocked Kazumi as she pulled back.

“Who said you two could start messing about?”

Kazumi smirked, which didn’t help me and got my bum stung again. Tommy shifted his bum to the edge of the bed, spreading his knees a little. Then I felt him encircle my waist with his arms.

“Don’t move,” he said, “either of you!”

I swallowed and looked at Kazumi, who was suddenly serious. She licked her lips and then bit her bottom lip at the side. I felt Tommy’s arms tense as he stood, lifting me with him. Kazumi kept her eyes locked on mine as I was raised and turned. My mischievous spirit took over and I took Tommy at his word and did not move. Trying to keep myself still was making me want to laugh and when he put me down facing the bed, I was bending forward a little from the waist. I felt another sting on the bum, this made me stand up straight.

“Don’t take the piss, just because I’m your brother.”

I felt a pair of hands on my hips, they slid up my sides. Then as my top started to move, his lips were at my ear, “We can lose this too.”

He paused and undid my bra and lifted the lot off in one. Once again, his lips were at my ear, “Kneel,” just the one word. Quietly spoken but broaching no argument.

As I knelt and rested my arms on the bed, I dared not glance at Kazumi. It was a combination of a little worry about what I might see on her face, but mainly that I was once more under Tommy’s thrall. I was scared stiff of breaking the spell and losing this feeling. Then his finger touched me. If you ever put a nine-volt battery to your tongue as a kid, you would know the feeling I just felt. He started in the small of my back, dragging his finger up, the electric charge crawling up my spine. His finger was up to about my shoulder blades when he stopped and turned his finger. I thought he was going to pull down, instead, he applied pressure. It was irresistible, pushing me forward, down onto the bed.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest, my breathing getting faster. I inhaled deeply to settle myself as my head touched the bed. I did not want to turn away from Kazumi but still could not face her. I desperately wanted Tommy to guide me, take the choice from me.

“Hmmm,” I heard from him.

I heard movement, Tommy’s finger had not moved, it had to be Kazumi. I wanted to look, to see what was going on. Why couldn’t this be in the bathroom again? Why couldn’t Tommy be making me look in the mirror? Then there was kicking at my ankles, pushing them apart. As I moved them the kicking got higher until it was parting my knees. Tommy’s finger ran down my back as his foot moved higher.

Then I felt a hand at the bottom of my thigh, fingers inside and a thumb on the back. It must have been a right hand on my left leg. It was a big hand, it must be Tommy’s still. Then another hand was on my other leg, the fingers on the outside this time. It felt like a big hand, but it couldn’t be his, could it? I felt myself tense up and then both hands came off and there was that sting to my bum again.

I felt a weight on my back, like before, his body was over me, telling me to remain in place, but he was also supporting himself. Then the bed moved to my right like someone was sitting down next to me. I felt breathing on my neck and ear and then he spoke.

“Relax. You will come to no harm.” I nodded slightly.

“Not going to look and see who is where?” I shook my head a little.

Something then touched my knees and I felt him against my bum, holding me in place as the weight came off my back. I could feel his excitement pushing against me, but not being invasive. A quiver ran through my legs, anticipation, a need for him to do more.

Fingers, lots of fingers, started drawing on my back. Circles and lines, abstract shapes, coming together and spreading apart. At times it felt like single fingers, other times it was hundreds, nay thousands, touching every nerve on my back. Each was like that nine-volt battery, but adding to the previous touch, my back was alight. I started to push back onto him and smiled to myself when he pushed forward. When I was pinned, I wiggled my bum a little and my back started to arch. Then all the fingers were gone, and my bum stung again.

“What the…” and another sting.

My hair was pulled back, slowly steadily, not a sharp yank. As my chin came up a hand was on my throat, no pressure almost as if it was only there to support my chin. I gave up any resistance, I was his to direct. He knew I was not comfortable looking at Kazumi and he didn’t make me.

“Shhh, if you’re a good sister, I will take you, I will show our new sister you are mine. I will fuck you, I will fuck you ragged. I will fuck you ragged in front of our new sister. I may even let her touch you. Would you like that?”

I didn’t know what he meant, would I like to be a good sister, to get fucked or for Kazumi to see this and maybe touch me? My thighs started shaking, I gripped the duvet, I could feel the battery tingle starting. It was in my throat as I swallowed, between my legs as I clenched my thighs. Both charges were accelerating through my body, on a collision course ready to explode through me.

The pressure on my hair and throat was released. Did I put my head back down? Should I ask? The questions were building but no answers were forthcoming. I felt pressure back on my pussy, pushing probing and then in me. They were sliding forward along my front wall spreading the tingle in me. I pushed back onto them gasping, and they were thrust fully into me. At the same time and hand came down in the middle of my back, pushing forward as the weight came down on me again.

“Don’t you dare fucking cum,” he growled into my ear.



This sent me in a tailspin. What the hell was going on, I couldn’t not cum, could I? My body was shaking, I was on the brink about to fall. All I could do was grip the duvet harder and bite my lip.

His weight lifted off again and his fingers withdrew. There was no pause, I felt something rubbing against my pussy again. I was a bubbling cauldron, simmering, waiting for someone to turn up the hob a fraction. Then he was in me, just a little. Fingers were at my mouth again, I opened to accept them and sucked hard, the now familiar taste of me on them. Then his hands were on my shoulders, running down my arms. His fingers entwined with mine. I was desperate for him to be in me and tried pushing back, but he moved away.

“Just wait, be patient,” he whispered when I whined.

He pulled my right arm out to the side and let go of both. I have no idea how long he was not touching me but then it all happened.

Two hands gripped my hips another took hold of my hand. The hands on my hips were strong and had a solid grip. The one holding my hand was soft and fit in mine easily, in the intensity of my want for him, I had forgotten she was there, it was of course Kazumi. With a sharp intake of breath, I opened my eyes and looked to my right straight into hers. She was smiling tenderly. This all happened in an instant.

At the same time as my eyes met hers, I felt the fullness of Tommy entering me, stretching me, pushing deeper than anyone before him. No one else would push this deep, I was Tommy’s. He had made me his in La Gomera and now at home, this time witnessed by Kazumi. Kazumi, holding my hand.

As our hips touched, Tommy growled, “You can cum now, cum for your brother!”

I didn’t need any more encouragement, the explosion of sensations started everywhere at once. It felt like I lifted off the bed. My legs were a quivering wreck, no longer supporting me. I was pinned by my hips on the edge of the bed. He withdrew and without hesitation pushed full into me once more.

As I came down from that first orgasm, I was aware of being held, cradled in a caring embrace. Kazumi had climbed onto the bed and was holding me. I looked into her face and she leant forward and kissed me. A gentle peck on my open mouth.

“Ane, you look beautiful, you both do. Your beautiful brother joined with you, taking you places no one else can.”

Her lips touched mine again, Tommy was driving hard into me making me gasp each time. Kazumi was not kissing me, I had an image of her inhaling each of my gasps, taking in some of my life force, joining with Tommy through me. I started to cry, my emotions were all over the place, so happy to be here like this now. So sad that I knew I would never marry Tommy or carry his children. So in love with my brother and my new sister. Hating the world that had hurt us all before this.

As I felt his warmth explode into me, a hand left my hip and the last thing I remember before being overtaken by next orgasm was hearing a loud crack.

“Who said you could touch yourself?” Tommy asked.

“I’m not, I’m…” and then it hit, flooding through me.

There was no arching this time, I saw Kazumi’s eyes roll back and heard her gasp and I started to shake. My arms and legs, my entire body, like someone walking over my grave. Not someone, hundreds of someones walking back and forth.

I lay my head on the bed, looking at Kazumi who was mirroring me. Once more I felt Tommy’s weight on my back. I turned and saw him smiling down at me. He leant forward and kissed me.



As I softened and started to slip out of Laura, I pushed up and trotted to the bathroom. After giving myself a quick wash over I took a warm flannel back with me along with some moisturising cream. I cleaned Laura up, kneeling behind her, taking care to wipe around and along all her folds. It made me smile as she gasped and twitched. Her bum was showing a light shade of red all over. When I ran a finger over it, Laura flinched a little.

“Kaz,” I said, patting the bed next to Laura.

She sat on the edge until I indicated she turn over, she assumed a similar stance to Laura. I was aware I had caught her quite hard at the end and so wanted to include her in what I planned next. It made me smile that they were both lying over the bed, looking at each other and holding a hand between them.

I took the lid off the cream and placed the jar between their hips. I scooped a little out with both hands and ran them over each of Laura’s cheeks. At first, there was a sharp intake of breath and her cheeks clenched. As I spread it over her bum, she started to purr. I looked over at Kazumi’s bum, obviously not looking at anything else. I think it was part how hard I smacked her bum when I saw her fingering herself. The other part was how pale her skin was in comparison with Laura and me. It was only the one cheek, but Kazumi looked very much redder than Laura.

With my third scoop, I covered the cheek that I had struck. Kazumi giggled and when I looked up, they were touching foreheads as if in conspiratorial talks. I took my time rubbing it in, soothing her bum. She jumped a couple of times when my fingers went around her cheek too far.

Turning my attention to Laura’s bum, I noticed that a bit more cream was needed and so applied it. Starting at the top of her thighs, I made sure I had attended to every part of her rear end. I was rewarded with purring and sighs and a final giggle when I kissed each cheek I had cared for. I put the cream on the bedside cabinet and climbed onto the bed telling Laura to join me. When she wiggled backwards into me, we opened our arms to Kazumi, who scrambled up to join us. She gave me, then Laura a peck on the lips and the three of us settled down. It wasn’t long before I heard two sets of soft, regular breathing and lay my head down, happy that we had been accepted by someone.

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I’m not sure how long I was asleep for, but the girls were both still breathing gently and apparently had not moved. Laura had been holding my hand, I lay this onto Kazumi’s waist and noticed they had been holding hands too. Slipping out of the bed, I was careful not to disturb them and folded the duvet over them as much as possible.

After a quick shower, I threw on some jogging bottoms and a t-shirt and went downstairs. I filled the kettle and put it on to boil. I prepared three cups, two coffee and one tea; it was past noon, Kazumi did not drink coffee in the afternoon. I only made my coffee as I had still heard no movement from upstairs. I went to the living room and stood looking out of the window over the back garden. It was a bright day, with a few wispy clouds floating about. The trees surrounding the garden had shed their leaves and the flowerbeds had died back.

I felt arms around my waist, snaking up my front, under my t-shirt. They came around and started to push it over my head. Then the arms wrapped around me and I felt warm flesh against my back. I somehow got untangled and hung the t-shirt on the window handle. I lay my arm over Laura’s and locked my fingers with hers. She kissed my back and rested her chin on my shoulder.

“Bit of a kinky fuck, aren’t you?”

“Huh? Me?”

“Well, we know I am,” she giggled.

“So, you gonna tell me what you did to Kazumi?” her free hand wandering toward my waistband.

I took hold of it and brought it back to her other, holding them both. “How do you feel about it?”

Laura pinched me, “Oh, no you don’t! I asked first and I am your big sister, you answer first.”

“Okay, how about, this? You tell me how you feel now as well as how you feel after?”


“I didn’t really do anything. I instructed her to get undressed. After that, she watched, until I told her to get on the bed.”


“And what?”

“When you told me to stop touching myself, she came too. Did you not see my hands? How could I have been touching myself?”

I started to laugh which earnt me another pinch. Patting her hands, I said, “I didn’t tell you to stop touching yourself, silly; though I would have. I was telling Kaz to stop. She looked like she was enjoying herself a touch too much.”

“And you spanked her?”

“Only the once. I don’t know if I was too late or if that tipped her over. I guess I was just caught up in the moment.”

“You spanked her harder than me.” Laura’s tone was reflective, rather than asking a question.

I answered her anyway, “I did. Your turn.”

“Bastard,” Laura laughed. “I must admit I was a bit of a mess. Part of why I wouldn’t look was because of what I might see.”

Laura lifted her chin off my shoulder, and I felt her head leaning against my back. With a deep breath, she continued.

“I know, it is so selfish of me, but I felt jealous. I love her and I think that saved her eyeballs.”

She stepped around, in front of me, putting her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest. I put my arms around her, one across her back and the other cradling her head.

“You gave me room to try and find out what I needed, and this is how I repay you. I am so sorry. The trouble is I don’t know if I was jealous of you playing with her or me not being able to join or even if it was because it was before me. Is that awful?”

“I don’t think so. I’m not sure you can do anything about feelings. What matters is how you act on them. How do you feel knowing what actually happened?”

First, there was her classic hesitation, her eyes would have been darting all over, then she spoke, “This is going to sound awful.”

“Go on.”


I said...

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Written by kiteares
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