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After the chat, we watched The Martian. It did cross my mind what the law would be on Mars. I had read the book before the film was made, after picking it up cheap in a supermarket. It had a fascinating journey. Publishers not wanting it at first, so the author self-published and ended up working with specialists in NASA to get the details right for the film. The book is amazing, the story of the book is just as amazing, and the film is one of those rare treats that lived up to the book. I have one last word on that and if you don’t understand, read the book!

As the credits rolled, I got up to clear the detritus from dinner away. Laura looked at me and smiled. Picking up the condiments, she followed me into the kitchen. When we went upstairs, I followed her and watched two perfectly tanned globes, moving in front of me; alternately showing more and then less of themselves as they peeked from under my t-shirt.

I did something I had not for ten years, grabbed a handful of cheek. Laura squealed and started to run, which only egged me on. I took up the chase and helped myself to several more handfuls before she closed her bedroom door behind her.

Back in my room, I dropped my shorts, and thought about losing my boxers too, but felt, if Laura chose to join me, it might put expectations on her that I didn’t want. She was already in the bathroom cleaning her teeth, as I entered the room. I picked up my brush, prepared it and started to clean.

We nearly banged heads as we both went to spit at the same time. I felt so close to her at that moment it was incredible. I put it down to the normality of the activity. Laura finished before me and kissed me while I still had a mouthful of toothpaste.

“Goodnight,” she said. With one of her plotting smiles, she turned to her room.

If not for the smile and the kiss, I would have been concerned that she was still feeling bad from the morning. As it was, I was concerned about what she was up to. She didn’t return, so when I finished, I shouted my goodnight through the door and returned to my room.

“Fucking lumps in my bed again! I thought I had sorted that out.”

Laura didn’t respond and I swear the lump moved. It looked like it stuck its bum further into the air. I didn’t get a book this time, nor did I rush over to the bed. Almost stalking it, I sized up the best angle to approach from. Should I use backhand or forehand; short, rapid strokes or one, long stroke to drive her into the bed?

When I got closer, I could hear her breathing quite rapidly, then when I placed my hand on the bottom of her back to steady her, she stopped altogether. I had decided upon forehand, with rapid strokes. After five or six hits, she grunted, and I pulled the duvet back with a bit of mock surprise.

“God, Laura, I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was you after you went to your room.”

She only turned her head to look at me, before saying in a low flat tone, that had me concerned, “Bullshit, you motherfucker.”

I didn’t react, so she continued, “You like your sister’s arse? Grabbing it on the stairs, then spanking it in bed. Well?”

“Ermm,” was the best I could come up with.

“I think you should say sorry and kiss it better.”

I looked at Laura, who looked right back at me. Neither moving or talking, neither showing any expression. Then I jumped onto the bed behind her, taking hold of her hips before she could get away. There was no fight or struggle from her, she wouldn’t have moved if I had done this in slow motion without touching her.

“Sorry,” she instructed me.

Putting on my best pouty voice, I said, “Sorry, Laura’s bum. I promise not to touch you again after I have finished.”

“Now, there’s no need to go too far. Sorry will suffice,” she giggled. “Next.”

I leant forward, paused blowing gently on her right cheek below where her white knickers ended. I then licked it once and blew again. As she shivered, I kissed where I had licked. I repeated this on her left cheek. Then pushed her over onto her side, so I could curl in behind her. As I got into position, I pushed up on an elbow to kiss her cheek and she turned and smiled, as we kissed each other.

“Night, night, what do you tell Laura?”

“I love her, night, night. Sweet or wet?”

She didn’t answer, just wiggled her bum.

The following morning when I woke up, Laura had a leg over mine and her bum pushed back into my groin. Her arm was moving, she was obviously awake.

“Morning,” I said.

“Hold me,” she sighed.

“I am.”

“Tighter,” she growled.

I did. I pulled her tight against my chest, with my other arm over her shoulder. I could feel the bottom of her tits on one arm and the other was between them. Then it registered, she no longer had my t-shirt on. It was as this thought entered my brain, that Laura tensed up and her orgasm hit her, by the looks of it, like a sledgehammer.

I just held her as she got her breath back. When it seemed to have mostly settled, I kissed the back of her ear and was rewarded with a murmur of approval.



If Tommy had felt between my legs after spanking my arse or better still, after kissing it, I think we may have broken the law that night. His touch, even when he used the book, had an edge to it that was very different from how I had been treated before. Yet, once again, he did no more than I initiated.

One of the thoughts at the time was whether he had a submissive streak to him. I dismissed this with thoughts of how he was with people, how he was with me. Just how he has held me both times he had spanked me and how he held my hips the previous night let me know he may not be taking the lead, but he was very much in control of himself and of me.

He said he was happy to hold me while I used my sex toy. I know what he was implying, but I know he would honour his word if I took him literally too. When I woke up the following morning, it was after the weirdest dream.

I had been walking naked through the cul-de-sac and all the residents were outside their houses. Those that I knew had faces the others never looked up. All were naked too and kneeling at the end of their drives. It wasn’t the surreal situation that told me it was a dream; it was the bodies of the neighbours. All the men had small cocks, no bigger than my ex, pointing obscenely forward. All the women had tits as flat as pancakes and so saggy they hung down to their waists.

The line of neighbours was forming an honour guard leading to a magnificent chair at the end of the road. Tommy was sitting on it, holding a spear in one hand at the top of which was a cross spar. In his other hand, he held a single giant eye, looking like it had been freshly plucked for someone’s head. Tommy had one of his legs extended and I could see a hole through his ankle. On the arms of the chair were carved two names, Laius and Jocasta and above Tommy’s head hovered a golden crown.

As I drew closer, I saw he was naked too. This version of Tommy was built like a Greek god. Arms as thick as legs and legs like tree-trunks. His chest was huge with bulging pectoral muscles and his stomach taught and ripped with a mythical eight pack. This finished with the ‘V’ line under his stomach leading to his cock. And what a cock!

As I walked closer, the chair changed. It became one made of many swords. Tommy’s spear and the eye he was holding, disappeared and his hand was replaced by a golden one. Still, his cock dragged my attention back to it.

My eyes followed it as it hung between his legs, over the edge of the chair, as thick as my upper arm. As it continued down and I got closer, I could see that it looked to have been tattooed. There were black and gold bands, with a criss-cross of lines making it look like scales. I knelt before him as my body demanded. The end of his cock rose up and flared out, showing two spots either side of the main shaft. Before my eyes, his cockhead transformed into that of a cobra. It struck straight at me.

I woke with a start and in a sweat. I wasn’t scared; for some reason, I was more turned on than I ever remember being. Tommy was still holding me. I could feel him through his boxers pushing against me. I was disappointed we had been cautious in our dress last night. As I listened, I could tell he was sound asleep.

I slipped from his embrace and went back to my room, and after rooting through one of my drawers I returned to Tommy. I took his t-shirt off and dropped my knickers on top of it. Climbing under the covers again, I pulled his arm around me.

At first, I hesitated, I know what he had said, but theory and fact; fantasy and reality were two very different beasts. To start, I was slow and gentle, rubbing the head of my dildo against my hood and the outsides of my lips. There was not enough pressure to open me up, just enough to feel. I slid the head between my thighs, lifting my knee to allow access.

Pushing it all the way along my lips until it passed them and touched my arse. One place that had always remained sacred, but one that a single touch would make me shudder. I pulled the dildo forward again with a bit more pressure this time. I opened my legs wider. The head parted my lips and brushed up against my clit.

I repeated this a few times, shuddering, feeling my muscles spasm a little; each time pushing a little deeper. On the last pass, it felt like the head was opening my arse up and trying to enter. I knew it would take a lot more work than that, but the feeling was glorious.

As I pulled the dildo forward that time, I tried to insert it into pussy, but the angle and direction were wrong. To open further I lifted my leg up but knew I would never hold it, so lay it over Tommy’s leg, letting him hold me open. Just the idea of this sent a mini orgasm through me and I had to pause. I made a few short strokes with the dildo, turning it a little, and letting my fluids lubricate it. Then on one backstroke, I changed the angle and it slid into my welcoming body.

I paused as I sighed. I had only used this externally since I had brought it six months before. I don’t know what I had been waiting for. I slowly pushed it deeper, inch by inch until I was taking the full six inches. I felt a fullness I had never experienced. It wasn’t just depth, it was volume. I gasped as I felt pressure against my bladder. This made me pause, I knew I had been a slut in my former life, but this was a new feeling. I smiled thinking how the dildo was touching virgin territory.

'I’ll just have to get a man that can desecrate me properly,' I thought and squeezed Tommy’s hand.

As I held his hand, I was tempted to move it, but again thought it would be a step too far. I left my lower hand moving the dildo in and out, slowly, trying different angles and my other hand playing with my clit. As I tweaked and pulled, tickled and stroked, the dildo hit the front of my pussy and I felt a tension building up around there. Just as this started, Tommy spoke.

“Morning,” he said.

“Hold me,” I said, grabbing his hip.

“I am.”

“Tighter,” I demanded, pulling his hip to me as I pushed back

He put an arm around my neck and between my tits, the other was just under my tits. I could feel them both as I moved, so close and yet so far. He pulled me in with his arms. I was enveloped in him, he said nothing as the tension exploded outwards. My legs tensed, and my back tried to arch, but couldn’t as Tommy was holding me tight. I felt like I was trying to push the dildo through the front of my pussy as the fingers on my other hand clawed into Tommy’s hip.

Then it was over. As I lay panting, he said and did nothing. His grip didn’t relax, I could feel his slow steady breath on the back of my neck and his erection pushing against my cheeks. After a while, he kissed the back of my ear, triggering a tiny aftershock.

“Mmm,” was the best I could summon.



“Are you okay?” I asked.

Silence. I gave Laura a bit of squeeze, as much as I could as I was still holding her tightly.

“It’s a genuine question, no tricks, are you okay?”

“Yes,” came her sheepish reply.

She turned in my arms and I could feel movement between my legs. Thinking she was going somewhere I wasn’t sure if either of us were ready for yet, I ran my hand down her arm to stop her. It ended with me holding the back of her hand as she pulled, what I was soon to find out, was her other sex toy out of herself. That was a weird thought. Images of pulling another man’s cock from her pussy flooded my brain along with a surge of anger and jealousy. My brain was screaming, Laura was mine, then a wave of nausea hit me. I swallowed a few times and managed to contain myself, having an empty stomach helped.

With a look of concern on her face, she asked me the same, “You okay?”

“Yeah, sorry, just had a funny feeling.”

“Can I have it back?” She asked.

“What? The funny feeling?”

“No, my hand,” she said.

She held her hand up between us, showing me holding the back of her hand still. Where I had encased her hand, she had not been able to let go of her dildo, so that was also held between us, glistening with her juices.

“Say hello to my little friend,” she giggled, then leant forward and kissed it.

I can’t say this didn’t surprise me, but I was also not going to let her out-shock me. It was that sibling rivalry again. Looking her in the eye, I pulled her hand to me, leant forward and kissed it too. Then I turned it and kissed it lengthways. Finally, I pulled her to me and kissed her. I felt her mouth open and responded, it was a close kiss, one sharing a moment in time. Neither of us closed our eyes, we maintained eye contact throughout.

“You didn’t say hello,” she said as we broke off from each other.

“Next time.”

We didn’t need the sun that morning, her smile would have lit the universe.

“Oh god, Tommy, I woke up, I had a nuts dream, but it left me so horny and you said last night about holding me with my sex toy and so I thought, and then I got nervous, but it was too late, and then when you hugged me. It was like my orgasm was on steroids, and then I came down and I worried again and then, thank you, Tommy.”

“And breathe,” I laughed at her outburst.

Laura pulled herself tight to me, resting her head on my shoulder, covering my face with her hair. In that instant, it struck me that she had not cut her hair significantly over the last year. Just the odd trim to sort out her split ends. It was now halfway down her back another year or so and she would be back to the length she always had it before. This made me smile, even through her next two words.

“Fuck you, this is all new to me, to both of us. I get scared every time. You know why,” she whispered to me.

“I do and that reputation you think you have is only in your head. I’m the only one that knows what happened and I know the truth.”

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“Solicitors? The courts?”

“The courts have the truth, as do Egil and Egil, they are also bound by confidentiality. Which is a point, they will probably only be open this morning. Let’s get breakfast and I’ll give them a call.”

“What about you?” she asked.

“What about me?”

“Well,” she pushed her hips forward, reminding me and letting me know she was aware of my condition.

“Okay,” seeing the look of panic in her face, I rolled her only her back, pinning her arms down like she had to me all those months ago and then sat astride her naked body.

I leant forward, noticing her tense up. As she did her tits gave a little wobble. I slowly lowered myself over her and kissed her, before throwing back the covers and getting out of her side. Her side? I suppose that is what it had become, I smiled again.

“Shower time. Left or right?” I called over my shoulder, waving both hands in the air.

When I got out of the shower Laura had left my room. I put on a clean pair of boxers and went down to put the kettle on. I was busy, getting things prepared and didn’t notice Laura come in until she...

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Written by kiteares
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