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As I came to, I could feel Laura moving. It took a moment to understand what was happening. I could feel my morning glory, but there was pressure around it and movement on it. Laura’s arse was moving back and forth, slow to start, but the pace was increasing. I had to stifle a laugh, being used as a sex toy was a first.


She must have been in much the same condition as me; a lack of sex or even companionship, other than her sibling, for nearly a year. Add that to the mix of emotions we had gone through yesterday, top up with a little drink and here we were.

I could feel the heat and moisture between her legs. My first thought was to pull her to me and start grinding with her. Guilt and panic quickly washed this away, making my next thought to get up and go to the loo, like before. Finally, I settled on Laura needing this and part of my promise was to take care of her. It was only as I could feel her orgasm overtaking her that I held her tighter. In hindsight, it was my protective instinct, making sure she was safe at her most vulnerable time.

As she came down, she didn’t move or speak. Her hand stayed on my hip, the other on my cock. It was as if she were frozen. Then I felt little shudders and heard her sniffling; she had started to cry, gently at first, but getting harder. I just held her tightly, letting her know I was there. After a little while, I stroked her hair back over her ear and kissed the side of her neck. She moved suddenly then, letting go of me, twisting in my grip. I had to pull my hips back quickly to protect myself. She put her arms around my face and stared at me.

“Don’t hate me, Tommy,” she said.

“What the fuck? For what? For doing that? Don’t be fucking daft!”

Maybe not the correct phrasing. She burst into tears again, burying her head in my neck. I let her calm down, once again, before I spoke again.

“Mrs Shelby, Laura, I have never, you hear me? Never, had a reason to hate you. Never, had a reason to hate anything that you have done. I admit, some of the things that have happened in the past, I have not liked, but I have never stopped loving you.”

“How can you say that, Tommy? I pushed you away. I let him treat me like that. Now I have acted like a dirty little slut, using my brother’s cock to pleasure myself.”

I rolled her onto her back, pinning one arm and one leg with my own, holding her chin and forcing her to look at me.

“I told you, a new start after the funeral. Yesterday was another fresh start, and like I said, our house, our rules. We are Laura and Tommy Shelby and if they want to call us Mr and Mrs, is it our fault? Besides, it would make Bev feel awkward if we went and denied it.

“Did you need that this morning?” Laura broke eye contact as she nodded.

“Did you get what you needed? Did you enjoy it?” Again, she nodded.

“Do you remember our oath?” Laura looked back at me, screwing up her eyes and forehead in confusion.

“The bit where we promised to make sure we were looked after.” Although she still had the confused look, she nodded that she remembered.

“That includes, as far as I’m concerned, your needs.”

“But it was dirty, sluttish, using my brother.”

“Laura, you needed it, it happened, it wasn’t dirty. Unless you’re suggesting I am?”

“God, no, Tommy, never!”

“Under the twisted conventions of a society screwed up by ancient moral values, a slut is someone that has lots of different partners. Just how many people have you slept with since the new start?”

Laura smiled at me, as more tears ran from her eyes.

“Oh Tommy, why do you have to be my brother? Why can’t you be my...” she stopped

“Best friend? I always will be,” she pulled me down for a hug. “And I can save you a fortune in batteries,” I whispered.

This earnt me a slap on the back, “Cheeky fucker! Have you been going through my things?” she whispered back.

Laura squirmed out from under me and sat up. She was suddenly looking very serious, “But what about you? You have needs.”

I wondered if I should address the comment about her things, but decided to let it drop, at least for now. Instead, I answered her question about my needs, “I have a right hand and for variety, I have a left one too. My needs are secondary. I haven’t had a girlfriend for a while now. I’m used to dealing with myself.

“Laura, I’ll be completely honest. I really don’t think I have an issue with what happened this morning; it’s one of those things. We definitely shouldn’t be beating ourselves up over it, it’s done. However,” she looked defeated, so I took her hand, “I think it best if we have a bit of a think about it and see how we feel later. Then we can talk about it about more this evening.”

I paused for her reaction and she gave me a tiny nod, “Breakfast?”

Laura leant over as if she was going to kiss me but stopped. After scanning each other’s eyes for a few seconds, I closed the gap and kissed her. It wasn’t long or passionate, it was deliberate and on the lips.



After what was the best orgasm in a year, probably longer, the guilt came flooding back. When Tommy squeezed me, I didn’t know what to think or what he thought. The guilt drove me to beg him not to hate me. His reaction confused me, he sounded angry and caring, confused and understanding. His first reaction was to shout at me, which was just too much with everything going on in my head.

Some of how he explained how he saw things was about caring; some of it was like he was screaming at society. He did try to make light of a few things, but it was just not the time or place. At the end of it, I was left more confused, because even though he was not angry about what had happened and it seemed like he might even let it happen again. He also said we needed to think about it and talk more.

Just to confuse me more, when he ended the talk, I went to kiss him. I was going for his lips but thought it was not the moment and paused. He finished off my move, and it was just right. It was going to be a long day.

“I’ll go see what I can find,” Tommy said, as he slipped on his shorts from yesterday.

I returned to my room and found the box with some jeans in, picked a fresh t-shirt and after a quick wash, joined him in the kitchen.


“I found a café down the road.” When I screwed up my face, Tommy clarified.

“We have eggs and bacon, but no mushrooms. We’ve got butter, but no lard. The bread has gone mouldy and the milk has gone off. Apart from that, we have everything we need.”

When I smiled and nodded, Tommy said he would be back in a minute. I followed him up and cleaned my teeth, and a few minutes later we were walking down the pavement. We saw some of our neighbours, but none of the four we had met yesterday. They all said hello and welcomed us to the cul-de-sac, except one. She was just getting into her car; when she looked up and saw us, she smiled and waved.

Unthinking, we had waved with our inside arms, and as we put our arms down, our hands touched. Tommy stopped and looked at me.

“This is fucking daft, Laura,” he shook his head and put an arm around my shoulder. “Whatever happens, you will always be my sister. I was more than happy to have my arm around your shoulder yesterday. As long as you’re comfortable, I see no reason to change some things.”

He was looking at me expectantly as we carried on walking. I looked down and allowed myself a smile. It appeared that irrespective of what had happened, and the outcome of our talk Tommy was trying to avoid awkwardness. I don’t know how well he was succeeding; it still felt a bit weird, but he was making an effort. I put my arm around his waist and gave him a quick squeeze.

“How far’s this café then?” I asked.

“About half a mile down the main road. Before you ask, there didn’t look like a lot of parking and I intend on stuffing my face.”

I giggled, that did sound good and after last night, a greasy fry up sounded like just the ticket. It was. The café was one of the roughest I had been in for a while, but the food was excellent. The conversation was based around what needed doing around the house today. It was a little stilted at times, there was an air of awkwardness, but all things considered, Tommy was easy company.

After we finished, we popped into the supermarket and bought some essentials, like milk, bread and beer.

“Anything else you need?” Tommy asked

Walking arm in arm with him, I responded, “Nope, got everything I need, right here.”

The cul-de-sac was a little more alive when we returned. As we walked past number seven there was a rapping on the window. Tina was waving at us when we looked over.

“Ah, she’s in. I’ll run her cooker back,” I said to Tommy, who grunted his assent.

Tommy took the shopping and I gathered the parts to the cooker that he had washed up this morning. Tina ushered me in when she answered the door.

“Do you have time for a quick coffee?”

“Erm, I suppose.”

“Come, sit, sit,” she took me into their kitchen and poured me a cup allowing me to milk and sugar my own.

“So, how was your first night?”

“Well, Bev came over and introduced herself, with a bottle of Champagne. That helped. Another beautiful neighbour brought us over dinner. That helped too.” Tina smiled at me. “I must admit it was the first time I got a little drunk in this house.” This made her laugh out loud.

“Well, just so long as it was only your first time.”

We shot the breeze for about fifteen minutes, finding out a little about each other. Her eldest had just started at university and her other daughter had started in the sixth form (last two years before university) at the start of the academic year. I showed Tina my website and the app Tommy had written for me. She didn’t say much other than a few comments about some of my pictures, but she did look quite thoughtful. I did find out one crazy titbit of information that I couldn’t wait to share with Tommy.

I did get a bit of shock when she told me that her husband thought we made a lovely couple.

“No need to look so surprised, sweetie,” she laughed. “Luke has been known to be right from time to time. He married me, didn’t he?”

I warmed me to Tina when she said this. There was sincerity and love but not a hint of arrogance. When she related what Luke had said, she looked like she agreed. The comment about Luke was filled with love and the bit about her was said in good fun. It did make me feel warm and a lot more confident about what had happened in the morning.

My mood was really high when I left Tina, she was so nice, so open. At one point, I nearly told her, a stranger, about the last year, up to and including what had happened in the morning.

On my way home I passed Bev who was heading the other way.

“Morning Mrs Shelby, how are you?”

“Oh, Bev, good morning. Please, it’s not… Please call me Laura. Thank you for the Champagne, it was very nice.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Laura. Anyway, lovely seeing you again. We’ll arrange a proper reception for you and your husband. Byeeee,” She called as she carried on.

“He’s my… bye,” she was already on her way.

What was I thinking? I should have been clear with Bev. Her use of Mrs Shelby and husband when she referred to Tommy, was just a simple misunderstanding. I hurried across the road, thankfully there were no cars, as I didn’t remember getting to our front door.



Finally, I heard the front door open.

“Laura, Laura!” I called but got no answer.

“For fuck’s sake, Laura, is that you?” I shouted louder.

“Fuck it, even if you’re here to rob the place, at least give me a hand first!” I called.

I was rewarded with hearing someone giggling.

“Erm, what are you doing?”

“Oh, I thought it would be fun seeing how much I could hold against the wall without securing it.”

Laura walked into my line of sight and put her head on one side, “You do know, you’re an idiot? You’ll break the TV if you drop it, maybe the recorder too.

“Seeing as I have you trapped,” Laura leant forward and kissed me on the lips. She didn’t open her mouth or push her tongue out, but she did close her eyes and it was longer than just a peck.

“Now, dear brother, what do you want me to take hold of?” From the look on her face, there was no mistaking the innuendo.

“After a quarter of an hour like this, I think the important thing is not breaking anything. Take the PVR first, then disconnect the TV from the bracket.”

As Laura took the PVR that I had pinned to the wall with my elbow, she said, “PVR, almost a vowel-less pervert.” Then she kissed the back of my neck.

“I do like having you unable to stop me,” she said.

“Laura, the bracket or I’ll drop the TV.”

She disconnected the bracket and I could finally get a firm grip on the TV to put it down. I explained that I thought the bracket in place would be good enough, but as soon as any weight from the TV went on it, it had started to buckle. The PVR had slipped from its support and I had managed to half catch it by pinning it to the wall. With the TV threatening to pull the bracket from the wall, I was stuck. This had happened soon after she went out. Apparently, this was highly amusing; at least, Laura thought so.

I took down the extant bracket and put up the one we had brought with us. With Laura’s help, the rest of the audio-visual equipment was set up in about twenty minutes. I put the kettle on to make a coffee and the doorbell sounded.

“Mrs Shelby?” I heard.

“How can I help?” Laura responded.

This struck me as curious, but when I heard it was the telecoms person to install the fibre router, I thought it was just easier for her not to bother correcting him. Talk about keeping people in jobs for no reason. He had to plug in two routers, connect one to the phone line and then both together. Once he was done, Laura and I settled down at the kitchen table with our coffees. Both connected our phones to the wireless, before anything else, so we could check on our email.

“Ah! At bloody last! The new furniture will be delivered tomorrow.” After the incident with shitbag-in-law I had disposed of my couch and chair, so had to order some more.

Then Laura twisted in her seat and looked at me before starting to speak.

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“Guess what,” she started.

“I have no bleeding idea, what?”

“You know the solicitors you use?”

“Yeesss,” I wondered where she was going with this.

“That one that helped us with my ex’s court case,”

“Diane, one of the partners, yes.”

“Tina’s best friend is called Diane Egil and she’s a solicitor too.”

“No shit? Fuck me, what a small world!”

While we were sat there, I started to rub my biceps. They had got very stiff from being locked in place. Laura noticed this and tugged at the bottom of my t-shirt.

“C’mon, off,” she instructed.

As I started to pull it off, she ran upstairs and was back in a little bit. When she returned, I was stuck again. My arms had seized with my shirt about my head.

“Hmm,” I heard, “stuck again. What would you do without your big sister?”

I felt her sit astride me; then two hands were on my chest, after a quick squeeze, she said, “Not bad.”

Then I felt her hands move over my chest and along my arms, finally pulling my t-shirt off.

“What do you say?”

“Thank you, Laura. I don’t know what I would do without my big sister.”

She laughed and rather than get up, stayed in my lap and started to rub one of her concoctions into one of my biceps. On the face of it, it was nothing more than a way to access my arms, but after that morning, there was a strong undercurrent. It was good, she was good, within minutes, the muscle was fully relaxed. I brought the newly healed arm down and held her around her waist as she started on the other. Again, within minutes, my arm was relaxed and as soon as it was, she kissed me on the nose and jumped off my lap.

“What was in that? It’s a miracle!”

Laura just waggled her fingers at me as she left the room, “It's not just the cream, if the applicator is no good, then no matter how hard you rub…” I didn’t hear the rest.



I hope that Tommy thought that he didn’t hear the end of my sentence. I had no idea where I was going with it, nor what I was going to say next. I put the cream away and went back to finish my coffee. We spent the rest of the morning unpacking upstairs....

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Written by kiteares
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