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Serena spent the day between the rehearsal and the wedding preparing herself for Scott. After returning to the community hall to retrieve their vehicles, she stopped at the drugstore for condoms and lube, then went home. She managed to secure a last-minute appointment to her personal groomer and by the time she was done there was not a hair on her body below her neckline. As she dressed after her appointment, she rubbed her fingers along her smooth pussy and recalled how uncomfortable it was the first time she had gotten waxed. Now it didn’t hurt at all.

She washed her toys and made sure they were fully charged and then cleaned her harness, hoping it would see some use when Scott visited that night. After replacing the cotton sheets on her bed with red microfibre sheets that looked and felt like satin, she made a light supper and prepared some snacks for later, took and shower and applied her makeup. The last thing was to pick out and put on her sexiest lingerie. She pondered whether to wear the bright red bra, thong and garter, the simple black garter and stockings or the ice blue bustier with the matching stockings and no panties.

She settled on the ice blue outfit and decided to put in her contacts that changed her eye colour from her usual pale blue to an electric blue that almost perfectly matched her outfit. As she stood in front of her full-length bedroom mirror she turned and admired herself, “I’d fuck me!” she thought. The doorbell rang, he was early so she grabbed her blue and white satin gown and rushed to answer it.

After the usual greetings and exchanging of saliva on darting tongues, she asked him if he was hungry. His eyes gave him away, he was indeed hungry but not for food. She giggled and led him to the bedroom. When she dropped her robe he just stared, “Oh my God, or should I say Oh my Goddess!” She smiled, pleased that her hard work had produced the desired effect. “He’s going to let me do anything I want to him!” she thought.

And he did. After they sucked and fucked each other to their first orgasms of the evening, they took a break for a late dinner to recharge. They cleared away the plates and she took him in her arms, “Ready for round two?” she asked.

“You know it, baby!” he said eagerly. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. Fingers, lips and tongues made sure their bodies were sufficiently warmed up and as he was licking her pussy, she reached down and guided his fingers across her ass to her little puckered ring. He looked up at her and she nodded.

She got up onto all fours and lowered her shoulders to the mattress, presenting her very fine backside to him. She had been with well-endowed men before so she knew to expect a bit of discomfort at first but that it would pass quickly. It would be worth it if she got to make him equally uncomfortable later on.

With his cock and her ass sufficiently lubed, he moved behind her and slipped inside. Ten minutes later they were holding each other and kissing as his cum was leaking out her ass. They went to the washroom, in turn, to clean themselves off before returning to bed. Now it was time for the main event of the evening.

“I love a good butt-fucking,” she purred. “Don’t you?” He agreed quickly and then realized the connotation.

“You mean?” he looked at her and she smiled and nodded.

“Fair’s fair,” she said. “You fucked mine, I should get to fuck yours.”

“I don’t know,” he said.

“Try it,” she urged, “I promise, you will like it!” She reached to her nightstand and flipped back the hand towel that she had used to cover her toys. Taking a dildo that was not too long or too thick, she showed it to him, “See, this is smaller than what you just stuck in my ass!” She reached down and dipped her fingers in her pussy before moving them between his ass cheeks. As she rubbed his back door, she whispered, “Come on Scott, where’s your sense of adventure?”

He nodded nervously but succumbed to her wishes.

“Excuse me a moment, would you?” She got out of bed and disappeared behind a privacy screen that was standing in the corner, taking the dildo with her. When she stepped out a moment later she was wearing a black harness with the toy attached to it. She smiled at him and he was stunned.

“Holy fuck you look so hot!” he croaked. His cock sprang back to attention and he reached out to her.

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls!” she joked. He started to roll over but she stopped him. “On your back,” she whispered and she knelt between his legs and sucked his cock into her mouth. Without breaking contact, she fumbled for the lube and applied a generous amount to her fingers and his little virgin ass hole. She bobbed up and down on him as she slipped one finger inside him.

He squirmed uncomfortably when she penetrated him and then relaxed as his butt became accustomed to the invasion. A few moments later she added another finger and again he squirmed. “You okay?” she asked him.

He nodded and grunted as she twisted her fingers. She continued sucking him while she waited for him to relax around her fingers. When she thought he was ready, she took her mouth off him and kissed her way up his body. She lubed up the fake cock and placed it at the entrance to his bum, “I wish I could tell you this isn’t going to be uncomfortable but I promise, you will like it!” She kissed him again and then sat back on her haunches. Taking the dildo in her hands to steady it, she pushed her hips slowly forward and the tapered head sipped inside him.

He grunted loudly and put his hands on her shoulders in case he needed to push her away. She watched his face relax as once again he became more comfortable and then she pushed forward some more. Her pussy started leaking as she watched the thin pink toy slide into his ass.

All these strange sensations were a bit overwhelming for him at first but he had to admit they were not entirely unpleasant. Before he knew it he felt her hips contact his butt cheeks. “There you go, baby, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Just go easy,” he said. She grasped his cock in her hand and started pumping in time with her thrusts, very slowly at first and then increasing the pace as she fucked him. “This is why I do those fucking crunches that I hate!” she thought as she felt the strain on her abdominals.

It only took a minute before he came, his cum spurting up his body, landing on his stomach, chest neck and face. This was her favourite part, she loved watching a lover’s face as he came and the look on Scott’s face was its own reward. She continued jacking him and fucking him until she felt him softening. She withdrew the dildo from him and moved up to kiss and caress him.

“Thank you, baby, that was fun!”

“Fun for you, maybe,” he said.

“Oh, you didn’t enjoy it?”

“Not especially,” he replied, “but you did. That’s all that matters.” She kissed him again and held him tightly.

After a bit, she got up and removed the harness. “Is there anything you’d like me to do for you?”

“Now that you mention it, there is,” he said, reaching over and retrieving the longer of her two dildos. “Show me what you do when you’re alone and horny!” She kissed him and whispered, “Okay!” She got off the bed and went into the bathroom, returning with a towel and positioning the wing-back chair in her room to face the mirrored doors of her closet. She laid the towel over the seat and arms of the chair, “This might get messy!”

“Sometimes I do this in bed but when I’m really horny, I sit in that chair and watch myself in that mirror,” she said. She sat down and slid her hips forward. She gave herself a few slow rubs with her fingers to spread her natural lubrication around a bit. “There’s a toy in my nightstand drawer that I usually use for this.”

“Then what’s this for?” he asked.

“Jessie likes it,” she grinned at him.

“I imagine she does,” he grinned right back. He opened the drawer and took out a curved pink toy and handed it to her.

“You ever seen a rabbit vibrator before? She asked. He shook his head no. “Well, these are to dildos what nuclear bombs are to BB guns!” she said recalling the comparison that the girl in the toy store said to her when she bought her first one. She had worn out several since then and this one was her favourite ever.

He kissed her as he handed it to her and sat up on the bed to watch the show. She teased herself with the toy for a few minutes as she alternated looking at herself and glancing at him in the mirror. While she’d previously fucked people with others watching, she’d never had someone watch her play with herself before. It kind of turned her on that much more.

She locked eyes with him as she slipped the bulbous end of the toy inside her and positioned the smaller bulb against her clit, fidgeting with it for a few seconds to get it positioned just right. Then she licked her lips as she felt for and pressed the little indentation to turn it on. Her eyes rolled up and closed as it started humming against her G-Spot and clit at the same time.

Between the different speed and vibration settings, the toy was capable of over fifty different combinations but she went directly to the one she liked the best. Three presses on the speed button and five on the mode button made it shiver so that the G-Spot motor massaged her clit for about five seconds and then its intensity faded. As that motor’s intensity fell off, the smaller clit motor picked up and increased its vibration. Then after about five more seconds, it started to fade and the other motor picked up again. And so on and so on, one motor and then the other stimulated her inside and out, building her pleasure quickly.

That’s what she liked about this toy, she didn’t have to actually fuck herself with it, only to get it in just the right place and hold it there and in no time at all she was squirting all over creation. Usually, her hips would start gyrating as though they had a mind of their own and that movement alone was enough for her.

And so it was tonight. Her glances at Scott became fewer and fewer as she concentrated on her own pleasure. Her body writhed as her pleasure built and she slipped her finger inside herself to push the toy up into her G-Spot to intensify the pleasure, then her thumb would do the same for the outer bulb against her clit. Inside… outside…inside…outside, her orgasm built.

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It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to keep her eyes open as she got closer to riding the lightning. Her eyes would close each time the motors alternated and she would force them open again. She gazed at herself almost constantly by this point, transfixed by the beauty and eroticism she saw in the mirror. “Yes, I’m fucking hot and I know it!” she thought.

Because she had stopped noticing that Scott was still in the room, she also failed to notice that he had taken out his phone and clandestinely set it on her headboard pointing at the mirror to capture her rapture.

“Oh fuck! She breathed loudly, “I’m so fucking close!” Her hips bucked and twisted and her moans increased in volume and pitch until she reached the promised land. A scream erupted from deep within her, she pushed her hips forward and plucked the toy from inside her releasing a stream of clear fluid that shot well past the provided towel and onto the floor in front of her. A few drops spattered the mirror which was easily six feet away.

She jammed the toy back inside her and fucked her cunt with it for a few strokes, bringing on another delicious wave of pure pleasure. Once again, she screamed as she pulled the toy away and another stream of fluid was ejected from her. Four more times the scene was repeated and while the screams got louder, the jet of fluid was smaller and reduced from a spray to a flood, to a trickle.

When she was through, she was exhausted, she flopped back in the chair and left the toy still shivering inside her. Scott got off the bed and came over to kneel between her thighs and began licking up either side. When he got to her clit, he took it in his mouth for a long slow suck and then removed the toy and eld the large end against her clit as he licked and drove his tongue inside her pussy. She moaned and writhed again but instead of allowing him to continue, she placed her hands on either side of his head and urged him up to her face.

“Please, baby, I can’t, I have nothing left inside me,” she whispered.

“I can see that!” he laughed softly. “That was quite the show!”

“I need sleep,” she mumbled so he turned off the toy, picked her up and carried her to the bed. As he pulled up the covers, he kissed her goodnight and then retrieved his phone to watch the illicit video he had shot. It wasn’t great, the lighting was poor and the angle was less than ideal but it would do the job next time he decided he needed a little help to masturbate. He saved the video to a protected folder and crawled in beside his exhausted lover.

The next morning, he woke up to the sound of Serena cleaning up from the night before. She tried to be quiet as she picked up the clothes that were strewn about the floor and used the towel to soak up the wet carpet in front of the chair that she had used the previous evening. He stared at her, she still had on her garter and stockings from last night and nothing else. The swaying of her breasts as she bent over was mesmerizing as she moved the towel along the stain. Then she moved to wipe the spot of her dried cum off the mirror and she noticed him.

“Oh fuck, I’m a wreck!” she said as she noticed her reflection.

“You are not a wreck,” he objected, “you are beautiful!”

“I don’t feel beautiful,” she replied. “I feel hungover.”

He smiled at her, “Probably dehydration from, you know.”

“Yeah, I made quite the mess,” she grinned, “but I had fun making it!”

“I had fun watching you make it, would you like a replay?”  He waved his phone at her.

“You recorded it without asking me first?” she cried. “That’s not cool Scott!”

“Sorry, baby,” he soothed her. “I was hoping we could watch it together this morning. I can delete it if you like.” She pondered for a minute before answering.

“Let me go freshen up,” she said, “then we can watch it.”

“I have to freshen up myself,” he said. She told him to go ahead so he went to the washroom to do his morning business and give himself a quick wash. As he washed between his ass cheeks, he noticed he was a little tender and he recalled the action from the evening. He finished up and went back to the bedroom and got into bed.

She completed her freshening up and returned to slide in beside him and kissed him. “Last night was fun,” she said as she trailed her fingertip along his jaw.

“It was fun, mostly,” he answered.

“You didn’t like the anal thing?” she asked him. She had hoped that some time to reflect might help him see things in a different light. It did not.

“No, I didn’t,” he said. “Not at all. I went along because you were pretty excited about it but now that I’ve tried it, it’s very unlikely I’ll try it again.

“Fair enough,” she said, “but if I offered my butt to you, you’d fuck it, right?” He nodded and then his expression changed.

“Yeah, makes me a bit of a hypocrite, doesn’t it?” He thought for another moment, “I’m not saying no, but I’m not saying yes either.”

“Okay. It’s not for everyone you know,” she kissed him, “at least you tried it. Most guys won’t.”

“Oh, so you’ve fucked guys in the ass before?” he asked, a bit surprised.

“One or two,” she admitted with a sly smile. She snuggled into him, “Let’s watch that video!”

She also thought that the lighting wasn’t great and the angle was poor but that it would do in a pinch. She looked at him with a mischievous smile, “We could make another one,” she suggested. “Better yet, I have a friend who’s pretty good with a camera, we could make a few videos!”

“I like how you’re thinking!” he said. He took her in his arms and rolled her onto her back, wedging himself between her legs. He wasn’t about to force himself on her but if she was willing, he wanted to play a little rough this morning. He pinned her hands against the mattress above her head and used his other hand to push one knee up to her chest.

He hovered over her, the head of his cock poised at her entrance ready to be driven home when she said, “Wait.” She wriggled underneath him to try to get away but he wasn’t letting her up. “I said, wait!” He released her hands and she pushed him away. He watched her as she went into her closet and retrieved a small black box with a lock on the front.

“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right!” she declared as she opened the box and dumped its contents onto the bed. Scott’s cock twitched when he saw the handcuffs, straps and other restraints. “You want to tie me up, let’s do this!” She took two pairs of handcuffs and snapped them onto her wrists then laid back on the bed and raised her hands to either side of the headboard. “There are loops of rope just behind it,” she said.

“You’ve done this before,” he observed.

“You haven’t?” He shook his head no.

“Oh, wow! Are you sure you want to go there?" she asked. "You might not like the fallout!”

If he’d had any blood left in his brain he would have thought twice about it but he was intending to get a little revenge for the butt-fucking she had given him.

Instead of handcuffing her to the bed, he snapped one set of handcuffs to her wrists and, taking a short length of rope from the pile, tied her hands so they were above her head. She smiled broadly, “Mmm, yes! That’s what I’m talking about!” He then took some longer ropes and looped them behind her knees, pulling them up and tying off the ropes to the loops on the corners of the headboard. He sat back and viewed his handiwork and liked what he saw; her hands above her head and her knees pulled up exposing her pussy and ass to him. He ignored that little voice inside his head that was trying to talk sense into him as he moved over her and ran his cock up and down the length of her slit.

He should have known by how wet she was that she was enjoying this. He should also have known by the smile on her face that she would exact revenge for what he was about to do. The little voice was screaming at him by now but he ignored it and drove himself roughly into her, burying his cock to the hilt.

If he expected her to cry out or object, he was not reading the room very well. Instead of submitting to him, she glared at him, “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?” He drew back and drove forward again, as hard as he had ever pushed anything in his life. “HARDER!” she screamed. He grabbed her shoulders for leverage and started pile-driving into her, his cock jackhammering away. All the while she smiled as her ass was pounded into the mattress.

The harder he hammered, the louder she screamed at him to go harder and faster. About the same time as he started to feel the pressure of his building orgasm, he also started to feel the cramp in his right butt cheek. It hurt like hell but there was no way he was backing off now. He played through the pain and after a dozen or more pushes, he blasted his cum into her. He held still for a moment with his lips just above hers, close enough that she could crane her neck up and kiss him roughly.

That kiss ended with her biting his lip. “I said HARDER!” she demanded and he resumed his rocking and rolling into her. “Oh fuck, my clit, play with my clit!” she demanded. He thought about not doing it but if he didn’t, he’d have to keep going and that cramp wasn’t relaxing at all. He moved his hand between them and rubbed furiously as he fucked her and in only a few moments he felt her pussy contract around him.

The entire neighbourhood probably heard her as she screamed out her orgasm. He held himself into her and relished in the feel of her pussy contracting around him. He tried a few more feeble pushes but in addition to the cramp in his ass muscle, he was exhausted.

He collapsed beside her and they lay there for a moment, their bodies heaving as they caught their breath. He thought he’d acquitted himself well and the feeling was boosted when she spoke.

“Untie me, please,” she said softly. The game being over, he conceded, untying her legs then her hands and lastly releasing the handcuffs. She rolled on top of him and kissed him, “That was fucking amazing!” she purred. “Not bad for a rookie!” She kissed him again, softly and seductively, before smiling evilly down at him. “But know this, you will pay a price for that!”

“Oh fuck!” he said, “I’ve opened up a new can of whoop-ass, haven’t I?”

She laughed an evil laugh, “You have no fucking idea buddy!” she kissed him again. “It might not be today, and it might not be tomorrow but, someday, when you least expect it, you will fucking pay!”

Written by CaressofSteel
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