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Author's Notes

"A never forgotten experience"

I arranged to meet Marion at ten o'clock at her house. After my last visit I felt excited about the sex we would enjoy and the stories I promised I would tell her about my school punishments. Marion was standing at her door in her robe as I parked my car on her drive and walked up the path to her house. No sooner was I inside the front door my clothes were disappearing and our hands were exploring each other's bodies while our tongues were licking inside each other's mouth. She looked me in the eye and told me she has thought about nothing else since our last get together.

She grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs to the bedroom as fast as our legs would carry us. Feeling her soft palm touching mine sent shivers down my spine and I couldn't wait to feel her fingers inside my burning hole while her thumb was rubbing hard on my clitoris. We fell on the bed and had sex until we cried with ecstasy as we exploded together. As we thrashed about on the bed Marion was screaming she loved me and would I please cane her now as she had been dreaming of this moment.

She ran to her wardrobe and returned with her wicked looking school cane. She thrust it into my hands and said she was so wet she had no time for role play as we could do that later after I had fucked her again.

She held out her arm palm up as the cane whistled through the air landing with a loud crack on her open hand. She sucked in air and with tears in her beautiful blue eyes she ordered me to cane her harder. I did three on each of her lovely tender palms and the pain made her throw back her head while she cried out with lust for me to fuck her pussy now.

We were back on the bed with our fingers going like pistons in each others hole as we bucked and screamed as we came again and again. We lay back on the bed in each others arms while I caressed and kissed Marion's striped palms. We were in a state of euphoria and kissed gently on the lips. I told Marion she was a really beautiful person inside as well as out and I couldn't imagine living without her. I told her I had bought all my old school photographs to show her and she would love giving me a good caning after she had seen them.

I went downstairs to get my bag and when I returned there was my beautiful Marion with her face contorted while a rabbit dildo was pumping inside her dripping pussy vigorously. She was moaning had tears in her eyes and was crying while screaming my name. She was shouting sorry again and again until she exploded with a frantic force and grabbed hold of my hand. She put my hand on the dildo and told me she had brought it for me as a present and could confirm I would love it. I kissed her on the lips and told her she was insatiable but I wouldn't want her any other way as I loved her just as she was.

She grabbed the dildo and was about to stick it inside my pussy when I told her as much as I wanted her to fuck me she had to wait until she had seen my goodies as she would be even more rampant if that was possible. She kissed me passionately on the lips and told me she loved me so much her pussy ached. I told her once she had seen and heard my offerings she would want to make love all night apart from the caning she was going to give me. She said to me to hurry up and show her because she was ready to burst again as all good nymphomaniacs do.

I had the photographs in order so I could tell her the stories that correlated with the pictures. The first was of me Susan Smart in my full school uniform with my house captain badge proudly displayed on my tie. Marion put her fingers in her pussy as she let out a little moan touching the photograph and told me I was the most beautiful school girl she had ever seen. I said to Marion the photograph was taken the week before I was caned for the first time in my life and I was just sixteen the perfect pupil so we all thought.

I then showed her a picture of Jennifer Fuller and myself in our hockey kit the day we were selected for the county team. Marion gasped again and told me we must have been two little angels that came to earth together. I said to Marion Jenny was seventeen and sexually a lot more experienced than I was as she had a regular boyfriend from the boys school next door to ours. She was a prefect and like me had an unblemished record until that fatal day.

We were very good friends despite Jenny being in the year above me. After we had finished hockey practice one day Jenny told me that Dave her boyfriend told her that his pal Steve wanted to meet me as he had seen me with her and fancied the pants off me. She said she met Dave nearly every Wednesday at the disused tool shed at the far end of the school fields next to the boy's school. She said if I came with her Dave would bring Steve who she added was fit to meet me and not to worry as the shed was safe as houses because nobody ever went there.

I told Jenny it sounded really exciting but I had only been out with a couple of boys and never let them get any further than the light petting stage. She laughed and said I didn't need to go all the way with him as she had been out with Dave for three months before she had let him get inside her. She added that It was entirely up to me what I did when I met Steve as he was a lovely boy and would never force me to do anything I didn't want. I felt nervous and excited at the same time and agreed to go with Jenny that Wednesday.

I had never done anything naughty before and I was well excited at taking the plunge. When we arrived at the shed the boys were already there waiting for us and Jenny was correct Steve was gorgeous. Dave introduced us and then disappeared into the shed with Jenny. I sat on the grass with Steve and he said he had begged Dave to introduce me as he thought I was the hottest girl he had ever seen.

He held my hands and asked if he could kiss me. I felt overcome with pleasure and could not believe this gorgeous boy wanted to kiss me. All my reserve disappeared as I told Steve I wanted to touch him while I wanted him to kiss me so bad I ached and I wanted him to feel my body. I told him I wasn't usually this naughty but I thought he was the most wonderful boy I had ever met. I told him I had never gone further with a boy than light petting and that was weeks after we had been seeing each other but this just seemed the most natural thing for me to do.

He took my hands and placed them inside his trousers. I could feel his rock hard penis and I took it in the palm of my hand stroking him gently. I had never felt a cock before and had no idea they were so hard or big. Steve's fingers were teasing my nipple and my pussy was soaking wet as my feelings found new bounds. He begged me to rub harder as I asked him to touch me below. When he put his hand on my burning pussy I cried with joy and I would of gladly let him have me. I felt so naughty but wanted him so badly it hurt. 

I had never gone this far before and could not believe I was ready for Steve to have sex with me as my pussy was there for the taking. As I looked up to tell Steve my hole was waiting to be filled by his throbbing cock as I was ready to go all the way and that was what I wanted. Mr. Wilson was standing there watching us when he realised I had seen him he shouted at us to stop and what did we think we were doing. I remember thinking how much had he seen and heard as if it mattered.

I jumped to my feet and tried to adjust my clothing while Mr. Wilson was shouting that I was a disgraceful girl. Steve also jumped to his feet and made a run for it leaving me to face the music alone. We then heard a cry coming from the hut. Mr. Wilson opened the door and there was Jenny barely dressed in a state of great excitement. He grabbed Jenny by the hand dragged her out and told her to make her self decent as she was an absolute embarrassment to the school. Dave bolted as fast as is his legs would carry him as he was holding up his trousers with one hand and had his blazer in the other.

We stood looking at Mr. Wilson with tearful eyes as he shook his head and told us he found it difficult to believe we could be that stupid if he hadn't seen us himself. He told us this was a terrible situation that the Headmistress Miss Wray would have to solve as it was beyond his remit but if it was up to him he would expel us without a second thought. He escorted us back to school where he told us to stand outside the Heads study while he went in. We looked at each other as the tears rolled down our cheeks and I prayed we wouldn't be expelled.

Mr. Wilson came out of the study and told us to go in as Miss Wray was ready for us. She told us our behaviour was indefensible as apart from being over the field when we shouldn't and cavorting with boys was something she wouldn't tolerate. She told us she was suspending us with immediate effect and would be ringing our mothers to arrange a meeting as soon as possible. She added she would be talking to the chairman of the governors and telling him she could not believe that two girls with such immaculate records as we had acted so stupidly.

She added that if it wasn't for our immaculate records expelling us would be inevitable and she told us it was still a definite possibility. She asked us who  the boys were and if they were from the school next door. Jenny said they were two boys we had met in the village and she must believe we knew we had been naughty but it was the first and last time we would ever do anything like this.

She added she knew we deserved to be punished but expelling would endanger both our chances of achieving good exams results. So any punishment she could give us to stop us being sacked would save our education and she must believe we realise how foolish we had been but begged her to give us another chance as we would never let her down again.

She told us she appreciated we are two of her star pupils which in some way makes our actions so much worse. She feels that we let her down but our previous excellent behaviour may save us but we should be prepared for the worse. We left her study with tears in our eyes and told our teachers we had been sent home by the head and we didn't know when we would be back. We hugged each other and discussed what we should tell our parents and agreed to stick to the story that the boys were from the village but Jenny thought her mum would probably guess it had been Dave.

While walking home together Jenny told me she was so sorry and couldn't believe Wilson had caught us red-handed as all the times she had been there she had never seen a soul. I said to Jenny that it wasn't her fault and I told her how far I had gone with Steve. I added that although it was the first time I had met him I was ready to have sex with him as I found him so gorgeous. She said I was so loved up and had changed from an innocent schoolgirl to a wanton hussy since meeting Steve.

We laughed together although we both knew the repercussion to our indiscretion could prove fatal. I said to Jenny it was the first time I could remember being naughty at school as I hadn't even served a detention in five years now I was going from the top of the world to the depths of despair. Jenny took both my hands in hers and kissed me on the lips as she told me I would be her friend forever. I knew we would always be friends and just prayed it would be at the same school.

When I got home my mother was waiting for me she hugged me tight as she told me she loved me so much and she couldn't believe what the school had told her. I was crying as I said I was so sorry and it was true that I had let everyone down and wished I could turn back the clock. Mum said Miss Wray had told her she was very fond of me and would do all she could to save me from expulsion but we should be prepared for the worse as my behaviour had been inexcusable.

We were to meet her the next morning at eleven o'clock in her study with Mrs. Fuller and Jenny. Mum had spoken to Mrs. Fuller on the telephone and had agreed they would agree to anything to save the girls education. Mum told me a severe caning was the best they could hope for as the head had mentioned this when she had rung and she agreed it would be the preferred option.

That night in bed I was so worried I couldn't sleep and although being terrified of expulsion I thought of the cane for the first time as an alternative punishment. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be punished and in my five years at the school I could only remember two girls being caned but I was sure there must have been more. The more I thought about it the more intrigued I got about being punished.

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Would it be very painful, would I cry, would I see Jenny being caned the more I imagined being punished the more excited I became.  I  drifted into a deep sleep that was only interrupted by the dream of seeing the gorgeous Jenny standing in front of the head while her palms were being thrashed. I woke refreshed but my mind quickly returned to our meeting at the school and the dread I was going to be expelled.

At this point Marion told me she had cum god knows how many times listening to my story and we hadn't arrived at the best bit yet. She asked me if I still saw Jenny and I told her we usually meet up every month to chew the fat. I told her she could come with me next time I met Jenny as long as she could restrain herself that long I laughed and said let me continue my story. 

We met the Fullers at the school and walked up to Miss Wray's study together where the mums were invited in while we were told to wait outside. As we waited Jenny held my hand and said she never imagined in her wildest dreams she would be waiting outside the head's office with her best friend hoping to be caned.

She said I had such small delicate hands that being thrashed on my tender palms would hurt me much more than it would on hers. I told Jenny she was going mad with worry and stinging palms was the least of our worries. We both smiled at each other as Jenny squeezed my hand and I squeezed hers back I said if we are caned we will see whose the bravest. She told me David had rung her last night and Steve thinks you're wonderful and wants to see you again as soon as possible.

She went on to tell me she had an empty house tomorrow night and if we were still alive I could meet Steve. I replied that I was sure my mum wouldn't mind and I know I am naughty but I haven't learnt my lesson as I want sex with Steve so bad I nearly forgot we were about to be expelled. We sat there for what seemed like hours before we were summoned to enter the study and hear our fate.

Miss Wray and our mums looked as serious as the situation demanded. The head went into a long spell telling us she never believed we would do such a despicable thing and end up in her office waiting to be punished. She added that if it had been any other girls she would have had no choice but to expel them and only our immaculate record had saved us. For a minute I thought she said expel us but then realised we weren't going to be sacked. I breathed a sigh of relief and I knew all present must of felt the same.

She went on to tell us that after much deliberation the three of them agreed a caning was the only alternative to our dismissal. She told us and I still don't know why that she had been caned while at school herself and it had taught her a valuable lesson one she had never forgotten. She added that she hoped it would be the same for us as we were two respectable girls beautiful and talented who shouldn't degrade themselves in such an invidious manner.

She informed us our mothers wanted to wait outside as they had told her they did not want to see us thrashed although they agreed we deserved it. Mum gave me a little smile as she left the study and mouthed I love you be brave darling. Miss Wray told us she was sorry it had come to this but being thrashed was the minimum we deserved. She told us we would receive three strokes on each hand with the senior cane and she added we deserved the severest punishment possible.

She ordered me to stand up first and stand in front of her with my arm out straight and my palm face up. I looked at my delicate hand about to be caned and thought this time yesterday I was about to lose my virginity now it would be my first thrashing on my virgin palms. I was determined to take my punishment stoically and prove to Jenny that I was the bravest. It's strange what goes through the mind just before the stinging stroke of the cane bought me out of my trance I was thinking what would Steve make of me now.

Before I could draw breath the second stroke slashed across my delicate palm and then the third. I was sobbing as tears cascaded down my cheeks the stinging was excruciating and I had never in my wildest dreams believed a caning would hurt so much. I bit my lip but never cried out and held out my left hand for the rest of my punishment.

I heard the cane whistling as it descended onto my outstretched hand before landing with a loud crack. I shut my eyes and an audible cry escaped from my lips as I had never felt stinging like this. Two more strokes cut into my tender little palm and when the last stroke was delivered I rubbed my stinging hands together while sobbing my heart out. Miss Wray said she hoped she would never have reason to repeat the punishment and was sure I would learn a valuable lesson from the caning as she had when she had been caned at school.

She then ordered Jenny to stand in front of her and hold out her hand palm up. She told her it was a severe punishment she was going to deliver but she was sure it was one she would learn from. The cane lashed down on her palm three times as she threw back her head stamping her feet while crying her eyes out. She was then ordered to hold out her other hand and as her tender palm was thrashed three times Jenny started screaming for her mother. I felt so sorry for her she was distraught and Miss Wray opened her door and called the mothers in.

Jenny fell into her mothers arms sobbing her heart out as her mum was telling her it was all over and she loved her. The head told her it was a severe punishment but so much better than the alternative and Jenny would get over it. The Fullers thanked Miss Wray and hurried to the toilets to run cold water on Jenny's thrashed palms.

My mum thanked Miss Wray for saving my education and told her the punishment had been merited and she agreed I would get over it. She took me down to the toilets where Jenny was letting the cold water run over her stinging hands taking the heat from her tender palms. I put my hands under the cold water and the relief was immediate as the heat started to subside from my burning stripes. Jenny managed to give me a little smile as she said to come round her place tomorrow at five and I was right I had been so much braver than her while being thrashed.

As we walked to the car my mum told me she was proud of me for being so brave as most of the school canings she received had made her in a state like poor Jenny. It was the first time she told me she had been caned at school and I hugged her telling her I loved her so much.   When we arrived home my dad was waiting for us and wanted the full story as he was so relieved I hadn't been expelled. I showed him my striped palms and he put his arms around me while telling me it was very painful but much better than being sacked.

Marion was now in a state of euphoric rhapsody as the rabbit was thrusting in and out of her hole like a piston. Her face was contorted as she gasped for air as she cried tears of ecstasy. She shouted to me I was to fuck her until she could take no more and then she would cane me until I cried. I kissed Marion on the lips as I grabbed the rabbit from her hand and told her to have a rest let me tell her what happened around Jenny's then she would be in the zone to have sex or more all night.

I arrived at Jenny's as her parents were going out Jenny's mum kissed my cheek while her dad asked to see my palms. He gasped as he said to me that you two girls had been severely caned and although it was thoroughly deserved it was a lesson we wouldn't want repeated. We said goodbye as Jenny hugged me tight and kissed my lips passionately. She told me despite the pain her palms had suffered she spent a couple of hours in bed thrusting her fingers into her hole until she orgasmed violently thinking about our thrashing.

We compared our striped palms and Jenny admitted after watching me take my caning so stoically she wasn't prepared for the stinging her thrashing had caused. She added Dave told her she was so brave taking the punishment and not shopping them. He added he would shag her until she would cry tears of joy unlike the one of pain caused by her caning. I said to Jenny I was going to let Steve inside my hole with his lovely rock hard penis and I hoped he would fuck me all night.

Jenny laughed as she told me I had gone from an innocent schoolgirl to a naughty wanton wench and she was sure Steve would enjoy helping me achieve my objective. I told her that last night I masturbated thinking of our caning and imagining Steve fucking me silly. I added I was ready to burst and I hoped he never thought I did this all the time. Jenny said Dave told her he mentioned to Steve you had never gone all the way before but you had told me you wanted full sex with him.

I told Jenny I had never felt sexually attracted to girls before but ever since our caning I have sexual feelings towards her. I said I got wet thinking about her and although I felt sorry for her seeing the cane striking her lovely tender palms it had made me so excited I knew I wanted sex with you. Jenny grabbed me and passionately kissed my lips forcing her tongue onto mine. She told me she felt the same as she put her hand inside my knickers and thrust her fingers into my soaking burning hole.

We thrashed about on the floor screaming with joy while our fingers thrust like pistons inside each others pussies and our thumbs  worked overtime on our clitorises. We came together with a glorious explosion as we cried tears of joy and Jenny thrust her fingers into my mouth. We knew our lives had changed forever and we never thought this would ever happen to us but as we flopped back kissing passionately we agreed it was something wonderful.

I laughed as I said to Jenny two days ago I was a well behaved naive sixteen-year-old schoolgirl who thought masturbating was a big adventure and making myself orgasm was my ultimate thrill. Now I am so naughty and about to be naughtier in the last two days I've had the heaviest petting session of my life and was expecting to be fucked into oblivion when Steve arrived. I'd had sex with a very special girl that I realised I loved and been caned after never even getting a detention. I said to Jenny the best thing about this adventure is I have never felt happier as we kissed again and I knew Jenny felt the same way as me.

The boys arrived just in time as I so wanted Jenny again and if they hadn't turned up I'm sure we would have had sex as I was feeling as horny as hell. Dave kissed Jenny gently on the lips and asked us to hold out our hands so he could see our caned palms. He kissed both of us on the hands and thanked us for not dobbin them in and taking the punishment so stoically. Jenny held Dave's hand and as they climbed the stairs to her bedroom she told us the back bedroom was all ours.

At this point, Marion was thrashing about tossing her head violently while her fingers pumped deep in her pussy as she screamed at me to hurry up as she wanted me so bad she was in agony. I told her to hang in there while I tell her about my first ever fuck with a fellow and I would continue the remainder of my stories another time.

I told her we went into the bedroom and I was feeling faint with my desire to have Steve's rock hard cock thrusting inside my pussy. I told her I would cut the story short but I told her he shagged me all night and I cried tears of joy as the experience was unreal. We spent hours fucking and I even took his cock in my mouth until he exploded his load down my throat. It was the most wonderful experience of my young life and although we had only known each other a couple of days we knew it was more than just lust.

I then inserted the rabbit into Marion's burning wet pussy until she was screaming how much she loved me as she exploded again and again. We had sex for hours as she told me the story and photographs were wonderful. I said there was a lot more to come but that was for another time. I told her to give me the caning I was gagging for in the morning as I could dream of being punished all night. We tenderly kissed and as I nodded off I thought how lucky I was.


Lots more to come especially how Steve and I progressed. My two other canings and so much more including my special relationship with Jenny.

Written by debbieshands1
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