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Author's Notes

"This story is part of The Weekend at Dave's Cottage series."

The invitation from Dave and Karen came by text on Sunday morning. 

Our cottage Saturday afternoon to Sunday if you are available. Karen would like you to bring your friend.

I looked over at Stacey. She was still lying on her stomach with her arms limply beside her and my cum running down between the cheeks of her ass. I had just given her an early-morning ass fucking and unloaded on her firm little cheeks and the small of her back. I patted her ass to see if she was awake.

"Give me a few minutes," she moaned.

"You remember my friend Karen?" I asked.

She turned her face to me and smiled. "Of course. I liked her, she was fun."

"Well, how would you like to come with me to her and Dave's cottage next weekend?" I asked.

She rolled on her side and sat up, crossing her legs in front of her and facing me.

"You want to me to meet your friends?" she asked in surprise. "Like we are a couple?"

I thought for a moment before answering as I looked into her anxious eyes.

"Yes, I guess I do," I shrugged.

She leapt forward and hugged me tightly around the neck.

"Hey, this doesn't change our arrangement," I said. "Don't get any ideas."

She sat back and smiled. "I know," she said. "But with them, we are a couple, right?"

"Yes, with them we are a couple," I replied with a slight grin.

She giggled and took the silver ring from her right hand and put it on her left as if it was a wedding band. She held her hand out to me and smiled.

"Can I wear it like this when we go?" she teased. "Or is that pushing it a little?"

"That's pushing it a lot," I replied. 

She frowned and returned it to her right hand. Then she smiled brightly and laughed.

"You should have seen your face!" she giggled.

I chuckled as she hugged me again. Her lips came up to mine and we shared a long kiss.

"Come and shower with me," she whispered. "I'll show you how excited I am to meet your friends."

"I guess they will be our friends after the weekend," I shrugged.

"Our friends," she repeated. "I like the sound of that. Now come and get me wet."


We arrived at the cottage just after noon as per Karen's request. Stacey was bubbling with excitement as we walked down the pathway to the rear door. She suddenly stopped and grabbed my hand.

"Do you think they will like me?" she asked.

I looked at her petite, shapely body. Her red hair draped across her shoulders, framing her pretty face, and the shorts and tiny crop top exposed most of her tattoos. Her perky nipples jutted out of the material and her exposed stomach showed off her belly button stud. 

"They are going to love you, don't worry," I chuckled. "I think your new best friend will be a guy named Ed."

"Why? Does he like redheads?" she giggled.

"Oh, you will see," I chuckled as I led her to the door.


On the drive out I had told her that we would be the youngest ones there and that although the guys were all older they were in good shape and attractive. She had shrugged and giggled while saying she had never been with an older guy before. I assured her that what they lacked in stamina they would make up for with experience.

”Is that Rachael woman going to be there?” she had asked.

”Yes, why?”

”Just wondering.”


We entered the cottage and kicked our sandals off before going in to the main room. We were greeted by Karen, who hugged us both and made a fuss over Stacey, and Dave. He gave me a wink and a handshake.

”Welcome back. So this is the friend Karen speaks of?”

A round of introductions followed as everyone came to meet Stacey and welcome us. I didn’t see Ed or Rachael.

”Come with me, Stacey,” Karen said as she took her by the hand. “I have something to show you.”

They went down the hallway to a bedroom and closed the door. I took the beers Dave offered and sat on the bar stool to wait for Stacey and Karen to return. They appeared from the hallway with big smiles and giggles. Stacey came to me and took the beer I handed her.

”Hi, Kid.”

The voice came from the door leading to the main deck. I turned to see Ed coming in with Rachael behind him.

”Hi Ed,” I replied. “Good to see you. This is Stacey.”

Ed stared with his mouth open and slowly looked her up and down. Suddenly he flashed a huge smile and stuck his hand out.

”So nice to meet you,” he gushed. “I’m Ed.”

”Hi, Ed,” Stacey giggled as he held her hand gently.

”And I’m Rachael.”

Stacey turned her head and looked at Rachael, her eyes traveling the body of the beautiful older woman with her hand extended. She dropped Ed’s hand and turned to Rachael. They slowly shook hands as they eyed each other up.

Rachael was wearing a white bikini top, a thong and a sheer white sarong wrap. Her long red hair flowed over her shoulders and onto the ample cleavage on display. I watched as Stacey took in the voluptuous curves, long legs and huge breasts. She looked down at herself and then back at Rachael. For the first time, I saw a flash of insecurity cross her face.

”So nice to meet you,” Rachael said.

Stacey’s smile returned to normal. “So nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Both women glanced at me.

”Come and chat,” Rachael said as she took Stacey by the hand and led her towards the kitchen.

Stacey glanced back at me and smiled as they walked away.

”Holy shit, kid,” Ed said quietly. “That’s fucking dynamite you’re playing with.”

I laughed. “You like her?”

Ed was staring at the two of them as they stood together and talked. I slowly realized that they could be mother and daughter.


”Sorry, kid,” he chuckled. “She’s something else.”

”Time for lunch,” Karen announced.

We all sat around the large table and enjoyed a meal of salads, fruits and margaritas. Stacey was the center of attention, answering and asking questions. We were enjoying some laughs as Ed and Dave traded dirty jokes and stories when I noticed Stacey fidgeting with her hands under the table. When they reappeared I noticed the ring was on her left hand.

”Who’s up for a swim?” I asked. “Come on, Stacey, you have to check out the lake.”

We stepped on the deck and Stacey spotted the huge hot tub. She gave me a big smile and pointed at herself and then at the tub.

”Later,” I chuckled. “Come on.”

She grabbed my hand as we walked out to the dock and looked out at the lake.

”So beautiful,” she whispered.

”Yeah, it’s a great place,” I replied.

”I mean Rachael,” she said quietly.

We stared in silence at the beauty of our surroundings and listened to the birds.

”Why did you put the ring on?” I asked.

”All of the women are wearing one.”

”So?” I asked. “They are married, we are not.”

She looked at her feet and fidgeted as I waited for her reply. I waited quietly.

”I want them to know we are together,” she whispered.

 I stood quietly and thought before speaking. “They know. But I get it, so you can leave it on until we leave tomorrow. Okay?”

She looked up at me with a huge smile and nodded.

 I picked her up in my arms, turned around and ran off the end of the dock. She was screaming as we hit the water and went under. We came up sputtering and laughing. After splashing around a bit Stacey wrapped herself around me and gave me a kiss. 

“That Ed is pretty hot for an old guy,” she giggled. “Does he have a big cock like you?”

”You will have to find out for yourself,” I teased. “You can check everybody out this weekend.”

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”So we get to fuck everyone?” she whispered. “I want to watch you fuck Rachael.”

”Are you sure about that?” I asked. “You seem a little... jealous... of her.”

”She is so beautiful... and that body!” she exclaimed. “How could I not be? No wonder you talk about her so much.”

”She reminds me of you,” I teased. “Just with bigger tits.”

”Fuck you,” she said with a laugh.

”Fuck Ed first,” I replied. “He got a fucking boner just looking at you.”

”I will,” she giggled. “He looks like fun.”

We climbed out of the water and stripped off our wet clothes before lying down on the lounge chairs.

”You need sunscreen,” Rachael said as she sat down next to Stacey. “Trust me.”

Stacey smiled and lay back, exposing her nude body to the sun. Ed stood open-mouthed as his eyes traveled the light skin and colorful tattoos.

”Would you mind putting some on for me, Ed?” Stacey asked with a sly grin.

“Not at all,” he quipped. “Front or back?”

”Yes,” Stacey teased as Rachael giggled.

Ed began rubbing the lotion on her legs and took his time, commenting on the colorful tattoos as he moved around her body. She had him do her back and then rolled over for the front. Ed began rubbing the lotion into her skin. Stacey slipped her hand between her legs and began stroking herself gently as Ed rubbed lotion on her breasts. His fingers traced and fondled the gold hoops on her nipples.

”Do you want to fuck me?” Stacey asked.

”Oh yeah,” Ed replied.

”Show her your cock, Ed,” I suggested. “ Let her suck it.”

Stacey grinned at me and then looked up at Ed.

”Yeah,” she growled. “Let me suck it.”

Ed dropped his shorts and kicked them away. He straddled her chest and hung his throbbing cock in her face.

”Ooh, nice one!” Stacey squealed.

”Go ahead, don’t be shy,” Rachael urged. “We like to share.”

Stacey lifted her head and took the fat tip of his cock into her mouth. We watched as she slowly sucked and took him down her throat. I noticed Rachael fingering herself as she stared at the sight of Ed’s cock pushing into Stacey’s hungry mouth. I went over and straddled her, putting my cock against her lips. She opened up and took me into her mouth.

Stacey locked her eyes on mine as she sucked the fat cock. Suddenly Ed pulled away and gasped for a breath as he struggled to hold his load in. Stacey watched as Rachael sucked my cock all the way to the base.

She spread her legs apart and looked up at Ed.

”Come on, Ed, give me that fat cock of yours,” she growled. “I need to be fucked.”

Ed moved between her legs and stroked his cock as he admired the petite young body in front of him.

”Fuck, you are so fucking hot,” he said hoarsely.

”Yeah, I am,” Stacey replied with a smile. “So fuck me.”

It was my turn to step back for a minute. I had to catch my breath and let my aching cock breathe to avoid cumming in Rachael’s hungry mouth. Watching and hearing Stacey was turning me on immensely.

Ed put the fat, swollen head against her pussy and slid inside. He let out a groan as he felt her tight pussy clench his throbbing cock. It took four or five strokes before he was buried in her.

“Fuck me hard, Ed,” Stacey urged. “Give me Rachael’s cock and fuck me hard.”

He began pumping furiously as Rachael and I watched. I looked up to see we had an audience as everyone else had come down to the dock and was watching the scene unfold.

”Fuck, are you ever wet,” Ed gasped. “Fucking tight, too.”

Stacey squealed in delight and began moving her hips to meet his thrusts. It was too much for Ed.

He pulled out and let out a huge groan as his cock exploded. Thick ropes of cum splashed across her stomach and chest as he jerked his cock furiously.

”Oh yeah, baby,” Rachael urged. “Work it all out.”

Ed shook as his balls emptied and Stacey giggled.

”Wow, big load!” she exclaimed. “Give me some more.”

Ed slumped to one knee, spent and exhausted. Stacey ran her fingers through his gray hair.

”Maybe later,” she giggled.

 I looked up at the others and smiled.

”Who’s next?” I asked.

Dave stepped up and tapped Ed on the shoulder. Ed grinned and moved to a lounge chair as Dave took his place between her legs.

He looked over at me and smiled as his cock slid inside. I smiled back and spread Rachael’s legs apart, lined up and pushed my cock into her. I started fucking her slowly, inching myself into her as her hands clawed my waist. I began fucking faster and harder as I watched Dave fuck Stacey. Her legs were in the air as he pounded into her, making her grunt with each thrust.

Rachael began fucking back, her hips moving in rhythm with mine as she moaned gently. I felt the familiar clench of her pussy as she climaxed and dug her nails into me. She trembled for a moment before relaxing. I looked up at Karen and saw her staring at the sight of Dave’s cock thrusting into the sexy younger woman.

I pulled out and gestured to Karen. She came over, pulled her suit bottoms off and lay down on the lounge chair next to Rachael. I saw Dave and Stacey look over as I lifted her legs apart and prepared to fuck her. I stopped when I saw it.

A tattoo just above her pussy, the same as Stacey’s but of Dave’s initials. I smiled and looked up at Karen to see her smiling broadly.

”You like it?” she asked. “Stacey inspired me to get it.”

”I love it,” I replied as I sank my aching cock into her wet, juicy snatch and slowly fucked her.

Dave suddenly groaned and I watched as his cock sprayed cum across Stacey’s chest and neck. Seeing me fuck Karen had set him off. He pumped his cock and gasped as he climaxed. I turned my attention to Karen and began fucking her hard, pounding my cock into her.

Kevin suddenly appeared in Dave’s place and began fucking Stacey. I watched as his cock slid in and his hips pumped furiously while Stacey groaned and climaxed again. Her tight clenching pussy was too much for Kevin and he pulled out quickly, spraying his load on the dock and her inner thighs. 

I kept fucking Karen at a steady pace as Paul took his turn fucking Stacey. I saw Angie by Ed, sucking his cock and fingering herself as Rachael watched. A tight, firm ass suddenly appeared in my face as Connie positioned her pussy over Karen’s face. Karen’s tongue flickered out and began to work the juicy slit above her. 

The scene in front of me was unreal as I looked around and kept pumping my cock into Karen. Stacey looked over at me with a lusty smile on her face. We locked eyes, and for the first time in my life, I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched someone else pleasure her.

Paul let out a roar as his cock erupted and added his load to the greasy mess covering Stacey’s body. He fell back onto his knee and gasped for breath as his orgasm passed. I heard Connie moan and saw her tight ass quiver as she climaxed on Karen’s face. Stacey looked over at me.

“Come on,” she urged. “Finish with me.”

 I pulled out of Karen and took my place between Stacey’s open legs. I marveled at the sight of her cum-drenched body, the puddles of pearly cream obscuring some of her tattoos as I pushed into her. The familiar feeling of her grasped my aching shaft and massaged it as we fucked furiously.

”Oh, fuck... I’m gonna cum, babe,” I moaned.

”Yeah, baby... do it,” she urged. “Cum in me.”

I pushed deep and my cock erupted inside of her, filling her with my steaming hot cum. I held still as I climaxed, my knees and arms shaking as the massive orgasm passed through my body. She squealed loudly as she climaxed with me, her legs trembling wildly and her eyes rolled back in her head. It was nearly a half of a minute before the intensity subsided and I collapsed on top of her.

We stayed like that for a few minutes with the cum coating our stomachs and chests, gluing us together. We shared a kiss and I heard myself whispering in her ear.

”I love you.”

”I know,” she whispered back.


Written by 1meanjean
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