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Author's Notes

"In previous episodes of the Private Game, the wife finds out their older retired neighbor is well endowed and is fucking other wives in the subdivision. The neighbor told the husband he suspect his wife is cheating on him. There are references to Shopping Adventures -5 and characters in other episodes of the Private Game series. This takes place in the era before cell phones, the internet, etc."

Saturday morning, the young couple sleeps in. Mike brews a pot of coffee and brings Lynn a cup.

“Thank you sweetie.”

Her husband says, “This has been some week.”

“I know. I got it every day.”

Every day! Who did she fuck on Monday?

He takes a sip of coffee and laughs.

“What is it?”

“I was thinking about the look on Eric’s face when I opened the door yesterday.  God, you should have seen it. He didn’t know whether to shit or go blind when I told him you were downstairs waiting for him.”

“I know. He was still flustered when he joined me,” she laughs. “He practically jumped out of his skin when you came to the top of the stairs to tell me you were going out. That was a good touch.”

“Just imagine if I had gone all the way down. That would have really freaked him out.”

“Particularly since I was on knees blowing him.”

Talking about yesterday’s session with the personal trainer arouses them both.  Lynn mounts her husband for a leisurely morning fuck.

Reveling in the sensation of his adulterous wife’s cunt he says, “I was thinking about you teasing me how were on your way to get a hotel quickie with a stranger.”

“When did I do that?”

“On Wednesday when I called you to tell you about going to William’s room.”

“I remember now. And that turned you on?”

“It did. If you were going to do something like that, how would you go about it?”

“That is one of my fantasies but haven’t given it much thought how I'd arrange it.” She thinks, “Let’s see. I dress in a pair of slacks and a knit top with a Chico's jacket. I don’t go to the Ritz, probably the Hilton or the Sheraton. I go in the afternoon after lunch, say around two when it’s not crowded.  I sit at the bar and order a wine.”

“This is so hot. I love your fantasies. And then what?"

“I look in the mirror behind the bar and see the reflection of a man approaching me. He sits on the next stool. We introduce ourselves. I open my jacket to show him the outline of my breasts.”

“You project your availability.”

“That’s right. We chat for a few minutes and he tells me one of his appointments canceled and he’s just hanging out. I tell him I also have time on my hands.  He offers to buy me another drink and I suggest we go to his room instead.”

“Your fantasies are so real. I can picture you doing that. What happens in his room?”

“We kiss as soon as he closes the door. We undress and make out on the bed. There’s not a lot of foreplay. You can imagine how wet I am. I suck him hard and lie on my back with my legs wrapped around my new lover and match his strokes and talk dirty about him fucking my married pussy. I grip his ass with both hands pulling him into my cunt as we cum.”

“Then you relax and leave?”

“Not at all. Since the first time was quick, we have time for another. I suck him back to hardness and he finishes fucking me doggy. We relax in bed for a few minutes and I get dressed and leave.”

“As good as you are, I’m sure he wants to see you again.”

“He does. He tells me how great it was and he wants to see me again. He gives me his business card and on the way to the car I throw it in a trash can.”

“What about his size?”

“This fantasy is not about size. He’s not big, maybe around six inches, a little longer than you, and the same thickness. The thrill is the illicit nature of fucking a stranger.”

“That’s more than a quickie. I can’t think of the phrase.”

“Some of my promiscuous friends in college call it, ‘a zipless fuck'.”

“I remember it now. Some author coined the term. Erica Jong or somebody.”

“And when I get home you spread your legs and tell me to eat your pussy and taste his cum.”

“Not this fantasy. This is one you don’t know about. I have time to shower to clean the remnants. When you arrive home I’m in my robe relaxing. I spread my legs, but before you eat me I tell you I want your dick. That way you never know.”

“This fantasy is so real.”

“I can make it happen. Would you like that?”

“I would.”

“And if you find out will you get pissed off?”

“No. If I find out I won’t say anything.”

They reach mutual satisfying climaxes.

In the afterglow of sex, Mike asks, “When you’re with other guys, what’s with the details?” When you were having sex with Chris, you gave him pretty explicit details about fucking Chuck.”

“I don’t know. You tell me. You guys seem to get turned on when a woman tells you about fucking someone else. You want me to tell you details about other guys.  When I told you I gave Chuck a blowjob, you wanted the details. Chuck wanted to know if I had fucked anyone else, and Chris told me to give explicit details about fucking Chuck. It’s just the way you guys are wired.”

“I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I guess we are.”

“After this afternoon’s cookout, it will be just the two of us. We can relax and watch the new videos I bought with Chris.”

“You did a good job with the videos.  That ‘Screw My Wife, Please’ is pretty hot.”

“This will be a good relaxing weekend. I’m kind of glad Mark canceled. That leaves us open.

Mid-afternoon they attend a cookout at their friends Doug and Robin’s house along with three other couples. They congratulate Lynn on her new job and enjoy the late summer weather. Lynn’s drinking white wine. Mike watches his alcohol intake since he is the designated driver. She doesn’t have the same concern. Like a lot of gatherings among friends, after their meal the men and women self-segregate with the men staying on the deck and women congregating in the kitchen. Lynn refreshes her wine glass. 

Robin asks, “What have you been doing Lynn? You must have had some time on your hands waiting to start your new job.”

“I have. It’s nice to not have any obligations for a couple of weeks. Other than shopping, I’ve just been hanging around.”

That and I’ve lost track of how many guys I’ve fucked. I even invited a guy to fuck me in our bedroom and Mike walked in and caught us. Mike watched a couple of more times.

Janey asks her, “Tell us more about Mike’s friend.”

“You mean Chuck?”

“Yeah, him. You said he stayed at your house and you had a good time. I’m just curious what he’s like.”

“I already told you.”

Robin says, “This sounds interesting. Tell us.”

She describes Chuck, “He’s a service buddy Mike hadn’t seen in a while. He’s from Texas. They were stationed together in the Philippines.”

“He sounds like a lot of fun.”

“He is very engaging, a real alpha.”

Robin pipes in, “That’s all? Come on Lynn there must be something else.”

The wine takes over, “Well there is one other thing; he has a big dick.”

Janey gasps, “Lynn! A big dick? You didn’t tell me that. How could you tell?”

“I couldn’t tell you in front of Mike and Roger. Anyway, how do you think? I told you he’s a Texan, he was wearing tight jeans. It wasn’t hard to miss.  I heard Texans are proud of their big dicks and now I know.”

“This sounds so hot. What did you think?”

“I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.”

“Where was Mike?”

“He was there. We were just lounging around. They both had meetings in the morning so we didn’t go out.”

“Let me get this straight. You guys were hanging out and you were checking out this guy’s dick right in front of Mike.”

“Something like that. I have to admit it turned me on. Mike didn’t mind me looking.”

There’s a jumble of questions, “Don’t’ hold out Lynn, tell us what happened. Did you have sex with him? How was it? Where was Mike?”

Lynn doesn’t miss a beat, “How could I have sex with him? Mike was right there. What was I going to say, ‘Honey, why don’t you sit in your favorite chair with a drink and watch us fuck.’ Of course not.”

They laugh, “I guess not. But he was there for a couple of days, you must have seen it. How big was he.”

Lynn hesitates, “OK. But don’t tell anyone. I saw him coming out of the bathroom nude. I thought he looked big in his jeans, but he was really hung. He was soft but still pretty big.”

“Where was Mike?”

“He had left for work. I fixed Chuck breakfast and took him to his meeting.”

“That’s all? Big deal. You saw a guy’s dick. Now if you fucked him after you saw his cock while Mike was at work, that would be different.”

“I have to admit the thought crossed my mind but I couldn’t do anything like that.”

Laura says, “That’s bullshit. You don’t have to tell us anything, but there’s no way nothing happened, especially if you were alone with him after Mike left for work.”

The conversation continues and Janey interjects, “There’s something to be said about a big dick. It’s too bad Jim and I weren’t more compatible.”

“That’s right, you told us he was hung.”

“Was he ever.”

“How big is Roger?”

“Not as big as Jim that’s for sure, about six inches.”

From there the conversation degenerates into the women discussing dick sizes.

Donna says, “I get all the dick I want at home. There’s a reason they call him ‘big’ Burt.”

Janey asks Lynn, “Speaking of hung, does Scott still hit on you.”

Lynn, laughs, “Of course he does. Who doesn’t he hit on? He wouldn’t be Scott if he didn’t.”

“Even before you and Mike were married, didn’t you think what he would be like?”

“You mean in bed? Well sure, but we never did anything.”

“Maybe you should have. Sara said he’s the best fuck she’s ever had.”

Robin asks, “What did she say?”

“Let’s just say he’s very energetic.”

Mike enters the room. The women’s conversation suddenly hushes.

“What’s all that racket about?”

The women give him strange looks. What’s going on?

Lynn was just telling us about flashing your big-dicked friend.

Robin answers, “Just girl talk. You wouldn’t be interested.”

“I’m sure. I know how raunchy you girls can be.”

He joins the conversation for a few minutes, noticing the women are a little subdued. He grabs a couple of beers and rejoins the guys on the deck.

When Mike went to the kitchen for some more beer the conversation on the deck switched.

“Lynn’s looking hot today and I don’t mean the temperature.”

“That’s for sure. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something different. She’s carrying herself a little different. She has a more confident expression.”

“She just got that new job. It sounds pretty good. Getting a new job is always a confidence builder.”

“True. But I still think it’s something else.”

Burt asks, “Speaking of hot, she’s quite the exhibitionist. Do you think she’s fucking anybody?”

“She does like to show her boobs but I don’t think so.”

“Donna and I didn’t know Mike and Lynn before they were married. I was just curious if she did anything.”

Richard says, “My boss came pretty close one time.”

Doug says, “That’s right he almost got lucky.”

Burt says, “Tell me about it.”

Richard narrates, “My boss was always trying to fuck her. He was married but that didn’t stop him. I would invite Lynn out for drinks when Mike was out of town. But she usually didn’t want to.”

He continues, “This time she agreed. I told my boss she would be there We had a couple of drinks. She was more flirtatious than usual. She had a couple of buttons undone on her blouse showing her tits down to her bra. When we left, he walked her to her car. I hung back to see what would happen.”

“And then what?”

“He got in the car with her and they started making out. The next day at work I asked him if he got any. He said they were making out and he unbuttoned her blouse all the way and played with her tits. She didn’t stop him so he went farther.”

Burt asks, “How far did he get? Did she put out?”

“He put his hand up her skirt and rubbed her thigh. She opened up her legs a little. She even felt his cock. He thought he was home free until he got to her pussy. As soon as he touched her, she freaked out. She pulled his mouth off her nipple and said they couldn’t do anything. He tried to talk her into going back to her place so they could fuck, but she wouldn’t budge. So that was that.”

“Did Mike find out?”

“We didn’t tell him. He doesn’t know unless she told him and I don’t think that happened. Right after that, they got engaged.”

Burt says, “That doesn’t count.  It was just that once and she didn’t fuck him. He didn’t even play with her pussy. Now if she were pulling shit like that now they’re married that would be hot. Besides, maybe Mike was fooling around.”

“I don’t think so. He fell for her right away. He’s pretty social but doesn’t like his business in the street.”

“Hey Rich, you set it up one time, maybe you should try and get them together again and see what happens. She and Mike have been together for a while maybe she’s restless.”

 “Man, I couldn’t do that.”

“Come on Rich, that would be hot.”

Mike rejoins the guys on the deck. The men’s conversation stops. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. We’re just shootin’ the shit about the new football season.”

A few minutes later the women rejoin the men. It’s dusk. Lynn has definitely had enough wine. Everyone thanks Robin and Doug for the cookout.

Mike and Lynn get in their car for the short trip home.

He drives a short distance when Lynn suddenly laughs. Mike asks, “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing.”

“It can’t be nothing, it must be something for you to laugh like that.”

Still laughing she says, “I told them about Chuck’s big dick.”

She recaps part of her conversation.

“Fuck! I can’t believe you told them that! You actually told them you looked at his dick in front of me?”

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“I did. It gets better. I told them I saw it after you left for work” She tells her husband the rest of her narrative.

Mike is upset, “You told your girlfriends you were alone after I went to work, and you saw him nude. What’s the matter with you? You didn’t have to say anything about him being hung.”

“Relax, honey. Now if I said, ‘Mike sat in his favorite chair with a drink and watched me fuck his friend,’ or ‘Mike ran out for beer and when he got back he walked in on his buddy fucking me doggy,’ then I could see you getting pissed off. Trust me, they don’t suspect a thing.”

“I think you’re being optimistic. There’s no way they believed nothing happened. This isn’t going away.”

“I’m sorry sweetie.” She unbuttons a couple of buttons on her blouse and pulls it aside revealing a bra encased breast. She lowers the cup exposing her nipple. She stiffens it and says in a sultry voice, “It’s early. We have plenty of time to watch one of our new videos. I’ll make it up to you.”

“Ok. You’re probably right.”

They reach their subdivision and turn into their street. They see their neighbor Pete walking.

Lynn says, “It’s Pete. Pull over.”

In spite of Lynn’s promise of hot sex, Mike’s still annoyed with her telling their friends about looking at Chuck’s dick. Pete’s walking on the right side. Mike pulls over and rolls down Lynn’s window.

She says, “Hi Pete. Looks like you’re getting in a walk.”

He brightens when he sees Lynn. He walks over to their car. “Yeah, it’s better walking in the evening.  What are you guys up to?”

Lynn doesn’t pull her blouse back over her exposed nipple. “We’re getting back from a cookout with some friends.”

“Sounds like fun,” He pauses, “Say, my wife’s out of town visiting her mother and it’s still early, why don’t you join me in my hot tub?”

Before Mike can say anything, Lynn exclaims, “We’d love to!”

“Great! See you in a few. I’ll get things ready. And don’t bother with suits. Just come as you are.” He pauses and says with a glint in his eye, “I see you’re still having problems with your blouse.”

Lynn looks down and then says, “Pete you’re so silly. She uncovers the other breast and exposes the nipple.  Now they’re even.”

What the fuck! What was that all about? With all the other shit she’s pulled today, no sense in confronting her. I’ll let it slide.

Mike pulls in their drive, lets Lynn out of the car, and parks in the garage. He takes Lynn’s purse and his wallet into the house. Lynn is already to the street.

Lynn says enthusiastically, “Come on honey we don’t need to take anything.”

The young couple walks across the street to the retired marine’s house.

Mike hasn’t calmed down, “I can’t believe you. He suspects you with Chuck and Tommy and knows about Chris. You know why he wants to get you in his hot tub.”

“Jesus Mike, quit being so uptight. So what if he knows. He just wants to look at my body. You don’t mind that. Let the old guy get his jollies. I’ll show him my boobs and give him a feel, then we’ll leave.”

“I guess I am blowing this out of proportion. I’ll try to calm down. Go ahead give him a show and let him feel you.”

They walk around back and find Pete in the hot tub relaxing with a beer.

“Hey guys, glad you’re joining me. Go inside and get undressed. I laid out some towels.”

They go inside and Lynn excitedly undresses, “Isn’t this cool? We always wear suits with our other friends.”

She wraps a towel under her arms covering her chest.

Mike says, “Forget the false modesty. You know what he wants. Just wrap the towel around your waist.”

 She gives her husband a light kiss, “That’s a good idea. Now you’re getting in the swing of things.” She says in a sultrier voice, “I think it’s kind of exciting he knows about me.”

They join Pete on the deck. He’s waiting in the hot tub. Lynn is tipsy but walks with a confident expression towards the hot tub, her firm breasts jiggling with each footstep. Her nipples stiffen in the evening air.

The older man blatantly scans her breasts. “You’re getting in the spirit of things. Drop the towel let me see the rest.”

She drops the towel and looks him in the eye. She cups her breasts, “Is this what you want to see? Oh look, my nipples are stiff again.”

“Even better than I thought. I like your stiff nipples.”

“I know you do.” She looks at her pubic region and says in a coy voice, “If I knew I was getting nude for you I would have trimmed up a little.”

“It looks nice. I like a trimmed bush.  Mike, there’s beer in the cooler and wine for your sexy wife.”

Mike says he’ll have wine. He pours each of them a glass.

Pete says to Lynn, “Let me help you.”

He stands up. He has knotty muscles on a lean frame. But his cock! It looks like a rope dangling between his legs.

He displays his uncircumcised organ to the younger couple. Mike thinks, Fuck is he hung and those balls. They’re bigger than Chuck's.

Lynn tries to keep her composure. Look at that cock! Marcy was right but didn’t say anything about his big balls. I’m going to enjoy this!

Lynn takes his hand and gets in the hot tub. She and Pete sit down. Mike hands his wife her wine and joins them. Pete has a slight smirk when Mike climbs in. Now I know why your wife fucks those other guys. She’s got a taste for big cock.

Lynn sits down with Pete to her right and her husband to her left. The men are facing one another.

Mike takes a healthy sip of wine.

Lynn sinks down to her chin in the bubbling water. “Ohh…this feels so good. You’re right Pete nude is the way to go.”

“I thought you would like it better than wearing a suit. Besides, you have the body for it.”

Lynn raises up baring her breasts. She takes a sip of wine and toasts, “Here’s to being nude in a hot tub.”

Pete makes his own toast, “And here’s to having a nude hot young wife in a hot tub.”

Mike joins in, “And here’s to having a hot nude wife.”

They toast and relax enjoying the warm bubbly water. Lynn keeps her breasts out of the water. They glisten in the soft lights of the hot tub. She occasionally looks at Pete over her wine glass and smiles. Her wine doesn’t last long.

Pete says to Mike, “Lynn’s out of wine. Pour her another glass. Looks like you can use some more and get me another beer.”

There’s that authoritative marine gunny expression.

She accepts the wine from her husband and takes a sip. “Thanks for looking out for me Pete.”

Mike takes more than a healthy sip.

Pete is holding his beer in his right hand and his left is under the water stroking the top of Lynn’s thigh. She slightly opens her legs and he moves his hand to her inner thigh.

“Mmmmm….that feels so good.”

Mike’s not sure if her expression of pleasure is from the motion of the water or Pete feeling her thigh. Probably the latter. He’s feeling the initial buzz from the wine. He’s getting over his displeasure with Lynn’s earlier conduct and feels the first twinge of arousal watching his wife blatantly display her body. He lowers his right hand under the water and strokes her left thigh. He senses Pete’s motion stroking her opposite thigh.

Pete strokes higher up on her inner thigh. She opens her legs further until her knees touch both men’s thighs. “Ooohhhhhh…that’s what I like.”

She sits up straighter and rests both elbows on the side further lifting her breasts. She takes the initiative. She takes a sip of wine and says to Pete, “My husband says you have suspicions about my behavior with other men. Something about me cheating on him.”

“I don’t suspect anything. I know you do.”

“When you told him. How did he react? Was he upset?”

“Of course he acted upset.”

“Do you think he was upset because his wife fucked other guys or the fact a neighbor found out? He told me on the way over to show you my body. Does he look upset? I’ve showed my tits to other men. Do you like looking?”

“I figured as much. Yeah, I like looking. I’ve wanted to see those tits the first time I saw you.”

“He also likes them to do more than look.” She says in a husky voice, “He likes other men to feel me.” She asks her husband. “Honey, what would you like?”

“Watch him feel you.”

Pete removes his hand from her thigh. Lynn stops him, “Keep your hand on my thigh. Use the other one.”

Pete tells Mike, “Hold my beer while I feel your wife.”

Lynn remains upright with her elbows on the edge offering her breasts to the retired marine. He cups one of her firm globes and fondles her. He pinches up the nipple.

“Oooohhhhhh…fuck yeah that feels good.”

He tells her to sit beside him. She leans against him and he wraps both hands around her cupping both breasts. She lightly strokes the top of this thigh. She moans while the older man fondles her.

Pete says to Mike, “Your wife’s tits are great. Do you like watching me feel her? What about other men?”

Mike finishes his wine and moves to Lynn’s left. He lightly strokes her thigh. “I like watching you feel her. I watched my buddy and other men.”

Pete takes one hand and caresses her abdomen and stomach resting his hand on her thigh close to her vulva. He tells Mike to open her legs.

“Since she fucked those other guys, they must have done this.”

Lynn arches her back pushing her pussy against his hand. “Ughhhhh…feel my pussy.” She spreads further, “Ohhh…god use three.”

Pete fingers the young wife while talking lewdly to her husband about watching her fuck other men.

Lynn strokes from his thigh to his cock. Fuck is he big.

“What a nice little slut. Feel my cock. What about those other guys? Did they have big cocks? Do you like cocks bigger than your husband’s?”

Overcome with lust she breathlessly replies, “Ohhh…god play with my pussy. They were hung. I like big cocks. My husband likes me to have bigger cocks than his.”

“Then you’re going to like this.”

He stands in front of the young wife. She wraps her hand around his organ and slowly strokes him, feeling his growing arousal. She licks her lips and tells him, “Yeah I’m going to like this.”

She slides his foreskin off the head and licks him from the head along his shaft feeling the texture of his ridges and veins. He inhales when she takes him in her mouth. She uses her lips and tongue to draw him further into her mouth. She savors his muskiness combined with a chlorine taste.

“Ohhhh..fuck what a cocksucker. Mike just look at your wife blow me. How did you like watching her suck your friend?”

“She likes to suck. I was turned on watching her suck my friend. She sucked him a lot.”

“Suck my cock missy while your husband watches. Feel my balls.”

She cups and fondles his balls with one hand. They remain low-hanging without tightening up like the other guys. Pete places a hand on the back of her head and forces more of his cock into her mouth. She gags and his cock slips out. Cum and spittle dribble on her chin.

“Keep sucking missy I don’t expect you to take it all.”

She continues sucking. Her cheeks bulge from the size of his organ. She is able to take more than half its length.

“Look at your husband with my cock in your mouth.” He says to Mike, “That looks good. I wanted those lips of hers wrapped around my cock when I first met you guys. Raise up and play with your dick while you watch.”

Mike obeys and strokes himself watching his wife service their older neighbor.

The older man taunts him, “Now I know why your wife likes big cocks. I should have figured you for a watcher.”

With Lynn’s ministrations, he becomes fully erect. He stops her sucking and cups her chin looking her in the eye. “I don’t expect you to take it all, but I know where it will fit. It’s time to get my cock in your pussy.”

He maneuvers her on her knees on the seat with her elbows on the ledge. She hangs her head in anticipation of receiving his cock.

He says to Mike, “Come closer. You’re going to want to see this.”

Lynn looks back over her shoulder, “Help him out, honey. Feel his cock and guide it in my pussy.”

The younger man takes the older man’s cock and slowly strokes it rubbing it against his wife’s vagina slowly opening her velvety passage.

“That feels good. I like a husband who helps his wife get fucked. Feel my balls. Does your friend have big balls?”

“They’re pretty big, but yours are larger.”

Mike holds his cock as Pete slides it in.

Lynn moans, “Ohhhh….fuck give me your cock. That feels so good. Fill my pussy.”

The young wife continues moaning as Pete eases the full length until his pubic hair scratches her ass. Mike’s hand is sandwiched between their bodies. Pete begins a slow fucking motion taking longer strokes.

Lynn encourages her ravishment, “Uggg..keep fucking me. Your cock’s stretching my cunt.”

Mike feels the slickness of his wife’s juices on his neighbor’s cock. “Fuck Pete your dick is hard. Keep fucking her. I know she likes it.”

Pete takes longer and more forceful strokes. He tells Mike to move his hand, “I want to give your wife a good pounding.”

There’s the sound of late summer insects and flesh on flesh as the retired marine ravishes his young neighbor’s adulterous cunt. The weight of his balls slapping against Lynn’s clit sends her over the edge.

Her neck tenses and the veins protrude, “Ohhhh….fuck…god I’m going to cum.”

She moans as the heat of orgasm washes over her. Pete doesn’t slow down. Lynn feels him tense up as a blast of his warm cum empties in her vagina.

Pete keeps his cock in her cunt until he softens. He pulls out and sits on the hot tub ledge. “That was something, missy. I figured you had a hot cunt. Mike your wife is one of the hottest fucks I’ve ever had. I’m going to enjoy having hot pussy right across the street.”

Lynn gives him a wet sloppy kiss, “God was that great. You can have some more pussy. I’ll even entertain you in my bed. You know my husband won’t mind.”

“You do have an understanding husband. You should take care of him.”

“I will but first there’s something he needs to take care of.” She tells her husband, “Honey, don’t you think it’s rude for Pete’s cum to leak out in his hot tub. You need to take care of it.”

She spreads her legs. Her vagina opening is visible and cum is leaking out.

“That’s a messy-looking cunt, Mike. I bet it tastes good.”

The cuckold husband covers his wife’s cunt with his mouth. A string of thick salty tasting cum flows over his mouth. Pete and his wife talk lewdly about him watching her fuck and eat another man’s cum from her cunt.

“Missy, you have a real cuck boy. Look at him eat my cum out of your pussy.” He taunts her husband, “That’s it cuck boy get it all.”

After a few minutes, Lynn stops him, “I think you got most of it. It’s time for your seconds.”

Mike fucks his wife while Pete talks dirty to him. It doesn’t take long to cum.

Pete says, “I want some more pussy. Let’s take this party inside.”

(to be continued)

Written by TuWatchu
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