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Famous Story

This takes place in the era before cell phones, the internet, etc.





Mike had received a phone call from a good service buddy. They had not talked for some time. He had been in his home office upstairs and went downstairs to the family room where his wife Lynn was watching television.


"Who was that honey?"


"That was Chuck. He and I were best buddies when we were stationed overseas together in the service. I told you about him. He is going to be in town next week on business and wanted to get together."


"I remember you telling me about him. You invited him over didn't you?"


"Sure. It has been a long time I have seen him. It ought to be fun getting together with him again. We had some really good times."


"Tell me more about him."


Her husband proceeded to tell her about some of the times they had traveling around the Philippines on their motorcycles. He left out other stories concerning Chuck and his first wife Susan. He began to feel a familiar stirring in his genitals as he thought about those times.


"What does he look like?


He went to the library and brought out one of their photo albums and showed his wife some of the pictures he had taken when they were in the service. Chuck was a couple of inches taller than Mike's five-ten, with medium length black hair. Lynn intently studied the photographs. Her husband's buddy was good looking but not what you would consider handsome. She was captivated by the steady gaze of his eyes and confident posture. She could not help noticing when Chuck was wearing tight jeans there was an unmistakable bulge around his cock.


"What is he like?"


"He is kind of like a typical Texan, down to earth, with a great sense of humor. He's more or less an alpha type. After a couple of beers, he can get a little crude. Don't be surprised if he brings up his endowment. Must be a Texas thing. They can't help talking about their cocks.


"Why? Does he have a big cock?"


"Well pretty big I guess. Probably seven or eight inches."


"How do you know."


"Honey, we were bunk mates for a couple of years. I saw it more times than I would like."


"You mean you saw his erection?'


"No. I was just guessing on the length."


He lied about the last part not seeing Chuck's erect cock. He saw it more that once as his first wife Susan was sucking it. He cannot help but think back to how turned on he was the first time he watched Susan and Chuck having sex. He had fantasies how Lynn would look sucking Chuck's cock. Lynn is very hot and loves sex, but he knows she would not do the things his ex did.


"Why are you interested in Chuck's cock size?"


"Just curious. If he brings it up I just wanted to know how big he is."


Lynn felt a wetness between her legs thinking about Chuck talking about his size and the bulge she saw in his pictures.


Mike had a thought. "I have an idea. Instead of having him stay at a hotel, why don't I invite him to stay at our house? You wouldn't mind would you? It will only be for a couple of days."


"Of course not. He sounds like a lot of fun."


Mike called Chuck and invited him to stay with them.


He told Lynn, "Great news. He can stay with us. He has meetings on Wednesday and Thursday. I told him to take an early flight on Tuesday and he and I can get together. I will take that afternoon off."


"That's great. You guys will have time to catch up."


Mike took in his blonde wife's sensuous beauty as he thought about Chuck staying them. He and Chuck were both in their early forties. Lynn was ten years younger. He wondered how Chuck would like his younger wife.


That night Lynn was more aggressive in bed. They had very little foreplay before Lynn mounted her husband. Her pussy was drenched as she rode her husband's cock. He seemed to have a stronger erection than usual. She imagined what it would like to ride Chuck's bigger cock. She couldn't figure what triggered the fantasy. In their role play fantasies, Mike never said anything about her and Chuck.


Mike was having the same fantasies. He started having flashbacks picturing scenes when Chuck fucked Susan. He and Lynn exchanged fantasies about her and other men while he watched, but to this point it was only fantasy. She even told him very graphic fantasies how she sucked another man's cock while he watched. He has even shared his experiences in a couple of MMF threesomes, but not about Chuck with his wife Susan.


The following week went by very quickly. Mike kept fantasying about Lynn and Chuck. What would Chuck try with Lynn? He relived how incredibly turned on he was the first time he watched Chuck with his ex. He remembered when after their first swing session, he invited Chuck to fuck Susan. His mind wandered fantasizing about inviting Chuck to fuck Lynn. He found himself distracted at work and even zoned out in a couple of meetings remembering Chuck with Susan. He could not erase the images he had of Lynn spreading her legs while Chuck fucked her.


Lynn was having her own fantasies about Chuck. Even though Mike said he was married, would he try anything with her? She and Mike had an active sex life. They both shared common fantasies about her husband watching her with another man. She did not believe that he really wanted her to live out the fantasy. But he did bring up Chuck's cock size. Why did he do that? In spite of her excitement, she was not sure that she would actually fuck another man while Mike watched.


The day Chuck was arriving turned out to be real busy for Mike. As he was getting ready to take off early to pick up his buddy at the airport, last minute deadlines came in. He decided to ask Lynn if she could pick him up instead of having Chuck take a cab. She had a home based decorating business and he thought she might be available.


He dialed their home number. When Lynn picked up he said, "Honey, something has come up and I can't break away. Can you pick up Chuck at the airport and entertain him until I get home?"


"Sure honey. I am looking forward to meeting him. How long will you be?"


"Looks like a couple of hours. We have to submit some new numbers on that big contract I told you about. You don't mind keeping him entertained that long do you?"


"Don't be silly. You concentrate on your contract. I will take care of Chuck."


Mike gave her the flight information. As he hung up the phone, he began to think about Lynn being alone with Chuck. Would Chuck try anything? He discounted that Lynn would do anything, but he was unsure about his buddy. He had a plan for Lynn to put on one of her flirting shows for his buddy this evening after dinner. Maybe Chuck had calmed down, but in his heart he didn't think so.


After talking to her husband, Lynn began to get a little apprehensive. She was turned on about being alone with Chuck. She wondered if he really was an alpha personality. She has had sexy thoughts all week after her husband told her that his friend was well hung. Will he bring up his cock size? She was hoping he would be wearing tight jeans. After all, he is a Texan, isn't that what they wear?


Lynn pondered what to wear when she picked up Chuck. She was wearing knock around blouse and shorts. That wouldn't do for a first impression. She wanted be attractive for her husband's buddy. She picked out a pair of sexy bikini panties and one of her light weight bras. She decided on a light pair of dark blue capri slacks and a white knit sleeveless top. The top was very sheer. It didn't hide much. Most of the time she wore a Chico's jacket over it, but decided that she didn't need it for a quick trip to the airport.


She turned and admired herself in the mirror. The fullness of her 36C breasts were on display. Through the sheer top, the darkness of her nipples and aureoles were visible. The scooped neck showed the tops of her breasts. Lynn had an exhibitionistic streak where her breasts were concerned. Her husband didn't do anything to discourage her. In fact he got turned on when other men scoped her out. They shared some of their best fantasies when she put herself on display and flirted with other men. Maybe he would like her to do that with Chuck. She imagined how turned on her husband would be if she showed off for an out of town good friend. If he didn't want her to show off for Chuck, wouldn't he have told her?


She checked to make sure the flight was on time and drove to the airport. On the way, she thought about her fantasy. Most of the time when either one of them brought up another man, they shared fantasies. Mike might see a good looking well hung guy in the gym sauna and tell Lynn about it. They would share fantasies about her fucking him. But with Chuck, Mike didn't say anything.


She saw the sign for the airport pickup and broke her concentration. Chuck was waiting for her at the curb. She recognized him from the pictures Mike showed her. He was better looking than his pictures indicated. And he was wearing jeans.


She pulled up beside him and rolled down the passenger window, "Hi, I'm Lynn, you must be Chuck."


"I am. Pleased to meet you. And you must be Lynn. Where is Mike?"


"He is tied up at work. He will be home later."


She got out and went to the back of her SUV to open the cargo door. She took a closer look at Chuck. She couldn't help but glance at his crotch where she saw an unmistakable bulge. Chuck put his bag in the back and stood back to admire Mike's wife. Lynn felt his eyes roaming her body. She began to feel dampness in her pussy.


"Thanks for picking me up. You are everything I heard about you. Mike certainly is a lucky man." He gave her a quick hug.


"Thank you. And you are everything he told me about you. Let's get back to our place and you can relax after your flight."


It was a short drive from the airport to Lynn and Mike's house. They made small talk on the way back. Lynn sensed Chuck taking glances at her breasts. She was glad that she wore this top without the jacket. Chuck was getting turned on looking at Lynn's body and especially those nice full tits. He nipples were more pronounced from the stimulation of cool air from the car air conditioner. He imagined what her luscious full lips would look like wrapped around his cock. Ever since Mike invited him to stay with them, he wondered if Mike and Lynn fooled around with other people. Does he still like to watch? Would he invite him to fuck Lynn the way he did with Susan?


They arrived at the house and Chuck followed Lynn inside. He had a chance to admire her firm ass as he walked behind her. Would Mike like to watch Lynn on her hands and knees while he fucked her from behind like he did with Susan?


Chuck put his bag down luggage down and they went to the kitchen. Lynn turned to him and asked, "What can I get you?"


"A cold beer would be great." Lynn got Chuck a cold beer from the fridge and poured herself a glass of white wine.


"Would you like to freshen after your trip?"


Chuck declined and Lynn suggested she show him his room. They left their drinks on the counter and Chuck followed Lynn out of the kitchen. She and Mike's house had a front foyer with high ceiling. At the top of the stairs was a landing that connected the bedrooms. Chuck followed Lynn upstairs and admired her ass all the way. She knew he was looking at her and was pleased that Mike's friend found her attractive.


She led him into one of the bedrooms. "Here you go. This is your room. We use the room next door for a home office."

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The room was fairly small with a queen size bed, a small desk on one side, and a comfortable chair on the other side for reading. Then she showed him a bathroom were he could shower and freshen up later.


She took him to another room a few feet further down the landing, "And here is our bedroom."


Chuck followed her and saw a larger room with a king size bed to the left and to the right a sitting room with a small loveseat. They took a couple of steps inside the bedroom. Lynn was conscious of Chuck standing next to her. At her height of five-five, she knew he was getting a good look at the valley between her breasts. Ever since picking him up from the airport, she was feeling an attraction that she couldn't explain. She was glad that she decided to give Chuck his own show before her husband arrived.


Chuck was getting a good show down Lynn's top. He knew she was showing off for him. He was tempted to move closer to her and lean his cock into her side. But he resisted. He didn't want to move too fast. He was just going to enjoy the show and see how far she would allow him.


Lynn led him back downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen and family room were one big area with high ceiling in the family room.


"Let's go sit down and relax until Mike get's home."


"If it's okay with you, I would like to stand for awhile. I'm not keeping you from anything am I?


"No, not at all. Mike wanted me to entertain you while he is at work." She lifted her glass, "I am glad to finally meet you. Mike has told me a lot about you."


Chuck clinked his beer bottle with her glass. He wondered how much Mike has told her about the past. He and his wife Faye have not fooled around for quite awhile. He was getting the urge to fuck another wife. It was during a swap session between the two couples that he learned that Mike liked to watch. Mike and Faye did not hit it off, but he and Susan certainly did. He had to admit that Mike has good taste. Lynn was so hot looking he decided right then to fuck the young wife before he left.


Lynn had a very vivacious personality. She and Chuck really hit it off. She became more relaxed around him. Mike was right about his sense of humor. What else was Mike right about?


They stood at an island counter in the kitchen. It was too hot to go outside on the deck. Lynn decided to continue her show. She put her elbows on the island top and leaned over giving Chuck another good view of her breasts. She felt her nipples getting stiff and knew Chuck could see them. Her husband will get so turned on when she tells him tonight that she showed her breasts to Chuck.


Chuck took a sip of his beer and enjoyed the view. From this angle he really saw the fullness of her tits. She must be getting turned on since he could tell her nipples were becoming more prominent. He knew it was more than the air-conditioning stimulating them. He had to get his hands on them.


Her first glass of wine didn't last long. As she took a sip of her second glass, Lynn found herself getting more intimate. She lightly touched his arm as they spoke. Most of the time when she displayed herself and flirted, it was at a party when Mike was around to watch her. This was one of the few times she was alone with someone who was turning her on. After one of his funny stories about he and Mike, she put one hand on his bicep and leaned a breast into him. She left it there longer than she should. Chuck had one of his hands resting on the top close to her. She shifted position and let one of her breasts rest on the back of his hand.


Chuck could not believe his luck. With Lynn's tit resting on the top of his hand he just moved it slightly caressing around her nipple. It became more erect. She didn't move but let him feel her. She looked into his eyes. After a few more seconds she stood up right.


Chuck broke her concentration. "When is Mike going to be home?"


"Probably not for another hour or so. You're not getting tired of my entertainment are you?"


"Not at all. I was just thinking how sexy you are. Mike must be very proud. Let me ask you something"


"Go ahead ask me anything"


He really wanted to ask her if Mike liked to watch her with other men, but instead, "Do you and Mike fool around with other people?"


"What do you mean fool around? Oh, I am so naive some times. Do you mean sex with other people? No nothing like that. What makes you ask that?"


Chuck decided not to wait. He reached over and caressed her forearm, "Well you are hot. You have great breasts and like showing them off. And the way you let me touch you, I thought you guys might fuck other people."


Mike was right again. Chuck could get crude, but she found herself more intrigued. She answered, "I am so embarrassed. Even though we just met I am so relaxed around you."


"I am glad you feel that way. You shouldn't feel embarrassed around me. When you leaned into my hand did I make you feel good?"


"Yes. It felt real good."


He stroked her upper arm. "'I'm glad we have hit it off. I will do what I can t make you feel good. So tell me what you and Mike like?"


She wasn't sure how to answer but decided to tell him, "I am glad you think I'm sexy. We don't have sex with anyone else. Mike gets turned on when I show off and flirt with other men. I tell him what I do. We both like it. He is the one who picked out this top. He picks out all of my flirting outfits. It is like a game with us. Do you like it?"


Chuck now knew that Mike was the same old voyeur. "It looks sexy. Okay. Let's have some fun. You give me a private show. Show me how to play the game. We can play it together. We'll even make up our own game."


"That's a great idea. I am so glad that Mike has such an understanding friend. Looks like you could use another beer. I know I can use some more wine. I'll refresh our drinks and we can play."


She explained the game, "The best one's are at parties in a large house so we can move around. If there is a large family room I go and sit on the sofa. We'll start out with me getting your beer. You go sit down on the couch."


Chuck went into the family room and sat in one corner of a leather couch. Lynn poured another glass of wine and brought Chuck his beer. As she handed him his beer, she bent over from her waist and gave Chuck another view of her breasts. She made eye contact as Chuck viewed her breasts. She couldn't believe how brazen she was getting around a stranger. But she had to show Chuck how the game was played. Besides, Mike and Chuck were good friends so it's not same as flashing a perfect stranger. She was getting turned on and couldn't wait to tell her husband.


Chuck decided to see how far Lynn would. As she started to stand up, he told her, "Bend over a little more."


"Like this."


"Yeah, just like that. This game is going to be fun."


"I'm glad you like it. This is a fun. Is this the way you like me flashing you? Did you like the view?"


"You have great breasts. Is that all you do when you give a man a drink? "


"I just flash my breasts. If I am sitting down and they bring me a drink, I lean over to give them another show."


"That is your public show. Let's play our game for the private show since it is just the two of us. Take your wine and my beer, go back into the kitchen, and then come back and bring my beer again. We can start our game."


"Okay. I can't wait to see how we play our game."


Lynn followed his directions and went back into the kitchen. Chuck watched her ass as she walked away. She turned to come back where Chuck was sitting. She was anxious to find out to play the private game. She walked back in with a confident expression, looking Chuck in the eye.


She wanted to let Chuck know she wanted to play the game. She bent over low like Chuck showed her. She handed him the bottle, "Here's your beer."


Chuck took the beer, making sure she knew he was looking at her breasts. With the other hand he reached up and cupped one of her breasts. She let out a gasp and started to stand up. Chuck stopped her. "Lean back down. This is our private game."


Lynn leaned back down and let Chuck fondle her. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and fingers.


"Ohhh... that feels so good. Do you like touching them?"


Chuck felt the weight of her breasts with Lynn bent over. "I like looking at them, but touching is even better." He lowered his hand. "Bend over more until your breast is back in my hand."


Lynn followed his instruction and bent over resting her breast in his hand. He squeezed her ripe breast again.


"God, Chuck keep touching me. You are really learning the game fast."


She stood up in front of him. He cupped both breasts and moved his hands down her ribcage to her hips. Lynn began a steady breathing. She was is looking at his hands roaming her body. She put her hands on his shoulders for support. There was a sharp intake of breath when Chuck caressed her stomach. His extended thumb brushed her abdomen right above her pubis. His other hand was cupping her ass. He ran his hand between her cheeks down her upper thigh. He was careful not to touch her pussy. She did not try and stop him.


"You have a great body. You really do stay in shape."


"I'm glad you like my body. I like you touching me."


"Do you wear that sheer top when you show off? It really highlights your nipples."


Lynn just laughed, "Well that is your fault. I wear this in warm weather. At parties, I wear a light jacket. I use it to flash. As you can see, the top by itself doesn't hide much."


"You're right, but I don't mind. So when you bend over in front of another man, what you really want is for the man to feel you just like I did. Isn't that right?


"Yes! How did you know? I can't believe this. We have only met and you seem to know what I want."


"I know. I feel a real attraction between us. There are a lot of attractive women, but not many that give off sex like you."


Chuck continued, "This is what's fun about the private game. We do things you want to do in the public game but can't because there are other people around. It's just the two of us right now and we can make up new things to do."


"That's right. I never thought about that way. Chuck, this is really hot. There's something I want to ask. Can we repeat part of the game?"


"Sure. What do you want to do?"


"I see you don't need another beer, but can I pretend to get you one?"


"I tell you what. I could use some water. Do you have any seltzer?"


"We have some Perrier. I will get you one."


Lynn went back to the kitchen and returned with his Perrier. Bending over, "Here's your water"


Chuck replied, "Thank you Lynn." He reached up and cupped one of her breasts. He opened her top and ran a finger under her bra.


Lynn started moaning. She let her tits rest into his palms. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you Chuck. You know exactly what I want."


(to be continued)




This is the beginning of the Private Game series. It is meant to be a standalone story and not as a prequel or sequel to any of my other stories. This contains my usual themes of wife infidelity, cuckolding, and voyeurism. I appreciate the feedback I have received and some of the correspondence. I have taken some of your suggestions and interwoven them into my stories. I look forward to your continued comments.



Written by TuWatchu
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