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Chapter 5.2: Fun in the Stairwell.

Mark was only the first of a number of people to move out of the neighbourhood.

Apparently, because of a recent influx of former Parisians in our town, who pushed the prices of housing up, the owners of the other apartments in our building thought they could raise the rents. Being the owners of our own, this didn't impact us, but two out of four of those on the higher floors of our building were empty before the end of April. A third was vacated by the first days of May.

Our building was now almost empty above our floor, only the owners of the apartment on the top floor remained. We'd bumped into Juliet, the female tenant of the unit in front of ours, the thirty-two-year-old single blond woman who'd clearly heard Belle's screams of pleasure a number of times. She told us she'd managed to talk her own landlord out of raising her rent for the moment. Juliet had pointed out to her landlord that the other apartments remained empty so far, and that there was no point in raising the rent if it was only to get nothing. So she hoped they'd stay empty for a while. With hindsight, she was right.

Mid-May, a heat wave hit the whole country. So we put our daily runs to the park on hold, until it was over, no use risking a heatstroke.

A Friday evening, the top floor neighbours rang at our door to tell us they'd decided to take a few days off to go to the coast, and to ask Belle if she'd mind watering their plants, which they would take out on their landing, as she'd done before. To be a good neighbour, Belle agreed.

After they'd left. I noticed Belle had a wicked smile on her face, and I asked why.

"Don't you get it? Starting tomorrow, and for at least two weeks, there will be no one above this floor. It means the stairwell could become our private playground. Haven't you ever fantasized about fucking me on stairs?" I smiled but before I could open my mouth, she added "And would you say no to a photoshoot in the stairwell? Imagine me nude with my leg up on the handrail..."

I cut her off. "Ok, ok, you had me at 'fucking' anyway..."

She laughed.

The next day, after work, as I was watching some Youtube videos, waiting for Belle to come back, I heard the doorbell. Wondering who it might be, or if Belle had forgotten her keys that morning, I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. It was Belle, but something about the way she moved made me look twice. She was sensually swaying her hips, caressing her body, lifting her top up to her boobs in the process. I understood her intentions.

My eye stuck to the peephole, I watched her start a slow strip-tease, removing her top, then her pants. She slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders one by one, turned away while she unclasped her bra, turned back to face the door and lifted her hands behind her head, letting the bra fall to the floor.

She then started to play with her thong, tugging at it, pulling it down a little before pulling it up again. All the while swaying her hips seductively, even slipping one hand down the front for a few seconds. She turned away once more and pulled her thong all the way down. While she remained bent over, swaying her ass, her hands caressed the length of her legs until they reached her buttcheeks which she spread before standing back up and turning back towards the door.

She took two steps back, now standing against the door of our neighbour's apartment. She put her hands up against the frame, taking a very sexy pose, before finally beckoning me to open the door. I did so, she kept beckoning me to approach, I took one step out the door, and she ordered me to stop by showing me the palm of her hand. She slowly walked towards me, sensually swaying her hips. As she got closer, she put one finger across her lips, ordering me to keep silent. She then crouched in front of me, her eyes staring straight into mine and, without ever looking away, undid my pants.

Belle pulled my pants and briefs down at the same time, freeing my erect cock which came just short of hitting her in the face. She flinched a little but resumed staring into my eyes immediately. Placing her hands on my buttocks, she started to blow me hard. Her right hand slid off my butt, and she brought it to her pussy. I could not really see how she masturbated, because it would have meant taking my eyes off hers. But in the periphery of my vision, I could see her hand was moving vigorously.

I heard the door at the bottom of the stairs open. I flinched, and was about to step back inside, but felt Belle's nails bite into the skin of my buttock, and she frowned, slightly shaking her head no without ever stopping sucking on my cock. I heard steps coming up the stairs and the rustling of keys taken out of a pocket. The steps stopped at the first landing. Keys were inserted in a lock, a door was opened, then closed. Belle's eyes never left mine, and she never stopped sucking.

Her second hand left my butt and grabbed the base of my shaft. She started to move her hand along my shaft as fast as she could while sucking only on my tip, her tongue rubbing against the very tip. I could feel, it was not going to be much longer until I came. Belle must have felt it too because I started to hear the same slapping sound I'd heard echoing under the bridge a few weeks earlier. Closing her eyes, she moaned around my dick, a long almost plaintive moan which told me she was seconds from coming.

It pushed me over the edge, I let out a grunt to warn her and let strand after strand of my seed fill her mouth. She came as her mouth was being filled with my cum, and she couldn't keep some from spilling out on her chin. She swallowed, sucked another few times on my dick to make sure she'd cleaned it properly and then stood up. A strand of semen was hanging from her chin, wiggling about. She caught it with a finger and sucked it clean, then licked her lips.

She picked up her clothes and the bag she'd put by the door before ringing the doorbell. I stood there motionless, my slowly softening dick still pointing straight in front of me, basking in the aftermath of my orgasm. She squeezed herself between me and the door frame and as she went past whispered into my ear.

"Next time, I'll let you fuck my ass against the handrail."

This brought me back to life. I bent over to grab my pants and pull them up, noticing a single drop of my seed on the wooden floor of the landing. The slight stain from it remains there to this day, making me smile each time my gaze falls upon it. I turned around and, my knees feeling a bit weak, walked inside. I closed the door and leaned against it for a few seconds.

As I was about to walk away, I heard a sound on the landing and looked through the peephole. I saw Juliet come out of her apartment and close her door very carefully, trying to muffle the sound. She looked towards our door smiling and brushed her hands against her skirt, as if to remove potential creases. Had she really been watching us through her own peephole? Touching herself? I found Belle in the bathroom, preparing to take a shower and told her what I'd witnessed... It didn't seem to bother her at all, to the contrary, she just smiled.

"Juliet never said a word about what she heard, and after talking with her more in the hall recently, I'm pretty sure it actually turned her on, she's been single for a long time now, thinking only about her career. I think she's so frustrated sexually right now that hearing and watching us offers her some relief. Believe me, Beau, I'm pretty sure she'd try to join us if she dared, which I can't see her doing unless we make the first step, but she sure won't spill the beans to anyone."

I wasn't convinced, but I didn't have anything to offer as rebuttal either. A bit too concerned about our kinks being let out in the open, I hadn't even picked up on that fact Belle had just mentioned the possibility to invite another woman into our little sex games without immediately making sure I knew it would never happen.

The next day was a Saturday. Because of the heat wave, we did not feel like going out, so we spend the day in the apartment. A little before lunchtime, Belle came out of the bedroom, where she'd been reading a bit on the bed, giggling. I lifted an eyebrow and asked what she found so funny. She lifted a finger up, to ask me to wait a little while she composed herself.

"You still have a lot to learn about women, Beau!" I was baffled, this made no sense to me. She sat on the couch beside me before continuing, "I was on the bed, reading, when out the window I saw some movement. I sat up a bit but saw nothing and went back to reading. Then I saw movement again and shifted my gaze and saw Juliet passing topless in front of the window we can see from ours. She looked in my direction but since I hadn't lifted my head, she must have thought I didn't notice, and two seconds later, she was passing again the other way, I remained still again, and another couple of seconds later, there she was passing again. I lifted my head up this time, and she feigned to be surprised, hid her tits with her arms and ducked out of sight."

I burst out laughing, trying not to laugh too loud, so Juliet would not hear.

"I guess you were right, sorry for doubting you. A girl who displays her boobs again and again until she's sure she's been caught, only to pretend it was an accident will probably not tell on us."

She giggled a little and asked, "Was I like her when we started exploring?"

I shook my head no. "If I can remember one thing it's that you've been quite bold from the get-go, as if all you needed was a small push, the flap of a butterfly's wings."

She fake-punched me in the shoulder, giggling.

We talked about the incident a bit longer. I asked Belle what she thought we should do if Juliet got bolder. She brushed it aside as unlikely before telling me that since it was my job to keep her safe from male creeps when she decided to expose herself, she'd be the one who'd get to deal with females. Being hungry, we dropped the subject and prepared lunch together.

On Sunday, by 3 or 4PM, Belle stepped out of the room naked, wearing only high heels. She'd brushed her hair into a bun which she'd pinned with the two large Japanese wooden hairpins we'd bought on a trip there, she'd also applied a black 'smokey' make-up to her eyes.

"Grab your phone. If you want to get the stairs photoshoot I promised, it's now or never..."

I grabbed my phone, made sure the battery would hold long enough, and followed her into the stairwell.

We climbed to the floor above ours as discreetly as possible, Belle's high heel making it a bit hard. Once there, Belle started to take poses, playing with everything the stairwell had to offer, handrails, door frames, the stairs themselves. I shot over a hundred pictures in the next hour, asking Belle to take a few poses she'd not thought about herself, and taking a few backlit pictures of her standing in front of one of the windows which showed off and enhanced the shape of her body without revealing too much.

When I stopped coming up with suggestions, and Belle had exhausted her own ideas, we started to go down the stairs and, as we passed in front of one of the windows, an idea passed through my mind.

"Ready to take one last picture which will involve more risk of getting caught?"

Belle lifted an eyebrow. "Tell me first what you have in mind, then I'll answer your question."

I pointed to the window and told her that if we both went downstairs, her until the window next floor down, me all the way to the building's inner courtyard, she could then open the window and stand on the sill holding the frame on both sides. I was sure this would make a great picture. Though I advised she removed her heels for this shot, to be more stable while standing on the sill, and less noisy as we went downstairs. She removed her heels and, with a smile and little nod, let me know she was okay.

We went downstairs silently. I left Belle alone in the stairwell, naked by the window and continued on to the courtyard. When I got there she'd already opened it and was bent over the sill, her tits hanging out, she was looking around making sure no one was watching. She looked my way and I lifted my hand, palm opened, to tell her not to move. She smiled. I shot a few pictures, moving around the courtyard to get multiple angles. Then I signaled her to go on with the plan, she climbed on the sill, stood tall and proud with her feet together holding on to the sides.

The sunlight caressing her cinnamon skin made for a perfect picture, knowing the occasion to take another one like this may never present itself, I made sure I'd get at least a good one by taking at least three with each angle I picked. As I stood up, Belle let go of one of her hands and signaled me to wait. She moved her feet apart as much as she could, made sure with the hand she'd temporarily freed that her pussy lips were spread, before grabbing hold of the frame again. I took another handful of pictures of her in this pose and left the courtyard.

As I reached the first landing, Belle was nowhere in sight, the window still wide open, my heart froze for a second. I looked out the window half-expecting to see her lying hurt on the ground one floor below, but the courtyard was empty. I heard a 'Psst!' coming from the floor above and saw Belle bent over the railing beckoning me to come. I closed the window and climbed to our floor. Belle was back in the corridor of our apartment, her body hidden behind the door, giggling in silence.

I asked her what happened, and she said that as I was taking the last shots, she'd heard steps in the nearest apartment which seemed to be coming towards the front door. Not wanting to ruin my pictures she'd waited for the moment I was done to rush upstairs. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Was a single picture really worth that much of a risk?"

She giggled again, grabbed my hand and brushed it against her pussy, I could feel the wetness.

"A picture maybe not, but this, definitely!"

I shook my head again.

"Are we done now?" she asked.

As she asked that, she moved the door slightly, my eye caught a glint of light, and my gaze fell on the peephole.

"Not yet, just a final one..."

I explained my idea. She stepped out of our apartment again while I stepped inside and closed the door. I placed the lens of my phone against the peephole and looked at the screen. I could see, framed in the round shape of the peephole, that Belle had moved to our neighbour's door and taken the same pose she'd taken right before telling me to open the door after her strip, almost the exact view I had that day. I took the shot.

I reopened the door signaling Belle to wait a second and took another shot without the peephole's fish-eye distortion.

"There. We're done. Come in now..."

She walked in, kissed me on the lips as she walked by and continued down the corridor swaying her hips invitingly. I closed the door and followed her to our bedroom...

Later that day, as I checked the quality of the pictures I'd taken, displaying them on our large TV screen, I was quite happy with the results. I reached the last few pics I had taken from the courtyard, and they were really good, almost as good as those I've seen in professionals' books. When I reached the last one I took before going back upstairs, I noticed something: a very small glare right between Belle's knees. I zoomed in but It only made it worse, then as I zoomed back out it downed on me.

I'd accidentally taken a picture at the exact moment where, having heard the footsteps in the college guys unit, and aroused by the idea of getting caught by one of them, her drenched pussy had dripped. The glare was due to the sunlight reflecting on the droplet of her juices. I burst out laughing. Belle came to see why I was laughing. I pointed at the screen and explained what she was looking at. She laughed too. I later made a copy of this picture where I cropped everything out but the glare and used it as my desktop background for months. It looked more like a low-resolution picture of some space object and I never bothered to hide it from visitors. Each time Belle walked by my PC and saw it, particularly when we had friends visiting us, she could not help but giggle.

As I came back from work Monday evening, Juliet was in the hallway, checking her mailbox. She'd never been the 'cold type', but still she acted much friendlier than before today, chatting me up all the way to our floor. As I turned towards her one last time after unlocking my front door, to politely wish her a good evening, I could not help but notice her shirt seemed much more opened than it had been when I bumped into her in the hallway.

A bit of white lace from her bra was clearly visible now. She must have opened at least two more buttons while she was climbing the stairs behind me. I moved my gaze up but knew I'd been caught staring, however short it might have been. She smiled, wished me a good evening back and told me to pass her regards to my wife.

Knowing Belle might decide to put her plans to repeat our exhibition on the landing any day this week, and feeling sticky with sweat from a long day of work in the current heat wave, I decided to take a shower. As I walked in the bathroom, my mind was quite busy both with anticipation of Belle's return and with what I'd just witnessed Juliet dare to do. I turned on the water, set the temperature just right and got undressed. I stepped into the shower and started washing myself.

Once done, I turned around to grab a towel and realized Belle had left the bathroom window open before leaving that morning, but it's what I saw through the window which was the most interesting. Juliet was standing in front of a window, eyes closed, one hand inside her shirt, now even more opened than it had been on the landing, the other hand out of sight but I had no doubt as to where it was, nor as to what it was doing.

I looked at Juliet masturbating for about ten seconds before she opened her eyes. She looked like a rabbit caught in a car's headlight for a couple seconds. Stuck in place unable to decide what to do. Then she ducked out of sight. I wondered what to do about the situation, but then remembered Belle telling me she'd be the one to deal with eventual issues with females and waited for her to come back.

When I heard Belle's keys rattling against the lock, I knew the 'replay' would wait at least another day. I was still naked since I intended to surprise her by opening the door naked if she'd decided it would be today, so I grabbed the briefs and T-shirt I'd kept at hand in case she did not and put them on. Belle walked into the living room and after a quick kiss immediately started to tell me about her day, which had not been good it seems.

I listened to her account intently, showing my support, and suggesting potential solutions when she was done. She thanked me for the advice, her mood a bit better now she'd vented. Then she asked how my day went.

"At work, not much to say, after though..."

I waited till she asked me to develop, and recounted the events with Juliet, both in the stairwell and after.

"Didn't expect her to get so bold", she said when I was finished, giggling.

I was a bit taken aback by her reaction for a second before it downed on me... I'd walked in Belle's shoes today. I considered asking Belle if it made her feel special to see others be aroused by the person she was the only one to fuck, like it did for me. But decided against it.

"So what are you going to do about it?"

She stood up. "Right now, nothing. But I'm going to take a shower too, leaving the window opened, I'd like to know if she'll watch me too..." She smiled mischievously, "Oh, and I'll even use my suction cup dildo!"

As she walked out the room, she beckoned me over, as if her mentioning she was going to use her dildo wasn't invitation enough. I followed her and watched her prepare to take a shower. I made sure to remain out of sight of Juliet's window, only poking my head out every so often to check if she'd shown up. I watched Belle wash herself, much more sensually than when she doesn't expect an audience. But still no sign of Juliet when Belle finished rinsing herself. Belle stuck the suction cup to the shower's glass door. She usually stuck it to the side glass wall but today she wanted to fuck herself facing away from the window, and offer the best show possible.

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Belle placed the tip of her dildo in her pussy and slid a finger up her ass, something I'd seen her do much more often ever since she'd started coming from anal, and started to move her hips. Since she'd stuck the dildo to the door, it rattled every time she moved her hips. But Belle didn't care, the more noise she made right now, the better. I saw her use her other hand to caress her clit, and she started to moan loudly.

I kept checking for any sign of Juliet but nothing. Belle made herself come, took a few seconds to recover then stepped out to dry herself.

"So? Did she watch?"

I shrugged, "Don't think so... If she did, she ducked out of sight in perfect sync with my attempts to catch her."

Belle seemed slightly disappointed. She finished drying herself, rolled the towel around her hair and walked out of the bathroom. I followed her, and we went to the kitchen to decide what we would eat for dinner.

As we were in the corridor, about to reach the kitchen door, Belle shushed me. We both stood still and silent. Echoing in the stairwell, we could hear the sound of heels against the stairs, Belle tip-toed her way to the front door and stuck her eye to the peephole. About thirty seconds later, she tip-toed her way back to me, her disappointment gone...

"She was out!"

We did not catch any sign of Juliet peeping on us or exposing herself the next two days, and we started to think that I'd spooked her. That night, as I came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth, I was about to roll down the window shutter like usual when Belle stopped me. She pointed out at the window of Juliet's apartment from which she'd flashed her boobs at Belle a few days ago, it was open. And on the ceiling, we could see the blue glow of a TV or computer screen.

So instead of closing the shutter, we opened our window too, Belle stripped out of her clothes and, crouching, pulled my briefs down. She blew me until I was fully hard then she climbed on all fours on the bed, she positioned herself so the window was on her right, allowing us to check for Juliet's presence once in a while. Belle called me over, loud enough to be potentially heard across the inner courtyard, but not too much, so it would not sound unnatural.

"Come on Beau, fuck me now! I can't wait, I'm drenched."

I stepped behind her and realized she was not lying as far as her last statement was concerned.

I put the tip of my dick against the entrance of her vagina, and Belle pushed back before I could move, impaling herself on my shaft. She let out a loud moan. I started pounding, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room. Belle moaned in rhythm with my thrusts but I knew she was, partly at least, faking it and somehow felt a bit insulted. Grabbing her hips with both hands I pounded even harder, the moans she let out this time sounded much more credible to my ears. I decided I would make more noise too and slapped her ass hard, she moaned again in response.

Looking down, letting Belle try to catch Juliet this time, I watched my dick, glistening with Belle's juices, slide in and out of her pussy, and my gaze fell on her butthole pulsing in sync with my thrusts. I sucked on my thumb and placed my hand over the top of Belle's ass, letting the tip of my thumb rest on her anus. I applied a bit of pressure and my thumb popped in. Belle moaned as it went in.

I started to fuck her ass with my thumb while I kept pounding in her pussy. Belle's moans grew louder. Suddenly, Belle lifted an arm from the bed and beckoned in the direction of the window. Not wanting to spook Juliet again, like I'd done earlier, I remained focused on fucking Belle. About a minute later, Belle twisted the top of her body to look at me over her shoulder. While her face showed most of the features I'd come to know as signs of her pleasure, the large smile was unusual. Belle nodded upward in the direction of the window, telling me to watch now.

I turned my head and saw Juliet standing by the window she'd left opened. She shyly smiled at me when our gazes crossed. While the bottom of her window hid everything below her waist, it was clear she was fully naked. The absence of clothes was the only difference from what I'd seen out of the bathroom window a few days ago. She was massaging one of her medium-sized boobs while her other hand moved out of sight. Looking at the other boob, I saw details Belle hadn't thought to tell me when she described what she'd seen. Juliet had small, slightly pinkish areolas, and quite large nipples relatively to the rest of her boobs.

I had not slowed down my pace at all, neither the thrusts of my dick in Belle's pussy, nor those of my thumb up her ass. And felt Belle's pussy start to tighten around my cock. She was likely close to cumming. I turned my full attention back to my wife, letting our new voyeur neighbour enjoy the show. I slid my dick almost fully out of Belle's pussy before pushing it back in and repeated the process again and again. While such wide hip movements didn't allow me to keep the pace I'd been fucking her for the last minutes, I knew this would quickly push Belle over the edge.

A few thrusts later and Belle let out a scream of pleasure.

"Yes! Yes! Cumming!"

"Me too!" was faintly heard a few seconds later from across the courtyard.

I soon followed. Sliding my dick one last time in Belle as hard as I could, using the hand that was holding her by the hip to drag her towards me and go as deep as I could. Once there I stopped moving and, grunting like a caveman, I shot my load. I stayed like that, panting, until I felt my dick stop pulsing and twitching. I turned my head in the direction of Juliet, but she was gone.

As we were lying in bed, a few minutes later, after cleaning ourselves, I asked Belle what her intentions were this time...

"I don't know. To be completely honest, I'm winging it... We made a move tonight, I think it's best to let her do the next one, at her own pace. Did you see her face after she came?"

I shook my head no. "I was too focused on you, then on my own orgasm, by the time I looked her way she was gone."

Belle sighed, "She looked a bit shocked at what she'd just done, guilty maybe. I think she'll need time to digest what she did. After all, unlike us, she does not have anyone to talk about it openly."

I nodded. We switched off the lights and fell asleep.

The next day, during my lunch break, I received a text from Belle, telling me she'd come home late this evening, her boss having announced he wanted everyone in the main meeting room at the time she was supposed to leave work. I texted her back immediately, making sure she was not flipping out, fearing it was some bad news. She finally texted back in the early afternoon, telling me not to worry, she'd just eaten with the boss and a few managers, and she already knew what it all was about. No big fuss actually. Fifteen minutes later, my phone pinged again, she'd sent me a topless selfie taken in the lavatories, with the caption 'The best way to say sorry to have made you worry?' I just sent back 'Indeed!'

So on Friday, since the top floor neighbours had told us they'd be back during the week-end, I knew that, if Belle was to keep her promise of a 'replay', it had to be for this evening. I sent a mail to HR telling them I'd leave one hour early, a mere formality since I'd done a fair bit of overtime lately. This way I was sure nobody would come and drop something 'urgent' on my desk five minutes before the end of my day.

I used that hour to enjoy the nice weather a bit, sitting at a terrace to drink a cold beer. I came back home around my usual time and headed to the shower, opening the window on purpose to let Juliet know I didn't mind if she watched, thinking if we made it seem more 'normal' it could help her accept the situation a bit faster. I showered without checking if she was watching or not. Dried myself and waited, hoping to hear the doorbell ring soon. I checked in the nightstand drawer, the tube of vaseline wasn't in it, either Belle intended on delivering today, or she'd put it somewhere else.

While waiting, I had a last-minute idea. I opened Spotify on the TV and synced it to my phone. I set the volume on the TV loud enough so it would be heard from the landing, through the closed door. I waited about ten more minutes before I heard the doorbell. I checked it was indeed Belle and pressed play on the song I'd pre-selected, the cover of 'Feeling Good' by Muse. I saw Belle smile and start to sensually dance to the music. I switched to the camera app and stuck the lens to the peephole, watching her strip on the screen of my phone.

She used the full length of the song. When she bent over to remove her thong, I noticed she had put her buttplug in. She later told me she'd put it in her car, and she'd taken a selfie to prove it since she knew I'd ask. She removed the plug just before the end of the song, then beckoned me out. I stopped the recording, put my phone down and opened the door. When she saw I was naked and hard she giggled.

"I should have bet on it."

She pointed to the stairs by our door, and I saw she'd placed the tube there. I picked it up.

When I looked back at her, she'd already bent over the handrail, much like she'd done out the window the last Sunday, her boobs hanging over the shaft in the middle of the stairs. If the college students who rented the unit on the floor below came home right now, we'd have to move away fast, or they'd get a nice 'big' surprise if they looked up.

As I moved behind Belle, I could see she was caressing her pussy and that she'd already spread some of her juices up to her asshole. As I looked I could see her vagina spread open on its own and considered putting my dick in it first, but before I could even move Belle spoke.

"Go straight for the prize, my love. I've thought about your dick up my ass all day!"

I opened the tube of vaseline, put a bit on the tip of my thumb and as I was spreading some around her rim felt it slide in on its own. I removed my thumb and aligned the tip of my dick with her anus.

When she felt my tip touch her ass, Belle pushed back, taking my glans in. She moaned. I pushed in slowly but Belle met my move making me move in at twice the pace I intended. I soon felt her buttcheeks against my hips and started to really fuck her. She moaned with each of my thrusts. She removed the hand she'd been using to masturbate from her pussy and beckoned with a finger towards Juliet's door. Ten seconds passed but nothing happened. Belle beckoned again.

"I know you're there!" she said, loud enough to be heard through the closed door.

Juliet's door opened. She walked out sheepishly, I looked her way and smiled but her eyes were fixed on Belle's. I looked back at Belle and saw her point at the wall. Juliet left the periphery of my vision at that moment, most likely having silently obeyed Belle's command. As I kept pounding her ass, Belle moaned her pleasure, but managing Juliet took some of her attention off what she was feeling.

She whispered, "Go ahead, pleasure yourself."

Juliet whispered back, "Okay..."

I turned my head again and saw that Juliet now was sitting on the floor against the wall. She had opened her blouse and raised her skirt to her waist, her panties laid discarded on the floor in front of her door. She was fingering her pussy. Although her pussy was hairy all over, she clearly trimmed the hair short quite recently. She noticed I was watching her, took her eyes off of Belle's for the first time since she'd stepped out of her apartment as far as I knew and weakly smiled at me. I smiled back, then let my gaze fall down to her bra. She looked the same way and stopped fingering herself long enough to remove her blouse fully and remove her bra. She looked back at me, displaying her tits, I nodded. She resumed fingering herself.

Suddenly Belle pushed me back. I thought she'd heard someone opening the door at the bottom of the stairs, but she just wanted to change position.

"Sit on the stairs, honey, I'll take over."

I obeyed, picking up the t-shirt she'd discarded during her strip, to put under my ass as I sat on the steps. Belle was crouched by Juliet's side, whispering something to her. Juliet nodded. Belle walked towards me, gently pushed on my torso to force me to lean back, turned around and sat on my dick, impaling her own ass with a loud moan. She placed her feet on the first step up and her hands two steps higher, on each side of me, and she started to move her hips up and down.

Juliet stood up, without stopping to caress herself, she walked towards us and knelt in front of Belle. With Belle's back occupying most of my field of view, I only knew for sure what was happening when Belle lifted her hips slightly higher than she'd been for the last minute and I felt Juliet's tongue against my shaft. While she fucked her own ass with my dick, my wife was getting licked by our neighbour. My dick twitched. Belle slammed her ass down and stopped moving for a few seconds, before starting again. She must have felt I was about to come but not wanted her own fun to end yet.

Belle moved at a slower pace now. She lifted one of her hands off the stairs and it disappeared out of my sight. Two things happened almost simultaneously, I felt fingers slide up Belle's pussy and heard the rapid fleshy slap that Belle sometimes made while fingering, and I felt Juliet's tongue against my balls. This time, it was too much for me, I knew I could not hold it much longer. Belle thrust my dick up her butt no more than five times before I came with a long grunt. As my dick started to pulse in her ass, Belle came too, moaning loudly. Juliet who must have kept fingering herself all along was pushed over the edge by our orgasms and moaned against my balls, never stopping to lick them.

Belle sat down on my dick and leaned forward a little, she lifted her other hand from the stair and it too disappeared out of view. I felt Juliet's tongue leave my balls and a few seconds later heard the wet sounds of people french-kissing hungrily. While the girls kissed, I felt a hand gently massage my balls.

Juliet stood up and started picking up her stuff. Belle whispered to her.

"I'll be there in a minute."

Belle grabbed a tissue from the bag she'd left by the bottom of the stairs and started to raise her butt off my dick, using the tissue to keep my cum from flowing out. Once she'd stood up, she asked me to grab her bag and go inside. She picked up her clothes and followed me inside. She put her thong back on trapping the tissue in it and kissed me on the lips.

"I must go talk to her. It may take a while. Is it ok with you?"

"Sure, but if you start scissoring call me over to watch!"

She giggled while shaking her head in disbelief.

She quickly put the rest of her clothes on. Once done, she kissed me again.

"You've been perfect, honey. Love you so much."

Then she walked out, leaving the door ajar. A few seconds later, I heard her knock on Juliet's door and walk in. I didn't hear the door close, so I guessed she left it ajar too.

Belle came back about an hour later, even though it felt like a week to me. When she walked in she ran to me and kissed me hungrily, her breath smelled of coffee, something she rarely drank. She told me she really needed to go to the toilets and then wished to take a shower. She asked me to go start the water so it'd warm up and said she'd tell me everything as she'd shower...

As she showered, Belle filled in the blanks. She knew Juliet was behind the door because she'd heard her bump into it during the strip-tease, something I couldn't hear because of the music. Belle had been on the verge of coming when she understood I'd silently commanded Juliet to go topless, that's why she decided to switch positions. While I was sitting down on the stairs, Belle had told Juliet that she could merely watch if that's what she wanted, but if she felt like participating, she was welcome. When Juliet started to eat her out, Belle would have come quite soon after if she'd not felt bad that I was left out, that's why she'd moved a bit more trying to push Juliet into sharing her attentions.

I told her that it's when I understood Juliet was eating her out that I almost went over the edge myself and Belle laughed saying if she'd known she wouldn't have felt so bad and dealt with it another way. Finally, after Belle had forced me to calm down a little, she knew we still were both close, that's why she'd forced Juliet to stop eating her out and pointed at my balls, knowing that if I felt her tongue there I would not last much longer.

I asked her if she'd been the one massaging my balls while she and Juliet kissed, she pretended to be offended that I could not tell, then giggled telling me it was an initiative from Juliet. Apparently, she'd understood I was not to be completely left out at that point. Belle then started telling me the content of her long discussion with Juliet.

Basically, while she played the tough assertive girl both at work and socially, Juliet was a true submissive, not a pretend-one like Belle. Juliet had a very bad experience with her last boyfriend who used her nature to step all over her, figuratively at first and even quite literally in the end. Since she'd escaped this asshole's control, Juliet had exclusively focused on the other side of her bisexuality and dated girls. But apparently, she had poor taste in girls as well, and most of those she'd dated began to use her at some point. That's why she'd been abstinent for over a year.

Juliet had inquired about the 'rules' of our new relationship. Belle had told her she'd need to discuss the exact boundaries with me first, but that at the very least she could watch any of us and expose herself to any of us whenever the occasion arose. However, there was one thing that was completely out of bounds, that Juliet ever tried to have any sexual contact with any of us while the other was not present.

Finally, Juliet confessed that, while she felt scared when I caught her watching me shower, she'd actually just dodged out of sight, lying on the floor right where I saw her and kept masturbating, ending with the best orgasm she'd had in years. Thus, she was intrigued about exposing herself like Belle did, and asked if she could accompany us once, to see for herself. Belle explained that it was usually completely unplanned, but that if an occasion arose, and I was okay with it, she saw no problem with that.

It took much more time than just Belle's shower to cover all this, and by the time we were done, we'd cooked, eaten dinner, and sat on the couch well past midnight. In the end, Belle and I agreed that, since Juliet was clearly easily influenced, whatever we decided to do, we should be careful not to push her at all, and to let her take things at her own pace. As we were in bed, about to sleep, I told Belle that I thought she should have told Juliet that I would never fuck her, because I feared it could end up causing tensions between us if we let it happen. Belle kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Never say never. I'm not as jealous as you think. Good night, my love."

I stayed awake long after Belle's breathing let me know she was asleep. I was replaying the events of the last months in my head, wondering at what point I lost control of the situation, or if I was in control at any point...

Written by TheMonster
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