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"Would you like something to drink while you rest, my king?" Tara asked.

"That would be nice, yes. A king works up quite a thirst caring for his people!" I smiled weakly.

Tara clapped her hands twice and one of the other temple attendants came in. Tara whispered something to her and she left momentarily, returning with what appeared to be a very ornately decorated clay decanter. She poured out some of the red liquid inside into a cup and Tara handed it to me.

"Here you are my king," she said. "I hope you like it."

I sniffed at the liquid, then took a small sip. It tasted like a fruity wine, a bit sweet, but quite good. I took a mouthful of the sweet liquid swishing it around my mouth like I did wine before swallowing it.

"It is very good. What is this called?" I asked.

"It is called baaknor. It is made from local berries that are grown on the other side of Mount Kupai. The temple attendants harvest the berries and make the drink here, then take it to the village to sell for the food and things they need," she explained.

"Well we will have to keep a good supply of this baaknor at home then," I said.

"As you wish, my king," she said, "but be careful, you aren't used to it and I'm not sure how it will affect you!"

I took her words to heart, remembering the few times in my younger days when I went out partying and couldn't remember who or what I did the night before. I was king now and I didn't want to start my reign under questionable behavior or worse!

I took another sip just to wet my parched throat and then set the cup down. Maybe when Tara and I were back home alone I could indulge a bit more, but right now I was in a temple in front of an audience – I needed to keep a clear head.

After what I could only figure as around thirty minutes or so, the Temple of Pazuzu Pei had once again shown its restorative powers and I was primed and ready to go another round.

Tara, sensing I was ready to continue, stood up and teased me a bit wiggling her sexy body. She gave me a little kiss on my lips, then asked, "Time for another girl, Sir?"

I sighed happily and with a big grin motioned forward a ravishing redhead from the selection.

"You want me, Sir?" Her husky voice, dripping with sexual desire, drove me wild. "Oh, please, please can I suck your big, sexy cock? Oh, please, my king, please?"

I turned her around to face the other girls, then slapped her inner thighs. "Open," I commanded, and her response was immediate. I reached up and felt her pussy, covered in fine flaming red hair and soaking wet.

I let my fingers part her swollen lips and tease the rim of her vaginal opening, which made her moan and her body shuddered in eager anticipation. 

"What is your name, my dear?" I asked her.

"I am called Verarea, my king," she said.

As I toyed with her dripping pussy, I spoke to her, and the rest of the girls, in a low deep voice. "Well, Verarea, back home where I come from, redheads like yourself are well known for being exceptionally dirty, nasty girls. Girls who like really raunchy sex, who will do anything as long as it feels good.

"They aren't nice or polite, they are real sluts when it comes to fucking. That's why guys like me like them, because we can fuck the hell out of them and they don't care! Are you that kind of redhead? Are you going to be my slutty redhead fucktoy?"

Verarea spun around and dropped to her knees. "Oh yes, my king! Oh please, please let me be your slutty fucktoy! Tell me what you want me to do and I promise I will do it! Anything you desire, Sir it will be my pleasure to entertain you!

"Teach me please how to please you! Oh please, Sir, I wish to be your slut, your raunchy redheaded fucktoy!" she pleaded. I saw the desperate yearning in her face. She was sincere in her promise to me.

"Turn around and show me that ass. Stay on your knees," I commanded and without hesitation, she spun around just as I had ordered, facing the other girls on hands and knees with that amazing ass pointed right at me.

I rose from my seat and reached forward to grab a huge handful of that flaming red mane and sit back down, hauling her head back and forcing her upright on her knees. I grabbed her throat and held her tight, but tight enough to choke her, just enough that she knew who was in control here.

"Now my crimson slut, I am going to fuck you. Fuck you like the slut you are. But as I do, I want you to tell all these other girls what it feels like. What it feels like to have the king's hard, fat, cock plowing into your wet slutty pussy.

"I want them to hear you moan, hear you whimper and then hear you beg for me to make you cum. I want to see these girls go crazy wishing it was them getting fucked instead of you.

"You are to make them all want to be you–want to be in your place, getting fucked by their king's big, fat cock, understand?"

As I said this, a unison moan went up from all the women in the room, including Tara.

I pushed her back down on all fours and grabbed the belt tie that held the robe closed and removed it from the discarded robe. I doubled it and tossed the loop over Verarea's head pulling it tight around her neck like a leash. 

"Pull those asscheeks apart, slut. Let me see what I'm about to stick my cock into!" I said.

She reached back and pulled her ass wide apart showing me her pink interior and her crinkled brown asshole. "Hmmm, should I fuck that wet pink pussy or go right for that tight asshole. Such a tough call..."

I could hear gasps and moans coming from the girls already and Verarea shuddered in anticipation. I don't think it mattered to her which hole I used as long as it was one of hers!

"Well, since this is your first time, I guess I will start with that wet, slick pussy. Now, remember to tell these girls how much fun you are having!" I said. I got down behind her and grabbed my cock by the base. I spanked her pussy lightly with the head, teasing her and making her whimper to the girls.

Then I ran the length of my cock between her fat lips and between her thighs. When the rim would come back and hit her clit it made her gasp and groan. She was about half crazy with lust and I didn't know how much more she could take.

"Please, Sir! Oh, please put your cock in me! I have waited so long to feel you! Please, please don't tease me anymore! I can't stand it!" she whined.

I drew back once more enough to raise the tip a bit, then I thrust hard and speared my redheaded slut on my steel-hard cock.

"OHHH YESSS! Oh, fuck Sir! Ohhh it feels.... ohhh, my kiiingg!" she cried out. I couldn't see it, but judging by the reactions on the girl's faces, Verarea must have had one hell of an expression on hers!

I sank fully into her until I felt myself bottom out inside her. After having L'natria and then Tara, I knew that the women on this planet were biologically the same as those on Earth so I didn't have to worry about hurting them by fucking them wrong or too hard. And after sinking to the bottom of her well I knew how far to thrust into this redhead.

So I used her just as I said I was going to. I fucked her hard and fast and deep making her grunt and moan with each powerful thrust. I swatted her upturned ass a few times as I pounded away and I reached under to pinch and tug on her nipples as well.

Verarea, for her part, moaned and wailed and cried out her pleasure to the room in a lust-crazed mindless babbling, almost incomprehensible except that the girls watching were also in a lust fog from watching the scene before them.

I caught a couple of girls rubbing their thighs together or with their hand in their crotches as they watched their fellow Kupolinite getting the fucking of a lifetime.

"It's okay ladies, you can play along. Feel free to play with yourselves as you watch. I want you to all be nice and wet and ready when your time comes!" I said. 

Given permission now, the girls all got into whatever position they most enjoyed and began furiously fingering their pusses in preparation for me. Each one hoped they would be next in line and so each was doing their best to be ready if that was the case.

Some chose to lay on their backs, legs spread and fingers flying. Others picked the hands and knees position. A couple paired up and did each other as I watched–it was all very hot!

The girls' group masturbation wasn't lost on Verarea either. With me fucking her senseless and toying with her as she watched her fellow townswomen playing with themselves and each other, the whole room moaning and whimpering, Verarea was beside herself. I knew that being her first time she wouldn't be able to hold out like this for long.

And I was right. Just a few moments after I gave the girls permission to play with themselves, the sensory overload became too much for Verarea.

"Oh Sir, Oh, I'm going to... I'm going to... OHHH FUUUCK, SIRRR!!" she said, exploding in a tremendous orgasm. She screamed her joy to the rafters of the large room, her ecstasy and her exultation rebounding around the room like a cannon went off inside the temple!

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But I remembered what L'natria had told me that first night we were together... how the ultimate reward for a woman in this world is for a man to cum with her. So I held onto my redheaded beauty and continued to fuck her every bit as hard even as she went through her orgasm.

The feeling of her tight clenching pussy, her wails and her struggling against me and her orgasm, and the sight of the other girls in mass masturbation were enough for me to reach my goal and a few moments after Verarea came, I did as well. 

I exploded inside Verarea sending her into a second orgasm even before the first had completely subsided. I unloaded another monster load of hot sticky cum into her and then collapsed on top of her. It was only when I realized she was sobbing that I muscled myself up to check on her.

"Oh thank you, My king. Thank you for showing me what it's like to be with a man. You truly are a great and wonderful man, and king," she sobbed. I lowered myself down to kiss her tenderly and then got up and helped her up as well. I returned to my seat and Verarea to her pillow next to the others, a bit more worn and haggard than before.

And so it was with the rest of the ladies of my Koni Veni. Each one got serviced and was allowed to serve me. And true to the Temple's reputation, I was recharged to full capacity after each one.

After three days at the Temple where each girl got to be with me twice each day, I had an opportunity to use all three holes of each girl including my queen, Tara. But I had a kingdom to run and I didn't want to be gone from it for too long.

And so regretfully, we all left the Temple of Pazuzu Pei, but with promises to return again. We made our way back down the mountain to Kupolinis and back to my duties as King. Happily, I found all was just as I had left it (actually I expected to be so since there weren't the regular problems and bickerings of a kingdom here on Earth). 

L'natria had finished getting the King's Lottery organized and ready to go. She had gotten a good response with the cards and still more were coming in. As I suspected there weren't many women in the town that didn't want to play–I was lucky the city wasn't much bigger!

It had been ten amazing days (as best I could figure–I had seen ten Shatabhisha sunrises at least) since I had crash-landed on this planet.

In that time, I had become welcome in the city and even become the king of Kupolinis. I had been to my first Koni Veni at the Temple of Pazuzu Pei and had amazing sex there. Now it was time to get back to the running of the city and the care of those I had been placed in charge of.

I had been thinking of how best to run the government and coming from the USA, I decided I needed some advisors. I wasn't familiar enough with the customs, traditions, and laws of this planet and I wanted to have people to help me make crucial decisions effectively.

So once we got back to town and everyone had resumed their daily activities, I sat down one afternoon with Tara. "Tara I have been thinking about how best to run things and govern the kingdom. Back home in my country, we had a President, his advisors, and a Congress.

"Now granted, my country is much much larger than Kupolinis, but I am new to this world and so I have decided to set up a council of twelve advisors to help me govern fairly and properly."

"That sounds like a very sensible thing to do, my king," Tara said smiling.

"I will want a good mixture of people... shopkeepers as well as homemakers. I want a good cross-section of the community so I can get as many differing viewpoints as I can.

"We don't have much of an income bracket system as far as I have seen – no upper-income, middle-income, and lower-income. Most everyone is on a fairly even playing field in that respect. So that won't be an issue. Of course, you will be on the council as my advisor on laws and customs."

"I will do my best to advise you on how we do things here, my king."

"I know you will. Now, how do we go about filling the other positions on the council?" I asked.

"My king, if I might be permitted, I would be happy to find the other council members for you. You know my loyalty to you and to Kupolinis is paramount, I would not put anyone in such an important position unless I was absolutely sure they were right for the job.

"I know of a few people off-hand that I have had dealings with in the past and know they are as dedicated to the fair and just running of the city as you and I are. If you would allow me, I will take care of the council appointments–with your approval, of course." 

"Actually, Tara, I was hoping you would take up the job. You know these people far better than I and I trust your judgment. So yes, you pick the ladies for the council and have them all come here to discuss the matter of the council when you have them all lined up."

"As you wish, my king," Tara smiled.

It was a few days later when Tara came to me. "My king, I have picked out the women of the council and all have agreed to the job. I told them a little of what you told me you wanted and each seemed eager to help out," she said.

"Very good. Pass the word then that I wish to meet with them tomorrow afternoon. And tell L'natria I want her at the meeting as well–I have news for her, too."

The next afternoon the ladies all showed up just as I had instructed Tara. I invited them all to the room in the castle I had designated as the Council Room. I called the house Tara and I lived in the castle simply because I was the King and she was the Queen. The house looked more like a mansion actually, but kings don't live in mansions!

"Ladies of Kupolinis, I have had Queen Aurquan summon you here because I am going to establish a Council to help me in ruling the kingdom. You will if you choose to become part of the Council, advise me and help me in my decisions regarding the kingdom. I don't want this to take up a lot of your time.

"I know you all have jobs and responsibilities of your own. I thought we would meet every thirty days and you could bring up any problems or concerns the people have. I want the people to come to you and you can then be their voice to me. 

"I will continue to go out amongst the town as I have been of course, but in the event that someone has a concern they can't or won't come to me directly with, I can address it through you all.

"The Queen here will keep my decisions within your existing laws and traditions as much as possible. In the event something of importance comes up that can't wait until the next meeting, we can hold a special meeting of the Council to address it specifically.

"Now what I need to know from each of you is if you are willing to take on this responsibility. I am new to your world and do not know you or your ways just yet. I will need some help if I am to be a too and fair King to the people. I am counting on your help to advise me when I need help in making important decisions," I said.

One woman rose from her seat. "King Adam, since coming here you have shown yourself a good king. You established the King's Lottery so that all of us, your subjects, could know the joy of a man–something none of us knew before you came. And you didn't single out anyone in your favor, you opened yourself up to us all.

"You also got rid of the idea that some of us who worked in the castle were slaves. You have made great strides, Sir, in proving yourself to be a good king. I do not see that changing in you, but if you need an advisor to help you govern, then you can count on me, my king."

Another woman piped up, "Me too, King Adam."

Around the table, each spoke up and volunteered their service to me without a single dissenting vote. "Very well then. I truly appreciate your help and your guidance in this. I will learn your names as we go along, I promise.

"Meantime I will have the word put out that you are a point of contact if anyone has anything to bring up to the Council. The Queen knows your names as does L'natria here.

"And L'natria, I would like you to become my personal secretary. I told you I would find a job for you to do here in the castle. I want you to be at these meetings to take notes and keep track of things. I also want you to go with me when I go out amongst the people to help me there as well.

"The King's Lottery has already gotten set up and is off to a good start–running it from here on out shouldn't be difficult. So would you accept the position as my personal secretary?"

"I-I... YES! Oh yes! Thank you, my king! Thank you so much!" she said, shocked at this news.

"Good, you can start by getting the names of all the new Council members. Then make up some kind of notice and post one in the town square, one at each end of the Farmer's Market, and wherever else you can think where people will see it. I want everyone in town to know who to go to with issues and concerns. It doesn't have to be fancy, just informative, okay?" I said.

"Yes, my king, I will get right on it! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!" she said.


Written by Master_Jonathan
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