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Author's Notes

"Welcome back! I hope you enjoy this part. Lots of neat things happening here, with more reveals to come. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for checking this out, and I hope you enjoy it."

Emily’s heart raced with anticipation, wondering if they would be caught in the act of making love. She found herself turned on by the idea of being discovered by Ragden’s family. She was also excited to show them how much she meant to him. She spoke softly.  

“Let's check it out. If someone is in the kitchen, we can use it to our advantage. We can pretend to be... you know... just two really hungry people. And I'll cook something for you, and you can eat it, and it'll be... yeah, that's a good plan."  

Ragden laughed. "That is a great plan, but my parents are no fools. They will love you; I know. I am also quite sure they know everything that took place here this evening."  

Ragden gave her a knowing smile and wink. Then he kissed her passionately, breaking from her breathless again. Emily smiled at Ragden’s confidence. She felt a surge of pride in her heart. She was incredibly grateful for the way that Ragden believed in her. The way he was able to express such a strong faith in her abilities. She felt secure in the knowledge that he honestly believed in her.  

"Okay... let's go check it out. If your parents know what happened here tonight, then it's only fair that I should be able to cook something for you. And if they don't know... well, then it'll be a surprise. Let's just go downstairs and see what happens."  

Ragden smiled at her and slowly raised himself off her. His skin tingled as it pulled away from hers. He groaned, not wanting to part from her. His still mostly firm cock was buried within her. Emily did not want him to leave either. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and knew she was experiencing the beginning stages of withdrawal from his presence. She reached out, and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him against her. Ragden ground his hips against her. He sighed in pleasure as his mostly firm cock slid around in her tight pussy.  

Emily laughed, feeling Ragden’s cock slide around in her pussy. She was incredibly turned on by the sight of him. She spread her legs wider and allowed him to slide deeper into her. A shiver of ecstasy ran down Ragden’s back as he did. His cock throbbed gently in response.  

Then he raised himself off her. His cock gently slipped out of her. Emily felt a pang of disappointment in her heart. She knew that she wanted him to stay inside her. To remain connected to her. To be a part of her. She also knew that she could not ask him to do that. She respected the boundaries that he set for himself. Ragden shivered again now that his cock was no longer inside her. He felt the most powerful urge to slip it back in. His eyes looked over her body hungrily, desiring her more than he could explain. He took a deep breath, to steady himself. Then rolled off the bed to stand on shaky legs.  

Emily lay on the bed, feeling incredibly vulnerable. She was also incredibly turned on by the sight of him standing above her. His body was tense with desire.  

“Go ahead... Go downstairs. I’ll be right behind you. Don’t forget to be hungry...”  

He laughed again. “Darling, I’ll always be hungry for you.”   

Then he winked coyly, as his heart skipped a beat. Then he held out a hand to her, to help her off the bed. Emily smiled at Ragden’s comment and felt incredibly flattered by his words. She accepted his offer of help and allowed him to lift her from the bed. She felt weak and vulnerable in her heart. But as he held her hand, she could feel the strength of his grip. She knew he would be able to support her and guide her through anything that came their way. She also felt incredibly lucky to have found someone who could make her feel so alive, desired, and so loved.  

“You’re so sweet, Ragden.”  

He smiled at her words. Then he looked at the bed, the sweat-stained sheets, the blankets tossed aside and snickered. Then he looked at her. She was radiantly gorgeous. Her tussled hair. Her body was streaked with sweat. Her dried fluids were on her legs. Skin glistened with perspiration. He pulled her against him. Sighed with delight as she pressed against him. He cupped her ass. Pulled her groin against him. His softened cock pressed against her skin. Emily moaned softly against him. Her pussy grew damp as his softened cock pushed against it. He kissed her softly.  

“Maybe we need a shower first?”  

She felt a sense of vulnerability, knowing that she was completely exposed to him, both physically and emotionally. She replied.  

“Shower...yes. We can take a shower together. It will be fun.”  

He kissed her again. Slipped his tongue into her mouth. Sighed at how sweet she tasted. He pulled her tighter against him, drinking in her warmth, her presence, her love. Then he stepped back, breathless.  

“Shower... Food... Priorities.” He laughed as he pulled her towards the door.  

Emily laughed along with Ragden. She felt incredibly turned on that he was able to make her laugh and smile. She was grateful for the way he was able to bring joy into her life. Thankful for the way he was able to make her feel like nothing else mattered except for him and her. She stepped forward and followed him towards the bathroom. She felt relief and satisfaction in her heart as she did so.  

“Yes, priorities. And you’re right, Ragden. Showers first, then I’m going to cook something amazing for you. And I’m going to make you super crazy with desire while I’m doing it, so be prepared.”  

He turned in the hall, his back to the bathroom door. He pulled her against him, cupped her ass. Pulled her groin against his. His dick throbbing against her. He kissed her passionately. She moaned softly, feeling her pussy twitch with desire as she felt his cock pressing against her. She also felt a sense of relief in her heart, knowing that she had made him hard again. That he was fully prepared to enjoy everything she had to offer. Then he pulled his head back, their lips parted, and he sighed.  

“Oh... I am prepared.” He winked at her as he nudged the door open behind him.  

She stepped forward with him, her own hands reaching down to cup his bare ass. She knew that he was watching every inch of her naked body. She was incredibly proud of the way that she was able to turn him on so easily. She spoke huskily.  

“You’re such a tease, Ragden. You know that? Always making me want more of you.”  

He gave her a knowing smile, “It’s not a tease if I give it to you...”  

Then he stepped into the bathroom and pulled her in with him. He flipped on the light, pulled her in, and closed the door behind her. Then he pulled her against him. His hands trailed down her back, cupped her ass again, and squeezed it gingerly. While he pulled her against him, he kissed her again. Emily closed her eyes, feeling incredibly vulnerable, turned on, and happy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him. She felt the heat of his skin against her own. She could feel the pulsing rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest. She felt a sense of connection, unity, and absolute trust in the depths of her heart. She knew she was able to share everything with Ragden, and that he would accept her completely, without hesitation or reservation. She spoke softly.  

“Mm... I’m all yours. Take me however you want.”  

“Now, who is the tease?” he asked, laughing.  

Then he reached over and opened the shower door, pulled her with him, reached in, and turned on the shower. Then he closed the door. Slowly, Emily noticed the size of the bathroom. The massive full wall mirror. The two sinks in the large vanity. Twin medicine chests. The toilet with bidet. The large shower with multiple shower heads canted at different angles. Enough room for two to easily stand together under the beams of water.  

Emily gasped as she took everything in. She felt a sense of wonder and awe as she looked at everything, “This is amazing, Ragden.”  

“If you think this is wild, you’ll have to see my parents shower someday.” He laughed again, trying to imagine the look on her face when she saw that space. “My parents have a... strange idea of what a shared space is supposed to look like.”  

Emily laughed, feeling turned on by the thought of seeing Ragden’s parents’ bathroom, and she was very curious what that would be like. She was grateful that he wanted to share this space with her. “Well, that means I’ll have to see your parents shower someday. I hope it’s as impressive as this one.”  

Ragden laughed again as he reached in to test the water temperature with one hand.  

“Even more so. I will show you one day, but not today.”   

He winked. Then he stepped into the shower and pulled her gently in with him. He pulled her body against his. He leaned against the wall as the shower cascaded around them. He slid his hands onto her shoulders and circled them around her back. He pulled her gently against him as he kissed her softly. She sighed with pleasure at his touch and the feel of the hot water pouring over her body. She felt vulnerable and exposed but also turned on. And excited, knowing that Ragden was taking control of the situation and that he was leading her through the experience. She trusted him from the depths of her being, knowing that he would never force her to do anything she did not want to do. He would always respect her boundaries and her limits.  

“Mm... This feels amazing.”  

“I know. I love this shower. But do you know what makes this shower even more amazing?” He leaned in and placed his lips against hers, gazing into her incredible eyes. “Being here with you.”  

She sighed deeply, feeling a rush of pleasure coursing through her veins as she realized that he was speaking the truth. She felt a sense of happiness and a sense of contentment, knowing that she was able to share this moment with him. That he was able to cherish her company as much as she cherished his. She also felt a sense of pride, knowing that she was able to bring such joy and happiness into his life. She was also grateful for the way that he was able to make her feel so incredibly alive, desired, and loved.  

“Yes... Being here with you is amazing. And you are right, Ragden. This shower feels incredible.”  

He kissed her softly on the lips. Then he reached over, grabbed a loofa, and poured body wash on it. He lathered it up, then reached around and pressed it to the back of her neck. He kissed her on the lips as he ran it down her back, scrubbing gently as he went. Then he slid it up her side, ran it under her armpit, down her arm, and out to her fingertips. Then he turned it over and ran it back up the other side of her arm. Gently scrubbing as he went. Then he kissed her again, as he ran it across her back to her other arm. Down her arm to her fingertips. Then he flipped it over her hand and up into her armpit and down her side.  

Emily felt a sense of incredible anticipation, knowing that Ragden was taking his time. That he was savoring every moment of the experience. That he was enjoying the act of pleasuring her while cleaning her. She was grateful for the way it made her feel so incredibly desired and cared for. So incredibly loved.  

She whispered, “Mm... Ragden, that feels amazing.”  

"Well... if we want to make a good impression on my parents, we’ve got to be clean.”  

He winked before he kissed her lips again. Then he ran the loofah over her ass, gently massaging the soap into her skin. Then he slid it between her cheeks. Ran it over her asshole and brought it up through her folds over her clit. He kissed her gently on the lips as he dragged the loofah up her groin and swirled it over her waist. Gently scrubbing the sweat and dirt off her body. She felt anticipation building as Ragden took his time, continuing to savor the experience, and used the loofah to pleasure her in ways she had never experienced before. She felt vulnerable, knowing that Ragden was able to see every inch of her naked body. That he was able to touch her in ways that were incredibly intimate and personal. She whispered huskily.  

“Mmmm... this is so amazing...”  

He kissed her softly, then dropped to his knees before her. He slid the loofah over her right hip and scrubbed the sweat and dried fluids from her thighs. Then he slid it down over her knee, around behind it, and dragged it down across the backs of her calves. Ragden gently picked up her foot and scrubbed between her toes, her ankles, and the arches of her feet. Then he placed a soft kiss on the top of her foot before placing it back on the floor. Then he picked up her left foot and scrubbed it the same way. He worked the loofah up her calf, to her knee. Then he kissed her right knee as he slowly stood and ran the loofah up her thigh. He started from the outside then slid it along her inner thigh, up into her groin. He slid it between her legs, gently scrubbing her pussy, slipping it between her folds, caressing her clitoris with it, before dragging it up to her stomach.  

She moaned softly, “Mmmm...”  

Then Ragden slid the loofah in a slow gentle circle across her stomach. Gazing into her eyes lovingly, he slid it up between her breasts. He gently dragged the scrubbing action across her breasts, cupping and gently scrubbing each. As he finished with each, he placed a soft kiss on her nipples.  

Emily sighed softly, feeling the sense of incredible pleasure at the combination of the loofah on her skin, and his lips against her sensitive nipples. “Mmmm... Ragden, that feels amazing.”  

He smiled at her, and kissed her on the lips, as he set the loofah back on the shelf where he got it. Then he grabbed a bar of soap and lathered up his hands.  

“Close your eyes” he whispered.  

As her eyes closed, he gently rubbed the soap into her face. He softly scrubbed her forehead and massaged her cheeks. Then he gently ran his fingers behind her ears. Tenderly, he turned her face into the water from one of the shower heads washing the soap from her face. Then he kissed her softly.  

“You can open your eyes now.”  

As the water rinsed the soap from her face, she felt refreshed and loved in ways she had never experienced. She watched as he grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured a small amount into his hands. He kissed her lips softly as he worked it into her hair. Then, satisfied, he gently turned her head so the water could run the shampoo out of her hair.  

Then he grabbed a bottle of conditioner and worked that into her hair. He softly rinsed it out once complete. She felt a sense of incredible pleasure. She felt the tension and stress of the day melting away as the water rinsed the shampoo from her scalp. Then he took a step back from her and admired her incredible body. Clean from head to toe, she radiated such beauty that his heart ached. Satisfied, he grabbed the loofah again, filled it with body wash, and started to work it into his skin.  

“You look amazing, my dear. I am afraid to touch you before I get myself clean.” He spoke softly, almost purring. She smiled and blushed slightly as she felt so incredibly beautiful, sexy, and desirable.  

After running the loofah over his arms, chest, and legs, he handed it to Emily and turned his back to her. “Would you mind? Gets hard to reach sometimes.”  

Emily took the loofah from Ragden and smiled as she worked it into his skin. She felt the incredible texture of his skin beneath her fingers. Felt the way his muscles tensed and relaxed as she ran it over his skin. Felt the incredible sensation of pleasure that flowed through her body as she scrubbed his skin. She felt a sense of trust, knowing that he was allowing her to please him in this way. She could see that he cherished every moment of the experience. It made her feel even more connected and appreciated by him for the care and attention she was able to provide.  

As she finished, he turned and kissed her softly on the lips, “Thanks.”  

Then he grabbed the shampoo and quickly washed his hair. Once that was finished, he stepped into her warm embrace again. He smiled as he licked her lips, and kissed her softly, “All clean and fresh for you, my love.”  

She smiled at his kisses, feeling a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. She spoke softly against his lips, “You’re welcome, Ragden. You taste delicious.”  

"So do you" He whispered against her lips as he kissed her more passionately. Emily smiled into the kiss, feeling the intensity of their kiss growing deeper and more passionate. She felt the water cascade over them. He pulled her body against his. Felt her breasts pressed against his chest. His cock throbbed between them, poking into her stomach. She ached to feel it inside her again. At the same moment, his stomach growled again. He looked down at his cock, and his stomach. He was not sure which to satisfy first.  

Emily also felt her stomach growling, and she looked down at her body. She saw her ravenous appetite reflected in the hunger that burned within her belly. She spoke, “Hm. Maybe we should feed our stomachs first.”  

Ragden laughed. “One last thing I'd like to do first.” He winked at her and kissed her lips softly. “If you’ll let me?”  

Emily felt Ragden’s lips on her own, and she smiled, feeling the intensity of their kiss. She felt a sense of anticipation, a sense of desire, as she knew that Ragden was about to ask her something incredibly intimate and personal. She also felt a sense of trust, knowing that Ragden was cherishing every moment of the experience. That he was able to take his time, to make her feel desired, loved, and turned on. She spoke.  

“What do you have in mind, Ragden?”  

Ragden slid down to one knee before her and looked up at her hungrily. Then he leaned into her groin and gently kissed her pussy. His tongue teased the edges of her. Emily felt a sense of incredible pleasure, feeling his tongue teasing the edges of her sensitive lips. An electric surge ran through his body at the incredible taste of her. Then he looked up at her and asked permission with his eyes.  

She spoke softly, huskily, “Go ahead, Ragden. Ask me.”  

"Can I taste your core? Can I sample your juices? Can I kiss your pussy and taste your vagina?"  

Emily felt Ragden’s words, a sense of excitement, desire, and vulnerability. She realized that he was asking her to allow him to indulge in some of her most intimate and personal fantasies. She felt a sense of trust.  

“Yes, Ragden. Go ahead.”  

He smiled up at her, then leaned his face into her warm pussy. As the water of the shower cascaded over their bodies, he slipped his tongue between her lips. He dipped it into her. A shiver of ecstasy ran through him at the sheer delicious flavor of her. His cock throbbed between his legs as he gently ran his tongue over her clitoris. Then he gently lifted her left leg and set it on his shoulder, spreading her lips open so he could run his tongue the full length of her.  

Emily felt Ragden’s tongue exploring her pussy. She felt a sense of incredible pleasure. Felt the electricity that coursed through her body as she felt his tongue gently exploring her depths. She also felt a sense of vulnerability. She knew that Ragden was able to taste her. To sample her essence. To enjoy the incredible sensations that came with indulging in her most intimate desires. She moaned softly, “Ragden... mmm...”  

He leaned into her groin and buried his face in her lips. Dipped his tongue into her vagina and ran it along her inner walls. Then he slid up over her. Ran his tongue over her clitoris, gently pulling it into his mouth to suckle it softly.  

Emily felt Ragden’s mouth gently wrapping around her clitoris. She felt a sense of incredible pleasure, feeling the electricity that coursed through her body as she felt his tongue gently suckling her most sensitive spot. She felt more vulnerable, knowing that he was able to please her in ways that were incredibly intimate and personal. She moaned softly.  

Then he gently placed his hand on her right thigh and lifted her leg. Spread her legs open and her pussy. He slid her up the wall and braced her against the wall as he licked the length of her. His tongue explored every inch of her lips. Dipped inside her pussy to sample her juice. Then up to her clitoris to suckle on it.  

Emily’s pulse raced as he slid her up the wall. She felt herself at his mercy but trusted in him completely. She clutched her breasts and squeezed them as he continued to savor her most intimate parts. Pulses of pleasure spread out through her body at his gentle actions. She gasped as he dipped his head lower, ran his tongue over her asshole. Teased it softly. Surges of pleasure, the likes of which she had never felt before, spiked through her body. Her muscles twitched in response. Then he dragged his tongue back through her lips. Dipped as deep into her vagina as he could.  

Then he dipped back down and slipped his tongue into her asshole. She gasped as he softly, tenderly pushed the tip of his tongue into her. As he felt the tightness of her. Her thighs convulsed. He held them firm as he worked his tongue inside her. Then he slipped it out and licked his lips. Then he ran his tongue up through her pussy again. He deeply explored her vagina with his tongue. She gasped again as he slid up higher and sucked on her clitoris hungrily.  

While he still gently held her to the wall, he slid his tongue up her groin. Across her navel, between her breasts up to her chin. He kissed her chin, her jaw, and then her lips. Emily sighed, as she felt Ragden exploring her body with his tongue. She felt the intensity of his passion. Then the head of his cock pushed through her pussy, teasing her vagina, before sliding against her clitoris. She felt the incredible heat of it against her entrance. He kissed her passionately, tasted her sweetness, letting her taste her juices on his tongue.  

Ragden whispered against her lips, as his cock throbbed in her labia, at the entrance of her pussy, teasing. It pulsed, causing her muscles to vibrate in response.  

“Was that, okay?”  

Emily felt Ragden’s whisper against her lips, and she nodded. She felt the incredible heat of his member against her wetness. Felt the intensity of his passion, and she spoke.  

“It was amazing, Ragden. Please continue.”  

Then, his stomach rumbled loudly, and he laughed. His body shook with the humor of it. His cock slid against her folds but did not enter her. She laughed with him, feeling the incredible connection that they shared. She felt the incredible passion that coursed through their bodies. His voice was full of humor; he sighed against her lips.  

“Food first? Love later? Or...”  

"Food first, love later, Ragden. It's only fair."  

He shifted his hips. His cock slid through her lips. Slipped into her vagina. Partly slid up into her. His breath hissed through his teeth. Her tightness wrapping around his cock. He gasped in pleasure, leaned into her, and pushed her against the wall a little harder. He kissed her passionately. His tongue danced across hers.  

Emily felt Ragden’s cock sliding into her, filling her, but not completely. She could feel he had deeper he could go. She ached for him to finish that, to fill her. She felt a sense of incredible pleasure. She felt the incredible tightness of her body wrapped around his member. She could feel the heat radiating from his shaft, as it throbbed inside her pussy. She felt so loved and cherished, her heart full to bursting.  

He slid his cock deeper into her. Ground it into her cervix. Gently caressed that hard wall within her with the head of his cock. She felt a sense of incredible pleasure. She felt the intense pressure against her cervix. He groaned against her. The feeling sent electrical pulses coursing through them both. The air around them suddenly felt charged with power, sex, comfort, and love. He kissed her harder, savored every inch of her wrapped around him, pressed against him.  

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Slowly, gently, he backed his lips off hers. As they broke apart, he panted, trying to catch his breath. His heart hammered in his chest. She looked into his eyes and saw the incredible passion that still burned within them. He looked down as the warm water of the shower cascaded over their entwined bodies. His cock was firmly seated deep within her. He moaned softly against her.  

“God, you feel so amazing.”  

Then his stomach rumbled again, and he sighed, disappointed. He looked at her. He ached to finish what he had started but also ached for food. Slowly, he eased his dick out of her. Inch by precious inch, slipped from her. Then he gently lowered her feet to the floor of the shower. He smiled sadly at her, then kissed her lips tenderly.  

“Later,” he promised her. “We will continue this later.”  

Emily sighed, disappointed. She wanted him to finish, wanted to feel his cock filling her up. Instead, she looked down at his throbbing cock as it slipped from within her. Her juice was gently washed off by the cascading water from the shower. She pouted slightly at him. She could still feel the heat of his cock, so close to her body. It throbbed just out of her reach. For a moment, she considered trying to grab it and slip it back into her incredibly tight, wet pussy.  

Then Ragden reached over and shut off the water. He opened the shower door and grabbed a towel. He turned to her and started drying her hair, carefully, gently, he squeezed the water out. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the intimacy and tenderness of his touch. Then he pulled the towel around her back. He kissed her softly as he pulled it back and forth, drying her back. She opened her eyes, and gazed at him, watching how his muscles flexed and pulled as he took his time drying her. She felt so loved and cherished by this simple act. The sensation of the towel as it gently brushed away the water from her skin, and the tenderness of how he cared for her. Then he ran the towel down her arms, and across her chest. He paid special attention to her breasts. He gently ran the soft fabric over them and under them, drying them thoroughly. As he finished, he kissed each nipple. A soft caress with his tongue. She sighed at his soft touch, her nipples aching for more, and her body throbbed with desire.  

Then he slid the towel over her stomach and across her groin. He slid the towel between her legs, drying her as best as possible Then he ran it over her ass, gripping her firm muscles gently as he dried them. Then he dropped to one knee in front of her and ran the towel down her legs, over her knees, around her calves. He picked up a foot, dried it off, then kissed it and placed it back on the shower floor, doing the same with the other.  

Emily smiled as she let Ragden run the towel over her body. She felt the incredible sensation of the soft fabric as it brushed against her skin. Felt the incredible tenderness with which he cared for her. She watched the way his cock throbbed while he dried her body. She ached for him to fill her up, to finish what they had started. But she knew, as her stomach growled, that she needed to refuel before engaging in more strenuous activity again. Her muscles ached slightly, though the shower had been marvelous, sensual, and so much more than she had expected; she knew she needed a satisfying meal and rest.  

Ragden slowly stood before her now dry, perfect body. Emily watched Ragden stand, admiring the incredible sight of his perfectly toned, wet body. She watched as he hung the towel outside and grabbed a robe for her. He stepped behind her, holding out the sleeves so she could slip into it. She slipped her arms into the sleeves and felt the warm, soft fabric slide up her arms. She pulled it around herself, as Ragden gently lifted her hair out of the back.   

Ragden kissed Emily softly on the cheek as he reached for his towel. Draping it over one arm, he held the door open for her with one hand. Offered her the other to step free of the slippery shower. Emily stepped forward and allowed him to take her hand. She felt his warm powerful grip stabilizing her. She stepped out and turned to watch Ragden as he dried himself off. She licked her lips and felt her pulse quicken as he ran the towel over himself unaware of her gaze on him. Then he turned to her and smiled, her pulse quickening. Then he hung up the towel, grabbed a robe, and slipped into it. He left it hanging open in the front. His still erect penis peeked out between fabric. Watching it throb, she felt the desire and passion running through her.  

Ragden stepped out of the shower and up to the mirror. He pulled open a drawer and grabbed a brush. Then he turned Emily to face the mirror. He stood behind her and gently ran the brush through her hair. She felt the incredible sensation of the bristles against her scalp and smiled softly. Ragden gently leaned against her, his lower body pressed against her. His cock pushed against the fabric of the robe. She sighed feeling its pressure against the curve of her ass. He gently continued to brush her hair, ignoring it.  

Satisfied with how incredible her hair looked all brushed out. It was dry and bounced against her back. Ragden leaned against her, reached around, and cupped her breasts through the open front of her robe. He kissed her ear, pulled her against him, he whispered in her ear.  

“I love you.”  

Emily shivered with desire at his gentle caresses. She could feel the heat of his cock against her back, and her insides quivered with the desire for it. She bit her lip as he whispered in her ear. She sighed softly. She relaxed her body against his, felt the press of it through the robe, and wanted more.  

Then Ragden released his grasp on her breasts and grabbed a comb from a drawer. He quickly ran it through his hair. Got it to lay just where he wanted it, then put the comb away. Then he placed a hand gently on Emily’s shoulder and turned her to face him. Their robes flapped open, and their bodies pressed together. Naked flesh to flesh. The electric current surged through them. His cock pulsed and throbbed against her skin. He reached up under her robe and pulled her tightly against him. He savored the feel of her skin against his. He kissed her forehead, her nose, and then her lips, savoring the taste of her.  

Emily took a half step back and felt the counter press against her ass. Desire and passion coursed a hot path through her body. Her nerves tingled with need. She reached back and placed her hands on the counter. She smiled wickedly as she hoisted herself up onto the counter and spread her legs to wrap them around Ragden. Then she reached down and guided his cock into her pussy.  

“I can’t wait,” she said huskily into his ear as she pulled him into her.  

He rolled his hips into her groin, slid his throbbing cock deep into her. Felt it ground out against her cervix. He gasped as her incredibly tight pussy seemed to part and let him sink into her in one stroke.  

“Oh gods...” he whispered into her lips as he kissed her deeply. He ground his hips against her groin. Pushed his cock harder against her cervix. Emily felt the heat, intensity, and passion rolling of Ragden, filling her up. She sighed, as he pushed against her depths, and felt the pressure inside her.  

"I thought we were going to get something to eat first?"   

He whispered huskily into her ear as he pulled back slightly. He slid his cock almost out of her vice-like vagina. Emily moaned in response. Wrapped her legs tighter around him and pulled him back into her. Her arms wrapped around him, and grabbed his ass. Pulled him fully into her. She moaned as his cock brushed up against her cervix. She pulled against him, squeezed, and tried to get him deeper into her.  

He took a deep breath as he slowly slid partially out, then slid back in. His breath came in gasps as her body pulsed around him. He could feel her heart thumping against his chest. His heart sped up to match hers. Emily moaned in response, feeling her heart beating against Ragden’s chest. She felt her body pulsing around his cock; the heat and intensity filled her.  

Ragden drew back and slid half his throbbing cock from her incredible vagina. Then slid it back in more quickly. Her entire body pulsed around him. He quickly found himself moving more rapidly, sliding in and out with increased speed. His breath picked up pace as he felt her starting to lose control. Emily moaned louder; her voice echoed throughout the bathroom as Ragden’s cock slid in and out of her incredibly tight pussy. She felt the passion that burned within him, felt the incredible desire that coursed through her veins.  

To her surprise, Emily could feel her orgasm building rapidly. The sensation of everything that had transpired in the last ten minutes built upon itself and overwhelmed her. Feeling Emily’s building orgasm, Ragden’s body responded in kind. The tenderness of the shower, the teasing, every incredible sensation built into a symphony of ecstasy. His cock throbbed harder as it slid in and out of her pussy. He never wanted it to end, but knew he was moments from climax.  

Emily’s eyes rolled back into her head as she felt Ragden’s cock slamming into her incredibly tight pussy. She felt the incredible heat that radiated from his member. Their bodies once again worked together. Emily rolled her hips in time to his thrusts. Each thrust pushed into her cervix and shook her body. Her breasts spilled from the open robe. Bounced in time to her heart, in time to each thrust. Her nipples hardened as she felt Ragden’s cock slamming into her.  

Ragden leaned forward, and latched his mouth onto one breast, one hand on the other. His other hand braced against the vanity as he slammed his cock into her faster and harder. Their rhythm was still building. He could feel the wildness of her heartbeat, like a caged animal. His beating to match. Their breathing was rapid and in sync. He flicked his tongue over her nipple as he slammed his cock in and out of her.  

Emily’s body trembled as Ragden’s mouth captured her breast and suckled her nipple. While his cock continued to pound into her tight pussy. As he felt her tremble, his desire intensified. Their pace increased. The vanity shook beneath them. He flicked and licked her nipple with his tongue as he continued to slam his cock into her even faster. His fingers curled into her. Emily’s fingers dug into his ass, pulled him into her with each thrust.  

Emily’s body shook violently as Ragden’s cock pounded into her. Her knuckles went white with the effort of holding onto the vanity. Her eyes rolled up into her sockets. Her mouth hung open, as she gasped for breath.  

At the edges of his psyche, in the back of his mind, Ragden could feel the dark cloud coming closer. He could feel his body starting to succumb, to lose control. ‘Release me,’ the words crept through his mind, hauntingly, comfortingly; all he had to do was let go... A cold trickle of fear went down his back. He tried to refocus on Emily, his precious beautiful, sexy, wonderful Emily. His cock slammed into her pussy, filled her, worshipped her, loved her. He could still feel the dark cloud just out of sight. He tried to shake his head to lose it. With a massive effort, he shoved it away... Its laughter faded as it disappeared. Ragden’s eyes refocused, and he looked down at Emily, his cock still slammed into her, over and over. Their bodies were in a psychotic rhythm of ecstasy.  

Emily’s head rolled back, her back arched, and every muscle seized as she cried out from the force of her climax. The orgasmic waves suddenly overcame everything she was experiencing. Her heart stampeded in time to the psychotic thrusts of Ragden’s hips. His cock slid in and out of her so fast, she could not tell where he began, and she stopped. She cried out as her body shuddered, and shook, gasped for breath as another wave of orgasmic energy crashed over her. Arched her back and threw her head back as she cried out again.  

Just as suddenly, Ragden’s climax overtook him, blotted out existence. His muscles seized, and his cock slammed into her cervix, as his body locked up, tried to push deeper into her. He pulled her against him and groaned with effort as his heart stampeded in his chest. Every muscle clenched, then he felt it release as cum exploded out of his cock, filling her. His own back arched, pushed against her harder and tried to push his cock deeper into her as more cum poured into her.  

Emily’s body convulsed, her heart hammered as she screamed out, her orgasm ripped through her very soul. Forcing his eyes to open again, as Emily screamed the force of her orgasm, Ragden felt his body crumple. He reached out and grabbed her limp body as they slid to the floor. He cradled her against him and prevented her from hitting anything as he collapsed, unable to hold his weight. She sagged against him, her strength gone. Her breath was faint, her pulse rapidly slowing. He could feel his cock still buried deep in her pussy, pushing against her cervix. Her vagina clenched on his cock, as more cum poured into her. He wondered when it would stop. He hoped it would not just from the sheer pleasure of it and hoped it would.  

Emily’s body went limp, completely spent. Her heart slowed and breath slowed, her mind blank. Her pussy still gripped Ragden’s cock; her juices flowed out of her as she came. As they lay there, she felt the wetness of his seed as it mixed with her juices. Her thoughts floated on a sea of pure ecstasy; her body felt completely fulfilled. Completely satisfied. Completely overwhelmed by the incredible pleasure that had just taken over her being.  

Ragden felt himself starting to soften within her as he cradled her in his arms. He felt for her pulse and found it weak in her arms. He felt her breathing against him, shallow and faint. His heart thundered in his chest. What had happened? He feared that he had almost killed her, fucked her to death. Was such a thing possible? A small voice in the back of his head said it was. How? Why? He shook his head and tried to clear such thoughts. His heart ached for Emily. He felt the strength slowly returning to his limbs; he caressed her lovingly. Hoping she would recover.  

Emily’s heart slowed, her breathing slowed even more, and her mind floated in a sea of absolute bliss. She could feel her body slowly starting to come down from the height of her incredible orgasm. She could feel her pussy slowly start to contract, felt her vaginal walls slowly start to close around Ragden’s still throbbing cock. She could hear her heartbeat, slowing, her breathing growing shallow. She felt the world slipping away and wondered if she was dying and if that would not be so bad. The experience had been the greatest of her life, and to end it there would not be so bad...  

Ragden kissed her forehead softly, brushing of lips against hot skin. “Are you okay?” He whispered. Emily’s heart rate continued to slow down; her breathing became slower. Her body started to recover from the incredible orgasm that had just overwhelmed her. She felt Ragden’s lips brush against her forehead, and she opened her eyes, looked up at him, and saw his concerned expression. She felt her pussy still clenched on his cock. She could feel the incredible pleasure that had just filled her, and she smiled at him.  

Ragden pulled the robe around her, around them both. Feeling its warmth against their skin. He could feel every bit of her pressed against him. The hard floor at his back. He knew if they stayed there much longer, he would be even more sore and that did not sound like much fun. He tried to sit up and found that difficult. He cradled her body against his. Felt her arms slip around him, as he sat up. Her body was still limp against him. Her breath was shallow, and her heart rate was almost undetectable.  

“Do you think you can stand?” he asked cautiously, not even sure he could stand.  

Emily’s body was mostly limp against Ragden’s. Her heart rate was still slowing, her breathing shallower. She could feel Ragden’s arms wrapped around her, but it felt like something far away. Ragden tenderly brushed the hair from her eyes as he looked for some recognition that she was still there. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.  

“Emily,” he whispered. “Are you okay?”  

Emily’s eyes fluttered open, but she did not see Ragden looking at her. Her heart rate continued to slow. Her breath was even more shallow. She could feel Ragden’s lips pressed against her forehead, and she closed her eyes again. She felt the warmth of his lips against her skin. It felt like something that happened to someone else. She noticed how her pussy clenched around his throbbing cock, but it was a distant sensation. Something far off, as she swam in bliss.  

Cautiously, Ragden tucked his feet under him. Then he lifted himself upward. Using one hand to keep her tucked against him, he braced against the counter and stood. Her legs gently slipped around him, her arms snaked around his chest, tucked her against him. He could feel the faint beat of her heart against his skin. Her breath barely tickled his chest. It was faint and slow. If he did not know better, he would think she was asleep. Ragden leaned against the counter, with her still wrapped around him. He could still feel his cock lodged within her pussy; its walls still clamped down on him. He shuddered at the feeling. It felt so good. Even as his cock started to soften, her body did not let go. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.  

“Emily, are you okay?”  

Her eyes fluttered but did not open. She returned the kiss, sluggishly. He smiled at her return kiss. She was still responsive, but only just. He leaned against the counter, held her to him as his cock softened, hoping she would recover. Wishing her to recover. Then something clicked in the back of his head, something shifted internally. He could feel her, all of her. The core of her being. Her soul. His heart leaped in his chest. Love poured out of him. He found her, supported her, and poured his love into her. He could not explain how, or what, but he felt his love pouring into her. It filled her up and returned her energy. The flush of her cheeks darkened. Her breathing steadied. Her heart beat stronger again. Her eyes fluttered open, and he saw something behind them. The strength of who she was. She no longer stared blankly. He saw recognition in her eyes.  

Emily felt her heart rate growing stronger, her breathing becoming steady and deep. Her body started to recover from the incredible orgasm that had just overwhelmed her. Everything had a crispness to it, like someone had sharpened the edges of reality. She could feel every inch of Ragden’s cock still lodged deep within her pussy. She could feel the incredible pleasure that had just filled her. As she looked at Ragden, she could feel something happening within her. Something deep within her. Something that she could not describe. She could feel her heart rate increasing. Her breath quickening. Her entire body tensed as she felt a rush of incredible emotion filling her. A rush of incredible sensations that flooded her very being. A rush of pure ecstasy that seemed to fill and strengthen her very essence. She gasped as it filled her and flowed through. She felt every pore of her being filled with it.  

“Emily,” he whispered, seeing the color in her cheeks again. “Are you okay? Can you say something? You’re scaring me...”  

Emily blinked, slowly. She looked around the room. She tried to curl tighter around Ragden but was already snuggled against his chest. Then she looked up at him and saw the concern on his face. The worry in his eyes.  

“Wha...? I’m... I’m sorry... I’m here. I’m... I think I’m okay.” She could still feel his cock. Even though it was smaller and softer, deep inside her. She smiled at the sensation of it. Even as it started to get smaller and slip out of her. Then her stomach rumbled again. She looked down at her body and giggled.  

Ragden smiled down at her, then kissed her lips tenderly. He leaned back and gently pulled her legs out from around him. He gripped her ass softly and lifted her off his cock. Let it slide from within her. Then he set her softly on the floor. His hands on her hips to steady her shaky legs.  

Emily felt a sense of loss as his cock slipped from her. She missed the feeling of him deep within her. The incredible pleasure that he brought her. Ragden looked down and saw a slow stream of fluid running down her leg from her drenched pussy lips. A mix of her juices and his. He stood up and stepped away from the vanity. He kept a hand on her hip in case she lost her balance. He grabbed a washcloth, dampened it, and then gently ran it up her leg, wiping the fluids from her skin. As he did so, he bent down and smelled it. He touched his tongue to it and shivered at the complex mix of their flavors. Then he finished running the cloth up to her groin, where he held it against her.  

Ragden stood and wrapped his arms around her. Pulled her against him. He kissed her forehead softly, then her lips. A tear in his eye as he whispered to her.  

“I thought I'd lost you there for a moment...”  

Seeing the tear in Ragden’s eye, Emily’s heart fluttered. She could not clearly remember what had happened. She felt okay. She felt better than okay. She felt amazing. She leaned into Ragden and kissed him tenderly on the lips.  

“I’m sorry, love; I didn’t mean to scare you.”  

He smiled down at her, noting something different but not able to put his finger on it. His hands trailed around her waist.  

“God... You are so beautiful.”  

Emily blushed slightly, feeling Ragden’s hands on her waist. She felt a newfound confidence. A newfound self-assurance. A newfound beauty that seemed to radiate from within her very being. She felt incredibly sexy, desirable, and attractive. She felt like nothing could compare to the way she felt right now. Nothing could take that away from the incredible pleasure she was feeling. She felt like she belonged to Ragden like she was his, and he was hers.  

“Lover,” she whispered, her voice soft and sweet, “You make me feel like the most incredible woman in the world. Like I have never felt before.”  

Ragden felt heat coming down his cheeks. He blinked hard, feeling tears starting to well up. He hugged her fiercely and pulled her against him. Then he whispered to her.  

“Shall we go downstairs and get some food then?”  

Emily felt Ragden’s heat. She knew that he was feeling emotional. She could see the tears in his eyes, and she knew that he was feeling something deep within himself. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She felt the incredible pleasure that was still coursing through her very being.  

“Love, please don’t cry. I want to make you feel better. I want to make you feel like everything is all right. I want to show you how much I care about you; how much I need you.”  

Ragden sighed at her, his heart hammered in his chest as he spoke softly. “I feel it.”  

Then his stomach rumbled again. Echoed by hers.  

“I think it’s best we eat something, though...”   

Then he laughed softly. She laughed along with him. She looked down at herself, and she could see the incredible glow of health and vitality that seemed to radiate from her very being.  

Ragden smiled happily. Then he reached over and pulled her robe closed. He grabbed the sashes, and gently tied them in a bow across her stomach. Then he pulled his robe about him and tied it similarly. He took her by the hand. He pulled the door open and walked out into the hall. He pulled her behind him. Then he reached back in and turned off the light. 

Written by Ragdenwrites
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