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It was August of 1981. Kelly had returned to start her senior year of university. At one of the buildings where she was wrapping up registration, a sheet of paper hanging on the job bulletin board caught her eye. It said something to the effect of ‘Urgent - Nude Models Needed’ and then had all of the legitimate-looking contact information for a professor at a nearby college. And that college wasn’t affiliated with her university. That was what really got her attention.

Kelly paid her own way through school, which meant she had to work and was always just barely scraping by. The $10 hourly rate listed on the flyer was nearly triple the minimum wage, so she tore off one of the strips with the professor’s contact info.

As she walked home, her mind was playing out a million scenarios of what the job could be. She wandered along everything from a sterile, almost medical setting, to a full-on orgy with the students. She had to admit to herself that she could be good with pretty much any scenario she could come up with, so it seemed best to call the phone number and get some facts.

A secretary answered the phone and passed her to the professor. Already she was satisfied that the gig seemed legitimate and not just a janky front for making pornos or something. The male professor very professionally gave a quick overview of the requirements. The line that stuck in her mind was “fully nude, viewed from all angles.”

He offered, if she had interest, that she could meet with him at his office. Kelly had nothing planned for the rest of her day, so she offered to meet in thirty minutes. “No, not at all,” was his response to her asking if there was any particular way she should dress.

As Kelly rode her bicycle to her first class where she would be the naked focus of attention, her mind played back how quickly it had all happened. He needed a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon model. She didn’t have any class conflicts during those times. He explained the work in such a comforting and professional way that she was convinced it was something she could do. And she had a real need to earn some cash. Less than a week after their initial meeting, she was reporting for work.

She arrived a few minutes before that class was to begin. The professor greeted her and showed her to the small alcove room between his office and the classroom. He offered her a sheet to cover with until she’d taken her pose on the platform in the middle of the classroom, which was actually an art studio filled with easels.

She was breathing fast and her heart was racing when she heard the gentle tap on the door. Just before she stepped up onto the platform the professor explained the pose to her. She dropped the sheet, ascended the platform, and took her pose. She didn’t expect the professor to adjust her hair so that it all flowed over one side of her body.

Kelly had dishwater blonde hair that hadn’t been cut since childhood and hung below her butt to about mid-thigh. The professor seemed most impressed by her hair when they first met. That also helped Kelly be at ease with him as most men she met, or even just walked past, seemed only focused on her 32F boobs.

Kelly knew she had to hold her pose perfectly still for twenty minutes. As her eyes darted around at the students, she had to face her own “duh” moment. This was a two-hundred-level class. Virtually everyone in the class was younger than she was.

When the twenty minutes was up she had a short break, which she took in the small room, and then another twenty-minute pose. After that class, she had a half-hour break until the next class and then the same two twenty-minute poses. Two classes, each meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

When she stepped out of the small room on Thursday, she’d not bothered with the sheet. It seemed silly to her. And she kind of liked how the looks from the students were a bit different than when she was in a formal pose.

It was when the second nine-week section began that the professor explained that he’d like to move from the more “classical” poses of the first nine to more casual, informal poses. Kelly described the difference to me as “before, I had my knees together, now I don’t.”

One pose, in particular, was a real challenge for her. She was sitting, leaning back, her hair cascading off the edge of the platform, her knees apart and raised, her feet flat on the platform. The young man “right in the line of fire” as she described it was, in Kelly’s words, “a hunk.”

And for twenty minutes he had a dead-on view into her pussy. Kelly was never burdened/graced (depends on your point of view) with a buttoned-up tiny slit for a pussy. Kelly’s labia majora were full and lived apart from each other. Even her inner lips were always open. In that pose, sitting in his spot, he had an unobstructed view of her inner lips, her clit, the opening of her vagina, you name it. They started the pose as pink. They ended as deep red.

As professional as everyone was, having her slit on display was a turn-on no matter the topic on which she tried to focus. That particular pose was the worst, she could feel her lube streaming out of her twat and running onto her butt and through her butt crack onto the platform.

She tried to make herself feel embarrassed, but she couldn’t overcome how turned on she was. Finally, thankfully, the professor announced time was up for that day’s class. Kelly sat up and the teenager with the perfect view was still staring into her slit and grinning from ear to ear. She watched him stand up and as he used a book bag to try to obscure his raging hard-on.

Kelly had to ask the professor for a cloth to wipe off the platform before the next class. Months later, she’d think back and believe that was the moment when things had changed. She made it through the next class without issue as there was a rather unattractive girl who had the primo viewing spot.

After that class, the professor asked if she had a minute to speak. The first thought that went through her head was that she was getting fired for having become so obviously turned on during the earlier class. As she sat down her mouth opened up. “I apologize for the situation during the first class. It was a very different pose and I guess I just couldn’t control my body.”

The professor just laughed. “Nearly all of our male models get an erection at some point. You’re all young students, not professionals, and in front of people your own age. It’s neither surprising nor an issue with us if it’s not with you.”

Kelly relaxed (although she kind of wanted to check out the male models with their hard-ons). But she and the professor had a bit more conversation about how she felt about being looked at and displaying herself. Kelly felt very comfortable with the prof and she admitted that she did have a kind of a kink, in that she found it arousing to display herself to strangers. “Exhibitionist?” was the word the prof used. She nodded in agreement.

Then he got to his point. He had a group of people that met at his home studio weekly. Some painted, some sketched, some just watched. They hired models there too. It was also clear that he was dancing around as far as what actually was expected. Kelly offered that she had come to trust him and that he could also trust her. She said that she thought she understood that he was talking about something not related to school or her work for him.

She watched the tension melt from his face. He explained that he had never hired models for his home group from people who work in his classrooms, but he just felt something that told him she could be ideal. Kelly scooted her chair closer to his. “It sounds fun! What do the models get to do?”

He explained that they like to make each session different. Sometimes a model is alone, sometimes with a partner. The partner could be male or female, Caucasian, like Kelly, or of a different race. "Activities can go beyond simply posing…"

“Oh my God! Do they fuck?”

“Well, yes, sometimes. It varies so much. The people who attend get to submit requests both beforehand and as the night progresses. Everything is completely consensual. No one is ever coerced into anything.”

Kelly pondered for a minute as his response hung in the air. “Do the artists get to participate?”

The prof clearly felt that their conversation had become safe, open, and would remain confidential. “Yes, at times, some people have been invited to join in physically with either the models or others in the group. Sometimes, they prefer to fuck each other or masturbate without interaction. It’s somewhat difficult to explain as each gathering is so very different from another.”

He continued, “I think your incredibly beautiful hair will be very much appreciated. And, honestly, the fact that you have no pubic hair will certainly be a curiosity.” He continued to speak with openness explaining that he obviously had no idea how she would look naked when he hired her for the classroom. He was most fascinated by her hair, as he thought that would be a bit of a challenge, artistically, for the students. Yet, the first time he saw her naked, he was stunned at her beauty and “significant physical attributes.” With the latest poses, he admitted, he was finding it difficult to not have sexual thoughts.

“Do you ever fuck the models? I mean at your home group, not the classroom,” Kelly asked with genuine curiosity (combined with a bit of hopefulness).

The prof reacted by turning beet red. But he could see that she was sincere. “I have but, and this is important, we’ve never had models that work for me at school, so if you accept this offer, that would be new ground for me to tread.”

“Do you like that I’m shaved?”

“It is different. It’s providing a different experience for the students. They usually don’t see a woman’s genitals so clearly in this class. I’ve seen some very different artwork as a result of your sessions.”

“You didn’t really answer my question though…”

“Yes, I find it very, very erotic.”

Kelly then asked what, exactly, was the offer on the table? He explained the pay was a flat fifty dollars for each event. She would be expected to stay for at least three hours, later of her own choice. Although the group meets weekly, they try to change things up and models are typically used once per month for several months. The prof turned red again and started to dance around.

“I get it. I don’t work during my period.” The look on his face thanked her for pulling him out of that one. Kelly was thrilled that she was generally on a weekend schedule and didn’t have to skip any of his classes.

Kelly asked when she could start? He explained that they had the upcoming Friday arranged, but they would hire her for the following week. In her excitement, Kelly jumped up from her chair, leaned onto him, and hugged him. She had been sitting there the entire time covered by her sheet, which fell as she jumped up.

Kelly was the aggressor. She nuzzled into his neck and used her hot breath on him. Bending over for the hug was awkward so she casually climbed onto his lap, her legs straddling him. He started to gently kiss her as she was kissing him. Kelly slowly sat up, putting her huge mounds in front of his face. He kissed and nibbled his way, ever so slowly, to her nipples. When he finally fulfilled her and forcefully sucked a nipple into her mouth, Kelly shuddered and came close to having an orgasm. Kelly loved how hard and red his mouth made her, up to that moment, pink nipples.

As the prof attacked her tits, Kelly used her hips to maneuver her hard-on locator over his lap. Once located, she dropped her wet cunt onto the lump and rubbed it through his jeans. They kept up their highly charged assault on each other. They were both moaning. Their eyes locked and their mouths followed a moment later. It was a challenge to see who could get their tongue the deepest down the other’s throat.

The prof used one hand to take up the work his mouth had been doing on her nipples and his other slipped to her cunt. Finding a soaking wet cunt inviting him in, two fingers took up a solid cunt-fucking. Kelly broke the kiss just long enough to pant, “like that shaved pussy?”

“Fuck, yes I do,” he moaned back.

He quickly fingered Kelly to an orgasm and didn’t let up for a second. Another couple of minutes later, Kelly bolted upright on his lap and let out a too-loud “Fuck!” His hand couldn’t cover her mouth quick enough, but he suppressed at least the back half of her exclamation.

Kelly jump off of his lap and attacked the fly of his jeans. The moment she had freed enough cock to mount, she was on him. He wrestled to get his jeans open and out of the way so that her ass was slamming onto his bare flesh and not his pants.

Kelly slammed her butt up and down on his dick at a furious pace to get herself off. It didn’t take long and she rocked out another huge cum, spraying his balls with a thorough coating of her lady juice. His eyes wide, he blurted: “You’re a squirter?”

With nothing but the pure devil on her face, Kelly replied, “only when I’m fucking a good cock…”

“Shit, I’m gonna cum.”

“Fill my pussy!”

“ I… I can’t cum inside you. I can’t.”

Kelly jumped off of his lap onto the floor and lunged her face onto his cock. She parked his seven-inch cock into her throat, nuzzled her nose into his pubes, and used both hands to play with his balls. Moments later he erupted, spewing his lava-hot sperm into her throat. His ass spasmed a couple of times as his cum spurt from his dick.

Kelly pulled her sloppy wet and sticky mouth from his cock and then licked his cum from her lips and then licked her own cum from his balls and groin. She stopped herself and closely checked out his balls. She realized that by a wide margin the prof had the most oversized sack she’d ever seen. His cock let loose with a few last dribbles which she licked up. Satisfied that he was cleaned up, she sat up and smashed her cum-flavored mouth onto his and tried to lick his balls again, but from the inside.

He had beads of sweat on his forehead. Kelly climbed off and he stood up. He tugged his jeans up and put his cock away. Kelly turned to go into the adjacent alcove, where her clothes were, to get dressed. Then she stopped and turned over her shoulder and said “That was fun! I hope we can do more of that.”

Kelly arrived at the prof’s house exactly at seven-thirty p.m. His studio was on the third floor of his old, fairly beat-up, Victorian home. He had a dressing screen set up. She stepped behind and stripped. The prof came to check on her but also stepped behind the screen to ogle her body. Kelly wrapped her arms around his neck and lightly kissed him while his hand rubbed her freshly-shaved-only-minutes-ago mound. What was hanging up behind the screen couldn’t be described as any sort of clothing, just different types of cloth she could use to drape over herself as she modeled.

Everyone else settled into the studio at eight p.m. sharp. Kelly peeked out and counted ten people with five men, six counting the prof. He invited her out and she was draped in a long piece of see-through muslin. The “platform” was just a king-size bed. The prof directed Kelly through a series of poses, each lasting about twenty minutes, just like school. She went through a half-dozen poses over the next two hours, each using the muslin wrapped in different ways.

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The poses had progressed from demure to provocative to bare boobs to bare fanny to bare naked on her back, legs spread. During the last “pose” different folks came up to the bed and asked her to change her pose, each version more graphic than the previous. She finished that session on her back with knees in the air, arms behind her thighs, and both hands spreading her cunt lips wide open wide. One lady walked up, and asked “May I?” Kelly nodded and she slipped three fingers into Kelly’s hole, which was so sopping wet Kelly had felt her trail of lube dripping down through her ass-crack.

The prof soon declared that the session was finished. Then a young man walked into the studio, as naked as Kelly, sporting a solid eight-inch hard-on. It took Kelly a moment to notice his face. She guessed him to be somewhat older than her, but probably still in his late twenties. It seemed as though the group knew him.

He stepped onto the bed and moved Kelly into poses of simulated sex. His cock next to her open mouth, etc. Kelly noticed a few people were feverishly sketching away at their easels. One guy off to the side, perhaps in his fifties, had stepped beside his stool and stripped naked. Kelly described him as looking very ‘artsy”. She actually compared him to a local artist we both knew. His average-sized cock was hard.

After twenty minutes of their fake sex, Kelly’s pussy was leaving large wet spots wherever she was posed. The prof announced that the session was over. She and her cock-sporting friend rehydrated. Kelly watched as at least half of the folks undressed. No one was beautiful. No one was ugly. Just a group of naked people in their thirties, forties, and fifties.

When they began the next session on the bed, her partner easily slid his cock inside her, although he did so without any warning. Kelly cooed. For the most part, they held poses, although he did move his dick slowly in small strokes. Kelly assumed that he needed some motion to keep his cock hard.

He pulled out his cock and then crawled up Kelly’s torso, with a knee on each side of her. When he arrived at her upper chest, Kelly hefted her tits and wrapped them around his cock. He slowly tit-fucked her. Kelly bent her chin into her chest and her open mouth would catch his cockhead at the top of each stroke. Kelly heard a man softly groan “yeah” from behind one of the easels.

In the middle of the session, he crawled off and then tugged Kelly’s head so it hung backward off the mattress. She was facing the group, upside down. He leaned forward onto her, burying his cock balls deep into her throat. A few in the group made sounds of being both impressed by her cock swallowing skills, as well as enjoying the view of his cock disappearing into her throat.

Kelly could only take him for a minute or so at a time. Then she’d tap his butt, he’d pull back and let her suck in some air. They finished in a sixty-nine, each gently playing with each other, keeping themselves equally wet and hard.

During their next quick break, one of the women (the only one who was still clothed) kneeled in front of her adjacent sketch partner and sucked his cock. Kelly had the opportunity to ask her cock model what was next, but she resisted her urge. Her cunt was running like a river at the excitement of having no clue of where things were going.

The prof announced it was time for the final session. Her cocksman guided Kelly to all fours and entered her from behind, doggy-style. Only that time wasn’t a pose. He was full-on fucking her with his long hard stick. Kelly came in moments. He flipped her onto her back, with one leg straight in the air that he hugged to his chest, plunged his cock back in, and immediately fucked her to another orgasm.

Over the next twenty minutes, Kelly came four or five times, while placed in even more positions than that. She was so wrapped up in her own carnal pleasures that it was several orgasms in before she realized that everyone else in the room was naked by then and several were fucking or sucking.

The artist-looking guy who had his cock out first climbed onto the bed and squatted over Kelly’s face. She licked and sucked his sack and balls as he stroked his cock. Then he quickly jerked back and stuffed his cock into Kelly’s mouth. Kelly felt it fill with his warm fluid. She swallowed it down. He stepped off the bed, gave her a peck on the cheek, whispered “you are stunning” and then left.

Another couple that had been fucking each other came up to the bed. She leaned forward and sucked on Kelly’s boob as her partner rammed her massively hairy cunt from behind. Soon, the partner pulled out and knee-crawled onto the bed, beating his cock. He quickly came, wildly sprinkling his jizz everywhere; on his partner, on Kelly, and on the cocksman.

Kelly looked over as they left and watched another guy grip a woman’s head as he pumped her face full of his load. After he finished they went up and sat on the edge of the bed. Soon the remaining people joined them. The cocksman kept moving Kelly into different positions. Hands reached in from all directions and stroked, fondled, and penetrated what they could.

Some of the touching was gentle rubbing. Some were grabbing (Kelly’s nipples got mountains of attention). She could feel that people were playing with the cocksman’s balls. One lady moved in and was sucking on his nipples.

Kelly’s fuck laid onto his back and pulled Kelly on her back onto his chest as he maneuvered his cock inside from behind. With Kelly’s cunt on full-fuck wide-open display, a couple of men and a woman took their turns sucking her clit. They were all good at it and had Kelly screaming-out orgasm after orgasm.

At one point it seemed like the entire crowd was moving in on their genitals and Kelly felt mouths all over her slit and the cock sliding in and out of her. She felt mouths on her mound and kisses on the inside of her thighs. She was going into orgasm overload when a hand wrestled its way behind to her butt and first one long finger, then two penetrated her ass.

Kelly closed her eyes and focused on everything that she could feel happening. She was screaming out as she came and came. She felt the cock pull out of her. Everyone pulled back to watch. Kelly was not pleased as they all watched a guy swoop in and swallow the cock that had just fucked the hell out of her. Kelly’s cocksman exploded into the guy’s mouth. His mouth opened and drooled a long stream of cum, most of it landing on Kelly’s shaved mound. Kelly felt she had earned that load from nearly an hour of fucking. She surprised herself at how much that guy’s “steal” pissed her off.

The cock rolled Kelly to her side and he climbed out of bed. Several folks stepped away and then left. The woman who was still finger fucking Kelly’s butt had climbed in closer and was also sucking on her clit. Kelly didn’t have another orgasm in her, still dealing with her frustration over the cocksman not cumming in her cunt or mouth.

She did light up when the professor appeared hovering over her, completely naked, his cock at full mast. The woman moved her head away from her clit and the prof laid down on Kelly for a missionary fuck.

Feeling the prof fucking her got Kelly back into gear. The manual butt fuck from the lady was actually helping too. She had both holes fucked hard and eeked out a final orgasm. The prof quickly pulled out and finished in the mouth of the woman fucking her ass. As soon as she’d caught his load, she pulled out her fingers and moved up on the bed next to Kelly. She held Kelly’s face in her hands and French kissed her as she deposited the prof’s load into Kelly’s mouth. They played with it back and forth for a bit before Kelly swallowed the load.

With the women lying next to each other, the prof introduced Rebecca as his wife. Kelly took the news in stride. Rebecca very much gave off a “hippie” vibe, much like the professor himself. She and Rebecca hugged each other and began kissing again. After a several-minute make-out session, Kelly got up and spun around, lying on Rebecca in a sixty-nine.

Rebecca had a wild black bush hiding her slit. Kelly could taste that a man had recently left his deposit in her, although she had no idea which man it was? Kelly was literally deep into eating Rebecca. Rebecca was a more voluptuous woman than skinny Kelly and Kelly’s face was buried between Rebecca’s thighs. Which is why Kelly was caught quite off guard when she felt another cock slide into her pussy.

Rebecca was giving Kelly all of the signals of an impending orgasm. Kelly was on a mission. She’d never leave anyone vibrating on the edge of orgasm. It wasn’t her nature. Yet, she was also trying to figure out who was fucking her. The prof seemed like the obvious choice, but for a man, his age to recover that quickly seemed unlikely on one hand, while superb on the other.

But it didn’t quite feel like the prof. It didn’t feel like the cocksman-model was back either. The dick wasn’t as long but it was a significantly fatter cock.

Kelly was lost in her own mind when Rebecca started to shake and moan. It brought Kelly back into focus and she nearly chewed off Rebecca’s very prominent clit as Rebecca screamed and violently bounced her ass up and down from the bed. Kelly had her fingers dug into Rebecca’s butt cheeks as she kept her clit firmly sucked into her mouth.

The violent movements finally stopped and then Rebecca softly begged Kelly to release her, which she did. Rebecca slid to the edge of the bed and then her bottom half slid out of the bed and she landed with her head lying over her crossed arms watching Kelly being fucked.

Kelly’s hair was all around her upper torso. She was taking a magnificent fucking and had her face ground into the mattress. Kelly had really gotten into this scene of a mystery cock pounding itself into her well-fucked cunt. The man had her hips gripped tightly and his very fat cock was making short, quick strokes. Although Kelly’s cunt was close to worn out, it was getting obvious that she needed to cum for the guy to claim his prize.

Kelly grabbed fistfuls of the sheets and started slamming her butt back, in rhythm with his cock. She felt her gash slapping into his firm and protruding ball sack. That did the trick for Kelly, she loves feeling a man’s balls bash into her cunt. She slammed him fast and as hard as she could. In her mind’s eye, she just saw a freakishly fat cock fucking her.

Kelly screamed with a hoarse voice that absolutely should not have screamed. “FUUUUUUCK!!! UNNNGH!! FUCKING HELL!!!!” Her cunt shot out a garden hose spray down of his nuts. The guy grabbed fistfuls of her hair like it was reigns and she was the horse.

“TAKE IT! Fucking take it! Take all that cum! All that cum! Yes!!!”

His cock had popped out and he was finishing himself off by fucking her ass crack. Kelly felt huge hot splats of thick cum land all over her back and her buns. She collapsed onto the bed. He had managed to pull her hair out of the way so that all of his cum landed directly on her back. Kelly was very impressed by that simple thoughtfulness.

She turned her head sideways and watched Rebecca climb back onto the bed, squatted down on her thighs, leaning forward. She felt Rebecca lap away at her back for a very long time cleaning and consuming the widely deposited cum splatters.

The professor kneeled on the floor in front of Kelly. He gently held her face and pulled her close for a deep kiss. After they gently broke away, Kelly asked: “Were you fucking me?”

The prof laughed and said, “No, no. That’s our friend Alan. Well, to be more specific, as we’re close friends now, it’s Rebecca’s boyfriend Alan. Rebecca is of such exuberance she needs more than one cock to keep her pussy happy.”

Kelly smiled and said, “Yeah, I understand that.”

The prof laughed again and said, “I thought you may.” The prof stood up, Rebecca rolled off the bed and stood, Kelly sat up in the center of the bed and a shining back man slipped in from behind her and sat next to her on the bed.

In our whitebread Wisconsin back then, there were black African-Americans. But, at the University, there were also actual African students. They were many, many shades darker than the locals. Alan spoke with a distinctive French-African accent. His skin was darker than night itself.

His legs were out straight. His limp cock lying between his thighs. Kelly grabbed his cock and said, to his cock, “Nice to meet you, Alan. You sure are a fat thing that cums a lot!” They all had a good laugh. Kelly realized it was just the four of them left in the studio. Kelly looked up and caught Alan’s gaze. He had a thousand-watt smile.

“I must say that it was very nice to meet you and your squirting pussy as well!” Another round of laughs. Rebecca moved her face to Alan’s lap and started by lightly licking the tip of his cock, teasing a couple of drops of thick as Elmer's Glue cum from his cock.

The group all watched Rebecca slowly take her time with Alan’s cock. It was a good ten or fifteen minutes before Alan’s uncut, coal-black, six-inch, twice as thick as mine, dick was fully engorged. Rebecca climbed onto the bed. Kelly scooted away as Rebecca slowly lowered herself. It took a minute for Rebecca to adjust to Alan’s girth. Soon, her pussy was fully impaled by Alan’s fat cock. “Fuck, you make my pussy feel so full!”

The prof reached for Kelly’s bald pussy, wanting to play inside. Kelly was fucked out. Not a common occurrence, but Alan’s girth and her struggle to orgasm, had left her cunt sore and dry. She gently let the prof know that her pussy was closed for the night. Kelly climbed off the bed. She sat on a stool at one of the easels. The prof stood next to her.

They watched Alan roll Rebecca onto her back. He reached his arms under her legs a hoisted them high into the air as he fucked her with the strength and consistency of a motor-driven piston. Kelly was surprised at how quiet the scene was. Not at all the case when she was being fucked.

It was time. Kelly stood and thanked the professor for an incredible experience. She stepped over behind the screen to get dressed. The prof followed and watched, with silent disappointment, as she covered herself. Once she was dressed the prof insisted that he drive her home. It was deep into the morning and Kelly was very appreciative. She could hear the sounds of a consistent and powerful shaking of the bed even from the first floor.

Kelly worked the rest of the school year for the prof in his classes. It became a job, like any other. There was only one other time that a pose and a student combined to cause her a major pussy leak. It was a black student that got Kelly daydreaming about Alan and her first night at the prof’s house. That day she hung around for another hour or so until the end of the school day, until after the prof’s secretary left. The prof fucked her wet cunt wildly on the floor of the alcove as Kelly talked out her fantasies of sex at his parties.

Kelly had a small handful of return visits to the prof’s house for his Friday night gatherings. On her next visit, she was actually surprised to watch both Rebecca and Alan shave each other’s genitals bare as part of that evening’s show. Kelly loved fucking them both that night. Each time she left with a very worn, tired, sore, and happy pussy.

By the end of that school year, Kelly had saved up enough money from her naked modeling adventures to buy herself a little used car.

Written by GoodToBeMe
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