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It was January or February of 1980. I can’t recall the exact date, but I clearly remember the event. A band called “The Fools” had released a Weird Al-like parody song of “Psycho Killer” called “Psycho Chicken.” At least around us, the song caught on like a brush fire and the band was coming to a campus bar near Kelly. I was planning on spending the weekend with her anyway, so it was a plan!

The venue had a typical campus bar downstairs, a drink and puke kind of a joint. Upstairs they had recently added a live music venue. The place was pretty weird. They were going for a cavern or grotto kind of a look with B-movie special effects fake rock walls curving overhead. The place was also quite dark with dim lighting and no windows. At least they didn’t have moisture dripping from the ceiling!

The place was packed and everyone was anticipating the band. Kelly had worn her standard college uniform of ragged and patched ultra-low-rise bell-bottom jeans (back then we called them hairline pants) and a flannel shirt. Shortly before the band was to start she made a trip to the restroom. There, she unbuttoned her shirt and tied it in a tight knot up high, just below her tits. No bra, of course, but she was wearing hip-hugger panties.

Depending on how she moved you could get a pretty good eyeful of her big 32F jugs. Kelly’s low-rise jeans had been out of style for years but she despised high-waisted pants. With a short torso, nothing could look worse. Nonetheless, showing bare skin from her hips to her tits in Wisconsin in the middle of winter… Yeah, Kelly was popular that night.

Of course, the hair never hurt either. Kelly and I were both twenty. Her last haircut had been fifteen years prior. Her dishwater blonde hair was parted down the middle, board-straight, and hung to the backs of her knees. And it was thick and it was heavy. She had crazy long legs for only being five-foot-two, but that also explained the short torso. A little bubble butt kept her jeans tight. An always-present smile and twinkling blue eyes completed her picture.

The place was pretty sparse. The band was set up on one end of the long room, a couple of beer bars toward the back, a large open area that could serve as a dancefloor when not packed cheek to cheek with students. We were packed into the crowd maybe fifteen feet away from the band. We’d sucked down enough beer that Kelly was feeling friendly and I was feeling stupid.

Life had to be tough for one-hit-wonder bands. How do you fill a show? For these guys, they started with ‘The Song’, played their other stuff no one had ever heard, played some covers and ended with ‘The Song.’ I guess you couldn’t have expected much more?

The crowd got amped up during their first play of the song. During the “Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa” part of the original song, “Psycho Chicken” substituted “Buck-Buck-Buck-Buck-Buck…” sung in a chicken voice. The whole crowd was screaming like chickens. Say what you will. I thought it was funny as shit. Still do!

Everyone was bopping away in place along with everyone else. Kelly was directly in front of me. I usually had my hand on her hips. Once in awhile, I’d pull a finger inside of her waistband and tickle the top of her ass crack. At one point I had hugged her tightly from behind. I slipped one hand down the front of her jeans and played in her thick curly black bush until I hit a wet spot. I pulled out. Sometimes it was great to just be a tease.

Probably two-thirds of the way through their show Kelly had to pee. She did her best to weave through the crowd. I probably should have also mentioned that this crowd was about three-fourths men. Most women don’t care for stupid songs. It’s very much a guy-thing, kind of like the Three Stooges.

It was pretty much normal bar travel for a woman in those days. Guys would grab, pinch, fondle whatever they wanted as she passed. Women could throw a fit and make a huge scene or just go with it, which is what Kelly usually did. And mostly because she actually enjoyed the physical attention. She also found that if it was met with a pretty smile most guys would behave as best they could and it was just fun for both of them.

On her trip to the restroom, two different guys slipped their hands inside her shirt and rolled her nipples. Kelly’s nipples loved the attention! They would go from nice darker-pink lumps to bright red peanut M&M-sized rock-hard nipples. Several times in her life Kelly has reached orgasm simply by having her nipples sucked and tweaked.

What is an ass-grab versus brushing in a tight crowd? Hard call and Kelly wouldn’t be bothered with the distinction. Now the fellow who tried to slip his hand down the front of her jeans, that was an easy call. She pulled his hand away and told him the truth: “Sorry, I have to pee!” Off she went and did just that. With the weird crowd for once, she didn’t have to stand in line for the ladies' room at a concert.

That meant she was working her way back through the same crowd just a few minutes later. One guy got her by the waist: “Did you pee?”

He caught Kelly off-guard for a beat until she realized it was the same guy again. “Sure did.”

He hugged her from behind while he slipped one hand inside her tied-up shirt and cupped a breast as the other slid down her tight jeans. He struggled to get through her bush and could only reach her clit. The guy smelled nice, looked nice, felt nice, was making her feel nice, so Kelly unzipped her very short zipper. In a flash, he had his middle finger inside her vagina feeling around for her G-spot.

Kelly leaned back into his chest. She held onto the arm that was playing with her tit to stabilize herself. He’d found her G-spot and was quickly and forcefully rubbing it. Kelly turned into his shoulder and moaned, “Oh, fuck,” as she came. He pulled his hand from her jeans and used his wet finger to roll her other nipple. Kelly was enjoying his every touch. And her pussy was running like a faucet.

For a minute, Kelly was thinking about where she could go to fuck the guy but then he seemed like he was back into the band and since he got her off, he was ready to move on. Kelly wormed her way through the crowd to find me while getting more ass grabs than she could count in the process.

Kelly was again in front of me. I had my arms wrapped around her and both hands inside her shirt playing with her tits. I was loaded enough to be oblivious and was just doing what we do! There was a dude next to us that got tuned in and wouldn’t take his eyes off of Kelly’s chest. I’m guessing he was hoping to catch a tit flash instead of just watching my hand wiggle around underneath some flannel.

Kelly noticed him watching and they both ended up looking at each other. She was totally playing it up and would bite her lip, roll her eyes, fake a moan, you name it, as I played with her jugs. The guy was basically begging as he stared at her. Kelly shagged me out of her shirt and pulled one side toward her shoulder exposing an entire boob. He reached up and Kelly put her hand over his and encouraged him to play around with her.

As he was playing with her tit I slipped a hand to the front of her jeans and found that they were unzipped. I slipped a finger into her vagina. Being very tall I have a great ‘satellite’ view of things. I could see that Kelly was rubbing his boner through his jeans. As I was fingering Kelly, the dude was getting the benefit. Her pussy was worked up and his cock was in her hand. She was really stroking him.

He leaned down and said something into her ear. Kelly’s arm moved even faster. His head was leaning onto hers. I even heard a noise. Kelly thrust her hips hard on my hand and I could tell she came. Kelly pulled my hand out of her jeans. The dude stood up straight. Kelly put her tit away and the guy slipped out of the crowd. Kelly turned and pulled my ear to her mouth. “I made him cum!” I loved the excitement in her voice.

Moments later we were all buck, buck, buck, bucking away like fools. Soon the concert was over and the overwhelming majority of the crowd made their way out of the room. The bar put on some music and some of us with female accompaniment started dancing. Soon there was a wolf pack moving around looking for strays. Kelly was fine hanging out with me and we downed a couple of more beers.

Before long she had to pee again. When she returned she had another girl with her. She introduced herself as Janet. Janet was the same overall size as Kelly (short, slim). Janet was wearing a tight T-shirt without a bra and had a nice pair of firm little B-cup tits. Her nipples would stiffen for a moment and then relax back down just as quickly.

The conversation between Janet and Kelly was going on a story below my six-foot-four frame. What I could pick up was that Janet was very complimentary of Kelly, especially her hair. But I think it also included her eyes, her smile, her dancing. After some time it made its way to her boobs. Kelly gave Janet her standard crack that she needed the long hair to balance the big boobs or she’d fall over. Kelly reached out and bobbled Janet’s tits and suggested she had nothing to worry about as hers were the perfect size and shape.

Again, I wasn’t catching everything said, but it was slowly dawning on my foggy mind that Janet was putting a serious make on my girlfriend. That suddenly made things very interesting. We all danced some more and then the girls needed another pee break. I bought another pitcher of beer.

I was lit and not tuned into time but it seemed like it took about half a pitcher before they returned. Kelly filled me in the next day: Yeah, Janet really had the hots for her. Janet pulled Kelly into a stall with her. Janet peed first. As Kelly was peeing Janet left her jeans down and started playing with her pussy. She was slowly fingering her clit and pulling her lips open.

Janet had a full bush, just like Kelly but hers was a lighter brown and less dense where Kelly’s was thick and black. Kelly took the bait. As Janet played with her clit Kelly slipped her middle finger inside her vagina. Janet sped up, Kelly sped up, a couple of minutes later and Janet came. Kelly finished her business and stood up. Janet almost lunged in for a kiss. The two of them were in an open mouth tongue hockey game for a long time.

As they were still kissing Janet returned the favor and jacked Kelly’s clit to orgasm. Janet started to talk about going to her apartment. Kelly had her gaydar on and was starting to back up the bus. Janet sensed the winds and said she was inviting both of us. “I like anyone who is sexy. I think you just ooze sex. But I think your boyfriend is pretty sexy too. Maybe we could all play around together?”

Well, that was music to Kelly’s ears. College had opened her mind enough to know that she was certainly not a lesbian. Yet Kelly couldn’t deny that she had no problem having sex with another woman. She just really, really loved cock.

Needless to say, I was caught off guard when they returned and Janet was all over me. She was on her tip-toes nibbling on my neck and was telling me how she thought Kelly and I were both so sexy. Kelly kind of blocked the view in the darkness as we were standing at a bar rail along the edge of the room. Janet was stroking my cock. Then she unzipped my jeans and wiggled her little hand in and grabbed my cock. “You’re shaved? Damn!” she moaned.

I was looking at Kelly with wide ‘What the fuck?’ eyes. Kelly just smiled at me. Eventually, she leaned to my ear and said. “Just go with it. You get to fuck a new pussy tonight.”

Janet pulled her hand out and showed Kelly the pre-cum that I’d dripped into her palm. “I think he wants to fuck me.” They both giggled their asses off and then started to head for the door.

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“Hang on. I gotta take a leak.” They kept walking.

Kelly turned and yelled, “You’ll find us.”

I pissed a gallon of beer in record time. I was working my way through the crowd downstairs when I saw Kelly and Janet surrounded by a group of guys. I was sure they were up to something but I couldn’t see what? They broke their way out of the crowd and we headed out the front door. I hailed a cab and we were at Janet’s apartment in five minutes.

She had one bedroom in a huge old house. Janet closed the door and moved on Kelly. Kelly slipped off her coat as Janet untied her flannel shirt releasing Kelly’s tits. Janet pushed the shirt off and marveled at the size of Kelly’s boobs. “They’re so perfect! Both the same size! Both nipples pointing straight ahead! So fucking big! Damn! How did you get so lucky?” And with that Janet lunged in and started sucking on Kelly’s nipples. She slowly made her way up Kelly’s chest, a detour to her ear lobes, and then another game of tongue hockey.

I’ll be honest, I was content to just sit back and watch. I’d seen Kelly eat pussy, have her pussy eaten, and kiss other women. But this was different. I’d never seen another woman want her the way Janet did.

It was a slow process that took maybe half an hour? During that time, they both lost clothing, one piece at a time. They both kissed each other over every inch from the waist up. Janet stopped and asked Kelly if she’d like to get clean before they got “really dirty?” They both skittered out the door and down the hallway, naked, to the shared bathroom. Maybe ten minutes later and barely dry they were back and giggling their asses off.

I liked Janet’s boobs. B-cups shaped like cones with no sag and just a little jiggle. Janet pushed Kelly onto her back onto her bed. I was expecting a sixty-nine. Instead, Janet climbed up and they arranged legs. I had my first experience, as did Kelly, with scissoring.

Janet was spreading her cunt wide open, Kelly did the same and they locked onto each other clit-to-clit. Janet was doing most of the thrusting and was clearly more experienced. It didn’t take long before they were both moaning through orgasms. Kelly looked so happy. Janet directed me to a dresser drawer. “You’ll know it when you see it.” It was quite strange digging through someone’s underwear drawer. Nice stuff indeed!

At the bottom of the drawer, I found a double dildo. It was about a foot long with a cockhead at each end. I handed it to Janet. She buried one end into her slit. Kelly grabbed the other end and pushed it inside of herself. Then they locked back onto each other’s clits. The grinding was much more intense and both were moaning very loudly. I assumed Janet’s neighbors must have been used to it.

Janet pulled Kelly’s foot to her face and started massaging her foot. Kelly returned the favor. Janet pulled her foot closer and started to suck on Kelly’s toe. Kelly jumped and squealed. She was too ticklish to handle it. Janet calmed her ass down, got her mood adjusted, and got her toe back into her mouth. Kelly didn’t jump. I could see she was slowly getting into it. Kelly sucked on Janet’s toes one by one. Janet had to stop as she had a bed shaking orgasm.

Kelly leaned over and got hold of Janet’s other foot and got her off a second time. Janet went into an involuntary-convulsion-hump mode and was humping against Kelly’s clit. I could tell that Janet had the tighter cunt and she had that dildo gripped tight and was fucking Kelly with it. Kelly laid back as Janet fucked her cunt, rubbed her clit, and sucked her toes like they were little cocks.

Kelly kept Janet’s toes in her mouth as she sprayed on their cunts as she came. Janet sat up, her twat pulling the dildo with it until it popped from her own pussy. She leaned over Kelly and kissed her way up both legs. Janet glanced over at me and said: “Why aren’t you naked?” Kelly made a comment about being embarrassed by squirting. Janet told her to shut up that she thought it was sexy as hell.

I slowly undressed as Janet made her way to Kelly’s pussy. Janet pushed Kelly high up in the bed. Kelly slipped a pillow behind her back and had a good view of Janet eating her. Watching her sex while feeling it happen always gets Kelly off twice as hard. Soon she was holding Janet’s face tight to her cunt. Kelly was in one of those zones where she couldn’t tell where an orgasm started or ended. It was one continuous high.

Janet glanced over at me, winked, and wiggled her butt. I climbed onto the bed behind her. Janet had a cute little butt, not as round as Kelly’s but nice and small. It made my six-inch dick look big! I slipped my dick up and down her slit a few times, found her hairy little wet hole and pushed in. Janet stopped eating pussy for a minute to moan loudly as I slid all the way to balls deep.

Kelly growled, “He’s got a great cock!” Then she looked at me and said “Fuck her real good baby! I can’t stop cumming!” Janet was back on Kelly’s clit. Janet was nice and wet and nice and tight. She reminded me of Yvonne’s pussy. It’s always hard to get control in the excitement of a new twat. In my head, I told myself I was fucking Yvonne, just like I had dozens of times.

It worked. I slowed my boil and kept on fucking. Janet was really working to take Kelly over another mountain. I grabbed her hips and slammed her cunt as hard as I could. My motion of slamming her was pushing through to Kelly and both of the girls screamed out orgasms.

Kelly’s clit needed a break. She pushed Janet away. Janet crawled up and laid next to her and they hugged and gently kissed. I sat on the chair with my hard and wet cock and enjoyed the view. Soon they were both worked up again and Kelly told Janet “It’s your turn.” With that, Kelly slid down the bed, rolled Janet to her back, used her hands to spread her gash, and she locked onto Janet’s clit.

Kelly used a hand to play around below her clit sucking. She was rubbing a fingertip against Janet’s butt hole. Janet moaned louder every time she was touched there. Kelly slipped two fingers into Janet’s pussy and slowly fucked her. A minute later she brushed her butt with her little finger. As Janet moaned Kelly slipped in her little finger. Kelly was fucking her slowly with the ‘two in the pink, one in the stink’ motion.

Kelly picked up the pace with her hand and her mouth attacked Janet’s clit. Janet was on cloud nine. She was making non-stop loud noises and thrashing in the bed ripping at the sheets. Kelly maintained the pace. We all felt like something big was coming and it was. Suddenly Janet lifted her top half up, grabbed Kelly’s head and pulled it deep into her cunt and then a moment later she pushed her head away. Janet attacked her clit with her own hand at a million miles an hour. She screamed the loudest, threw her torso back onto the bed, her legs pushed her ass up off the bed, knocking Kelly’s hand out of her.

Janet was still polishing her clit and screaming and then Janet did the biggest blast of lady cum I’ve seen in my life! Kelly is a sprayer. She could water a lawn. Janet fired a rifle. She shot a stream probably five feet straight out. Her ass kept bouncing up and down on the bed. Not that big of a deal when Kelly squirts. It had better been an annual event for Janet. More often looked like it could kill her

I was fucking jacked up to no end watching that damn show! As soon as her ass landed I pulled her to the edge of the bed and slammed my piece of wood straight up in her. I fucked the hell out of her. I glanced at Kelly. She knew the question. “You have to cum on her. Janet, you have to watch him cum. It amazing!”

Fuck it all! I was there. I pulled out and pushed my shaft into her slit resting against her clit. I went off like a Howitzer. Four huge streams shot up her body with three of them landing on her face. Then I left a puddle in her bush. Kelly was the only one recovered enough to enjoy the show. Janet and I were freaking trashed. I fell onto the bed. Kelly got up and sucked my cock clean then she went to work on Janet. She spent ten minutes licking all of my load off of Janet.

It was especially wild to watch her licking her face, her eyelids, her eyebrows, the side of her nose. Damn, I was starting to get hard again just watching those two.

After Janet was clean she pushed me all the way onto her bed. She started kissing my mouth and slowly worked her way to my cock. Not the expert that Kelly was (hell no one ever was) but she got me stiff. She pushed me against the wall on my side and had Kelly spoon in front of me. Janet guided my cock inside of Kelly. Once we were fucking, Janet slid down and licked Kelly’s clit as we fucked. She was also licking the underside of my cock.

Janet pushed my top knee into the air. That gave her access to my butt. She slipped a finger onto my hole and looked at me. “Is this okay?” I nodded. She slid it to the first knuckle. “Still okay?” I nodded again and kept fucking Kelly.

She started to look at me again. I said “Do it. I’m fine.” With that, she was off to the races. Janet was finger fucking my ass at the same speed I was fucking Kelly. She was really wiggling around in me and then she added a second finger. Damn, I was glad I had just blasted or I would have been draining my nuts right then.

Janet reached for her nightstand and just made it without having to pull out of my ass. She grabbed a tube and blasted it onto my ass. Then she grabbed the two-headed cock, slid her fingers out and shoved he dildo slowly into my butt. I was glad I was drunk. It felt like a fire in my butt. Then she picked up the pace and it felt much better.

Kelly knew what was happening and wanted to watch. We all moved around. Kelly got on her back and I throat fucked her. She could watch, barely two inches away, as Janet ass fucked me. And I mean she was pounding my ass. Her fist was bopping into my nuts.

I was feeling stuff I’d not felt before, but then it became familiar as my nuts started to boil. I barely gave Kelly a head’s up. “I’m gonna cum!” I shouted. I pumped a massive load down Kelly’s throat. She had to push me off so she could breathe.

I pulled out by leaning to one side. Janet’s fist was still up tight to my balls. Her eyes looked wild. “Fucking hell!” she exclaimed. She slowly withdrew the dildo. She showed it to me, her fist gripping as it had been. The message was clear. She’d had more than half of that thing shoved inside me.

Then both her and Kelly piped in that it would have been so much crazier to have watched me get fucked by a real cock. I couldn’t shoot that plane out of the sky fast enough! “Not ever happening. Period. We’re not talking about it.” Well, of course, telling them that just tossed fuel on to their little fire and they went on about it for another ten minutes. I was dressed and saw a clock, that I didn’t believe, saying it was close to five a.m.

Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, Janet told Kelly she was bi-sexual. I don’t know that it really landed with Kelly because she laughed and said that she was “Try-sexual. I’ll try anything to see if I like it!”

Kelly snuck down the hall naked again to use the bathroom. Janet snuggled up to me and said, “You should let me introduce you to some of my friends. They’re bi-sexual too. You could learn some new things and probably be really good at it.” I politely declined and thanked her for a great night. She sat naked on my lap, kissed me and said the pleasure really was all hers.

Coming back down the hall, Kelly got busted by one of the male neighbors, sporting crack-of-dawn wood in his skivvies. “Nice to see you,” he said.

”Same” as Kelly stared at his hard-on.

Kelly and Janet had a long kiss as we said goodbye. What a wild night!




Written by GoodToBeMe
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