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Jeff got up during the night and went to the bathroom. When he got back in bed he put his arm around Valerie, her tee shirt was gone. He “woke” Valerie up.

“Honey, someone has stolen your tee shirt. And that is your favorite tee shirt.”

“I know, baby, and it frightened me so much. Hold me I’m scared.”

Valerie snuggled up to Jeff and rubbed her breasts against him. His arm was around her neck, but he could reach down and rub her ass cheeks. When he firmly grabbed them, Valerie cuddled closer. She was pushing her pelvis against his leg almost like she was trying to hump it.

“Valerie, I have a magic blanket. I’m going to cover you so the bad man can’t find you.”

Jeff pulled the sheet over them and moved down to suck her breast. As he licked and sucked on her nipple Valerie whimpered. He sucked her breasts for a while then moved down to her pubic mound. She pushed against his mouth.

Jeff positioned himself between her outstretched legs. He teasingly touched her lips with his tongue, and Valerie moaned. Jeff was taking his time arousing Valerie. Slowly he began to insert his tongue into her pussy.

He loved her taste and never hurried when he was orally arousing her. The more nectar that flowed from inside of Valerie, the more he wanted. Valerie was holding his head against her as he licked deep between her lips.

Valerie kicked the sheet off and pulled her legs up to her shoulders. Jeff had sucked her lips into his mouth and reached for her tits. He firmly grabbed her tits and massaged them as he flicked her lips. When Jeff rubbed her nipples between his fingers, Valerie covered his hand to keep him from moving them away. He was pushing Valerie closer to her climax.

Jeff knew Valerie was almost ready to cum. He moved closer to her with his cock. When Jeff slowly slid his cock into Valerie she started to cum. She squirmed and arched her back moaning. Valerie was panting and humping against every stroke Jeff pumped into her demanding pussy.

When Jeff shot his first stream of cum into Valerie she groaned and wrapped her legs around his waist. Jeff pumped her through her climax and could tell his wasn’t far off. Oh Jeff, now, please, Valerie begged Jeff as Jeff shot the last of his cum into Valerie’s pussy.

Jeff rolled on his side and brought Valerie with him. Even though he was lying on her leg, they were still locked together. Jeff had Valerie in a bear hug as he kissed her. She refused to release his face as he kissed her.

“I’ll get your washcloth, baby. I’ll be right back.” Jeff said softly.

“No, no, I want all of you. I want to feel the warmth of you on my body for as long as I can,” Valerie was looking at Jeff with a loving look.

Jeff got back into bed and cuddled up to Valerie. He reached for her bare breast and gently caressed her. Valerie sighed and then fell asleep again in Jeff’s arms.

Four arms flayed to shut off the alarm the next morning. Jeff won and Valerie showed her gratitude by reaching over Jeff and patting his cock. They hugged for a minute, then Valerie got out of bed.

Jeff yawned once more then sat on the edge of the bed. They weren’t used to answering an alarm anymore.

“Ginger Snap, you go first, I’ll hit the button on the coffee pot. You will find me there, inhaling the fumes of courage. By the way, I caught the tee shirt thief. He is holding it for ransom.”

Valerie dramatically put the back of her hand to her forehead, “No, never. I will not be intimidated. If you want your ransom, you must fight me for it.” And she disappeared into the bathroom.

Jeff watched her disappear into the bath and just started laughing. When it was ready, Jeff poured their coffee and took one to Valerie. He tapped on the door to tell her he brought her coffee. But her response from behind the door set him laughing again.

“Try as you will. I am not giving in to your demands. Either you fight me for the ransom, or you will never get a penny from me, you scoundrel,” Valerie’s dramatics continued.

By now, Jeff was sitting on the bed laughing. When he had regained his composure, he straightened the bed remembering how they did it at the hotel. He sighed. His reverie was interrupted by Valerie coming out of the bathroom, laughing.

She looked at the bed and then at Jeff still laughing. Then she realized he was standing there with his legs crossed. Then she started laughing.

“It’s your turn, sir.” She said still laughing.

Jeff ran cross-legged to the bathroom. That was all for Valerie. She collapsed on the bed laughing. She composed herself, went into the kitchen, and put their breakfast in the microwave. This was to be Jeff’s last day of work.

Jeff was lucky. He made an in with Andy a few years ago. Jeff was the one the workers went to with grievances. Even if he wasn’t on a job, Jeff was on salary. Life was especially good because the workers liked Jeff a lot and considered him fair. Unlike his predecessor who had his buddies.

Andy had called the meeting for ten that morning. He figured it would give the guys a chance to sleep in and maybe see their kids off to school. Jeff knocked on Andy’s trailer at nine-thirty.

“Good morning, Andy. Kind of a big day. The men are going to go home happy.”

“You aren’t kidding. The developer was very generous with the bonus. I was even amazed. He added another two percent for all of them.”

“Marvelous. Andy, if you have anything to say to the guys, say it before you tell them the numbers. If you don’t, they won’t hear a word you say.”

“And, Jeff, I wouldn’t blame them.”

The meeting almost started on time. But by twenty after everyone had come to order. Andy touched on the Ray Taylor reorganizing, then praised the guys for their hard work and their dedication. Then he let Jeff have a few words. Jeff finished and then looked at Andy. Andy handed Jeff the envelopes. Jeff looked at Andy, and he just stepped back.

“Well guys, this is why you are all here. You have done a damn good job. Everyone is very proud of your craftsmanship. If you were with us last year, you know how much your Christmas bonus would be. But the bonus for an early completion is not what you expected.” There was a drone that went through the group.

“No, I am happy to say, they were so impressed with your work, that they have raised the bonus two percent for each man. Merry Christmas!”

The place went into hysteria. Guys were jumping up and down, shaking hands, and high-fiving. The leaders called the men to order, and they gathered in their perspective groups. The leaders came up to Jeff and Andy. Each one expressed their appreciation for the company to show respect for the workers. Then Ted walked to the front of the group.

“Since I’m the oldest member of all of the groups they asked me to speak. We want to thank Jeff for his handling of different issues that arose during the job. We may not have always gotten everything we wanted, but Jeff would compromise, and we could walk away knowing he was fair. So, Jeff thank you, and Andy, thank you for finding Jeff. We all want to work with you two again soon.” Jeff and Andy thanked them.

With that being said, the group left for the holidays. Jeff turned to Andy, and they shook hands.

Jeff trotted to the car. The day had turned very cold, and the wind was getting blustery. It shocked him into the realization that Christmas was ten days away. What to get Valerie? He concentrated so much on the weekend, that he lost track of the days.

Maybe call Liz and ask her, no good. How could he match the weekend they had together? Make her a nice dinner? Lame. He didn’t even know how the families were going to celebrate Christmas. Valerie would say she understood but would be disappointed. Just then Valerie walked in the door.

“Hi baby, how did the meeting go?” She asked as she hugged and kissed him.

“Let me just say, there were a ton of happy guys leaving the hall. Want a beer?”

“Sure. Crystal and Susie asked if I could join them for a holiday drink on Friday. Would you mind?”

“No, they are great ladies. And they were so good for the wedding. They surprised you. The look on your face was remarkable. You were absolutely surprised.”

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“I don’t know how you and everybody kept it to themselves. Nothing, not the slightest hint. You are a Magic Man,” Valerie kissed him firmly on his lips.

“Jeff, we have to talk about Christmas, baby.”

The words made Jeff chill. Maybe he could get a clue from Valerie. Jeff didn’t want to disappoint Valerie. Especially on their first Christmas.

“Sure, baby, what do you want to talk about?”

“Jeff, after Dad passed away, Christmas just wasn’t the same. We weren’t rich, but we were comfortable. We had presents, but not in the price range of electronic games. Simple gifts, but we were very happy. I don’t mean to bring up hurtful memories, but I am guessing it has been a few years since you celebrated Christmas.”

“You’re not bringing up anything bad, baby. I didn’t have a reason to celebrate. Sure, I had friends from work, but they had families. I usually went to this old fart bar. There were a few older men that were in the same boat, or just didn’t want to be around family. I bought a twelve-inch battery-operated tree and set it on the table. Christmas.”

Jeff continued, “To tell you the truth, Valerie, I do not want to disappoint you on our first Christmas. But I have no idea what you want, I mean something you have looked at but didn’t get for some reason. I’m sorry Valerie, your Magic Man can’t pull a rabbit out of his hat this time.”

Valerie looked at Jeff and knew he was feeling very sad. She hadn’t seen him this low before.

“Baby,” Valerie spoke softly. “I have a suggestion. I would love this, and I hope you would love it as well. I would like for us to buy a pre-lit artificial tree. Then we would have the same tree that is ours alone every year.

We can pick out an angel for the top and then a box or two of ornaments. But the most important part of all is, we get an ornament for every year we are married. That would be our gift to each other. What do you think Jeff, do you like the idea?”

“Valerie, you are an amazing woman. I love your idea. No one will have a tree like ours. No wonder I love you so much.”

“Now as far as the family I talked to Mom. Walter and his family are going to his wife’s family’s, Ted is going to his son’s, but Mom and Ted are going to have their first Christmas together. ALONE.” Valerie said in a suggestive tone.

“I hope we can have dinner with your Mom and Ted for Christmas. I think that would be cool.”

“Mom mentioned it, so I’ll check with her again. Now, I think I’ll hit the shower.”

“Good, I put the dinner in the oven to heat. Do you want a beer to go with you?” Jeff asked.

“Shame on you, you make me such a pushover,” Valerie was giggling.

When she came out, Jeff had dinner in the oven and was on his second beer. Valerie told Jeff he could shower, and she would watch the brats and make the instant mashed potatoes. Jeff set a beer out for her and when to shower.

Jeff came out of the shower he was wearing sweats that matched Valerie’s. He opened another beer for them. They sat on the couch and talked more about Christmas and their plans. Valerie was excited about their first and only tree.

Jeff got up to serve the dinner. He handed Valerie her plate. She looked up at him and started laughing. Jeff had placed the brat in the middle of the dish, with two dollops of mashed potatoes at the bottom of the brat, one on each side.

Valerie was still laughing. “I hate to think of how your plate is going to look.” Jeff just smiled.

When he sat down with his plate, he had two brats facing opposite each other. Between them, he had put some mashed potatoes and let some dribble down one of the brats at the bottom. Valerie had to set her plate on the coffee table. She could not control her laughter.

“What’s wrong?” Jeff said with an innocent face. Finally, Jeff lost control. They sat there laughing and hugging.

They finished dinner, cleaned the kitchen then settled in the living room listening to quiet music. Valerie had her head on Jeff’s shoulder as usual. Jeff would bend down to kiss the top of her head. They finished their beer and decided it was time for bed.

Valerie came into the bedroom just as Jeff was coming out of the bathroom. Jeff checked the alarm clock and Valerie went into the bathroom. When she came out, Jeff was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Is something wrong, baby?” Valerie asked.

“Oh, I was just thinking about dinner,” Jeff said looking down.

“What was wrong with dinner? Did it give you indigestion?” Valerie was concerned.

“No,” Jeff responded grabbed Valerie, and pulled her onto the bed.

Jeff kissed Valerie firmly on her lips. When they parted lips, Valerie looked up at Jeff. She closed her eyes and pulled him down to return his passion. Jeff wrapped his arms around Valerie and kissed her lips, then her neck. All the while, he was rubbing her back under her tee shirt.

“Jeff, you make me crazy,” Valerie whispered. Then she reached down and felt the reason for Jeff’s affection. “Oh, my husband,” Valerie moaned.

Jeff slipped Valerie out of her tee shirt and caressed and sucked her tits. Valerie returned his arousal by stroking his cock up and down with her hand. Feeling his hard cock in her hand aroused Valerie all the more.

Jeff pushed Valerie on her back and moved between her legs. He slid his arms under her legs and reached for her tits. Valerie knew what he was going to do, and she opened her legs to give him as much room as he wanted.

As Jeff put his head between her soft thighs and gently kissed her wet vaginal lips. He licked her between her outer lips and then between her inner lips. When Jeff slid his tongue into Valerie she would squirm and mew with delight. She loved his oral arousal.

Jeff tongued Valerie’s sweet lips and as deep inside, as he could reach. He firmly fondled her tits and would squeeze her nipples between his fingers. That made Valerie moan loud and long. Valerie was trying to move her hips trying to get her clit onto Jeff’s tongue.

Occasionally she was successful. When he would lick her clit, Valerie would pant in short breaths cherishing every time his tongue slid across her clit. Valerie reached for Jeff’s head, grabbed his hair, and pushed her hips up to his mouth. She was close to having her climax.

Jeff moved up and slowly slid his cock into Valerie’s steaming pussy. She moaned out loud as Jeff stroked in and out of Valerie. Valerie wrapped her arms around Jeff’s back then grabbed his hair again. She was just about there when Jeff pulled her nipples. Valerie yelped and exhaled hard and long.

Jeff loved pumping Valerie during her climax. Her warm juices flowed down his shaft as it slid in and out of her. Jeff would grind against Valerie’s clit. She responded with a high-pitched yelp and a long moan. Her reactions were making it harder for Jeff to control his climax.

Feeling her sex juice making his stroking even more sensitive, her firm tits in his hands, Jeff gave in to the lust in his balls. He exploded into Valerie with the strength of a volcano. With each blast from his balls, Valerie mewed and cooed with excitement as the hot streams of cum splattered against her vaginal walls. Valerie continued to give Jeff all of the lubrication he could want.

Jeff was spent. He had nothing left in his balls, and he was exhausted from loving Valerie. He rolled off Valerie and she cuddled next to him. Her head was resting on his shoulder and her arm was resting across his chest.

Jeff felt her hot breath against his neck and hugged her tight. She did the same, hugging his chest. She looked up at Jeff with a loving look. Jeff was smiling and mouthed I love you. Their lips met and they kissed with the passion they had just given each other.

Jeff started to get up and Valerie let him go. He returned with a warm washcloth for her.

“Oh, Jeff. That feels so good. Thank you for doing that. How did you know about that?”

“I didn’t. I just thought it would be something that felt good for you. And I love you.”

“Come back in here, Magic Man. Some of us in the proletariat have to go to work tomorrow.”

Jeff got back in bed facing Valerie as always. It wasn’t long before he felt the soft skin of her butt cheeks against him. A perfect sleeping pill for both of them.

Written by DepartedSoul
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